with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 35:

Judgment and Character

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 35:

Judgment and Character

We all judge; it is in our nature to sum someone up the minute we see them; How they dress, their gender, race, or assertiveness. So why do we get offended when it happens to us? When people make us feel uncomfortable, small or insignificant, it has nothing to do with us. They don't know our character, and we don't know anything about theirs. It is by our actions and exposure through our marketing that people know who we are and what we are about. What are you doing today to reveal your character to your client base?
Pre-Dispositions and Walking the Dogs
  • ​If you have not subscribed to Badassagents.com make sure you do that. All of the training, show notes, and breakdowns of each episode are there. Mindset Mastery is designed to put your mind and actions in the right place so we can kill the week. It is also about learning who we are, our mannerisms, behaviors, and dysfunctions, as well as our triggers. 
  • ​The resistance that is a never-ending battle, and it is our job to continue to learn more about ourselves so we can identify what triggers us. Today's topic is Judgement and Character. 
  • ​I have two Labradoodles, and I have been working hard to train them, and it has been fun and frustrating. I am teaching them to be aware of my commands, and they have progressed to the point of walking next to me, unleashed, around our street. 
  • ​I have been taking advantage of the cooler mornings, and it is something I do for my dogs, and myself; it gets my mind in the right place. On Saturday, something interesting happened while walking my dogs. We turned a corner, and a lady walked out from her house, came down her walkway to turn onto the sidewalk we were on; I was about a block away from her, and she stopped dead in her tracks. 
  • ​Everyone knows me or has seen me in the neighborhood, but I don't think this lady and I had ever met. Her pace increased to retrieve her newspaper from her driveway, and I am still nowhere near her. She grabbed her paper hastily and then ran back to her front door. The whole time she is running, she has her eye on me. She had a reaction to me that I think would trigger anyone. 
  • ​When someone ignores us, leaves us out of a conversation or avoids us, it makes us feel like we are that person, and it's our insecurities about how we look or act. This is not the first time this has happened, and I think we have all experienced it. I don't believe it has to do with race or gender; it could be any number of things. 
  • ​We all judge, and we all get judged; there are pre-dispositions there. For me to get upset at this woman who reacted to me a certain way, I can't. I don't know what her experience is, maybe it is due to how her life has pre-dispositioned her. Past experiences, people of influence, environment, social media, it could be any number of things that have her thinking that she needs to react this way. 
  • ​A few years ago that would have thrown me off and given me cause to second guess myself. Maybe I need to not walk in my neighborhood, trim my beard, wear brighter colors, or walk around with a big smile. These are all of the things we think we need to change; it doesn't matter what you change; they will have their pre-dispositions until they experience you first-hand. 
  • ​Another instance happened when I first moved to my neighborhood, which is tight knit and has only about 35 homes. It's a gated community, and when I first moved in, I wanted to make some significant changes to my house. I submitted to the HOA my renditions for approval. I was invited to the Head of the HOA's home, who has lived there from day one. I felt very small and felt as if they were judging me, being talked down to. I didn't like the experience at all.
  • ​Something irked me that they had said; they wanted their neighborhood to stay the same. I'm in the real estate business; I know what will add value to the neighborhood. It pissed me off that they put me in the position of feeling small. Maybe I should have been more aggressive, or given them the same energy they were giving me. Carla and I left and thought that those people were clueless. It made me reconsider my decision to move to that neighborhood. 
  • ​We ended up doing the work we wanted to do, and they threatened to send me violations, and I did it anyway. What that neighbor in the meeting, who talked down to me didn't know anything about was my character. It is always going to be about your character.
Let It Shine
  • I could have conformed to them, or I could show up powerfully in my skin. I decided to stand strong and did not tailor myself to the expectations they had. The HOA president, my next-door neighbor, had a granddaughter coached, by me, in volleyball. Guess who's parents adore my family and me? He had no idea coming into that meeting, and it was more a lady on the committee who was rude to me. 
  • ​Now he has changed his tune, and is always friendly and connected to me. The reality is that your character will always shine through. Their pre-dispositions should not change who you are. If individuals belong in your life, they will see the true nature of who you are. If you are constantly trying to tailor and change, because certain people don't approve of you, you will be a lost soul. 
  • ​You will be walking through life with no real agenda, no definitive direction because you are trying to be a chameleon going back and forth between the judgments of others. My neighbor didn't realize that my girls and his granddaughter go to the same Christian school. He didn't know my commitment to my family and the activities of theirs that I am involved with. It was the judgment of others that influenced his opinion of me. 
  • ​When that lady reacted to me walking towards her, for whatever reason, I cannot react to her actions. I cannot give that same energy back or disregard her; I tried to understand her. 
  • ​This past week I went to see a commercial building, and I was there with some city officials. I am guilty of pre-dispositions, and judging others also; we all are. We can't get upset when we get the same reaction. I met with two officials, one who was dressed to the nines, and I assumed this was the guy I needed to talk too. The other guy came in a polo shirt, very friendly, and down to earth; no posturing and answering all of my questions. I disregarded him because I have my judgments.
  • ​I didn't realize I still had this embedded in my mind; that to be successful, you had to look a certain way. This couldn't be further from the truth, but I caught myself in this place. It turned out that the man in the suit is the main guy, but the other guy is the one who calls all the shots. I automatically had a pre-disposition based on what I saw. When it happens to us, we get so offended, it's against us, and we put negative energy in how they are wrong. 
  • ​In fact you are expressing all of your insecurities. I couldn't see that the one guy was talking a big game, and the other guy was confident. If I had taken one step back, trying to understand their character, I would have known who was who. Some of us when we get rejected we think it because of one of our insecurities. We come to conclusions and blame ourselves when, in reality, we have to understand that not everyone is meant to work with us. If they are your character will shine through, and they will see the true nature of who you are.
They Know What You Show
  • If you are not out there on social media, showing who you are, people have nothing to compare you too. Maybe they can sense your lack of confidence because you haven't embraced the true you. It has nothing to do with your age, race, gender, appearance, but your assertiveness. Instead of making excuses, start looking at what it takes to build a strong and profitable business. 
  • ​Maybe this is how this person sees life in general, and it has nothing to do with you. A lot of people ask what our relationship with Erica Jade is. She is one of our realtors in Las Vegas and has corporate clients here in Arizona. We have been partners with her for close to ten years. The first time I met Erica, it wasn't under the right conditions. 
  • ​Her family is involved in the NRBA, they are a prominent association, and they have these private meetings. I was in Denver one year visiting clients, during the REO property days. I was building relationships, investing in my clients that have invested in me. There was a private event happening, and I called one of my clients to see if we could meet up and she told me to come to the hotel where this event was being held. 
  • ​I agreed to go and didn't realize that they had rented out the entire hotel; they only wanted their association members to attend this event. I wasn't part of that association, and I am sitting there with my client, having a conversation. Three big guys and Erica came over to me and told me it was a private event; she kicked me out of this event. I was embarrassed, upset, a little nervous, but they walked me out the door.
  • ​My client couldn't believe it was happening. I can't be mad at the situation because Erica didn't know what kind of man I was; she only based me on her past experiences of less than reputable realtors. How could I expect to be treated differently if she had no idea who I was? It turned out our paths would cross again, but I needed to respect her as a business owner. I needed to recognize that this was her function. 
  • ​A few months later, I talk with Erica, and she was moving to Vegas and needed some assistance in the Phoenix market. Out of all the agents she could have chosen to team up with, she chose the person she kicked out. Erica got to know my character and what I was all about. I wasn't about the quick dollar, but about integrity. 
  • ​She has the front she has, based on her experience with business partners that have turned on her. Erica trusts us and knows we aren't out there to undermine her clientele. We were going to help her grow her business while she was going to help us grow ours. We are still business partners and friends to this day. 
  • ​My character shined through, and I didn't tailor to her or anyone else. I do my job as a marketer, and people know what I am all about. I market who I am and then live up to that expectation. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. Situations like this aren't meant to change you; it's meant to cause you to double down on yourself. It is meant to embrace who you are; if they belong in your life, they will come around. 
  • ​You aren't going to do a song and dance to fit into someone's life; you are going to stand powerfully. Three things to consider when you feel this judgment coming on you:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Everyone Judges. We all do it, and often times it speaks to our insecurities. You need to understand that people don't know you, it's not their fault.
  • It Has Nothing To Do With You. It's not against you; it is their set of experiences; they have had seeds planted from the people in their circle. It's because of their environment and what they see on t.v. and social media. If you feel that you must dress to the nines, do it because of how it makes you feel, not because you are trying to impress others. People know my character and energy now, and I don't have to impress anyone. I'm a good person, and you need to remind yourself you are too. Don't be a chameleon, be you. 
  • Don't Think It's Something About You Physically. It has to do with your confidence, and that comes from accepting who you are. Stand firm in your skin, and don't change your behavior for others or you will get lost. Be confident in who you are and in your experiences, and the right people will always surround you. If I were fake, none of you would be here; you would see right through me. Be you authentically, and remind your clients that you are going to do everything possible to deliver for them. Assurance, assertiveness, confidence, and certainty that you will deliver.; If they can't see beyond your gender, race, or appearance than it wasn't meant to be.                                                                                                       
  • ​Your character will always shine through, and you will develop relationships, opportunities that you didn't see coming. If you stand in the place of pity, blame, and excuses, you are shutting yourself off from opportunities. I could have been there because of my experiences, but I looked beyond those situations and realized they had nothing to do with me. 
  • ​I am committed to this process with you, and if it can make us powerful, you will feel more powerful and do bigger things. Be authentic, and you will always have the right people in your life when you operate from that place; with full integrity. If you are a lie in everything you do and say, you will attract those same people.

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We all judge; it is in our nature to sum someone up the minute we see them; How they dress, their gender, race, or assertiveness. So why do we get offended when it happens to us? When people make us feel uncomfortable, small or insignificant, it has nothing to do with us. They don't know our character, and we don't know anything about theirs. It is by our actions and exposure through our marketing that people know who we are and what we are about. What are you doing today to reveal your character to your client base?
Pre-Dispositions and Walking the Dogs
  • ​If you have not subscribed to Badassagents.com make sure you do that. All of the training, show notes, and breakdowns of each episode are there. Mindset Mastery is designed to put your mind and actions in the right place so we can kill the week. It is also about learning who we are, our mannerisms, behaviors, and dysfunctions, as well as our triggers. 
  • ​The resistance that is a never-ending battle, and it is our job to continue to learn more about ourselves so we can identify what triggers us. Today's topic is Judgement and Character. 
  • ​I have two Labradoodles, and I have been working hard to train them, and it has been fun and frustrating. I am teaching them to be aware of my commands, and they have progressed to the point of walking next to me, unleashed, around our street. 
  • ​I have been taking advantage of the cooler mornings, and it is something I do for my dogs, and myself; it gets my mind in the right place. On Saturday, something interesting happened while walking my dogs. We turned a corner, and a lady walked out from her house, came down her walkway to turn onto the sidewalk we were on; I was about a block away from her, and she stopped dead in her tracks. 
  • ​Everyone knows me or has seen me in the neighborhood, but I don't think this lady and I had ever met. Her pace increased to retrieve her newspaper from her driveway, and I am still nowhere near her. She grabbed her paper hastily and then ran back to her front door. The whole time she is running, she has her eye on me. She had a reaction to me that I think would trigger anyone. 
  • ​When someone ignores us, leaves us out of a conversation or avoids us, it makes us feel like we are that person, and it's our insecurities about how we look or act. This is not the first time this has happened, and I think we have all experienced it. I don't believe it has to do with race or gender; it could be any number of things. 
  • ​We all judge, and we all get judged; there are pre-dispositions there. For me to get upset at this woman who reacted to me a certain way, I can't. I don't know what her experience is, maybe it is due to how her life has pre-dispositioned her. Past experiences, people of influence, environment, social media, it could be any number of things that have her thinking that she needs to react this way. 
  • ​A few years ago that would have thrown me off and given me cause to second guess myself. Maybe I need to not walk in my neighborhood, trim my beard, wear brighter colors, or walk around with a big smile. These are all of the things we think we need to change; it doesn't matter what you change; they will have their pre-dispositions until they experience you first-hand. 
  • ​Another instance happened when I first moved to my neighborhood, which is tight knit and has only about 35 homes. It's a gated community, and when I first moved in, I wanted to make some significant changes to my house. I submitted to the HOA my renditions for approval. I was invited to the Head of the HOA's home, who has lived there from day one. I felt very small and felt as if they were judging me, being talked down to. I didn't like the experience at all.
  • ​Something irked me that they had said; they wanted their neighborhood to stay the same. I'm in the real estate business; I know what will add value to the neighborhood. It pissed me off that they put me in the position of feeling small. Maybe I should have been more aggressive, or given them the same energy they were giving me. Carla and I left and thought that those people were clueless. It made me reconsider my decision to move to that neighborhood. 
  • ​We ended up doing the work we wanted to do, and they threatened to send me violations, and I did it anyway. What that neighbor in the meeting, who talked down to me didn't know anything about was my character. It is always going to be about your character.
Let It Shine
  • I could have conformed to them, or I could show up powerfully in my skin. I decided to stand strong and did not tailor myself to the expectations they had. The HOA president, my next-door neighbor, had a granddaughter coached, by me, in volleyball. Guess who's parents adore my family and me? He had no idea coming into that meeting, and it was more a lady on the committee who was rude to me. 
  • ​Now he has changed his tune, and is always friendly and connected to me. The reality is that your character will always shine through. Their pre-dispositions should not change who you are. If individuals belong in your life, they will see the true nature of who you are. If you are constantly trying to tailor and change, because certain people don't approve of you, you will be a lost soul. 
  • ​You will be walking through life with no real agenda, no definitive direction because you are trying to be a chameleon going back and forth between the judgments of others. My neighbor didn't realize that my girls and his granddaughter go to the same Christian school. He didn't know my commitment to my family and the activities of theirs that I am involved with. It was the judgment of others that influenced his opinion of me. 
  • ​When that lady reacted to me walking towards her, for whatever reason, I cannot react to her actions. I cannot give that same energy back or disregard her; I tried to understand her. 
  • ​This past week I went to see a commercial building, and I was there with some city officials. I am guilty of pre-dispositions, and judging others also; we all are. We can't get upset when we get the same reaction. I met with two officials, one who was dressed to the nines, and I assumed this was the guy I needed to talk too. The other guy came in a polo shirt, very friendly, and down to earth; no posturing and answering all of my questions. I disregarded him because I have my judgments.
  • ​I didn't realize I still had this embedded in my mind; that to be successful, you had to look a certain way. This couldn't be further from the truth, but I caught myself in this place. It turned out that the man in the suit is the main guy, but the other guy is the one who calls all the shots. I automatically had a pre-disposition based on what I saw. When it happens to us, we get so offended, it's against us, and we put negative energy in how they are wrong. 
  • ​In fact you are expressing all of your insecurities. I couldn't see that the one guy was talking a big game, and the other guy was confident. If I had taken one step back, trying to understand their character, I would have known who was who. Some of us when we get rejected we think it because of one of our insecurities. We come to conclusions and blame ourselves when, in reality, we have to understand that not everyone is meant to work with us. If they are your character will shine through, and they will see the true nature of who you are.
They Know What You Show
  • If you are not out there on social media, showing who you are, people have nothing to compare you too. Maybe they can sense your lack of confidence because you haven't embraced the true you. It has nothing to do with your age, race, gender, appearance, but your assertiveness. Instead of making excuses, start looking at what it takes to build a strong and profitable business. 
  • ​Maybe this is how this person sees life in general, and it has nothing to do with you. A lot of people ask what our relationship with Erica Jade is. She is one of our realtors in Las Vegas and has corporate clients here in Arizona. We have been partners with her for close to ten years. The first time I met Erica, it wasn't under the right conditions. 
  • ​Her family is involved in the NRBA, they are a prominent association, and they have these private meetings. I was in Denver one year visiting clients, during the REO property days. I was building relationships, investing in my clients that have invested in me. There was a private event happening, and I called one of my clients to see if we could meet up and she told me to come to the hotel where this event was being held. 
  • ​I agreed to go and didn't realize that they had rented out the entire hotel; they only wanted their association members to attend this event. I wasn't part of that association, and I am sitting there with my client, having a conversation. Three big guys and Erica came over to me and told me it was a private event; she kicked me out of this event. I was embarrassed, upset, a little nervous, but they walked me out the door.
  • ​My client couldn't believe it was happening. I can't be mad at the situation because Erica didn't know what kind of man I was; she only based me on her past experiences of less than reputable realtors. How could I expect to be treated differently if she had no idea who I was? It turned out our paths would cross again, but I needed to respect her as a business owner. I needed to recognize that this was her function. 
  • ​A few months later, I talk with Erica, and she was moving to Vegas and needed some assistance in the Phoenix market. Out of all the agents she could have chosen to team up with, she chose the person she kicked out. Erica got to know my character and what I was all about. I wasn't about the quick dollar, but about integrity. 
  • ​She has the front she has, based on her experience with business partners that have turned on her. Erica trusts us and knows we aren't out there to undermine her clientele. We were going to help her grow her business while she was going to help us grow ours. We are still business partners and friends to this day. 
  • ​My character shined through, and I didn't tailor to her or anyone else. I do my job as a marketer, and people know what I am all about. I market who I am and then live up to that expectation. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. Situations like this aren't meant to change you; it's meant to cause you to double down on yourself. It is meant to embrace who you are; if they belong in your life, they will come around. 
  • ​You aren't going to do a song and dance to fit into someone's life; you are going to stand powerfully. Three things to consider when you feel this judgment coming on you:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Everyone Judges. We all do it, and often times it speaks to our insecurities. You need to understand that people don't know you, it's not their fault.
  • It Has Nothing To Do With You. It's not against you; it is their set of experiences; they have had seeds planted from the people in their circle. It's because of their environment and what they see on t.v. and social media. If you feel that you must dress to the nines, do it because of how it makes you feel, not because you are trying to impress others. People know my character and energy now, and I don't have to impress anyone. I'm a good person, and you need to remind yourself you are too. Don't be a chameleon, be you. 
  • Don't Think It's Something About You Physically. It has to do with your confidence, and that comes from accepting who you are. Stand firm in your skin, and don't change your behavior for others or you will get lost. Be confident in who you are and in your experiences, and the right people will always surround you. If I were fake, none of you would be here; you would see right through me. Be you authentically, and remind your clients that you are going to do everything possible to deliver for them. Assurance, assertiveness, confidence, and certainty that you will deliver.; If they can't see beyond your gender, race, or appearance than it wasn't meant to be.                                                                                                       
  • ​Your character will always shine through, and you will develop relationships, opportunities that you didn't see coming. If you stand in the place of pity, blame, and excuses, you are shutting yourself off from opportunities. I could have been there because of my experiences, but I looked beyond those situations and realized they had nothing to do with me. 
  • ​I am committed to this process with you, and if it can make us powerful, you will feel more powerful and do bigger things. Be authentic, and you will always have the right people in your life when you operate from that place; with full integrity. If you are a lie in everything you do and say, you will attract those same people.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019