with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 36:


with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 36:


I am in a state of awe. Being in a place where I can stand back and see the growth of someone who I once held back is enlightening. There was a time in my life when I was a burden to Carla, my family, and myself. The worry I caused them, held them hostage in my depression and entitlement. Once I was cut free by Carla, and I began to show up powerfully, everything changed. There are unintended consequences when you decide to play small, but there are innumerable rewards when you choose to rise; it starts with you, it starts today.
Are You the Burden?
  • ​Today's topic is Burdens. Are you the burden? This past weekend I went MIA on Social Media and focused on the task at hand; assisting Carla with Women's Evolution 3. It was an incredible event where lives were impacted entirely. Transformations happened right in front of me, leaving me in awe. 
  • ​Carla has put a process together, through her own experiences, to rise into this person she has become today. As I sat back and witnessed what was happening, it was as if she was being guided by God, a higher source; a voice was leading her where to go next. More than once, I was covered in goosebumps. I watched this woman navigate and lead these other women in understanding what they are made of; there is more for them, and they all had the epiphany that things would change moving forward. 
  • ​It reminded me of how things used to be, as I admired this powerful person; she didn't become this person because of me. Carla was this person before me, before she lost herself, because of me. I was a burden in her life that failed to live life the way I was supposed to live it; powerfully. I was constantly on edge, in my head; that creates a lot of instability in your family; they can't focus on their growth because they don't know how you will show up. 
  • ​Would I be this happy, go-lucky guy, an angry one on edge, or the person that shuts down, isolating myself? Maybe the guy who lays in bed, waiting for the world to end. I was in a position where Carla couldn't find herself because I was that burden she always was thinking about. 
  • ​As we navigate and try to grow our businesses, and things don't go our way; clients decide not to use you, and deals fall through. We isolate, we get depressed and angry. We don't realize there are further, deep consequences that your family will endure, every time you are in this place. I couldn't create a happy home for my children, the stability they needed to flourish; because I was in my head and a burden. 
  • ​You are not the only one who feels the effects, and it sucks. We all wish it could have gone a different way, but the unintended consequences go beyond that. Not only do you isolate yourself, but your family isolates themselves, because of the weight of your burden. 
  • ​I sat there, realizing I held her back for years; since the day she met me. It's not all my fault, we all have choices, but I can only take responsibility for myself. Carla would not be in this place if I didn't rise powerfully deciding to keep going. After every failure, disappointment; when I rose, it gave her the space to know, I am not her burden. Carla needed that space so she could focus on herself, and not be under this constant state of worry, due to my disappointments.
  • ​I worked on myself, the small things we talk about here consistently. Feeding positivity into my mind, first thing in the morning by challenging myself mentally and physically. Instead of starting my day in a place of anxiousness, and worry; I have to combat it, knowing it is how I function. 
  • ​Negative thoughts pop into my head before positive ones do; the problem is that I would let the negative thoughts fester and grow. They would limit me and what I was capable of creating. I have to battle that first thing in the morning by reading positive material and listening to podcasts. Then I challenge myself physically, so I can be proud of where I am going; putting the strain on my body, so the pain in my body will be no less than the pain anywhere else. 
The Anchor
  • Are you that burden on your family? Your children and your spouse can see it. I didn't realize how much anger and resentment Carla had for me; I don't think she realized it because of the worry she had for me. The worry turns into resentment, and we all get in that place sometimes; worrying about Mom or Dad, our children, siblings, and our business. 
  • ​Maybe you are the person who has the burden of everyone else's problems they have brought to you. We are holding them back, you are the anchor, and it's a shame when they have to break the chain so you can sink on your own. That's what Carla did, so she could save herself. You can break the chain because you are not the anchor; you are tied to it right now. Break off the section that has you tied to the anchor, so you can rise. It doesn't happen overnight but awareness and the ability to dissect on how we react, goes a long way; it all comes down to you. 
  • ​Will you continue to be a burden, or will you allow others to continue burdening you? To weigh you down, to slow you down? I am proud of Carla, but I didn't create this person, she was this person before me, and I held her back. When you become that burden or someone becomes that burden on you, there will be resentment and anger. When they realize everything they gave up for you, sacrificing themselves to save you; it's a shame when you understand that it was all your fault. 
  • ​We have choices, but when you decide to play small, your results are strictly on you. Failing to rise has unintended consequences that shape generations. I know where I am going; watching Carla lead those women, only occurred because she broke the chain. I had to realize I am not an anchor, that I was built for more, and had to break the chain also. Everything I was feeling was a sense of entitlement, and I don't deserve shit; I need to work my ass off for it. 
  • ​Our lives have completely transformed, because I decided to rise, Carla decided to rise; that is the same effect you have, regardless of where you are at. Regardless of where you are in your business, in your relationships, you can stop things from becoming worse, and handing over these generational dysfunctions. The same shit your parents couldn't deal with, you are dealing with now, but you haven't done anything to fix it. Guess what your children are going to deal with? It is your responsibility to stop it; right now! 
  • ​You can't change your children's lives, you can only change yours, and that will inspire change in others. How do you handle disappointment, stress, and anger? Your kids are watching, and your spouse is watching, can they take more of your burden? The impact is huge, and I didn't see us in this place; it was amazing what Carla's program has done; it was unbelievable. Maybe you are that person right now, but you can't fully rise because you are too worried about your spouse; too worried about your brother or sister. You aren't a savior, continuing to worry about others will only cause resentment.
  • ​Your life is not going to work, and you are going to try and place blame. It was all your fault, and if you are a burden, it is 100% your fault. I am asking you to rise today, regardless of whatever happened in the days before. The deposits that you make daily will determine the overall satisfaction of your life. It starts today, and you won't see immediate results. Carla's Women's Event was five years in the making, and it was awesome to witness. 
  • ​There are unintended consequences when you decide to play small, but there are innumerable rewards when you choose to rise; everyone in your family will benefit. I have so much appreciation for who I was five years ago, embarking on this journey not knowing where it would lead — deciding to challenge myself to become a better husband, father, and businessman. To better myself physically, mentally; I am so proud of that kid. I can say, kid, because what I have done, how much I have grown; I've watched that naive kid grow on social media, and I am proud of him. The future me, the me I am today; is thanking him. And the future me, five years from now, will be so proud of me also. 
  • ​I decided to lean in and become aware of my own, personal actions, and behaviors. It's all intentional, and be proud of yourself five years from now. Can you look back on yourself today, and say you are proud of that kid? You don't want those unintentional consequences, which will last past your lifetime and on to your kids. Are you a burden? Cut the anchor, and don't be the burden or let someone in your family be a burden on you. Quit trying to save them. They are there because they choose to be; it's affecting your family, your marriage, and your business. 
  • ​We fail to realize the rewards when we fully show up powerfully. When we are wiser, every day. The rewards are endless and even more significant than the unintended consequences. The rewards are massive and limitless, but you have to decide. Will you continue to be a burden, or allow others to burden you? If you are the one that is the burden, shame on you; shame on me because I know better, and so do you. 
  • ​Stop the dysfunction and create the stability, the safe homestead; who knows what could come from that. To see Carla where she is today, and how she leads those women; holy shit. I couldn't believe it. She found her purpose because she had to cut the burden, and that burden was me. I rose up, and that was the best thing she did for me. 
  • ​Before I was the victim, asking how she could do this to me? After all I did for her? Cutting me off was the best thing she did for us, for herself, for me; when she stopped trying to save me, she saved herself. You all set the bar and make us want to be better, and I thank you. That is what this game of business is all about; it's easy, but can you dominate the game of life? All aspects of life? Can you dominate your body, your mind, your family, and you as a father or mother? Business is easy, but you need to go within; the burdens stop today, and the choices begin today. 
  • ​If you are a burden, stop; if someone else is, stop trying to save them. Your brother is not your problem, your mother is not your problem, it is a culmination of their decisions, and it is affecting your happiness. If you are the problem, you are affecting someone else's happiness, and you are holding them back. STOP. 
  • ​Go out and dominate the day and be aware of your behaviors.

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I am in a state of awe. Being in a place where I can stand back and see the growth of someone who I once held back is enlightening. There was a time in my life when I was a burden to Carla, my family, and myself. The worry I caused them, held them hostage in my depression and entitlement. Once I was cut free by Carla, and I began to show up powerfully, everything changed. There are unintended consequences when you decide to play small, but there are innumerable rewards when you choose to rise; it starts with you, it starts today.
Are You the Burden?
  • ​Today's topic is Burdens. Are you the burden? This past weekend I went MIA on Social Media and focused on the task at hand; assisting Carla with Women's Evolution 3. It was an incredible event where lives were impacted entirely. Transformations happened right in front of me, leaving me in awe. 
  • ​Carla has put a process together, through her own experiences, to rise into this person she has become today. As I sat back and witnessed what was happening, it was as if she was being guided by God, a higher source; a voice was leading her where to go next. More than once, I was covered in goosebumps. I watched this woman navigate and lead these other women in understanding what they are made of; there is more for them, and they all had the epiphany that things would change moving forward. 
  • ​It reminded me of how things used to be, as I admired this powerful person; she didn't become this person because of me. Carla was this person before me, before she lost herself, because of me. I was a burden in her life that failed to live life the way I was supposed to live it; powerfully. I was constantly on edge, in my head; that creates a lot of instability in your family; they can't focus on their growth because they don't know how you will show up. 
  • ​Would I be this happy, go-lucky guy, an angry one on edge, or the person that shuts down, isolating myself? Maybe the guy who lays in bed, waiting for the world to end. I was in a position where Carla couldn't find herself because I was that burden she always was thinking about. 
  • ​As we navigate and try to grow our businesses, and things don't go our way; clients decide not to use you, and deals fall through. We isolate, we get depressed and angry. We don't realize there are further, deep consequences that your family will endure, every time you are in this place. I couldn't create a happy home for my children, the stability they needed to flourish; because I was in my head and a burden. 
  • ​You are not the only one who feels the effects, and it sucks. We all wish it could have gone a different way, but the unintended consequences go beyond that. Not only do you isolate yourself, but your family isolates themselves, because of the weight of your burden. 
  • ​I sat there, realizing I held her back for years; since the day she met me. It's not all my fault, we all have choices, but I can only take responsibility for myself. Carla would not be in this place if I didn't rise powerfully deciding to keep going. After every failure, disappointment; when I rose, it gave her the space to know, I am not her burden. Carla needed that space so she could focus on herself, and not be under this constant state of worry, due to my disappointments.
  • ​I worked on myself, the small things we talk about here consistently. Feeding positivity into my mind, first thing in the morning by challenging myself mentally and physically. Instead of starting my day in a place of anxiousness, and worry; I have to combat it, knowing it is how I function. 
  • ​Negative thoughts pop into my head before positive ones do; the problem is that I would let the negative thoughts fester and grow. They would limit me and what I was capable of creating. I have to battle that first thing in the morning by reading positive material and listening to podcasts. Then I challenge myself physically, so I can be proud of where I am going; putting the strain on my body, so the pain in my body will be no less than the pain anywhere else. 
The Anchor
  • Are you that burden on your family? Your children and your spouse can see it. I didn't realize how much anger and resentment Carla had for me; I don't think she realized it because of the worry she had for me. The worry turns into resentment, and we all get in that place sometimes; worrying about Mom or Dad, our children, siblings, and our business. 
  • ​Maybe you are the person who has the burden of everyone else's problems they have brought to you. We are holding them back, you are the anchor, and it's a shame when they have to break the chain so you can sink on your own. That's what Carla did, so she could save herself. You can break the chain because you are not the anchor; you are tied to it right now. Break off the section that has you tied to the anchor, so you can rise. It doesn't happen overnight but awareness and the ability to dissect on how we react, goes a long way; it all comes down to you. 
  • ​Will you continue to be a burden, or will you allow others to continue burdening you? To weigh you down, to slow you down? I am proud of Carla, but I didn't create this person, she was this person before me, and I held her back. When you become that burden or someone becomes that burden on you, there will be resentment and anger. When they realize everything they gave up for you, sacrificing themselves to save you; it's a shame when you understand that it was all your fault. 
  • ​We have choices, but when you decide to play small, your results are strictly on you. Failing to rise has unintended consequences that shape generations. I know where I am going; watching Carla lead those women, only occurred because she broke the chain. I had to realize I am not an anchor, that I was built for more, and had to break the chain also. Everything I was feeling was a sense of entitlement, and I don't deserve shit; I need to work my ass off for it. 
  • ​Our lives have completely transformed, because I decided to rise, Carla decided to rise; that is the same effect you have, regardless of where you are at. Regardless of where you are in your business, in your relationships, you can stop things from becoming worse, and handing over these generational dysfunctions. The same shit your parents couldn't deal with, you are dealing with now, but you haven't done anything to fix it. Guess what your children are going to deal with? It is your responsibility to stop it; right now! 
  • ​You can't change your children's lives, you can only change yours, and that will inspire change in others. How do you handle disappointment, stress, and anger? Your kids are watching, and your spouse is watching, can they take more of your burden? The impact is huge, and I didn't see us in this place; it was amazing what Carla's program has done; it was unbelievable. Maybe you are that person right now, but you can't fully rise because you are too worried about your spouse; too worried about your brother or sister. You aren't a savior, continuing to worry about others will only cause resentment.
  • ​Your life is not going to work, and you are going to try and place blame. It was all your fault, and if you are a burden, it is 100% your fault. I am asking you to rise today, regardless of whatever happened in the days before. The deposits that you make daily will determine the overall satisfaction of your life. It starts today, and you won't see immediate results. Carla's Women's Event was five years in the making, and it was awesome to witness. 
  • ​There are unintended consequences when you decide to play small, but there are innumerable rewards when you choose to rise; everyone in your family will benefit. I have so much appreciation for who I was five years ago, embarking on this journey not knowing where it would lead — deciding to challenge myself to become a better husband, father, and businessman. To better myself physically, mentally; I am so proud of that kid. I can say, kid, because what I have done, how much I have grown; I've watched that naive kid grow on social media, and I am proud of him. The future me, the me I am today; is thanking him. And the future me, five years from now, will be so proud of me also. 
  • ​I decided to lean in and become aware of my own, personal actions, and behaviors. It's all intentional, and be proud of yourself five years from now. Can you look back on yourself today, and say you are proud of that kid? You don't want those unintentional consequences, which will last past your lifetime and on to your kids. Are you a burden? Cut the anchor, and don't be the burden or let someone in your family be a burden on you. Quit trying to save them. They are there because they choose to be; it's affecting your family, your marriage, and your business. 
  • ​We fail to realize the rewards when we fully show up powerfully. When we are wiser, every day. The rewards are endless and even more significant than the unintended consequences. The rewards are massive and limitless, but you have to decide. Will you continue to be a burden, or allow others to burden you? If you are the one that is the burden, shame on you; shame on me because I know better, and so do you. 
  • ​Stop the dysfunction and create the stability, the safe homestead; who knows what could come from that. To see Carla where she is today, and how she leads those women; holy shit. I couldn't believe it. She found her purpose because she had to cut the burden, and that burden was me. I rose up, and that was the best thing she did for me. 
  • ​Before I was the victim, asking how she could do this to me? After all I did for her? Cutting me off was the best thing she did for us, for herself, for me; when she stopped trying to save me, she saved herself. You all set the bar and make us want to be better, and I thank you. That is what this game of business is all about; it's easy, but can you dominate the game of life? All aspects of life? Can you dominate your body, your mind, your family, and you as a father or mother? Business is easy, but you need to go within; the burdens stop today, and the choices begin today. 
  • ​If you are a burden, stop; if someone else is, stop trying to save them. Your brother is not your problem, your mother is not your problem, it is a culmination of their decisions, and it is affecting your happiness. If you are the problem, you are affecting someone else's happiness, and you are holding them back. STOP. 
  • ​Go out and dominate the day and be aware of your behaviors.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019