with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 77:

Comparison Discredits Your Journey

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 77:

Comparison Discredits Your Journey

It brings me great joy to see this brokerage's agents hitting such big numbers, the most significant numbers this agency has ever experienced. With that comes, others who feel less than because they are getting caught up in the game of comparison. Comparing ourselves to others only leads to discrediting our journey or someone else's. Stay on the path that you are on, keep moving forward, and compare yourself to only one person; you.
Broken Record
  • ​We are in a business where we tend to compare; our results, ourselves, our systems, and processes. All in the hopes of improving, and it becomes an anchor to our business and ourselves, Comparison discredits your journey.
  • ​Last week, we celebrated the accomplishments of many of the agents in this brokerage. We all witnessed the most significant numbers we have ever had in the history of A.Z. & Associates. Every agent in the Top 20 had over $2 million in sales in one quarter; that wasn't common for one agent in the past. It was an accomplishment reserved for the Top three or four agents. As we have honed in our skill sets and mastered our mindset, proving and improving ourselves has become a commonality. 
  • ​It brings me joy and satisfaction to see the number of agents that are hitting these big numbers. I understand what it does for those who are hitting financial levels they never imagined they would be in; the stress of money is gone, and they feel good. A few agents reached out to me who had phenomenal months, second quarter, and the first half of the year, and we're getting down on themselves; there was a part of them comparing themselves to the success others were experiencing. They were elated until they saw the list. 
  • ​I understand how it feels when you want to run with the best and be at the top; when we compare ourselves immediately to how others are doing, it discredits our accomplishments. There is good and bad comparison, and this can happen when we allow jealousy of others to intrude on our space. With social media so readily available, it is an easy thing to do. It's easy to compare how dysfunctional our life is compared to others. Their marriage is so happy compared to mine, they are so fit, and I am nowhere near that level of fitness. As soon as we enter these mediums, there is an immediate sense of being better or worse than the next person. 
  • ​I believe we compare, at some level, to measure our self-worth. Instead of being proud of our accomplishments, we compare ourselves to sabotage our growth or confirm our self-worth. I have felt great about where the company is going, and moving quickly, yet, I would find another person or company doing better than me. It was if I would go out of my way to find someone else who was doing it better to feel bad about myself and not good enough. 
  • ​This is something we do subconsciously. Maybe I was feeling too good and needed something to bring me down. We don't have to sabotage ourselves in this way; it's okay to feel good, and great about what we have accomplished. I'm not saying to be content or satisfied, but it doesn't make us any better by beating out someone else. Validation of self doesn't change your life. If I only seek out those I am doing better than, what will that do for me? It won't make me more money or give me greater satisfaction. It will only limit myself from knowing that I am capable of so much more. This does not help the trajectory of where we want to go. 
Apples to Oranges; We are all Fruit
  • When we feel jealous, we need to be honest with ourselves about it. We need to dissect what our feelings are. When you compare and conclude that you aren't as good as another person, we are discrediting ourselves. Think about the adversaries and challenges you had to overcome to get where you are. Those of you that broke those sales records for YTD, think about all you have overcome; even if you didn't make a list but had your best quarter yet. It won't always be this way, and comparing yourself is not a good habit to have. 
  • ​You are thinking either: 1. I am not as good as them or, 2. I am as good, so why don't I have what they have? Both comparisons do us no justice towards what we want to accomplish. When you feel you aren't as good as another, you are discrediting yourself and your journey. I would do that often; feel great until I compared myself to another brokerage. I would wonder how I could compare, compete, or go beyond the sales we are currently at? I didn't realize I was minding someone else's business and giving up my energy to another company. I can remember when we only had $50 million in sales, so why am I so down on myself for $250 million? 
  • ​Now we are greater and nearing almost a half a billion in sales yearly, and it's something I never thought was possible. It comes down to realizing that the level we are now isn't where we will always be. It's up to you to understand that growth never stops. It's okay to be inspired by someone else as long as it does not discredit your journey. The flipside of this is when you say you are as good; you are doing everything they are doing, yet, your results are not the same. You are now discrediting all of their hard work and their journey and giving yourself credit by saying you are doing the same. In reality, the numbers prove they are not the same. You are crediting yourself for work you did not do and discrediting those that did. 
  • ​You need to look and see if you are doing everything you need to do. The person operating at that high level is sacrificing, committing more, and is consistent. We need to be aware of it. For me to say I should be as good as the brokerage down the road, I discredit their years in business and obstacles they overcame. I am discrediting all of that in an attempt to be at their level. Every one of us is in a different place, a different journey, and different times. There are no apples to apples here; it will always be apples to oranges. It's the same business, but our experiences differ.
  • ​Your journey is different, and the only comparison needs to consist of where you were five years ago, three years ago, and six months. If you want real improvement and growth, compare to that. If you're going to be in a better place, you have work to do, and you have to recalibrate and recommitment. If significant growth needs to happen, that means you are on the right path; don't try to force it, this is your journey. You got here on your own; you did it on your own, and you are capable. 
  • ​So many think that Social Media is negative and full of fake people. Maybe you are doing too much consuming and not bringing any value to the Social Media world. You aren't bringing any positivity because you are only consuming, judging, and comparing. More creation, less consuming. Go in, and create value, appreciate your life and tell your stories. Thank your clients; it's negative because that is where it takes you. I love Social Media; I go in, do what I have to do, and get out. I like to see all of your successes, congratulate you, like your stuff, and then get out.
Don't Take Credit by Discrediting
  • Some of you see the vast difference from where you were, and others saying those past years were your best. You have work to do, and it doesn't mean you will be on the same journey six months from now. We have heard the stories of individuals who have already doubled their sales goals, ambitions, and targets in as little as six months. With that comes a lot of work, sacrifice, and self-appreciation. You must realize you are capable enough to accomplish whatever you set your mind on. None of those limited themselves by comparing. If you aren't growing, consider you may be busy comparing. If you are not growing, it may be from taking credit for work you aren't doing. We need to be real with ourselves and realize every day needs to be a day of winning. If you don't know if you are winning, it's up to you to track your progress.
  • ​I will continue to push the 12-week Target Book on you because I know it works. By tracking your actions, your results will follow suit. It's okay to want more, and I encourage you to do so but don't want it merely to beat out someone else for it. Do it because it will better you. Social Media makes it tough, and we can get stuck in our heads. Don't discredit others for being farther along in their success in a shorter time period than you. Discrediting them is easy, but now you are feeling entitled, and that is wrong. 
  • ​Look at what you are doing and not doing. It will tell you why they are five steps ahead. This is about coming back to yourself and having gratitude, realizing where your head is at with jealousy. Want to get out of that place? Start doing something you know is good for your business and marriage. Get your mind off of jealousy and shame. If you ever feel that you aren't doing enough for your family, maybe you are not. Don't feel guilty about it; if your mind tells you that you aren't doing enough for your business, you aren't. You don't change it by dwelling, and thinking about how someone else is doing it better; you do something for your business. 
  • ​You feel guilty about not marketing? You change that by doing something towards your marketing. It will change the trajectory. It won't happen on its own, and you are the only one responsible for your results. Beating out someone else won't make you better unless you feel good about your journey; that makes you better. We are susceptible to comparison, but it is about being grateful for where you are at.
In Closing
  • We have two and a half months left in this quarter. Regardless of where you end up on the list, your only goal should be to improve where you were two weeks ago. That is the only comparison you should be concerned with. If you do better, great; if not, great. It allows you to improve. When you blow out your numbers, it doesn't mean you have arrived. The ones that do tend to lay off a bit. They take it a little easy and celebrate too early. 
  • ​Some of you are hungry, and I love that. If this drives you to do better, you are welcome. Thank all of the people who are ahead of you; they triggered you to do something. You were a little complacent, weren't you? You thought you arrived a little too soon, didn't you? Thank them, don't be mad at them, and don't beat yourself up over it. You have work to do. The Comparison Game. 
  • ​We all do it, and you cannot sit and wallow in it. Stop comparing what they have and what you have. Where were you six months ago, and are you better than that person? That is all you have control over. That is the only thing. I think you are all wiser, more confident today than you were before. Place all of those feelings there and realize you are further ahead. When I compare myself to myself, I have to give myself thanks because I am doing the work. 
  • ​At the end of every month, or quarter we will all feel great or feel defeated. If it inspires you to do better, that is great; that is what we want. Don't be in a place where you think someone else is better; because they are not. If you heard everyone else's journey and how they got there, you would be very happy for them because you will see how hard they had to work. You will realize what they overcame at home, the years they had to be overcomers. It comes down to your confidence. 
  • ​Some of you may be in a lull and have had better months. It doesn't mean that you retract; you need to see what you stopped doing. It's a season, and everything is; you should appreciate being in this place to work harder. We have all faced this. We feel everything is going straight up, and the moment it doesn't, we beat ourselves up for it. It's just a season, and the time will happen when you go back to what got you there, to begin with. 
  • ​We have all had our dark moments and financial hardships. You are on the right path and in the right environment to thrive. If we only use one or two people to compare ourselves to, we will always be limited. As a brokerage, we would be limited if I had only compared us to one brokerage down the street. We have outgrown them because I saw something greater. It wasn't merely about numbers but about the impact we can make on others. It's amazing, and the numbers come with it because you are growing a business. 
  • ​It is easy to get sucked into the vortex on Social Media. Still, if we are committed to creating value, positivity, help, knowledge, and education, it will serve you, your business, and others. You see our Top Producers and the actions they take. If you are low on the list or not on the list, don't allow them to be great; you are great as well. You have your experiences and path; follow some of the actions they are taking. Do you want to get better? Look at your actions, and look at theirs. There are healthy ways to compare. Limit the gap between what you are doing and what they are doing; you will see a big difference. 
  • ​They are like a blueprint, and you should thank them. They built the blueprint for you to follow so you can create your path. Until you get there, follow them. I am not saying be them, but they have created something and left clues behind. We don't post our challenges or our weaknesses; unless it is way in the past. People are more open about what happened years ago, but not the challenges they face right now. They won't tell you about the big argument they had at home or the mistakes they made. 
  • ​We tell the stories of way back when because we feel secure about it now. The people who are raw and real; look at their stories. Even myself. I tell a lot of stories that happened a long time ago because I was embarrassed. I am only giving you a highlight reel. Everyone is raw and real to a certain point. We are all human, and we will all make mistakes. How fast can you bounce back? We all have a journey and actions we need to take. The only comparison you should be doing right now is to yourself. Are you still taking the same actions? Have gratitude for taking those actions and being where you are now.

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It brings me great joy to see this brokerage's agents hitting such big numbers, the most significant numbers this agency has ever experienced. With that comes, others who feel less than because they are getting caught up in the game of comparison. Comparing ourselves to others only leads to discrediting our journey or someone else's. Stay on the path that you are on, keep moving forward, and compare yourself to only one person; you.
Broken Record
  • ​We are in a business where we tend to compare; our results, ourselves, our systems, and processes. All in the hopes of improving, and it becomes an anchor to our business and ourselves, Comparison discredits your journey.
  • ​Last week, we celebrated the accomplishments of many of the agents in this brokerage. We all witnessed the most significant numbers we have ever had in the history of A.Z. & Associates. Every agent in the Top 20 had over $2 million in sales in one quarter; that wasn't common for one agent in the past. It was an accomplishment reserved for the Top three or four agents. As we have honed in our skill sets and mastered our mindset, proving and improving ourselves has become a commonality. 
  • ​It brings me joy and satisfaction to see the number of agents that are hitting these big numbers. I understand what it does for those who are hitting financial levels they never imagined they would be in; the stress of money is gone, and they feel good. A few agents reached out to me who had phenomenal months, second quarter, and the first half of the year, and we're getting down on themselves; there was a part of them comparing themselves to the success others were experiencing. They were elated until they saw the list. 
  • ​I understand how it feels when you want to run with the best and be at the top; when we compare ourselves immediately to how others are doing, it discredits our accomplishments. There is good and bad comparison, and this can happen when we allow jealousy of others to intrude on our space. With social media so readily available, it is an easy thing to do. It's easy to compare how dysfunctional our life is compared to others. Their marriage is so happy compared to mine, they are so fit, and I am nowhere near that level of fitness. As soon as we enter these mediums, there is an immediate sense of being better or worse than the next person. 
  • ​I believe we compare, at some level, to measure our self-worth. Instead of being proud of our accomplishments, we compare ourselves to sabotage our growth or confirm our self-worth. I have felt great about where the company is going, and moving quickly, yet, I would find another person or company doing better than me. It was if I would go out of my way to find someone else who was doing it better to feel bad about myself and not good enough. 
  • ​This is something we do subconsciously. Maybe I was feeling too good and needed something to bring me down. We don't have to sabotage ourselves in this way; it's okay to feel good, and great about what we have accomplished. I'm not saying to be content or satisfied, but it doesn't make us any better by beating out someone else. Validation of self doesn't change your life. If I only seek out those I am doing better than, what will that do for me? It won't make me more money or give me greater satisfaction. It will only limit myself from knowing that I am capable of so much more. This does not help the trajectory of where we want to go. 
Apples to Oranges; We are all Fruit
  • When we feel jealous, we need to be honest with ourselves about it. We need to dissect what our feelings are. When you compare and conclude that you aren't as good as another person, we are discrediting ourselves. Think about the adversaries and challenges you had to overcome to get where you are. Those of you that broke those sales records for YTD, think about all you have overcome; even if you didn't make a list but had your best quarter yet. It won't always be this way, and comparing yourself is not a good habit to have. 
  • ​You are thinking either: 1. I am not as good as them or, 2. I am as good, so why don't I have what they have? Both comparisons do us no justice towards what we want to accomplish. When you feel you aren't as good as another, you are discrediting yourself and your journey. I would do that often; feel great until I compared myself to another brokerage. I would wonder how I could compare, compete, or go beyond the sales we are currently at? I didn't realize I was minding someone else's business and giving up my energy to another company. I can remember when we only had $50 million in sales, so why am I so down on myself for $250 million? 
  • ​Now we are greater and nearing almost a half a billion in sales yearly, and it's something I never thought was possible. It comes down to realizing that the level we are now isn't where we will always be. It's up to you to understand that growth never stops. It's okay to be inspired by someone else as long as it does not discredit your journey. The flipside of this is when you say you are as good; you are doing everything they are doing, yet, your results are not the same. You are now discrediting all of their hard work and their journey and giving yourself credit by saying you are doing the same. In reality, the numbers prove they are not the same. You are crediting yourself for work you did not do and discrediting those that did. 
  • ​You need to look and see if you are doing everything you need to do. The person operating at that high level is sacrificing, committing more, and is consistent. We need to be aware of it. For me to say I should be as good as the brokerage down the road, I discredit their years in business and obstacles they overcame. I am discrediting all of that in an attempt to be at their level. Every one of us is in a different place, a different journey, and different times. There are no apples to apples here; it will always be apples to oranges. It's the same business, but our experiences differ.
  • ​Your journey is different, and the only comparison needs to consist of where you were five years ago, three years ago, and six months. If you want real improvement and growth, compare to that. If you're going to be in a better place, you have work to do, and you have to recalibrate and recommitment. If significant growth needs to happen, that means you are on the right path; don't try to force it, this is your journey. You got here on your own; you did it on your own, and you are capable. 
  • ​So many think that Social Media is negative and full of fake people. Maybe you are doing too much consuming and not bringing any value to the Social Media world. You aren't bringing any positivity because you are only consuming, judging, and comparing. More creation, less consuming. Go in, and create value, appreciate your life and tell your stories. Thank your clients; it's negative because that is where it takes you. I love Social Media; I go in, do what I have to do, and get out. I like to see all of your successes, congratulate you, like your stuff, and then get out.
Don't Take Credit by Discrediting
  • Some of you see the vast difference from where you were, and others saying those past years were your best. You have work to do, and it doesn't mean you will be on the same journey six months from now. We have heard the stories of individuals who have already doubled their sales goals, ambitions, and targets in as little as six months. With that comes a lot of work, sacrifice, and self-appreciation. You must realize you are capable enough to accomplish whatever you set your mind on. None of those limited themselves by comparing. If you aren't growing, consider you may be busy comparing. If you are not growing, it may be from taking credit for work you aren't doing. We need to be real with ourselves and realize every day needs to be a day of winning. If you don't know if you are winning, it's up to you to track your progress.
  • ​I will continue to push the 12-week Target Book on you because I know it works. By tracking your actions, your results will follow suit. It's okay to want more, and I encourage you to do so but don't want it merely to beat out someone else for it. Do it because it will better you. Social Media makes it tough, and we can get stuck in our heads. Don't discredit others for being farther along in their success in a shorter time period than you. Discrediting them is easy, but now you are feeling entitled, and that is wrong. 
  • ​Look at what you are doing and not doing. It will tell you why they are five steps ahead. This is about coming back to yourself and having gratitude, realizing where your head is at with jealousy. Want to get out of that place? Start doing something you know is good for your business and marriage. Get your mind off of jealousy and shame. If you ever feel that you aren't doing enough for your family, maybe you are not. Don't feel guilty about it; if your mind tells you that you aren't doing enough for your business, you aren't. You don't change it by dwelling, and thinking about how someone else is doing it better; you do something for your business. 
  • ​You feel guilty about not marketing? You change that by doing something towards your marketing. It will change the trajectory. It won't happen on its own, and you are the only one responsible for your results. Beating out someone else won't make you better unless you feel good about your journey; that makes you better. We are susceptible to comparison, but it is about being grateful for where you are at.
In Closing
  • We have two and a half months left in this quarter. Regardless of where you end up on the list, your only goal should be to improve where you were two weeks ago. That is the only comparison you should be concerned with. If you do better, great; if not, great. It allows you to improve. When you blow out your numbers, it doesn't mean you have arrived. The ones that do tend to lay off a bit. They take it a little easy and celebrate too early. 
  • ​Some of you are hungry, and I love that. If this drives you to do better, you are welcome. Thank all of the people who are ahead of you; they triggered you to do something. You were a little complacent, weren't you? You thought you arrived a little too soon, didn't you? Thank them, don't be mad at them, and don't beat yourself up over it. You have work to do. The Comparison Game. 
  • ​We all do it, and you cannot sit and wallow in it. Stop comparing what they have and what you have. Where were you six months ago, and are you better than that person? That is all you have control over. That is the only thing. I think you are all wiser, more confident today than you were before. Place all of those feelings there and realize you are further ahead. When I compare myself to myself, I have to give myself thanks because I am doing the work. 
  • ​At the end of every month, or quarter we will all feel great or feel defeated. If it inspires you to do better, that is great; that is what we want. Don't be in a place where you think someone else is better; because they are not. If you heard everyone else's journey and how they got there, you would be very happy for them because you will see how hard they had to work. You will realize what they overcame at home, the years they had to be overcomers. It comes down to your confidence. 
  • ​Some of you may be in a lull and have had better months. It doesn't mean that you retract; you need to see what you stopped doing. It's a season, and everything is; you should appreciate being in this place to work harder. We have all faced this. We feel everything is going straight up, and the moment it doesn't, we beat ourselves up for it. It's just a season, and the time will happen when you go back to what got you there, to begin with. 
  • ​We have all had our dark moments and financial hardships. You are on the right path and in the right environment to thrive. If we only use one or two people to compare ourselves to, we will always be limited. As a brokerage, we would be limited if I had only compared us to one brokerage down the street. We have outgrown them because I saw something greater. It wasn't merely about numbers but about the impact we can make on others. It's amazing, and the numbers come with it because you are growing a business. 
  • ​It is easy to get sucked into the vortex on Social Media. Still, if we are committed to creating value, positivity, help, knowledge, and education, it will serve you, your business, and others. You see our Top Producers and the actions they take. If you are low on the list or not on the list, don't allow them to be great; you are great as well. You have your experiences and path; follow some of the actions they are taking. Do you want to get better? Look at your actions, and look at theirs. There are healthy ways to compare. Limit the gap between what you are doing and what they are doing; you will see a big difference. 
  • ​They are like a blueprint, and you should thank them. They built the blueprint for you to follow so you can create your path. Until you get there, follow them. I am not saying be them, but they have created something and left clues behind. We don't post our challenges or our weaknesses; unless it is way in the past. People are more open about what happened years ago, but not the challenges they face right now. They won't tell you about the big argument they had at home or the mistakes they made. 
  • ​We tell the stories of way back when because we feel secure about it now. The people who are raw and real; look at their stories. Even myself. I tell a lot of stories that happened a long time ago because I was embarrassed. I am only giving you a highlight reel. Everyone is raw and real to a certain point. We are all human, and we will all make mistakes. How fast can you bounce back? We all have a journey and actions we need to take. The only comparison you should be doing right now is to yourself. Are you still taking the same actions? Have gratitude for taking those actions and being where you are now.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019