with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 32:


with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 32:


We have all been in that place where we have a moment of Ego. We want others to see our success, so we take trips and buy expensive cars and boats; then showcase for the world to see. What about your business? Have you reinvested in your systems and software? Have you hired a Transaction Coordinator to push your growth forward? Until you put your Ego on the back burner and your systems on the forefront, your business will be nothing more than a hustle without reaching long-term success.
It Tickles
  • ​I have realized the show must go on; especially when it's a paid holiday and my staff is off for the day. Mindset Mastery is part of my regimen, and I plan to deliver on what I said. We have a lot to do today, and we have plans for the holiday, but taking 30 minutes with me will put your mindset in the right place; to continue to grow your business, deliver for your family and set your foundation for long-term growth and expansion.
  • ​We all understand how rough the game of Real Estate can be. If we aren't in the right mindset, reminding ourselves of what is necessary to do daily, it becomes easy to veer off track. Today I want to have a conversation about Ego.
  • ​I caught myself in a place of Ego this weekend; showing off my success. We are in a business where we need to showcase our success immediately to feel we have arrived and show our clients we are successful. 
  • ​Ego can sabotage your growth if you don't see it for what it is. Ego is a person's sense of self-esteem and the way you feel about yourself. It's almost a pride you have of yourself. I read over the weekend that when your Ego is tickled, it wants more. When someone gives you compliments, you want more. 
  • ​When we showcase a level of success we want or gain a certain amount of power, we want more. Ego is not a bad thing; it is an asset. It is what got you to this point, to begin with, because you felt you deserved more in life. 
  • ​Because of your Ego, you have a certain standard and sense of self-esteem, and it drives you to be competitive. We want to show others that we are dominant in our space, telling our clients that we are successful. Social Media makes it easy to get sucked into material items, showcasing success before it happens. 
  • ​Most of us are running, where everything depends on your actions alone. There is no software, automated marketing, or systems behind it; it's all on the shoulders of hard work. This weekend I was on social media, and I ran into this guy, that is showcasing his success in a massive way. He is driving these six-digit cars, and I thought to myself, how insane it was, but it was his way of showing his success.
All for Show
  • We all show it in different ways; photos of our vacations, and buying a new car. Part of why we put it on social media is because of our ego. Those things are easy to showcase. The things that are tough to showcase are the systems, and software for your business; we put that on the back burner. 
  • ​We are more inclined to take our family to Disneyland, to take that trip to New York, to showcase the success we had. But when it comes to spending money for additional systems and software for our business, we hesitate.
  • ​Many agents make 300,000 but hesitate to pay a software system that will cost them 100 dollars a month. But when it comes to showcasing a vacation or big purchase to our clients or family, we have no problem putting out the money. The reason most of us don't reinvest in our business, buying a camera, software for a podcast, or investing in Facebook ads, even hiring an employee; because there is no way to showcase that on social media.
  • ​That does not easily tickle your ego; but if you showcase that new purse, it's easy to get the compliments. When the ego is tickled, we want more of that. My hard work and doing the right things, equated to the results that I wanted. I know it wasn't a miracle, but I feel blessed; I have the mindset to understand that by doing the right things consistently, I will always get the results I want. 
  • ​I am happy my businesses are profitable, my brokerage, coaching/consulting company, and my investment companies; I am blessed to have that. I know that I still need to reinvest into the business. I haven't arrived yet. This past weekend I started to get sucked into the materialistic aspects of showcasing my success; there is nothing wrong with that. We all work hard, but I was only doing it to tickle my ego. 
  • ​I know I have bigger things to do, but I am getting sucked into the vortex of having my ego tickled to showcase to others that I have made it. That has never been my game. I did that once before, and it cost me money. It was at a time where everything depended solely on my efforts; there were no systems or processes. 
  • ​I have made changes after learning from the ills of my ways. Showcasing my cars and houses doesn't drive me. When you showcase for comparison, that is when your ego is bad. I know where I want to take this company in the next few years, and buying a 300,000 car is not part of the plan. 
  • ​Priorities for a small business owner can easily be put on the back burner when the ego comes to the forefront. They go for the quick satisfaction so their ego can be tickled. 
  • ​When another broker contacts out of the blue, for no reason, they first tickle your ego and tell you how great you are doing. But what do they want from you? What is their agenda? That is how we caught up in doing things we don't want to do. It's called manipulation, and we get manipulated through our ego. We agree to meet, to lend money, to do all of those things because they understand by tickling our ego, we will now do the things they want.
Maintaining Presence
  • I got a call, knowing and understanding all of this, that this guy who has been in the business for 30 years was stroking my ego; he wanted to meet and work with me. He was with a big company trying to buy me out; there are so many companies that try because they think it's about the money for me. They have no idea that I love what I do. 
  • ​I am making an impact and if fires me up and fuels me every day. This guy had an agenda, and he continued to stroke my ego. It didn't sit right with me, and it gave me a sense of unease the next day. I called him back and told him I couldn't meet with him. 
  • ​We know the ego is a good thing that drives us, motivates us, and makes us competitive; where do we need to stop ourselves from putting ego ahead of priority? If you are prioritizing materialistic things, before putting the systems and processes in place, then you are doing your business an injustice. If you don't have a transaction coordinator; you need to hire one now. 
  • ​If we can make big purchases without thinking twice, but can't spend $200 to purchase software to make us more efficient; we halt our growth and our business. The agents that are willing to do what it takes will trample over you when the market shifts. Hard work, hustle, and the market can only evolve so much; it's systems, and processes that will evolve your business for you. 
  • ​I ran into a very successful agent, and he told me he had to dissolve his whole team. He became driven by the money, and he didn't treat his employees well. He became a tyrant, and now he has to start from scratch and do everything for himself. 
  • ​He asked me how I was pulling what I was doing off. How did I have the energy? I told him I learned how to create space in my life. I can make decisions, to hire more people so I can continue to maintain that level of space and see future opportunities. You need to create that space for yourself and hire that employee you know you need. 
  • ​I have to take a direct hit to my profit margin, every time I hire someone new and reinvest in my business. Long-term, I have never been happier and more profitable in my entire life. I can sit here and have a conversation without the worry of my business burning down in a day. 
  • ​Twenty years from now, you don't want to see yourself in a place of your business riding solely on your efforts. I'm asking you to put your ego aside for a bit. Take care of the things you need to take care of. Yes, you can go to the movies and spend time with your family; take care of your business first. 
  • ​The first thing you need to do for your business is to hire a transaction coordinator; this is not negotiable. After you become a $6 million producer, you need to consider hiring a part-time employee. Over $6 million you need a full-time employee. After that, you need to hire a Marketing Coordinator and a Transaction Coordinator. This is how you need to think, understanding when you have that person there; it will pay off long-term. 
  • ​When the market changes, you will maintain a strong presence in this game. I am going to ask you to do a few things:
  • Embrace your ego, be proud of who you are. Continue to lead for your family and others that are watching.
  •  Understand that if you are operating in your ego to only showcase to others, cut it off. Don't ever put your ego in front of the systems and processes of your business. Become proficient and prioritize. 
  • Love what you do. Pay attention to the eyes and the smiles of those you are delivering too. When you tell them their house sold, as you deliver the keys, become attuned to these individuals. Embed their faces in your mind and know that is the reason you are doing this. This is the reason you are taking all of the stress and duress, day after day. You are helping these families build their financial future.

  • ​When people give us something we feel indebted; they compliment us, and we want to return the favor. If someone compliments you, take a step back, and try to see what their agenda is. Don't waste your time on someone else's agenda for their business. 
  • ​Don't feel bad if you want to spend a little on yourself if you are doing it because you want it. If you are doing it to only showcase to another, then don't do it. The plans we have here at A.Z. & Associates are massive, so I need to stay the course. Once I pull that off, I can go after the cherry on top. 
  • ​I used to make big purchases to mask the pain of the conditions of my business. The reason I didn't hire more people then, because I knew it was only a hustle and I hesitated because I knew that would make me responsible for someone else. I wasn't confident in my level of fire to keep it going to pay them. It is scary, and I get that. 
  • ​We have to take calculated risks, so you can begin to trust yourself. When you have that employee, when you open that office, it shows that you trust yourself. Doing it all yourself is the biggest mistake you can make from the beginning. 
  • ​I need to stay the course and so do you. You will be surprised at how far you can get in two to three years; The skies the limit.

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We have all been in that place where we have a moment of Ego. We want others to see our success, so we take trips and buy expensive cars and boats; then showcase for the world to see. What about your business? Have you reinvested in your systems and software? Have you hired a Transaction Coordinator to push your growth forward? Until you put your Ego on the back burner and your systems on the forefront, your business will be nothing more than a hustle without reaching long-term success.
It Tickles
  • ​I have realized the show must go on; especially when it's a paid holiday and my staff is off for the day. Mindset Mastery is part of my regimen, and I plan to deliver on what I said. We have a lot to do today, and we have plans for the holiday, but taking 30 minutes with me will put your mindset in the right place; to continue to grow your business, deliver for your family and set your foundation for long-term growth and expansion.
  • ​We all understand how rough the game of Real Estate can be. If we aren't in the right mindset, reminding ourselves of what is necessary to do daily, it becomes easy to veer off track. Today I want to have a conversation about Ego.
  • ​I caught myself in a place of Ego this weekend; showing off my success. We are in a business where we need to showcase our success immediately to feel we have arrived and show our clients we are successful. 
  • ​Ego can sabotage your growth if you don't see it for what it is. Ego is a person's sense of self-esteem and the way you feel about yourself. It's almost a pride you have of yourself. I read over the weekend that when your Ego is tickled, it wants more. When someone gives you compliments, you want more. 
  • ​When we showcase a level of success we want or gain a certain amount of power, we want more. Ego is not a bad thing; it is an asset. It is what got you to this point, to begin with, because you felt you deserved more in life. 
  • ​Because of your Ego, you have a certain standard and sense of self-esteem, and it drives you to be competitive. We want to show others that we are dominant in our space, telling our clients that we are successful. Social Media makes it easy to get sucked into material items, showcasing success before it happens. 
  • ​Most of us are running, where everything depends on your actions alone. There is no software, automated marketing, or systems behind it; it's all on the shoulders of hard work. This weekend I was on social media, and I ran into this guy, that is showcasing his success in a massive way. He is driving these six-digit cars, and I thought to myself, how insane it was, but it was his way of showing his success.
All for Show
  • We all show it in different ways; photos of our vacations, and buying a new car. Part of why we put it on social media is because of our ego. Those things are easy to showcase. The things that are tough to showcase are the systems, and software for your business; we put that on the back burner. 
  • ​We are more inclined to take our family to Disneyland, to take that trip to New York, to showcase the success we had. But when it comes to spending money for additional systems and software for our business, we hesitate.
  • ​Many agents make 300,000 but hesitate to pay a software system that will cost them 100 dollars a month. But when it comes to showcasing a vacation or big purchase to our clients or family, we have no problem putting out the money. The reason most of us don't reinvest in our business, buying a camera, software for a podcast, or investing in Facebook ads, even hiring an employee; because there is no way to showcase that on social media.
  • ​That does not easily tickle your ego; but if you showcase that new purse, it's easy to get the compliments. When the ego is tickled, we want more of that. My hard work and doing the right things, equated to the results that I wanted. I know it wasn't a miracle, but I feel blessed; I have the mindset to understand that by doing the right things consistently, I will always get the results I want. 
  • ​I am happy my businesses are profitable, my brokerage, coaching/consulting company, and my investment companies; I am blessed to have that. I know that I still need to reinvest into the business. I haven't arrived yet. This past weekend I started to get sucked into the materialistic aspects of showcasing my success; there is nothing wrong with that. We all work hard, but I was only doing it to tickle my ego. 
  • ​I know I have bigger things to do, but I am getting sucked into the vortex of having my ego tickled to showcase to others that I have made it. That has never been my game. I did that once before, and it cost me money. It was at a time where everything depended solely on my efforts; there were no systems or processes. 
  • ​I have made changes after learning from the ills of my ways. Showcasing my cars and houses doesn't drive me. When you showcase for comparison, that is when your ego is bad. I know where I want to take this company in the next few years, and buying a 300,000 car is not part of the plan. 
  • ​Priorities for a small business owner can easily be put on the back burner when the ego comes to the forefront. They go for the quick satisfaction so their ego can be tickled. 
  • ​When another broker contacts out of the blue, for no reason, they first tickle your ego and tell you how great you are doing. But what do they want from you? What is their agenda? That is how we caught up in doing things we don't want to do. It's called manipulation, and we get manipulated through our ego. We agree to meet, to lend money, to do all of those things because they understand by tickling our ego, we will now do the things they want.
Maintaining Presence
  • I got a call, knowing and understanding all of this, that this guy who has been in the business for 30 years was stroking my ego; he wanted to meet and work with me. He was with a big company trying to buy me out; there are so many companies that try because they think it's about the money for me. They have no idea that I love what I do. 
  • ​I am making an impact and if fires me up and fuels me every day. This guy had an agenda, and he continued to stroke my ego. It didn't sit right with me, and it gave me a sense of unease the next day. I called him back and told him I couldn't meet with him. 
  • ​We know the ego is a good thing that drives us, motivates us, and makes us competitive; where do we need to stop ourselves from putting ego ahead of priority? If you are prioritizing materialistic things, before putting the systems and processes in place, then you are doing your business an injustice. If you don't have a transaction coordinator; you need to hire one now. 
  • ​If we can make big purchases without thinking twice, but can't spend $200 to purchase software to make us more efficient; we halt our growth and our business. The agents that are willing to do what it takes will trample over you when the market shifts. Hard work, hustle, and the market can only evolve so much; it's systems, and processes that will evolve your business for you. 
  • ​I ran into a very successful agent, and he told me he had to dissolve his whole team. He became driven by the money, and he didn't treat his employees well. He became a tyrant, and now he has to start from scratch and do everything for himself. 
  • ​He asked me how I was pulling what I was doing off. How did I have the energy? I told him I learned how to create space in my life. I can make decisions, to hire more people so I can continue to maintain that level of space and see future opportunities. You need to create that space for yourself and hire that employee you know you need. 
  • ​I have to take a direct hit to my profit margin, every time I hire someone new and reinvest in my business. Long-term, I have never been happier and more profitable in my entire life. I can sit here and have a conversation without the worry of my business burning down in a day. 
  • ​Twenty years from now, you don't want to see yourself in a place of your business riding solely on your efforts. I'm asking you to put your ego aside for a bit. Take care of the things you need to take care of. Yes, you can go to the movies and spend time with your family; take care of your business first. 
  • ​The first thing you need to do for your business is to hire a transaction coordinator; this is not negotiable. After you become a $6 million producer, you need to consider hiring a part-time employee. Over $6 million you need a full-time employee. After that, you need to hire a Marketing Coordinator and a Transaction Coordinator. This is how you need to think, understanding when you have that person there; it will pay off long-term. 
  • ​When the market changes, you will maintain a strong presence in this game. I am going to ask you to do a few things:
  • Embrace your ego, be proud of who you are. Continue to lead for your family and others that are watching.
  •  Understand that if you are operating in your ego to only showcase to others, cut it off. Don't ever put your ego in front of the systems and processes of your business. Become proficient and prioritize. 
  • Love what you do. Pay attention to the eyes and the smiles of those you are delivering too. When you tell them their house sold, as you deliver the keys, become attuned to these individuals. Embed their faces in your mind and know that is the reason you are doing this. This is the reason you are taking all of the stress and duress, day after day. You are helping these families build their financial future.

  • ​When people give us something we feel indebted; they compliment us, and we want to return the favor. If someone compliments you, take a step back, and try to see what their agenda is. Don't waste your time on someone else's agenda for their business. 
  • ​Don't feel bad if you want to spend a little on yourself if you are doing it because you want it. If you are doing it to only showcase to another, then don't do it. The plans we have here at A.Z. & Associates are massive, so I need to stay the course. Once I pull that off, I can go after the cherry on top. 
  • ​I used to make big purchases to mask the pain of the conditions of my business. The reason I didn't hire more people then, because I knew it was only a hustle and I hesitated because I knew that would make me responsible for someone else. I wasn't confident in my level of fire to keep it going to pay them. It is scary, and I get that. 
  • ​We have to take calculated risks, so you can begin to trust yourself. When you have that employee, when you open that office, it shows that you trust yourself. Doing it all yourself is the biggest mistake you can make from the beginning. 
  • ​I need to stay the course and so do you. You will be surprised at how far you can get in two to three years; The skies the limit.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019