with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 23:

Building Momentum

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 23:

Building Momentum

We are at the six-month mark in our year; are you better or worse than you were? Have you identified what drives you forward and what slows you down? Becoming aware of the friction that was occurring in my marriage was the turning point in my business. You can't concede in one area of your life and expect to excel in others. Life is like a pendulum, and when that ball begins to swing back and forth, it may appear to be maintaining a steady pace. There is friction at work against you, against that pendulum; identify where that is and fix it, and you will gain the momentum you need to achieve the results you desire.
Friction and Force
  • ​We are officially six months removed from the year, and we have six full months remaining. Think about who you were six months ago, last Christmas, and at our last sales meeting in January when we set our targets for the Ignite event. There was so much energy, promise and so much we wanted to go after; and now we are six months into the game.
  • ​Whether we did what we said we would do or whether we faltered, time goes on, and that is what we need to focus on. Right now, one of two things has happened: You are either inherently better or progressively worse than you were six months ago. 
  • ​Newton's Law dictates that "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion, at the same speed and in the same direction; unless acted upon an unbalanced force. That means there is friction. Like a pendulum, when you drop the "ball," it continues to go back and forth. We can sit and watch that “ball” and see that it is moving along the same path; it will continue to be in motion. It appears to be traveling at the same speed but gradually begins to lose height on its swing. Little by little, it begins to slow because of the friction that is happening. 
  • ​As business owners, there is always friction going on that slows us down in our business. For me, it wasn't my business; it was my marriage. Because of the lack of focus on my relationships, there was constant friction that I didn't know was creating friction and affecting the growth of my business. Those two things marry each other, and if you try to pretend it doesn't the realization will be excruciating.
  • ​I didn't realize for many years that I couldn't get to the next level because there was constant friction at home. You can try to plow through it and from the outside looking in you can say that your business is growing; we say,” We aren't getting along great, but my marriage is ok.” Then you hit the moments of no communication between you and your partner, and you realize there is a drop in your business, but yet you fail to correlate the two.
  • ​Instead of taking a step back and reinvesting in our relationships, we immediately think we aren't working as hard in our business; so we go at it harder, yet we get farther away from what we want. Friction will stop you from getting to the next level, not your skill set. This is not a complicated business; you need skills to negotiate, build relationships, and deliver. I know that all of you are capable enough to over deliver in that aspect. It's the friction we are continually avoiding and trying to plow through, that is slowing us down.
  • ​Right now, you are inherently better than you were six months ago, or you are progressively worse. Over the past six months, you either made more good decisions or bad decisions and your decision-making ability is slowing down that progression. We are aware of our actions, and we can make a shift, and not just wait for next year. We do it consistently and without knowing that the pendulum begins to slow. We can't ride the momentum, and we have to deposit continually to get our momentum to continue. 
  • ​There is an outside influence that has to continue to create gravity or force to move up and down; for your business, it's an intention. That is the external influence which will either slow it down or make it go faster. Your awareness of it will make your business grow, and making the necessary deposits into your relationships so that the friction is not slowing down your progression. Outside influence is the only thing that can slow you down, but intentional action can help you grow.
Band-Aids Don't Heal
  • There was a time when things with Carla and I seemed to be getting progressively worse. Now I am more aware when I am not in a good place at home it is because I lacked the investment in my family; I can't concentrate on my business. When things get really bad, I feel like burning my business to the ground. Have you ever been there? 
  • ​Things get so bad, and you get triggered, and you think that you don't even want to be a part of this industry. It can become a vindictive situation; that is where I was at, and I would just shut down. When we avoid investments and specific circumstances, things will slow down. Outside forces will slow you down and to keep the pendulum going at full speed, it takes intentional action towards your targets. 
  • ​We think by going on vacation, we will fix our marriage. That is a band-aid, a temporary solution to a bigger issue. We have a good time, we come back and reap the benefits of that small investment we made, but then we are right back to where we were because we avoided the crucial conversations that needed to be had. There is a three-part process to a crucial conversation: Realize what you want, realize what you want for the other person and realize what you want for you as a couple. 
  • ​When you have crucial conversations you know what you want, and that is usually love, support, and companionship. When we think about what the other person wants, it is generally in alignment with what we want, including respect, and care. You want the same thing, but you can't see that, and it kills your momentum. There are relationships right now that you need to consider what the friction is. What is stopping you from continuing to move full speed ahead? 
  • ​We need to identify that in order to dominate the next six months. When you have these conversations, it isn't pretty, and you may think it will make things worse. Carla and I have been through some nasty conversations, but we were willing to fight for it, just as I am willing to fight for this business. You can't concede in one aspect of your life and expect to excel in others. You may be doing well in your business, but if you concede in other areas, it will only be temporary. 
  • ​Don't be left scratching your head wondering what happened. What we do here at A.Z. & Associates is we look around and analyze the situation often. We observe, and then we make corrections. What we have here is unique, and we lead the market in the highest sales per agent. That is because we are continually reflecting on where we need to be. 
  • ​We have six full months to dominate the game, and by Christmas, two things will have happened: You are inherently better, or you are progressively worse, but you will not be both. We need to keep that pendulum going and friction, resistance is always on you, and it comes in many ways. Family is one of them, it's a major cause of friction and you need to fix it. Get out of your head and step back; be the person that is enlightened and not in the dark. 
  • ​You may have to create distance from others, or eat better; this is a brand new year for you beginning on July 1st. You may feel that there is friction, chaos, negativity all around you; but you have complete control over it. What you created in the first six months can be a fraction of what you can do in the next six months. 
  • ​I have witnessed people who have doubled their numbers from the first six months into the next six months. You need to identify the friction in your life, when that pendulum is slowing down, When you do it is because two things are happening: you are taking the steps upward or taking them downward; you need to identify those factors. I didn't realize how not showing up powerfully in my marriage was affecting the profitability of my business. When I wasn't in a good place, I wasn't in a good place and that can kill your business.
Collision and Conversation
  • Be okay with having collision and those crucial conversations in your relationships. You will probably realize you both want the same thing. I didn't realize it sooner, and we threw away years of production, profitability and love and respect. We couldn't consider the other person, and sometimes that meant letting go and creating distance. The first question is, what do you want? 
  • ​Identify the friction because it is robbing you of your momentum; an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion, at the same speed in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. We are all building momentum, and today is a reminder to make those deposits toward the right behaviors in all aspects of your life. 
  • ​We are here for the long game; you are in this game for decades, so let's prepare for it. My marriage has become my fuel now; when she isn't part of the vision I have, it seems impossible. If I get any resistance, everything seems hopeless. When we are on the same page, everything becomes possible. It doesn't happen with one conversation; it's the commitment to have those conversations on a consistent basis. 
  • ​Don't suppress those feelings, don't concede because it will blow up; it did in my relationship many times, and it is difficult to bounce back. You won't make things worse by bringing it up, because that friction is slowing you down. I can only imagine what you will be able to create when you are in power and feeling good, knowing that you are delivering in all aspects of your life. Things you only wished for will come to fruition.
  • ​I am taking steps towards things in the next six months that I had only wished for; now, they are a real possibility. Have those conversations because behaviors are anchors, not people. If they are unwilling to change their behavior, then that is a decision you will have to make; it begins today. When you're in power in all aspects of your life, what you can accomplish will surprise you. That is what I want you to focus on: What is your friction? What is stopping your pendulum from going back and forth at full speed? 
  • ​I hope this conversation triggers you to take some massive action. Think about who you were to who you are today, it is just awareness. Your relationship is better because your only comparison is with who you were. I was not aware, but now I am and that alone creates massive momentum, but it could destroy everything if I am not aware. 
  • ​It is empowering when you know that you are in full control of the situation. To get there, we must have those collisions, and the hard truths have to be spoken; otherwise, it will blow up in your face and get ugly. There were times when it seemed like Carla was my arch nemesis, my enemy, and she felt the same about me. We have to remind ourselves and be aware that we want the same things, growth, and expansion, love, respect, and support. Find the common ground through your crucial conversations. It may not turn out the way you want, so you need to be prepared to know what is next. 
  • ​You must fully comprehend and understand what you are willing to do next. Don't have that conversation without a clear understanding of what it is you want. It may not go the way you plan, and then it becomes wasted time and energy because you don't know what to do next. As people are just going through the motions, you are awake and a beacon; embrace that role. 
  • ​The mid-year review is coming up on July 18th, and the registration link will be going out today. We have some merchandise we want to give out, and we are going to reverse engineer how we will be taking control over the next six months. We have 18 days until that meeting, don't sit back and wait. I want you to be intentional about the actions and steps to get what you want over the next 90 days and throughout the end of the year. Let's kill the day.

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We are at the six-month mark in our year; are you better or worse than you were? Have you identified what drives you forward and what slows you down? Becoming aware of the friction that was occurring in my marriage was the turning point in my business. You can't concede in one area of your life and expect to excel in others. Life is like a pendulum, and when that ball begins to swing back and forth, it may appear to be maintaining a steady pace. There is friction at work against you, against that pendulum; identify where that is and fix it, and you will gain the momentum you need to achieve the results you desire.
Friction and Force
  • ​We are officially six months removed from the year, and we have six full months remaining. Think about who you were six months ago, last Christmas, and at our last sales meeting in January when we set our targets for the Ignite event. There was so much energy, promise and so much we wanted to go after; and now we are six months into the game.
  • ​Whether we did what we said we would do or whether we faltered, time goes on, and that is what we need to focus on. Right now, one of two things has happened: You are either inherently better or progressively worse than you were six months ago. 
  • ​Newton's Law dictates that "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion, at the same speed and in the same direction; unless acted upon an unbalanced force. That means there is friction. Like a pendulum, when you drop the "ball," it continues to go back and forth. We can sit and watch that “ball” and see that it is moving along the same path; it will continue to be in motion. It appears to be traveling at the same speed but gradually begins to lose height on its swing. Little by little, it begins to slow because of the friction that is happening. 
  • ​As business owners, there is always friction going on that slows us down in our business. For me, it wasn't my business; it was my marriage. Because of the lack of focus on my relationships, there was constant friction that I didn't know was creating friction and affecting the growth of my business. Those two things marry each other, and if you try to pretend it doesn't the realization will be excruciating.
  • ​I didn't realize for many years that I couldn't get to the next level because there was constant friction at home. You can try to plow through it and from the outside looking in you can say that your business is growing; we say,” We aren't getting along great, but my marriage is ok.” Then you hit the moments of no communication between you and your partner, and you realize there is a drop in your business, but yet you fail to correlate the two.
  • ​Instead of taking a step back and reinvesting in our relationships, we immediately think we aren't working as hard in our business; so we go at it harder, yet we get farther away from what we want. Friction will stop you from getting to the next level, not your skill set. This is not a complicated business; you need skills to negotiate, build relationships, and deliver. I know that all of you are capable enough to over deliver in that aspect. It's the friction we are continually avoiding and trying to plow through, that is slowing us down.
  • ​Right now, you are inherently better than you were six months ago, or you are progressively worse. Over the past six months, you either made more good decisions or bad decisions and your decision-making ability is slowing down that progression. We are aware of our actions, and we can make a shift, and not just wait for next year. We do it consistently and without knowing that the pendulum begins to slow. We can't ride the momentum, and we have to deposit continually to get our momentum to continue. 
  • ​There is an outside influence that has to continue to create gravity or force to move up and down; for your business, it's an intention. That is the external influence which will either slow it down or make it go faster. Your awareness of it will make your business grow, and making the necessary deposits into your relationships so that the friction is not slowing down your progression. Outside influence is the only thing that can slow you down, but intentional action can help you grow.
Band-Aids Don't Heal
  • There was a time when things with Carla and I seemed to be getting progressively worse. Now I am more aware when I am not in a good place at home it is because I lacked the investment in my family; I can't concentrate on my business. When things get really bad, I feel like burning my business to the ground. Have you ever been there? 
  • ​Things get so bad, and you get triggered, and you think that you don't even want to be a part of this industry. It can become a vindictive situation; that is where I was at, and I would just shut down. When we avoid investments and specific circumstances, things will slow down. Outside forces will slow you down and to keep the pendulum going at full speed, it takes intentional action towards your targets. 
  • ​We think by going on vacation, we will fix our marriage. That is a band-aid, a temporary solution to a bigger issue. We have a good time, we come back and reap the benefits of that small investment we made, but then we are right back to where we were because we avoided the crucial conversations that needed to be had. There is a three-part process to a crucial conversation: Realize what you want, realize what you want for the other person and realize what you want for you as a couple. 
  • ​When you have crucial conversations you know what you want, and that is usually love, support, and companionship. When we think about what the other person wants, it is generally in alignment with what we want, including respect, and care. You want the same thing, but you can't see that, and it kills your momentum. There are relationships right now that you need to consider what the friction is. What is stopping you from continuing to move full speed ahead? 
  • ​We need to identify that in order to dominate the next six months. When you have these conversations, it isn't pretty, and you may think it will make things worse. Carla and I have been through some nasty conversations, but we were willing to fight for it, just as I am willing to fight for this business. You can't concede in one aspect of your life and expect to excel in others. You may be doing well in your business, but if you concede in other areas, it will only be temporary. 
  • ​Don't be left scratching your head wondering what happened. What we do here at A.Z. & Associates is we look around and analyze the situation often. We observe, and then we make corrections. What we have here is unique, and we lead the market in the highest sales per agent. That is because we are continually reflecting on where we need to be. 
  • ​We have six full months to dominate the game, and by Christmas, two things will have happened: You are inherently better, or you are progressively worse, but you will not be both. We need to keep that pendulum going and friction, resistance is always on you, and it comes in many ways. Family is one of them, it's a major cause of friction and you need to fix it. Get out of your head and step back; be the person that is enlightened and not in the dark. 
  • ​You may have to create distance from others, or eat better; this is a brand new year for you beginning on July 1st. You may feel that there is friction, chaos, negativity all around you; but you have complete control over it. What you created in the first six months can be a fraction of what you can do in the next six months. 
  • ​I have witnessed people who have doubled their numbers from the first six months into the next six months. You need to identify the friction in your life, when that pendulum is slowing down, When you do it is because two things are happening: you are taking the steps upward or taking them downward; you need to identify those factors. I didn't realize how not showing up powerfully in my marriage was affecting the profitability of my business. When I wasn't in a good place, I wasn't in a good place and that can kill your business.
Collision and Conversation
  • Be okay with having collision and those crucial conversations in your relationships. You will probably realize you both want the same thing. I didn't realize it sooner, and we threw away years of production, profitability and love and respect. We couldn't consider the other person, and sometimes that meant letting go and creating distance. The first question is, what do you want? 
  • ​Identify the friction because it is robbing you of your momentum; an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion, at the same speed in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. We are all building momentum, and today is a reminder to make those deposits toward the right behaviors in all aspects of your life. 
  • ​We are here for the long game; you are in this game for decades, so let's prepare for it. My marriage has become my fuel now; when she isn't part of the vision I have, it seems impossible. If I get any resistance, everything seems hopeless. When we are on the same page, everything becomes possible. It doesn't happen with one conversation; it's the commitment to have those conversations on a consistent basis. 
  • ​Don't suppress those feelings, don't concede because it will blow up; it did in my relationship many times, and it is difficult to bounce back. You won't make things worse by bringing it up, because that friction is slowing you down. I can only imagine what you will be able to create when you are in power and feeling good, knowing that you are delivering in all aspects of your life. Things you only wished for will come to fruition.
  • ​I am taking steps towards things in the next six months that I had only wished for; now, they are a real possibility. Have those conversations because behaviors are anchors, not people. If they are unwilling to change their behavior, then that is a decision you will have to make; it begins today. When you're in power in all aspects of your life, what you can accomplish will surprise you. That is what I want you to focus on: What is your friction? What is stopping your pendulum from going back and forth at full speed? 
  • ​I hope this conversation triggers you to take some massive action. Think about who you were to who you are today, it is just awareness. Your relationship is better because your only comparison is with who you were. I was not aware, but now I am and that alone creates massive momentum, but it could destroy everything if I am not aware. 
  • ​It is empowering when you know that you are in full control of the situation. To get there, we must have those collisions, and the hard truths have to be spoken; otherwise, it will blow up in your face and get ugly. There were times when it seemed like Carla was my arch nemesis, my enemy, and she felt the same about me. We have to remind ourselves and be aware that we want the same things, growth, and expansion, love, respect, and support. Find the common ground through your crucial conversations. It may not turn out the way you want, so you need to be prepared to know what is next. 
  • ​You must fully comprehend and understand what you are willing to do next. Don't have that conversation without a clear understanding of what it is you want. It may not go the way you plan, and then it becomes wasted time and energy because you don't know what to do next. As people are just going through the motions, you are awake and a beacon; embrace that role. 
  • ​The mid-year review is coming up on July 18th, and the registration link will be going out today. We have some merchandise we want to give out, and we are going to reverse engineer how we will be taking control over the next six months. We have 18 days until that meeting, don't sit back and wait. I want you to be intentional about the actions and steps to get what you want over the next 90 days and throughout the end of the year. Let's kill the day.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019