with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 20:

Attitude and Behavior

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 20:

Attitude and Behavior

What does your month look like? What are your targets, and how do you plan to get there? You are stuck in a valley because you are bored and realize that you hate what you are doing; you need an attitude check. Your attitude determines your altitude in this business; you will never reach the peaks if you are laying low in the valley of complacency. It's time to kill your plan B and trust the process that you have started. If you want the success of a Top Producer, you need to do the things that hurt the most until they become the ones you love.
Cute Puppy Syndrome
  • ​It is essential to realize what you want to accomplish for this week, this month; merely putting it out there keeps you focused on the task at hand. When you went to Real Estate School, you knew what you wanted, and that was to get your license. The actions and behaviors that you employed got you here, and that is why you are with A.Z. & Associates.
  • ​Start thinking about production and what you want to create by the end of this month. Is it one, two, four escrows? Is it one or two listings? Be very aware though of your current results. You can't say you're going to have five escrows if you haven't had five all year. What is it that will stretch you past your current capacity to get what you want? 
  • ​This is not about impressing me or others but setting that threshold and say what you will achieve this month. Once you have the result that you want, now you can reverse engineer it and determine what actions, attitudes, and behaviors we need to achieve it.
  • ​It is easy to get in a trap of wanting the big goal and big rewards, but there is no preparation for that on your end. You haven't put into place any behavior over the past week or month to lead to that result. I want you to think about if you can stretch your capacity today to get to the next level, what does that look like this month? If you got one escrow last month what will it take to get two, if you got five what will it take to get six? 
  • ​What are you going after this month? Can you go another month without an escrow or with only two? We need to be able to see the result to reinforce the attitude and behaviors. You have a direct vision of what you want; a right attitude will get you what you want, but the only way to reinforce that is to see the result. 
  • ​I have said many times that if you want to start a business, then hold 4 to 5 Open Houses a week. After 80 hours, you will begin to see results. If you go into it with a good attitude, your attitude can dwindle, and that causes your behaviors to begin to diminish. It's hard to keep that attitude when you don't see the results after 4 or 5 Open Houses. 
  • ​This is the main reason most get out of this business because being able to reinforce this attitude consistently, especially when you don't have the results you desire. We then compare ourselves to others, looking at how good their results are, looking at what their driving and that they are on vacation all the time. It's okay if that is what you want, but we don't see the back story to how they got there.
  • ​I got a new puppy, and I have been getting a lot of feedback from people about how they want one. I keep showing him playing around with my other dogs on social media. He is, but what I am not showing is the 4 or 5 times he wakes me up at night. The constant crying because we are crate training him; the accidents and the frustration that comes from that. I blame my daughters for not helping when they didn't do anything wrong; it's a puppy, and it's going to have accidents. 
  • ​When I first saw the puppy, I could hardly wait to bring him home; that first night we were almost dreading our decision because we forgot how much responsibility it is to raise a puppy. We forget as well how hard it is to start a business from scratch. Some of you have been in the game for 5 or 10 years, and you can't get past that threshold because we forget. 
  • ​Every one of us got into this business because we saw someone producing at a high level. You were influenced by someone else that showed the results that you want, and it's frustrating when you don't have it right now. You have somewhat been doing all the things that we have told you to do, and yet you have an attitude that it will never happen. You want to close 5 or 10 deals a month, but you forget the sleepless nights those others had; we forget the frustrations at home that they had.
  • ​You only see the result, the cute puppy. Some specific actions and behaviors are required to get to that level. To be in this game, you need to be able to consistently close transactions, but if your attitude doesn't change about the behaviors that are required, it will always be an up and down.
How Do You Reach the Peak When You are Stuck in the Valley?
  • Every time you have peaks and valleys, it's because you don't like what you are doing. When you like what you are doing the peaks will continue to spike. When you do it forcefully because you don't like the hustle and the grind or the work required; you only do enough to get the results you want, and you want to forget the rest. 
  • ​There is no other reason for the peaks and valleys; there is no passion. You only work as hard as you need to get what you want, and then you stop the work it took to get you there. Maybe you stopped because you hate it; but now that we realize why we have the peaks and valleys, we can perhaps start to realize that this is what it took to create the lifestyle that we want. Maybe our attitude needs to change so that we can appreciate yourself for being in this volatile game. 
  • ​I challenge you that if you are continuing to have these peaks and valleys year after year, maybe your attitude towards what you are doing is not where it should be. I promise you that if you love this, there would be no valleys or lulls. You would continue to move forward, to progress in your systems and marketing because you love it. Knowledge is a significant component of attitude and behavior, and now you know. 
  • ​Instead of saying you don't know why you are where you are at, maybe you hate it. Now you need to change your attitude towards marketing and being out there consistently because that is what is required. If you hate going on Facebook live, you hate posting on social media, sending emails and making phone calls, your career will be riddled with peaks and valleys. 
  • ​Hating the process of going to the gym and avoiding it, secretly loathing yourself because you don't like the way you look or feel; You avoid it altogether and working just hard enough to get what you want and then go back to the valley. Attitude is everything because it influences behavior, and it is reinforced through results. The results in this game don't come overnight, but that is knowledge, and you know that now. 
  • ​We try to focus on the actions and behaviors, but they are inconsistent because the result isn't pulling that you want; the result isn't big enough and doesn't call to you enough. This game is hard even for top producers. Start thinking about what it is you want this month; not about the next 90 days, or the year, what does THIS month look like. Your attitude towards showing houses and having Open Houses has to shift, your attitude towards marketing and live videos has to completely change to get what you want. Without the right attitude, your behaviors will stay the same.
Hard Work Sucks Sometimes
  • The vast majority of agents will be losing market share to the Top Producers because of the false sense of accomplishment; only working towards the results, because secretly they don't like what they do. 
  • ​I love what I do, and it's hard work and sucks sometimes; I know though that I can't abandon my business and I have to show up. Sometimes I have to do the things that I don't want to do. It sucks to make those phone calls, sitting in that Open House for 4 hours. I promise you that you will love the results, and every time you do it, you reinforce your attitude; every time you show up at the gym, it reinforces the behavior. 
  • ​When you start to see the results, you will recognize that as knowledge; if you do this and have this type of attitude and behavior, you will get this result. That combination of things is considered knowledge. Your attitude influences behavior, which gets you understanding. 
  • ​We all see what everybody else has out there, but we don't see what isn't being shown. You don't see the constant crying of my puppy, waking up all night long; my poor daughters, I need to apologize to them because it isn't their fault. I know ultimately I will have a well behaved, best friend of a pet. Just like Boi my first dog; I forgot how much work it took to get there. 
  • ​I want you to declare what you are going to do this month; it's about going after that and not worrying about impressing me or others. I am watching some of the new agents and loving it. All of your hard work will pay off; I hope you keep it up. I have been in the game for 15 years, and I am seeing a lot of great action and people getting out of their comfort zones, pushing the threshold of what they consider their normal; stretching their boundaries and it is awesome to see. 
  • ​What some of you are doing in the first 90 days with your social media marketing is better then what took me years to accomplish. Continuing to move forward has everything to do with your attitude. Understand that you will ultimately get what you want if you continue on this path; you are meeting the resistance head-on The resistance wants you to stay back to stay the way you are, and every time you push through it, it's painful, but it isn't meant to debilitate you. I have seen it time and again with those that come in hard and do the right thing, but because they don't see the result fast enough, they quit, revert, retract and lose confidence. Don't do all of this work just to quit. 
  • ​Successful people double down when it gets painful when the results are not there, and the bills start piling up; Don't get distracted by that. When we were trying to regenerate our business after not having a lot of money; I remember thinking that I was in it for the long haul. Instead of being distracted by the bills piling up, quitting, being pressured by the bills to go back to a mainstream job; I figured they would get taken care of at some point, but I am not going to let that dictate my behavior and actions from what I wanted to do in this industry. 
  • ​If a bill has to be paid late then so be it; if you have to spend money, you don't have to get your business started, then so be it. I can't tell you how many times I have seen those with promise that could change the entire dynamic of their financial situation for their family quit because of the pressures of bills. I took that pressure to the brink; I couldn't pay my mortgage, but it didn't force me to give up on my dream.
  • ​Starting a business is tough, and I eventually maxed out my credit cards because I had a dream I had to go after. I also had a lot of confidence in what I could accomplish; I had that conviction and desire and fire within. There was no plan B, and some of you can't take off right now because you know you have a plan B in place. Your spouse will take care of you; you can always go back to your job; you will keep doing Real Estate part-time because you don't want to feel the pain. You want something big; you need to be able to thrive in that pain.
Kill Plan B
  • I never let my circumstance hinder my progression; if I got kicked out of my house, I would deal with it then. If I can't pay my credit cards by the end of the month, I will deal with it then. If I am 2 months late, I will deal with it then. I knew that to build something great; it takes time. Not just a 12-week target because that is part of a bigger game altogether. It doesn't mean that you are going to get everything you want out of life in just 12-weeks. 
  • ​12-weeks isn't going to change it, not your marriage or your business; how have you been showing up for the past ten years? As long as you have the big picture though ahead of you, it will push you through the 12- weeks into the next 12-weeks, and so on, until you see more significant results for yourself. 
  • ​You either want it, or you don't; you can't dwindle from your resolve. I was all in it, and if it didn't work out, I would have been in a world of hurt. Most of us think that way. We are led by those fears as opposed to thinking what if it does work out? None of this would have been possible if I didn't believe in myself; I had no plan B. If you have one I need you to destroy it and light it on fire; this is it, what are you going to do over the next 20 days? 
  • ​I'm not telling you to kill your credit score; I am telling you what I did because I had no other choice than to go all in. There was a lot of pain, frustration, and doubt involved, but I kept going. You know precisely what you need to do to get your next deal; get the next deal, and after that, we will focus on getting the next one after that. Stop focusing on the ten and get the next one. 
  • ​I want you to think about where you see the peaks and valleys, especially in business. When you hit the valleys, what is it about the process that you hate and focus on changing your attitude around that; because you will love the results. You need to correlate that the stuff that you hate gets you the thing that you want, and you will start to appreciate that uncomfortable part of you, the marketing videos, the phone calls, the boring Open Houses. You will begin to appreciate that more because you know it will get you this. 
  • ​We all love handing over the keys and our clients; that's the easy part. I want you to enjoy the stuff that you hate. Start reflecting on what your attitude is towards buyers, towards listings that don't sell right away, towards other agents? Start loving that, and you will start to avoid the valleys; we want the peaks and continue to grow on that. 
  • ​You're in this game, Top Producers or just getting in; we all need to reinforce that mindset and change our attitudes. Try smiling every time you get on the phone, or putting a post on Facebook; it induces the endorphins of positivity when you are talking to somebody, smile, and enjoys the energy there. Attitude is everything, but so is behavior. 
  • ​When he takes his ease, give him no rest- General Sun Tzu. That means that you have confidence in yourself, that you know how to strike and strike hard. This is the time. I hope this conversation gave you a pathway to get what you want this month.

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What does your month look like? What are your targets, and how do you plan to get there? You are stuck in a valley because you are bored and realize that you hate what you are doing; you need an attitude check. Your attitude determines your altitude in this business; you will never reach the peaks if you are laying low in the valley of complacency. It's time to kill your plan B and trust the process that you have started. If you want the success of a Top Producer, you need to do the things that hurt the most until they become the ones you love.
Cute Puppy Syndrome
  • ​It is essential to realize what you want to accomplish for this week, this month; merely putting it out there keeps you focused on the task at hand. When you went to Real Estate School, you knew what you wanted, and that was to get your license. The actions and behaviors that you employed got you here, and that is why you are with A.Z. & Associates.
  • ​Start thinking about production and what you want to create by the end of this month. Is it one, two, four escrows? Is it one or two listings? Be very aware though of your current results. You can't say you're going to have five escrows if you haven't had five all year. What is it that will stretch you past your current capacity to get what you want? 
  • ​This is not about impressing me or others but setting that threshold and say what you will achieve this month. Once you have the result that you want, now you can reverse engineer it and determine what actions, attitudes, and behaviors we need to achieve it.
  • ​It is easy to get in a trap of wanting the big goal and big rewards, but there is no preparation for that on your end. You haven't put into place any behavior over the past week or month to lead to that result. I want you to think about if you can stretch your capacity today to get to the next level, what does that look like this month? If you got one escrow last month what will it take to get two, if you got five what will it take to get six? 
  • ​What are you going after this month? Can you go another month without an escrow or with only two? We need to be able to see the result to reinforce the attitude and behaviors. You have a direct vision of what you want; a right attitude will get you what you want, but the only way to reinforce that is to see the result. 
  • ​I have said many times that if you want to start a business, then hold 4 to 5 Open Houses a week. After 80 hours, you will begin to see results. If you go into it with a good attitude, your attitude can dwindle, and that causes your behaviors to begin to diminish. It's hard to keep that attitude when you don't see the results after 4 or 5 Open Houses. 
  • ​This is the main reason most get out of this business because being able to reinforce this attitude consistently, especially when you don't have the results you desire. We then compare ourselves to others, looking at how good their results are, looking at what their driving and that they are on vacation all the time. It's okay if that is what you want, but we don't see the back story to how they got there.
  • ​I got a new puppy, and I have been getting a lot of feedback from people about how they want one. I keep showing him playing around with my other dogs on social media. He is, but what I am not showing is the 4 or 5 times he wakes me up at night. The constant crying because we are crate training him; the accidents and the frustration that comes from that. I blame my daughters for not helping when they didn't do anything wrong; it's a puppy, and it's going to have accidents. 
  • ​When I first saw the puppy, I could hardly wait to bring him home; that first night we were almost dreading our decision because we forgot how much responsibility it is to raise a puppy. We forget as well how hard it is to start a business from scratch. Some of you have been in the game for 5 or 10 years, and you can't get past that threshold because we forget. 
  • ​Every one of us got into this business because we saw someone producing at a high level. You were influenced by someone else that showed the results that you want, and it's frustrating when you don't have it right now. You have somewhat been doing all the things that we have told you to do, and yet you have an attitude that it will never happen. You want to close 5 or 10 deals a month, but you forget the sleepless nights those others had; we forget the frustrations at home that they had.
  • ​You only see the result, the cute puppy. Some specific actions and behaviors are required to get to that level. To be in this game, you need to be able to consistently close transactions, but if your attitude doesn't change about the behaviors that are required, it will always be an up and down.
How Do You Reach the Peak When You are Stuck in the Valley?
  • Every time you have peaks and valleys, it's because you don't like what you are doing. When you like what you are doing the peaks will continue to spike. When you do it forcefully because you don't like the hustle and the grind or the work required; you only do enough to get the results you want, and you want to forget the rest. 
  • ​There is no other reason for the peaks and valleys; there is no passion. You only work as hard as you need to get what you want, and then you stop the work it took to get you there. Maybe you stopped because you hate it; but now that we realize why we have the peaks and valleys, we can perhaps start to realize that this is what it took to create the lifestyle that we want. Maybe our attitude needs to change so that we can appreciate yourself for being in this volatile game. 
  • ​I challenge you that if you are continuing to have these peaks and valleys year after year, maybe your attitude towards what you are doing is not where it should be. I promise you that if you love this, there would be no valleys or lulls. You would continue to move forward, to progress in your systems and marketing because you love it. Knowledge is a significant component of attitude and behavior, and now you know. 
  • ​Instead of saying you don't know why you are where you are at, maybe you hate it. Now you need to change your attitude towards marketing and being out there consistently because that is what is required. If you hate going on Facebook live, you hate posting on social media, sending emails and making phone calls, your career will be riddled with peaks and valleys. 
  • ​Hating the process of going to the gym and avoiding it, secretly loathing yourself because you don't like the way you look or feel; You avoid it altogether and working just hard enough to get what you want and then go back to the valley. Attitude is everything because it influences behavior, and it is reinforced through results. The results in this game don't come overnight, but that is knowledge, and you know that now. 
  • ​We try to focus on the actions and behaviors, but they are inconsistent because the result isn't pulling that you want; the result isn't big enough and doesn't call to you enough. This game is hard even for top producers. Start thinking about what it is you want this month; not about the next 90 days, or the year, what does THIS month look like. Your attitude towards showing houses and having Open Houses has to shift, your attitude towards marketing and live videos has to completely change to get what you want. Without the right attitude, your behaviors will stay the same.
Hard Work Sucks Sometimes
  • The vast majority of agents will be losing market share to the Top Producers because of the false sense of accomplishment; only working towards the results, because secretly they don't like what they do. 
  • ​I love what I do, and it's hard work and sucks sometimes; I know though that I can't abandon my business and I have to show up. Sometimes I have to do the things that I don't want to do. It sucks to make those phone calls, sitting in that Open House for 4 hours. I promise you that you will love the results, and every time you do it, you reinforce your attitude; every time you show up at the gym, it reinforces the behavior. 
  • ​When you start to see the results, you will recognize that as knowledge; if you do this and have this type of attitude and behavior, you will get this result. That combination of things is considered knowledge. Your attitude influences behavior, which gets you understanding. 
  • ​We all see what everybody else has out there, but we don't see what isn't being shown. You don't see the constant crying of my puppy, waking up all night long; my poor daughters, I need to apologize to them because it isn't their fault. I know ultimately I will have a well behaved, best friend of a pet. Just like Boi my first dog; I forgot how much work it took to get there. 
  • ​I want you to declare what you are going to do this month; it's about going after that and not worrying about impressing me or others. I am watching some of the new agents and loving it. All of your hard work will pay off; I hope you keep it up. I have been in the game for 15 years, and I am seeing a lot of great action and people getting out of their comfort zones, pushing the threshold of what they consider their normal; stretching their boundaries and it is awesome to see. 
  • ​What some of you are doing in the first 90 days with your social media marketing is better then what took me years to accomplish. Continuing to move forward has everything to do with your attitude. Understand that you will ultimately get what you want if you continue on this path; you are meeting the resistance head-on The resistance wants you to stay back to stay the way you are, and every time you push through it, it's painful, but it isn't meant to debilitate you. I have seen it time and again with those that come in hard and do the right thing, but because they don't see the result fast enough, they quit, revert, retract and lose confidence. Don't do all of this work just to quit. 
  • ​Successful people double down when it gets painful when the results are not there, and the bills start piling up; Don't get distracted by that. When we were trying to regenerate our business after not having a lot of money; I remember thinking that I was in it for the long haul. Instead of being distracted by the bills piling up, quitting, being pressured by the bills to go back to a mainstream job; I figured they would get taken care of at some point, but I am not going to let that dictate my behavior and actions from what I wanted to do in this industry. 
  • ​If a bill has to be paid late then so be it; if you have to spend money, you don't have to get your business started, then so be it. I can't tell you how many times I have seen those with promise that could change the entire dynamic of their financial situation for their family quit because of the pressures of bills. I took that pressure to the brink; I couldn't pay my mortgage, but it didn't force me to give up on my dream.
  • ​Starting a business is tough, and I eventually maxed out my credit cards because I had a dream I had to go after. I also had a lot of confidence in what I could accomplish; I had that conviction and desire and fire within. There was no plan B, and some of you can't take off right now because you know you have a plan B in place. Your spouse will take care of you; you can always go back to your job; you will keep doing Real Estate part-time because you don't want to feel the pain. You want something big; you need to be able to thrive in that pain.
Kill Plan B
  • I never let my circumstance hinder my progression; if I got kicked out of my house, I would deal with it then. If I can't pay my credit cards by the end of the month, I will deal with it then. If I am 2 months late, I will deal with it then. I knew that to build something great; it takes time. Not just a 12-week target because that is part of a bigger game altogether. It doesn't mean that you are going to get everything you want out of life in just 12-weeks. 
  • ​12-weeks isn't going to change it, not your marriage or your business; how have you been showing up for the past ten years? As long as you have the big picture though ahead of you, it will push you through the 12- weeks into the next 12-weeks, and so on, until you see more significant results for yourself. 
  • ​You either want it, or you don't; you can't dwindle from your resolve. I was all in it, and if it didn't work out, I would have been in a world of hurt. Most of us think that way. We are led by those fears as opposed to thinking what if it does work out? None of this would have been possible if I didn't believe in myself; I had no plan B. If you have one I need you to destroy it and light it on fire; this is it, what are you going to do over the next 20 days? 
  • ​I'm not telling you to kill your credit score; I am telling you what I did because I had no other choice than to go all in. There was a lot of pain, frustration, and doubt involved, but I kept going. You know precisely what you need to do to get your next deal; get the next deal, and after that, we will focus on getting the next one after that. Stop focusing on the ten and get the next one. 
  • ​I want you to think about where you see the peaks and valleys, especially in business. When you hit the valleys, what is it about the process that you hate and focus on changing your attitude around that; because you will love the results. You need to correlate that the stuff that you hate gets you the thing that you want, and you will start to appreciate that uncomfortable part of you, the marketing videos, the phone calls, the boring Open Houses. You will begin to appreciate that more because you know it will get you this. 
  • ​We all love handing over the keys and our clients; that's the easy part. I want you to enjoy the stuff that you hate. Start reflecting on what your attitude is towards buyers, towards listings that don't sell right away, towards other agents? Start loving that, and you will start to avoid the valleys; we want the peaks and continue to grow on that. 
  • ​You're in this game, Top Producers or just getting in; we all need to reinforce that mindset and change our attitudes. Try smiling every time you get on the phone, or putting a post on Facebook; it induces the endorphins of positivity when you are talking to somebody, smile, and enjoys the energy there. Attitude is everything, but so is behavior. 
  • ​When he takes his ease, give him no rest- General Sun Tzu. That means that you have confidence in yourself, that you know how to strike and strike hard. This is the time. I hope this conversation gave you a pathway to get what you want this month.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019