with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 42:

Deposits and Withdrawals

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 42:

Deposits and Withdrawals

I have learned over the years that too many withdrawals, from anything in life, dwindles the deposits that were made previously. Being financially, relationally, and physically fit, requires regular deposits in comparison to withdrawals. Ask yourself if you have operated on the profitable side of life today, or are you already digging yourself out of a hole? It is up to you to operate with attention and intention if you want to be successful in all areas of your life.
Aged to Perfection
  • ​My family had an eventful weekend, and my daughter's volleyball team won the State Championship. The number of reps these girls put in over the past year, the dedication, intention, excitement, and attention to developing their skill set gave them the result they desired. 
  • ​I remember when Abigail first started on the Varsity Volleyball Team; she was overwhelmed by the amount of change and level of competition that she had to push her development too. It was a bit of a struggle for a 14-year-old dealing with 17 and 18-year-olds and their level of strength and power. 
  • ​As she became intentional about her skill sets and understanding of the game, she developed well, and I was proud of how she showed up. I noticed this gentleman during the game who I assumed was part of the school district, and he looked to be in his mid to late 60s. I was so impressed by how he looked and carried himself. At his age, he was fit and confident in his stature; he was also very helpful to all those he interacted with. 
  • ​I spent a lot of time watching him and the game because he caught my attention; not many people in that age group look the way he does. It made me think about the number of deposits he has made over the years in himself, and his mind to do the things most would give up on. Why would you continue to deposit at that age? 
  • ​Most would think in their 60's they couldn't achieve the level of fitness they used to be at, so they won't do anything at all. There are a lot of things I hear from my parents about their health and how it limits them. This gentleman has overcome the story of" I can't" and made the deposits, eating the right foods, and taking care of his body. It inspired me, and I made the mental declaration that I would look like him at 60 years old. I know what it will take, the very thing I have been doing for the last 10 or 15 years — being intentional about making the right decisions and not wrong ones. As you start to accumulate that over the years, he is the result of that. 
  • ​That is the formula for everything we do; our finances, marriage, the relationship with our kids, and those around us. It is the number of deposits or withdrawals, which are negative things we do. Overeating, not marketing, saying something derogatory to your spouse; these are all withdrawals.
Accentuate the Positive; Eliminate the Negative
  • Dr. John Gottman did a 40-year study on couples. His focus was on why some couples make it, and some don't. He broke it down into a process of deposits and withdrawals. He discovered that those couples who stayed together and were happy in the relationship had more deposits of appreciation, love, and support than those that didn't. 
  • ​He came up with a formula that stated for every couple he studied; they had five positive interactions to one negative one. Those that were divorced or had a bad relationship had more negative withdrawals than positive deposits. To be in a happy place, you have more positives.
  • ​For example; In your business, one withdrawal would be you determining that you aren't going to the market today. It will take five action items to make up for that one withdrawal. If you shut down after a deal falls through, you will have to make at least five deposits to break even. It is so important not to lose the momentum that these items require.
  • ​As I look at my relationship and when we first got married, there were a lot of deposits, appreciation, compliments, and conversations. After a while, it started to subside, and it became more about the business, the negative way they make you feel, and what you are doing wrong. Acting like a victim, blaming someone else is a withdrawal. Blaming your clients, the other agents are all withdrawals. 
  • ​I can look back and realize why my marriage wasn't working; there were more withdrawals. It is far more critical to make daily deposits than to have one great vacation together or one beautiful dinner together. It is the culmination of the daily items.
  • ​We have all been in this place of knowing we aren't connected and think that a vacation will bring us together. The daily deposits are what brings the ultimate success in your marriage and your business. If it takes five deposits to make one withdrawal, how far in debt are you? That is how we lose momentum. 
  • ​I see this all the time in business; we make 3 or 4 deposits and get 3 or 4 deals in escrow, and then we only focus on the deposits made three months ago. We forget to continue to deposit on our current marketing, following up with clients daily; this is what we need to think about.
  • ​Because Carla and I are in a good place does not mean that it is permanent. All of the work I have done over the past few years can easily be dwindled away by making one withdrawal.
Are You Operating in the Red or the Black?
  • The formula of Deposits and Withdrawals is universal in every aspect of our life. How many deposits have you made this morning? How many withdrawals? Are you already in debt for the day? When you wake up yelling at your kids, disagreeing with your spouse, or woke up late and decided not to market for your business, you realize how deep in debt you already are. 
  • ​Think about all the withdrawals that have put you in the hole; if it takes five action items to make up for that, you won't even hit par. You need to take a hard look at your action items and determine how many withdrawals you are making. It is easy to see the cash in hand. You know you can't make an extravagant purchase with no more than five hundred dollars in the bank. 
  • ​We fail to see that in our relationships and our businesses. Are you in debt, or are you profitable? You are profitable in your relationship, your health, and your business; is that the case? Most times, we are not. We are riding on the coattails of what we did last week or last month. Now you are in the red, and you continue to do the things that drive you farther into debt. If you want a good relationship, be nice, and show some respect. If you want a great business than market your ass off and be proud of what you do. 
  • ​Where in your life do you lack right now? Your relationships? Are you growing resentful because the other person isn't making deposits? We all have those individuals, and we need to cut them off today or at least create distance. You will become resentful of people that continually ask for favors and make withdrawals. Maybe you are the leach in the relationship, and victimhood is one of the biggest withdrawals. 
  • ​Carla is in the gym every day, and last week I only worked out for four days. I got in four, and I beat myself up for that, but some make zero deposits towards their health. Day in and day out, eating what they want whenever they want. Some individuals realize by eating the right foods, they will fuel all the other aspects of their life, including their business. 
  • ​There are people out there that move fast and are uber-successful; they understand the game of making deposits relentlessly. I got up this morning, had my pre-workout drink, and headed to the gym. I was making my deposit in myself and will do the same for my family today. It starts with you first and foremost. You must understand that you cannot continue to make these withdrawals. 
  • ​Deposits are made up of attention and intention, love, and appreciation. If things are not going your way, there is a reason for it. Think about if you are in the red right now, or are you profitable. Think about what you have done over the last week, are you in the red or black? Look at your relationship, and you will know because it is evident. 
  • ​Show appreciation for what you have created this far, and the business aspect will become a byproduct of your happiness and fulfillment. There is no other way; when you feel good, you will do good things. Mindset Mastery is a deposit, continue to make those deposits. 

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I have learned over the years that too many withdrawals, from anything in life, dwindles the deposits that were made previously. Being financially, relationally, and physically fit, requires regular deposits in comparison to withdrawals. Ask yourself if you have operated on the profitable side of life today, or are you already digging yourself out of a hole? It is up to you to operate with attention and intention if you want to be successful in all areas of your life.
Aged to Perfection
  • ​My family had an eventful weekend, and my daughter's volleyball team won the State Championship. The number of reps these girls put in over the past year, the dedication, intention, excitement, and attention to developing their skill set gave them the result they desired. 
  • ​I remember when Abigail first started on the Varsity Volleyball Team; she was overwhelmed by the amount of change and level of competition that she had to push her development too. It was a bit of a struggle for a 14-year-old dealing with 17 and 18-year-olds and their level of strength and power. 
  • ​As she became intentional about her skill sets and understanding of the game, she developed well, and I was proud of how she showed up. I noticed this gentleman during the game who I assumed was part of the school district, and he looked to be in his mid to late 60s. I was so impressed by how he looked and carried himself. At his age, he was fit and confident in his stature; he was also very helpful to all those he interacted with. 
  • ​I spent a lot of time watching him and the game because he caught my attention; not many people in that age group look the way he does. It made me think about the number of deposits he has made over the years in himself, and his mind to do the things most would give up on. Why would you continue to deposit at that age? 
  • ​Most would think in their 60's they couldn't achieve the level of fitness they used to be at, so they won't do anything at all. There are a lot of things I hear from my parents about their health and how it limits them. This gentleman has overcome the story of" I can't" and made the deposits, eating the right foods, and taking care of his body. It inspired me, and I made the mental declaration that I would look like him at 60 years old. I know what it will take, the very thing I have been doing for the last 10 or 15 years — being intentional about making the right decisions and not wrong ones. As you start to accumulate that over the years, he is the result of that. 
  • ​That is the formula for everything we do; our finances, marriage, the relationship with our kids, and those around us. It is the number of deposits or withdrawals, which are negative things we do. Overeating, not marketing, saying something derogatory to your spouse; these are all withdrawals.
Accentuate the Positive; Eliminate the Negative
  • Dr. John Gottman did a 40-year study on couples. His focus was on why some couples make it, and some don't. He broke it down into a process of deposits and withdrawals. He discovered that those couples who stayed together and were happy in the relationship had more deposits of appreciation, love, and support than those that didn't. 
  • ​He came up with a formula that stated for every couple he studied; they had five positive interactions to one negative one. Those that were divorced or had a bad relationship had more negative withdrawals than positive deposits. To be in a happy place, you have more positives.
  • ​For example; In your business, one withdrawal would be you determining that you aren't going to the market today. It will take five action items to make up for that one withdrawal. If you shut down after a deal falls through, you will have to make at least five deposits to break even. It is so important not to lose the momentum that these items require.
  • ​As I look at my relationship and when we first got married, there were a lot of deposits, appreciation, compliments, and conversations. After a while, it started to subside, and it became more about the business, the negative way they make you feel, and what you are doing wrong. Acting like a victim, blaming someone else is a withdrawal. Blaming your clients, the other agents are all withdrawals. 
  • ​I can look back and realize why my marriage wasn't working; there were more withdrawals. It is far more critical to make daily deposits than to have one great vacation together or one beautiful dinner together. It is the culmination of the daily items.
  • ​We have all been in this place of knowing we aren't connected and think that a vacation will bring us together. The daily deposits are what brings the ultimate success in your marriage and your business. If it takes five deposits to make one withdrawal, how far in debt are you? That is how we lose momentum. 
  • ​I see this all the time in business; we make 3 or 4 deposits and get 3 or 4 deals in escrow, and then we only focus on the deposits made three months ago. We forget to continue to deposit on our current marketing, following up with clients daily; this is what we need to think about.
  • ​Because Carla and I are in a good place does not mean that it is permanent. All of the work I have done over the past few years can easily be dwindled away by making one withdrawal.
Are You Operating in the Red or the Black?
  • The formula of Deposits and Withdrawals is universal in every aspect of our life. How many deposits have you made this morning? How many withdrawals? Are you already in debt for the day? When you wake up yelling at your kids, disagreeing with your spouse, or woke up late and decided not to market for your business, you realize how deep in debt you already are. 
  • ​Think about all the withdrawals that have put you in the hole; if it takes five action items to make up for that, you won't even hit par. You need to take a hard look at your action items and determine how many withdrawals you are making. It is easy to see the cash in hand. You know you can't make an extravagant purchase with no more than five hundred dollars in the bank. 
  • ​We fail to see that in our relationships and our businesses. Are you in debt, or are you profitable? You are profitable in your relationship, your health, and your business; is that the case? Most times, we are not. We are riding on the coattails of what we did last week or last month. Now you are in the red, and you continue to do the things that drive you farther into debt. If you want a good relationship, be nice, and show some respect. If you want a great business than market your ass off and be proud of what you do. 
  • ​Where in your life do you lack right now? Your relationships? Are you growing resentful because the other person isn't making deposits? We all have those individuals, and we need to cut them off today or at least create distance. You will become resentful of people that continually ask for favors and make withdrawals. Maybe you are the leach in the relationship, and victimhood is one of the biggest withdrawals. 
  • ​Carla is in the gym every day, and last week I only worked out for four days. I got in four, and I beat myself up for that, but some make zero deposits towards their health. Day in and day out, eating what they want whenever they want. Some individuals realize by eating the right foods, they will fuel all the other aspects of their life, including their business. 
  • ​There are people out there that move fast and are uber-successful; they understand the game of making deposits relentlessly. I got up this morning, had my pre-workout drink, and headed to the gym. I was making my deposit in myself and will do the same for my family today. It starts with you first and foremost. You must understand that you cannot continue to make these withdrawals. 
  • ​Deposits are made up of attention and intention, love, and appreciation. If things are not going your way, there is a reason for it. Think about if you are in the red right now, or are you profitable. Think about what you have done over the last week, are you in the red or black? Look at your relationship, and you will know because it is evident. 
  • ​Show appreciation for what you have created this far, and the business aspect will become a byproduct of your happiness and fulfillment. There is no other way; when you feel good, you will do good things. Mindset Mastery is a deposit, continue to make those deposits. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019