with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 26:

Concept + Execution = Growth

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 26:

Concept + Execution = Growth

Today I woke up with a list of things to get done, the commitments I had made. I didn't want to do any of them. I reminded myself that it is in those times that I need to push myself to execute what I need to do so I can experience the exponential growth I desire. I am a man of my word, and if I say I am going to do it, I will; some days the process sucks, but the results are my focus. You need to let go of the story in your head that is telling you that it's okay not to go all-in today, to relax a bit, you've earned it. Those are the days that you need to refocus, recommit, and realign yourself with the commitments you have made to get the results that you want. When you remain committed to your purpose, your family will see it, and so will you.
The Process Sucks
  • ​Your ability to take an idea to execution is what will determine your success. I had a few lessons about that this morning; when you have a concept that you can execute that is where the growth happens. I love to work out and feel good because I have attached myself to the result and to how it feels. You need to understand what that feeling of success is, that feeling of closing transactions and that feeling of having money injected into your bank account. That is what has to be the driving force for us to do it over and over again.
  • ​You can't just think about the process because the process sucks; you don't love everything you do. The process sometimes sucks, and that's why it is called a process; it's work. This morning I got up at 5 am, and I took the dogs out, and I felt like I was wasting time. Usually, I am taking my vitamins and getting out the door to the gym. This morning I wasn't feeling it and started to make excuses for myself; I'm exhausted, and my body needs recovery. I considered waking up my girls to take a walk instead and spend time with them. 
  • ​All of these stories came about what I could do instead of the things I was supposed to do; work out every day. I have committed to do something productive for my body every day because I understand the feeling that comes from it. After I work out the feeling that comes from it is that I am going to go out and kill it. I started to buy into the story that I was tired and needed to rest. 
  • ​It can happen in different aspects of your life. For your business, you can close a bunch of transactions; you think you deserve a day off; you are going off of your feelings and not commitment. My commitment says I have to show up every day, and your commitment to your business says you have to show up regardless of how many transactions you close. 
  • ​There is a sense of comfort that we tend to grasp onto and support it with the story that we have been working hard, and that was my story. Then I remembered I committed, and I said I was going to do something, and that is what I was going to do. Period. My word is gold; my family understands that I understand that and people in my sphere understand that. When I say it is going to get done, it is going to get done. Every time you say something and don't do it, you erode that confidence and trust. 
  • ​You may be able to get away with it for a while, your family won't notice, and your friends won't notice but you will. You will start to erode that power that you feel. I finally decided to go to the gym, and I sat there and looked at the weights, not wanting to go at it. I didn't know why, but I knew how I would feel afterwards. I picked up the weights and convinced myself to go light and workout for 40 minutes. I started to lift weights, and something happened within me, I felt inspired to go harder. I was feeling strong, and it motivated me to go harder. 
  • ​The feelings I had before were now long gone because I decided to get going. Some of you are stuck in a place of exhausting yourself mentally and physically by just thinking about it. You are overwhelmed by the things you have to do so you do nothing at all. It is frustrating to see so much potential around me, and those of you that are not willing to take the next step because you don't feel like it; opposed to taking that commitment and accessing that power as we talked about in P3, the Prime 3. 
  • ​Access that power to do something for yourself mentally and physically and remind yourself why it is that you are doing it through your purpose; internally for you, it is about the feeling you get from success and accomplishment — then back that up through the external purpose because of the lifestyle you want to live for you and your family. You ultimately will get the results, which is the profit. That is all the P3 stands for, and if you follow that methodology, you will get everything you want; through Power, Purpose, and Profits.
Committed to Conviction
  • I saw so many eyes light up in last week's meeting, and yet some of you can't get past the feeling; even those that are producing. Because being comfortable is just as bad if not worse than not producing at all. Some of you have taken significant steps to have the most successful quarter you have ever had, and then comfort sets in. You can blow the lid off of this game and build the lifestyle you have only imagined. 
  • ​We are always in this battle though of fighting our feelings as opposed to looking at the commitments we have made. I want you to refocus on the commitments as opposed to focusing on how you are feeling; then executing on what your commitments were. I executed today because I had a commitment, and my commitment is that I work out every fricken day; that is the commitment. The feelings said that I could take the day off, you work so hard; you got the results already, you're feeling good so chill. 
  • ​I have a conviction about commitment because I know where my feelings take me. They take me to mediocrity, and my commitment takes me to limits I had no idea were available to me. So I was in there, and I was piling on the weights, and I did weight I hadn't done in years, and I tried the 95's; my dumbbells only go to 100. They had dust on them because that's how long it had been since I used them. I dusted them off, and I picked them up, and I did the most weight I had done in two years since my surgery. 
  • ​If I would have backtracked 40 minutes before that moment would have lost out on the fire I have right now and the appreciation of how far I have come. I have come from a place of wishing I could pick up my daughters to now throwing up 100 pounders. I remember those times of feeling sorry for myself. I killed it, and I feel good. 
  • ​I know some of you are hurting financially, and your confidence is down the drain because you aren't where you want to be. The struggle is hard; getting the business up and going is hard; taking the business to the next level is hard. Some of you are getting too comfortable because you have more money than you have ever had. I am going to remind you that wherever you are, wherever that may be, there is always more within you. If your struggling your back is against the wall right now, it is time to get over those feelings, that ego that you have and start doing the things you know will work. 
  • ​It's time to do the things you don't feel like doing; sending emails, making phone calls, texting, Open Houses, putting yourself out there and declaring you are the authority. Don't give me that story that you aren't committed, every one of you is committed. The problem is that some of us are committed to the story of why we can't, but you are still committed so I will give you that. Maybe you need to commit to showing that you can. 
  • ​There is more riding on you than just your feelings. We have laid out a basic framework, a foundation that is almost too easy. But if you tap into the source, the Prime 3, understanding that it is your responsibility to access that power, that fuel, which we all need; you can't get it sitting at your house, thinking about working out and not doing it. You won't get there if you put being just a mom, or just a Dad ahead of your purpose, which is a feeling. You are capable of having it all, so your commitment is where the story needs to change.
  • ​You need to access that fire by taking care of you, and then you fuel it through your purpose, which is connected to the feeling of when you accomplish certain things. Then take a step back and figure out why. Maybe you would like your kids to see you operate in power, then you can say you are doing it for them, but first, it is about you and overcoming those stories by executing on the idea. Executing on the thoughts you had at the sales meeting, the thoughts you had last night about all the great things you would do.
Take a Stand
  • ​I had a whole plan of what I was going to do today, and I became overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I didn't want to go to the gym. We all have great ideas, and I had a checklist a mile long of things I need to take care of. If I went based on my feelings, none of that shit would have been done. I want you to tap into that power and remind yourself of your purpose; you will then realize the profits every single time. It is a simple formula, and it all comes down to me, asking you to fight for yourself. 
  • ​You need that fire and to remind yourself that you are committed and not just committed to the stories of why you can't. This is it, and it is up to you. I used to feel so bad when I saw wasted potential in those that were not taking it to the next level. Producers that were at 5 - 8 million but then couldn't make it to the next level. It has nothing to do with me or your family; it has to do with you. When you take that responsibility, there is a whole new level of solutions that you can come up with. Take that thought process and start to execute it. 
  • ​I pushed myself this morning, and I feel powerful. Because I know my commitment is more powerful than my feelings. Think about what it is you have been wanting to do and then execute on that. We all have things we don't want to do; it's a process, and the process sucks. Your job is to focus on the profits and the outcomes, the results, and accomplishments. If you are getting stuck on step number one, it is going to be a hard life. 
  • ​If you can't do this with your business, good luck in your relationships, good luck building that confidence. We all have ideas, but now it's time to execute and stop holding back; you need to become an authority in your space. People need to get tired of seeing you so much and so committed to your craft of helping others get what they want. That one post today is not enough; the one live video is not enough; how bad do you want it? If you don't have what you want right now than you are leaving a lot on the table of the things you are not doing, because of the feelings, not your commitment. 
  • ​We are all committed; it's just that successful people know how to execute on those commitments. They don't delay it. You have the framework and a clear guideline of what you have to accomplish by the end of the year. The only way you won't reach it is if you continue to tap into the feelings of not wanting to do it. 
  • ​I know where I am going by the end of the year, and I am asking you to take a stand for yourself and come with me. I don't want to look at you and see the lost potential; the reality that instead of it being a 15 million dollar year, you got comfortable at seven. I understand the benefits of raising that bar for yourself and doing the things you are capable of. The byproduct of that is your family will notice and you will also. You need to level up every aspect of your life and do this for yourself. 
  • ​Understand that you are committed but can you have that commitment with more conviction or feelings. That is what the game is all about. The process will wear you out; you need to shift and focus on the results. We get upset when we don't have the results, but we have been avoiding the process. It is not about finding an easy path but focusing on accomplishment. The focus is not to steer away from what has worked to find an easier path but to double down on that process.
  • ​When you avoid the process, you miss out on an opportunity and then wonder three months down the road what happened. When you find a process that works double down on that, build on that. Be okay with having money in the bank and don't feel you need to spend it. You need to be committed and go back and look at your trends. Each one of us has a process that works, and you can see that in the months that you killed it and the months that the industry killed you. 
  • ​The action items were what happened 60 and 90 days before that; you need to analyze those results and double down on the commitment, not the feeling. Let's live up to our commitments and not question that. Each one of you has that embedded into your DNA; now it is about choosing the right processes regardless of how we feel and then executing on them. 
  • ​Take a moment and write down the things that you have to do; put it in a checklist. Get used to being able to check that stuff off. It will build your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment; that is what purpose is all about.

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Today I woke up with a list of things to get done, the commitments I had made. I didn't want to do any of them. I reminded myself that it is in those times that I need to push myself to execute what I need to do so I can experience the exponential growth I desire. I am a man of my word, and if I say I am going to do it, I will; some days the process sucks, but the results are my focus. You need to let go of the story in your head that is telling you that it's okay not to go all-in today, to relax a bit, you've earned it. Those are the days that you need to refocus, recommit, and realign yourself with the commitments you have made to get the results that you want. When you remain committed to your purpose, your family will see it, and so will you.
The Process Sucks
  • ​Your ability to take an idea to execution is what will determine your success. I had a few lessons about that this morning; when you have a concept that you can execute that is where the growth happens. I love to work out and feel good because I have attached myself to the result and to how it feels. You need to understand what that feeling of success is, that feeling of closing transactions and that feeling of having money injected into your bank account. That is what has to be the driving force for us to do it over and over again.
  • ​You can't just think about the process because the process sucks; you don't love everything you do. The process sometimes sucks, and that's why it is called a process; it's work. This morning I got up at 5 am, and I took the dogs out, and I felt like I was wasting time. Usually, I am taking my vitamins and getting out the door to the gym. This morning I wasn't feeling it and started to make excuses for myself; I'm exhausted, and my body needs recovery. I considered waking up my girls to take a walk instead and spend time with them. 
  • ​All of these stories came about what I could do instead of the things I was supposed to do; work out every day. I have committed to do something productive for my body every day because I understand the feeling that comes from it. After I work out the feeling that comes from it is that I am going to go out and kill it. I started to buy into the story that I was tired and needed to rest. 
  • ​It can happen in different aspects of your life. For your business, you can close a bunch of transactions; you think you deserve a day off; you are going off of your feelings and not commitment. My commitment says I have to show up every day, and your commitment to your business says you have to show up regardless of how many transactions you close. 
  • ​There is a sense of comfort that we tend to grasp onto and support it with the story that we have been working hard, and that was my story. Then I remembered I committed, and I said I was going to do something, and that is what I was going to do. Period. My word is gold; my family understands that I understand that and people in my sphere understand that. When I say it is going to get done, it is going to get done. Every time you say something and don't do it, you erode that confidence and trust. 
  • ​You may be able to get away with it for a while, your family won't notice, and your friends won't notice but you will. You will start to erode that power that you feel. I finally decided to go to the gym, and I sat there and looked at the weights, not wanting to go at it. I didn't know why, but I knew how I would feel afterwards. I picked up the weights and convinced myself to go light and workout for 40 minutes. I started to lift weights, and something happened within me, I felt inspired to go harder. I was feeling strong, and it motivated me to go harder. 
  • ​The feelings I had before were now long gone because I decided to get going. Some of you are stuck in a place of exhausting yourself mentally and physically by just thinking about it. You are overwhelmed by the things you have to do so you do nothing at all. It is frustrating to see so much potential around me, and those of you that are not willing to take the next step because you don't feel like it; opposed to taking that commitment and accessing that power as we talked about in P3, the Prime 3. 
  • ​Access that power to do something for yourself mentally and physically and remind yourself why it is that you are doing it through your purpose; internally for you, it is about the feeling you get from success and accomplishment — then back that up through the external purpose because of the lifestyle you want to live for you and your family. You ultimately will get the results, which is the profit. That is all the P3 stands for, and if you follow that methodology, you will get everything you want; through Power, Purpose, and Profits.
Committed to Conviction
  • I saw so many eyes light up in last week's meeting, and yet some of you can't get past the feeling; even those that are producing. Because being comfortable is just as bad if not worse than not producing at all. Some of you have taken significant steps to have the most successful quarter you have ever had, and then comfort sets in. You can blow the lid off of this game and build the lifestyle you have only imagined. 
  • ​We are always in this battle though of fighting our feelings as opposed to looking at the commitments we have made. I want you to refocus on the commitments as opposed to focusing on how you are feeling; then executing on what your commitments were. I executed today because I had a commitment, and my commitment is that I work out every fricken day; that is the commitment. The feelings said that I could take the day off, you work so hard; you got the results already, you're feeling good so chill. 
  • ​I have a conviction about commitment because I know where my feelings take me. They take me to mediocrity, and my commitment takes me to limits I had no idea were available to me. So I was in there, and I was piling on the weights, and I did weight I hadn't done in years, and I tried the 95's; my dumbbells only go to 100. They had dust on them because that's how long it had been since I used them. I dusted them off, and I picked them up, and I did the most weight I had done in two years since my surgery. 
  • ​If I would have backtracked 40 minutes before that moment would have lost out on the fire I have right now and the appreciation of how far I have come. I have come from a place of wishing I could pick up my daughters to now throwing up 100 pounders. I remember those times of feeling sorry for myself. I killed it, and I feel good. 
  • ​I know some of you are hurting financially, and your confidence is down the drain because you aren't where you want to be. The struggle is hard; getting the business up and going is hard; taking the business to the next level is hard. Some of you are getting too comfortable because you have more money than you have ever had. I am going to remind you that wherever you are, wherever that may be, there is always more within you. If your struggling your back is against the wall right now, it is time to get over those feelings, that ego that you have and start doing the things you know will work. 
  • ​It's time to do the things you don't feel like doing; sending emails, making phone calls, texting, Open Houses, putting yourself out there and declaring you are the authority. Don't give me that story that you aren't committed, every one of you is committed. The problem is that some of us are committed to the story of why we can't, but you are still committed so I will give you that. Maybe you need to commit to showing that you can. 
  • ​There is more riding on you than just your feelings. We have laid out a basic framework, a foundation that is almost too easy. But if you tap into the source, the Prime 3, understanding that it is your responsibility to access that power, that fuel, which we all need; you can't get it sitting at your house, thinking about working out and not doing it. You won't get there if you put being just a mom, or just a Dad ahead of your purpose, which is a feeling. You are capable of having it all, so your commitment is where the story needs to change.
  • ​You need to access that fire by taking care of you, and then you fuel it through your purpose, which is connected to the feeling of when you accomplish certain things. Then take a step back and figure out why. Maybe you would like your kids to see you operate in power, then you can say you are doing it for them, but first, it is about you and overcoming those stories by executing on the idea. Executing on the thoughts you had at the sales meeting, the thoughts you had last night about all the great things you would do.
Take a Stand
  • ​I had a whole plan of what I was going to do today, and I became overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I didn't want to go to the gym. We all have great ideas, and I had a checklist a mile long of things I need to take care of. If I went based on my feelings, none of that shit would have been done. I want you to tap into that power and remind yourself of your purpose; you will then realize the profits every single time. It is a simple formula, and it all comes down to me, asking you to fight for yourself. 
  • ​You need that fire and to remind yourself that you are committed and not just committed to the stories of why you can't. This is it, and it is up to you. I used to feel so bad when I saw wasted potential in those that were not taking it to the next level. Producers that were at 5 - 8 million but then couldn't make it to the next level. It has nothing to do with me or your family; it has to do with you. When you take that responsibility, there is a whole new level of solutions that you can come up with. Take that thought process and start to execute it. 
  • ​I pushed myself this morning, and I feel powerful. Because I know my commitment is more powerful than my feelings. Think about what it is you have been wanting to do and then execute on that. We all have things we don't want to do; it's a process, and the process sucks. Your job is to focus on the profits and the outcomes, the results, and accomplishments. If you are getting stuck on step number one, it is going to be a hard life. 
  • ​If you can't do this with your business, good luck in your relationships, good luck building that confidence. We all have ideas, but now it's time to execute and stop holding back; you need to become an authority in your space. People need to get tired of seeing you so much and so committed to your craft of helping others get what they want. That one post today is not enough; the one live video is not enough; how bad do you want it? If you don't have what you want right now than you are leaving a lot on the table of the things you are not doing, because of the feelings, not your commitment. 
  • ​We are all committed; it's just that successful people know how to execute on those commitments. They don't delay it. You have the framework and a clear guideline of what you have to accomplish by the end of the year. The only way you won't reach it is if you continue to tap into the feelings of not wanting to do it. 
  • ​I know where I am going by the end of the year, and I am asking you to take a stand for yourself and come with me. I don't want to look at you and see the lost potential; the reality that instead of it being a 15 million dollar year, you got comfortable at seven. I understand the benefits of raising that bar for yourself and doing the things you are capable of. The byproduct of that is your family will notice and you will also. You need to level up every aspect of your life and do this for yourself. 
  • ​Understand that you are committed but can you have that commitment with more conviction or feelings. That is what the game is all about. The process will wear you out; you need to shift and focus on the results. We get upset when we don't have the results, but we have been avoiding the process. It is not about finding an easy path but focusing on accomplishment. The focus is not to steer away from what has worked to find an easier path but to double down on that process.
  • ​When you avoid the process, you miss out on an opportunity and then wonder three months down the road what happened. When you find a process that works double down on that, build on that. Be okay with having money in the bank and don't feel you need to spend it. You need to be committed and go back and look at your trends. Each one of us has a process that works, and you can see that in the months that you killed it and the months that the industry killed you. 
  • ​The action items were what happened 60 and 90 days before that; you need to analyze those results and double down on the commitment, not the feeling. Let's live up to our commitments and not question that. Each one of you has that embedded into your DNA; now it is about choosing the right processes regardless of how we feel and then executing on them. 
  • ​Take a moment and write down the things that you have to do; put it in a checklist. Get used to being able to check that stuff off. It will build your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment; that is what purpose is all about.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019