with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 64:

Show No Shame

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 64:

Show No Shame

 I have been skeptical from day one. I will have no shame for continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. Some have to take precautions, and they should. The biggest tragedy through this is to shut down out of fear shutting down your business, your resiliency, goals, and ambitions. Time will pass, and this will all be a distant memory; what will be the mark you leave on it?
Situational Shut Down
  • ​I think we are all fatigued; we have Coronavirus fatigue. It is a symptom of something that is wearing on us all. It is wearing on the economy, our confidence, and almost every aspect of our lives. There is no news outside of the Coronavirus. All crime has subsided, and all other newsworthy items have dissipated. 
  • ​I am going to encourage you to listen carefully and make your assessments of what we need to do as small business owners, and leaders of our households; not be prisoners of what others are telling us to do. Today's subject is Show No Shame.
  • ​I hit a milestone two days ago. I have run 52 miles in 4 weeks, not jogging but going at 90-100% of my capacity and ability. Going all into a point where my bones, joints, and every muscle is hurting and keeping me up at night. I made a proclamation that I would finish 100 miles in 8 weeks. Saturday I passed that threshold, I balanced the scales. I was in a deficit where there were more miles than the time I had left. 
  • ​I made the proclamation to do 100 miles, and I was excited about it. I invited many people to join me, putting it out on Facebook. It was a proclamation for myself because I know how to overcome stress, my fears, and significant obstacles. I do that by challenging myself further than anything outside of me. 
  • ​During week three, as I was accumulating miles, we were sitting outside of HQ, and an older gentleman walked out. He walked past us and commented on us harboring Coronavirus, all because there was a group of us. We were doing our best to keep our distance six feet apart. We were outside, not in a room, out enjoying the beauty of life. He made that comment, and I didn't know that it had impacted me, but it did. I felt ashamed at that moment. I felt shame for taking care of myself for having a group of individuals who are on the same path. I started to shut that process down. I didn't talk about it as much and didn't take pictures with groups of individuals as I did in the beginning. 
  • ​You may have noticed that I stopped promoting it within our organization. I didn't realize that I felt shame for trying to stay healthy and strong, not hiding in a corner, in my house, being told the best thing to do to protect myself. After 41 years, I know the best way to take care of myself. Yet, I allowed others to shame me, and tell me the best measures are.
Zero Shame in Your Game
  • I understand that my health is my greatest antibody; I have no shame about that and work on it every single day. Some people spend more money in a month on alcohol vs. vitamins. I spend hundreds each month on vitamins. I am not going to have shame for being healthy and understanding that I can overcome any disease that comes my way. 
  • ​I am also mentally strong, and no one is going to take that away from me. Health is my greatest vaccine. Taking care of myself and not being afraid of what others are imposing and shoving down our throats. How you should operate your business and your life. We all have a fighting chance against any disease if we have the right mindset and resilience. At the moment we cower, the disease takes over. The moment we buy into the idea that we have no hope, we lose hope, and the disease takes over. When you shut down, that is the first step in allowing yourself to succumb to such things. 
  • ​As of right now, I will have zero shame for taking care of myself, doing the right things over the past years and decades. I have invited you to come along on the same path for years. We have to stand strong now. We can't discredit ourselves for doing the right things over the years. Just as those who have shown great success over their careers, they should not be ashamed of being in a good position right now. I have felt the burdens of not taking care of myself, and not having a strong foundation for my business; I will not take that shame on today. There are a lot of people hurting, and I pain for them—especially those who were dictated by the government to shut down. 
  • ​It is not my pain, and it is not your pain. I pain for those who are terrified that the disease may take them because they have failed to take care of themselves. Maybe they are older, and I get that. I am at greater risk of succumbing to a disease than a twenty-year-old, or a 15-year-old, but I'm not going to stop them from living their life. I have to take the precautions, just as my Mom has too. She isn't imposing that on me, and she would never do that. 
  • ​We are allowing others to impose our fears on us. I have done the right things. The biggest tragedy through this is to shut down because of the fear. Shutting down your business, your resiliency, your goals, and ambitions. To shut down your life through all of this. Time will pass, and this will all be a distant memory, what will linger are the consequences—the consequences of not having money. The stresses we imposed on ourselves because we decided to shut down due to other fears and pains. 
It's Not Your Fear
  • I have had this conversation with my daughters; I don't want them to shut down their lives because of others' fears, pain, or loss. We went through the process of setting up a Trust many years ago. The conversation was brutally honest with my daughters; we had to have this conversation because I didn't want them losing their lives over mine or my wives. We told our daughter that when we pass, we pass; it doesn't mean that she kills her life as well. We have lived our life, and that is the mindset that I have and the mindset we all should have.
  • ​There are more consequences for shutting down your life; I have seen it firsthand. Someone passes in the family, and the kids are left with sorrow for years to come. Shutting themselves off from building anything great for their lives, from their own family, killing their own lives slowly, and painfully, feeling sorry for themselves when it is the other person that passed away. It's not about being insensitive; it's realizing we have been given the gift of life, and living in fear is not part of that. Living in sorrow is not life. Taking someone else's fears and struggles may not be your life.
  • ​We should not be ashamed of what we have created. Some people will learn many lessons during this time. What if this is an indication of how life moves forward? What if it is the survival of the fittest? Are you doing your job? Are you supporting that foundation of living a healthy and long life? It's easy to say that they are looking out for our best interest. The government knows what is best for us, yet the number one killer is heart disease; number two is cancer. One of the leading causes of heart disease is poor nutrition. 
  • ​Heart disease is a disorder due to an inadequate supply of nutrition and oxygen; exercise. It does damage to the coronary arteries. For the most part, it is preventable. Poor lifestyle choices are at a much higher risk of heart disease. If they cared for us, then why is it that the only restaurants still open are fast-food restaurants? 
  • ​I'm not saying that we shouldn't take precautions, but we must get out of this fear-based mindset. We have to provide for our families and ourselves. I have been doing a lot of research beyond what we are told. Fast food restaurants are a poor diet choice, high in saturated fats, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates that contribute to fats, sodium, and sugars. We need to be more concerned about that. 
  • ​There are risk factors with heart disease, and with the Coronavirus. Age, smoking, poor diet, are all risk factors. If you have those items, you are more likely to suffer some consequences of any disease. Obesity, diabetes; have to take more considerable precautions. Physical inactivity, stress, poor hygiene; are all risk factors. It now comes down to personal choice, not being dictated to or mandated on how we should operate. Your health will always be your vaccine. Your mental health will be your vaccine.
  • If you have pulled back a little; we have all been guilty of that. The bigger consequences and issues are still going to come. There will be greater stress, financial burdens of debt. That is what lingers after any big ordeal. After any illness or death, and after holding back. The collateral damage that occurs from a loss of a business that will come to many. Many in our industry will be months behind with their debt because they decided to succumb to the lies we have been told. 
  • ​I have been skeptical from day one. I will have no shame for continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. There are some that have to take precautions, and they should do it. The effects of losing your business, not paying your bills, are going to be devastating and demoralizing. It will add additional stress to your home, uncertainty, and that is a terrible feeling. Waking up every morning with high anxiety. When I look at the consequences of that, a flu like the Coronavirus seems like a walk in the park. Waking up and not knowing how to pay the bills, and what it does to you mentally and physically, that is tough. That is hard to come back from. 
  • ​You have a 99% survival rate from the Coronavirus. The antibody is here, and I know what the vaccine is; good health. If this is exposing some of you, then you are going to do something about it. You can't be taken off of your path of growth and expansion anytime there is a virus out there. Let this be a lesson to all of us, that maybe we need to change our patterns. 
  • ​My personal experiences have led me down this path, because I know how it feels to be over stressed, and not to have money. Waking up with self imposed illnesses like a hangover. Not being able to function for days. It was my health that created my lifestyle. It will be your health that will create yours. 
  • ​We are entitled to our own views on this. But I want you to consider something different. We can't wait until we get this mandate lifted to go really aggressive with our marketing. There are people who are growing their business during this time. I have witnessed it. They have taken all of the necessary precautions but have decided not to shut down to fear. 
  • ​There is now a 3 or 5 phase process that has come out, that as of May 1st, they will be phasing this out; reopening a self-imposed closure of our economy. It completely disabled our economy. I think they have to go through this process because they can't simply say that we are open again. Everything they scared us about, and statistics that have been proven wrong over the months; that would be too easy and discredit them.
In Closing
  • It starts on May 1st, and I am telling you not to wait. I have been telling you not to wait. Nothing will change from now until then. We have that ability now; our industry was tagged as essential. I believe every business is essential, but many in our industry have shut down. Now they are waiting until May 1st like it is New Years'. Once May 1st comes, they are going to go to the gym daily, market, and do all of the things that I have not been doing. I think we will all remember this as the new New Year; May 1st, life changes. It's all bullshit. We can do that now. 
  • ​You don't need a gym, come out and run with us; every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 am. Don't wait to go after what you want; start that today. We have all been guilty of cutting back and not showing up 100%. We can't let that linger for any longer; we restart today. I want to see your aggressiveness, your conviction; I want you in alignment with your goals today. We shouldn't wait for a three-phase process before we get back on track. We have a three-phase process to create a life on fire; the Prime 3. Power, Purpose, and Profits. Stick with that. Health, Family, Business; that is the only three-phase process we should be working on; it's been proven to work. It creates a foundation of success in all aspects of your life. Don't be restricted by these arbitrary rules that seemed to be created daily. 
  • ​May 1st is not a New Years Resolution. The work starts now. Maybe you have been guilty of holding back; I think we all got caught. We need to question everything, and to voluntarily shut down the greatest economy of my life is an atrocity. Every time there is an economic shift, small businesses suffer the most; big businesses will thrive because they have the resources to bounce back. They can go years without showing any profits. We have to show a profit each month to stay in business. 
  • ​We made up 48% of the economy in 2008; we are down to 43%. Guess what will happen after this? Small businesses will be in the ’30s. We are the ones at risk. You are. Big businesses are experiencing a power grab if you think about it. They will put small businesses out of business, even realtors. You will see how these major corporations come back with a vengeance. They have been working, and we have been scared at home watching Netflix. Guess what Redfin, Zillow, and Trulia are doing? They aren't shutting down; they make you believe it so you will. 
  • ​Watch our market share dwindle in that space as well. Many will feel the burdens while big businesses thrive. Due to the consequences of our actions and fears, and the ramifications of the debt that has piled up. What are you going to do about it? 
  • ​Have zero shame and get out there and exercise; post it. Come out and join us on our run; we do four miles each day. Figure out a way to get moving. Taking care of yourself is the number one vaccine. Health is the antibody. There will be those that are more at risk; you should be taking those precautions. My parents should be taking those precautions, but we can't impose this though on an entire economy, an entire human species. We are not all the same. As I age, I am not the same as a 20 or 30-year-old, and I can't impose my risks on them. That is precisely what we are doing right now, and we have allowed it. 
  • ​Get out there and walk, and get that oxygen in your lungs. That is what happens with heart disease. They are looking out for us, though, but left all of the fast-food restaurants open. It doesn't make sense on so many levels. I have done a lot of bored eating, but I have bounced back, and I am supporting that with my 100 miles. 
  • ​It takes courage not to feel the burden of what is happening. Do the right things and follow the three-phase process of the Prime 3; it will get you into power, building a foundation that will keep you away from the hospital, and divorce court. It will keep you away from accumulating debt; Power, Purpose, and Profits. Health, Family, and Business. That is it in a nutshell. Thank you for joining me, enjoy your day, and be productive today. Raise that fist in the air and go after it with no shame.

More Episodes

 I have been skeptical from day one. I will have no shame for continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. Some have to take precautions, and they should. The biggest tragedy through this is to shut down out of fear shutting down your business, your resiliency, goals, and ambitions. Time will pass, and this will all be a distant memory; what will be the mark you leave on it?
Situational Shut Down
  • ​I think we are all fatigued; we have Coronavirus fatigue. It is a symptom of something that is wearing on us all. It is wearing on the economy, our confidence, and almost every aspect of our lives. There is no news outside of the Coronavirus. All crime has subsided, and all other newsworthy items have dissipated. 
  • ​I am going to encourage you to listen carefully and make your assessments of what we need to do as small business owners, and leaders of our households; not be prisoners of what others are telling us to do. Today's subject is Show No Shame.
  • ​I hit a milestone two days ago. I have run 52 miles in 4 weeks, not jogging but going at 90-100% of my capacity and ability. Going all into a point where my bones, joints, and every muscle is hurting and keeping me up at night. I made a proclamation that I would finish 100 miles in 8 weeks. Saturday I passed that threshold, I balanced the scales. I was in a deficit where there were more miles than the time I had left. 
  • ​I made the proclamation to do 100 miles, and I was excited about it. I invited many people to join me, putting it out on Facebook. It was a proclamation for myself because I know how to overcome stress, my fears, and significant obstacles. I do that by challenging myself further than anything outside of me. 
  • ​During week three, as I was accumulating miles, we were sitting outside of HQ, and an older gentleman walked out. He walked past us and commented on us harboring Coronavirus, all because there was a group of us. We were doing our best to keep our distance six feet apart. We were outside, not in a room, out enjoying the beauty of life. He made that comment, and I didn't know that it had impacted me, but it did. I felt ashamed at that moment. I felt shame for taking care of myself for having a group of individuals who are on the same path. I started to shut that process down. I didn't talk about it as much and didn't take pictures with groups of individuals as I did in the beginning. 
  • ​You may have noticed that I stopped promoting it within our organization. I didn't realize that I felt shame for trying to stay healthy and strong, not hiding in a corner, in my house, being told the best thing to do to protect myself. After 41 years, I know the best way to take care of myself. Yet, I allowed others to shame me, and tell me the best measures are.
Zero Shame in Your Game
  • I understand that my health is my greatest antibody; I have no shame about that and work on it every single day. Some people spend more money in a month on alcohol vs. vitamins. I spend hundreds each month on vitamins. I am not going to have shame for being healthy and understanding that I can overcome any disease that comes my way. 
  • ​I am also mentally strong, and no one is going to take that away from me. Health is my greatest vaccine. Taking care of myself and not being afraid of what others are imposing and shoving down our throats. How you should operate your business and your life. We all have a fighting chance against any disease if we have the right mindset and resilience. At the moment we cower, the disease takes over. The moment we buy into the idea that we have no hope, we lose hope, and the disease takes over. When you shut down, that is the first step in allowing yourself to succumb to such things. 
  • ​As of right now, I will have zero shame for taking care of myself, doing the right things over the past years and decades. I have invited you to come along on the same path for years. We have to stand strong now. We can't discredit ourselves for doing the right things over the years. Just as those who have shown great success over their careers, they should not be ashamed of being in a good position right now. I have felt the burdens of not taking care of myself, and not having a strong foundation for my business; I will not take that shame on today. There are a lot of people hurting, and I pain for them—especially those who were dictated by the government to shut down. 
  • ​It is not my pain, and it is not your pain. I pain for those who are terrified that the disease may take them because they have failed to take care of themselves. Maybe they are older, and I get that. I am at greater risk of succumbing to a disease than a twenty-year-old, or a 15-year-old, but I'm not going to stop them from living their life. I have to take the precautions, just as my Mom has too. She isn't imposing that on me, and she would never do that. 
  • ​We are allowing others to impose our fears on us. I have done the right things. The biggest tragedy through this is to shut down because of the fear. Shutting down your business, your resiliency, your goals, and ambitions. To shut down your life through all of this. Time will pass, and this will all be a distant memory, what will linger are the consequences—the consequences of not having money. The stresses we imposed on ourselves because we decided to shut down due to other fears and pains. 
It's Not Your Fear
  • I have had this conversation with my daughters; I don't want them to shut down their lives because of others' fears, pain, or loss. We went through the process of setting up a Trust many years ago. The conversation was brutally honest with my daughters; we had to have this conversation because I didn't want them losing their lives over mine or my wives. We told our daughter that when we pass, we pass; it doesn't mean that she kills her life as well. We have lived our life, and that is the mindset that I have and the mindset we all should have.
  • ​There are more consequences for shutting down your life; I have seen it firsthand. Someone passes in the family, and the kids are left with sorrow for years to come. Shutting themselves off from building anything great for their lives, from their own family, killing their own lives slowly, and painfully, feeling sorry for themselves when it is the other person that passed away. It's not about being insensitive; it's realizing we have been given the gift of life, and living in fear is not part of that. Living in sorrow is not life. Taking someone else's fears and struggles may not be your life.
  • ​We should not be ashamed of what we have created. Some people will learn many lessons during this time. What if this is an indication of how life moves forward? What if it is the survival of the fittest? Are you doing your job? Are you supporting that foundation of living a healthy and long life? It's easy to say that they are looking out for our best interest. The government knows what is best for us, yet the number one killer is heart disease; number two is cancer. One of the leading causes of heart disease is poor nutrition. 
  • ​Heart disease is a disorder due to an inadequate supply of nutrition and oxygen; exercise. It does damage to the coronary arteries. For the most part, it is preventable. Poor lifestyle choices are at a much higher risk of heart disease. If they cared for us, then why is it that the only restaurants still open are fast-food restaurants? 
  • ​I'm not saying that we shouldn't take precautions, but we must get out of this fear-based mindset. We have to provide for our families and ourselves. I have been doing a lot of research beyond what we are told. Fast food restaurants are a poor diet choice, high in saturated fats, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates that contribute to fats, sodium, and sugars. We need to be more concerned about that. 
  • ​There are risk factors with heart disease, and with the Coronavirus. Age, smoking, poor diet, are all risk factors. If you have those items, you are more likely to suffer some consequences of any disease. Obesity, diabetes; have to take more considerable precautions. Physical inactivity, stress, poor hygiene; are all risk factors. It now comes down to personal choice, not being dictated to or mandated on how we should operate. Your health will always be your vaccine. Your mental health will be your vaccine.
  • If you have pulled back a little; we have all been guilty of that. The bigger consequences and issues are still going to come. There will be greater stress, financial burdens of debt. That is what lingers after any big ordeal. After any illness or death, and after holding back. The collateral damage that occurs from a loss of a business that will come to many. Many in our industry will be months behind with their debt because they decided to succumb to the lies we have been told. 
  • ​I have been skeptical from day one. I will have no shame for continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. There are some that have to take precautions, and they should do it. The effects of losing your business, not paying your bills, are going to be devastating and demoralizing. It will add additional stress to your home, uncertainty, and that is a terrible feeling. Waking up every morning with high anxiety. When I look at the consequences of that, a flu like the Coronavirus seems like a walk in the park. Waking up and not knowing how to pay the bills, and what it does to you mentally and physically, that is tough. That is hard to come back from. 
  • ​You have a 99% survival rate from the Coronavirus. The antibody is here, and I know what the vaccine is; good health. If this is exposing some of you, then you are going to do something about it. You can't be taken off of your path of growth and expansion anytime there is a virus out there. Let this be a lesson to all of us, that maybe we need to change our patterns. 
  • ​My personal experiences have led me down this path, because I know how it feels to be over stressed, and not to have money. Waking up with self imposed illnesses like a hangover. Not being able to function for days. It was my health that created my lifestyle. It will be your health that will create yours. 
  • ​We are entitled to our own views on this. But I want you to consider something different. We can't wait until we get this mandate lifted to go really aggressive with our marketing. There are people who are growing their business during this time. I have witnessed it. They have taken all of the necessary precautions but have decided not to shut down to fear. 
  • ​There is now a 3 or 5 phase process that has come out, that as of May 1st, they will be phasing this out; reopening a self-imposed closure of our economy. It completely disabled our economy. I think they have to go through this process because they can't simply say that we are open again. Everything they scared us about, and statistics that have been proven wrong over the months; that would be too easy and discredit them.
In Closing
  • It starts on May 1st, and I am telling you not to wait. I have been telling you not to wait. Nothing will change from now until then. We have that ability now; our industry was tagged as essential. I believe every business is essential, but many in our industry have shut down. Now they are waiting until May 1st like it is New Years'. Once May 1st comes, they are going to go to the gym daily, market, and do all of the things that I have not been doing. I think we will all remember this as the new New Year; May 1st, life changes. It's all bullshit. We can do that now. 
  • ​You don't need a gym, come out and run with us; every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 am. Don't wait to go after what you want; start that today. We have all been guilty of cutting back and not showing up 100%. We can't let that linger for any longer; we restart today. I want to see your aggressiveness, your conviction; I want you in alignment with your goals today. We shouldn't wait for a three-phase process before we get back on track. We have a three-phase process to create a life on fire; the Prime 3. Power, Purpose, and Profits. Stick with that. Health, Family, Business; that is the only three-phase process we should be working on; it's been proven to work. It creates a foundation of success in all aspects of your life. Don't be restricted by these arbitrary rules that seemed to be created daily. 
  • ​May 1st is not a New Years Resolution. The work starts now. Maybe you have been guilty of holding back; I think we all got caught. We need to question everything, and to voluntarily shut down the greatest economy of my life is an atrocity. Every time there is an economic shift, small businesses suffer the most; big businesses will thrive because they have the resources to bounce back. They can go years without showing any profits. We have to show a profit each month to stay in business. 
  • ​We made up 48% of the economy in 2008; we are down to 43%. Guess what will happen after this? Small businesses will be in the ’30s. We are the ones at risk. You are. Big businesses are experiencing a power grab if you think about it. They will put small businesses out of business, even realtors. You will see how these major corporations come back with a vengeance. They have been working, and we have been scared at home watching Netflix. Guess what Redfin, Zillow, and Trulia are doing? They aren't shutting down; they make you believe it so you will. 
  • ​Watch our market share dwindle in that space as well. Many will feel the burdens while big businesses thrive. Due to the consequences of our actions and fears, and the ramifications of the debt that has piled up. What are you going to do about it? 
  • ​Have zero shame and get out there and exercise; post it. Come out and join us on our run; we do four miles each day. Figure out a way to get moving. Taking care of yourself is the number one vaccine. Health is the antibody. There will be those that are more at risk; you should be taking those precautions. My parents should be taking those precautions, but we can't impose this though on an entire economy, an entire human species. We are not all the same. As I age, I am not the same as a 20 or 30-year-old, and I can't impose my risks on them. That is precisely what we are doing right now, and we have allowed it. 
  • ​Get out there and walk, and get that oxygen in your lungs. That is what happens with heart disease. They are looking out for us, though, but left all of the fast-food restaurants open. It doesn't make sense on so many levels. I have done a lot of bored eating, but I have bounced back, and I am supporting that with my 100 miles. 
  • ​It takes courage not to feel the burden of what is happening. Do the right things and follow the three-phase process of the Prime 3; it will get you into power, building a foundation that will keep you away from the hospital, and divorce court. It will keep you away from accumulating debt; Power, Purpose, and Profits. Health, Family, and Business. That is it in a nutshell. Thank you for joining me, enjoy your day, and be productive today. Raise that fist in the air and go after it with no shame.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019