with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 17:

Vision and the Hunt

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 17:

Vision and the Hunt

Creating a vision in my mind, a target in front of me, led me on the hunt of my life; an Olympic Triathlon. But now what? If I had not put into place a new vision, a new target, a fresh hunt, all of the capacity I had created would be for nothing. It is essential not to become complacent when we reach a target and succeed. Complacency is the killer of momentum, and when there is no momentum, failure is soon to follow. Wake up each day with a clear vision of what you want from your day and embrace your inner wolf. Only sheep wander about, but a wolf sets out every day knowing his survival depends on the outcome of his hunt. Be the wolf, set your vision, focus on your target and go for the kill.
One Bad Decision Leads to Another
  • ​As you think about the topic for today, The Vision and the Hunt what does it mean to you? Carla and I had a busy weekend, and we took a little "Staycation." We checked into a hotel, had lunch on Friday, a late dinner, and enjoyed each other's company. We got up in the morning and went to breakfast and spent the rest of the day with the family — a nice reset to reinvest into our relationship.
  • ​I think sometimes we fail to realize how important that is to keep your relationship in great order; taking the time to invest in your marriage and relationship with your kids. It is emotionally draining when things are not in order, and that can reflect directly into our business. Most think that to be successful, we have to be successful in our business, but it relates to all facets of our lives.
  • ​I have a lot of gratitude toward how my life has completely shifted from what it was; what I expected success is at an entirely new level, as I am living it. I know others are in that same place of looking at how we are approaching life in all aspects. 
  • ​What we focus on when we are not on our game, won't typically get us back into our game. When things don't go our way, we focus on what we lack. It leads to thinking about how everything isn't working in our lives; marriage, business, and start to self-loathe. 
  • ​The fastest way to turn anything around is to focus on what we are not doing. There are certain things that you do daily that will bring you success; it's the decision of something greater. Everything you do will either positively or negatively impact what you want out of life.
  • ​We all have choices. There are things I do daily to ensure my success; taking care of my body, reading something that will lead me in the direction of what I want from my life, and coffee is one of them. I go to Starbucks each morning as part of my routine. What are the choices you make first thing in the morning that will impact your body? How will that affect every other decision we make moving forward? When you decide to get up and do something that doesn't work towards you, it makes it difficult to make decisions after that will. One bad decision leads to another and another. 
  • ​You accumulate that over days, weeks and years, and you will all have either a culmination of good decisions or bad decisions. Ask yourself, are you in a better place today than you were five years ago? One year ago? You can determine from that what the trajectory of your decisions are. It all comes down to what you do each morning. Work Out? Read something positive? Or straight to the momentum killers? A Frappuccino first thing in the morning is not a good decision.
What's Up Next?
  • These decisions accumulate into where you are at today. If I am struggling financially, not happy where I am at if I am not getting along with my spouse and my kids aren't listening to me; there are an accumulation of things that have occurred over the years that have brought us to this point. How do you peel it all back and see a greater vision for yourself and be able to go after it? 
  • ​When you begin to make good small decisions, it conditions you to make more significant good decisions. As I finished my Olympic Triathlon, I knew if I didn't have a new vision to follow that up, I would be in a place of no action and being content and comfort. I know that I don't take appropriate action to keep the momentum up. I set on my laurels, tell myself everything is okay, and I deserve time off. 
  • ​I had a vision right after because I had the momentum and energy right now. I have taken months to create it, and I refuse to let that go by the wayside simply because I hit my target. I now understand that targets are part of the game that I play. I set targets, and I hit them, I don't set targets and then say that it is great and now relax. Targets are part of my game, and after I hit my target, I am off to my next before I can do that though I need the vision for the target that I will focus on next.
  • ​As you set targets for your business, and the hunt after the vision is on point and then you hit the target or come close; all moment gets lost in the second or third quarter because all of your energy was spent getting to the arrival point. You don't understand that is one target to get to the next, one level to get to the next. It will give you momentum and appreciation for what you are building long term.
  • ​I had that appreciation and gratitude this weekend because I understand where I was. I also know that I didn't understand how life worked for the first 35 years of my life. I didn't understand this function in my thought process. I realized that everything is about having a vision, making the right decisions, and going after the hunt. 
  • ​So many times, I have been in an argument with Carla, knowing I was wrong but couldn't apologize because of what her response was after I said something. Because of her reaction to my action; she had every right to be in that place because I triggered those feelings in her. I would let days, weeks, and even a month go by walking around like we are roommates, barely speaking, pretending for our kids that it was all good. That is dysfunctional.
  • ​I knew I was in the wrong, but I couldn't come to terms with my ego to admit it. A lot of us know what we need to do with our business, but we can't come to terms that we aren't doing it. We blame others, and our frustrations are now on others when the reality is that you have full control over the decisions you make today; understanding you won't see the results for another 30 days or 60 days.
  • ​Having a vision first and foremost is vital to understand the direction where you are going. I finished my triathlon, and I had a vision; I was taking my family on a trip. I know what I want my body to look like and how I want to feel. Because I have a target, I now know what I need to do to hunt down that target; it's clear, and it's, and I am taking the steps every day. 
The Hunting Game
  • Weight training hasn't been my thing for about two years, because when I was injured and in the hospital getting surgeries, it sucked the love I had for it out of me. I no longer enjoyed it, but because I had different targets, I learned to re-engage it and be successful at it. I know what my body demands from me just as I know what my business requires from me. Setting these targets is vital.
  • ​The 12-week targets book is straightforward; what do you want to accomplish this week? That is the vision. It asks you what five things you can do today are? That is the hunt. Getting used to what you need to know, and do and not questioning the what, when and where, will allow you to not only create the life you want but to live it at a high level. 
  • ​If you are struggling with what you want, I want you to peel it all back and simplify it. In an email I wrote I said this," Just spoke to one of our agents that will be selling between 5 to 6 million this quarter alone. Here is the amazing thing about it; it has always been part of the plan. This agent proclaimed it, breathed it into the universe, talked about it, documented it in his 12-week target book; he even wrote it on his board; GOAL-5 million. He had a target, and he didn't get it when he first wrote it five weeks ago, he didn't even come close."
  • ​This is a habit for most of us, we set a target, and we don't even come close. Most people will then give up. They go back to the clueless decisions they were making before and be okay with it until six months later you aren't okay with it. That is the normal thought process; we can't hit our target, so we settle for where we are.
  • ​This wasn't the case for the agent in my email. "He fell short, but he never wavered, he was clear about what he wanted, and it was only a matter of time. So often we are quick to give up on the vision because the path to get there is so different and more difficult than we imagined so we lower our standards, our efforts, or both. We conclude that it isn't for me, one thing we have to be aware of is it is our job to paint the picture in our minds. This picture instructs your brain to take the right actions and look for the right opportunities so it can fulfill its instructions. This agent didn't beat himself up for falling short; he understood that building something great takes time. Go after what you want; it's only a matter of time before it becomes your reality."
  • ​It's only a matter of time; ask yourself this week what it is you want out of it? Understand that if you are in this game, you have to become the hunter, the wolf. Taking the right actions not based on how you feel, but understanding that it is part of your nature and you must hunt. If a wolf is hungry, he hunts. He understands that there is only one solution. If you're broke and don't have the business you want, you hunt. You set short term goals and achieve them, knowing that there are more targets to set from there. It isn't a question of what you should do or how you should do it; it's doing it. 
  • ​This game is getting very, and some are getting very good with their marketing and communication. If you continue to sit back and procrastinate about doing your videos, your podcast, or your emails and texts; you will be left far behind. The pack is moving. You have to be the wolf and know what it takes to get what you want, and hunting is part of that game. That's what drives you.
The Art of Engagement
  • There are ways to re-engage; coming to the office, getting in on a training call. If you make it to one of the offices and become a staple there, things will change for you. It is effortless to disengage. No environment will work for you if you aren't engaging, and nothing will ever change. It is challenging to re-engage if you have been absent for a long time, but it's more difficult when you don't. 
  • ​You have to hunt and learn to love it. Those that have mastered it, that are enjoying the game and are having 5 to 6 million dollar quarters. Don't resist it; become it. Become the wolf that you need to be; they only have that one target; they need to it. I invite you to use the 12-week target book as your guideline. 
  • ​Every week it asks you what your commitments for the week are? What are you prepared to do for your body, your overall sense of purpose, for your family and your business? The foundation of what success is about. What is your main focus for the week? Maybe it is getting a buyer under contract, get that listing, find a way to get people to it, or maybe you set up an Open House, update the photos. Maybe you start knocking on doors; maybe a sell won't come from it but maybe it will. Things are more likely to happen to you when you are thinking about it. You have the vision, and you go out for the Hunt.
  • ​If you aren't doing something to get your buyers under contract, someone else is, and they are working very hard at it. They are taking your energy, your listings. They are finding their clients a house over your clients. You are taking action by giving a clear action to your brain; I want to do this for my body, for my overall sense of purpose, for my family and my business. Then you do it; the vision than the Hunt. A culmination of good decisions or bad decisions is where you are at. Then you do what you said, and you take care of yourself; it's not easy when you are stressed out about finances, your marriage, and your kids. Your body can only take so much stress, what are you doing to offset it, to fight it?
  • ​When you carry all of that it is heavy, and it's hard to stay focused, you can't keep going because it weighs you down. The first part of the day, The Core 4 is for you to offload it, grab it, and chuck it off your back. For you to gain power and energy. The Main Focus is where you pick 4 to 6 things that you must accomplish today. Small things, send out five texts, an email, scour the MLS, do a selfie video, follow-up, phone calls; just right down five things. You are setting a target and then going in for the Hunt. It's a conditioning process.
  • ​Do you know how to win? You have some responsibilities; you have to get a pre-qual, a listing, an escrow, and a closing this week. How will you go about that? You are more than capable it is a decision on your end, a proclamation to do it. When you have no vision, you have no focus. No vision divided attention. With vision, if you start to go the wrong way, you remind yourself of where you were going, and you readjust yourself to hit the target. 
  • ​No target, no vision, you wander and are left wondering why life does not work. I don't need you to set big targets, big visions; set something that you can accomplish today, this week and let it marry up to what you say you are going to do in the next 90 days for your 12-week targets. What are they? I'm clear about what I want at the end of 12 weeks because I need that, I need direction because I get distracted very easily. 
  • ​Don't set on your laurels; life is okay, but what else can you accomplish? What is the vision? June 30th will be the end of the 2nd quarter targets; will you achieve what you said? Or have these two quarters ended in just wishes and attempts but no real progress? If you get clear about your vision and that you are the wolf, things will change for you. You are not a sheep; are you a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolfs clothing. You have to hunt or someone else will.
  • ​They are coming in droves to take your clients and transactions, and they are willing to do whatever it takes. Ten videos a day, 3 Open Houses every week, texting everyone on their phones, they will do it. What are you willing to do? 
  • ​When I am not thinking about my health, Carla told me a simple trick to losing weight or getting the body you want. When you are about to reach for something, with the other hand grab the fat around your mid-section, and see how tempting whatever you were about to eat is. Don't deprive yourself but focus on the targets you want to hit. Tell people around you what you want, and they will hold you accountable. You want to stop drinking, tell people around you that you want to stop drinking. Tell everyone. Proclaim it.
  • ​Your results currently are a culmination of more of the good decisions or the bad; look at your bank account how good your decision-making skills are. Look at your overall health, and you will realize where you are at right now. Start taking steps to reverse the years of abuse and dysfunction. It won't happen overnight. It is so easy to sabotage our progress; we work so hard, and then we give it up for a false sense of arrival. Going for a 2 mile run last week took 20 minutes of convincing myself to do it; I'm not training for the triathlon anymore, and I was at odds with myself. I did it, though, because I didn't want to lose everything that I worked so hard to build up. I need to hit the pool at least once a week, so I don't lose the capacity I built up. 
  • ​You can lose a ton of weight and gain it back. You can build up your business and lose it just like that. We get comfortable, and we need to set new targets for ourselves and then hit it. Let's keep moving. Do something this week that will help the vision; let's be hunters and be that damn wolf. It's part of the game and if you aren't hunting someone else will and take food off of your table and money out of your pocket.

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Creating a vision in my mind, a target in front of me, led me on the hunt of my life; an Olympic Triathlon. But now what? If I had not put into place a new vision, a new target, a fresh hunt, all of the capacity I had created would be for nothing. It is essential not to become complacent when we reach a target and succeed. Complacency is the killer of momentum, and when there is no momentum, failure is soon to follow. Wake up each day with a clear vision of what you want from your day and embrace your inner wolf. Only sheep wander about, but a wolf sets out every day knowing his survival depends on the outcome of his hunt. Be the wolf, set your vision, focus on your target and go for the kill.
One Bad Decision Leads to Another
  • ​As you think about the topic for today, The Vision and the Hunt what does it mean to you? Carla and I had a busy weekend, and we took a little "Staycation." We checked into a hotel, had lunch on Friday, a late dinner, and enjoyed each other's company. We got up in the morning and went to breakfast and spent the rest of the day with the family — a nice reset to reinvest into our relationship.
  • ​I think sometimes we fail to realize how important that is to keep your relationship in great order; taking the time to invest in your marriage and relationship with your kids. It is emotionally draining when things are not in order, and that can reflect directly into our business. Most think that to be successful, we have to be successful in our business, but it relates to all facets of our lives.
  • ​I have a lot of gratitude toward how my life has completely shifted from what it was; what I expected success is at an entirely new level, as I am living it. I know others are in that same place of looking at how we are approaching life in all aspects. 
  • ​What we focus on when we are not on our game, won't typically get us back into our game. When things don't go our way, we focus on what we lack. It leads to thinking about how everything isn't working in our lives; marriage, business, and start to self-loathe. 
  • ​The fastest way to turn anything around is to focus on what we are not doing. There are certain things that you do daily that will bring you success; it's the decision of something greater. Everything you do will either positively or negatively impact what you want out of life.
  • ​We all have choices. There are things I do daily to ensure my success; taking care of my body, reading something that will lead me in the direction of what I want from my life, and coffee is one of them. I go to Starbucks each morning as part of my routine. What are the choices you make first thing in the morning that will impact your body? How will that affect every other decision we make moving forward? When you decide to get up and do something that doesn't work towards you, it makes it difficult to make decisions after that will. One bad decision leads to another and another. 
  • ​You accumulate that over days, weeks and years, and you will all have either a culmination of good decisions or bad decisions. Ask yourself, are you in a better place today than you were five years ago? One year ago? You can determine from that what the trajectory of your decisions are. It all comes down to what you do each morning. Work Out? Read something positive? Or straight to the momentum killers? A Frappuccino first thing in the morning is not a good decision.
What's Up Next?
  • These decisions accumulate into where you are at today. If I am struggling financially, not happy where I am at if I am not getting along with my spouse and my kids aren't listening to me; there are an accumulation of things that have occurred over the years that have brought us to this point. How do you peel it all back and see a greater vision for yourself and be able to go after it? 
  • ​When you begin to make good small decisions, it conditions you to make more significant good decisions. As I finished my Olympic Triathlon, I knew if I didn't have a new vision to follow that up, I would be in a place of no action and being content and comfort. I know that I don't take appropriate action to keep the momentum up. I set on my laurels, tell myself everything is okay, and I deserve time off. 
  • ​I had a vision right after because I had the momentum and energy right now. I have taken months to create it, and I refuse to let that go by the wayside simply because I hit my target. I now understand that targets are part of the game that I play. I set targets, and I hit them, I don't set targets and then say that it is great and now relax. Targets are part of my game, and after I hit my target, I am off to my next before I can do that though I need the vision for the target that I will focus on next.
  • ​As you set targets for your business, and the hunt after the vision is on point and then you hit the target or come close; all moment gets lost in the second or third quarter because all of your energy was spent getting to the arrival point. You don't understand that is one target to get to the next, one level to get to the next. It will give you momentum and appreciation for what you are building long term.
  • ​I had that appreciation and gratitude this weekend because I understand where I was. I also know that I didn't understand how life worked for the first 35 years of my life. I didn't understand this function in my thought process. I realized that everything is about having a vision, making the right decisions, and going after the hunt. 
  • ​So many times, I have been in an argument with Carla, knowing I was wrong but couldn't apologize because of what her response was after I said something. Because of her reaction to my action; she had every right to be in that place because I triggered those feelings in her. I would let days, weeks, and even a month go by walking around like we are roommates, barely speaking, pretending for our kids that it was all good. That is dysfunctional.
  • ​I knew I was in the wrong, but I couldn't come to terms with my ego to admit it. A lot of us know what we need to do with our business, but we can't come to terms that we aren't doing it. We blame others, and our frustrations are now on others when the reality is that you have full control over the decisions you make today; understanding you won't see the results for another 30 days or 60 days.
  • ​Having a vision first and foremost is vital to understand the direction where you are going. I finished my triathlon, and I had a vision; I was taking my family on a trip. I know what I want my body to look like and how I want to feel. Because I have a target, I now know what I need to do to hunt down that target; it's clear, and it's, and I am taking the steps every day. 
The Hunting Game
  • Weight training hasn't been my thing for about two years, because when I was injured and in the hospital getting surgeries, it sucked the love I had for it out of me. I no longer enjoyed it, but because I had different targets, I learned to re-engage it and be successful at it. I know what my body demands from me just as I know what my business requires from me. Setting these targets is vital.
  • ​The 12-week targets book is straightforward; what do you want to accomplish this week? That is the vision. It asks you what five things you can do today are? That is the hunt. Getting used to what you need to know, and do and not questioning the what, when and where, will allow you to not only create the life you want but to live it at a high level. 
  • ​If you are struggling with what you want, I want you to peel it all back and simplify it. In an email I wrote I said this," Just spoke to one of our agents that will be selling between 5 to 6 million this quarter alone. Here is the amazing thing about it; it has always been part of the plan. This agent proclaimed it, breathed it into the universe, talked about it, documented it in his 12-week target book; he even wrote it on his board; GOAL-5 million. He had a target, and he didn't get it when he first wrote it five weeks ago, he didn't even come close."
  • ​This is a habit for most of us, we set a target, and we don't even come close. Most people will then give up. They go back to the clueless decisions they were making before and be okay with it until six months later you aren't okay with it. That is the normal thought process; we can't hit our target, so we settle for where we are.
  • ​This wasn't the case for the agent in my email. "He fell short, but he never wavered, he was clear about what he wanted, and it was only a matter of time. So often we are quick to give up on the vision because the path to get there is so different and more difficult than we imagined so we lower our standards, our efforts, or both. We conclude that it isn't for me, one thing we have to be aware of is it is our job to paint the picture in our minds. This picture instructs your brain to take the right actions and look for the right opportunities so it can fulfill its instructions. This agent didn't beat himself up for falling short; he understood that building something great takes time. Go after what you want; it's only a matter of time before it becomes your reality."
  • ​It's only a matter of time; ask yourself this week what it is you want out of it? Understand that if you are in this game, you have to become the hunter, the wolf. Taking the right actions not based on how you feel, but understanding that it is part of your nature and you must hunt. If a wolf is hungry, he hunts. He understands that there is only one solution. If you're broke and don't have the business you want, you hunt. You set short term goals and achieve them, knowing that there are more targets to set from there. It isn't a question of what you should do or how you should do it; it's doing it. 
  • ​This game is getting very, and some are getting very good with their marketing and communication. If you continue to sit back and procrastinate about doing your videos, your podcast, or your emails and texts; you will be left far behind. The pack is moving. You have to be the wolf and know what it takes to get what you want, and hunting is part of that game. That's what drives you.
The Art of Engagement
  • There are ways to re-engage; coming to the office, getting in on a training call. If you make it to one of the offices and become a staple there, things will change for you. It is effortless to disengage. No environment will work for you if you aren't engaging, and nothing will ever change. It is challenging to re-engage if you have been absent for a long time, but it's more difficult when you don't. 
  • ​You have to hunt and learn to love it. Those that have mastered it, that are enjoying the game and are having 5 to 6 million dollar quarters. Don't resist it; become it. Become the wolf that you need to be; they only have that one target; they need to it. I invite you to use the 12-week target book as your guideline. 
  • ​Every week it asks you what your commitments for the week are? What are you prepared to do for your body, your overall sense of purpose, for your family and your business? The foundation of what success is about. What is your main focus for the week? Maybe it is getting a buyer under contract, get that listing, find a way to get people to it, or maybe you set up an Open House, update the photos. Maybe you start knocking on doors; maybe a sell won't come from it but maybe it will. Things are more likely to happen to you when you are thinking about it. You have the vision, and you go out for the Hunt.
  • ​If you aren't doing something to get your buyers under contract, someone else is, and they are working very hard at it. They are taking your energy, your listings. They are finding their clients a house over your clients. You are taking action by giving a clear action to your brain; I want to do this for my body, for my overall sense of purpose, for my family and my business. Then you do it; the vision than the Hunt. A culmination of good decisions or bad decisions is where you are at. Then you do what you said, and you take care of yourself; it's not easy when you are stressed out about finances, your marriage, and your kids. Your body can only take so much stress, what are you doing to offset it, to fight it?
  • ​When you carry all of that it is heavy, and it's hard to stay focused, you can't keep going because it weighs you down. The first part of the day, The Core 4 is for you to offload it, grab it, and chuck it off your back. For you to gain power and energy. The Main Focus is where you pick 4 to 6 things that you must accomplish today. Small things, send out five texts, an email, scour the MLS, do a selfie video, follow-up, phone calls; just right down five things. You are setting a target and then going in for the Hunt. It's a conditioning process.
  • ​Do you know how to win? You have some responsibilities; you have to get a pre-qual, a listing, an escrow, and a closing this week. How will you go about that? You are more than capable it is a decision on your end, a proclamation to do it. When you have no vision, you have no focus. No vision divided attention. With vision, if you start to go the wrong way, you remind yourself of where you were going, and you readjust yourself to hit the target. 
  • ​No target, no vision, you wander and are left wondering why life does not work. I don't need you to set big targets, big visions; set something that you can accomplish today, this week and let it marry up to what you say you are going to do in the next 90 days for your 12-week targets. What are they? I'm clear about what I want at the end of 12 weeks because I need that, I need direction because I get distracted very easily. 
  • ​Don't set on your laurels; life is okay, but what else can you accomplish? What is the vision? June 30th will be the end of the 2nd quarter targets; will you achieve what you said? Or have these two quarters ended in just wishes and attempts but no real progress? If you get clear about your vision and that you are the wolf, things will change for you. You are not a sheep; are you a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolfs clothing. You have to hunt or someone else will.
  • ​They are coming in droves to take your clients and transactions, and they are willing to do whatever it takes. Ten videos a day, 3 Open Houses every week, texting everyone on their phones, they will do it. What are you willing to do? 
  • ​When I am not thinking about my health, Carla told me a simple trick to losing weight or getting the body you want. When you are about to reach for something, with the other hand grab the fat around your mid-section, and see how tempting whatever you were about to eat is. Don't deprive yourself but focus on the targets you want to hit. Tell people around you what you want, and they will hold you accountable. You want to stop drinking, tell people around you that you want to stop drinking. Tell everyone. Proclaim it.
  • ​Your results currently are a culmination of more of the good decisions or the bad; look at your bank account how good your decision-making skills are. Look at your overall health, and you will realize where you are at right now. Start taking steps to reverse the years of abuse and dysfunction. It won't happen overnight. It is so easy to sabotage our progress; we work so hard, and then we give it up for a false sense of arrival. Going for a 2 mile run last week took 20 minutes of convincing myself to do it; I'm not training for the triathlon anymore, and I was at odds with myself. I did it, though, because I didn't want to lose everything that I worked so hard to build up. I need to hit the pool at least once a week, so I don't lose the capacity I built up. 
  • ​You can lose a ton of weight and gain it back. You can build up your business and lose it just like that. We get comfortable, and we need to set new targets for ourselves and then hit it. Let's keep moving. Do something this week that will help the vision; let's be hunters and be that damn wolf. It's part of the game and if you aren't hunting someone else will and take food off of your table and money out of your pocket.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019