with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 48:

Bad Habits

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 48:

Bad Habits

Are you so focused on what your issues are that you are missing the obvious solution? At times we can't see the forest through the trees, and the simple answers are overlooked; we make the issue bigger than what it is. I have seen this in agents over and over again and within my own business and relationships. You need only align your actions with your desires that will get you there. When you shift your focus, the gorilla in front of you will be obvious.
The Gorilla in the Room
  • ​I have a bit of an experiment going on today, and I think that at times we can be so committed to achieving certain things in our life, business, and marriage, we miss the obvious. We conclude that things are out of our control. Our business will always be this way; our marriage will always have these problems. I am always going to be out of shape; we always conclude certain things. 
  • ​About five or six years ago, I saw this experiment, and I couldn't believe that I missed it. I am going to play this video for you, and if you have seen it before, don't give it away. When it is over, please tell me what your results were. 
  • ​Have you done that experiment before? Did you catch the gorilla? Sometimes we make the obvious so difficult to point out that we think it's something outside of that, and it is as simple as what is in front of us.
  • ​In this experiment, did you catch the gorilla? We were so focused on counting the number of times the ball was being passed that we completely missed the apparent gorilla in the room. They say that 50% of individuals miss it because they are so focused on counting the ball being passed from one player in a white shirt to the next. We miss that a gorilla comes out and walks across the stage. 
  • ​We have to understand that sometimes our solutions are right in front of us. I have two Labradoodles, and they are best friends. I have them crate trained, and when we get home, we let them out of their crate, and they go outside, do their business and run around. Part of our routine in the morning is to let them out as soon as we wake up, and they do their thing. I have noticed that Chaco, would come in with his beard soaking wet. I didn't think anything of it until I started to notice it more and more. 
  • ​I caught him one time drinking out of the pool; I'm no vet, but I am assuming that the pool water is not as healthy for them as drinking fresh water. I didn't know how to break this habit. I bought a couple of shock collars that are used to train your pets; there is a beep, vibrate, and a buzz setting on each
  • ​I thought whenever I would see the dogs drink from the pool, and I would buzz them with the collars on. Hiding by the window so they can't see me, I became a ninja spying on my dogs so I could catch them in the act. After a few weeks of becoming frustrated, trying to train them not to drink from the pool, I missed the obvious; they were thirsted and needed a bowl of water outside for them. That was obvious, but I was looking for a solution more significant than the problem. 
  • ​They didn't need to be retrained, what they needed was water, and they were telling me that. It is that way in our business at times; it is telling us what we need, but we think it's something greater than it is. All I had to do was put out a bowl of water, and they stopped drinking from the pool; the gorilla came out. Focused on counting how many times the ball was passed, and a gorilla is passing before your eyes. 
  • ​I spent time, and energy, getting upset at my dogs and all I needed was to address the obvious.
You Eat Like Shit
  • We do this often with our health and in our marriage and also in our careers. It is so obvious what we need to do, but thinking it requires more than it does, we disregard the obvious solution. I see agents trying to get deals into escrow and the work being put into it, the relentless behavior of marketing daily, reaching out to your sphere to get the results you desire. I also see the continued patterns that debilitate the overall growth of your business when you stop doing what gave you the initial success. It is challenging to stay ahead of 2 to 3 escrows trying to ensure that the inspections are set, and communications with the Title, mortgage, and clients are consistent. 
  • ​Time and time again I will see agents attempt to do this alone, and I see the same result; they close a transaction, they get a money injection in the bank, and they have no other deals behind it. We are stuck thinking about how to grow our business, and we lose our confidence because we stop marketing and the things that got us the success initially. 
  • ​The obvious solution is to get some help, get a transaction coordinator to handle that stuff for you. The obvious answer is not to stop marketing and continue to hold open houses. I ran into this with a few agents recently. They were marketing daily, holding open houses consistently, as soon as they had 2 or 3 escrows in the pipeline, all of that stops. The obvious is to continue to move forward, so you don't have the peaks and valleys in your business, and that can mean spending money.
  • ​An investment into your business is an investment in others; you get the right person; now, your business will continue to grow year after year and will prosper long-term. As your momentum grows and your return begins to double, you are going to have to do the obvious. Get people to help you. 
  • ​I am part of a group, and a gentleman said, “I did a food allergy test to see if certain foods were causing me to be fat. It turns out I'm not allergic to anything, and the whole time I have been lazy and fat.” His thought process was that he couldn't lose weight, not energetic, and he didn't have the vitality that he used too. It's obvious, but for many years this man latched onto the story that he was unable to lose weight, so it must be an allergy to food. It must be a sickness or genetics; the doctors confirmed through testing he was eating like shit and not taking care of himself.
  • ​We miss the obvious because we think there is something beyond that. This man thought it was a health issue until he looked at the obvious and realized it was all on him. I can remember feeling that way, and it was the result of not doing the things that I used too. 
  • ​This morning I went for a run, but I remember feeling that I didn't have the energy. My body was fine, and it was my mind being wrapped around the wrong things. I didn't want to do it; I was being lazy. In our business, we need to be aware that laziness can kill our business. People aren't buying or selling right now; the obvious is you aren't doing the things required to get things going. We have had agents put up 2 and 3 escrows in the past two weeks. Some of us are still in the story that it has slowed down, and nobody wants to list or buy. 
  • ​Market trends do indicate that things do slow down during this time, but there is another indication that there are many sales that will happen. 6 to 7,000 sales; all you need is a sliver of that. The obvious is that you need to do more work, hire a transaction coordinator, and hire people to continue to grow your business. If you have the same results this year as you did last year, it's because you are avoiding the obvious; investing in your business, and double-down when things are good.
Actions or Circumstance
  • Many of you have disregarded Open Houses as something that doesn't work for you. The obvious is, you held an open house, and nobody walked in; therefore, it didn't work. What if you simplified the format? Maybe you chose the wrong property? Perhaps it was the wrong location, and you didn't have enough signs? Maybe your mindset wasn't right to get the right prospects through? Maybe it was your approach? 
  • ​Instead of looking at the obvious, we attach this simple conclusion; it doesn't work. I have seen it work over and over again. If you are attempting to grow your business, why not double the amount of time you can be in front of your client by working at the open house? You can duplicate yourself. You are at the open house while doing what you typically would be doing. Make phone calls, market on Facebook, follow up on your emails while you are at the open house. 
  • ​We avoid the obvious and the fact that open houses do work because we can conclude that they don't work. We don't acknowledge that we didn't market this week to make it happen. These are all things we need to think about, or you will end up like me behind the pillar trying to shock the poor dog, the obvious being a bowl of water outside and keeping it full. 
  • ​If you are continually chasing clientele base, you are used to making cold calls to clients daily, but if you don't attempt to reach out to past clients and your sphere, nothing will change. You hate the process, but nothing will change until you decide to do the obvious; if you want to increase your referral base, you have to contact your referrals. You need to text, call, and visit them. It is that simple. 
  • ​I have been in the game for 16 years and have succeeded in those 16 years. Have I had my ups and downs? Absolutely. At the end of the year, though, I know where I am at. The obvious is there will always be buyers and sellers; you need to decide if your actions align with what you want. Confucious said, “ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust your goals, adjust your action steps.” 
  • ​What does that mean to you? That means there will always be a solution to anything and everything you do. What is it that you want? If you don't have it now, it doesn't necessarily mean that your goal is wrong; it means that your tactics are incorrect. To obtain success, you want the obvious is the patterns there are to be successful in this business. There are things required to be successful. We know the obvious; are you following up and doing the things required? 
  • ​We have all the solutions, and we have discussed this before. When there are friction and constant battles in our relationships, we miss the obvious. We are focused on what the other person is not doing, or how they are triggering us; we miss the obvious. In any relationship, three components will make it successful.
  • 1. Love
  • 2. Appreciation
  • 3. Respect

  • ​We fail to give those three things consistently because we are upset and resentful. If you decide to have a conversation with your significant other, you will come to the same conclusion; you are both missing that and failing to give that. It wasn't a hard formula for me to figure out, but yet I missed the obvious. I would do everything besides that to fix my marriage; I was missing the obvious and wasn't giving the love, appreciation, or respect that I should have.
  • ​I now find myself continually reminding my spouse how much I appreciate her by pointing out the things she does for me daily. It's things we know and appreciate about the other, but we fail at times to communicate and remind them. Years go by, and one person doesn't feel loved or appreciation, and we fail to do that on our end. 
  • ​Start thinking about the obvious. There are so many moving components to your business and being in the best shape possible. Our responsibility is to try to seek out the obvious, try to look beyond being focused on how many times the ball is being passed around. Start to look beyond that, take a step back and realize it doesn't have to be as difficult as we often think it is. Your business is not that difficult; it may be your consistency and mindset behind it. 
  • ​Maybe you're lazy; there isn't anything wrong with you or your business. You are in the right environment; maybe you need to follow-up your wants with actions. It can be that simple. Begin to ask yourself what it is you want out of your business and relationships? Before you ask yourself what your business and marriage should do for you, start noticing if you are doing what is required for them and your business. You can't expect it if you don't give it. Bad habits can hide the obvious
  • ​Don't be like me and make it more difficult. Some patterns can provide you with the results you want in your business. We have all seen it, but don't miss the obvious when you get there; the patterns that got you the results. Don't let bad habits and complacency creep in, and the false sense of accomplishment.
Consider the Obvious
  • The new year is a few days away; we can change the dynamic of our lives moving forward. The new decade, the new standard. If we consider this, our patterns, and obvious solutions, we can get everything we need and desire. 
  • ​What does your relationship look like in the next 12 weeks, and 12 months? What does your body look like, and how do you feel? How is your business positioned for long-term success? These are things you need to consider. 
  • ​How many of you caught the gorilla coming through? I showed both of my daughters that video, and one of them caught the gorilla immediately; the other was so caught up in trying to count the ball being passed that she missed it. 
  • ​We have enough experience to see the solution and look beyond the busy work. To look at ourselves as business owners, realizing we can't hustle for years because we need to build the right systems and process, or we will burn out. You will burn your family out. This is how we need to be thinking. 
  • ​I have seen many of you produce at a high level, but you get stuck because you are failing to find the solution to the obvious; you need help, and you can't do this on your own. The obvious is you need to communicate at home and start taking care of yourself. 
  • ​There is nothing wrong with you or your business; you are just not taking the appropriate actions. It's all on you. We all take personal responsibility here, and we do forget at times and make it more difficult for ourselves. We get caught up by the shiny object at times, thinking someone else will have the solution for us. We lose all of our energy, and our thought process when we need to look back at what we are doing and apply the things that we are not.
  • ​It is easy to get caught off guard in this industry. It is easy to fall into the trap of false promises. I am here to tell you that it all within you; you have everything within you to get to the place you desire. You need only align your actions with your desires that will get you there. That isn't a false promise; it is you looking at your behaviors and knowing what you want and are your actions supporting that want. 
  • ​We are all in full control of where we will take our business, health, and relationships. Let's play the game at a high level and realize that we can begin again. Just because we failed in the past and had peaks and valleys during the year, we can start again. 
  • ​Show your family the Monkey Business Experiment and see if they can see it. Being caught off guard, thinking things are out of our control, is because we are focused on those things that don't matter. We are too focused on getting our deals closed that nothing else matters. Your deals must close, but people can help you look at that process, so you don't stop marketing and momentum. 
  • ​If you haven't taken the autoresponder training yet, I will be offering it again in January. It takes commitment, and I am learning valuable lessons from the process; the people involved are learning many lessons about themselves as well. 
  • ​Two weeks ago, I had a workshop where all the participants had to create eight videos, and everyone committed to what was required. I have noticed that a small fraction gets what needs to be done by the timelines given. I think this is a real eye-opener for the participants; at times, we prioritize other things instead of those things we have committed too. That may keep you from achieving what you want. 
  • ​Reach out to me if you would like to participate in the class in January; I am only taking 15 people. Look for the obvious and find the right solutions; you know what to do, and I will talk to you soon.

More Episodes

Are you so focused on what your issues are that you are missing the obvious solution? At times we can't see the forest through the trees, and the simple answers are overlooked; we make the issue bigger than what it is. I have seen this in agents over and over again and within my own business and relationships. You need only align your actions with your desires that will get you there. When you shift your focus, the gorilla in front of you will be obvious.
The Gorilla in the Room
  • ​I have a bit of an experiment going on today, and I think that at times we can be so committed to achieving certain things in our life, business, and marriage, we miss the obvious. We conclude that things are out of our control. Our business will always be this way; our marriage will always have these problems. I am always going to be out of shape; we always conclude certain things. 
  • ​About five or six years ago, I saw this experiment, and I couldn't believe that I missed it. I am going to play this video for you, and if you have seen it before, don't give it away. When it is over, please tell me what your results were. 
  • ​Have you done that experiment before? Did you catch the gorilla? Sometimes we make the obvious so difficult to point out that we think it's something outside of that, and it is as simple as what is in front of us.
  • ​In this experiment, did you catch the gorilla? We were so focused on counting the number of times the ball was being passed that we completely missed the apparent gorilla in the room. They say that 50% of individuals miss it because they are so focused on counting the ball being passed from one player in a white shirt to the next. We miss that a gorilla comes out and walks across the stage. 
  • ​We have to understand that sometimes our solutions are right in front of us. I have two Labradoodles, and they are best friends. I have them crate trained, and when we get home, we let them out of their crate, and they go outside, do their business and run around. Part of our routine in the morning is to let them out as soon as we wake up, and they do their thing. I have noticed that Chaco, would come in with his beard soaking wet. I didn't think anything of it until I started to notice it more and more. 
  • ​I caught him one time drinking out of the pool; I'm no vet, but I am assuming that the pool water is not as healthy for them as drinking fresh water. I didn't know how to break this habit. I bought a couple of shock collars that are used to train your pets; there is a beep, vibrate, and a buzz setting on each
  • ​I thought whenever I would see the dogs drink from the pool, and I would buzz them with the collars on. Hiding by the window so they can't see me, I became a ninja spying on my dogs so I could catch them in the act. After a few weeks of becoming frustrated, trying to train them not to drink from the pool, I missed the obvious; they were thirsted and needed a bowl of water outside for them. That was obvious, but I was looking for a solution more significant than the problem. 
  • ​They didn't need to be retrained, what they needed was water, and they were telling me that. It is that way in our business at times; it is telling us what we need, but we think it's something greater than it is. All I had to do was put out a bowl of water, and they stopped drinking from the pool; the gorilla came out. Focused on counting how many times the ball was passed, and a gorilla is passing before your eyes. 
  • ​I spent time, and energy, getting upset at my dogs and all I needed was to address the obvious.
You Eat Like Shit
  • We do this often with our health and in our marriage and also in our careers. It is so obvious what we need to do, but thinking it requires more than it does, we disregard the obvious solution. I see agents trying to get deals into escrow and the work being put into it, the relentless behavior of marketing daily, reaching out to your sphere to get the results you desire. I also see the continued patterns that debilitate the overall growth of your business when you stop doing what gave you the initial success. It is challenging to stay ahead of 2 to 3 escrows trying to ensure that the inspections are set, and communications with the Title, mortgage, and clients are consistent. 
  • ​Time and time again I will see agents attempt to do this alone, and I see the same result; they close a transaction, they get a money injection in the bank, and they have no other deals behind it. We are stuck thinking about how to grow our business, and we lose our confidence because we stop marketing and the things that got us the success initially. 
  • ​The obvious solution is to get some help, get a transaction coordinator to handle that stuff for you. The obvious answer is not to stop marketing and continue to hold open houses. I ran into this with a few agents recently. They were marketing daily, holding open houses consistently, as soon as they had 2 or 3 escrows in the pipeline, all of that stops. The obvious is to continue to move forward, so you don't have the peaks and valleys in your business, and that can mean spending money.
  • ​An investment into your business is an investment in others; you get the right person; now, your business will continue to grow year after year and will prosper long-term. As your momentum grows and your return begins to double, you are going to have to do the obvious. Get people to help you. 
  • ​I am part of a group, and a gentleman said, “I did a food allergy test to see if certain foods were causing me to be fat. It turns out I'm not allergic to anything, and the whole time I have been lazy and fat.” His thought process was that he couldn't lose weight, not energetic, and he didn't have the vitality that he used too. It's obvious, but for many years this man latched onto the story that he was unable to lose weight, so it must be an allergy to food. It must be a sickness or genetics; the doctors confirmed through testing he was eating like shit and not taking care of himself.
  • ​We miss the obvious because we think there is something beyond that. This man thought it was a health issue until he looked at the obvious and realized it was all on him. I can remember feeling that way, and it was the result of not doing the things that I used too. 
  • ​This morning I went for a run, but I remember feeling that I didn't have the energy. My body was fine, and it was my mind being wrapped around the wrong things. I didn't want to do it; I was being lazy. In our business, we need to be aware that laziness can kill our business. People aren't buying or selling right now; the obvious is you aren't doing the things required to get things going. We have had agents put up 2 and 3 escrows in the past two weeks. Some of us are still in the story that it has slowed down, and nobody wants to list or buy. 
  • ​Market trends do indicate that things do slow down during this time, but there is another indication that there are many sales that will happen. 6 to 7,000 sales; all you need is a sliver of that. The obvious is that you need to do more work, hire a transaction coordinator, and hire people to continue to grow your business. If you have the same results this year as you did last year, it's because you are avoiding the obvious; investing in your business, and double-down when things are good.
Actions or Circumstance
  • Many of you have disregarded Open Houses as something that doesn't work for you. The obvious is, you held an open house, and nobody walked in; therefore, it didn't work. What if you simplified the format? Maybe you chose the wrong property? Perhaps it was the wrong location, and you didn't have enough signs? Maybe your mindset wasn't right to get the right prospects through? Maybe it was your approach? 
  • ​Instead of looking at the obvious, we attach this simple conclusion; it doesn't work. I have seen it work over and over again. If you are attempting to grow your business, why not double the amount of time you can be in front of your client by working at the open house? You can duplicate yourself. You are at the open house while doing what you typically would be doing. Make phone calls, market on Facebook, follow up on your emails while you are at the open house. 
  • ​We avoid the obvious and the fact that open houses do work because we can conclude that they don't work. We don't acknowledge that we didn't market this week to make it happen. These are all things we need to think about, or you will end up like me behind the pillar trying to shock the poor dog, the obvious being a bowl of water outside and keeping it full. 
  • ​If you are continually chasing clientele base, you are used to making cold calls to clients daily, but if you don't attempt to reach out to past clients and your sphere, nothing will change. You hate the process, but nothing will change until you decide to do the obvious; if you want to increase your referral base, you have to contact your referrals. You need to text, call, and visit them. It is that simple. 
  • ​I have been in the game for 16 years and have succeeded in those 16 years. Have I had my ups and downs? Absolutely. At the end of the year, though, I know where I am at. The obvious is there will always be buyers and sellers; you need to decide if your actions align with what you want. Confucious said, “ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust your goals, adjust your action steps.” 
  • ​What does that mean to you? That means there will always be a solution to anything and everything you do. What is it that you want? If you don't have it now, it doesn't necessarily mean that your goal is wrong; it means that your tactics are incorrect. To obtain success, you want the obvious is the patterns there are to be successful in this business. There are things required to be successful. We know the obvious; are you following up and doing the things required? 
  • ​We have all the solutions, and we have discussed this before. When there are friction and constant battles in our relationships, we miss the obvious. We are focused on what the other person is not doing, or how they are triggering us; we miss the obvious. In any relationship, three components will make it successful.
  • 1. Love
  • 2. Appreciation
  • 3. Respect

  • ​We fail to give those three things consistently because we are upset and resentful. If you decide to have a conversation with your significant other, you will come to the same conclusion; you are both missing that and failing to give that. It wasn't a hard formula for me to figure out, but yet I missed the obvious. I would do everything besides that to fix my marriage; I was missing the obvious and wasn't giving the love, appreciation, or respect that I should have.
  • ​I now find myself continually reminding my spouse how much I appreciate her by pointing out the things she does for me daily. It's things we know and appreciate about the other, but we fail at times to communicate and remind them. Years go by, and one person doesn't feel loved or appreciation, and we fail to do that on our end. 
  • ​Start thinking about the obvious. There are so many moving components to your business and being in the best shape possible. Our responsibility is to try to seek out the obvious, try to look beyond being focused on how many times the ball is being passed around. Start to look beyond that, take a step back and realize it doesn't have to be as difficult as we often think it is. Your business is not that difficult; it may be your consistency and mindset behind it. 
  • ​Maybe you're lazy; there isn't anything wrong with you or your business. You are in the right environment; maybe you need to follow-up your wants with actions. It can be that simple. Begin to ask yourself what it is you want out of your business and relationships? Before you ask yourself what your business and marriage should do for you, start noticing if you are doing what is required for them and your business. You can't expect it if you don't give it. Bad habits can hide the obvious
  • ​Don't be like me and make it more difficult. Some patterns can provide you with the results you want in your business. We have all seen it, but don't miss the obvious when you get there; the patterns that got you the results. Don't let bad habits and complacency creep in, and the false sense of accomplishment.
Consider the Obvious
  • The new year is a few days away; we can change the dynamic of our lives moving forward. The new decade, the new standard. If we consider this, our patterns, and obvious solutions, we can get everything we need and desire. 
  • ​What does your relationship look like in the next 12 weeks, and 12 months? What does your body look like, and how do you feel? How is your business positioned for long-term success? These are things you need to consider. 
  • ​How many of you caught the gorilla coming through? I showed both of my daughters that video, and one of them caught the gorilla immediately; the other was so caught up in trying to count the ball being passed that she missed it. 
  • ​We have enough experience to see the solution and look beyond the busy work. To look at ourselves as business owners, realizing we can't hustle for years because we need to build the right systems and process, or we will burn out. You will burn your family out. This is how we need to be thinking. 
  • ​I have seen many of you produce at a high level, but you get stuck because you are failing to find the solution to the obvious; you need help, and you can't do this on your own. The obvious is you need to communicate at home and start taking care of yourself. 
  • ​There is nothing wrong with you or your business; you are just not taking the appropriate actions. It's all on you. We all take personal responsibility here, and we do forget at times and make it more difficult for ourselves. We get caught up by the shiny object at times, thinking someone else will have the solution for us. We lose all of our energy, and our thought process when we need to look back at what we are doing and apply the things that we are not.
  • ​It is easy to get caught off guard in this industry. It is easy to fall into the trap of false promises. I am here to tell you that it all within you; you have everything within you to get to the place you desire. You need only align your actions with your desires that will get you there. That isn't a false promise; it is you looking at your behaviors and knowing what you want and are your actions supporting that want. 
  • ​We are all in full control of where we will take our business, health, and relationships. Let's play the game at a high level and realize that we can begin again. Just because we failed in the past and had peaks and valleys during the year, we can start again. 
  • ​Show your family the Monkey Business Experiment and see if they can see it. Being caught off guard, thinking things are out of our control, is because we are focused on those things that don't matter. We are too focused on getting our deals closed that nothing else matters. Your deals must close, but people can help you look at that process, so you don't stop marketing and momentum. 
  • ​If you haven't taken the autoresponder training yet, I will be offering it again in January. It takes commitment, and I am learning valuable lessons from the process; the people involved are learning many lessons about themselves as well. 
  • ​Two weeks ago, I had a workshop where all the participants had to create eight videos, and everyone committed to what was required. I have noticed that a small fraction gets what needs to be done by the timelines given. I think this is a real eye-opener for the participants; at times, we prioritize other things instead of those things we have committed too. That may keep you from achieving what you want. 
  • ​Reach out to me if you would like to participate in the class in January; I am only taking 15 people. Look for the obvious and find the right solutions; you know what to do, and I will talk to you soon.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019