with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 53:

Collateral Damage

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 53:

Collateral Damage

I have been hit hard, like many others, with the recent tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven others this past Sunday. Tragedy always brings into question the legacy or burdens those lost leave behind. It is crucial that you show up powerfully in every area of your life daily, to leave those you left with a sense of security. Align your actions with your abilities by not allowing yourself to shut down at every wrong turn. What will your collateral damage look like?
When Tragedy Strikes
  • ​It's hard to avoid the news about the tragic death of Kobe Bryant. I was hanging out with my family, watching movies together, and I adore and cherish those times. My 14-year-old said that Kobe Bryant had died, and I was in disbelief. I reminded my daughter not to get her news from social media sources because she was reading it on Snapchat. Often that news is based on rumors.
  • ​I began to look on Google, and I couldn't find anything, and then I saw that TMZ had announced the news about Kobe Bryant. Some more than others became consumed with it and the tragedy of it. He was such a big personality and a legend on the basketball court. He was 41, like me, and I then the news came out that his daughter was with him and then five and nine others. The news increasingly got worse.
  • ​I began to think about what would happen from him and his daughter passing away, and we fail to see the collateral damage that goes beyond that moment. I can only imagine what was going through Kobe’s mind and everyone else that was on the aircraft as they are sitting in this helicopter for 45 minutes and not getting to their destination. I am sure they knew that something was wrong. 
  • ​The weather was bad, there was a thick fog, and the ability to see was not very clear. From what I read, the pilot has two ways to fly in these conditions; one is the Visual Flight Rules, where they depend on landmarks and gauge where they are at. The other is the Instrument Flight Rules, and that is where they have to depend on others like Air Traffic Controllers. 
  • ​Based on my speculation, the pilot knew the schedule, and there are many air spaces, and you can get put on the back burner. To contact the Air Traffic Controllers, you are probably going to be delayed. When you are under pressure, you won’t see the greater ramifications. This pilot decided to continue to use Visual Flight Rules, which meant he depended on his skill sets alone. 
  • ​The fog became too thick; have you ever been in a place where you can't fully see what is going on or where you are going? Your mind can play tricks on you and lead you to the darkest thoughts imaginable. Right before the helicopter crashed, it ascended quickly. I imagined myself being that pilot and that you know what you are doing, but you can't see what is ahead. You are trying to get through it, and then you remember that there are mountains and hills ahead. You begin to second guess how far they are, and maybe it will clear. 
  • ​This will begin to overwhelm your mind and consume it; you then start to react. I think that is what the pilot did; he went 1,000 feet up into the air because he felt the mountains were right in front of him, and he ascended quickly, thinking the problem was right there. When we are in this place, we can make irrational decisions. 
  • ​You need to understand that in a helicopter, you can stop in mid-air and hover for hours at a time. You can go backward, you can slow down or go very fast. But our mind plays tricks on us when we are in the thick of the fog. Instead of taking the safe route and looking at the situation rationally, his mind was focused on getting his passengers to their destination, not realizing the more significant ramifications. 
  • ​There was human error in him thinking that the hillside was right there; they didn't slam into the hill, they hit the ground due to human error. We bring the same upon ourselves when we are in a thick fog and only focus on what's ahead and what we need to accomplish; we don't realize there is collateral damage. Many families were affected, and there are more significant repercussions.
A Family Man
  • What hit most of us was that Kobe was a family man and such a legend. When we see the pictures of him, and his daughter spending time together, there is no way that it can't bring sentiment even from those that were not fans. I began to think about his thought process. 
  • ​I remember being in California, playing on the beach with my daughters. At the time, my youngest was nine years old, and she was apprehensive about going into the water. I said to her, “Baby, I got you; don't worry about it.” I always remind my daughters that I am here to keep them safe. If you ask either of them what their Dad's responsibility is, they will tell you without hesitation that it is to keep them safe. I remind them of that consistently. 
  • ​We are out in the water playing, the waves are crashing upon us, and we decide to go a bit deeper; she was hesitant, and I told her that I had her, and I would keep her safe. This wave came down on us, and her hand slipped out of mine. Even though it was a split second, the desperation I felt was immense. It hurt me because I knew I had broken a promise and that she wasn't safe during those few seconds. Maybe I could have held her a bit tighter; maybe I should have had her by the wrist and not the hand; I began to think about all of this during those seconds. 
  • ​The first thing she said after she swallowed some water, and her eyes were wide, and she was scared; she said, “Dad, you let me go.” It broke my heart to hear her say that. I can only imagine what Kobe was feeling at that moment, trying to reassure his daughter that she would be okay. He had to realize that things aren't fine.
  • ​Kobe was a legend and made hundreds of millions of dollars, and I promise you that he was thinking about the money he was about to lose. 
  • ​He probably felt out of integrity for telling his daughter they would be fine. His thoughts were probably on his wife and three other daughters that he would be leaving behind. These are the things that don't appear at first when they are the number one important thing in our lives. Kobe didn't think of anything else, and I didn't either. I felt so bad, and I will never forget that feeling of desperation. I can only imagine as they are flying and ascending into the sky and then falling quickly.
  • ​Life is life because there is death attached to it, and there is collateral damage. Kobe Bryant was a fierce competitor, and he wanted to be number one in his craft. Because of this, his surviving family members will not have to worry about money. They will have to deal with the tragedy and heartache, and it has to be immense. Imagine if he hadn't worked his ass off, what if he wasn't the best, and hadn't put everything into his craft? What would his family be doing without that stability? 
  • ​Dealing with the tragic loss on top of the financial hardship, could you imagine what that does to a legacy? Many of us don't give it our all, and we are not masters of our craft, we are not creating the abundance we should; we get caught up in the fog and are so desperate to get to the destination that we fail to see the responsibility we have daily to perform at our best.
  • ​We get sidelined, sidetracked because of feelings, not realizing there will be collateral damage. Where would you be right now, where would your family be right now if something were to happen to you? Just imagine the heaviness of the loss to your family and kids. Imagine the financial hardship because you decided not to go all-in and were too afraid to put yourself out there. To make the phone calls, to be relentless about what you do, there is collateral damage there. 
  • ​We don't know why this happened to Kobe’s family and the other families that were involved in that helicopter crash. When you fail to do your best and fail to show up in all aspects of your life, it is greater than only your death. It would have been greater than Kobe’s death, but he showed up. He did what he was supposed to do daily. He committed to all aspects of his life; he was healthy, connected at home. He had his fair share of mistakes, but people can change, and I saw the change in him.
  • ​He was involved, committed, and he did his job; we don't know when our time is up. We get too caught up in the deal that fell through, the client we lost, and we disconnect from our family, and we stop producing. When we are in the thick fog, we make irrational decisions, and the suffering is greater beyond that.
Leave a Legacy, Not a Burden
  • I understand how hard life is and how hard it is to run a business. I think this can serve as a reminder to us that were not meant to shut down because of the tragedy. His family is not intended to die along with him, and only they will realize the lesson in this. Just as there is collateral damage, there will also be collateral beauty with it. It may take time for them to realize it, but because he performed at his best in all aspects of his life, he leaves a legacy and not a burden. Many of us are guilty of leaving behind a burden because we fail to show up powerfully daily. Do you want to see real pain? Look at the family’s that didn't have the financial backing after someone had passed away. That pain lingers, and it is difficult to find any good lesson, any collateral beauty within that. 
  • ​It's not our battle to fight; it's the family’s that were affected who have the battle. We must show up powerfully in everything that we do. It's tragic, but it is also tragic to live a life of regrets, not realizing that there are feelings above what we are feeling in the moment. That is what I need you to think about today as you begin to feel that you can't go on. You don't know if you will ever become a Top Producer, or if this is the best you will ever do. Start thinking beyond your feelings and your current finances. The collateral damage, the things we don't see following an incident occur. 
  • ​I intended to come in here and talk about our Ignite Event; we will have that conversation another time. Right now, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves if we are doing everything we need to be doing? Are we protecting our family and leaving them in a better place if something happened? Where will they be? That is our responsibility. 
  • ​I didn't want to talk about this, but it made me start to think about the impact we have and the decisions we make when we are in a thick fog. We make poor decisions when all we have to do is take a step back, which isn't considered losing or going backward. Taking a step back is taking a step forward; you are only repositioning yourself. All of this could have been avoided, in my opinion, if the pilot had not gotten into his head. 
  • ​He thought there were mountains ahead, and there wasn't exactly. That is where our mind takes us into making irrational decisions. Kobe was a famous person, but the pain is the same regardless of fame. Many of us have lost loved ones. I remember an agent we had here that shut down his life because he lost someone near and dear to him. I told him that when this person died, he wasn't supposed to die along with him. The pain is so immense, and that is what the families are left to deal with. They are alive to feel it, and we need to appreciate the pain we are feeling. It is a reminder that we are alive, and every one of us has suffered a tragedy. We have all been through the loss of family members, but we aren't meant to die along with them. 
  • ​Watching this tragedy unfold, the realization that his daughter and others were on the helicopter, humanizes the story. Seeing the pictures reminded me of the family that died in the Hawaii helicopter incident a few weeks ago. They also vanished into thick fog and poor weather conditions. Once a helicopter is in trouble, it is hard for them to recuperate; they can't glide to safety. If there is a mechanical problem, the helicopter will slam into the ground. 
  • ​I have seen this many times, one of which was a new reporter here in Arizona. It often happens because of human error; they choose not to make the right decisions. This pilot could have easily got out of the mess he was in, but he seemed to make progressively worse decisions in the thick fog. We have all been there; our decisions worsen when the situation is already bad. When I was struggling financially, I made things worse for myself when I could have made it better if I had only taken a step back. Taking a step back, to me, meant I was taking a step backward, and it wasn't; I was repositioning myself.
  • ​The whole situation is unfortunate, but it is a life lesson we can all take. Fortunately, his family will be financially stable. I can't imagine the burden of losing a child, losing your spouse, and then having financial hardship. That may be the position we leave our family in if we don't do what is required daily. I am only here to remind you; you have everything within you now to be able to achieve that stability for your family. Now your actions need to catch up with your ability. 
  • ​Bad things happen in life, but the greatest tragedy is not showing up to the best of your ability. This is something that has happened that should make us all realize where we are coming up short. Those feelings of embarrassment about putting yourself out there; come on. Position yourself as the authority. 
No Regrets
  • I know that Kobe wasn't thinking about all the accolades and money he received. Wherever he is, I am sure he is taking solace in the fact that he turned his life around and recommitted to what was important. The worst thing any of us can do is to live with regrets. That is a painful way to die, to live with regrets. My father in law told Carla that as he lay dying in a hospital bed for a year, living with the regrets of all, he should have and could have done. 
  • ​When Carla and I used to get into significant disagreements, I was so involved with how I felt that I didn't care where she would go or where I would go. The situation so wronged me, and she was so wrong, and I was so right. Now when we get in these disagreements, I question what I am doing. When I yell at my kids, I tell myself that it is just a couch, just a rug; they can be cleaned, and it isn't a big deal. We will be a few minutes late; it's not a big deal and stop getting caught up in these feelings that they should know better. It doesn't matter. I catch myself much quicker than I used to, and I don't ruin days anymore. 
  • ​It appears that Kobe was showing up, and the regrets weren't there. It is essential that our kids see us in a powerful position; we know his kids will be okay. They have been trained mentally for years by watching their Dad; what do your kids see in you? Would your kids shut down if something were to happen to you? Would they die along with you? Metaphorically speaking. I have had this conversation with both of my daughter's many times. Their lives are not supposed to end if something were to happen to Carla and I. We remind them of this every time we take a trip without them. They have our attorneys numbers on their phones. They know who to contact if something happens. Our Trust tells them who will be taking care of them, and we remind them that they are not supposed to die along with us. It's a hard conversation to have with them, but we want to prepare them. I told them I would be watching over them when I am gone, and I don't want them giving up their life for mine. I want to be smiling from heaven. 
  • ​We have to prepare them, but if they only see us in a weakened state, when things go south, they too will be weak when they face tragedies. They will show up the way that we have shown them. The beautiful thing about all of this is that we have the opportunity to change, building them up by building ourselves. When we die, no one else is supposed to die with us. 
  • ​Your kids will see a parent that showed up when you decided to become more. When you choose to become more, your kids will follow suit. I think that is a decision we all need to make. It's hard to say, but everyone on that helicopter is gone, but the collateral damage is all of the people they left behind. We can make that situation worse if we aren't showing up powerfully, so our kids have that mindset to overcome adversity; they will die along with you. Have those conversations, and more than that, show them how to be powerful and overcome disappointments. The only way to do that is through your success. 
  • ​If you shut down every time you lose a transaction, if you can barely make ends meet, you aren't showing them much. You are holding yourself back, no one else is. Align your actions with your abilities; you know exactly what to do.

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I have been hit hard, like many others, with the recent tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven others this past Sunday. Tragedy always brings into question the legacy or burdens those lost leave behind. It is crucial that you show up powerfully in every area of your life daily, to leave those you left with a sense of security. Align your actions with your abilities by not allowing yourself to shut down at every wrong turn. What will your collateral damage look like?
When Tragedy Strikes
  • ​It's hard to avoid the news about the tragic death of Kobe Bryant. I was hanging out with my family, watching movies together, and I adore and cherish those times. My 14-year-old said that Kobe Bryant had died, and I was in disbelief. I reminded my daughter not to get her news from social media sources because she was reading it on Snapchat. Often that news is based on rumors.
  • ​I began to look on Google, and I couldn't find anything, and then I saw that TMZ had announced the news about Kobe Bryant. Some more than others became consumed with it and the tragedy of it. He was such a big personality and a legend on the basketball court. He was 41, like me, and I then the news came out that his daughter was with him and then five and nine others. The news increasingly got worse.
  • ​I began to think about what would happen from him and his daughter passing away, and we fail to see the collateral damage that goes beyond that moment. I can only imagine what was going through Kobe’s mind and everyone else that was on the aircraft as they are sitting in this helicopter for 45 minutes and not getting to their destination. I am sure they knew that something was wrong. 
  • ​The weather was bad, there was a thick fog, and the ability to see was not very clear. From what I read, the pilot has two ways to fly in these conditions; one is the Visual Flight Rules, where they depend on landmarks and gauge where they are at. The other is the Instrument Flight Rules, and that is where they have to depend on others like Air Traffic Controllers. 
  • ​Based on my speculation, the pilot knew the schedule, and there are many air spaces, and you can get put on the back burner. To contact the Air Traffic Controllers, you are probably going to be delayed. When you are under pressure, you won’t see the greater ramifications. This pilot decided to continue to use Visual Flight Rules, which meant he depended on his skill sets alone. 
  • ​The fog became too thick; have you ever been in a place where you can't fully see what is going on or where you are going? Your mind can play tricks on you and lead you to the darkest thoughts imaginable. Right before the helicopter crashed, it ascended quickly. I imagined myself being that pilot and that you know what you are doing, but you can't see what is ahead. You are trying to get through it, and then you remember that there are mountains and hills ahead. You begin to second guess how far they are, and maybe it will clear. 
  • ​This will begin to overwhelm your mind and consume it; you then start to react. I think that is what the pilot did; he went 1,000 feet up into the air because he felt the mountains were right in front of him, and he ascended quickly, thinking the problem was right there. When we are in this place, we can make irrational decisions. 
  • ​You need to understand that in a helicopter, you can stop in mid-air and hover for hours at a time. You can go backward, you can slow down or go very fast. But our mind plays tricks on us when we are in the thick of the fog. Instead of taking the safe route and looking at the situation rationally, his mind was focused on getting his passengers to their destination, not realizing the more significant ramifications. 
  • ​There was human error in him thinking that the hillside was right there; they didn't slam into the hill, they hit the ground due to human error. We bring the same upon ourselves when we are in a thick fog and only focus on what's ahead and what we need to accomplish; we don't realize there is collateral damage. Many families were affected, and there are more significant repercussions.
A Family Man
  • What hit most of us was that Kobe was a family man and such a legend. When we see the pictures of him, and his daughter spending time together, there is no way that it can't bring sentiment even from those that were not fans. I began to think about his thought process. 
  • ​I remember being in California, playing on the beach with my daughters. At the time, my youngest was nine years old, and she was apprehensive about going into the water. I said to her, “Baby, I got you; don't worry about it.” I always remind my daughters that I am here to keep them safe. If you ask either of them what their Dad's responsibility is, they will tell you without hesitation that it is to keep them safe. I remind them of that consistently. 
  • ​We are out in the water playing, the waves are crashing upon us, and we decide to go a bit deeper; she was hesitant, and I told her that I had her, and I would keep her safe. This wave came down on us, and her hand slipped out of mine. Even though it was a split second, the desperation I felt was immense. It hurt me because I knew I had broken a promise and that she wasn't safe during those few seconds. Maybe I could have held her a bit tighter; maybe I should have had her by the wrist and not the hand; I began to think about all of this during those seconds. 
  • ​The first thing she said after she swallowed some water, and her eyes were wide, and she was scared; she said, “Dad, you let me go.” It broke my heart to hear her say that. I can only imagine what Kobe was feeling at that moment, trying to reassure his daughter that she would be okay. He had to realize that things aren't fine.
  • ​Kobe was a legend and made hundreds of millions of dollars, and I promise you that he was thinking about the money he was about to lose. 
  • ​He probably felt out of integrity for telling his daughter they would be fine. His thoughts were probably on his wife and three other daughters that he would be leaving behind. These are the things that don't appear at first when they are the number one important thing in our lives. Kobe didn't think of anything else, and I didn't either. I felt so bad, and I will never forget that feeling of desperation. I can only imagine as they are flying and ascending into the sky and then falling quickly.
  • ​Life is life because there is death attached to it, and there is collateral damage. Kobe Bryant was a fierce competitor, and he wanted to be number one in his craft. Because of this, his surviving family members will not have to worry about money. They will have to deal with the tragedy and heartache, and it has to be immense. Imagine if he hadn't worked his ass off, what if he wasn't the best, and hadn't put everything into his craft? What would his family be doing without that stability? 
  • ​Dealing with the tragic loss on top of the financial hardship, could you imagine what that does to a legacy? Many of us don't give it our all, and we are not masters of our craft, we are not creating the abundance we should; we get caught up in the fog and are so desperate to get to the destination that we fail to see the responsibility we have daily to perform at our best.
  • ​We get sidelined, sidetracked because of feelings, not realizing there will be collateral damage. Where would you be right now, where would your family be right now if something were to happen to you? Just imagine the heaviness of the loss to your family and kids. Imagine the financial hardship because you decided not to go all-in and were too afraid to put yourself out there. To make the phone calls, to be relentless about what you do, there is collateral damage there. 
  • ​We don't know why this happened to Kobe’s family and the other families that were involved in that helicopter crash. When you fail to do your best and fail to show up in all aspects of your life, it is greater than only your death. It would have been greater than Kobe’s death, but he showed up. He did what he was supposed to do daily. He committed to all aspects of his life; he was healthy, connected at home. He had his fair share of mistakes, but people can change, and I saw the change in him.
  • ​He was involved, committed, and he did his job; we don't know when our time is up. We get too caught up in the deal that fell through, the client we lost, and we disconnect from our family, and we stop producing. When we are in the thick fog, we make irrational decisions, and the suffering is greater beyond that.
Leave a Legacy, Not a Burden
  • I understand how hard life is and how hard it is to run a business. I think this can serve as a reminder to us that were not meant to shut down because of the tragedy. His family is not intended to die along with him, and only they will realize the lesson in this. Just as there is collateral damage, there will also be collateral beauty with it. It may take time for them to realize it, but because he performed at his best in all aspects of his life, he leaves a legacy and not a burden. Many of us are guilty of leaving behind a burden because we fail to show up powerfully daily. Do you want to see real pain? Look at the family’s that didn't have the financial backing after someone had passed away. That pain lingers, and it is difficult to find any good lesson, any collateral beauty within that. 
  • ​It's not our battle to fight; it's the family’s that were affected who have the battle. We must show up powerfully in everything that we do. It's tragic, but it is also tragic to live a life of regrets, not realizing that there are feelings above what we are feeling in the moment. That is what I need you to think about today as you begin to feel that you can't go on. You don't know if you will ever become a Top Producer, or if this is the best you will ever do. Start thinking beyond your feelings and your current finances. The collateral damage, the things we don't see following an incident occur. 
  • ​I intended to come in here and talk about our Ignite Event; we will have that conversation another time. Right now, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves if we are doing everything we need to be doing? Are we protecting our family and leaving them in a better place if something happened? Where will they be? That is our responsibility. 
  • ​I didn't want to talk about this, but it made me start to think about the impact we have and the decisions we make when we are in a thick fog. We make poor decisions when all we have to do is take a step back, which isn't considered losing or going backward. Taking a step back is taking a step forward; you are only repositioning yourself. All of this could have been avoided, in my opinion, if the pilot had not gotten into his head. 
  • ​He thought there were mountains ahead, and there wasn't exactly. That is where our mind takes us into making irrational decisions. Kobe was a famous person, but the pain is the same regardless of fame. Many of us have lost loved ones. I remember an agent we had here that shut down his life because he lost someone near and dear to him. I told him that when this person died, he wasn't supposed to die along with him. The pain is so immense, and that is what the families are left to deal with. They are alive to feel it, and we need to appreciate the pain we are feeling. It is a reminder that we are alive, and every one of us has suffered a tragedy. We have all been through the loss of family members, but we aren't meant to die along with them. 
  • ​Watching this tragedy unfold, the realization that his daughter and others were on the helicopter, humanizes the story. Seeing the pictures reminded me of the family that died in the Hawaii helicopter incident a few weeks ago. They also vanished into thick fog and poor weather conditions. Once a helicopter is in trouble, it is hard for them to recuperate; they can't glide to safety. If there is a mechanical problem, the helicopter will slam into the ground. 
  • ​I have seen this many times, one of which was a new reporter here in Arizona. It often happens because of human error; they choose not to make the right decisions. This pilot could have easily got out of the mess he was in, but he seemed to make progressively worse decisions in the thick fog. We have all been there; our decisions worsen when the situation is already bad. When I was struggling financially, I made things worse for myself when I could have made it better if I had only taken a step back. Taking a step back, to me, meant I was taking a step backward, and it wasn't; I was repositioning myself.
  • ​The whole situation is unfortunate, but it is a life lesson we can all take. Fortunately, his family will be financially stable. I can't imagine the burden of losing a child, losing your spouse, and then having financial hardship. That may be the position we leave our family in if we don't do what is required daily. I am only here to remind you; you have everything within you now to be able to achieve that stability for your family. Now your actions need to catch up with your ability. 
  • ​Bad things happen in life, but the greatest tragedy is not showing up to the best of your ability. This is something that has happened that should make us all realize where we are coming up short. Those feelings of embarrassment about putting yourself out there; come on. Position yourself as the authority. 
No Regrets
  • I know that Kobe wasn't thinking about all the accolades and money he received. Wherever he is, I am sure he is taking solace in the fact that he turned his life around and recommitted to what was important. The worst thing any of us can do is to live with regrets. That is a painful way to die, to live with regrets. My father in law told Carla that as he lay dying in a hospital bed for a year, living with the regrets of all, he should have and could have done. 
  • ​When Carla and I used to get into significant disagreements, I was so involved with how I felt that I didn't care where she would go or where I would go. The situation so wronged me, and she was so wrong, and I was so right. Now when we get in these disagreements, I question what I am doing. When I yell at my kids, I tell myself that it is just a couch, just a rug; they can be cleaned, and it isn't a big deal. We will be a few minutes late; it's not a big deal and stop getting caught up in these feelings that they should know better. It doesn't matter. I catch myself much quicker than I used to, and I don't ruin days anymore. 
  • ​It appears that Kobe was showing up, and the regrets weren't there. It is essential that our kids see us in a powerful position; we know his kids will be okay. They have been trained mentally for years by watching their Dad; what do your kids see in you? Would your kids shut down if something were to happen to you? Would they die along with you? Metaphorically speaking. I have had this conversation with both of my daughter's many times. Their lives are not supposed to end if something were to happen to Carla and I. We remind them of this every time we take a trip without them. They have our attorneys numbers on their phones. They know who to contact if something happens. Our Trust tells them who will be taking care of them, and we remind them that they are not supposed to die along with us. It's a hard conversation to have with them, but we want to prepare them. I told them I would be watching over them when I am gone, and I don't want them giving up their life for mine. I want to be smiling from heaven. 
  • ​We have to prepare them, but if they only see us in a weakened state, when things go south, they too will be weak when they face tragedies. They will show up the way that we have shown them. The beautiful thing about all of this is that we have the opportunity to change, building them up by building ourselves. When we die, no one else is supposed to die with us. 
  • ​Your kids will see a parent that showed up when you decided to become more. When you choose to become more, your kids will follow suit. I think that is a decision we all need to make. It's hard to say, but everyone on that helicopter is gone, but the collateral damage is all of the people they left behind. We can make that situation worse if we aren't showing up powerfully, so our kids have that mindset to overcome adversity; they will die along with you. Have those conversations, and more than that, show them how to be powerful and overcome disappointments. The only way to do that is through your success. 
  • ​If you shut down every time you lose a transaction, if you can barely make ends meet, you aren't showing them much. You are holding yourself back, no one else is. Align your actions with your abilities; you know exactly what to do.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019