with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 28:

Profit: Revelation and Application

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 28:

Profit: Revelation and Application

Everyone wants to accomplish big things in their life and their business. Without the energy required behind it, you will fizzle out before the end of the day; with all energy lost, your patience will be fading as well. Committing to making small deposits into your self when you first arise will allow you the ability to make the withdrawals you need to accomplish what you want. I have learned to choose my target and break it down so that the idea will not overwhelm me and keeps me from progressing forward. I have adapted a process that increases my energy and drives me towards my goal. What will you do this week to bring you closer to realizing yours?
Profits: Revelation and Application
  • ​With every subject I cover, I take it from my personal experience, as well as, do a lot of research to find out more about human behavior. The more I discover, the more enlightened I become about my behavior and dysfunction. It is the constant need to learn and become more; the only way to become more is to take that aspect of Revelation from things that have not been revealed to you before. That is knowledge.
  • ​Knowledge itself will not necessarily help you get what you want; it is a step towards it though; not until you apply it will you be able to ask better questions. Just because you know something doesn't mean you can predict the questions that will come after you do it. We all have a desire to learn more, and there is so much information for us to get what we need and learn what it is we want to learn. That does not affect your overall growth if you don't apply it and discover the mistakes and what questions arise from it. 
  • ​Our perspective will always have a ceiling if we haven't applied it. As I look at my journey and the thought process of profits, which is part of the P3 that we have discussed; Profits are made up of 2 components, the Revelation and the Application.
  • ​The Revelation is to discover, to learn, and to find something new. The Application process is to execute on what you've learned. That is where Profits come from. It is a culmination of continually learning something and then executing it and profits become the by-product of that. 
  • ​I have been in many situations where I have a deep desire to learn something new, and I face it every time; especially with marketing. I think a lot of you are in that space right now where you want to learn more about how to edit a video because you aren't in a place where you can hire somebody. Some of you are ready to start a podcast, and you want it but become overwhelmed by the process. I have been there many times. 
  • ​Right now, I am streaming this podcast live, and there are three cameras set up, this result was only available to me after I took that initial step of purchasing the equipment. What happens quite often is that after we take the initial step of investing or learning, there is a big gap between when we execute. 
  • ​I bought $25,000 worth of equipment to get started, and it sat in my studio for months. I was so pissed off and disappointed in myself after I spent all of this money and then didn't do shit with it. Every time I would walk in that room, I would avoid it, and the site of it was gnawing at me. It came to a point where I put a table in front of the equipment so that I wouldn't feel so guilty.
Early to Rise
  • I think we all have the right intentions and want to learn something new, and we take the initial steps. We have had so many in-depth training for podcasting and setting up live videos and Facebook marketing, but it can seem overwhelming. We have good intentions, but once we get started, we lose that because of all the work we have to do. We don't realize that there is a conflict between two competing goals and motives — the purpose of getting it accomplished and the goal of taking the easy route. Often we succumb to the easy route. 
  • ​For example; the goal of losing weight and the goal of eating what you want; that is a delicate balance. When I first started with filming, I started with one camera, and from that point, I could learn to set up multiple. Before going there, I needed to choose the right software, and before I went there, I needed to make sure I could go to YouTube and find out how others have done it. 
  • ​I want you to be aware that anytime you have a goal, or a target there is always going to be a competing goal or target. That is called resistance. Anytime you go to do something, there will be immediate resistance, and it is conditioning on our part. That conditioning is that there is no urgency, that there are more important things. 
  • ​I have learned that when I have a goal or target in mind, I have to attack it first thing in the morning. We have more patience first thing in the morning, more self-control and energy. As the day wears on, it erodes your self-control, and your energy because you are dealing with so many outside influences. Especially owning a small business. 
  • ​By the time you go to attack something new, working out, eating healthier, or applying something new to your business, you're less likely to accomplish it in the afternoon. I recommend that whatever it is that you want to achieve, whether it is starting a podcast, going live on Facebook or getting your CRM set up; try doing it first thing in the morning. 
  • ​This will give you a higher chance to pull off what you want to do. That is why we talk about the CORE 4 and the PRIME 3, is to be able to accomplish these things first thing in the morning. As the day goes on, that energy and your patience will be eroded, and the likelihood of you learning something new is less likely.
  • ​I am going to show you what I have done to apply and execute on the goals at hand. Since these cameras were added, I have done so much more. I am more technically savvy than I have ever been before in my life. I used to use that as an excuse. I didn't like technology or understand it, and I didn't know how to use the software. Over time I have taken my energy in the morning and applied it to learning and executing. 
  • ​As you think about what you want to create, what will it take for you to get there? If you make it mandatory to do it in the morning when you have the most energy, odds are you will pull it off.
Breaking it Down
  • One of the things that I started to do was to break down my goal. If you are in the position now where you want to start a podcast, or that CRM, don't think that it will be completed in one day. We overestimate what we can do in a day or a year, and we underestimate what we can do in a year or ten years. We put so much pressure on ourselves to get it done today if we break down the process and say that today we are merely going to unbox items, which is something so simple but takes you that one step further.
  • ​If you bought the ZOOM for your podcast; unbox it today. Next is finding what you need in regards to equipment next, and then you check that off. What you are doing is breaking it down, so you don't feel overwhelmed. If you take these steps one by one by the end of next week, you will be set up and ready to start recording. Breaking it down gives you a pathway to pull it off. When we overwhelm ourselves with what is required, because it is above what we already know, that is the reason we can't muster the energy to figure it out.
  • ​By breaking it down, piece by piece, it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I took the same process and decided to break it down, and before you know it, I had my first camera up and running. It was an amazing feeling that after all of those months, all I had to do was try to take care of it first thing in the morning. For the following two to three weeks, I broke it down and tried to learn something new about this process, about streaming live, changing cameras and the software it requires. Because I tackled it in the morning, it became possible. 
  • ​There are also things we do to sabotage our overall growth. If there is no self-control or self-awareness first thing in the morning; things will not get better, they get more difficult. If you aren't doing the right things from the beginning of your day, it will not get better regardless of how much you think it is. This morning I went to get some, and as I was there, I saw droves of people, construction and office workers, coming out with huge drinks. A lot of them also had gas station food. My thought process is that your choices don't get better as the day goes on. If you have no self-control in the morning, you will have none by the end of the day. 
  • ​Think about it, we feel good in the morning we are going about our day, but yet the most stressful part of the day is around 3 o'clock. By the time we get home, we have very little patience for our kids. I can't tell you times I have blown up on my kids for something so dumb. I am yelling at my kids for something so minimal. It is because we eroded the energy we had and if we start on the wrong foot it will carry on and magnify itself through the rest of the day. 
  • ​If you have something that can alleviate that stress, so you're not carrying that stress, the guilt of not executing that will make you better at the end of your day. You won't be so stressed out and impatient, and you will have more energy to pay close attention to what you need to focus on. Think about the things it will take to get those things accomplished during that time. 
  • ​Our progress is eroded at times not only by the heaviness of the task at hand, the thought process of the systems we have to apply, but also the pressure we face as small business owners. If you want to be in power, it comes down to this question: What are you doing when you first start your day?
Direct Deposits
  • Back to the conversation about Prime 3, which is Revelation; learning something new. As business owners, we have to take care of all aspects, especially as we are starting out, all aspects of our business. Marketing, Sales, Systems; we are responsible for it all. If you have a clear plan of action, you are more likely to accomplish it, to execute it, and to grow your business. You are even more likely to do it faster if you start first thing in the morning. 
  • ​We have talked about accessing power, mental, and physical. I want you to challenge yourself to lead that life of getting up and doing something for yourself both mentally and physically. I do that through audible books, podcasts, working out, and by challenging myself. Your job is to make a deposit at the beginning of your day so it will be more effective and you aren't blowing up at your family at the end of the day. 
  • ​You need to make a deposit into the energy, in the ability to learn something new. If you are rolling out of bed, trying to accomplish something, your ability to stay on track will be nil; you won't be able to compete with someone who has taken care of themselves first and foremost. If you access power, it is like making a deposit, and throughout the day you are withdrawing from that deposit; you don't want to be at a deficit by the end of the day. What is it that you want to learn? 
  • ​First, let's do this, let's deposit this energy, deposit great thoughts in our minds; deposit about the abilities and the things we can achieve. Now when it comes to learning about podcasting and executing on Facebook live videos and posting, you are more likely to do that because you made that deposit. Some of us are trying to reach into that bank account with no deposits being made. If all you are doing is withdrawing, of course, you won't be successful or be able to compete with the next person. 
  • ​If you continue to withdraw without making deposits that deficit will blow up in your face. You will start to make irrational decisions and blow up over minimal situations, making mountains out of molehills. You will find yourself apologizing throughout the day because you are in a weakened state. There is no way you will be able to effectively compete with the person that understands the only way to make a withdrawal is if you put in the deposits. 
  • ​Think about what it is you want to execute and let's break it down. How can you do it?

  • 1. Set the target. I wanted to get my live videos on my HD camera's up and running. I set the goal
  • 2. Develop the breakdown. I knew I couldn't pull it off in one day or one week; I couldn't overwhelm myself because I had a limited capacity for patience. I only have an available amount of energy that I can utilize throughout the day. If I am trying to finish it all in the morning and it slowly depletes my energy by the afternoon, I will have nothing left in my tank. So when I break it down and realize I don't have to finish it all in one day, giving myself the entire week to learn more about the CRM or Auto Responder or for podcasting; I break it down into four simple steps. 
  • I will watch a YouTube video and learn how to connect my camera to my computer. 
  • I will watch a second YouTube video to learn how to connect my computer to the audio. 
  • Then I will learn more about the software I need to use. 
  • Now I have a step, and by the end of the following week, I can execute on this podcast. It's about breaking it down to a four-step process taking one target and breaking it down. 
  • 3. The next thing I do is I draw a concept fan with the primary objective in the circle and the lines coming from it the breakdown. With anything that you want to think about the possible issues that you may run into it and what you will learn from it. So if you take the idea and draw a circle around it and then branch off the things you need to accomplish and what issues you may have. In everything that I do with my podcast, my training, my Mindset Mastery, this is the process I follow. It helps me to put it into perspective, putting everything down regardless of how dumb the idea may be; there is always something that comes from that. I have put myself in a place of discovery. 
  • 4. Put a time frame of when you will accomplish it. If you can't decide on what CRM to use, make that your goal for today. Today you will pick one, and that will require you to break it down. You will have to research and sign up for 3 CRM's and use the trial week they give you to choose one. Now you are one step closer to having a fully functional CRM. That is the key to all of this.

What Will Your Week Bring?
  • As you start thinking about the Revelation and the Application of Profits, it will not be available to you until you access that power. Listen to those Podcasts, those audiobooks, and watch the videos that will get you closer to that place. Make the necessary deposits so you can prolong the energy you have, throughout your day. You can't continue to give the worst to your family and those closest to you because that energy has eroded itself. 
  • ​You are doing an injustice to your business if you don't learn something new every day; if you don't reveal something to yourself every day and execute on it. The deposits? What are you doing about it?
  • ​We all have big things we need to accomplish this week so ask yourself, draw a concept fan, and claim what it is that you are going to pull off? If you have been wanting to do a podcast, how much closer will you be at the end of the week? It doesn't mean you need to execute it, how much closer will you be to it? If you have been planning on editing videos, how much closer are you going to get to that? 
  • ​I learned how to use Imovie, and it is the best software you can use. You don't need more than that. My whole team can run off of that software and be fine. How long will it take for you to learn it so you can stop the excuses that you don't know how and aren't technologically savvy? The further you push that along there is someone else who is willing to do it right now. Often they have the advantage over you as time progresses.
  • ​Don't sit back wondering how this young kid or this new agent, can grow faster in the industry than you. They start executing on the things that they had learned. What is it that you will pull off this week? Say it and then do it? Write it down and then execute upon it. It's all about you and understand that as the day progresses, you will erode that energy. Make the deposits from the very beginning of your day.
  • ​If you aren't doing the right things in the morning, don't beat yourself up for not being able to pull it off in the afternoon; it won't happen. If you don't take care of things, you are supposed to in the morning your decision-making skills will not get better. It starts with taking care of yourself and don't be that person walking out of the gas station with a 44 oz drink and expect that you will lose weight after making that decision first thing in the morning. 
  • ​We need to make a decision and no longer ride on the statement of "one day." Proclaim that this is the week that it is going to happen. Set a time frame that today you are going to deposit towards that goal by the end of the week. It's a simple process, and before you know it, you will have learned to do the Facebook ads. You will have better answers to the questions you had about how to edit video. You will have the 5 or 10 episodes recorded of your podcast. It begins today. 
  • ​Don't overwhelm yourself with all of the things you need to do; we all have big things to do. Just pick one break it down, and by the end of the week, you will be closer to your target. Opening a box, choosing a CRM, and watching a video will take you one step closer. I hope you can take this message and understand the key principles of what I am trying to communicate; make the deposits and know that you will have more energy and more ability to execute whatever you want when it is in the morning.

More Episodes

Everyone wants to accomplish big things in their life and their business. Without the energy required behind it, you will fizzle out before the end of the day; with all energy lost, your patience will be fading as well. Committing to making small deposits into your self when you first arise will allow you the ability to make the withdrawals you need to accomplish what you want. I have learned to choose my target and break it down so that the idea will not overwhelm me and keeps me from progressing forward. I have adapted a process that increases my energy and drives me towards my goal. What will you do this week to bring you closer to realizing yours?
Profits: Revelation and Application
  • ​With every subject I cover, I take it from my personal experience, as well as, do a lot of research to find out more about human behavior. The more I discover, the more enlightened I become about my behavior and dysfunction. It is the constant need to learn and become more; the only way to become more is to take that aspect of Revelation from things that have not been revealed to you before. That is knowledge.
  • ​Knowledge itself will not necessarily help you get what you want; it is a step towards it though; not until you apply it will you be able to ask better questions. Just because you know something doesn't mean you can predict the questions that will come after you do it. We all have a desire to learn more, and there is so much information for us to get what we need and learn what it is we want to learn. That does not affect your overall growth if you don't apply it and discover the mistakes and what questions arise from it. 
  • ​Our perspective will always have a ceiling if we haven't applied it. As I look at my journey and the thought process of profits, which is part of the P3 that we have discussed; Profits are made up of 2 components, the Revelation and the Application.
  • ​The Revelation is to discover, to learn, and to find something new. The Application process is to execute on what you've learned. That is where Profits come from. It is a culmination of continually learning something and then executing it and profits become the by-product of that. 
  • ​I have been in many situations where I have a deep desire to learn something new, and I face it every time; especially with marketing. I think a lot of you are in that space right now where you want to learn more about how to edit a video because you aren't in a place where you can hire somebody. Some of you are ready to start a podcast, and you want it but become overwhelmed by the process. I have been there many times. 
  • ​Right now, I am streaming this podcast live, and there are three cameras set up, this result was only available to me after I took that initial step of purchasing the equipment. What happens quite often is that after we take the initial step of investing or learning, there is a big gap between when we execute. 
  • ​I bought $25,000 worth of equipment to get started, and it sat in my studio for months. I was so pissed off and disappointed in myself after I spent all of this money and then didn't do shit with it. Every time I would walk in that room, I would avoid it, and the site of it was gnawing at me. It came to a point where I put a table in front of the equipment so that I wouldn't feel so guilty.
Early to Rise
  • I think we all have the right intentions and want to learn something new, and we take the initial steps. We have had so many in-depth training for podcasting and setting up live videos and Facebook marketing, but it can seem overwhelming. We have good intentions, but once we get started, we lose that because of all the work we have to do. We don't realize that there is a conflict between two competing goals and motives — the purpose of getting it accomplished and the goal of taking the easy route. Often we succumb to the easy route. 
  • ​For example; the goal of losing weight and the goal of eating what you want; that is a delicate balance. When I first started with filming, I started with one camera, and from that point, I could learn to set up multiple. Before going there, I needed to choose the right software, and before I went there, I needed to make sure I could go to YouTube and find out how others have done it. 
  • ​I want you to be aware that anytime you have a goal, or a target there is always going to be a competing goal or target. That is called resistance. Anytime you go to do something, there will be immediate resistance, and it is conditioning on our part. That conditioning is that there is no urgency, that there are more important things. 
  • ​I have learned that when I have a goal or target in mind, I have to attack it first thing in the morning. We have more patience first thing in the morning, more self-control and energy. As the day wears on, it erodes your self-control, and your energy because you are dealing with so many outside influences. Especially owning a small business. 
  • ​By the time you go to attack something new, working out, eating healthier, or applying something new to your business, you're less likely to accomplish it in the afternoon. I recommend that whatever it is that you want to achieve, whether it is starting a podcast, going live on Facebook or getting your CRM set up; try doing it first thing in the morning. 
  • ​This will give you a higher chance to pull off what you want to do. That is why we talk about the CORE 4 and the PRIME 3, is to be able to accomplish these things first thing in the morning. As the day goes on, that energy and your patience will be eroded, and the likelihood of you learning something new is less likely.
  • ​I am going to show you what I have done to apply and execute on the goals at hand. Since these cameras were added, I have done so much more. I am more technically savvy than I have ever been before in my life. I used to use that as an excuse. I didn't like technology or understand it, and I didn't know how to use the software. Over time I have taken my energy in the morning and applied it to learning and executing. 
  • ​As you think about what you want to create, what will it take for you to get there? If you make it mandatory to do it in the morning when you have the most energy, odds are you will pull it off.
Breaking it Down
  • One of the things that I started to do was to break down my goal. If you are in the position now where you want to start a podcast, or that CRM, don't think that it will be completed in one day. We overestimate what we can do in a day or a year, and we underestimate what we can do in a year or ten years. We put so much pressure on ourselves to get it done today if we break down the process and say that today we are merely going to unbox items, which is something so simple but takes you that one step further.
  • ​If you bought the ZOOM for your podcast; unbox it today. Next is finding what you need in regards to equipment next, and then you check that off. What you are doing is breaking it down, so you don't feel overwhelmed. If you take these steps one by one by the end of next week, you will be set up and ready to start recording. Breaking it down gives you a pathway to pull it off. When we overwhelm ourselves with what is required, because it is above what we already know, that is the reason we can't muster the energy to figure it out.
  • ​By breaking it down, piece by piece, it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I took the same process and decided to break it down, and before you know it, I had my first camera up and running. It was an amazing feeling that after all of those months, all I had to do was try to take care of it first thing in the morning. For the following two to three weeks, I broke it down and tried to learn something new about this process, about streaming live, changing cameras and the software it requires. Because I tackled it in the morning, it became possible. 
  • ​There are also things we do to sabotage our overall growth. If there is no self-control or self-awareness first thing in the morning; things will not get better, they get more difficult. If you aren't doing the right things from the beginning of your day, it will not get better regardless of how much you think it is. This morning I went to get some, and as I was there, I saw droves of people, construction and office workers, coming out with huge drinks. A lot of them also had gas station food. My thought process is that your choices don't get better as the day goes on. If you have no self-control in the morning, you will have none by the end of the day. 
  • ​Think about it, we feel good in the morning we are going about our day, but yet the most stressful part of the day is around 3 o'clock. By the time we get home, we have very little patience for our kids. I can't tell you times I have blown up on my kids for something so dumb. I am yelling at my kids for something so minimal. It is because we eroded the energy we had and if we start on the wrong foot it will carry on and magnify itself through the rest of the day. 
  • ​If you have something that can alleviate that stress, so you're not carrying that stress, the guilt of not executing that will make you better at the end of your day. You won't be so stressed out and impatient, and you will have more energy to pay close attention to what you need to focus on. Think about the things it will take to get those things accomplished during that time. 
  • ​Our progress is eroded at times not only by the heaviness of the task at hand, the thought process of the systems we have to apply, but also the pressure we face as small business owners. If you want to be in power, it comes down to this question: What are you doing when you first start your day?
Direct Deposits
  • Back to the conversation about Prime 3, which is Revelation; learning something new. As business owners, we have to take care of all aspects, especially as we are starting out, all aspects of our business. Marketing, Sales, Systems; we are responsible for it all. If you have a clear plan of action, you are more likely to accomplish it, to execute it, and to grow your business. You are even more likely to do it faster if you start first thing in the morning. 
  • ​We have talked about accessing power, mental, and physical. I want you to challenge yourself to lead that life of getting up and doing something for yourself both mentally and physically. I do that through audible books, podcasts, working out, and by challenging myself. Your job is to make a deposit at the beginning of your day so it will be more effective and you aren't blowing up at your family at the end of the day. 
  • ​You need to make a deposit into the energy, in the ability to learn something new. If you are rolling out of bed, trying to accomplish something, your ability to stay on track will be nil; you won't be able to compete with someone who has taken care of themselves first and foremost. If you access power, it is like making a deposit, and throughout the day you are withdrawing from that deposit; you don't want to be at a deficit by the end of the day. What is it that you want to learn? 
  • ​First, let's do this, let's deposit this energy, deposit great thoughts in our minds; deposit about the abilities and the things we can achieve. Now when it comes to learning about podcasting and executing on Facebook live videos and posting, you are more likely to do that because you made that deposit. Some of us are trying to reach into that bank account with no deposits being made. If all you are doing is withdrawing, of course, you won't be successful or be able to compete with the next person. 
  • ​If you continue to withdraw without making deposits that deficit will blow up in your face. You will start to make irrational decisions and blow up over minimal situations, making mountains out of molehills. You will find yourself apologizing throughout the day because you are in a weakened state. There is no way you will be able to effectively compete with the person that understands the only way to make a withdrawal is if you put in the deposits. 
  • ​Think about what it is you want to execute and let's break it down. How can you do it?

  • 1. Set the target. I wanted to get my live videos on my HD camera's up and running. I set the goal
  • 2. Develop the breakdown. I knew I couldn't pull it off in one day or one week; I couldn't overwhelm myself because I had a limited capacity for patience. I only have an available amount of energy that I can utilize throughout the day. If I am trying to finish it all in the morning and it slowly depletes my energy by the afternoon, I will have nothing left in my tank. So when I break it down and realize I don't have to finish it all in one day, giving myself the entire week to learn more about the CRM or Auto Responder or for podcasting; I break it down into four simple steps. 
  • I will watch a YouTube video and learn how to connect my camera to my computer. 
  • I will watch a second YouTube video to learn how to connect my computer to the audio. 
  • Then I will learn more about the software I need to use. 
  • Now I have a step, and by the end of the following week, I can execute on this podcast. It's about breaking it down to a four-step process taking one target and breaking it down. 
  • 3. The next thing I do is I draw a concept fan with the primary objective in the circle and the lines coming from it the breakdown. With anything that you want to think about the possible issues that you may run into it and what you will learn from it. So if you take the idea and draw a circle around it and then branch off the things you need to accomplish and what issues you may have. In everything that I do with my podcast, my training, my Mindset Mastery, this is the process I follow. It helps me to put it into perspective, putting everything down regardless of how dumb the idea may be; there is always something that comes from that. I have put myself in a place of discovery. 
  • 4. Put a time frame of when you will accomplish it. If you can't decide on what CRM to use, make that your goal for today. Today you will pick one, and that will require you to break it down. You will have to research and sign up for 3 CRM's and use the trial week they give you to choose one. Now you are one step closer to having a fully functional CRM. That is the key to all of this.

What Will Your Week Bring?
  • As you start thinking about the Revelation and the Application of Profits, it will not be available to you until you access that power. Listen to those Podcasts, those audiobooks, and watch the videos that will get you closer to that place. Make the necessary deposits so you can prolong the energy you have, throughout your day. You can't continue to give the worst to your family and those closest to you because that energy has eroded itself. 
  • ​You are doing an injustice to your business if you don't learn something new every day; if you don't reveal something to yourself every day and execute on it. The deposits? What are you doing about it?
  • ​We all have big things we need to accomplish this week so ask yourself, draw a concept fan, and claim what it is that you are going to pull off? If you have been wanting to do a podcast, how much closer will you be at the end of the week? It doesn't mean you need to execute it, how much closer will you be to it? If you have been planning on editing videos, how much closer are you going to get to that? 
  • ​I learned how to use Imovie, and it is the best software you can use. You don't need more than that. My whole team can run off of that software and be fine. How long will it take for you to learn it so you can stop the excuses that you don't know how and aren't technologically savvy? The further you push that along there is someone else who is willing to do it right now. Often they have the advantage over you as time progresses.
  • ​Don't sit back wondering how this young kid or this new agent, can grow faster in the industry than you. They start executing on the things that they had learned. What is it that you will pull off this week? Say it and then do it? Write it down and then execute upon it. It's all about you and understand that as the day progresses, you will erode that energy. Make the deposits from the very beginning of your day.
  • ​If you aren't doing the right things in the morning, don't beat yourself up for not being able to pull it off in the afternoon; it won't happen. If you don't take care of things, you are supposed to in the morning your decision-making skills will not get better. It starts with taking care of yourself and don't be that person walking out of the gas station with a 44 oz drink and expect that you will lose weight after making that decision first thing in the morning. 
  • ​We need to make a decision and no longer ride on the statement of "one day." Proclaim that this is the week that it is going to happen. Set a time frame that today you are going to deposit towards that goal by the end of the week. It's a simple process, and before you know it, you will have learned to do the Facebook ads. You will have better answers to the questions you had about how to edit video. You will have the 5 or 10 episodes recorded of your podcast. It begins today. 
  • ​Don't overwhelm yourself with all of the things you need to do; we all have big things to do. Just pick one break it down, and by the end of the week, you will be closer to your target. Opening a box, choosing a CRM, and watching a video will take you one step closer. I hope you can take this message and understand the key principles of what I am trying to communicate; make the deposits and know that you will have more energy and more ability to execute whatever you want when it is in the morning.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019