with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 45:

Motivation Is Fuel

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 45:

Motivation Is Fuel

Trying to find inspiration and stay motivated can be especially difficult at the end of a long year. Depression and focusing only on yourself can cause you to become stagnant in your relationship, health, and business. When you develop the heart and attitude of a servant, focusing on leading others to what they want, you will begin to take action, and motivation and inspiration will follow.
Motivation and Inspiration
  • ​Staying motivated and inspired to do the right things can be a challenge. Looking at the patterns of our Top Producers, you can see where they lost their motivation and focus, feeling motivated one day and then the next not wanting to get out of bed. Is that what you have been facing? 
  • ​It is a tough process to continue to stay motivated and inspired to take action; it happens to each one of us. The difference between those that are successful and those that struggle is the amount of time that they stay there. It is up to us to find what continues to inspire and motivate us, then repeat that consistently. You will never get there if you continue to look at your process as self-driven; you are only looking out for you, and how you will get ahead. 
  • ​To last in this game, beyond the obstacles, challenges, personalities, and the highs and lows, it has to go beyond you and what you want. Looking back at my journals, I have never been in a better place than I am right now. I feel more connected to my daughters, and money isn't an issue any longer; I have made the right investments in both areas. I am continuing to grow the brokerage, and our Do The Work coaching program. 
  • ​I continue to have the motivation and inspiration and to repeat it, regardless of the obstacles I face. I remember when money wasn't an issue before, and I remember how unmotivated I was; it was difficult for me to get out of bed and constant fighting with Carla. I was only motivated by one thing, and that was to make more money to buy the material things I always wanted; it was short-term. I made a lot of money but struggled with it at the same time; how can that be?
  • ​I was only looking out for myself, and when starting a business, it's hard not to look out for only yourself. We are talking about long-term motivation and growth, and there are three things we have to do for ourselves to stay motivated. If you are in a place where you are struggling to find inspiration and motivation, think about those things that you may not be doing. 
  • ​As I think about our most valued items and relationships, I am proud of who my daughters are becoming; they are only 14 and 10. My 14-year-old is always so motivated when she takes a mission trip to an orphanage; she looks forward to those days. The first time she went, she was nervous about what she had read and the dangers that there are; she lost focus on the impact she was going to make. After the first trip, she was hooked. 
  • ​Getting off of the bus after that first trip, she was so emotional and had never experienced anything like it; she didn't realize the huge divide between those that have and those that don't. She was a bit confused and felt some guilt and shame within her own life because a part of her felt ungrateful for all that she had. 
  • ​The kids in the orphanage in Mexico had it so much worse than my daughter, but they were happy and smiling; they were appreciative of everything they do have. It changed her perspective and outlook on life; she realized this is what she wanted to do. She is now a group leader on these mission trips; she wanted it and envisioned it for herself, and her service to others keeps her motivated.
Take Action
  • If you are constantly challenged to stay motivated or inspired, I want you to consider this; Are you serving others enough? I am not talking about saving or sacrificing yourself for others, serve others, and lead them. When was the last time you inspired someone else? When was the last time you did something nice for someone else? When you are in a place of motivation, happiness, and inspiration, new ideas will come about of how to do better, not only for yourself but for others. 
  • ​It reinforces commitment, accountability, leadership, and drive. My daughter came home last week and told me that she wanted to do something more for the kids at the orphanage. It's Christmastime, and they need more. She wanted to do something great for them and try to bring some money to them, more than what they already do. She wanted to raise funds through contributions or to work. 
  • ​She came up with the idea to make a video, showcasing some of the kids and how happy they are despite how little they have. I told her it was a good idea, and through the video, she hoped people would donate to the cause. She set up a Go Fund Me account, and the next day with her iPhone, she went and interviewed the teacher who is the leader for the mission trip. She interviewed him, his assistant, some people who have gone on the trip before, and she edits and puts together a video of Kings Kingdom; it was amazing what she did in 24 hours. 
  • ​She thought about it and executed it and has raised over $2000 in contributions; her initial goal was $500. She was doing something great for others, and that motivated and inspired her. This inspiration bleeds into other aspects of her life. This is something that she never stops talking about; she messages the kids at the orphanage online because she knows she is doing something more significant for someone else. When you do great things for others, you want to deliver at a high level in everything that you do.
  • ​There is a vast difference between sacrificing and serving; you aren't going to save anyone; you are going to serve them. Look beyond yourself, and you will find your motivation and inspiration. This makes my daughter happy, and it inspires and motivates her to do other things in her life. Consider this for yourself. When I got passed showcasing what I had and started to serve others, my life completely changed. I talk about my experiences to help others get what they want. My life is at another level; it was never about me; it was beyond me. 
  • ​People ask me what my initials stand for, and it's my name Abdi Zarate, a biblical name that is hard to pronounce and that my grandmother helped my mother picked out. It's not traditional had never heard or seen it, and my grandmother showed me where it was in several places in the bible; two names that were put together. What I was supposed to do was written before I was born, even if I didn't understand the magnitude of it. 
  • ​Abdi Zarate means Servant of Light, and I think we are all put here to serve others. So we can be inspired to take care of ourselves and go after what we want so we can serve others. I have so much gratitude for my life and how I am here for a bigger purpose, and that is to lead. We are all here to lead by serving and being an example to others.
Create Longevity
  • To serve others, you need to make sure you are in the right place and be able to withstand the emotion that is involved in it. You will hear some tragic stories and challenges; you aren't meant to feel sorry for anyone. You are expected to stand there and listen. You need to build yourself, and the first part of that is taking care of your body and your mind to make sure you can handle the stress and the responsibility of being a leader. It builds capacity, and when you build capacity, you build great things, even a great business; you need to do three things to make it long-term.
  • 1. What did you put in your mind today? Did you listen to nonsense morning shows or get inspired by a great sermon? Did you listen to someone great who was able to overcome their challenges? We are navigating through life with only one body, yet we abuse it consistently; what did you do for it today? It's hard to do anything when you aren't feeling good. It's hard to do anything when you don't have positive thoughts in your mind. 
  • 2. Are you taking action? It can be challenging to be inspired or motivated unless you do it. Building a business, taking care of yourself, and having crucial conversations can be tough. Apologizing to your kids for how you handled yourself is tough. You need to take action, and you will be led down the right path. When you sit and ponder or stew about it, nothing happens. Don't wait to be inspired, or motivated; take action, and the motivation and inspiration always will follow. 
  • 3. Serve others. For this to be long-term, you have to serve others. How are you inspiring others? How are you helping others get what they want? Your time is the most valuable thing you can give. Maybe it's your Mom and Dad who need you; that is what I need to do. Spend more time with those that have impacted us. It feels to share your gratitude with those who haven't heard it from you in a while.

  • ​My daughter has far exceeded her goal for the orphanage, and it began with one thought. What are your thoughts? Don't let them go by the wayside; the impact they could have maybe huge — a bigger impact for your family, and the families that you are helping. Her team leader was blown away by what she did and the impact she is having. The video she made is very inspiring, and today is the day for you to inspire others.
  • ​If you are feeling down or unmotivated to do something for someone else and take action for yourself, we have a big responsibility as leaders, and you are a leader. Remind yourself daily that you are a great leader; what would a great leader do? This is not only about my journey; it is my job to inspire you on your journey. 
  • ​The holidays open us up to helping others, but this is an everyday thing. When you serve others, you stay inspired. You will continue to grow and expand in so many ways. Expanding your finances have a huge role in serving others. Faith is an excellent thing for me, and I would never impose that on others. I put my faith on the back burner for many years; prayers and appreciation were not a topic for me. Whatever you believe in is up to you, but knowing there is a higher power guiding me, makes me be that person consistently. 
  • ​My days of feeling down and depressed are few and far between. When I think that way, I have to remind myself of all the great things I do have. I struggled with it for many years; it was hard to get out of bed some days. I wasn't inspired because I was only serving myself. 
  • ​A quality of a leader is to be a servant; leadership has to be you helping others to get what they want. One day that will be synonymous; a leader will have the qualities of a servant. We all have that responsibility, and I hope you go into your week appreciative of what you have, regardless of the challenges in your life that you're facing.

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Trying to find inspiration and stay motivated can be especially difficult at the end of a long year. Depression and focusing only on yourself can cause you to become stagnant in your relationship, health, and business. When you develop the heart and attitude of a servant, focusing on leading others to what they want, you will begin to take action, and motivation and inspiration will follow.
Motivation and Inspiration
  • ​Staying motivated and inspired to do the right things can be a challenge. Looking at the patterns of our Top Producers, you can see where they lost their motivation and focus, feeling motivated one day and then the next not wanting to get out of bed. Is that what you have been facing? 
  • ​It is a tough process to continue to stay motivated and inspired to take action; it happens to each one of us. The difference between those that are successful and those that struggle is the amount of time that they stay there. It is up to us to find what continues to inspire and motivate us, then repeat that consistently. You will never get there if you continue to look at your process as self-driven; you are only looking out for you, and how you will get ahead. 
  • ​To last in this game, beyond the obstacles, challenges, personalities, and the highs and lows, it has to go beyond you and what you want. Looking back at my journals, I have never been in a better place than I am right now. I feel more connected to my daughters, and money isn't an issue any longer; I have made the right investments in both areas. I am continuing to grow the brokerage, and our Do The Work coaching program. 
  • ​I continue to have the motivation and inspiration and to repeat it, regardless of the obstacles I face. I remember when money wasn't an issue before, and I remember how unmotivated I was; it was difficult for me to get out of bed and constant fighting with Carla. I was only motivated by one thing, and that was to make more money to buy the material things I always wanted; it was short-term. I made a lot of money but struggled with it at the same time; how can that be?
  • ​I was only looking out for myself, and when starting a business, it's hard not to look out for only yourself. We are talking about long-term motivation and growth, and there are three things we have to do for ourselves to stay motivated. If you are in a place where you are struggling to find inspiration and motivation, think about those things that you may not be doing. 
  • ​As I think about our most valued items and relationships, I am proud of who my daughters are becoming; they are only 14 and 10. My 14-year-old is always so motivated when she takes a mission trip to an orphanage; she looks forward to those days. The first time she went, she was nervous about what she had read and the dangers that there are; she lost focus on the impact she was going to make. After the first trip, she was hooked. 
  • ​Getting off of the bus after that first trip, she was so emotional and had never experienced anything like it; she didn't realize the huge divide between those that have and those that don't. She was a bit confused and felt some guilt and shame within her own life because a part of her felt ungrateful for all that she had. 
  • ​The kids in the orphanage in Mexico had it so much worse than my daughter, but they were happy and smiling; they were appreciative of everything they do have. It changed her perspective and outlook on life; she realized this is what she wanted to do. She is now a group leader on these mission trips; she wanted it and envisioned it for herself, and her service to others keeps her motivated.
Take Action
  • If you are constantly challenged to stay motivated or inspired, I want you to consider this; Are you serving others enough? I am not talking about saving or sacrificing yourself for others, serve others, and lead them. When was the last time you inspired someone else? When was the last time you did something nice for someone else? When you are in a place of motivation, happiness, and inspiration, new ideas will come about of how to do better, not only for yourself but for others. 
  • ​It reinforces commitment, accountability, leadership, and drive. My daughter came home last week and told me that she wanted to do something more for the kids at the orphanage. It's Christmastime, and they need more. She wanted to do something great for them and try to bring some money to them, more than what they already do. She wanted to raise funds through contributions or to work. 
  • ​She came up with the idea to make a video, showcasing some of the kids and how happy they are despite how little they have. I told her it was a good idea, and through the video, she hoped people would donate to the cause. She set up a Go Fund Me account, and the next day with her iPhone, she went and interviewed the teacher who is the leader for the mission trip. She interviewed him, his assistant, some people who have gone on the trip before, and she edits and puts together a video of Kings Kingdom; it was amazing what she did in 24 hours. 
  • ​She thought about it and executed it and has raised over $2000 in contributions; her initial goal was $500. She was doing something great for others, and that motivated and inspired her. This inspiration bleeds into other aspects of her life. This is something that she never stops talking about; she messages the kids at the orphanage online because she knows she is doing something more significant for someone else. When you do great things for others, you want to deliver at a high level in everything that you do.
  • ​There is a vast difference between sacrificing and serving; you aren't going to save anyone; you are going to serve them. Look beyond yourself, and you will find your motivation and inspiration. This makes my daughter happy, and it inspires and motivates her to do other things in her life. Consider this for yourself. When I got passed showcasing what I had and started to serve others, my life completely changed. I talk about my experiences to help others get what they want. My life is at another level; it was never about me; it was beyond me. 
  • ​People ask me what my initials stand for, and it's my name Abdi Zarate, a biblical name that is hard to pronounce and that my grandmother helped my mother picked out. It's not traditional had never heard or seen it, and my grandmother showed me where it was in several places in the bible; two names that were put together. What I was supposed to do was written before I was born, even if I didn't understand the magnitude of it. 
  • ​Abdi Zarate means Servant of Light, and I think we are all put here to serve others. So we can be inspired to take care of ourselves and go after what we want so we can serve others. I have so much gratitude for my life and how I am here for a bigger purpose, and that is to lead. We are all here to lead by serving and being an example to others.
Create Longevity
  • To serve others, you need to make sure you are in the right place and be able to withstand the emotion that is involved in it. You will hear some tragic stories and challenges; you aren't meant to feel sorry for anyone. You are expected to stand there and listen. You need to build yourself, and the first part of that is taking care of your body and your mind to make sure you can handle the stress and the responsibility of being a leader. It builds capacity, and when you build capacity, you build great things, even a great business; you need to do three things to make it long-term.
  • 1. What did you put in your mind today? Did you listen to nonsense morning shows or get inspired by a great sermon? Did you listen to someone great who was able to overcome their challenges? We are navigating through life with only one body, yet we abuse it consistently; what did you do for it today? It's hard to do anything when you aren't feeling good. It's hard to do anything when you don't have positive thoughts in your mind. 
  • 2. Are you taking action? It can be challenging to be inspired or motivated unless you do it. Building a business, taking care of yourself, and having crucial conversations can be tough. Apologizing to your kids for how you handled yourself is tough. You need to take action, and you will be led down the right path. When you sit and ponder or stew about it, nothing happens. Don't wait to be inspired, or motivated; take action, and the motivation and inspiration always will follow. 
  • 3. Serve others. For this to be long-term, you have to serve others. How are you inspiring others? How are you helping others get what they want? Your time is the most valuable thing you can give. Maybe it's your Mom and Dad who need you; that is what I need to do. Spend more time with those that have impacted us. It feels to share your gratitude with those who haven't heard it from you in a while.

  • ​My daughter has far exceeded her goal for the orphanage, and it began with one thought. What are your thoughts? Don't let them go by the wayside; the impact they could have maybe huge — a bigger impact for your family, and the families that you are helping. Her team leader was blown away by what she did and the impact she is having. The video she made is very inspiring, and today is the day for you to inspire others.
  • ​If you are feeling down or unmotivated to do something for someone else and take action for yourself, we have a big responsibility as leaders, and you are a leader. Remind yourself daily that you are a great leader; what would a great leader do? This is not only about my journey; it is my job to inspire you on your journey. 
  • ​The holidays open us up to helping others, but this is an everyday thing. When you serve others, you stay inspired. You will continue to grow and expand in so many ways. Expanding your finances have a huge role in serving others. Faith is an excellent thing for me, and I would never impose that on others. I put my faith on the back burner for many years; prayers and appreciation were not a topic for me. Whatever you believe in is up to you, but knowing there is a higher power guiding me, makes me be that person consistently. 
  • ​My days of feeling down and depressed are few and far between. When I think that way, I have to remind myself of all the great things I do have. I struggled with it for many years; it was hard to get out of bed some days. I wasn't inspired because I was only serving myself. 
  • ​A quality of a leader is to be a servant; leadership has to be you helping others to get what they want. One day that will be synonymous; a leader will have the qualities of a servant. We all have that responsibility, and I hope you go into your week appreciative of what you have, regardless of the challenges in your life that you're facing.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019