with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 14:


with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 14:


I used to have a picture in my mind of what success looked like; it was beautiful. Many years in this industry has proven to me that success is ugly, painful, fear-filled and anxiety-ridden. But not letting it stop me in my tracks and learning ways to manage the ugliness has built the capacity within myself to have the success that I had always imagined. Success is about getting to know yourself, your marriage and your business better. The only way to find out what needs correction and work is to face the pains and continue to do the work.
Success Isn't Pretty
  • ​I am less than one week removed from my first Olympic Triathlon. I have done a few Sprint Triathlons, but this is double the effort, and double the length. Swimming, Biking, and Running has been challenging, and during a bike ride yesterday I didn't have my best ride. It got me thinking about Success and how ugly it really can be. 
  • ​When we are asked what success looks like, we focus on the positives and the great the money is, how great our body looks and feels and how our marriage is on point; our kids are listening to us, and our business is exploding. When we focus only on the positive light of success we don't get it; we face the challenges, pains, and obstacles that cause us to feel like failures. 
  • ​We need to change our perspective of what success looks like and understand that there is a different side to success that most of us don't consider; it's ugly side. Success means no sleep, no time with your family, your finances being drained; it involves pain and tears. It can mean injury and sacrifice and the possibility you may lose it all — anxiety, fear, exhaustion to your very core. 
  • ​Many are unwilling to take the next step when the ugly truth of success contradicts the picture of success we have painted in our minds. Relaxation, by the beach, sipping margaritas, a killer physique and feeling good all of the time. We forget to get that, sometime in the future, you can't avoid the pains to arrive at that picture of success.
  • ​It will drain you physically, emotionally, and mentally and it isn't a walk through the park. We stop at that moment, the moment a client tells a no, and we retract. In our minds success was them saying yes and us getting paid. If you don't have what you want right now, it's because you are unwilling to sacrifice more. 
  • ​Time away from your kids your marriage may suffer, and you may deplete your bank account. There is unforeseen pressure. I have learned to manage those pressures and pains because I have built my capacity; I had to break myself down emotionally and physically to not go as deep into the pains. We all face the pain.
Build Your Capacity
  • We have broken it down for you in the 12-week target books, and there are certain things you have to do for yourself every single day to be successful, but the process does not avoid pain. You don't have to go rock bottom before you decide to make some changes. 
  • ​Things got bad in my mind, and there was no solution to get us out of the financial mess I got us into. There was no going back on how bad my marriage got. I was walking around in a suit and tie, with heavy bags under my eyes because of all of the stress I was carrying around. All I thought about was poor me; this is not what success is supposed to look like.
  • ​This past weekend Carla held her second Women's Event; I saw the pain, anxiety, the overwhelm. Carla was challenging these individuals to see something more significant for themselves. The old stories kept surfacing of,” I Can't.” They were buying into the thoughts that couldn't. There was a lot of pain between the “I Can't,” to the “I Did It.” New capacity is built anytime you can move forward when something doesn't go your way. 
  • ​The breakthroughs, the enlightenment in their eyes was amazing to witness. They went beyond what they were capable of, and they did it. We can never experience that if we don't face the pains. If we don't face the fears and anxiety and succumb to it instead, we stay where we are at. There is no growth, no improvement, only fear and it is now magnified because we failed to move forward. 
  • ​As an agent starting, I wasn't as confident as someone who has done it for years. Every phone call and a lead is important because we don't have our momentum yet. When it doesn't pan out, it becomes devastating. Once I had a call from an individual, almost 14 years ago. He asked me about the neighborhood of a property he was looking at, and I knew everything about that neighborhood. Then he asked me about the schools in comparison; I started talking, and he told me I didn't know what I was talking about and hung up. 
  • ​It was devastating; I was trying to build a momentum of confidence, and someone called me out. He saw what I was afraid others would see. I have seen others in the same situation, and they shut down. That stranger confirmed everything I had in my mind. We are brutal when it comes to negative self-talk and when someone calls us out on what we are already thinking, now it's a fact. 
  • ​For many that could be the endpoint. It could delay growth for six months or ultimately end their career. But without that pain, I would never have learned what I needed to learn next. Without that pain, you will never grow, and you have to face it if you want success. Having those crucial conversations at home, talking about the real things; not continue to avoid. Talk about your mistakes, not continue to hide them. Pain is a requirement, a necessity and we have to choose; do you want that. If you don't it's okay, it's only wrong when you say you want it, but you avoid the process of getting there.
Success is NOT on Easy Street
  • Facing fears and having heavy anxiety is part of the game, so is vulnerability. I have laid out a plan for you to be successful that is proved to work in our top producers. When I say put out a selfie video and go live one a consistent basis, yet we allow our thoughts to overwhelm us, and we think it's stupid. 
  • ​You continue to look at the people who are doing it at a massive level and succeeding. The fear of being ridiculed and made fun of gets in the way. How else are you supposed to build capacity? If you don't feel the pain and break it down how else are you supposed to build capacity? If you don't push yourself outside of your element, that we all have, because it's scary, then you will never see real growth. 
  • ​Whether you are a new agent or seasoned, you need to build a path of consistency and get outside your threshold of comfort by calling the people you know, like and trust. You need to develop your online communication skills by putting up videos. Otherwise, you will be like the thousands of other agents that complain that known methods like paid Zillow leads are shit; they aren't, they are good, but you need not use those to try to avoid the real work. It may be easier, but it also gives you an outside source to blame for your failure. 
  • ​This week think about how to build your capacity and face those fears. Last week I swam my first-mile open water swim; I was anxious and started getting in my head. What if I drown, what if I can't breathe? It's a real possibility. The day before I was in the pool at the gym and I could barely do 350 meters without getting winded. I was winded because I got in my head. How the hell was I going to do a mile swim in open water? I was draining my energy, and that is what we do.
  • ​To get what we want we have to put ourselves in that place. The very next day, I was out in the open water and swam that mile; 1700 meters. That would never have been possible if I hadn't faced my fears consistently. My first swim a month and a half ago I couldn't finish one lap. I leaned in, overcame my anxiety and went for it. 
  • ​Don't just paint a beautiful picture of what success looks like to you and then beat yourself up for not hitting it. Your experience is that it is painful and embarrassing; that's part of the process, step on, and you are on the right track. It's not that you aren't capable, you are building capacity. People get to step one and think they are failures, and they retract. It's not their fault they don't know the progression. Pains, fears, anxiety, failure, stress is all part of the game. Keep going. 
  • ​There was a quote I read,” Living an extraordinary life means giving up a normal one. “ Don't just face the fears and pains and stop; it will kill your momentum. Success is about getting to know yourself, your marriage and your business better. The only way to find out what needs correction and work is to face the pains. 
  • ​Together let's repaint the picture of success; means no sleep, time away from kids, battling your marriage, risking money, and knowing it's going to get ugly. That's what success is. Everyone might suffer, and you may lose it all, but you will build the capacity to have it all, stronger. Don't go all the way to rock bottom; there is a way to face it that has been proven to work. You have it available to you, in your hands; the 12-week Target Book.

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I used to have a picture in my mind of what success looked like; it was beautiful. Many years in this industry has proven to me that success is ugly, painful, fear-filled and anxiety-ridden. But not letting it stop me in my tracks and learning ways to manage the ugliness has built the capacity within myself to have the success that I had always imagined. Success is about getting to know yourself, your marriage and your business better. The only way to find out what needs correction and work is to face the pains and continue to do the work.
Success Isn't Pretty
  • ​I am less than one week removed from my first Olympic Triathlon. I have done a few Sprint Triathlons, but this is double the effort, and double the length. Swimming, Biking, and Running has been challenging, and during a bike ride yesterday I didn't have my best ride. It got me thinking about Success and how ugly it really can be. 
  • ​When we are asked what success looks like, we focus on the positives and the great the money is, how great our body looks and feels and how our marriage is on point; our kids are listening to us, and our business is exploding. When we focus only on the positive light of success we don't get it; we face the challenges, pains, and obstacles that cause us to feel like failures. 
  • ​We need to change our perspective of what success looks like and understand that there is a different side to success that most of us don't consider; it's ugly side. Success means no sleep, no time with your family, your finances being drained; it involves pain and tears. It can mean injury and sacrifice and the possibility you may lose it all — anxiety, fear, exhaustion to your very core. 
  • ​Many are unwilling to take the next step when the ugly truth of success contradicts the picture of success we have painted in our minds. Relaxation, by the beach, sipping margaritas, a killer physique and feeling good all of the time. We forget to get that, sometime in the future, you can't avoid the pains to arrive at that picture of success.
  • ​It will drain you physically, emotionally, and mentally and it isn't a walk through the park. We stop at that moment, the moment a client tells a no, and we retract. In our minds success was them saying yes and us getting paid. If you don't have what you want right now, it's because you are unwilling to sacrifice more. 
  • ​Time away from your kids your marriage may suffer, and you may deplete your bank account. There is unforeseen pressure. I have learned to manage those pressures and pains because I have built my capacity; I had to break myself down emotionally and physically to not go as deep into the pains. We all face the pain.
Build Your Capacity
  • We have broken it down for you in the 12-week target books, and there are certain things you have to do for yourself every single day to be successful, but the process does not avoid pain. You don't have to go rock bottom before you decide to make some changes. 
  • ​Things got bad in my mind, and there was no solution to get us out of the financial mess I got us into. There was no going back on how bad my marriage got. I was walking around in a suit and tie, with heavy bags under my eyes because of all of the stress I was carrying around. All I thought about was poor me; this is not what success is supposed to look like.
  • ​This past weekend Carla held her second Women's Event; I saw the pain, anxiety, the overwhelm. Carla was challenging these individuals to see something more significant for themselves. The old stories kept surfacing of,” I Can't.” They were buying into the thoughts that couldn't. There was a lot of pain between the “I Can't,” to the “I Did It.” New capacity is built anytime you can move forward when something doesn't go your way. 
  • ​The breakthroughs, the enlightenment in their eyes was amazing to witness. They went beyond what they were capable of, and they did it. We can never experience that if we don't face the pains. If we don't face the fears and anxiety and succumb to it instead, we stay where we are at. There is no growth, no improvement, only fear and it is now magnified because we failed to move forward. 
  • ​As an agent starting, I wasn't as confident as someone who has done it for years. Every phone call and a lead is important because we don't have our momentum yet. When it doesn't pan out, it becomes devastating. Once I had a call from an individual, almost 14 years ago. He asked me about the neighborhood of a property he was looking at, and I knew everything about that neighborhood. Then he asked me about the schools in comparison; I started talking, and he told me I didn't know what I was talking about and hung up. 
  • ​It was devastating; I was trying to build a momentum of confidence, and someone called me out. He saw what I was afraid others would see. I have seen others in the same situation, and they shut down. That stranger confirmed everything I had in my mind. We are brutal when it comes to negative self-talk and when someone calls us out on what we are already thinking, now it's a fact. 
  • ​For many that could be the endpoint. It could delay growth for six months or ultimately end their career. But without that pain, I would never have learned what I needed to learn next. Without that pain, you will never grow, and you have to face it if you want success. Having those crucial conversations at home, talking about the real things; not continue to avoid. Talk about your mistakes, not continue to hide them. Pain is a requirement, a necessity and we have to choose; do you want that. If you don't it's okay, it's only wrong when you say you want it, but you avoid the process of getting there.
Success is NOT on Easy Street
  • Facing fears and having heavy anxiety is part of the game, so is vulnerability. I have laid out a plan for you to be successful that is proved to work in our top producers. When I say put out a selfie video and go live one a consistent basis, yet we allow our thoughts to overwhelm us, and we think it's stupid. 
  • ​You continue to look at the people who are doing it at a massive level and succeeding. The fear of being ridiculed and made fun of gets in the way. How else are you supposed to build capacity? If you don't feel the pain and break it down how else are you supposed to build capacity? If you don't push yourself outside of your element, that we all have, because it's scary, then you will never see real growth. 
  • ​Whether you are a new agent or seasoned, you need to build a path of consistency and get outside your threshold of comfort by calling the people you know, like and trust. You need to develop your online communication skills by putting up videos. Otherwise, you will be like the thousands of other agents that complain that known methods like paid Zillow leads are shit; they aren't, they are good, but you need not use those to try to avoid the real work. It may be easier, but it also gives you an outside source to blame for your failure. 
  • ​This week think about how to build your capacity and face those fears. Last week I swam my first-mile open water swim; I was anxious and started getting in my head. What if I drown, what if I can't breathe? It's a real possibility. The day before I was in the pool at the gym and I could barely do 350 meters without getting winded. I was winded because I got in my head. How the hell was I going to do a mile swim in open water? I was draining my energy, and that is what we do.
  • ​To get what we want we have to put ourselves in that place. The very next day, I was out in the open water and swam that mile; 1700 meters. That would never have been possible if I hadn't faced my fears consistently. My first swim a month and a half ago I couldn't finish one lap. I leaned in, overcame my anxiety and went for it. 
  • ​Don't just paint a beautiful picture of what success looks like to you and then beat yourself up for not hitting it. Your experience is that it is painful and embarrassing; that's part of the process, step on, and you are on the right track. It's not that you aren't capable, you are building capacity. People get to step one and think they are failures, and they retract. It's not their fault they don't know the progression. Pains, fears, anxiety, failure, stress is all part of the game. Keep going. 
  • ​There was a quote I read,” Living an extraordinary life means giving up a normal one. “ Don't just face the fears and pains and stop; it will kill your momentum. Success is about getting to know yourself, your marriage and your business better. The only way to find out what needs correction and work is to face the pains. 
  • ​Together let's repaint the picture of success; means no sleep, time away from kids, battling your marriage, risking money, and knowing it's going to get ugly. That's what success is. Everyone might suffer, and you may lose it all, but you will build the capacity to have it all, stronger. Don't go all the way to rock bottom; there is a way to face it that has been proven to work. You have it available to you, in your hands; the 12-week Target Book.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019