with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 63:

Grabbing the Bull by the Horns

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 63:

Grabbing the Bull by the Horns

I have decided to Grab the Bull by the Horns. When you ride in on the tail of this market, you are at the mercy of it; you have no control of your destination. Facing the Bull, head-on, and grabbing hold of its horns gives you dominance in which way you turn, pulling it upward to rise. There will never be a better time to prove that you are a force to be reckoned with than today. If you can come in on the head and not ride in on the tail, you will reap the benefits from the market share you claimed while others hid in fear.
If You Mess With the Bull; You Get the Horns
  • ​Today's topic is Grabbing the Bull by the Horns. It has been an interesting few weeks for me. As I think about how we have progressed as a company, and the outcomes I see from you. I am very proud of where we are sitting right now. We are consistently going out and showcasing ourselves as the authority, showing that we are grabbing the bull by its horns. 
  • ​People are saying that we will trickle down into what will become a Bear Market; consumers won't be as apt to pull the trigger. There will always be that dilemma when there is change. Most don't like change, and at the moment of it, instead of moving forward with what they want as entrepreneurs, we allow others to tell us what that is. The advice given most often is not to make any moves, and to cease any progression in our ventures and actions. 
  • ​We have to showcase that confidence, and talking about the facts is the main objective. We went over that in last week's Sales Meeting. There will always be those individuals that will be sitting on the fence; we aren't in a position to convince anyone. We need to focus our efforts on those people that need to buy and sell. You need to have the confidence when asked by a client if it's the right time to buy, look them in the eye and say that it absolutely is. We have the stats to back that up. 
  • ​Overall, market values are continuing to rise, and there is a chance that they will slow. It has been rising for the last eight years, and of course, there will be some balance. I am excited about how I have been able to shift my mind; you will probably notice your shift as well. Back in 2008, it caught me off guard, but I learned so much from it that I am putting it into play today. My approach to this game, to showing up powerful daily, stems from those pains from 2008. It stems from that experience, those dark moments. What I thought was the end of the world for me. 
  • ​I look at it now, and I am busier than ever. Over the last three to four weeks, I have put more things into play, more systems, processes, and intention than I have over the previous six months. It fires me up to know that I won't be a statistic or falter when things get tough. I rise up when things get difficult, and it inspires me. 
  • ​Maybe I should be feeling the effects of what is going on with the economy. I think it's my own belief, living in my own reality. I don't think I should be suffering right now, or hurting; I don't believe I should be fearful. If we all take that approach, we start to focus on what we need to do to omit those feelings away. 
  • ​The more I think about it, and the more I appreciate the past, I am fired up. I haven't taken a day off since this whole thing went down. I haven't let off the gas pedal; in fact, I have done more than I have in a long time. It's not because I am scared, but because I know I need to rise as a leader and as a business owner. I have to show that confidence so that you can show that confidence; so your clients can feel that confidence from you. 
  • ​Being out there and not paying attention to the noise gives us all an unfair advantage over the competition. I got a text last weekend that said he was refusing to be the tail of the bull, and he is going to be the head; he has seven in escrow. This was from one of our agents here. I am seeing this story of our agents rising to the occasion because there is that need. There are people who need your guidance to allow them to move forward. When you speak the facts, it does a wonderful thing for them. It makes them trust you because they know you are speaking from a place of integrity.
Complacency Kills Momentum
  • The only reason I am making these big decisions is because of the Targets I have set forth. These targets give me a clear vision of what I need to do. We all need to go back to the simple processes that have been proven to work. What do you need to pull off by the end of the week? What is going to constitute a win for you by the end of the week? 
  • ​The announcements we have made over the past few weeks have been huge, and it will give all of us an advantage; not only the branding but the software that backs it up. Also, the Title company that was developed with the same mindset and the same type of work ethic that we all have. I am hoping you will support that, but if you have all of these things in play, it gives you an advantage beyond anyone else out there. That is what inspires me.
  • ​We are working on our third announcement right now. It's amazing to be able to continue to push forward when others are pushing down. I got a call over the weekend from one of our agents. They said they saw a house they really loved, and they have seen it twice. The first time it went under contract quickly, the market was in high demand, now it's available again. Because of all of this noise, now they are hesitating. I had to remind this agent of ours why they wanted to buy, to begin with. 
  • ​If we are the professionals in this industry and we are having apprehensions imagine how your clients are feeling. This process that I spoke to her is a good lesson for us to convey and communicate with our clientele base. I asked her how it would make her feel to be in that property? Does she see herself and her family there? They have loved it from the first time they laid eyes on it. But now, because they are unsure of the market, her husband is busy at his job, but there is a chance he could lose it. His career is considered essential in this market. In my eyes, I think it's secure. 
  • ​We have to look at the false sense of security; we could always lose our jobs or a deal under any market. Setting targets and being able to push yourself out of that comfort zone allows you to get up every morning and fight for what you want. It's easy to become complacent; it would have been easy for me to become complacent with my first home purchase. Did it serve our needs? Yes. But after some time, it didn't serve our ambitions. It wasn't in alignment with what I wanted in life. 
  • ​This isn't about materialistic things, but how it will make me feel daily, get up, and get my ass going so, I don't falter and get comfortable. I have seen it many times within my family. Getting comfortable will not fire you up. When I asked that agent how it would make her feel, to have the house she has always wanted, will it inspire her to get up each day and work hard for what you have? She agreed that it would. 
  • ​So what is different now from when she had the opportunity before? She was worried about the market. Has her paycheck changed? No, it hasn't. When we listen to the noise from relatives that don't understand entrepreneurship, it will be hard to make that decision. My advice to her was not to ask the opinion of others. Have that conversation with your spouse. Dream what you want and think outside of the parameters of fear. What is the worst thing that could happen? If she lost her job right now, would she be able to make her current mortgage? 
  • ​We have to paint a picture for our clients because we get scared. Imagine if you already had this home during this time; what would you do? She answered that she would figure out a way; exactly. We, as leaders, must showcase that. 
Shut Fear Down
  • Right now, you may be re-considering before investing in your company, buying that new laptop you need. When we impose this fear within us, we will be apprehensive about a lot of things. If you set targets and can meet them, you should be able to go after what you want. 
  • ​For example, to get your laptop, you need to get another deal in escrow. Now you have a clear outcome of what you need to get your new laptop. If we set these targets, and set an outcome for it and then achieve it, you must allow yourself to reap the benefits. Be very clear about it.
  • ​I had told the story before about when I bought my first Porsche. It was outside of my element. Carla asked me how it would make me feel? Would it inspire me in the morning? Will it fire you up to go after more? Part of human nature is understanding our need to grow and continuing to expand as a person. We lose purpose when we don't have goals and ambitions. 
  • ​My Mom is a testament to that. When they retired, they went through a roller coaster of emotion where she was sick consistently. She didn't have anything to look forward to until they found something she was passionate about. She loves antiques, and now she is an antique flipper. She buys antiques in poor condition, and she restores them. She uses the internet; my Mom, with minimal education, has found the passion within her because she has something to look forward to. She has goals and ambitions to drive her. She sets targets every week and goes after them. 
  • ​That is how we must approach things and not buy into the noise within us. If you are in a position where you are going to buy, look at all the positives. The interest rates are unbelievable, and the house you really wanted may not have been available two months ago. There would have been ten offers on that property. See this as an opportunity to negotiate and get the home you have always wanted. 
  • ​I can say this out of full integrity because I am doing those same things. I’m investing in things that make me very uncomfortable, but I realize what the worst thing that can happen is. My track record tells me I am going to come out on top. I have a simple game plan, the 12-week Targets, that gives me a way to pull that off. That is the approach we have to take regardless of the market. When things are good, it is easy to be comfortable, and I have warned you about that. Keep pushing yourself, and right now, as most are hesitant, it's easy to contract. I am warning you about that now. Some agents have seven escrows, but others have 14, and then those that have zero because they chose to contract. 
In Closing
  • As we went out to AJ’s this weekend and I saw all of the small businesses that have closed down, it made me enraged. I had empathy for those that had been impacted by the restrictions for COVID 19. Especially the health and beauty industry, the barbers, and hairstylists. I pain for them because the government told them they were too stupid to take the right precautions to continue to run their business. But, we will allow that pimple-faced kid to serve you food at Taco Bell. I got upset that a government can come in and do that; they had no choice.
  • ​We lucked out in our industry, and are fortunate to have our jobs and be able to function normally. The government didn't shut us down, but many agents have been shut down by themselves. What a travesty that thousands of businesses are suffering because someone imposed that on them. I think they can do that responsibly. Especially when you have restaurants and UBER drivers breathing and touching your stuff, a barber can't put a mask on and be safe? 
  • ​Some people are feeling the burden. And for you not to rise during this time is a travesty. No burden was put on us, and we have to understand this. The moment you feel like not doing things, you must think of the people that the restriction was imposed on. You have a choice, and they don't. If you are suffering right now, it's because of the choices you are making, not one that was imposed upon you. We have to take full responsibility for our actions, and not look for an excuse for why we aren't producing. There isn't one. It is a self-imposed restriction that you need to lift off of yourself and not succumb to this. 
  • ​We lucked out, and we can still function as a business. When you begin to feel sorry for yourself, I want you to think about all of those other businesses that are suffering that will not make it out of this. That is unfortunate, and I feel pain for those people. If I was in that industry, I would be enraged. The audacity to think they are unable to create a safe environment why they do their jobs. 
  • ​We all know we have more to give, and we have to use this opportunity, where all those other agents are self-imposing restrictions on themselves. It is very different from other industries because we are allowed to play. Many are choosing not to, and this is where we stand apart, and grab the bull by its horns. We have to see these opportunities. 
  • ​I have been committed to my 12-week Target book, and I am on week 12. I am getting more powerful and feeling more certain; trusting myself more each day. This quote came up today, “ Not arrogant, but confident. They will see it in your eyes, in your demeanor that you are there to deliver.” That comes from doing the reps and speaking in truths. You can't convince your clients that they should be doing what they need to for their families; if you aren't doing it yourself. 
  • ​It doesn't matter how good the words sound coming out of your mouth; if you aren't in integrity, they will feel that. If you are holding back in certain aspects of your life, start pulling the trigger and trust yourself. What is the worst that could happen? What is it that you have been thinking about doing to get after it? I don't want you to be irresponsible; I am saying for you not to be scared. No other time in the last eight years have we had this opportunity right now. It is all on you. 
  • ​As the market changes, we are going to be riding those bull horns and be the first to see the rise, capturing market share. All the other agents that have been asleep, they won't see the benefit until they come in on the tail end, holding on for dear life. 
  • ​It's hard to hear the negativity from family and friends; they don't understand how to continue to push and move forward. Many of them have been in the same job for twenty years, too afraid to make moves. Yet they are giving you their opinion now. Are they telling you the moves you need to make? They aren't necessarily concerned; they are merely sharing their fears with you. They feel you should be scared also. I refuse to listen to that. Any goals and ambitions I have, I don't discuss with anybody, unless they are the coaches that I pay and Carla. 
  • ​I don't need anybody who hasn't experienced what I have, telling me what I should do. If you have goals and ambitions, don't let anybody else know, keep it to yourself or talk to a mentor. Make sure your mentor has made those moves as well, otherwise, keep it to yourself, and within your family. Negative conversations won't empower you; they instill fear that they have. 
  • ​If you buy a 12-week Target Book, I need you to watch the training on them. I want you to buy into the methodologies and the philosophies behind it. It's a powerful way to stay on course. 
  • ​We talk about democracy, but we see these atrocities happening during the shutdowns. There will be long-term suffering, which is unfortunate. If you think you have it bad, be thankful that you didn't have that restriction put on you. The self-imposed limitation is on you. If you can make it happen right now, you can make it happen in any market.
  • ​ Make that a target for yourself. What does it look like to get another escrow this week? What will you do to make contact? To put multiple pieces of marketing out there? This is the game where we can flourish. You know what to do, and I am proud to run with you. If you have any questions, I am always available. What you tell me is private, but I may use your story anonymously to inspire others that are facing the same challenges.

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I have decided to Grab the Bull by the Horns. When you ride in on the tail of this market, you are at the mercy of it; you have no control of your destination. Facing the Bull, head-on, and grabbing hold of its horns gives you dominance in which way you turn, pulling it upward to rise. There will never be a better time to prove that you are a force to be reckoned with than today. If you can come in on the head and not ride in on the tail, you will reap the benefits from the market share you claimed while others hid in fear.
If You Mess With the Bull; You Get the Horns
  • ​Today's topic is Grabbing the Bull by the Horns. It has been an interesting few weeks for me. As I think about how we have progressed as a company, and the outcomes I see from you. I am very proud of where we are sitting right now. We are consistently going out and showcasing ourselves as the authority, showing that we are grabbing the bull by its horns. 
  • ​People are saying that we will trickle down into what will become a Bear Market; consumers won't be as apt to pull the trigger. There will always be that dilemma when there is change. Most don't like change, and at the moment of it, instead of moving forward with what they want as entrepreneurs, we allow others to tell us what that is. The advice given most often is not to make any moves, and to cease any progression in our ventures and actions. 
  • ​We have to showcase that confidence, and talking about the facts is the main objective. We went over that in last week's Sales Meeting. There will always be those individuals that will be sitting on the fence; we aren't in a position to convince anyone. We need to focus our efforts on those people that need to buy and sell. You need to have the confidence when asked by a client if it's the right time to buy, look them in the eye and say that it absolutely is. We have the stats to back that up. 
  • ​Overall, market values are continuing to rise, and there is a chance that they will slow. It has been rising for the last eight years, and of course, there will be some balance. I am excited about how I have been able to shift my mind; you will probably notice your shift as well. Back in 2008, it caught me off guard, but I learned so much from it that I am putting it into play today. My approach to this game, to showing up powerful daily, stems from those pains from 2008. It stems from that experience, those dark moments. What I thought was the end of the world for me. 
  • ​I look at it now, and I am busier than ever. Over the last three to four weeks, I have put more things into play, more systems, processes, and intention than I have over the previous six months. It fires me up to know that I won't be a statistic or falter when things get tough. I rise up when things get difficult, and it inspires me. 
  • ​Maybe I should be feeling the effects of what is going on with the economy. I think it's my own belief, living in my own reality. I don't think I should be suffering right now, or hurting; I don't believe I should be fearful. If we all take that approach, we start to focus on what we need to do to omit those feelings away. 
  • ​The more I think about it, and the more I appreciate the past, I am fired up. I haven't taken a day off since this whole thing went down. I haven't let off the gas pedal; in fact, I have done more than I have in a long time. It's not because I am scared, but because I know I need to rise as a leader and as a business owner. I have to show that confidence so that you can show that confidence; so your clients can feel that confidence from you. 
  • ​Being out there and not paying attention to the noise gives us all an unfair advantage over the competition. I got a text last weekend that said he was refusing to be the tail of the bull, and he is going to be the head; he has seven in escrow. This was from one of our agents here. I am seeing this story of our agents rising to the occasion because there is that need. There are people who need your guidance to allow them to move forward. When you speak the facts, it does a wonderful thing for them. It makes them trust you because they know you are speaking from a place of integrity.
Complacency Kills Momentum
  • The only reason I am making these big decisions is because of the Targets I have set forth. These targets give me a clear vision of what I need to do. We all need to go back to the simple processes that have been proven to work. What do you need to pull off by the end of the week? What is going to constitute a win for you by the end of the week? 
  • ​The announcements we have made over the past few weeks have been huge, and it will give all of us an advantage; not only the branding but the software that backs it up. Also, the Title company that was developed with the same mindset and the same type of work ethic that we all have. I am hoping you will support that, but if you have all of these things in play, it gives you an advantage beyond anyone else out there. That is what inspires me.
  • ​We are working on our third announcement right now. It's amazing to be able to continue to push forward when others are pushing down. I got a call over the weekend from one of our agents. They said they saw a house they really loved, and they have seen it twice. The first time it went under contract quickly, the market was in high demand, now it's available again. Because of all of this noise, now they are hesitating. I had to remind this agent of ours why they wanted to buy, to begin with. 
  • ​If we are the professionals in this industry and we are having apprehensions imagine how your clients are feeling. This process that I spoke to her is a good lesson for us to convey and communicate with our clientele base. I asked her how it would make her feel to be in that property? Does she see herself and her family there? They have loved it from the first time they laid eyes on it. But now, because they are unsure of the market, her husband is busy at his job, but there is a chance he could lose it. His career is considered essential in this market. In my eyes, I think it's secure. 
  • ​We have to look at the false sense of security; we could always lose our jobs or a deal under any market. Setting targets and being able to push yourself out of that comfort zone allows you to get up every morning and fight for what you want. It's easy to become complacent; it would have been easy for me to become complacent with my first home purchase. Did it serve our needs? Yes. But after some time, it didn't serve our ambitions. It wasn't in alignment with what I wanted in life. 
  • ​This isn't about materialistic things, but how it will make me feel daily, get up, and get my ass going so, I don't falter and get comfortable. I have seen it many times within my family. Getting comfortable will not fire you up. When I asked that agent how it would make her feel, to have the house she has always wanted, will it inspire her to get up each day and work hard for what you have? She agreed that it would. 
  • ​So what is different now from when she had the opportunity before? She was worried about the market. Has her paycheck changed? No, it hasn't. When we listen to the noise from relatives that don't understand entrepreneurship, it will be hard to make that decision. My advice to her was not to ask the opinion of others. Have that conversation with your spouse. Dream what you want and think outside of the parameters of fear. What is the worst thing that could happen? If she lost her job right now, would she be able to make her current mortgage? 
  • ​We have to paint a picture for our clients because we get scared. Imagine if you already had this home during this time; what would you do? She answered that she would figure out a way; exactly. We, as leaders, must showcase that. 
Shut Fear Down
  • Right now, you may be re-considering before investing in your company, buying that new laptop you need. When we impose this fear within us, we will be apprehensive about a lot of things. If you set targets and can meet them, you should be able to go after what you want. 
  • ​For example, to get your laptop, you need to get another deal in escrow. Now you have a clear outcome of what you need to get your new laptop. If we set these targets, and set an outcome for it and then achieve it, you must allow yourself to reap the benefits. Be very clear about it.
  • ​I had told the story before about when I bought my first Porsche. It was outside of my element. Carla asked me how it would make me feel? Would it inspire me in the morning? Will it fire you up to go after more? Part of human nature is understanding our need to grow and continuing to expand as a person. We lose purpose when we don't have goals and ambitions. 
  • ​My Mom is a testament to that. When they retired, they went through a roller coaster of emotion where she was sick consistently. She didn't have anything to look forward to until they found something she was passionate about. She loves antiques, and now she is an antique flipper. She buys antiques in poor condition, and she restores them. She uses the internet; my Mom, with minimal education, has found the passion within her because she has something to look forward to. She has goals and ambitions to drive her. She sets targets every week and goes after them. 
  • ​That is how we must approach things and not buy into the noise within us. If you are in a position where you are going to buy, look at all the positives. The interest rates are unbelievable, and the house you really wanted may not have been available two months ago. There would have been ten offers on that property. See this as an opportunity to negotiate and get the home you have always wanted. 
  • ​I can say this out of full integrity because I am doing those same things. I’m investing in things that make me very uncomfortable, but I realize what the worst thing that can happen is. My track record tells me I am going to come out on top. I have a simple game plan, the 12-week Targets, that gives me a way to pull that off. That is the approach we have to take regardless of the market. When things are good, it is easy to be comfortable, and I have warned you about that. Keep pushing yourself, and right now, as most are hesitant, it's easy to contract. I am warning you about that now. Some agents have seven escrows, but others have 14, and then those that have zero because they chose to contract. 
In Closing
  • As we went out to AJ’s this weekend and I saw all of the small businesses that have closed down, it made me enraged. I had empathy for those that had been impacted by the restrictions for COVID 19. Especially the health and beauty industry, the barbers, and hairstylists. I pain for them because the government told them they were too stupid to take the right precautions to continue to run their business. But, we will allow that pimple-faced kid to serve you food at Taco Bell. I got upset that a government can come in and do that; they had no choice.
  • ​We lucked out in our industry, and are fortunate to have our jobs and be able to function normally. The government didn't shut us down, but many agents have been shut down by themselves. What a travesty that thousands of businesses are suffering because someone imposed that on them. I think they can do that responsibly. Especially when you have restaurants and UBER drivers breathing and touching your stuff, a barber can't put a mask on and be safe? 
  • ​Some people are feeling the burden. And for you not to rise during this time is a travesty. No burden was put on us, and we have to understand this. The moment you feel like not doing things, you must think of the people that the restriction was imposed on. You have a choice, and they don't. If you are suffering right now, it's because of the choices you are making, not one that was imposed upon you. We have to take full responsibility for our actions, and not look for an excuse for why we aren't producing. There isn't one. It is a self-imposed restriction that you need to lift off of yourself and not succumb to this. 
  • ​We lucked out, and we can still function as a business. When you begin to feel sorry for yourself, I want you to think about all of those other businesses that are suffering that will not make it out of this. That is unfortunate, and I feel pain for those people. If I was in that industry, I would be enraged. The audacity to think they are unable to create a safe environment why they do their jobs. 
  • ​We all know we have more to give, and we have to use this opportunity, where all those other agents are self-imposing restrictions on themselves. It is very different from other industries because we are allowed to play. Many are choosing not to, and this is where we stand apart, and grab the bull by its horns. We have to see these opportunities. 
  • ​I have been committed to my 12-week Target book, and I am on week 12. I am getting more powerful and feeling more certain; trusting myself more each day. This quote came up today, “ Not arrogant, but confident. They will see it in your eyes, in your demeanor that you are there to deliver.” That comes from doing the reps and speaking in truths. You can't convince your clients that they should be doing what they need to for their families; if you aren't doing it yourself. 
  • ​It doesn't matter how good the words sound coming out of your mouth; if you aren't in integrity, they will feel that. If you are holding back in certain aspects of your life, start pulling the trigger and trust yourself. What is the worst that could happen? What is it that you have been thinking about doing to get after it? I don't want you to be irresponsible; I am saying for you not to be scared. No other time in the last eight years have we had this opportunity right now. It is all on you. 
  • ​As the market changes, we are going to be riding those bull horns and be the first to see the rise, capturing market share. All the other agents that have been asleep, they won't see the benefit until they come in on the tail end, holding on for dear life. 
  • ​It's hard to hear the negativity from family and friends; they don't understand how to continue to push and move forward. Many of them have been in the same job for twenty years, too afraid to make moves. Yet they are giving you their opinion now. Are they telling you the moves you need to make? They aren't necessarily concerned; they are merely sharing their fears with you. They feel you should be scared also. I refuse to listen to that. Any goals and ambitions I have, I don't discuss with anybody, unless they are the coaches that I pay and Carla. 
  • ​I don't need anybody who hasn't experienced what I have, telling me what I should do. If you have goals and ambitions, don't let anybody else know, keep it to yourself or talk to a mentor. Make sure your mentor has made those moves as well, otherwise, keep it to yourself, and within your family. Negative conversations won't empower you; they instill fear that they have. 
  • ​If you buy a 12-week Target Book, I need you to watch the training on them. I want you to buy into the methodologies and the philosophies behind it. It's a powerful way to stay on course. 
  • ​We talk about democracy, but we see these atrocities happening during the shutdowns. There will be long-term suffering, which is unfortunate. If you think you have it bad, be thankful that you didn't have that restriction put on you. The self-imposed limitation is on you. If you can make it happen right now, you can make it happen in any market.
  • ​ Make that a target for yourself. What does it look like to get another escrow this week? What will you do to make contact? To put multiple pieces of marketing out there? This is the game where we can flourish. You know what to do, and I am proud to run with you. If you have any questions, I am always available. What you tell me is private, but I may use your story anonymously to inspire others that are facing the same challenges.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019