with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 39:

Five Principles

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 39:

Five Principles

I realize what it means to be successful in my life, but have been guilty of taking that for granted. To achieve success in all areas of your life, you need to implement processes and principles to get it and keep it. We all have great ideas, but without execution, they are only a dream that will dissipate and never be realized. What are you doing today to implement your success? 
Principles of Success
  • ​This Friday, I will celebrate 16 years with my wife, Carla. We met when we were 20 years old and have been together for 21 years. I wish I could say that it has all been great and perfect; you know with anything significant, though, there will be challenges. 
  • ​When we get to a certain level of success, we tend to take things for granted. I have been very guilty of that in the past. To this day, I notice the difference of being in a successful marriage vs. being in a loveless marriage and going through the motions. 
  • ​Having intention in what we do is a philosophy and a skill set that we must learn and implement in all aspects of our lives. Carla and I don't always get along, but we know for sure that we are both all in. We are in a place knowing we are both in the relationship instead of being unsure if this is where we want to be. 
  • ​We were in that other place for a long time many years ago; it was the first thing to come up if we were in a disagreement. The marriage was always an option, and always up in the air. It was a threat we both used, and it went back and forth. We could never find true happiness or commitment because we were always in a place of indecision. 
  • ​Coming up on our 16th anniversary led me to think about the principles of success for personal business. I believe the principles can be implemented into our personal lives and our business life; we need to be aware of what it is we want. 
5 Principles
  • 1. Commit to Your Practice.                                                                                                                                                           - Don't have one foot in, one foot out. Some have faced challenges and have been in the game 10 or 15 years, and there is a part of us that feels entitled. I have felt entitled, and that comes from a sense of dissatisfaction. We would threaten each other with divorce, and in many cases, some of you think you should quit your business. You lost some deals, you aren't generating enough leads, and you are considering looking for an outside job. Being in a place of one foot and one foot out, you will never give you the optimal growth that you need. If you don't go all in, you will never get the expansion you desire. When we both decided divorce was not an option; we were all in, and we're committed to it; the commitment was no longer the indecision. If you make that type of decision for your business, things will begin to turn around. The world will now know that you are committed to your craft. If the first thing that comes to mind when something goes wrong is you hate your business, guess what will happen? You will have more of that pain and chaos. For us to be successful, we have to understand that we must burn the ships and commit to our practice. This is what you are going to do, regardless of the pains and pleasures. You will show up consistently, and you will get more of the outcomes you are after. 
  • 2. Do the Work.                                                                                                                                                                               - You always hear people say they love what they do, and I get it, but I don't think when you love what you do, there are also things we don't like. This morning I was working out, and it sucked lifting those weights; it was exhausting, and I didn't want to move forward. I had a game plan and an agenda written on my mirror, and it outlined what I needed to do. The work can sometimes suck, but when I focus on the result, it then makes the whole process tolerable. It doesn't mean you have to love every step, but you need to focus on the outcome. What will it do for you, your confidence, your finances, and your family? If there are parts of the process that you hate, it doesn't mean you hate the entire process. Focus on the thing you love; I love the result and what I can create. The work can suck, be tedious, and painful, but recognize the repetitive boredom will pay off. Open Houses are boring, and they suck, but you need to understand that there is a result in them. 
  • 3. Don't be a Secret Agent.                                                                                                                                                            - In this world of technology and age of social media, if you aren't growing your database consistently, you aren't doing enough. The responsibility of an agent is to be out there consistently to not only talk about their business but their personal life as well. Seven out of every ten posts should be personal. What you do, what you love, what your family is doing, and what you are doing in your life. It should reflect your personality and your extracurricular activities; people want to connect with you one on one. If you are a secret agent and ashamed of putting yourself and your success out there, you will be limited to how far you can go. You will always struggle with generating leads and obtaining the lifestyle you want. You need to be shameless about self-promotion and about showcasing your love for what you do. I have zero shame in loving what I do and making an impact on other agent's lives. That is what drew you here; I was shameless about my self-promotion and the results we get here. You understand the impact you are having on your client's lives and the wealth they are building. If you are shameless, you will help more people. The competition doesn't care as much as you do, they are part-time, and they are after the quick dollar. You are in this for the long haul, and it is your responsibility to be out there consistently regardless if you feel they have seen you a million times. Don't be a secret agent, become the authority; what would that look like? What would it feel like to have your family and friends come to you because they understand you know the market? They have seen you deliver on your social media. You need to have zero shame for loving what you do; if you fail to do so, they will end up with an agent that is out to make a buck. You need to meet more people and expand your database; do things that will put you out there. Attend social events, clubs, church groups, kids' sporting events, and start networking. Talk to people and let them get to know you. 
  • 4. Set Targets.                                                                                                                                                                                 - You need to know what you want. What does a win for you look like? We do this every 12 weeks, like clockwork at our Sales Meeting. We recalibrate and recommit to envision and paint a picture of what we want. It is your job to reinforce that daily, weekly, and monthly. It comes down to realizing what your main focus is. What are the five targets you plan on achieving today? It could be simple; adding ten people to your database, texting five people, sending an email, doing a live video for your Facebook Group. Maybe you have a Mindset Mastery every Monday for your clients or your small group. You don't need permission; you only need to make a decision. What is holding you back? Setting targets is crucial in realizing if you are winning or not. Set your targets today and determine what the five simple things you will do today are. Learn to check off those boxes and reinforce good behaviors; it will be good to accomplish that. Ask yourself what it is that you want; more money is not specific enough. You need to win every day in your body, mind, relationship, and business. I know that I need to accomplish these things daily to live a long, productive life. I am in it for the long haul, and I want to be strong and powerful. When you continuously learn how to win, you will build an unrecognizable life.
  • ​5. Turn ideas into Actions.                                                                                                                                                             - You need to turn ideas into actions; every one of us has a voice that speaks to us. It tells you what to do; make a phone call, make a video, and text someone. There is also a rational voice that tells you that you don't have time and not bother people. If you can execute an idea, there is always a lesson to be learned. Your job is to listen to your internal voice and then execute on it. My life completely changed when I stopped hesitating and stopped overthinking. I am a rational thinker at heart, but I have learned to pull the trigger. I understand that win, lose, or fail, there is always a lesson to be learned. It will build my capacity and steer me in the right direction; you need to face your pains to make a right turn. You go through your processes, and an idea pops into your mind; write it down and execute it. Taking that next step is the difference between those that have it and those that struggle to get it. You have enough experience behind you to know if it is a good idea or not. We all have great ideas, don't hold off to execute them. My problem used to be that I would have an idea, ask others their opinions, I would think about it, sleep on it, and then do nothing with it. I would see others who would have ideas and execute repeatedly. We all have that within us, and you don't need permission to execute. Make mistakes because that is what the game is all about. Win, lose, or fail; you will learn something; your job is to execute. 
You are the Master of Your Destiny
  • Those are the five principles for personal business success that I thought about over the past weekend. If you can take possession of them and add them to your life, you will see a bigger vision for yourself. All we need is someone else to paint the possibility of what we can create. 
  • ​What principle is the best for you? For me, they all are essential.                                                                                       #1. - Commit to your Practice. Don't have one foot in, one foot out. Go all-in on whatever it is you are doing. If you want a divorce, then do the other person a favor and let them out of your loveless marriage or vice versa. You can't live in a place of indecision in your marriage or your business.                                                                                               #2. - Do the Work. Understand that it can suck, and it can be monotonous and repetitive. That boredom will pay off, and repetition will pay off.                                                                                                                                                             #3. - Don't be a secret agent. Have zero shame for loving what you do.                                                                                 #4. - Set targets. We are religious about that here. Set the targets and then execute them.                                                 #5. - Turn your ideas into action and never stop learning. Feed your mind good things and execute when the idea pops.
  • ​You are the master of your destiny. That is the first quote I ever wrote down, and I was 12 years old. I put it over my bedroom door; I didn't know what my future held or that self-development even existed. I saw the quote, typed it up, and printed it out. It comes from mastering who you are, and being aware of who you are. This life is short, and I love life and want to be around for a long time. I love the challenges and pains; I want to live it as much and as successful as possible. 
  • ​We all have to love what we do, even through the ugliness of it. We are alive to feel it, and we are the masters of our destiny. I don't want to live with regrets, so let's do all things at a high level. You will have to better yourself consistently. Turning your ideas into actions is crucial in this process. 
  • ​We are all here because we want to better ourselves, and know there are bigger and better things for us. Being surrounded by that fuels that fire, having the people around you with the same mindset. You are in a unique atmosphere, and you need to embrace it. We are all about bettering every aspect of our lives. Lean into what you already know and execute that. 

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I realize what it means to be successful in my life, but have been guilty of taking that for granted. To achieve success in all areas of your life, you need to implement processes and principles to get it and keep it. We all have great ideas, but without execution, they are only a dream that will dissipate and never be realized. What are you doing today to implement your success? 
Principles of Success
  • ​This Friday, I will celebrate 16 years with my wife, Carla. We met when we were 20 years old and have been together for 21 years. I wish I could say that it has all been great and perfect; you know with anything significant, though, there will be challenges. 
  • ​When we get to a certain level of success, we tend to take things for granted. I have been very guilty of that in the past. To this day, I notice the difference of being in a successful marriage vs. being in a loveless marriage and going through the motions. 
  • ​Having intention in what we do is a philosophy and a skill set that we must learn and implement in all aspects of our lives. Carla and I don't always get along, but we know for sure that we are both all in. We are in a place knowing we are both in the relationship instead of being unsure if this is where we want to be. 
  • ​We were in that other place for a long time many years ago; it was the first thing to come up if we were in a disagreement. The marriage was always an option, and always up in the air. It was a threat we both used, and it went back and forth. We could never find true happiness or commitment because we were always in a place of indecision. 
  • ​Coming up on our 16th anniversary led me to think about the principles of success for personal business. I believe the principles can be implemented into our personal lives and our business life; we need to be aware of what it is we want. 
5 Principles
  • 1. Commit to Your Practice.                                                                                                                                                           - Don't have one foot in, one foot out. Some have faced challenges and have been in the game 10 or 15 years, and there is a part of us that feels entitled. I have felt entitled, and that comes from a sense of dissatisfaction. We would threaten each other with divorce, and in many cases, some of you think you should quit your business. You lost some deals, you aren't generating enough leads, and you are considering looking for an outside job. Being in a place of one foot and one foot out, you will never give you the optimal growth that you need. If you don't go all in, you will never get the expansion you desire. When we both decided divorce was not an option; we were all in, and we're committed to it; the commitment was no longer the indecision. If you make that type of decision for your business, things will begin to turn around. The world will now know that you are committed to your craft. If the first thing that comes to mind when something goes wrong is you hate your business, guess what will happen? You will have more of that pain and chaos. For us to be successful, we have to understand that we must burn the ships and commit to our practice. This is what you are going to do, regardless of the pains and pleasures. You will show up consistently, and you will get more of the outcomes you are after. 
  • 2. Do the Work.                                                                                                                                                                               - You always hear people say they love what they do, and I get it, but I don't think when you love what you do, there are also things we don't like. This morning I was working out, and it sucked lifting those weights; it was exhausting, and I didn't want to move forward. I had a game plan and an agenda written on my mirror, and it outlined what I needed to do. The work can sometimes suck, but when I focus on the result, it then makes the whole process tolerable. It doesn't mean you have to love every step, but you need to focus on the outcome. What will it do for you, your confidence, your finances, and your family? If there are parts of the process that you hate, it doesn't mean you hate the entire process. Focus on the thing you love; I love the result and what I can create. The work can suck, be tedious, and painful, but recognize the repetitive boredom will pay off. Open Houses are boring, and they suck, but you need to understand that there is a result in them. 
  • 3. Don't be a Secret Agent.                                                                                                                                                            - In this world of technology and age of social media, if you aren't growing your database consistently, you aren't doing enough. The responsibility of an agent is to be out there consistently to not only talk about their business but their personal life as well. Seven out of every ten posts should be personal. What you do, what you love, what your family is doing, and what you are doing in your life. It should reflect your personality and your extracurricular activities; people want to connect with you one on one. If you are a secret agent and ashamed of putting yourself and your success out there, you will be limited to how far you can go. You will always struggle with generating leads and obtaining the lifestyle you want. You need to be shameless about self-promotion and about showcasing your love for what you do. I have zero shame in loving what I do and making an impact on other agent's lives. That is what drew you here; I was shameless about my self-promotion and the results we get here. You understand the impact you are having on your client's lives and the wealth they are building. If you are shameless, you will help more people. The competition doesn't care as much as you do, they are part-time, and they are after the quick dollar. You are in this for the long haul, and it is your responsibility to be out there consistently regardless if you feel they have seen you a million times. Don't be a secret agent, become the authority; what would that look like? What would it feel like to have your family and friends come to you because they understand you know the market? They have seen you deliver on your social media. You need to have zero shame for loving what you do; if you fail to do so, they will end up with an agent that is out to make a buck. You need to meet more people and expand your database; do things that will put you out there. Attend social events, clubs, church groups, kids' sporting events, and start networking. Talk to people and let them get to know you. 
  • 4. Set Targets.                                                                                                                                                                                 - You need to know what you want. What does a win for you look like? We do this every 12 weeks, like clockwork at our Sales Meeting. We recalibrate and recommit to envision and paint a picture of what we want. It is your job to reinforce that daily, weekly, and monthly. It comes down to realizing what your main focus is. What are the five targets you plan on achieving today? It could be simple; adding ten people to your database, texting five people, sending an email, doing a live video for your Facebook Group. Maybe you have a Mindset Mastery every Monday for your clients or your small group. You don't need permission; you only need to make a decision. What is holding you back? Setting targets is crucial in realizing if you are winning or not. Set your targets today and determine what the five simple things you will do today are. Learn to check off those boxes and reinforce good behaviors; it will be good to accomplish that. Ask yourself what it is that you want; more money is not specific enough. You need to win every day in your body, mind, relationship, and business. I know that I need to accomplish these things daily to live a long, productive life. I am in it for the long haul, and I want to be strong and powerful. When you continuously learn how to win, you will build an unrecognizable life.
  • ​5. Turn ideas into Actions.                                                                                                                                                             - You need to turn ideas into actions; every one of us has a voice that speaks to us. It tells you what to do; make a phone call, make a video, and text someone. There is also a rational voice that tells you that you don't have time and not bother people. If you can execute an idea, there is always a lesson to be learned. Your job is to listen to your internal voice and then execute on it. My life completely changed when I stopped hesitating and stopped overthinking. I am a rational thinker at heart, but I have learned to pull the trigger. I understand that win, lose, or fail, there is always a lesson to be learned. It will build my capacity and steer me in the right direction; you need to face your pains to make a right turn. You go through your processes, and an idea pops into your mind; write it down and execute it. Taking that next step is the difference between those that have it and those that struggle to get it. You have enough experience behind you to know if it is a good idea or not. We all have great ideas, don't hold off to execute them. My problem used to be that I would have an idea, ask others their opinions, I would think about it, sleep on it, and then do nothing with it. I would see others who would have ideas and execute repeatedly. We all have that within us, and you don't need permission to execute. Make mistakes because that is what the game is all about. Win, lose, or fail; you will learn something; your job is to execute. 
You are the Master of Your Destiny
  • Those are the five principles for personal business success that I thought about over the past weekend. If you can take possession of them and add them to your life, you will see a bigger vision for yourself. All we need is someone else to paint the possibility of what we can create. 
  • ​What principle is the best for you? For me, they all are essential.                                                                                 #1. - Commit to your Practice. Don't have one foot in, one foot out. Go all-in on whatever it is you are doing. If you want a divorce, then do the other person a favor and let them out of your loveless marriage or vice versa. You can't live in a place of indecision in your marriage or your business.                                                                   #2. - Do the Work. Understand that it can suck, and it can be monotonous and repetitive. That boredom will pay off, and repetition will pay off.                                       #3. - Don't be a secret agent. Have zero shame for loving what you do.                                                               #4. - Set targets. We are religious about that here. Set the targets and then execute them.                                     #5. - Turn your ideas into action and never stop learning. Feed your mind good things and execute when the idea pops.
  • ​You are the master of your destiny. That is the first quote I ever wrote down, and I was 12 years old. I put it over my bedroom door; I didn't know what my future held or that self-development even existed. I saw the quote, typed it up, and printed it out. It comes from mastering who you are, and being aware of who you are. This life is short, and I love life and want to be around for a long time. I love the challenges and pains; I want to live it as much and as successful as possible. 
  • ​We all have to love what we do, even through the ugliness of it. We are alive to feel it, and we are the masters of our destiny. I don't want to live with regrets, so let's do all things at a high level. You will have to better yourself consistently. Turning your ideas into actions is crucial in this process. 
  • ​We are all here because we want to better ourselves, and know there are bigger and better things for us. Being surrounded by that fuels that fire, having the people around you with the same mindset. You are in a unique atmosphere, and you need to embrace it. We are all about bettering every aspect of our lives. Lean into what you already know and execute that. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019