with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 18:

4 Reasons

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 18:

4 Reasons

It isn't easy to choose to be an entrepreneur. Taking that jump into being a small business owner takes courage, consistency, and sacrifice. The biggest challenges come when we can't shake the mindset we had as an employee. Thinking we deserve to take time off for a holiday with our family when we haven't put in the work, is business abandonment. Don't let the pressures of family and friends having a weekend of fun, keep you from seeing the fruit of your labors. Putting your body and your business first in your day opens the door to stress and guilt-free time with the people you love.
The 4 Reasons We Abandon Our Business
  • ​It's always important to focus on what we want to accomplish, that is why we have a Main Focus in our 12-week targets. Today we are talking about "4 Reasons We Abandoned Our Business." You may not think you are but consider this at a higher level. When we got into this game, we were conditioned in a different way to do things. Your first job you were told what to do, and how to do it, when to clock in and out, how many breaks you have; you were given a structure to operate in.
  • ​A lot of us can accel within a structure, but then we decide that we want more than the 3% raise. We decide to venture out, and we thought about how much time that would give us; more time with our family, do the things we want to do. We have the time, but this business also now requires more of us; you don't necessarily get more time in the entrepreneurial space, because there is always something to do.
  • ​We have to be in tune with our business, or we could lose tens of thousands of dollars. There was a time that I didn't plan accordingly; I didn't plan that my clients were coming in from out of town. I had planned to out of town for a holiday with some friends. My clients came in and brought some family members with them, they called me, and I didn't answer, I forgot. I was more interested in having fun in my false sense of accomplishment that I didn't plan accordingly.
  • ​My clients came, they waited a full day for me to call them back, and they ended up finding someone else. They ended up buying two homes. That weekend cost me $18,000. I could have avoided that if my priorities were straight, understanding that everything must be earned. I don't deserve time off because the calendar says I do. I have to make my stay and earn my keep. 
  • ​When we are an employee, we are told we have two weeks of vacation, weekends off, and paid holidays. We go from that place of structure to a place of no structure, and we lose ourselves. Most of our friends and family members are not entrepreneurs, not self-reliant. It's easy to get sucked in by them wanting to go away for the weekend or on vacation because, in their situation, they already got paid. In your situation, you have not. 
  • ​We want to be able to take time off as you should; we have to position ourselves very differently though then an employee would. We decided to take greater responsibility when we stepped into the entrepreneurial space. We decided to take on all the headaches that come with marketing, sales, and systems, and we may have to work more than 40 hours.
  • ​The reality is that every time you stop doing things for your business, you abandon it. I abandoned my business, and I lost $18,000. I will tell you why we decide to abandon our business:
  • The number one reason is GUILT. My daughters are out of school, and they want to go places, and we feel guilty because we are continually working, trying to provide for them. We abandon our business because we start saying to ourselves that we have worked hard and we aren't spending enough time with our families. You miss a practice because you worked late; you aren't spending that quality time. 
  • ​When we get a long weekend, we shut down our business, abandon it because of guilt. I am giving you reasons, but I will provide you with solutions. We believe in a have it all lifestyle, when you invest in your family consistently, the guilt of having to work on a Memorial Day weekend doesn't hold you back. When we are unbalanced the guilt sets in, even in your marriage. Going away for the weekend is a temporary bandaid because it is your responsibility to show up powerfully every day. 
  • ​It doesn't mean time; it means quality. When I get home, I am investing time into my family, undivided attention — no guilt sets in. When you feel guilty, you abandon your business and your not marketing and not getting prospects. The first thing is to understand that this responsibility is every day.
  • The second reason is A FALSE SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. Your last quarter was awesome; it will always be this way. You don't need to answer client calls or show homes today; they will wait for me. That $18,000 lesson hurt bad for me because I had a false sense of accomplishment that I could walk away from my business on a three day weekend. 
  • ​I worked so hard to build my business up, but at the moment of truth, I subsided and fell into the trap of thinking I deserved time off. Your friends don't have to deal with the stresses that you do of owning a business, marketing, fulfillment, and sales. You need to invest time into and not drop off the face of the earth because it is a holiday. These are the real truths as small business owners. 
  • ​I was so distraught over losing that money and those sales that a threw away two or three weeks after that, thinking about what I did. I started to question myself and beat myself up. At the moment we get resistance from our family and friends we subside, we concede and agree to go away for a holiday.
  • The third reason and it ties into the other two; we are still in this EMPLOYEE MINDSET. We believe the evenings are ours, weekends are for taking off, we need two weeks of vacation per year, and we should have holidays off. We stuck around in those jobs we hated, that didn't pay enough because of the benefits. We have to walk away from that mindset and understand we don't deserve anything, and we have to work our butts off. This is the space you decided to play in.
  • ​Regardless if you had a great quarter or not, things will not always be this way. We can't kill the momentum, are you stuck in the employee mindset? Every day something needs to happen for your business. I told my daughters today as I left the house, they know I have, and I can be 100% focused if I know I have delivered for my business, and my body. I understand that is part of the game to continue to deliver regardless of what society tells us to do. When I am done, I will be all in with my family for the holiday; knowing that I am delivering in all facets of my life and my business. It's never one or the other; it's all things. 
  • ​There is a more significant cost of not investing in your business every day and a considerable cost of not investing in your family, your health, and your overall mindset.
  • Reason number four is there is NO URGENCY. Why? Because you aren't the breadwinner. Your husband or your wife has a full-time steady job. Even if you don't close a deal, it doesn't matter. The bills will be covered. When you don't produce, and you say your an entrepreneur, you lose confidence. You can say it isn't a big deal, but you know it is. 
  • ​Think about every time you do close a deal and how satisfying it is to do a cash injection into the coffers of your family.That feels fantastic, but there is no sense of urgency to do it over and over again because your spouse will take care of you. The pain is not there; your back isn't against the wall because your spouse makes good money. Your spouse also probably controls what you spend. 
  • ​These are the realities we have to look at. Not to look at your income as vacation money or extra money. Flipping the game and looking at your spouse's income as the play money because you become the breadwinner, the business owner, and the person in power. 
  • ​Employees are, and you are not. Because you have no sense of urgency, you have become complacent and at the mercy of the other person. I get that is a team game, but what happens if one day it is no longer a team? Through a tragedy or by choice, injury, health; then what? Then it will be, and you will decide to take the lead? Don't wait until it gets painful, until your savings runs out, start doing it now and have that urgency.
Start Operating At A Higher Level
  • ​These are all valid reasons if you buy into it. Consider something more significant for yourself and that you have a responsibility to be the leader and not be influenced, taking the lead for your family. Having clear conversations that you have an obligation, but you are going to deliver at a high level once you get home. A lot of Realtors check out during the summer for family stuff. That's important but realize that you can do it all. 
  • Reason Number One, feeling guilty.
  • ​Reason Number Two is having a false sense of accomplishment. 
  • ​Reason Number Three is having the mindset of an employee.
  • ​Reason number four is you have no sense of urgency. 
  • ​​Spend a solid hour today and give the rest to your family and it will so good because you delivered for your business and didn't abandon it. You posted on Instagram; you followed up with prospects, you sent text messages showing people some beautiful homes with pools. Be that person that presents the opportunities. Make a joke out of it and tell them you are just planting a seed, and you hope they are well. 
  • ​I went to the gym, worked out, sent some emails; and now I can go home, have lunch with my family, and hang out by the pool. I can't afford to shut down; we are talking big money, stability, and the realities of owning your own business. If you want to shut down your business, the best way to do that is to go work for someone else. There will be zero guilt of not returning phone calls, not marketing, and not reaching out. 
  • ​I'm not saying to either abandon your business or abandon your family I am saying you can have it all. You have to feel good and empower yourself first. You can't stay connected when you have unfinished business. A lot of agents underestimate the importance of systems; podcasting is the new wave because attention is currency. Podcasting is a game changer. 
  • ​The intention is the main driving force to the success of your business. Make sure you market and target your prospects today and then take a hike with your family. Go live, start posting, get your podcast together. Don't check out today because it is a holiday. Do your marketing, sales, and systems and then do something with your family. You have to earn that time.

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It isn't easy to choose to be an entrepreneur. Taking that jump into being a small business owner takes courage, consistency, and sacrifice. The biggest challenges come when we can't shake the mindset we had as an employee. Thinking we deserve to take time off for a holiday with our family when we haven't put in the work, is business abandonment. Don't let the pressures of family and friends having a weekend of fun, keep you from seeing the fruit of your labors. Putting your body and your business first in your day opens the door to stress and guilt-free time with the people you love.
The 4 Reasons We Abandon Our Business
  • ​It's always important to focus on what we want to accomplish, that is why we have a Main Focus in our 12-week targets. Today we are talking about "4 Reasons We Abandoned Our Business." You may not think you are but consider this at a higher level. When we got into this game, we were conditioned in a different way to do things. Your first job you were told what to do, and how to do it, when to clock in and out, how many breaks you have; you were given a structure to operate in.
  • ​A lot of us can accel within a structure, but then we decide that we want more than the 3% raise. We decide to venture out, and we thought about how much time that would give us; more time with our family, do the things we want to do. We have the time, but this business also now requires more of us; you don't necessarily get more time in the entrepreneurial space, because there is always something to do.
  • ​We have to be in tune with our business, or we could lose tens of thousands of dollars. There was a time that I didn't plan accordingly; I didn't plan that my clients were coming in from out of town. I had planned to out of town for a holiday with some friends. My clients came in and brought some family members with them, they called me, and I didn't answer, I forgot. I was more interested in having fun in my false sense of accomplishment that I didn't plan accordingly.
  • ​My clients came, they waited a full day for me to call them back, and they ended up finding someone else. They ended up buying two homes. That weekend cost me $18,000. I could have avoided that if my priorities were straight, understanding that everything must be earned. I don't deserve time off because the calendar says I do. I have to make my stay and earn my keep. 
  • ​When we are an employee, we are told we have two weeks of vacation, weekends off, and paid holidays. We go from that place of structure to a place of no structure, and we lose ourselves. Most of our friends and family members are not entrepreneurs, not self-reliant. It's easy to get sucked in by them wanting to go away for the weekend or on vacation because, in their situation, they already got paid. In your situation, you have not. 
  • ​We want to be able to take time off as you should; we have to position ourselves very differently though then an employee would. We decided to take greater responsibility when we stepped into the entrepreneurial space. We decided to take on all the headaches that come with marketing, sales, and systems, and we may have to work more than 40 hours.
  • ​The reality is that every time you stop doing things for your business, you abandon it. I abandoned my business, and I lost $18,000. I will tell you why we decide to abandon our business:
  • The number one reason is GUILT. My daughters are out of school, and they want to go places, and we feel guilty because we are continually working, trying to provide for them. We abandon our business because we start saying to ourselves that we have worked hard and we aren't spending enough time with our families. You miss a practice because you worked late; you aren't spending that quality time. 
  • ​When we get a long weekend, we shut down our business, abandon it because of guilt. I am giving you reasons, but I will provide you with solutions. We believe in a have it all lifestyle, when you invest in your family consistently, the guilt of having to work on a Memorial Day weekend doesn't hold you back. When we are unbalanced the guilt sets in, even in your marriage. Going away for the weekend is a temporary bandaid because it is your responsibility to show up powerfully every day. 
  • ​It doesn't mean time; it means quality. When I get home, I am investing time into my family, undivided attention — no guilt sets in. When you feel guilty, you abandon your business and your not marketing and not getting prospects. The first thing is to understand that this responsibility is every day.
  • The second reason is A FALSE SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. Your last quarter was awesome; it will always be this way. You don't need to answer client calls or show homes today; they will wait for me. That $18,000 lesson hurt bad for me because I had a false sense of accomplishment that I could walk away from my business on a three day weekend. 
  • ​I worked so hard to build my business up, but at the moment of truth, I subsided and fell into the trap of thinking I deserved time off. Your friends don't have to deal with the stresses that you do of owning a business, marketing, fulfillment, and sales. You need to invest time into and not drop off the face of the earth because it is a holiday. These are the real truths as small business owners. 
  • ​I was so distraught over losing that money and those sales that a threw away two or three weeks after that, thinking about what I did. I started to question myself and beat myself up. At the moment we get resistance from our family and friends we subside, we concede and agree to go away for a holiday.
  • The third reason and it ties into the other two; we are still in this EMPLOYEE MINDSET. We believe the evenings are ours, weekends are for taking off, we need two weeks of vacation per year, and we should have holidays off. We stuck around in those jobs we hated, that didn't pay enough because of the benefits. We have to walk away from that mindset and understand we don't deserve anything, and we have to work our butts off. This is the space you decided to play in.
  • ​Regardless if you had a great quarter or not, things will not always be this way. We can't kill the momentum, are you stuck in the employee mindset? Every day something needs to happen for your business. I told my daughters today as I left the house, they know I have, and I can be 100% focused if I know I have delivered for my business, and my body. I understand that is part of the game to continue to deliver regardless of what society tells us to do. When I am done, I will be all in with my family for the holiday; knowing that I am delivering in all facets of my life and my business. It's never one or the other; it's all things. 
  • ​There is a more significant cost of not investing in your business every day and a considerable cost of not investing in your family, your health, and your overall mindset.
  • Reason number four is there is NO URGENCY. Why? Because you aren't the breadwinner. Your husband or your wife has a full-time steady job. Even if you don't close a deal, it doesn't matter. The bills will be covered. When you don't produce, and you say your an entrepreneur, you lose confidence. You can say it isn't a big deal, but you know it is. 
  • ​Think about every time you do close a deal and how satisfying it is to do a cash injection into the coffers of your family.That feels fantastic, but there is no sense of urgency to do it over and over again because your spouse will take care of you. The pain is not there; your back isn't against the wall because your spouse makes good money. Your spouse also probably controls what you spend. 
  • ​These are the realities we have to look at. Not to look at your income as vacation money or extra money. Flipping the game and looking at your spouse's income as the play money because you become the breadwinner, the business owner, and the person in power. 
  • ​Employees are, and you are not. Because you have no sense of urgency, you have become complacent and at the mercy of the other person. I get that is a team game, but what happens if one day it is no longer a team? Through a tragedy or by choice, injury, health; then what? Then it will be, and you will decide to take the lead? Don't wait until it gets painful, until your savings runs out, start doing it now and have that urgency.
Start Operating At A Higher Level
  • ​These are all valid reasons if you buy into it. Consider something more significant for yourself and that you have a responsibility to be the leader and not be influenced, taking the lead for your family. Having clear conversations that you have an obligation, but you are going to deliver at a high level once you get home. A lot of Realtors check out during the summer for family stuff. That's important but realize that you can do it all. 
  • Reason Number One, feeling guilty.
  • ​Reason Number Two is having a false sense of accomplishment. 
  • ​Reason Number Three is having the mindset of an employee.
  • ​Reason number four is you have no sense of urgency. 
  • ​​Spend a solid hour today and give the rest to your family and it will so good because you delivered for your business and didn't abandon it. You posted on Instagram; you followed up with prospects, you sent text messages showing people some beautiful homes with pools. Be that person that presents the opportunities. Make a joke out of it and tell them you are just planting a seed, and you hope they are well. 
  • ​I went to the gym, worked out, sent some emails; and now I can go home, have lunch with my family, and hang out by the pool. I can't afford to shut down; we are talking big money, stability, and the realities of owning your own business. If you want to shut down your business, the best way to do that is to go work for someone else. There will be zero guilt of not returning phone calls, not marketing, and not reaching out. 
  • ​I'm not saying to either abandon your business or abandon your family I am saying you can have it all. You have to feel good and empower yourself first. You can't stay connected when you have unfinished business. A lot of agents underestimate the importance of systems; podcasting is the new wave because attention is currency. Podcasting is a game changer. 
  • ​The intention is the main driving force to the success of your business. Make sure you market and target your prospects today and then take a hike with your family. Go live, start posting, get your podcast together. Don't check out today because it is a holiday. Do your marketing, sales, and systems and then do something with your family. You have to earn that time.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019