with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 47:

New Decade, New Standard

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 47:

New Decade, New Standard

The new decade and a new year is upon us; will that bring a new standard for you in all areas of your life? Will you choose to bring in the habits and excuses from the past or move forward on the success of your future? Having a plan and executing it will bring you the results that you have been wanting; the only thing holding you back is your story; it's time to revise your future.
Where is Your Focus?
  • ​We are not only entering a new year but a new decade. What I love about this is that regardless of what we have created over the past ten years, a year or six months, we can mentally prepare ourselves to create a new standard for the new year. Over the past two weeks, I have had a few interesting conversations with agents that have committed to coming on board at A.z. & Associates. 
  • ​These are agents that have been producing for a while; they have a business that is growing. They understand, though, that it is not sustainable at the level they are functioning. There is a big emphasis on the chase and getting the business. This can get exhausting and overwhelming, putting you in a position of always catering to your clientele. 
  • ​Based on our conversations, they knew there was a key component missing, realizing the value they have as individuals. You must put the spotlight on yourself, and showcase your experiences, showcase your journey, your attributes, and trust. People will be attracted to those qualities that you showcase. When you do good things for yourself, odds are you will do good things for others. 
  • ​There is no question that I will deliver from my end because I understand what I do to be in this place. There is no reason for me to not deliver at the rate that I am. I can look you in the eye and tell you I am in full integrity, why? I put in the reps; I do the work. Not only do I focus on my business, but I put the same focus on my family and my body. There is no way that I can excel in all areas of my life and fall short when I deliver for you. They understand and see that because they can feel my energy. 
  • ​That is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage, knowing you deliver for yourself every single morning. Knowing you take care of your body and mind; making sure you put the deposits in daily. You know you are putting the necessary deposits in at home and your marketing, sales, and systems for your business. 
  • ​When your client asks what makes you different? You deliver in all aspects of your life; when you deliver at that high of a level, imagine what you can do for them. If you are stressed out, in a position of desperation, they won't believe you. This process takes many years to develop, but why not start now? Why not be in a position where 2020 will be the new standard of how you operate, how people see you, and how you deliver?
Stay Motivated
  • One of the tools we have created over the years is the book about the 12-week targets. This is a book that most of you have received, and I have noticed is that those who have it in their office haven't opened it or started it then returned to your old habits. I am not disappointed because I was guilty of that for many years. I was motivated to make significant changes, sticking with the game plan for two weeks, then returned to my old ways. 
  • ​It is human nature, but the only way I could get through it was to realize it wasn't an option not too. It had to get done, and there were certain deposits I needed to make daily. The biggest realization I had was I didn't only work until I saw the result, I work through the result. This will give me bigger and better results in the future. 
  • ​That is a pattern a lot of us have; we work until things get good and get the results we are looking for. Maybe it's a few deals in escrow, or not fighting with your spouse. Maybe it's until you lose the weight if we don't see ourselves through that. 
  • ​I am in the process right now of recreating the book; there are certain things I need to make changes too. First, the book is hard to write into; we are repurposing the information in the book into a planner. I have a deadline, and that leads me into the conversation I want to have today; how to get things done daily, prepare yourself, and show up consistently to set the new standard through doing what you know is required. 
  • ​I am so excited about this new decade; what I have built up to this point is but a fraction of what I will do in the next ten years. I am laying the groundwork and have been for the past six weeks, the last five years. My life looks completely different, radically different from five years ago. The way I am approaching the new decade is by how I am preparing today, where my mind is today, and the presence that I have today. 
  • ​If you have big goals and ambitions, that is great; are you doing the things today that will get you there in the future? It's amazing what you can create over time, but the monotony of the work is what keeps us away every year. The monotony, boredom, and repetition are what produces massive results. 
  • ​These agents that have been only focused on making money are missing the foundational items — sacrificing family and health on the attempts to create stability in their finances for their families. It sounds like the right thing to do, but it is not sustainable. 
Be Prepared
  • We had our 12-week targets business planning meeting last week. I saw eyes light up at the possibilities and having a game plan based on the results that you have already created. There is no way you won't hit the targets if you stay committed to the small deposits daily. 
  • ​This is the groundwork and the foundation that will continue to focus on; the systems will come through that foundation, and the success and profits will follow. It begins with how you are preparing today. 
  • ​Yesterday I sent out an internal communication to the agents of A.Z. & Associates, and it was a picture of me preparing for my day. I had a pair of shoes, black shorts, a black shirt that says Do the Work, some red, white and blue socks and my hat. I stated with the picture that this is how I prepare for my day; I do it the night before because I don't want to think about it. I want a simple game plan with few obstacles and a few decisions about what I am going to wear. 
  • ​By preparing the night before, I know exactly what to do; I see it, I put it on, and then I do it. The odds of me succeeding are much higher because it's been laid out. I have no excuses, and I can't claim that I don't have the time. We need to understand that preparing for the day is vital. Don't wait until the morning to plan what you will do with your day; this should already be figured out. 
  • ​I got up this morning I and I did what I was supposed too; when it is laid out in front of you, get it done. If you can do this for your body and business, by writing out three main focus items you will do today, you will have a game plan. The 12-week target book will be translated into a workbook by the end of the week because I have set a deadline. 
  • ​I have had the thought in my head for weeks, but with no deadline, there is no urgency. I am meeting with my team today, and we are going to detail how we will pull this off; it's amazing what you can create when you focus on small things. I have a good base; I am going to apply the things that work and remove the things that didn't work so well. 
  • ​Maybe things are slow, and buyers are not looking to buy because of the holidays; maybe sellers aren't so motivated to put their property on the market. What else are you going to do? Don't be at the mercy of your clients. This is when you look at your business and ask what is missing. What system do I need to apply? 
  • ​Maybe you've been wanting to get your CRM up and running, and you have been paying into it, and nothing has occurred; why not make that a priority? What will you accomplish this week? Set a date, and set the number of people you will put into that system. Guess what? You now have a system and a process for your business. 
  • ​We have to create items to do for our business and not wait for our clients. We need to systematize and automate; this is the time. 
Commitment and Reflection
  • In addition to the two Sales Meetings we had last week, I started the second autoresponder group: the process is intense. Agents are required to learn skill sets that they have wanted to for years; now, they are forced to learn and create it within a two-week time frame. 
  • ​Some agents are getting a bit upset with it, but one of the requirements was that they weren't going to cry about it. My rebuttal is that they committed to it; I didn't force them, they signed up. Their team is relying on them, and they are relying on themselves to get it done. I can do this because I didn't force them, and I do it myself.
  • ​I am proud of the group because they have committed to their systems and processes when most agents are cruising through the next two weeks, with hopes that 2020 will be great for them, a new standard when they haven't done shit to put themselves in that position. You have, and you know what to do next. Now you have two weeks to execute it; what will you do with it?
  • ​I know these foundational items will pay off in huge dividends, year after year, decade upon decade. 2020 and your life moving forward will be completely unrecognizable because you have committed to doing what you have said. If you break it down and not let it overwhelm you, it's doing the same thing over and over again that has got me in the shape that I am in. It's what got my business on point; you are going to say that. It's the simple things that got my marriage rekindled; you are going to say that. The simple things, the daily deposits that I am this confident person; you will say that. 
  • ​Preparing for the day is a habit that we all need to stick too. The reflection aspect is another thing I love about the book. What got you fired up today? A simple question, but it is something we don't reflect on always. We don't know how we win for the day or when we don't, we go through the process. Making deposits daily is essential, but so is realizing what got you fired up. There are always good things, regardless of what happened during your day. 
  • ​What got you messed up today? What triggered you and threw you off of your game? How will you mitigate that the next time it happens? It is about being aware of your behavior, dysfunctional behavior; the next time it happens, how will you respond to it? The next time your wife says something that throws you off your game, what will you do? The next time your family says something that causes you to question yourself, what will you do next time, so it doesn't? 
  • ​Reflecting on our behavior is the key to dominating the new year; it's a new standard. A new decade, a new year, a new standard; I hope you are as excited as I am about it. I know exactly what I am going to do. If you have been through or are going through the autoresponder training, it will give you more confidence to build systems for your business; ultimately giving you more time for yourself and your family. 
  • ​It will take away your excuses for having a family to care for if you take the priority of taking care of yourself first. It's the small things and not hitting everything at once. The things that are not meaningless, and you are capable of achieving. I use to say I was a family man, but my actions didn't back that up. I was attached to the circumstance; I was married, and I had kids, so I was a family man. I now understand that being a family man comes with great responsibility; being a top producer comes with great responsibility.
Are You Your Circumstance?
  • I would use the same technicality when saying I was a businessman; I own a business, so I am a businessman. Yet I lacked the systems, the processes, the marketing, consistency, predictability, and profitability. It was the circumstance, not execution, so we omit the lies, and that is what we will do this coming year. 
  • ​It is a new standard, a new decade, we aren't going to label ourselves because of our circumstances. You're married, you have a license, but are you showing up powerfully as the man or woman you should be? We are going to omit all of the stories, and you are going to deliver based on your results. 
  • ​I am a family man because I make deposits daily. I am a businessman, 100%, because I make deposits daily. I am a healthy, powerful man; that is how we have to feel. It becomes a fact when you deliver consistently; that's the game.
  • ​When you say you are a certain thing, you are because your results showcase it. You are a business person because your marketing is consistent, your sales are on point, and you have applied all the needed systems, continuing to lead your clients and yourself to significant results. 
  • ​I can't wait to roll out the revised version of the 12-week target book. It will be easy, to the point, and something you have full control of. If you happen to get your hands on this, I want you to look through it and ask yourself if it can work for you. If you answer, yes, I don't want to hear any more excuses that it can't. Just commit to doing it. 
  • ​You may not think you are not tech-savvy enough to do the training modules; you don't understand the process or good at editing; do it and become that person. Drop the excuses that you are not that person, and the reps will make you that person. If you look through the book and say it won't work for you, that is fine; at least you aren't committing to something you know you won't complete. The story of wanting great things has to be backed up by the actions you take. 
  • ​It's a new decade, new year, new you and just another day; if you need that to get you motivated, let's buy into it. I am going to buy into it; a new standard, a higher standard, a new year, and a new me. Let's do it together. 
  • ​Our sales meetings last week were unbelievable, and we were able to hone down to a game plan that is produced by the results you created. You've done it, you've demonstrated it, so what will happen if you are more consistent with it. I hope you can all set the new standard because it feels amazing. What are you planning for the new year, and how will it be different? 
  • ​We also rolled out a new way for you to be committed to your health and fitness; the Do the Work app; www.dothework.com/app. I encourage you to apply; it's an investment, but it is an investment into your commitment. When I put my money where my mouth is, I am more likely to do it. I don't want to throw my money away by investing and then not doing what is required. It's an excellent investment, but the value you will get out of it, health, energy, vitality, accountability is much higher than the investment if you want to make a change than put your money where your mouth is. 
  • ​The app conditions you to be consistent; if you can do this for your health and body, imagine what you can do for your business. If you are required to start the day productively, it's hard to mess that up for the rest of the day. If you are looking to make massive changes, invest in yourself. I experienced the greatest growth and change in my life because I invested tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, into myself and business.
Do Something Different
  • 2020 is a new standard, so let's do something different. If you can't stay consistent with the gym, do something different. If you have tried to build your business but don't have a way to document it, start something new. 
  • ​When you know what exactly to do, it's amazing; just as I laid out my clothes, I knew what to do. Imagine if you had a work out plan as well? What to do and how to do it; When to rest and when to begin the next exercise. The app also records everything for you, just as the book will. Use the tools that will help you stay accountable. This is called a foundational item; this is why many agents come here. 
  • ​It's not only about making money or building a business, but it's also making sure that all aspects of your life follow suit. How you do one thing is how you do all things. I am in a place of excellence, and I am going to deliver at a high level; through reps and investment. 
  • ​Doing the work, making the selfie videos, not asking for permission, and pulling the trigger. Go forward based on your experiences; what does your past tell you about your future? We are making changes to the book, but don't wait for that; what deposits will you make? What investments will you make? Do that now!
  • ​Listen to the podcast I did on Deposits and Withdrawals. It takes five positive action items for every one withdrawal. If you decided not to market today, five action items are eroded. If you marketed five days straight and then didn't market the sixth day, all the other days have been eliminated and no longer relevant. 
  • ​Imagine if you consistently work and then sabotage yourself; the game is about consistency and working through the results and frustrations. Once you realize that you are greater than the stories that you are lead to believe, we aren't led to believe by someone else; we are the creators of the stories of why we don't have the desired results. If you are struggling right now, you are not alone. Maybe business is good, but the marriage isn't where it should be; you're not the only one going through it. Perhaps marriage and business are good, but you gained 20 pounds, you are not the only one going through it. I will be bringing individuals into our meetings that have been able to make the deposits daily to change the trajectory in all aspects of their life completely. 
  • ​The wave you created that you can see in the distance is massive, and it is coming. All of you know you left something on the table this year; what would happen if eliminated the patterns that take you to ground zero. Maybe you get to 10 or 15% of your normal production; that is still growth, and you aren't at zero. Things can happen to take you off of your game, deals will fall through; but what will you do next? 
  • ​We know what to do and be on the lookout for the revised 12-week target book. If you haven't signed up for Carla’s Do the Work workout app, I encourage you to invest in yourself, a new decade, a new standard.

More Episodes

The new decade and a new year is upon us; will that bring a new standard for you in all areas of your life? Will you choose to bring in the habits and excuses from the past or move forward on the success of your future? Having a plan and executing it will bring you the results that you have been wanting; the only thing holding you back is your story; it's time to revise your future.
Where is Your Focus?
  • ​We are not only entering a new year but a new decade. What I love about this is that regardless of what we have created over the past ten years, a year or six months, we can mentally prepare ourselves to create a new standard for the new year. Over the past two weeks, I have had a few interesting conversations with agents that have committed to coming on board at A.z. & Associates. 
  • ​These are agents that have been producing for a while; they have a business that is growing. They understand, though, that it is not sustainable at the level they are functioning. There is a big emphasis on the chase and getting the business. This can get exhausting and overwhelming, putting you in a position of always catering to your clientele. 
  • ​Based on our conversations, they knew there was a key component missing, realizing the value they have as individuals. You must put the spotlight on yourself, and showcase your experiences, showcase your journey, your attributes, and trust. People will be attracted to those qualities that you showcase. When you do good things for yourself, odds are you will do good things for others. 
  • ​There is no question that I will deliver from my end because I understand what I do to be in this place. There is no reason for me to not deliver at the rate that I am. I can look you in the eye and tell you I am in full integrity, why? I put in the reps; I do the work. Not only do I focus on my business, but I put the same focus on my family and my body. There is no way that I can excel in all areas of my life and fall short when I deliver for you. They understand and see that because they can feel my energy. 
  • ​That is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage, knowing you deliver for yourself every single morning. Knowing you take care of your body and mind; making sure you put the deposits in daily. You know you are putting the necessary deposits in at home and your marketing, sales, and systems for your business. 
  • ​When your client asks what makes you different? You deliver in all aspects of your life; when you deliver at that high of a level, imagine what you can do for them. If you are stressed out, in a position of desperation, they won't believe you. This process takes many years to develop, but why not start now? Why not be in a position where 2020 will be the new standard of how you operate, how people see you, and how you deliver?
Stay Motivated
  • One of the tools we have created over the years is the book about the 12-week targets. This is a book that most of you have received, and I have noticed is that those who have it in their office haven't opened it or started it then returned to your old habits. I am not disappointed because I was guilty of that for many years. I was motivated to make significant changes, sticking with the game plan for two weeks, then returned to my old ways. 
  • ​It is human nature, but the only way I could get through it was to realize it wasn't an option not too. It had to get done, and there were certain deposits I needed to make daily. The biggest realization I had was I didn't only work until I saw the result, I work through the result. This will give me bigger and better results in the future. 
  • ​That is a pattern a lot of us have; we work until things get good and get the results we are looking for. Maybe it's a few deals in escrow, or not fighting with your spouse. Maybe it's until you lose the weight if we don't see ourselves through that. 
  • ​I am in the process right now of recreating the book; there are certain things I need to make changes too. First, the book is hard to write into; we are repurposing the information in the book into a planner. I have a deadline, and that leads me into the conversation I want to have today; how to get things done daily, prepare yourself, and show up consistently to set the new standard through doing what you know is required. 
  • ​I am so excited about this new decade; what I have built up to this point is but a fraction of what I will do in the next ten years. I am laying the groundwork and have been for the past six weeks, the last five years. My life looks completely different, radically different from five years ago. The way I am approaching the new decade is by how I am preparing today, where my mind is today, and the presence that I have today. 
  • ​If you have big goals and ambitions, that is great; are you doing the things today that will get you there in the future? It's amazing what you can create over time, but the monotony of the work is what keeps us away every year. The monotony, boredom, and repetition are what produces massive results. 
  • ​These agents that have been only focused on making money are missing the foundational items — sacrificing family and health on the attempts to create stability in their finances for their families. It sounds like the right thing to do, but it is not sustainable. 
Be Prepared
  • We had our 12-week targets business planning meeting last week. I saw eyes light up at the possibilities and having a game plan based on the results that you have already created. There is no way you won't hit the targets if you stay committed to the small deposits daily. 
  • ​This is the groundwork and the foundation that will continue to focus on; the systems will come through that foundation, and the success and profits will follow. It begins with how you are preparing today. 
  • ​Yesterday I sent out an internal communication to the agents of A.Z. & Associates, and it was a picture of me preparing for my day. I had a pair of shoes, black shorts, a black shirt that says Do the Work, some red, white and blue socks and my hat. I stated with the picture that this is how I prepare for my day; I do it the night before because I don't want to think about it. I want a simple game plan with few obstacles and a few decisions about what I am going to wear. 
  • ​By preparing the night before, I know exactly what to do; I see it, I put it on, and then I do it. The odds of me succeeding are much higher because it's been laid out. I have no excuses, and I can't claim that I don't have the time. We need to understand that preparing for the day is vital. Don't wait until the morning to plan what you will do with your day; this should already be figured out. 
  • ​I got up this morning I and I did what I was supposed too; when it is laid out in front of you, get it done. If you can do this for your body and business, by writing out three main focus items you will do today, you will have a game plan. The 12-week target book will be translated into a workbook by the end of the week because I have set a deadline. 
  • ​I have had the thought in my head for weeks, but with no deadline, there is no urgency. I am meeting with my team today, and we are going to detail how we will pull this off; it's amazing what you can create when you focus on small things. I have a good base; I am going to apply the things that work and remove the things that didn't work so well. 
  • ​Maybe things are slow, and buyers are not looking to buy because of the holidays; maybe sellers aren't so motivated to put their property on the market. What else are you going to do? Don't be at the mercy of your clients. This is when you look at your business and ask what is missing. What system do I need to apply? 
  • ​Maybe you've been wanting to get your CRM up and running, and you have been paying into it, and nothing has occurred; why not make that a priority? What will you accomplish this week? Set a date, and set the number of people you will put into that system. Guess what? You now have a system and a process for your business. 
  • ​We have to create items to do for our business and not wait for our clients. We need to systematize and automate; this is the time. 
Commitment and Reflection
  • In addition to the two Sales Meetings we had last week, I started the second autoresponder group: the process is intense. Agents are required to learn skill sets that they have wanted to for years; now, they are forced to learn and create it within a two-week time frame. 
  • ​Some agents are getting a bit upset with it, but one of the requirements was that they weren't going to cry about it. My rebuttal is that they committed to it; I didn't force them, they signed up. Their team is relying on them, and they are relying on themselves to get it done. I can do this because I didn't force them, and I do it myself.
  • ​I am proud of the group because they have committed to their systems and processes when most agents are cruising through the next two weeks, with hopes that 2020 will be great for them, a new standard when they haven't done shit to put themselves in that position. You have, and you know what to do next. Now you have two weeks to execute it; what will you do with it?
  • ​I know these foundational items will pay off in huge dividends, year after year, decade upon decade. 2020 and your life moving forward will be completely unrecognizable because you have committed to doing what you have said. If you break it down and not let it overwhelm you, it's doing the same thing over and over again that has got me in the shape that I am in. It's what got my business on point; you are going to say that. It's the simple things that got my marriage rekindled; you are going to say that. The simple things, the daily deposits that I am this confident person; you will say that. 
  • ​Preparing for the day is a habit that we all need to stick too. The reflection aspect is another thing I love about the book. What got you fired up today? A simple question, but it is something we don't reflect on always. We don't know how we win for the day or when we don't, we go through the process. Making deposits daily is essential, but so is realizing what got you fired up. There are always good things, regardless of what happened during your day. 
  • ​What got you messed up today? What triggered you and threw you off of your game? How will you mitigate that the next time it happens? It is about being aware of your behavior, dysfunctional behavior; the next time it happens, how will you respond to it? The next time your wife says something that throws you off your game, what will you do? The next time your family says something that causes you to question yourself, what will you do next time, so it doesn't? 
  • ​Reflecting on our behavior is the key to dominating the new year; it's a new standard. A new decade, a new year, a new standard; I hope you are as excited as I am about it. I know exactly what I am going to do. If you have been through or are going through the autoresponder training, it will give you more confidence to build systems for your business; ultimately giving you more time for yourself and your family. 
  • ​It will take away your excuses for having a family to care for if you take the priority of taking care of yourself first. It's the small things and not hitting everything at once. The things that are not meaningless, and you are capable of achieving. I use to say I was a family man, but my actions didn't back that up. I was attached to the circumstance; I was married, and I had kids, so I was a family man. I now understand that being a family man comes with great responsibility; being a top producer comes with great responsibility.
Are You Your Circumstance?
  • I would use the same technicality when saying I was a businessman; I own a business, so I am a businessman. Yet I lacked the systems, the processes, the marketing, consistency, predictability, and profitability. It was the circumstance, not execution, so we omit the lies, and that is what we will do this coming year. 
  • ​It is a new standard, a new decade, we aren't going to label ourselves because of our circumstances. You're married, you have a license, but are you showing up powerfully as the man or woman you should be? We are going to omit all of the stories, and you are going to deliver based on your results. 
  • ​I am a family man because I make deposits daily. I am a businessman, 100%, because I make deposits daily. I am a healthy, powerful man; that is how we have to feel. It becomes a fact when you deliver consistently; that's the game.
  • ​When you say you are a certain thing, you are because your results showcase it. You are a business person because your marketing is consistent, your sales are on point, and you have applied all the needed systems, continuing to lead your clients and yourself to significant results. 
  • ​I can't wait to roll out the revised version of the 12-week target book. It will be easy, to the point, and something you have full control of. If you happen to get your hands on this, I want you to look through it and ask yourself if it can work for you. If you answer, yes, I don't want to hear any more excuses that it can't. Just commit to doing it. 
  • ​You may not think you are not tech-savvy enough to do the training modules; you don't understand the process or good at editing; do it and become that person. Drop the excuses that you are not that person, and the reps will make you that person. If you look through the book and say it won't work for you, that is fine; at least you aren't committing to something you know you won't complete. The story of wanting great things has to be backed up by the actions you take. 
  • ​It's a new decade, new year, new you and just another day; if you need that to get you motivated, let's buy into it. I am going to buy into it; a new standard, a higher standard, a new year, and a new me. Let's do it together. 
  • ​Our sales meetings last week were unbelievable, and we were able to hone down to a game plan that is produced by the results you created. You've done it, you've demonstrated it, so what will happen if you are more consistent with it. I hope you can all set the new standard because it feels amazing. What are you planning for the new year, and how will it be different? 
  • ​We also rolled out a new way for you to be committed to your health and fitness; the Do the Work app; www.dothework.com/app. I encourage you to apply; it's an investment, but it is an investment into your commitment. When I put my money where my mouth is, I am more likely to do it. I don't want to throw my money away by investing and then not doing what is required. It's an excellent investment, but the value you will get out of it, health, energy, vitality, accountability is much higher than the investment if you want to make a change than put your money where your mouth is. 
  • ​The app conditions you to be consistent; if you can do this for your health and body, imagine what you can do for your business. If you are required to start the day productively, it's hard to mess that up for the rest of the day. If you are looking to make massive changes, invest in yourself. I experienced the greatest growth and change in my life because I invested tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, into myself and business.
Do Something Different
  • 2020 is a new standard, so let's do something different. If you can't stay consistent with the gym, do something different. If you have tried to build your business but don't have a way to document it, start something new. 
  • ​When you know what exactly to do, it's amazing; just as I laid out my clothes, I knew what to do. Imagine if you had a work out plan as well? What to do and how to do it; When to rest and when to begin the next exercise. The app also records everything for you, just as the book will. Use the tools that will help you stay accountable. This is called a foundational item; this is why many agents come here. 
  • ​It's not only about making money or building a business, but it's also making sure that all aspects of your life follow suit. How you do one thing is how you do all things. I am in a place of excellence, and I am going to deliver at a high level; through reps and investment. 
  • ​Doing the work, making the selfie videos, not asking for permission, and pulling the trigger. Go forward based on your experiences; what does your past tell you about your future? We are making changes to the book, but don't wait for that; what deposits will you make? What investments will you make? Do that now!
  • ​Listen to the podcast I did on Deposits and Withdrawals. It takes five positive action items for every one withdrawal. If you decided not to market today, five action items are eroded. If you marketed five days straight and then didn't market the sixth day, all the other days have been eliminated and no longer relevant. 
  • ​Imagine if you consistently work and then sabotage yourself; the game is about consistency and working through the results and frustrations. Once you realize that you are greater than the stories that you are lead to believe, we aren't led to believe by someone else; we are the creators of the stories of why we don't have the desired results. If you are struggling right now, you are not alone. Maybe business is good, but the marriage isn't where it should be; you're not the only one going through it. Perhaps marriage and business are good, but you gained 20 pounds, you are not the only one going through it. I will be bringing individuals into our meetings that have been able to make the deposits daily to change the trajectory in all aspects of their life completely. 
  • ​The wave you created that you can see in the distance is massive, and it is coming. All of you know you left something on the table this year; what would happen if eliminated the patterns that take you to ground zero. Maybe you get to 10 or 15% of your normal production; that is still growth, and you aren't at zero. Things can happen to take you off of your game, deals will fall through; but what will you do next? 
  • ​We know what to do and be on the lookout for the revised 12-week target book. If you haven't signed up for Carla’s Do the Work workout app, I encourage you to invest in yourself, a new decade, a new standard.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019