with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 70:

The Perfect Storm

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 70:

The Perfect Storm

I am not listening to the noise created by social and mainstream media; it is consumed with spreading fear and hate. My focus is on my future self and the success and longevity of my family and business. I am moving forward with intention and not letting the outside world continue to drive our economy with scare tactics and oppression. What will the next 12 weeks look for you, your business, and your family? Invoke your right to choose and don't get caught up in the perfect storm.
Skin in the Game
  • ​Thank you for being here to recalibrate and recommit to the actions you said you were going to do. Today is the first official day of my 70.3 Ironman training. I decided to hire a coach, and they can do great things. They collapse time and help you get where you want to be faster and more efficiently. That is why I decided to make the cash investment into this to ensure that I am committed and will show up.
  • ​When information is given to us freely, we don't take it and put it into play; because it is free; there is no skin in the game. I always make sure that I put skin in the game in whatever I do. That automatically increases my ability to achieve the task at hand. He was not cheap, and he coaches some of the greatest ironmen out there. I went to the top because I want to learn from him and have every advantage possible. 
  • ​Will I compete at that level? Not at all, but I will compete at a high level for what I am accustomed to. This Ironman 70.3 is at the front of my mind, and how difficult it will be. It will start with a 1.2-mile swim, and that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are in the water, it seems like a marathon. It is then followed immediately by a 56-mile bike ride. It ends with a 13.1-mile run. 
  • ​I have done an Olympic Triathlon. It is a .8 mile swim, followed by a 26-mile run and then a 7-mile run. That was a big feat for me, and I said that would be the last competition I would ever be in. It's hard to stop growing, though, when you are on a path of growth and expansion. The things I said I would never do again are reappearing in my life, and I have more confidence behind it. 
  • ​It's because of the reps I have put in. This entire opportunity opened up to me when I decided to do the 100 mile run in 8 weeks. It so happened when our economy shut down, and eight weeks later, it reopened. It worked out beautifully, and I came out stronger, and those that completed it with me also came out stronger. You can see it in their demeanor and confidence, their eyes, and their business. Each person that completed it is doing something bigger in all aspects of their life. 
  • ​The flipside of that is the Top Producers are now asking these same individuals what they are doing to keep busy. They poured the energy into the Coronavirus, of being fearful and shutting down, making excuses not to go out there, convincing themselves the entire economy was shut down; that couldn't have been further from the truth. Some are killing it right now and those that are suffering the consequences. 
  • ​We all have the same ability, but it is based on the intentional actions we take daily. What we decide to consume and how we react to those mediums. If all we see is fire and famine, we will show up to life with that. All we can see is that everything is shut down, nothing good is happening, that is how we will show up to the world. It is easy to get sucked into whatever mediums are being sent our way. Social Media or through mass media. You realize what you did over the past eight weeks, and now there is another big issue. It is causing anger, frustration, and resentment. This was the perfect storm for what just occurred; there are riots all over the country, people have been oppressed for weeks; what did they think would happen?
The Spark
  • What happened to George Floyd was the fire, the spark, and that was hard to watch. Watching someone being killed on camera is so tough, even though we are accustomed to seeing it on t.v. And in the movies. It was different, and we think we are desensitized to it all, but it was tough to consume that video. Now some rioters and looters are taking the focus away from those that are protesting peacefully. There is a perfect storm here; when we hold back, suppress, or are told that you must stay home, and the economy was taken from so many. Millions of people are feeling the pain, and many jobs have been lost, compiled with negativity and frustration; what did they think would happen? 
  • ​They get into large groups where everyone is feeling the same way; what did they think would happen? This all started in the name of safety, and many of you shut down in the name of safety. Now, you can remove that energy that you put into your safety, hiding from the Coronavirus and put that into an anger state. Angry with the protestors, the government officials, the looters, and with everyone. You can get sucked into that vortex, and it is happening everywhere. The influence is intense and hard to escape from. You only have a limited amount of energy.
  • ​Anger is explosive; it gets actions going; I love it if you can channel it to further you ahead. Not to destroy, be hateful, vindictive, but something that will continue to move you forward. Channeling that into your business, your family, your health, and not getting sucked into a state of depression. Many are suffering the consequences of shutting down because they bought into that. You were told to slow down, take it easy, stay at home. For those of you that did those things, what is happening right now? That is a learning lesson because now you are being told to be angry, to hate another race, and be upset with the police. 
  • ​All of this is a distraction to production, to your production, and your ability to get to the next level. For you to further the growth of your family, finances, and the love in your heart. You have a choice, and I can see how easy it is to get sucked in. I had more time on my hands yesterday than I have had in awhile, knowing that today was the first day of my training for Ironman 70.3. Two a day workouts are going to become standard for me. I have only completed part one of two for the day. 
  • ​I won't have time to be in this mess like I was yesterday, and I was starting to get angry at everybody. Imagine if I had stayed there? Do you think I would have the energy to go out and kill it today? To be here in front of you and tell you to kill it today? Hell no.
The Trap of Consumption
  • I have to admit that I was getting sucked into this, and I was starting to judge and get angry at our government. It triggered me to the point that Carla was asking me what was wrong with me. I couldn't focus because all I did was consume information from my phone all freaking day. Yet that is the same immunity I built towards the Coronavirus. I said I wasn't going to listen anymore or believe until I saw it. It was a decision, and I decided to come out stronger, and I did. I am in the best shape of my life, and I am embarking on something that will take me to the next level. A level I never thought was possible for me. Many are sitting in front of their t.v.’s yelling, judging, and getting angry. 
  • ​While falling into this trap, and now with an 8 pm curfew set in place by our governor, that imposed the curfew for law-abiding citizens. Because of the actions of a small group of individuals that needed to be stopped and be arrested. Not the protestors, the looters. I wrote this down, “8 pm curfew? Isn't that what got us into this mess, to begin with? Violating our liberties and civil rights? What did you expect to happen? You shut down the economy for our safety, brewing resentment, fear, anxiety, frustration, distrust, as you mandated who was essential and who was not. There is a deep-seated frustration amongst the people of this nation, and they are tired of being controlled and violated to no repercussions to the violators. It's citizens like me and you that are left to carry the burden. I hate what happened to George Floyd and all those before them, and after him, that was unjustly killed. I hate what is happening to those that have lost their jobs and are facing financial hardship. I hate the opportunists that are terrorizing our streets. I love the good people in the world; I honor those that have guns, proudly waving the U.S. flags mandating our economy would be reopened, and our rights to be reinstituted; I salute you. I also love the good people and honor those that are protesting peacefully in the streets for equality; I support and hear you. You are both fighting for the same things; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Looters are opportunists, stop and arrest them, but don't control the citizens of this great nation. Do so, and you will be voted out. This is not the solution; quit taking our freedoms away in the name of safety. We are being groomed to follow the arbitrary rules, not the laws of the constitution. What is next?”
  • ​If I continue to dive into these feelings, where do you think I would be? I will not be productive; I will be going around pointing fingers at everybody and placing blame. We can all do that. I understand I only have a limited amount of energy, and I will do something productive. I am going to love on my kids, my wife, my body, and my business. I can't be in this place, and neither can you. You need to stand up for you; start there and realize you aren't going to fix anyone else. 
  • ​Provide your kids with the opportunities they deserve and that you deserve. Being in this place is what, having all of these looters out there, thinking that is the rich vs. the poor, not realizing many who are wealthy are because of the hard work they do daily.
In Closing
  • There was a Mercedes dealership whose cars were getting vandalized. That is the back of many hard hours of work and sacrifice. The sacrifice to stay on target, to do the work when it is easier not to and to remain committed to your dreams. Some people are out there destroying them from a place of anger and frustrations. They don't know how to release it, and they are explosive in all the wrong ways. They think their situation is somebody else's problem.
  • ​It could be generational dysfunction, not being around the right people, or seeing something more significant for yourself. It is easier said than done when all you see is a certain level of success, that is where you will be. It was a perfect storm, and that is defined as a particularly bad or critical state of affairs arising from several negative and unpredictable thoughts and factors. 
  • ​For example, the Coronavirus; many people were afraid we might die. It was fanned and fueled by social media and mainstream media. Economies were shut down, and millions of jobs were lost. Financial burdens, many feeling oppressed from the negativity, frustration, and resentment, and now you have anarchy in the streets. 
  • ​When we have our phone nearby, it makes us feel that what is happening is in close proximity. You have a choice now, just as you did nine weeks ago. All we hear about is all of the wrongs that our government has done, and all of the wrong the looters and rioters are doing. What about the right? What kind of story will you write during this time? Elon Musk said during an interview with Joe Rogan that he was thinking of designing his entire house. He decided against it because he knew how much time and energy it would take to design it. He decided to explore Mars instead. 
  • ​That blew my mind; exploring Mars would take the same time and energy to design a house? That is everything with us when we decide only to consume our phones, it takes the same time, energy, and effort that it would do something productive for our businesses. Spend time with your family, workout, and make yourself healthier so you can last through the stress and duress we take on daily. He understands we only have a limited amount of time; it's what you do with it: the game-changer, between those that have and those that don't. 
  • ​All of these kids out there have all of this energy but don't know how to release it. All of this pent up energy from the past nine weeks. Watching their parents lose their jobs and taking their frustrations out on them. Now they are lashing out. It's a dysfunctional generational thing, and it sucks. To break out of that mold is nearly impossible. You are more aware, and you can't fall into those same traps, and you must decide where you will be in the next eight weeks. I know where I will be in the next 20 weeks; I have it all planned out for my health side. 
  • ​That will open up more opportunities for my business and for the messages I can convey. It's not about the 1.2-mile swim, the 56-mile bike ride, or the 13.1-mile run; I will do that ten times over while preparing for it. That is where I will learn my lessons. Your results are merely the icing; it's the journey and being able to push through the pains, the distractions; that is where the journey is, and I can't wait to learn about myself. 
  • ​I am going to push my limitations, and hurt; I can't wait. Carla started her 12-week challenge this morning, with eight individuals at 6 am; they will all go through a growth process and collapse at that time. They decided to put their money where their mouth was. They started to focus on what they could do to better themselves instead of getting pulled into the negativity. Each of them will come out better on the other side. Not only for their health but for the confidence that it will create. 
  • ​The same confidence that is used to build a great business; you don't believe me? Watch those that decide to take on those challenges with me. Look where they are now; it's not a coincidence. You must challenge yourself, push yourself, and turn away from the distractions. I am happy because I am prepping for the next phase of my business, and the fiercest competition that I have ever been in. I am looking forward to it. 
  • ​As opposed to the perfect storm being a critical state of affairs, I am looking at it differently. There is a perfect storm that is brewing within me. It has to do with the results I will get after this; that will result from the intentional daily actions arising from a vision of future possibilities. 
  • ​One of the proudest things I have witnessed is people getting excited about pushing their bodies at that level; I think we will be the only brokerage in the country with eight Ironmen. I am very proud and looking forward to what will come out of this. 

More Episodes

I am not listening to the noise created by social and mainstream media; it is consumed with spreading fear and hate. My focus is on my future self and the success and longevity of my family and business. I am moving forward with intention and not letting the outside world continue to drive our economy with scare tactics and oppression. What will the next 12 weeks look for you, your business, and your family? Invoke your right to choose and don't get caught up in the perfect storm.
Skin in the Game
  • ​Thank you for being here to recalibrate and recommit to the actions you said you were going to do. Today is the first official day of my 70.3 Ironman training. I decided to hire a coach, and they can do great things. They collapse time and help you get where you want to be faster and more efficiently. That is why I decided to make the cash investment into this to ensure that I am committed and will show up.
  • ​When information is given to us freely, we don't take it and put it into play; because it is free; there is no skin in the game. I always make sure that I put skin in the game in whatever I do. That automatically increases my ability to achieve the task at hand. He was not cheap, and he coaches some of the greatest ironmen out there. I went to the top because I want to learn from him and have every advantage possible. 
  • ​Will I compete at that level? Not at all, but I will compete at a high level for what I am accustomed to. This Ironman 70.3 is at the front of my mind, and how difficult it will be. It will start with a 1.2-mile swim, and that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are in the water, it seems like a marathon. It is then followed immediately by a 56-mile bike ride. It ends with a 13.1-mile run. 
  • ​I have done an Olympic Triathlon. It is a .8 mile swim, followed by a 26-mile run and then a 7-mile run. That was a big feat for me, and I said that would be the last competition I would ever be in. It's hard to stop growing, though, when you are on a path of growth and expansion. The things I said I would never do again are reappearing in my life, and I have more confidence behind it. 
  • ​It's because of the reps I have put in. This entire opportunity opened up to me when I decided to do the 100 mile run in 8 weeks. It so happened when our economy shut down, and eight weeks later, it reopened. It worked out beautifully, and I came out stronger, and those that completed it with me also came out stronger. You can see it in their demeanor and confidence, their eyes, and their business. Each person that completed it is doing something bigger in all aspects of their life. 
  • ​The flipside of that is the Top Producers are now asking these same individuals what they are doing to keep busy. They poured the energy into the Coronavirus, of being fearful and shutting down, making excuses not to go out there, convincing themselves the entire economy was shut down; that couldn't have been further from the truth. Some are killing it right now and those that are suffering the consequences. 
  • ​We all have the same ability, but it is based on the intentional actions we take daily. What we decide to consume and how we react to those mediums. If all we see is fire and famine, we will show up to life with that. All we can see is that everything is shut down, nothing good is happening, that is how we will show up to the world. It is easy to get sucked into whatever mediums are being sent our way. Social Media or through mass media. You realize what you did over the past eight weeks, and now there is another big issue. It is causing anger, frustration, and resentment. This was the perfect storm for what just occurred; there are riots all over the country, people have been oppressed for weeks; what did they think would happen?
The Spark
  • What happened to George Floyd was the fire, the spark, and that was hard to watch. Watching someone being killed on camera is so tough, even though we are accustomed to seeing it on t.v. And in the movies. It was different, and we think we are desensitized to it all, but it was tough to consume that video. Now some rioters and looters are taking the focus away from those that are protesting peacefully. There is a perfect storm here; when we hold back, suppress, or are told that you must stay home, and the economy was taken from so many. Millions of people are feeling the pain, and many jobs have been lost, compiled with negativity and frustration; what did they think would happen? 
  • ​They get into large groups where everyone is feeling the same way; what did they think would happen? This all started in the name of safety, and many of you shut down in the name of safety. Now, you can remove that energy that you put into your safety, hiding from the Coronavirus and put that into an anger state. Angry with the protestors, the government officials, the looters, and with everyone. You can get sucked into that vortex, and it is happening everywhere. The influence is intense and hard to escape from. You only have a limited amount of energy.
  • ​Anger is explosive; it gets actions going; I love it if you can channel it to further you ahead. Not to destroy, be hateful, vindictive, but something that will continue to move you forward. Channeling that into your business, your family, your health, and not getting sucked into a state of depression. Many are suffering the consequences of shutting down because they bought into that. You were told to slow down, take it easy, stay at home. For those of you that did those things, what is happening right now? That is a learning lesson because now you are being told to be angry, to hate another race, and be upset with the police. 
  • ​All of this is a distraction to production, to your production, and your ability to get to the next level. For you to further the growth of your family, finances, and the love in your heart. You have a choice, and I can see how easy it is to get sucked in. I had more time on my hands yesterday than I have had in awhile, knowing that today was the first day of my training for Ironman 70.3. Two a day workouts are going to become standard for me. I have only completed part one of two for the day. 
  • ​I won't have time to be in this mess like I was yesterday, and I was starting to get angry at everybody. Imagine if I had stayed there? Do you think I would have the energy to go out and kill it today? To be here in front of you and tell you to kill it today? Hell no.
The Trap of Consumption
  • I have to admit that I was getting sucked into this, and I was starting to judge and get angry at our government. It triggered me to the point that Carla was asking me what was wrong with me. I couldn't focus because all I did was consume information from my phone all freaking day. Yet that is the same immunity I built towards the Coronavirus. I said I wasn't going to listen anymore or believe until I saw it. It was a decision, and I decided to come out stronger, and I did. I am in the best shape of my life, and I am embarking on something that will take me to the next level. A level I never thought was possible for me. Many are sitting in front of their t.v.’s yelling, judging, and getting angry. 
  • ​While falling into this trap, and now with an 8 pm curfew set in place by our governor, that imposed the curfew for law-abiding citizens. Because of the actions of a small group of individuals that needed to be stopped and be arrested. Not the protestors, the looters. I wrote this down, “8 pm curfew? Isn't that what got us into this mess, to begin with? Violating our liberties and civil rights? What did you expect to happen? You shut down the economy for our safety, brewing resentment, fear, anxiety, frustration, distrust, as you mandated who was essential and who was not. There is a deep-seated frustration amongst the people of this nation, and they are tired of being controlled and violated to no repercussions to the violators. It's citizens like me and you that are left to carry the burden. I hate what happened to George Floyd and all those before them, and after him, that was unjustly killed. I hate what is happening to those that have lost their jobs and are facing financial hardship. I hate the opportunists that are terrorizing our streets. I love the good people in the world; I honor those that have guns, proudly waving the U.S. flags mandating our economy would be reopened, and our rights to be reinstituted; I salute you. I also love the good people and honor those that are protesting peacefully in the streets for equality; I support and hear you. You are both fighting for the same things; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Looters are opportunists, stop and arrest them, but don't control the citizens of this great nation. Do so, and you will be voted out. This is not the solution; quit taking our freedoms away in the name of safety. We are being groomed to follow the arbitrary rules, not the laws of the constitution. What is next?”
  • ​If I continue to dive into these feelings, where do you think I would be? I will not be productive; I will be going around pointing fingers at everybody and placing blame. We can all do that. I understand I only have a limited amount of energy, and I will do something productive. I am going to love on my kids, my wife, my body, and my business. I can't be in this place, and neither can you. You need to stand up for you; start there and realize you aren't going to fix anyone else. 
  • ​Provide your kids with the opportunities they deserve and that you deserve. Being in this place is what, having all of these looters out there, thinking that is the rich vs. the poor, not realizing many who are wealthy are because of the hard work they do daily.
In Closing
  • There was a Mercedes dealership whose cars were getting vandalized. That is the back of many hard hours of work and sacrifice. The sacrifice to stay on target, to do the work when it is easier not to and to remain committed to your dreams. Some people are out there destroying them from a place of anger and frustrations. They don't know how to release it, and they are explosive in all the wrong ways. They think their situation is somebody else's problem.
  • ​It could be generational dysfunction, not being around the right people, or seeing something more significant for yourself. It is easier said than done when all you see is a certain level of success, that is where you will be. It was a perfect storm, and that is defined as a particularly bad or critical state of affairs arising from several negative and unpredictable thoughts and factors. 
  • ​For example, the Coronavirus; many people were afraid we might die. It was fanned and fueled by social media and mainstream media. Economies were shut down, and millions of jobs were lost. Financial burdens, many feeling oppressed from the negativity, frustration, and resentment, and now you have anarchy in the streets. 
  • ​When we have our phone nearby, it makes us feel that what is happening is in close proximity. You have a choice now, just as you did nine weeks ago. All we hear about is all of the wrongs that our government has done, and all of the wrong the looters and rioters are doing. What about the right? What kind of story will you write during this time? Elon Musk said during an interview with Joe Rogan that he was thinking of designing his entire house. He decided against it because he knew how much time and energy it would take to design it. He decided to explore Mars instead. 
  • ​That blew my mind; exploring Mars would take the same time and energy to design a house? That is everything with us when we decide only to consume our phones, it takes the same time, energy, and effort that it would do something productive for our businesses. Spend time with your family, workout, and make yourself healthier so you can last through the stress and duress we take on daily. He understands we only have a limited amount of time; it's what you do with it: the game-changer, between those that have and those that don't. 
  • ​All of these kids out there have all of this energy but don't know how to release it. All of this pent up energy from the past nine weeks. Watching their parents lose their jobs and taking their frustrations out on them. Now they are lashing out. It's a dysfunctional generational thing, and it sucks. To break out of that mold is nearly impossible. You are more aware, and you can't fall into those same traps, and you must decide where you will be in the next eight weeks. I know where I will be in the next 20 weeks; I have it all planned out for my health side. 
  • ​That will open up more opportunities for my business and for the messages I can convey. It's not about the 1.2-mile swim, the 56-mile bike ride, or the 13.1-mile run; I will do that ten times over while preparing for it. That is where I will learn my lessons. Your results are merely the icing; it's the journey and being able to push through the pains, the distractions; that is where the journey is, and I can't wait to learn about myself. 
  • ​I am going to push my limitations, and hurt; I can't wait. Carla started her 12-week challenge this morning, with eight individuals at 6 am; they will all go through a growth process and collapse at that time. They decided to put their money where their mouth was. They started to focus on what they could do to better themselves instead of getting pulled into the negativity. Each of them will come out better on the other side. Not only for their health but for the confidence that it will create. 
  • ​The same confidence that is used to build a great business; you don't believe me? Watch those that decide to take on those challenges with me. Look where they are now; it's not a coincidence. You must challenge yourself, push yourself, and turn away from the distractions. I am happy because I am prepping for the next phase of my business, and the fiercest competition that I have ever been in. I am looking forward to it. 
  • ​As opposed to the perfect storm being a critical state of affairs, I am looking at it differently. There is a perfect storm that is brewing within me. It has to do with the results I will get after this; that will result from the intentional daily actions arising from a vision of future possibilities. 
  • ​One of the proudest things I have witnessed is people getting excited about pushing their bodies at that level; I think we will be the only brokerage in the country with eight Ironmen. I am very proud and looking forward to what will come out of this. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019