with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 98:

The Big Turnaround

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 98:

The Big Turnaround

They say the devil is in the details, and that is true. The details are boring, tedious, monotonous, but completely necessary to grow and flourish in all areas of your life. You need to wake each day with a fresh perspective that you are not alone, and there is someone else going through the same pains that you will face that day. Embrace the monotony and know that you must go through this; it's part of the game, and one of the moving parts that will propel you forward into 2021.
Embracing the Monotony
  • ​Thank you for taking the next 25 minutes with me to recalibrate and recommit to the responsibilities we have as business owners, parents, spouses, and individuals trying to grow something more significant for themselves. It can get overwhelming at times, and that is the big issue with Mondays. We start thinking about the monotony of what needs to happen to keep the momentum going. Taking care of ourselves, investing in our families, being intentional with our business is a challenging game. It wasn't easy to grow a business but to also take care of yourself, your family, and be on your game consistently can become overwhelming.
  • ​For those of you that had big goals for 2020, I want to remind you that you can start again. Begin again. A quote I love and is simple and to the point. Regardless of what we did or didn't do, the key to this is to begin again, realizing the monotony is part of the game. The things we have to do consistently that we have already mastered, but we have to do it repeatedly. The monotony is what builds you and makes you mentally healthy. It will give you the advantage over the competition, knowing it's only a matter of time before they quit. Embracing the monotony and realizing that is the key to getting to the next level. 
  • ​This past Saturday was our first two and a half-hour bike ride that I have had in the last two months. We are doing a virtual bike ride that you hook your bike up to, and you can train with your coach and others who are doing the same. It's very realistic; you can feel the bumps on the road. You know when you are going on an incline or decline. Two and a half hours was the game plan. I got on my bike at 6 am, and I was feeling good in the beginning. Fifteen minutes in, and I was already counting the minutes until I was done. Thirty minutes in, I knew I still had two hours left, and I was getting demotivated. It seemed like things weren't going any faster, and I was struggling as my legs were burning, and I was bored. I realized I wasn't the only one going through this.
  • ​When thinking about your marketing and the videos, you have to create; the things you are doing daily. You aren't the only one. That is why coaching programs are so successful because it shines a light on the monotony. As I am on this bike, the only way I can keep going is realizing I am selfish, thinking I am the only one feeling the monotony, pain, and boredom of it all. I am the only one stuck in this place when there are thousands on this virtual game, along with the guys I train with. If I'm going through this, they are too. That takes the pain and focus off of me because if they can do it, so can I. Then I shift my thinking, so I will outlast anyone who started with me. I may not be the fastest, but I will continue to move forward. That is how we have to think about our business.
  • ​When you think about your marketing, it is monotonous, boring, and sometimes you don't know what to say. That is the same struggles your competition is going through. Does that mean you will quit? They aren't going to. It won't always be exciting, and there will always be a struggle to get up on Monday and kill the day because we are focused on the monotony of the week and what needs to be done. We are thinking five steps ahead, and it's only 9 am on a Monday, and now we are demotivated. If you can embrace the monotony, you will have an advantage. No one will ever move at your speed, and if they are ahead, it's only a matter of time before they slow down. This is a skillset, something within you; you have to now put the mindset behind it. You will not quit; you will navigate through the boredom and build the skill sets required to dominate the space. It's an easy yet painful process.
It's All Monotonous
  • Saturday morning was rough; doing anything for two and a half hours straight is killer. Being in front of a screen, having your legs spin over and over, I completed 45 miles, and I haven't done that since October. It was tough to go back to the things I already dominated; I was already there, so why do I have to do it again? We fall into that as business owners; why do I have to continue to do what I've already done? I already did 100 videos, I've already done hundreds of posts; why do I have to continue? My business should flourish on its own; that is the first step to retracting and losing your market share. 
  • ​Thinking you have arrived and no longer have to go through the monotony. It is something we all have to go through moving forward, forever. Putting ourselves in a place where we know it will be boring, where we've done it a thousand times, so why do I have to do it 1001 times? This is part of the game, and you can't get overwhelmed by it. So today we only have to think about what we have to do before 10:30. Then what we have to do before 2:00, 5:00 and 10:00. 
  • ​These are simple targets we look forward to throughout our day. If we start to think about the entire laundry list of items we have to accomplish, we are more likely to become paralyzed and go into it with a bad attitude. We are feeling entitled because we have done it a thousand times. The monotony is your advantage, and that is where you get what you want. It will repair your marriage, help you lose weight, and feel good inside and out. The monotony will grow your business and set a standard that will pay its dividends for years to come. It's all in the tedious process, not because you feel excited or it's a great day to do things; It's because of the things that suck.
  • ​If you feel demotivated today or overwhelmed, you are not alone. If you are riddled with anxiety, your competition is feeling that as well. The difference is, how you will approach it vs. how they will approach it. It's all about self-control. I wrote this down several years ago, “Just because you're doing the right things now doesn't mean the burdens of your past will disappear. Everything you ignore and disregard will need to be addressed. Give your marriage a chance to heal, your body time to recuperate, and your business the focus to grow.” If our business is not where it needs to be, and our relationships have been declining for years, it's because of neglect. When you neglect something, it is a form of abuse. Often we don't realize we are doing it.
This is Where it Happened
  • As years go by, you realize your marriage isn't where it needs to be. You look at the mirror and realize your body isn't what it used to be. You aren't feeling good or energetic. Your drive is gone, and we fail to see there was a constant there in that we weren't paying attention to those things that mattered. We have to look at it and see where the Big Turnaround Happens. At the beginning of 2020, we had a new standard for a new year, a new decade. Then a lot of us neglected and decided to return to our old habits. You may not be doing better in your finances, taking care of your health, or in your marriage. We think it's outside of our control when it is the neglect of not paying attention. Neglect is a big thing, and if your business is not where it needs to be, we failed to analyze a ton of neglect. 
  • ​Are we doing the monotonous things that brought us success, to begin with? It's a conditioning process, and we can't sit there and say we have already done it a thousand times. We need to pay attention now more than ever, especially during this time. This is about making sure we set a new standard for 2021. Going into it with the mindset that things will change, and what you see in the mirror doesn't always have to be that way. There is no longer a connection in your marriage, and it doesn't have to be that way. It's a simple process of making sure you are intentional about the entire approach. 
  • ​I make sure in the morning I spend time hugging Carla. She hugs me back; every morning. It feels so good because it is easy to go years without having physical contact, and we have been there. It's easy not to have eye contact because we are going through the monotony. Hugging your wife isn't monotonous, but it needs to be intentional. We need to have intention in all areas of our life. When you don't track your results, how many days do you go without making your deposits? When was the last time you posted or reached out to your clients? We have to think about this consistently and realize it isn't always fun. Sometimes you don't want to be around a particular person, but you must make your deposits and go through the process. Otherwise, you will end up where I was seven years ago. At 35 years old, Carla asked me for a divorce; it didn't happen overnight but over years of neglect. Years of putting my marriage on the backburner.
  • ​That reflected in every aspect of my life. I couldn't be depended on because I was unwilling to go through the tedious process. I'm asking you to be here on Mondays, and it is a simple trigger that we need to go through and understand this is part of the game. The results are what we have to focus on, thinking about what you have already created. What happens when you are 100% focused? What can you create then? Some of you are making more money than you ever thought possible because of your focus. You can go through the monotony, but you have holes in your game. Imagine if you focus on those things? Where would you be? The momentum you have built-in 2020 is merely a stepping stone to where you will inevitably be. If you take the right steps, where will you be in one year? In five years? I didn't realize I could be here where I wake up, and I am grateful for how my life is turning out; it wasn't by accident. I was able to go through the monotonous process, regardless of how many times I've done it, or said I love you or hugged my spouse, reminding my kids they are special to me; we cannot stop the process. We have to say it continually. It gets forgotten. Where have you forgotten certain things? If you aren't feeling energetic about your body, what have you forgotten? If your business has become a chore instead of something you look forward to, what have you forgotten? We must think of these things because you can't stop. We can't get up tomorrow and think it will be how we have always envisioned it. The results are always on the back of the hard, monotonous, painful work.
In Closing
  • Another thing I wrote was this,” up all night, life in shambles, divorce looming. The Turnaround will be an epic tale.” I know what that feels like. Wherever you think you are at, even the most successful go through episodes of not feeling they've created anything significant; you aren't the only one. This is part of the game, and the turnaround for your life, marriage, kids, health, and body begins here and now. We will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. All we can do is focus on today. 
  • ​You have a responsibility as a business owner; shine the light on yourself and your personality. Shine that light on your experience, love for the game, and then you'll attract. Don't shut down your business for the sake of not feeling it or feeling like you've already done it. There is somebody out there that has never heard it before, and that is what you have to be reminded of, and it is a monotonous game I am willing to play. When you can show up through the monotony, it's a form of respect for yourself, and you can do what most are unwilling to do. Get your motivation from that. Will you outlast the person who is going through it all as well. 
  • ​The big turnaround is yours, and I can't wait to see what we create in 2021. It's been a fantastic year, and we are only a few weeks until we say goodbye to it. Moving forward, we know many things are not going to what we are accustomed to; that is okay because this is where we pivot and adapt. I'm so grateful that we are not being hit in our industry by all the things that happened in 2020. We could all be in a much worse situation, and we can't complain. We have no right too. All we can do is take advantage of the opportunities that have been set before us. If you don't do this now, it will be hard to jump on the train when moving full speed ahead. We all know what to do, and I want to thank you for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery. 
  • ​Do the Work is such a simple concept, a simple process. That is what will give you the advantage long term. People will get bored and overwhelmed with it. If you have a small, simple task list of what you must do and accomplish, it is amazing what you can create—one step at a time, one day at a time. Thank you again for joining me today, and I will talk to you soon. 

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They say the devil is in the details, and that is true. The details are boring, tedious, monotonous, but completely necessary to grow and flourish in all areas of your life. You need to wake each day with a fresh perspective that you are not alone, and there is someone else going through the same pains that you will face that day. Embrace the monotony and know that you must go through this; it's part of the game, and one of the moving parts that will propel you forward into 2021.
Embracing the Monotony
  • ​Thank you for taking the next 25 minutes with me to recalibrate and recommit to the responsibilities we have as business owners, parents, spouses, and individuals trying to grow something more significant for themselves. It can get overwhelming at times, and that is the big issue with Mondays. We start thinking about the monotony of what needs to happen to keep the momentum going. Taking care of ourselves, investing in our families, being intentional with our business is a challenging game. It wasn't easy to grow a business but to also take care of yourself, your family, and be on your game consistently can become overwhelming.
  • ​For those of you that had big goals for 2020, I want to remind you that you can start again. Begin again. A quote I love and is simple and to the point. Regardless of what we did or didn't do, the key to this is to begin again, realizing the monotony is part of the game. The things we have to do consistently that we have already mastered, but we have to do it repeatedly. The monotony is what builds you and makes you mentally healthy. It will give you the advantage over the competition, knowing it's only a matter of time before they quit. Embracing the monotony and realizing that is the key to getting to the next level. 
  • ​This past Saturday was our first two and a half-hour bike ride that I have had in the last two months. We are doing a virtual bike ride that you hook your bike up to, and you can train with your coach and others who are doing the same. It's very realistic; you can feel the bumps on the road. You know when you are going on an incline or decline. Two and a half hours was the game plan. I got on my bike at 6 am, and I was feeling good in the beginning. Fifteen minutes in, and I was already counting the minutes until I was done. Thirty minutes in, I knew I still had two hours left, and I was getting demotivated. It seemed like things weren't going any faster, and I was struggling as my legs were burning, and I was bored. I realized I wasn't the only one going through this.
  • ​When thinking about your marketing and the videos, you have to create; the things you are doing daily. You aren't the only one. That is why coaching programs are so successful because it shines a light on the monotony. As I am on this bike, the only way I can keep going is realizing I am selfish, thinking I am the only one feeling the monotony, pain, and boredom of it all. I am the only one stuck in this place when there are thousands on this virtual game, along with the guys I train with. If I'm going through this, they are too. That takes the pain and focus off of me because if they can do it, so can I. Then I shift my thinking, so I will outlast anyone who started with me. I may not be the fastest, but I will continue to move forward. That is how we have to think about our business.
  • ​When you think about your marketing, it is monotonous, boring, and sometimes you don't know what to say. That is the same struggles your competition is going through. Does that mean you will quit? They aren't going to. It won't always be exciting, and there will always be a struggle to get up on Monday and kill the day because we are focused on the monotony of the week and what needs to be done. We are thinking five steps ahead, and it's only 9 am on a Monday, and now we are demotivated. If you can embrace the monotony, you will have an advantage. No one will ever move at your speed, and if they are ahead, it's only a matter of time before they slow down. This is a skillset, something within you; you have to now put the mindset behind it. You will not quit; you will navigate through the boredom and build the skill sets required to dominate the space. It's an easy yet painful process.
It's All Monotonous
  • Saturday morning was rough; doing anything for two and a half hours straight is killer. Being in front of a screen, having your legs spin over and over, I completed 45 miles, and I haven't done that since October. It was tough to go back to the things I already dominated; I was already there, so why do I have to do it again? We fall into that as business owners; why do I have to continue to do what I've already done? I already did 100 videos, I've already done hundreds of posts; why do I have to continue? My business should flourish on its own; that is the first step to retracting and losing your market share. 
  • ​Thinking you have arrived and no longer have to go through the monotony. It is something we all have to go through moving forward, forever. Putting ourselves in a place where we know it will be boring, where we've done it a thousand times, so why do I have to do it 1001 times? This is part of the game, and you can't get overwhelmed by it. So today we only have to think about what we have to do before 10:30. Then what we have to do before 2:00, 5:00 and 10:00. 
  • ​These are simple targets we look forward to throughout our day. If we start to think about the entire laundry list of items we have to accomplish, we are more likely to become paralyzed and go into it with a bad attitude. We are feeling entitled because we have done it a thousand times. The monotony is your advantage, and that is where you get what you want. It will repair your marriage, help you lose weight, and feel good inside and out. The monotony will grow your business and set a standard that will pay its dividends for years to come. It's all in the tedious process, not because you feel excited or it's a great day to do things; It's because of the things that suck.
  • ​If you feel demotivated today or overwhelmed, you are not alone. If you are riddled with anxiety, your competition is feeling that as well. The difference is, how you will approach it vs. how they will approach it. It's all about self-control. I wrote this down several years ago, “Just because you're doing the right things now doesn't mean the burdens of your past will disappear. Everything you ignore and disregard will need to be addressed. Give your marriage a chance to heal, your body time to recuperate, and your business the focus to grow.” If our business is not where it needs to be, and our relationships have been declining for years, it's because of neglect. When you neglect something, it is a form of abuse. Often we don't realize we are doing it.
This is Where it Happened
  • As years go by, you realize your marriage isn't where it needs to be. You look at the mirror and realize your body isn't what it used to be. You aren't feeling good or energetic. Your drive is gone, and we fail to see there was a constant there in that we weren't paying attention to those things that mattered. We have to look at it and see where the Big Turnaround Happens. At the beginning of 2020, we had a new standard for a new year, a new decade. Then a lot of us neglected and decided to return to our old habits. You may not be doing better in your finances, taking care of your health, or in your marriage. We think it's outside of our control when it is the neglect of not paying attention. Neglect is a big thing, and if your business is not where it needs to be, we failed to analyze a ton of neglect. 
  • ​Are we doing the monotonous things that brought us success, to begin with? It's a conditioning process, and we can't sit there and say we have already done it a thousand times. We need to pay attention now more than ever, especially during this time. This is about making sure we set a new standard for 2021. Going into it with the mindset that things will change, and what you see in the mirror doesn't always have to be that way. There is no longer a connection in your marriage, and it doesn't have to be that way. It's a simple process of making sure you are intentional about the entire approach. 
  • ​I make sure in the morning I spend time hugging Carla. She hugs me back; every morning. It feels so good because it is easy to go years without having physical contact, and we have been there. It's easy not to have eye contact because we are going through the monotony. Hugging your wife isn't monotonous, but it needs to be intentional. We need to have intention in all areas of our life. When you don't track your results, how many days do you go without making your deposits? When was the last time you posted or reached out to your clients? We have to think about this consistently and realize it isn't always fun. Sometimes you don't want to be around a particular person, but you must make your deposits and go through the process. Otherwise, you will end up where I was seven years ago. At 35 years old, Carla asked me for a divorce; it didn't happen overnight but over years of neglect. Years of putting my marriage on the backburner.
  • ​That reflected in every aspect of my life. I couldn't be depended on because I was unwilling to go through the tedious process. I'm asking you to be here on Mondays, and it is a simple trigger that we need to go through and understand this is part of the game. The results are what we have to focus on, thinking about what you have already created. What happens when you are 100% focused? What can you create then? Some of you are making more money than you ever thought possible because of your focus. You can go through the monotony, but you have holes in your game. Imagine if you focus on those things? Where would you be? The momentum you have built-in 2020 is merely a stepping stone to where you will inevitably be. If you take the right steps, where will you be in one year? In five years? I didn't realize I could be here where I wake up, and I am grateful for how my life is turning out; it wasn't by accident. I was able to go through the monotonous process, regardless of how many times I've done it, or said I love you or hugged my spouse, reminding my kids they are special to me; we cannot stop the process. We have to say it continually. It gets forgotten. Where have you forgotten certain things? If you aren't feeling energetic about your body, what have you forgotten? If your business has become a chore instead of something you look forward to, what have you forgotten? We must think of these things because you can't stop. We can't get up tomorrow and think it will be how we have always envisioned it. The results are always on the back of the hard, monotonous, painful work.
In Closing
  • Another thing I wrote was this,” up all night, life in shambles, divorce looming. The Turnaround will be an epic tale.” I know what that feels like. Wherever you think you are at, even the most successful go through episodes of not feeling they've created anything significant; you aren't the only one. This is part of the game, and the turnaround for your life, marriage, kids, health, and body begins here and now. We will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. All we can do is focus on today. 
  • ​You have a responsibility as a business owner; shine the light on yourself and your personality. Shine that light on your experience, love for the game, and then you'll attract. Don't shut down your business for the sake of not feeling it or feeling like you've already done it. There is somebody out there that has never heard it before, and that is what you have to be reminded of, and it is a monotonous game I am willing to play. When you can show up through the monotony, it's a form of respect for yourself, and you can do what most are unwilling to do. Get your motivation from that. Will you outlast the person who is going through it all as well. 
  • ​The big turnaround is yours, and I can't wait to see what we create in 2021. It's been a fantastic year, and we are only a few weeks until we say goodbye to it. Moving forward, we know many things are not going to what we are accustomed to; that is okay because this is where we pivot and adapt. I'm so grateful that we are not being hit in our industry by all the things that happened in 2020. We could all be in a much worse situation, and we can't complain. We have no right too. All we can do is take advantage of the opportunities that have been set before us. If you don't do this now, it will be hard to jump on the train when moving full speed ahead. We all know what to do, and I want to thank you for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery. 
  • ​Do the Work is such a simple concept, a simple process. That is what will give you the advantage long term. People will get bored and overwhelmed with it. If you have a small, simple task list of what you must do and accomplish, it is amazing what you can create—one step at a time, one day at a time. Thank you again for joining me today, and I will talk to you soon. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019