with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 54:

The Hard Work

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 54:

The Hard Work

Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone, and now you are in recovery mode. Have you called off work for the day and pulled the covers over your head? What about your business when that happens? Does it all stop, and you completely shut down? If you want it, then you need to act like you do and show up regardless of how much you overindulged. To be a Player, one that delivers consistently, you need to produce no matter what. If you stopped your game because you feel you aren't getting recognition or results. It's time for you to start looking for it because it has been confirmed time and again.
Super Bowl After Shock
  • ​Monday following the Super Bowl always seems to be the biggest day for people to call off. 15 to 16 million people are estimated to call off work today because they spent all day enjoying the Super Bowl festivities; some more than others took it to a different level. There is nothing wrong with that if it doesn't interfere or impede on anything else that needs to be done. 
  • ​For Producers, for Players, we realize that when we make choices like that, we need to get back on our game as soon as possible and not letting it linger, fester or go farther than it needs to. Today's topic is about Hard Work, and with the Hard Work, the results will never lie. The Hard Work is always there if you allow it to come into fruition. Through Do the Work Coaching, I have not only been able to bring clarity to my clients but for myself, along with confirmation. 
  • ​The word "Confirmation" is huge, and we need to acknowledge that. Sometimes by confirming that we are doing the right things, it will motivate and inspire us to continue. For many of us, if it's not confirmed consistently, and the results aren't there, we lose our motivation and confidence. 
  • ​We are only nine days removed from our Ignite event. Some of you came out with an award and confirmation through receiving Rookie of the Year, Top Producer, Legacy Awards; your hard work was confirmed. For many others, it wasn't, and it became a demotivation because you felt you did the Hard Work and aren't seeing the results. 
  • ​This is a similar conversation I was having with my client. He has done the Hard Work over the last year and a half, showing up powerfully in his marriage, and more conscious about the conversations. Lately, things are going bad for him, and it is hard for him to be in the household because of friction, collisions, and arguments. The patterns of leaving, shutting down, and blaming are at a point where the Hard Work, in his mind, has been thrown out the window. 
  • ​I see this not only in relationships but in business. We are so motivated and inspired to do the work, but we don't see the results immediately, or they don't last as long as we like. We have invested the time, the energy, overcoming some obstacles, but we aren't satisfied with where we are. My client is not satisfied with where his marriage is, and the fact is that it's a rough patch. Our first thought is the work we have been doing does not work and sees that as the only reason why things are not working, we have to ask ourselves better questions. What do I want?
  • ​My client is complaining about where his marriage is at, how his wife is in the wrong and doesn't appreciate him, and all they do is fight; I asked him one simple question, “ What do you want?” Whether you want to stay in the relationship or not, I needed to know what he wanted. I am not going to convince him to stay or go; I just need to know where to direct my efforts. If it's something where you want to go and get a divorce, then I need to know so I can guide you down that path. 
  • ​If he wanted to stay married, go all-in with the woman he loves, the mother of his children, then tell me that so I could lead him down that path. When you ask me about your business, I need to know what you want so that I can lead you down that path. When he said he wanted to be in his marriage and he wanted her, I then asked him a simple question, and I want you to consider it for your business; Why are you acting like you don't? 
  • ​He says he wants his wife, a happy marriage, and if we want all of these things, we need to align our actions to achieve it. What he is telling me and what he is showing me is not in alignment with what he wants, and that is why he has an eternal struggle, and it's not working. We are expecting things to be a certain way, but our actions will dictate which way they will go. Our actions will always dictate that, and it will never fail.
Are You Acting Like You Want It?
  • He says he has been doing the work for a long time; well, let's talk about the times he hasn't. I asked him how long he had been married, and how many of those years he had shown up like a jerk. You expect a year of work to make up for all of that time? Of course you will have obstacles, just like you will in your business. You aren't getting the results, you are upset about your results, and then come to me and tell me you have done the work and nothing seems to be working. 
  • ​How long prior to that year have you not been doing the work? How long have you been in business? What have you been doing during that time? You show up sometimes, market on some days, and because you show up here over the last 30 days, everything is supposed to turn in your favor? A Player understands the work, understands the painful work, the ugly, the dark work. They understand that regardless of the circumstances, they will keep going. 
  • ​Regardless of the decisions they made yesterday and the screw-ups that may have happened, that today they have to get back to work. I mentioned that 15 million people would call off work today, and that is great. A Producer may have messed up yesterday; they may have overindulged, over ate, but today they are showing up because they know that the Hard Work is the only way. 
  • ​It's not trying to find a hack and pretending to be a Player, or pretending to be a Producer. They are showing up today, understanding that Hard Work is the only way. When we state we want a happy marriage, we want to be healthy, or we want a profitable business; I need you to take a step further and ask yourself if you are acting like it. 
  • ​When I told my client that he wasn't acting like he wanted what he said he did, he looked at me and told me I was right. He knew he was out of integrity, completely. This all begins with you asking yourself what you want and are you acting like you want it? Are you doing the things to create it? Our Ignite event was very inspirational for many of you, but then the excuses returned. We get derailed by the obstacles that are ahead of us. When you know what you want, you realize it's going to be the dark, painful work; I think my client understands that as well. 
  • ​When you have a conviction about what you want, you don't stop at the first obstacle. You don't give up at the first sign of resistance; you keep going because you know what you want. You know how a Player is supposed to act when you know what you want. He can't shut that down because of a disagreement; he can't abandon his family at the moment of resistance. 
  • ​When you want something, there will be obstacles and problems that will challenge your vision. That does not mean that you give up or go down the easy path; the easy path is easy because there is less resistance. It's easier to blame, to storm out of a room, to stop marketing, and easier to put off working out until tomorrow. 
  • ​A Player understands that sometimes we do get derailed by obstacles and that their decision right now may not be in alignment with what they want. I may have drunk too much or overeaten or said things in the heat of the moment that I regret, but I am not going to make it worse. The vision is there, and it is not a lot of hot air. 
Ten Year-Old and Resistance
  • I committed, and I was aware of where I was falling short as a father for many years. I'm not proud of it, but I was unaware. That is where the real dysfunction happens; when you are aware and don't do anything about it. Some of you are aware that you aren't marketing consistently, doing the work for your business in your marketing and your sales and systems. You are aware that you are not following up, answering your phone, you are aware that you aren't holding Open Houses or text messaging. You are aware of all of this and do nothing about it. 
  • ​I don't know what is worse; Ignorance of actually knowing and not doing anything about it. I was ignorant when it came to raising a family because I performed based on what I saw. It's easier to give in than to stand firm. My ten-year-old is that age where she wants to sleepover at her friend's house all the time, and her friends to spend the night at our house. I get a lot of resistance from her because when a ten-year-old wants something, they don't stop. 
  • ​Imagine if we had that type of conviction with what we wanted. I think we would all live abundantly. She worked me from the morning until the afternoon about staying the night at her friend's house. I conceded to a point; I would take her over there but then pick her up at 9 pm. She pleaded that everyone would be there swimming and on the trampoline, and I told her the same; she could go, but I would pick her up at 10 pm. She continued to say that all of her friends were going to spend the night; again, I told her she could go, but I would pick her up at 10:30 pm. 
  • ​I was close to giving in, but then I would directly at odds with what my number one responsibility is. That is to keep my daughters safe. The easy thing would be to give in and avoid hearing her cry when I pick her up. The easy thing would be to think that I was a bad parent for not letting her stay the night. I know there is no other way my daughters can be 100% safe than to be in my home, sleeping in their beds. Regardless of how good the other parents are or their siblings, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that her being in her home in her bed is the safest place for her. 
  • ​She is 10, and I'm not saying that I haven't let her under certain circumstances I have allowed it. Right now, I have to set that standard as a parent and be willing to do the Hard Work. I need to be willing to take on the energy that she gives me, the eyes, and the emotions. We got home, and she was sad and crying, all of her friends were there. I wasn't trying to be overly strict, but she is ten, and there will be plenty of time for that. The next part is not apologizing for my stance, not overcompensating out of guilt but having a real conversation. I told her that one day she would understand. She felt it was so unfair, and I explained to her my position; I asked her what my number one responsibility is. She replied that it was to keep her safe. I told her that one day she would understand.
  • ​I now understand why my parents stuck to their guns, which I appreciate. My parents didn't give me what I wanted materialistically, but they did embed in me what it means to say true to what you want. My Mom was overly strict as well, but it taught me how to be a better parent. I shared my feelings with my daughter, and she shared hers, she teared up, and that caused me to tear up as I began to think about how she is growing up. One day I will not be able to keep her safe; she will have to make those decisions on her own. 
  • ​She hugged me so tight and thanked me. I was willing to stand firm on what my responsibilities were and not concede to them, regardless of resistance. Her tears were the resistance, but I knew she was in a safer place being at home. I think she understands that, and she is happy that I fought for her. I did exactly what I said; it's not strict, it's showing her a lot of love. When she hugged me, all of the emotions involved with her wanting to be at her friends' dissipated. She knew Dad would stand firm on what he said, and I held firm to my word.
  • ​When you say you want a marriage that works, a profitable business, and you stop because the resistance is too tough, and the obstacles are too great, you are cheating yourself and your family. We all screw up, but a Player understands what they need to do next and get back to the hard, painful, and dark work. Anything else is the easy way out, and that is what cheaters do, they take the easy way out. They try to find hacks and follow the shiny light.
Final Thoughts
  • My confirmation of doing the work was that tight hug from my daughter. Maybe it's an award for you, but when you do the hard work, there will always be confirmation. It's time for you to start looking for it because it has been confirmed time and again. 
  • ​I went in and had a full health analysis. I have a friend that worked at the Cancer Center for many years, and he is passionate about the behaviors and actions we take as humans to take care of our bodies. Unfortunately, when he saw his patients at the Cancer Center, it was never about reversing the years of neglect, abuse, bad diets, and poor lifestyles. There is no way to reverse the damage at the point they see him. His job at that point becomes about making things comfortable. It's a shame and an energy suck, and that is probably not the right way to describe it, but it was killing him. Energetically, emotionally and mentally, seeing all of that despair around him was killing him. 
  • ​He created a program called the BlindSpot. It sounded great; they were going to do MRI Scans, CT Scans of all the vital organs, including the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys. A gut check, pelvis, and colon; everything you could think of. I was a little hesitant to move forward because I wanted to stick to my thought that I was taking care of myself. I have done it all of these years, so I didn't need it. 
  • ​It came down to the fact that I didn't want to know. When I brought the process up to Carla, I told her I didn't think I needed it, and I hesitated when it came to investing in my health; to getting that confirmation that I was on the right track. Carla looked at me and told me that I say I want to live a long, healthy life, be here for your daughters, and build a profitable business, but the moment I had to invest in determining if I was on the right track, I hesitate? She called me out, just as I called out my client. 
  • ​You say you want a happy marriage, but you aren't acting like it. I say I want to live a long life, but the minute I can get the confirmation, I hesitate because of the investment. I did it, and I went all in, and I was nervous the night before. I was tossing and turning because even though I thought I was a healthy person, that is what I preach, that is what I do and what I live. I could never be 100% sure because I have never been analyzed to this depth. 
  • ​I started to consider all of the things I didn't do right as a young adult — all of the things I didn't do right for my body, and my genetic makeup. I am prone to certain diseases throughout my family history. What if something like that popped up? I began to lose confidence, and I am nervous. I went in, and they started the tests, the CT scans, and the brain scans. There was a moment when my heart began to beat out of control because my thoughts caused me to become anxious. 
  • ​Even though I was confident, I didn't want to be at the mercy of the impending results. I had to talk myself down, telling myself I have been doing the right things. When we got through all of the tests, I was elated to hear the results. The Hard Work will always show up and give you the results you desire and want. That confirmation alone inspired the hell out of me. I have been doing the right things, and I am just getting started.
  • ​I don't know if it's one thing I am doing right; I can't pinpoint it to the smoothies, my daily vitamins, going to the gym daily, and taking care of myself. I can't pinpoint it to one thing, so I am going to say it is all things. With that, I am going to say that I will continue to do all things and not take the easy way out. A Player understands that Hard Work is always required. There are some things I need to change, and I know what action items I need to take. Even though I am doing 95% of all the right things, some things still require attention. 
  • ​If I am in this for the long haul, I need to stay true to what I continue to say. That confirmation alone was worth the money I invested. Just as when I spend tens of hundreds of dollars when I go see Gary Vee in New York. I didn't learn anything new, but the confirmation that I am on the right track does something to you. Maybe that award will do something for you. Perhaps that money in your bank account will do something for you. 
  • ​What do you want? What do you want from your business, your relationships, and your body? Take it one step further and ask yourself if you are acting like you genuinely want it. Are you doing things to move towards that? The only thing that changed my life was being held to a higher standard. My coaches, my mentors, that was all they ever brought to the table was questioning my integrity. I would tell them what I wanted, but they could see the holes in the story through my actions. 
  • ​Maybe this is a year where you don't want the big numbers for the sake of saying it. What would it be like if you lived up to that by showing up powerfully daily? It's about having it all; family, faith, finances, everything. Let's stay on course for what we want, and we all know what that is; we need to align our actions with our wants are. We have to stay strong, and we can't concede to the resistance and don't concede to the obstacles. That is the game.

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Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone, and now you are in recovery mode. Have you called off work for the day and pulled the covers over your head? What about your business when that happens? Does it all stop, and you completely shut down? If you want it, then you need to act like you do and show up regardless of how much you overindulged. To be a Player, one that delivers consistently, you need to produce no matter what. If you stopped your game because you feel you aren't getting recognition or results. It's time for you to start looking for it because it has been confirmed time and again.
Super Bowl After Shock
  • ​Monday following the Super Bowl always seems to be the biggest day for people to call off. 15 to 16 million people are estimated to call off work today because they spent all day enjoying the Super Bowl festivities; some more than others took it to a different level. There is nothing wrong with that if it doesn't interfere or impede on anything else that needs to be done. 
  • ​For Producers, for Players, we realize that when we make choices like that, we need to get back on our game as soon as possible and not letting it linger, fester or go farther than it needs to. Today's topic is about Hard Work, and with the Hard Work, the results will never lie. The Hard Work is always there if you allow it to come into fruition. Through Do the Work Coaching, I have not only been able to bring clarity to my clients but for myself, along with confirmation. 
  • ​The word "Confirmation" is huge, and we need to acknowledge that. Sometimes by confirming that we are doing the right things, it will motivate and inspire us to continue. For many of us, if it's not confirmed consistently, and the results aren't there, we lose our motivation and confidence. 
  • ​We are only nine days removed from our Ignite event. Some of you came out with an award and confirmation through receiving Rookie of the Year, Top Producer, Legacy Awards; your hard work was confirmed. For many others, it wasn't, and it became a demotivation because you felt you did the Hard Work and aren't seeing the results. 
  • ​This is a similar conversation I was having with my client. He has done the Hard Work over the last year and a half, showing up powerfully in his marriage, and more conscious about the conversations. Lately, things are going bad for him, and it is hard for him to be in the household because of friction, collisions, and arguments. The patterns of leaving, shutting down, and blaming are at a point where the Hard Work, in his mind, has been thrown out the window. 
  • ​I see this not only in relationships but in business. We are so motivated and inspired to do the work, but we don't see the results immediately, or they don't last as long as we like. We have invested the time, the energy, overcoming some obstacles, but we aren't satisfied with where we are. My client is not satisfied with where his marriage is, and the fact is that it's a rough patch. Our first thought is the work we have been doing does not work and sees that as the only reason why things are not working, we have to ask ourselves better questions. What do I want?
  • ​My client is complaining about where his marriage is at, how his wife is in the wrong and doesn't appreciate him, and all they do is fight; I asked him one simple question, “ What do you want?” Whether you want to stay in the relationship or not, I needed to know what he wanted. I am not going to convince him to stay or go; I just need to know where to direct my efforts. If it's something where you want to go and get a divorce, then I need to know so I can guide you down that path. 
  • ​If he wanted to stay married, go all-in with the woman he loves, the mother of his children, then tell me that so I could lead him down that path. When you ask me about your business, I need to know what you want so that I can lead you down that path. When he said he wanted to be in his marriage and he wanted her, I then asked him a simple question, and I want you to consider it for your business; Why are you acting like you don't? 
  • ​He says he wants his wife, a happy marriage, and if we want all of these things, we need to align our actions to achieve it. What he is telling me and what he is showing me is not in alignment with what he wants, and that is why he has an eternal struggle, and it's not working. We are expecting things to be a certain way, but our actions will dictate which way they will go. Our actions will always dictate that, and it will never fail.
Are You Acting Like You Want It?
  • He says he has been doing the work for a long time; well, let's talk about the times he hasn't. I asked him how long he had been married, and how many of those years he had shown up like a jerk. You expect a year of work to make up for all of that time? Of course you will have obstacles, just like you will in your business. You aren't getting the results, you are upset about your results, and then come to me and tell me you have done the work and nothing seems to be working. 
  • ​How long prior to that year have you not been doing the work? How long have you been in business? What have you been doing during that time? You show up sometimes, market on some days, and because you show up here over the last 30 days, everything is supposed to turn in your favor? A Player understands the work, understands the painful work, the ugly, the dark work. They understand that regardless of the circumstances, they will keep going. 
  • ​Regardless of the decisions they made yesterday and the screw-ups that may have happened, that today they have to get back to work. I mentioned that 15 million people would call off work today, and that is great. A Producer may have messed up yesterday; they may have overindulged, over ate, but today they are showing up because they know that the Hard Work is the only way. 
  • ​It's not trying to find a hack and pretending to be a Player, or pretending to be a Producer. They are showing up today, understanding that Hard Work is the only way. When we state we want a happy marriage, we want to be healthy, or we want a profitable business; I need you to take a step further and ask yourself if you are acting like it. 
  • ​When I told my client that he wasn't acting like he wanted what he said he did, he looked at me and told me I was right. He knew he was out of integrity, completely. This all begins with you asking yourself what you want and are you acting like you want it? Are you doing the things to create it? Our Ignite event was very inspirational for many of you, but then the excuses returned. We get derailed by the obstacles that are ahead of us. When you know what you want, you realize it's going to be the dark, painful work; I think my client understands that as well. 
  • ​When you have a conviction about what you want, you don't stop at the first obstacle. You don't give up at the first sign of resistance; you keep going because you know what you want. You know how a Player is supposed to act when you know what you want. He can't shut that down because of a disagreement; he can't abandon his family at the moment of resistance. 
  • ​When you want something, there will be obstacles and problems that will challenge your vision. That does not mean that you give up or go down the easy path; the easy path is easy because there is less resistance. It's easier to blame, to storm out of a room, to stop marketing, and easier to put off working out until tomorrow. 
  • ​A Player understands that sometimes we do get derailed by obstacles and that their decision right now may not be in alignment with what they want. I may have drunk too much or overeaten or said things in the heat of the moment that I regret, but I am not going to make it worse. The vision is there, and it is not a lot of hot air. 
Ten Year-Old and Resistance
  • I committed, and I was aware of where I was falling short as a father for many years. I'm not proud of it, but I was unaware. That is where the real dysfunction happens; when you are aware and don't do anything about it. Some of you are aware that you aren't marketing consistently, doing the work for your business in your marketing and your sales and systems. You are aware that you are not following up, answering your phone, you are aware that you aren't holding Open Houses or text messaging. You are aware of all of this and do nothing about it. 
  • ​I don't know what is worse; Ignorance of actually knowing and not doing anything about it. I was ignorant when it came to raising a family because I performed based on what I saw. It's easier to give in than to stand firm. My ten-year-old is that age where she wants to sleepover at her friend's house all the time, and her friends to spend the night at our house. I get a lot of resistance from her because when a ten-year-old wants something, they don't stop. 
  • ​Imagine if we had that type of conviction with what we wanted. I think we would all live abundantly. She worked me from the morning until the afternoon about staying the night at her friend's house. I conceded to a point; I would take her over there but then pick her up at 9 pm. She pleaded that everyone would be there swimming and on the trampoline, and I told her the same; she could go, but I would pick her up at 10 pm. She continued to say that all of her friends were going to spend the night; again, I told her she could go, but I would pick her up at 10:30 pm. 
  • ​I was close to giving in, but then I would directly at odds with what my number one responsibility is. That is to keep my daughters safe. The easy thing would be to give in and avoid hearing her cry when I pick her up. The easy thing would be to think that I was a bad parent for not letting her stay the night. I know there is no other way my daughters can be 100% safe than to be in my home, sleeping in their beds. Regardless of how good the other parents are or their siblings, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that her being in her home in her bed is the safest place for her. 
  • ​She is 10, and I'm not saying that I haven't let her under certain circumstances I have allowed it. Right now, I have to set that standard as a parent and be willing to do the Hard Work. I need to be willing to take on the energy that she gives me, the eyes, and the emotions. We got home, and she was sad and crying, all of her friends were there. I wasn't trying to be overly strict, but she is ten, and there will be plenty of time for that. The next part is not apologizing for my stance, not overcompensating out of guilt but having a real conversation. I told her that one day she would understand. She felt it was so unfair, and I explained to her my position; I asked her what my number one responsibility is. She replied that it was to keep her safe. I told her that one day she would understand.
  • ​I now understand why my parents stuck to their guns, which I appreciate. My parents didn't give me what I wanted materialistically, but they did embed in me what it means to say true to what you want. My Mom was overly strict as well, but it taught me how to be a better parent. I shared my feelings with my daughter, and she shared hers, she teared up, and that caused me to tear up as I began to think about how she is growing up. One day I will not be able to keep her safe; she will have to make those decisions on her own. 
  • ​She hugged me so tight and thanked me. I was willing to stand firm on what my responsibilities were and not concede to them, regardless of resistance. Her tears were the resistance, but I knew she was in a safer place being at home. I think she understands that, and she is happy that I fought for her. I did exactly what I said; it's not strict, it's showing her a lot of love. When she hugged me, all of the emotions involved with her wanting to be at her friends' dissipated. She knew Dad would stand firm on what he said, and I held firm to my word.
  • ​When you say you want a marriage that works, a profitable business, and you stop because the resistance is too tough, and the obstacles are too great, you are cheating yourself and your family. We all screw up, but a Player understands what they need to do next and get back to the hard, painful, and dark work. Anything else is the easy way out, and that is what cheaters do, they take the easy way out. They try to find hacks and follow the shiny light.
Final Thoughts
  • My confirmation of doing the work was that tight hug from my daughter. Maybe it's an award for you, but when you do the hard work, there will always be confirmation. It's time for you to start looking for it because it has been confirmed time and again. 
  • ​I went in and had a full health analysis. I have a friend that worked at the Cancer Center for many years, and he is passionate about the behaviors and actions we take as humans to take care of our bodies. Unfortunately, when he saw his patients at the Cancer Center, it was never about reversing the years of neglect, abuse, bad diets, and poor lifestyles. There is no way to reverse the damage at the point they see him. His job at that point becomes about making things comfortable. It's a shame and an energy suck, and that is probably not the right way to describe it, but it was killing him. Energetically, emotionally and mentally, seeing all of that despair around him was killing him. 
  • ​He created a program called the BlindSpot. It sounded great; they were going to do MRI Scans, CT Scans of all the vital organs, including the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys. A gut check, pelvis, and colon; everything you could think of. I was a little hesitant to move forward because I wanted to stick to my thought that I was taking care of myself. I have done it all of these years, so I didn't need it. 
  • ​It came down to the fact that I didn't want to know. When I brought the process up to Carla, I told her I didn't think I needed it, and I hesitated when it came to investing in my health; to getting that confirmation that I was on the right track. Carla looked at me and told me that I say I want to live a long, healthy life, be here for your daughters, and build a profitable business, but the moment I had to invest in determining if I was on the right track, I hesitate? She called me out, just as I called out my client. 
  • ​You say you want a happy marriage, but you aren't acting like it. I say I want to live a long life, but the minute I can get the confirmation, I hesitate because of the investment. I did it, and I went all in, and I was nervous the night before. I was tossing and turning because even though I thought I was a healthy person, that is what I preach, that is what I do and what I live. I could never be 100% sure because I have never been analyzed to this depth. 
  • ​I started to consider all of the things I didn't do right as a young adult — all of the things I didn't do right for my body, and my genetic makeup. I am prone to certain diseases throughout my family history. What if something like that popped up? I began to lose confidence, and I am nervous. I went in, and they started the tests, the CT scans, and the brain scans. There was a moment when my heart began to beat out of control because my thoughts caused me to become anxious. 
  • ​Even though I was confident, I didn't want to be at the mercy of the impending results. I had to talk myself down, telling myself I have been doing the right things. When we got through all of the tests, I was elated to hear the results. The Hard Work will always show up and give you the results you desire and want. That confirmation alone inspired the hell out of me. I have been doing the right things, and I am just getting started.
  • ​I don't know if it's one thing I am doing right; I can't pinpoint it to the smoothies, my daily vitamins, going to the gym daily, and taking care of myself. I can't pinpoint it to one thing, so I am going to say it is all things. With that, I am going to say that I will continue to do all things and not take the easy way out. A Player understands that Hard Work is always required. There are some things I need to change, and I know what action items I need to take. Even though I am doing 95% of all the right things, some things still require attention. 
  • ​If I am in this for the long haul, I need to stay true to what I continue to say. That confirmation alone was worth the money I invested. Just as when I spend tens of hundreds of dollars when I go see Gary Vee in New York. I didn't learn anything new, but the confirmation that I am on the right track does something to you. Maybe that award will do something for you. Perhaps that money in your bank account will do something for you. 
  • ​What do you want? What do you want from your business, your relationships, and your body? Take it one step further and ask yourself if you are acting like you genuinely want it. Are you doing things to move towards that? The only thing that changed my life was being held to a higher standard. My coaches, my mentors, that was all they ever brought to the table was questioning my integrity. I would tell them what I wanted, but they could see the holes in the story through my actions. 
  • ​Maybe this is a year where you don't want the big numbers for the sake of saying it. What would it be like if you lived up to that by showing up powerfully daily? It's about having it all; family, faith, finances, everything. Let's stay on course for what we want, and we all know what that is; we need to align our actions with our wants are. We have to stay strong, and we can't concede to the resistance and don't concede to the obstacles. That is the game.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019