with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 11:

Self Talk

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 11:

Self Talk

Up against a challenge or obstacle, we can be our own worst enemy. The voice in our head determines our mindset about what we can or cannot accomplish. Doubting your abilities only leads to the comparison game where you notice everyone else's accomplishments above your own. It isn't until you can tell yourself that you are equipped, you have done the work and that you got this that you can be triumphant. Go after that and your business will begin to grow.
Words Matter
  • ​Joined in the studio by his wife Carla Araujo, A.Z. is discussing how words matter. This will be a conversation that not only applies to athletes and everything we do in life but especially in business. When we hit those obstacles and challenges, how do we show up and what thoughts resonate in our minds.
  • ​This is something that recurs as we push ourselves past the limitations; the first thing we think about isn't positive. You wonder how and why you ended up in this place, questioning ourselves and we don't have the answers. We are good until the spotlight is on us and then we question why we are here? We aren't prepared to answer these questions because our capacity is not at that point.
  • ​We think on all of the negativity; why am I doing this? I will never be good enough. It is easier to bring ourselves down than to rise and fight. Fighting takes effort, and you might get bruised; but when you concede the resistance is gone. 
  • ​This is something that A.Z. faced this weekend doing the First Annual A.Z. & Associates Spring Triathlon. Even though he has been conditioning himself for it, the first thing he thought was,” What the hell am I doing?” Especially in the swimming portion. 
  • ​When you are doing great, and ahead of the game you aren't going to ask yourself questions. The moment we feel as if we are losing or falling behind is when we begin to question. No one wants to be second; everyone wants to be first and good at everything. Or you can be good at what you are doing, and something comes your way, slaps you in the face, and you begin to question yourself.
  • ​When Carla feels the slap in her face, it shakes her out of her comfort. It is the negative self-talk and the comparison game. It goes from feeling you can't do something to looking at someone else who we think is doing it better. When Carla was becoming an IFB Pro, she would always compare herself to the other competitors; no one told her she wasn't good enough; it was all in her head. She didn't have anyone else tell her that until she got really good and then she was surrounded by people questioning her on why she was doing it. 
  • ​Carla was not only hearing from herself but everyone around her. It was then confirmed to her by someone else how she was feeling. A.Z. can remember a person that was in their life at the time who would question why Carla kept competing when she was falling just shy of getting IFB Pro. They didn't realize the negativity this man was bringing into their lives.
  • ​Not many people were in the situation Carla was in at that time. Not only was she losing to this other competitor, but this other person also become an IFB Pro in her second show; Carla had six more before getting her belt. Coming into the office she was already down, but this man, not maliciously questioned how it only took the other girl two tries and Carla 6 more. It was the words that cut deep though. 
  • ​Carla has built up a thick skin, a mental capacity over the years because of her childhood and how she was raised. As things are falling through in your business, how do you show up the next day? You can move faster when you build up that thick skin, the mental capacity so when you face a challenge the comparison game doesn't get to you.
Bruises Heal; Emotional Damage Lasts a Lifetime
  • There is an old saying; Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Carla can remember telling A.Z. she wished her bones were broken or she was physically injured because the emotional damage lasts a lifetime and the surface injuries will heal. 
  • ​Think about it as a whole. When your negativity is confirmed by somebody else, it becomes toxic. The words that people had said to Carla as a child has stuck with her even today. When people say to get over it and grow up; you do but as the years go by the reality will hit you that you are wired to believe your not good enough. 
  • ​Carla had to overcome that. A.Z. had asked Carla once what was happening on stage for her. She wasn't shining, and her personality wasn't coming through. Carla wished that someone would have punched her in the face then to tell her she wasn't good enough every day. The physical isn't as bad as the words that get wired in your brain. She didn't realize until the spotlight was on her that she didn't feel like she wasn't good enough.
  • ​Carla broke her toe once, and she taped it up and got back on her Stairmaster because she was two weeks out from a show. Sitting in the kitchen crying, holding her toe, and that wasn't anything compared to what she was telling herself. No one knew it was broken and she worked on four toes and played it off. The pain to her wasn't as huge as the words and not showing up to that show would have done more damage than good.
  • ​There is an author that A.Z. loves reading, John Azarath. He has a phrase that is “Words Matter; words create the physical matter in our lives.” Whatever you end up telling yourself is what you will create in reality. If it is a life of despair, and dysfunction, you will create that. The number one thing that hits us when we run into an obstacle is negativity; we all know that. Then we start the comparison game before finally saying no I can do this. The positive self-talk is much more difficult for us as humans to get too.
  • ​The first thing we think about is not how we will overcome the obstacle but damn it will it ever turn my way? Will I ever get ahead? That is the first thought regardless of how good you are. The difference between those that have and are succeeding at a high level vs. those that are constantly in dysfunction and despair is how long it takes to go from the negativity to the comparison to you going out and dominating your space. That is the difference; how quickly you get through the phases. 
  • ​Positive self-talk, positive reinforcement, you're going to get this, nothing is going to stop you. Those are the phases, but the thoughts do matter; it's not necessarily what others are saying, but what you are saying to yourself.
Quit Watching the Other Guy
  • During the triathlon, the swimming game got a little bit ahead of A.Z., and he went through that negativity where he had 20 laps down, and he still had 10 to go. He thought he would never finish and he was slowing down. A.Z. saw a teammate Rio get out of the pool and he took off. A.Z. was saying to himself that Rio was going to beat him. Then A.Z. realized he needed to focus on just himself. Once he did that was the fastest time during his entire swim when he realized he had it, he knew what he was doing. He hopped out of the pool quickly and knew he was built for it. He had been through worse. 
  • ​Carla always talks about reminding yourself of how things used to be. Anything we are facing now isn't new, just a new version of it. When Carla realized that she could do it, she loved the lights and the stage; feeling powerful. She didn't like feeling like she was completely lost and not empowered. Carla realized also she was built for competing; it is mentally hard, but she is built for it. 
  • ​All of us have that power within us. When you win something, it doesn't just stop there. You are constantly growing and learning more about yourself. Every time Carla starts a new project she sees it all the way through; she never gives up. She isn't half in, half out. Carla doesn't worry about who is looking at her or questioning her; it's part of the thick skin that we all need. 
  • ​This is a conditioning process; the thick skin is good. The way to build a thicker skin and that mental capacity is to understand the different phases of where your mind will take you. The different phases will develop the physical matter of your life. If you get stuck on phase one or two; good luck to you. You will little growth and constant chaos within your business, your marriage, and your body. 
  • ​It's there especially when you start a new diet, and you face this obstacle and you then you find yourself off of the diet. You begin to compare, look at her, look at him. People tend to stay there until one day they get the courage to try it again. They fail to move on to the positivity, the ability to tell yourself you can do it and get back on track. 
  • ​A.Z. was talking to his sister who was there to support Rio, and he told her that it all comes down to what we tell ourselves during the process. Through the run he was hurting and cramping up; A.Z. felt like he needed to stop and walk. She said to him that it is essential to speak positivity into yourself. His sister was on a challenge to climb a mountain, and all she kept telling herself was why am I here? She kept telling herself to stop until she finally did. 
  • ​A.Z. told her that she needed to be able to recognize when she was doing that and jump ahead to phase 3 where you tell yourself you can go. Right after that Brennen walks up to A.Z. and his sister and says he wants to interview her. The first thing she says is she isn't good at interviews. A.Z. stopped her and told her she was doing it again. We have to recognize when we are doing it in our lives because that is what is preventing us from growing in our business. Recognize where it is holding you back from having the body and being in the shape you want to be in. 
  • ​It relates to every aspect of our lives. Start thinking what phase am I getting stuck in? Is it Phase One where it is just negativity, all by yourself? Is it Phase Two where you compare yourself to others? Or do you go to Phase Three and how long does it take you to get there? You can do this; you can move forward, I'm going.
Quit Watching the Other Guy
  • Carla's coaches would tell her she was physically ready; if you don't believe in yourself and that you are good enough, you will continue not to place first. They would tell her when she went on stage, to close her eyes and believe that everyone is there for her, and everything is cheering for her. It was hard for her to envision that because she never had that vision of herself before. It was easier said than done for her.
  • ​They couldn't get Carla that first place because she didn't want it. One day she decided to go on stage and close her eyes, regardless of what would happen. She could hear everyone screaming her name, and it worked. Moving forward there were many times she shut her eyes, on her book, her work, her speaking events, her podcast; she realized she had so many listeners and viewers. 
  • ​You have to take every opportunity that comes your way, whether it be big or small; make it like it is your only opportunity. You will never get it back. It didn't start there though. It began by doing little reps through every opportunity that has come her way. Carla used to sit at the UPS store and dream about being in magazines and now she has been in two. Now she is comfortable to do all things that are asked of her. She is dominating in her world; in her mind she sees a billion people watching her, and it feels great. It's insane where your mind can take you. 
  • ​Your mind can make or break you and build the physical matter. This week as you go about your business challenges or any challenges that you are facing; getting in the best shape possible, reconnecting with your spouse, whatever is understand that where your mind goes will be created in the physical life. Go at it, go through the different Phases and end up on Phase Three. Where you need to dominate and remind yourself how great you are.

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Up against a challenge or obstacle, we can be our own worst enemy. The voice in our head determines our mindset about what we can or cannot accomplish. Doubting your abilities only leads to the comparison game where you notice everyone else's accomplishments above your own. It isn't until you can tell yourself that you are equipped, you have done the work and that you got this that you can be triumphant. Go after that and your business will begin to grow.
Words Matter
  • ​Joined in the studio by his wife Carla Araujo, A.Z. is discussing how words matter. This will be a conversation that not only applies to athletes and everything we do in life but especially in business. When we hit those obstacles and challenges, how do we show up and what thoughts resonate in our minds.
  • ​This is something that recurs as we push ourselves past the limitations; the first thing we think about isn't positive. You wonder how and why you ended up in this place, questioning ourselves and we don't have the answers. We are good until the spotlight is on us and then we question why we are here? We aren't prepared to answer these questions because our capacity is not at that point.
  • ​We think on all of the negativity; why am I doing this? I will never be good enough. It is easier to bring ourselves down than to rise and fight. Fighting takes effort, and you might get bruised; but when you concede the resistance is gone. 
  • ​This is something that A.Z. faced this weekend doing the First Annual A.Z. & Associates Spring Triathlon. Even though he has been conditioning himself for it, the first thing he thought was,” What the hell am I doing?” Especially in the swimming portion. 
  • ​When you are doing great, and ahead of the game you aren't going to ask yourself questions. The moment we feel as if we are losing or falling behind is when we begin to question. No one wants to be second; everyone wants to be first and good at everything. Or you can be good at what you are doing, and something comes your way, slaps you in the face, and you begin to question yourself.
  • ​When Carla feels the slap in her face, it shakes her out of her comfort. It is the negative self-talk and the comparison game. It goes from feeling you can't do something to looking at someone else who we think is doing it better. When Carla was becoming an IFB Pro, she would always compare herself to the other competitors; no one told her she wasn't good enough; it was all in her head. She didn't have anyone else tell her that until she got really good and then she was surrounded by people questioning her on why she was doing it. 
  • ​Carla was not only hearing from herself but everyone around her. It was then confirmed to her by someone else how she was feeling. A.Z. can remember a person that was in their life at the time who would question why Carla kept competing when she was falling just shy of getting IFB Pro. They didn't realize the negativity this man was bringing into their lives.
  • ​Not many people were in the situation Carla was in at that time. Not only was she losing to this other competitor, but this other person also become an IFB Pro in her second show; Carla had six more before getting her belt. Coming into the office she was already down, but this man, not maliciously questioned how it only took the other girl two tries and Carla 6 more. It was the words that cut deep though. 
  • ​Carla has built up a thick skin, a mental capacity over the years because of her childhood and how she was raised. As things are falling through in your business, how do you show up the next day? You can move faster when you build up that thick skin, the mental capacity so when you face a challenge the comparison game doesn't get to you.
Bruises Heal; Emotional Damage Lasts a Lifetime
  • There is an old saying; Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Carla can remember telling A.Z. she wished her bones were broken or she was physically injured because the emotional damage lasts a lifetime and the surface injuries will heal. 
  • ​Think about it as a whole. When your negativity is confirmed by somebody else, it becomes toxic. The words that people had said to Carla as a child has stuck with her even today. When people say to get over it and grow up; you do but as the years go by the reality will hit you that you are wired to believe your not good enough. 
  • ​Carla had to overcome that. A.Z. had asked Carla once what was happening on stage for her. She wasn't shining, and her personality wasn't coming through. Carla wished that someone would have punched her in the face then to tell her she wasn't good enough every day. The physical isn't as bad as the words that get wired in your brain. She didn't realize until the spotlight was on her that she didn't feel like she wasn't good enough.
  • ​Carla broke her toe once, and she taped it up and got back on her Stairmaster because she was two weeks out from a show. Sitting in the kitchen crying, holding her toe, and that wasn't anything compared to what she was telling herself. No one knew it was broken and she worked on four toes and played it off. The pain to her wasn't as huge as the words and not showing up to that show would have done more damage than good.
  • ​There is an author that A.Z. loves reading, John Azarath. He has a phrase that is “Words Matter; words create the physical matter in our lives.” Whatever you end up telling yourself is what you will create in reality. If it is a life of despair, and dysfunction, you will create that. The number one thing that hits us when we run into an obstacle is negativity; we all know that. Then we start the comparison game before finally saying no I can do this. The positive self-talk is much more difficult for us as humans to get too.
  • ​The first thing we think about is not how we will overcome the obstacle but damn it will it ever turn my way? Will I ever get ahead? That is the first thought regardless of how good you are. The difference between those that have and are succeeding at a high level vs. those that are constantly in dysfunction and despair is how long it takes to go from the negativity to the comparison to you going out and dominating your space. That is the difference; how quickly you get through the phases. 
  • ​Positive self-talk, positive reinforcement, you're going to get this, nothing is going to stop you. Those are the phases, but the thoughts do matter; it's not necessarily what others are saying, but what you are saying to yourself.
Quit Watching the Other Guy
  • During the triathlon, the swimming game got a little bit ahead of A.Z., and he went through that negativity where he had 20 laps down, and he still had 10 to go. He thought he would never finish and he was slowing down. A.Z. saw a teammate Rio get out of the pool and he took off. A.Z. was saying to himself that Rio was going to beat him. Then A.Z. realized he needed to focus on just himself. Once he did that was the fastest time during his entire swim when he realized he had it, he knew what he was doing. He hopped out of the pool quickly and knew he was built for it. He had been through worse. 
  • ​Carla always talks about reminding yourself of how things used to be. Anything we are facing now isn't new, just a new version of it. When Carla realized that she could do it, she loved the lights and the stage; feeling powerful. She didn't like feeling like she was completely lost and not empowered. Carla realized also she was built for competing; it is mentally hard, but she is built for it. 
  • ​All of us have that power within us. When you win something, it doesn't just stop there. You are constantly growing and learning more about yourself. Every time Carla starts a new project she sees it all the way through; she never gives up. She isn't half in, half out. Carla doesn't worry about who is looking at her or questioning her; it's part of the thick skin that we all need. 
  • ​This is a conditioning process; the thick skin is good. The way to build a thicker skin and that mental capacity is to understand the different phases of where your mind will take you. The different phases will develop the physical matter of your life. If you get stuck on phase one or two; good luck to you. You will little growth and constant chaos within your business, your marriage, and your body. 
  • ​It's there especially when you start a new diet, and you face this obstacle and you then you find yourself off of the diet. You begin to compare, look at her, look at him. People tend to stay there until one day they get the courage to try it again. They fail to move on to the positivity, the ability to tell yourself you can do it and get back on track. 
  • ​A.Z. was talking to his sister who was there to support Rio, and he told her that it all comes down to what we tell ourselves during the process. Through the run he was hurting and cramping up; A.Z. felt like he needed to stop and walk. She said to him that it is essential to speak positivity into yourself. His sister was on a challenge to climb a mountain, and all she kept telling herself was why am I here? She kept telling herself to stop until she finally did. 
  • ​A.Z. told her that she needed to be able to recognize when she was doing that and jump ahead to phase 3 where you tell yourself you can go. Right after that Brennen walks up to A.Z. and his sister and says he wants to interview her. The first thing she says is she isn't good at interviews. A.Z. stopped her and told her she was doing it again. We have to recognize when we are doing it in our lives because that is what is preventing us from growing in our business. Recognize where it is holding you back from having the body and being in the shape you want to be in. 
  • ​It relates to every aspect of our lives. Start thinking what phase am I getting stuck in? Is it Phase One where it is just negativity, all by yourself? Is it Phase Two where you compare yourself to others? Or do you go to Phase Three and how long does it take you to get there? You can do this; you can move forward, I'm going.
Quit Watching the Other Guy
  • Carla's coaches would tell her she was physically ready; if you don't believe in yourself and that you are good enough, you will continue not to place first. They would tell her when she went on stage, to close her eyes and believe that everyone is there for her, and everything is cheering for her. It was hard for her to envision that because she never had that vision of herself before. It was easier said than done for her.
  • ​They couldn't get Carla that first place because she didn't want it. One day she decided to go on stage and close her eyes, regardless of what would happen. She could hear everyone screaming her name, and it worked. Moving forward there were many times she shut her eyes, on her book, her work, her speaking events, her podcast; she realized she had so many listeners and viewers. 
  • ​You have to take every opportunity that comes your way, whether it be big or small; make it like it is your only opportunity. You will never get it back. It didn't start there though. It began by doing little reps through every opportunity that has come her way. Carla used to sit at the UPS store and dream about being in magazines and now she has been in two. Now she is comfortable to do all things that are asked of her. She is dominating in her world; in her mind she sees a billion people watching her, and it feels great. It's insane where your mind can take you. 
  • ​Your mind can make or break you and build the physical matter. This week as you go about your business challenges or any challenges that you are facing; getting in the best shape possible, reconnecting with your spouse, whatever is understand that where your mind goes will be created in the physical life. Go at it, go through the different Phases and end up on Phase Three. Where you need to dominate and remind yourself how great you are.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019