with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 95:

Give Him No Rest

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 95:

Give Him No Rest

When everything around tells you to stop, hesitate, be cautious; those are the moments that define your business. Will you listen to the masses or move forward powerfully, knowing confidently that you can dominate your space in this industry. Now is not the time to celebrate what you have achieved so far, but a time to grab the bull by the horns and ride it like a beast through 2021.
Don't Stop, Hesitate, Just Listen
  • ​I'm excited to be here today and last week was a great week with our Coaching Groups that we're able to set short-term targets for those of you with A.Z. & Associates, we will have a Sales Meeting tomorrow for us to solidify the game plan for the last 40 days of the year. It's incredible how fast this year went by. We start to think about where we started with our big ambitions for 2020, and it got sidetracked, realizing there was something bigger looming. 
  • ​We could have turned back and kept our poise and game plan. Many in our industry pulled back in fear, hesitating, and waiting to see what would come about. We always have a choice, and there is always an opportunity where most hesitate or are looking the other way. Through my experience, when I can do what the masses are refusing to do, it puts me in a better position, causing me to build momentum once I make that decision. Everything around you may be telling you to hesitate, stop, be cautious, and hold back. If you continue to move forward regardless, your whole paradigm changes, and it becomes life-altering. This is what I went through this year. Most of us decided to continue moving forward when everything around us was telling us to stop.
  • ​You saw great momentum when everything was telling you to stop. More individuals this year have hit the 20 million mark than ever before. This past October, our top twenty were all over a million dollars in sales, and that is amazing. People decided to move forward while others took their ease. There is that great quote by General Sun Tzu, “When he takes his ease, you give him no rest. “ That means it is a conscious decision to move forward powerfully when others are hesitating and trying to plan; you are taking action. Those are the things great business owners will have to face consistently. It's not how far you can grow when times are good; everyone benefits from that. Can you continue to move forward when things are against you? When is the economy bad? When there is a pandemic? Can you continue to make moves? When you can do that and solidify it in your mind, you become lethal in the game of life. 
  • ​There are slight hesitations, but they are slight. I faced that in March as I saw the numbers in our brokerage slow down. It hit all of us, but it hit others greater because they stopped altogether. There was a bit of hesitation in the marketplace. As I see the number decline in March and April, they are not, as they are historical; those being some of the most vital months. People were afraid of the pandemic, of the unknown, and we continued to push forward. I realized if I don't have the mindset that I will move forward at a hard pace, not hesitating, I will suffer the consequences later on. Because we stayed poised and knew that if we did the right things, the right outcomes would follow suit. It was a conscious decision to do that. 
  • ​When you make the right decisions during times where others are taking their ease, the momentum will be much greater. We made big moves and are now realizing the benefits of it. Our numbers here at this brokerage have never been better. We made big moves with our building. It was a strange and scary time. Getting into one of the biggest financial investments of my life when everyone else is afraid? I started to think about my past experiences, commitment, and how I always figure things out. When we go with that approach, one way or another, we will come out on top; those decisions are not so big; it's just part of who you are.
Opportunity is Looming
  • When he takes his ease, give him no rest, we had that opportunity back in March. Some of you pounced on it with me. Some of you decided to go hard while others decided to stay home, be afraid. Maybe this wasn't your best year, but there is another opportunity looming; we are right in the middle of it, and it is right now. You have to change the perception of how you will approach the last forty days. It is a mindset, and there is an excitement within our coaching group of those going after big numbers during this item. As others take their ease, we will give them no rest; our actions will be doubled. Our marketing will be unapologetic, and we will continue to go out there and position ourselves as the best in the industry. That has to be a conscious decision on your end. 
  • ​There was a quote in a documentary I was watching; I thought it was brilliant. It said,” Dark times are times of great opportunity for people of great stealth.” Stealth is only available to those who have experienced hard times. They can make big moves when others are afraid. There is so much uncertainty, but there is only one type of certainty that is within themselves. Great stealth comes from those who will not quit. Right now, it's a great market, but many are taking their ease and becoming complacent. They had a great eleven months prior, and they think the industry right now usually drops thirty percent. Everyone is taking their ease, and I can do the same. I'm going to plan a vacation. You cannot run this year as you have years prior. Things are different this year. Typically during the third quarter, in Arizona, it slows down. The second quarter is the most productive. Not this year. In the third quarter, we grew twenty-five percent as an industry from the second quarter.
  • ​What opportunities do you think there are in the fourth quarter? They will only be available to you if you decide to have a game plan and take the necessary action. While others are taking their ease, if you remain physical and diligent, you will realize gains that will not only help you finish strong but set precedence for 2021. If you think you had a good year this year, you have no idea what 2021 will have in store for you. There will be a massive market share, and it starts right now. It doesn't start in January or February; it starts now. You have to decide to make yourself available more than ever because there has been a shift in the market. If the third quarter were more significant than the second, I would venture to say the fourth quarter will be much greater than the second also. The statistics are there. 
  • ​During this time, the big fish, the players, and the Top Producers take more market share because the average agent decides to hold back and that the market usually slows down. Many will take vacations and stop answering their phones, having automatic emails stating they are out of the office. This is something that should inspire you to continue to move forward powerfully. That means your competition is taking their ease; you must give them no rest. You do this through the simple process; setting simple targets and a game plan for achieving them. We will go over some of these questions, but we will dive deep during the Sales Meeting tomorrow. I want everyone who didn't attend last week's Coaching Calls to be as committed and focused as those who were.
You Gotta Take the Bull by the Horns
  • I am seeing five escrows in one week. I had another agent say,” Seeing my peers accept the challenge of ensuring they get the targets they committed to by December 7th, I walked into the office late in the evening, and you would think it was 1 pm on a weekday. This fires me up. It's time to get my seven escrows.” We have individuals committing to seven, eight, nine, and ten escrows in as little as two and a half weeks. They see the opportunity, and they know the competition is taking it easy. They are complacent and mediocre at best. When dark times loom, people of great stealth will come out on top. You have to decide if you are one of those individuals, or maybe you are the latter. Maybe you are celebrating a little too early. I'm asking you to have those conversations at home, to recommit and understand that this year is not over. What you do today, over the next two weeks, over the next forty days, will set the tone that can completely alter and change the trajectory of your business. It is a decision you have to make right now. 
  • ​As I urged you in March to make the moves, you have to decide if you will be at the tip of the Bulls horn or the tail end? That is the decision we all have to make. I knew early this year that when the bull market came in, the market would go vertical and through the roof; I wanted to be on the bull's horns, not at the tail end. Those of you who leaned in decided to go all-in during that time, not be afraid, and continue to market when most would chastise you for holding Open Houses. When the market was looking at you and questioning why you were showcasing positivity during this time, I remember those conversations. You kept moving forward. Now those people are asking you how did you do it? How are you hitting 15, 20, and 30 million in sales? The same people who were chastising you are now asking you the ridiculous question of how? It was a relentless commitment. 
  • ​As in March, you have that opportunity again now. Many took their ease in March, many were afraid, and many became complacent, mediocre. You decide where you want to go. Do you want to throw your hands in the air and say it was a great year? Good for you. Don't expect to gain any market share because there are real players out there that understand this is an excellent opportunity for you to take your business to a new level. It's usually when others hesitate and become complacent. I urged those in the Coaching groups to have the conversation one-on-one with their spouse and their family. About what their commitments are here for the next two and a half weeks. It will be some hard, dirty work; we will have to grind. The results, on the other side, will be massive. I'm glad I had the courage, and I appreciate who I was six months ago. That is how much I have grown over the last six months. I appreciate the man I was six months ago. We were able to make the decisions to move forward. Looking back, a lot of the terms were in our favor. I wouldn't have appreciated what I did if I had hesitated. Even though it was scary, then, it would have cost me more today. Even though you may feel it is time to take it easy, it will cost you in the future. You must decide what to do as an entrepreneur, a small business owner. There is opportunity out there. The interest rates have never been lower; we don't know what will happen in January. 
  • ​Political power will be changing; what will happen then? It could be good, much of the same, or worse. For those clients who are hesitant to list their homes, you have to speak the facts. The demand is strong now. We don't know what will happen in two months. I love how our group is invigorated, energized; and when that happens, guess what your clients will be? If you take your ease, so will they. If there is no sense of urgency on your end, there will be no sense of urgency on their end. You have to give them the facts so they can make the right decision for their family. People still need to buy and sell. You have to be at the forefront to meet the demand.
Questions to Set the Tone
  • I want you to go out there and have people question themselves if they are doing enough. I don't want you to question yourself; I want you to be the person of action that forces the other person to question themselves if they are doing enough. As you are doing, others are thinking about it. That is a power move. I will briefly explain what we did and what we went over last week in our coaching group. We will have a special Sales Meeting tomorrow because it was so effective and much needed. No one else is doing this right now or having this conversation. Everyone else is out there celebrating, talking about how great the market is, not knowing they increase their return significantly. We are planning and executing while they are out there patting themselves on the back for a job well done. 
  • ​2021 will be greater. The first question is;
  • ​1. What is your clear target? What do you want to create over the next two and a half weeks? That is a simple and straightforward question. Do you want to have a steller 2020? Do you want to have 2021 that you could never imagine? It starts today, and you can't afford to take the next few weeks lying down. Don't be the person that is asking someone how they did it. I want you to know how it feels to be asked that question. You can tell them it was the hard, intentional, relentless work. There is a pride that comes out of that and the confidence that ensues. You owe yourself that. To end the year, strong is so important for all of us, regardless of what we have accomplished. We can celebrate when it's time to rest. Right now, it's a battle to continue to grow your business. That will not end until you decide to stop. If you are in the game, be in the game, stay in the battle. 
  • ​2. What action items will be required to hit those targets? It's not my decision to make them for you; it's yours. If you put down, you want four escrows; it's up to you to determine what you will do to get there. You know exactly how many times you need to be on social media, reaching out to your clients, sending out emails, and following up. How many phone calls do you need to make? How many houses do you need to show? How many offers do you need to write? You know what you need to do, and once you write down what it will take, you ask yourself another question: will that get me to what I want to accomplish? If the answer is yes, then move on. Start taking action. If the answer is no, then you decide to write down more action items. This is not about holding back; there is an excellent opportunity. Agents are not answering the phone for you, so they aren't answering their client's calls either. There will never be a greater opportunity for you to pick up fully qualified buyers, ready to pull the trigger like there is today. Make yourself visible. Do you want more capital? You need to increase your frequency so people can see and know who you are. 
  • ​3. What obstacles hinder you from accomplishing these targets? We all know what slows us down. Maybe we are overthinking about vacation, about family visiting. It feels so much greater when you have a big, fat bank account. Knowing you can do all things. It starts with a conversation; what are the things that slow you down consistently? 
  • ​4. How will you overcome those obstacles? When those temptations, mediocrity, and complacency rears its ugly head, how will you overcome them? Don't be one of those that take their ease at this moment. Don't be the person with nothing to close in January that has to build their business from scratch in February. Don't be the person that buys into the fallacy that the market will slow down. There are already over 5500 sales in November, and we still have eight days. Most of the sales come in the last week of the month. It will be a steller month; 8000 plus homes will sell in November. If you don't have your slice of the pie, you are doing something wrong, which I have mentioned before. If you can't make it in this market, if you can't grow your business during this market, you will never accomplish it in any other market. That is hard. That makes you look at yourself and your actions to see if you want what you are saying. If you can't make it in this market, you can't make it in any market; I guarantee it. Don't succumb to what the majority is doing, to saying today I will buy gifts. You need to work, and we all need to work and showcase to ourselves and our family that we are made of so much more.
In Closing
  • This is it. There are only forty days left, so you need to decide what game you will play. If you decide not to join, the game will continue with or without you. What a shame that it has come this far and you won't finish strong. Those are words that continue to resonate with me. When you finish strong, the likelihood of you starting strong in 2021 is much greater. When you have a weak month, it is hard to build that confidence. You are in a hole while others are screaming ahead. You are trying to dig yourself out. 
  • ​That is the game. Feeling invigorated and excited, something to look forward to. It starts by setting simple targets. I invite those of you who weren't able to attend last week's coaching calls; I will do this again because it has been a significant turning point for a lot of our players. I see individuals putting in five deals a week; that is the extreme focus. There is an excitement within them, and they understand it is about doing the hard work, the dirty work. What I am asking you to do isn't sustainable, but I'm trying to have you focus on is when others fear getting dirty, you have no problem maneuvering through it. That is how we have to approach it. 
  • ​Tomorrow at 11 am I will be here, and I hope you are too. We will get drilled down and hopefully dissect why it is so important to finish strong. I am looking forward to it, and I hope you feel excited and invigorated about how good 2020 was to us. To our industry, and how much better it is getting. To see the numbers in the third quarter far surpass whatever we were doing in the second quarter, which is exciting as an industry. We bounced back, and most agents at A.Z. & Associates were in the horns tip, and that is where we wanted to be. Everyone in the industry would benefit, but you had to decide; will you be at the tip of the horn or the tail end of the bull? 
  • ​We have that opportunity once again to decide to be there. “Dark times are times of great opportunity for people of great stealth.” It takes moves, and I'm in, are you? Thanks for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery. I hope you got something that will help motivate and inspire you to take that next step of action. Let's make this the best Christmas and New Years' ever. Let's set the tone and precedence for what the new standard of life will be moving forward. It starts today, with your Mindset. If you are spending more time planning your vacation, I need you to take it a little easy there. I need you to hold off on that. The year isn't done yet; let's finish strong and make that vacation even greater. 
  • ​Challenging times, and we have a lot of challenges before us. This is a conditioning process, and if you can continue to make the moves, double down on your marketing, what will that do for your business, as others take their ease? The first thing is making that move when others are too afraid and complacent. Others don't see the overall picture. When you have the courage, the approach, and the attention to do that, the results will magnify themselves. Or, you will pay the consequences later.
  • ​Seven months ago, I made that decision for the new headquarters, and if I had hesitated, it would have cost me more today during that uncertain time. I am so thankful that I Had the courage, focus, and intention. These opportunities will always occur, and your job is to take advantage of each of them. Right now, you know the game, and many in our industry have checked out. Don't be that person or that average agent that does that. The real players in the game don't take their foot off of the pedal. This is where they make up most of their business, gain market share, and you have that opportunity. 
  • ​No complacency, temptation, mediocrity; the three evils. It sets a tone every time; you reach a new level every time you can set something and achieve it. We can make this the greatest year ever, and when your Great Grandchildren ask you about this time, you can look them in the eye and tell them you killed it. I was unafraid; my business grew tenfold. I have also set some targets that I am excited about. I am excited about unveiling the 12-week Target Book, a few weeks away. It will be the best and most focused ever. 2020 set a new tone for us. 2021 will be many new levels ahead. I'm excited and invigorated, and I hope that you are too. 
  • ​We know what to do, and tomorrow we will get very clear about this. Even if you have already been on the call, I encourage you to join again to get re-inspired about what is to come. 2020 is not over yet, and we are going to let the market know. Thank you again for joining me on this edition of Mindset Mastery, and I will talk to you soon.

More Episodes

When everything around tells you to stop, hesitate, be cautious; those are the moments that define your business. Will you listen to the masses or move forward powerfully, knowing confidently that you can dominate your space in this industry. Now is not the time to celebrate what you have achieved so far, but a time to grab the bull by the horns and ride it like a beast through 2021.
Don't Stop, Hesitate, Just Listen
  • ​I'm excited to be here today and last week was a great week with our Coaching Groups that we're able to set short-term targets for those of you with A.Z. & Associates, we will have a Sales Meeting tomorrow for us to solidify the game plan for the last 40 days of the year. It's incredible how fast this year went by. We start to think about where we started with our big ambitions for 2020, and it got sidetracked, realizing there was something bigger looming. 
  • ​We could have turned back and kept our poise and game plan. Many in our industry pulled back in fear, hesitating, and waiting to see what would come about. We always have a choice, and there is always an opportunity where most hesitate or are looking the other way. Through my experience, when I can do what the masses are refusing to do, it puts me in a better position, causing me to build momentum once I make that decision. Everything around you may be telling you to hesitate, stop, be cautious, and hold back. If you continue to move forward regardless, your whole paradigm changes, and it becomes life-altering. This is what I went through this year. Most of us decided to continue moving forward when everything around us was telling us to stop.
  • ​You saw great momentum when everything was telling you to stop. More individuals this year have hit the 20 million mark than ever before. This past October, our top twenty were all over a million dollars in sales, and that is amazing. People decided to move forward while others took their ease. There is that great quote by General Sun Tzu, “When he takes his ease, you give him no rest. “ That means it is a conscious decision to move forward powerfully when others are hesitating and trying to plan; you are taking action. Those are the things great business owners will have to face consistently. It's not how far you can grow when times are good; everyone benefits from that. Can you continue to move forward when things are against you? When is the economy bad? When there is a pandemic? Can you continue to make moves? When you can do that and solidify it in your mind, you become lethal in the game of life. 
  • ​There are slight hesitations, but they are slight. I faced that in March as I saw the numbers in our brokerage slow down. It hit all of us, but it hit others greater because they stopped altogether. There was a bit of hesitation in the marketplace. As I see the number decline in March and April, they are not, as they are historical; those being some of the most vital months. People were afraid of the pandemic, of the unknown, and we continued to push forward. I realized if I don't have the mindset that I will move forward at a hard pace, not hesitating, I will suffer the consequences later on. Because we stayed poised and knew that if we did the right things, the right outcomes would follow suit. It was a conscious decision to do that. 
  • ​When you make the right decisions during times where others are taking their ease, the momentum will be much greater. We made big moves and are now realizing the benefits of it. Our numbers here at this brokerage have never been better. We made big moves with our building. It was a strange and scary time. Getting into one of the biggest financial investments of my life when everyone else is afraid? I started to think about my past experiences, commitment, and how I always figure things out. When we go with that approach, one way or another, we will come out on top; those decisions are not so big; it's just part of who you are.
Opportunity is Looming
  • When he takes his ease, give him no rest, we had that opportunity back in March. Some of you pounced on it with me. Some of you decided to go hard while others decided to stay home, be afraid. Maybe this wasn't your best year, but there is another opportunity looming; we are right in the middle of it, and it is right now. You have to change the perception of how you will approach the last forty days. It is a mindset, and there is an excitement within our coaching group of those going after big numbers during this item. As others take their ease, we will give them no rest; our actions will be doubled. Our marketing will be unapologetic, and we will continue to go out there and position ourselves as the best in the industry. That has to be a conscious decision on your end. 
  • ​There was a quote in a documentary I was watching; I thought it was brilliant. It said,” Dark times are times of great opportunity for people of great stealth.” Stealth is only available to those who have experienced hard times. They can make big moves when others are afraid. There is so much uncertainty, but there is only one type of certainty that is within themselves. Great stealth comes from those who will not quit. Right now, it's a great market, but many are taking their ease and becoming complacent. They had a great eleven months prior, and they think the industry right now usually drops thirty percent. Everyone is taking their ease, and I can do the same. I'm going to plan a vacation. You cannot run this year as you have years prior. Things are different this year. Typically during the third quarter, in Arizona, it slows down. The second quarter is the most productive. Not this year. In the third quarter, we grew twenty-five percent as an industry from the second quarter.
  • ​What opportunities do you think there are in the fourth quarter? They will only be available to you if you decide to have a game plan and take the necessary action. While others are taking their ease, if you remain physical and diligent, you will realize gains that will not only help you finish strong but set precedence for 2021. If you think you had a good year this year, you have no idea what 2021 will have in store for you. There will be a massive market share, and it starts right now. It doesn't start in January or February; it starts now. You have to decide to make yourself available more than ever because there has been a shift in the market. If the third quarter were more significant than the second, I would venture to say the fourth quarter will be much greater than the second also. The statistics are there. 
  • ​During this time, the big fish, the players, and the Top Producers take more market share because the average agent decides to hold back and that the market usually slows down. Many will take vacations and stop answering their phones, having automatic emails stating they are out of the office. This is something that should inspire you to continue to move forward powerfully. That means your competition is taking their ease; you must give them no rest. You do this through the simple process; setting simple targets and a game plan for achieving them. We will go over some of these questions, but we will dive deep during the Sales Meeting tomorrow. I want everyone who didn't attend last week's Coaching Calls to be as committed and focused as those who were.
You Gotta Take the Bull by the Horns
  • I am seeing five escrows in one week. I had another agent say,” Seeing my peers accept the challenge of ensuring they get the targets they committed to by December 7th, I walked into the office late in the evening, and you would think it was 1 pm on a weekday. This fires me up. It's time to get my seven escrows.” We have individuals committing to seven, eight, nine, and ten escrows in as little as two and a half weeks. They see the opportunity, and they know the competition is taking it easy. They are complacent and mediocre at best. When dark times loom, people of great stealth will come out on top. You have to decide if you are one of those individuals, or maybe you are the latter. Maybe you are celebrating a little too early. I'm asking you to have those conversations at home, to recommit and understand that this year is not over. What you do today, over the next two weeks, over the next forty days, will set the tone that can completely alter and change the trajectory of your business. It is a decision you have to make right now. 
  • ​As I urged you in March to make the moves, you have to decide if you will be at the tip of the Bulls horn or the tail end? That is the decision we all have to make. I knew early this year that when the bull market came in, the market would go vertical and through the roof; I wanted to be on the bull's horns, not at the tail end. Those of you who leaned in decided to go all-in during that time, not be afraid, and continue to market when most would chastise you for holding Open Houses. When the market was looking at you and questioning why you were showcasing positivity during this time, I remember those conversations. You kept moving forward. Now those people are asking you how did you do it? How are you hitting 15, 20, and 30 million in sales? The same people who were chastising you are now asking you the ridiculous question of how? It was a relentless commitment. 
  • ​As in March, you have that opportunity again now. Many took their ease in March, many were afraid, and many became complacent, mediocre. You decide where you want to go. Do you want to throw your hands in the air and say it was a great year? Good for you. Don't expect to gain any market share because there are real players out there that understand this is an excellent opportunity for you to take your business to a new level. It's usually when others hesitate and become complacent. I urged those in the Coaching groups to have the conversation one-on-one with their spouse and their family. About what their commitments are here for the next two and a half weeks. It will be some hard, dirty work; we will have to grind. The results, on the other side, will be massive. I'm glad I had the courage, and I appreciate who I was six months ago. That is how much I have grown over the last six months. I appreciate the man I was six months ago. We were able to make the decisions to move forward. Looking back, a lot of the terms were in our favor. I wouldn't have appreciated what I did if I had hesitated. Even though it was scary, then, it would have cost me more today. Even though you may feel it is time to take it easy, it will cost you in the future. You must decide what to do as an entrepreneur, a small business owner. There is opportunity out there. The interest rates have never been lower; we don't know what will happen in January. 
  • ​Political power will be changing; what will happen then? It could be good, much of the same, or worse. For those clients who are hesitant to list their homes, you have to speak the facts. The demand is strong now. We don't know what will happen in two months. I love how our group is invigorated, energized; and when that happens, guess what your clients will be? If you take your ease, so will they. If there is no sense of urgency on your end, there will be no sense of urgency on their end. You have to give them the facts so they can make the right decision for their family. People still need to buy and sell. You have to be at the forefront to meet the demand.
Questions to Set the Tone
  • I want you to go out there and have people question themselves if they are doing enough. I don't want you to question yourself; I want you to be the person of action that forces the other person to question themselves if they are doing enough. As you are doing, others are thinking about it. That is a power move. I will briefly explain what we did and what we went over last week in our coaching group. We will have a special Sales Meeting tomorrow because it was so effective and much needed. No one else is doing this right now or having this conversation. Everyone else is out there celebrating, talking about how great the market is, not knowing they increase their return significantly. We are planning and executing while they are out there patting themselves on the back for a job well done. 
  • ​2021 will be greater. The first question is;
  • ​1. What is your clear target? What do you want to create over the next two and a half weeks? That is a simple and straightforward question. Do you want to have a steller 2020? Do you want to have 2021 that you could never imagine? It starts today, and you can't afford to take the next few weeks lying down. Don't be the person that is asking someone how they did it. I want you to know how it feels to be asked that question. You can tell them it was the hard, intentional, relentless work. There is a pride that comes out of that and the confidence that ensues. You owe yourself that. To end the year, strong is so important for all of us, regardless of what we have accomplished. We can celebrate when it's time to rest. Right now, it's a battle to continue to grow your business. That will not end until you decide to stop. If you are in the game, be in the game, stay in the battle. 
  • ​2. What action items will be required to hit those targets? It's not my decision to make them for you; it's yours. If you put down, you want four escrows; it's up to you to determine what you will do to get there. You know exactly how many times you need to be on social media, reaching out to your clients, sending out emails, and following up. How many phone calls do you need to make? How many houses do you need to show? How many offers do you need to write? You know what you need to do, and once you write down what it will take, you ask yourself another question: will that get me to what I want to accomplish? If the answer is yes, then move on. Start taking action. If the answer is no, then you decide to write down more action items. This is not about holding back; there is an excellent opportunity. Agents are not answering the phone for you, so they aren't answering their client's calls either. There will never be a greater opportunity for you to pick up fully qualified buyers, ready to pull the trigger like there is today. Make yourself visible. Do you want more capital? You need to increase your frequency so people can see and know who you are. 
  • ​3. What obstacles hinder you from accomplishing these targets? We all know what slows us down. Maybe we are overthinking about vacation, about family visiting. It feels so much greater when you have a big, fat bank account. Knowing you can do all things. It starts with a conversation; what are the things that slow you down consistently? 
  • ​4. How will you overcome those obstacles? When those temptations, mediocrity, and complacency rears its ugly head, how will you overcome them? Don't be one of those that take their ease at this moment. Don't be the person with nothing to close in January that has to build their business from scratch in February. Don't be the person that buys into the fallacy that the market will slow down. There are already over 5500 sales in November, and we still have eight days. Most of the sales come in the last week of the month. It will be a steller month; 8000 plus homes will sell in November. If you don't have your slice of the pie, you are doing something wrong, which I have mentioned before. If you can't make it in this market, if you can't grow your business during this market, you will never accomplish it in any other market. That is hard. That makes you look at yourself and your actions to see if you want what you are saying. If you can't make it in this market, you can't make it in any market; I guarantee it. Don't succumb to what the majority is doing, to saying today I will buy gifts. You need to work, and we all need to work and showcase to ourselves and our family that we are made of so much more.
In Closing
  • This is it. There are only forty days left, so you need to decide what game you will play. If you decide not to join, the game will continue with or without you. What a shame that it has come this far and you won't finish strong. Those are words that continue to resonate with me. When you finish strong, the likelihood of you starting strong in 2021 is much greater. When you have a weak month, it is hard to build that confidence. You are in a hole while others are screaming ahead. You are trying to dig yourself out. 
  • ​That is the game. Feeling invigorated and excited, something to look forward to. It starts by setting simple targets. I invite those of you who weren't able to attend last week's coaching calls; I will do this again because it has been a significant turning point for a lot of our players. I see individuals putting in five deals a week; that is the extreme focus. There is an excitement within them, and they understand it is about doing the hard work, the dirty work. What I am asking you to do isn't sustainable, but I'm trying to have you focus on is when others fear getting dirty, you have no problem maneuvering through it. That is how we have to approach it. 
  • ​Tomorrow at 11 am I will be here, and I hope you are too. We will get drilled down and hopefully dissect why it is so important to finish strong. I am looking forward to it, and I hope you feel excited and invigorated about how good 2020 was to us. To our industry, and how much better it is getting. To see the numbers in the third quarter far surpass whatever we were doing in the second quarter, which is exciting as an industry. We bounced back, and most agents at A.Z. & Associates were in the horns tip, and that is where we wanted to be. Everyone in the industry would benefit, but you had to decide; will you be at the tip of the horn or the tail end of the bull? 
  • ​We have that opportunity once again to decide to be there. “Dark times are times of great opportunity for people of great stealth.” It takes moves, and I'm in, are you? Thanks for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery. I hope you got something that will help motivate and inspire you to take that next step of action. Let's make this the best Christmas and New Years' ever. Let's set the tone and precedence for what the new standard of life will be moving forward. It starts today, with your Mindset. If you are spending more time planning your vacation, I need you to take it a little easy there. I need you to hold off on that. The year isn't done yet; let's finish strong and make that vacation even greater. 
  • ​Challenging times, and we have a lot of challenges before us. This is a conditioning process, and if you can continue to make the moves, double down on your marketing, what will that do for your business, as others take their ease? The first thing is making that move when others are too afraid and complacent. Others don't see the overall picture. When you have the courage, the approach, and the attention to do that, the results will magnify themselves. Or, you will pay the consequences later.
  • ​Seven months ago, I made that decision for the new headquarters, and if I had hesitated, it would have cost me more today during that uncertain time. I am so thankful that I Had the courage, focus, and intention. These opportunities will always occur, and your job is to take advantage of each of them. Right now, you know the game, and many in our industry have checked out. Don't be that person or that average agent that does that. The real players in the game don't take their foot off of the pedal. This is where they make up most of their business, gain market share, and you have that opportunity. 
  • ​No complacency, temptation, mediocrity; the three evils. It sets a tone every time; you reach a new level every time you can set something and achieve it. We can make this the greatest year ever, and when your Great Grandchildren ask you about this time, you can look them in the eye and tell them you killed it. I was unafraid; my business grew tenfold. I have also set some targets that I am excited about. I am excited about unveiling the 12-week Target Book, a few weeks away. It will be the best and most focused ever. 2020 set a new tone for us. 2021 will be many new levels ahead. I'm excited and invigorated, and I hope that you are too. 
  • ​We know what to do, and tomorrow we will get very clear about this. Even if you have already been on the call, I encourage you to join again to get re-inspired about what is to come. 2020 is not over yet, and we are going to let the market know. Thank you again for joining me on this edition of Mindset Mastery, and I will talk to you soon.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019