with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 56:

Over And Over Again

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 56:

Over And Over Again

Routine stems from repetition, it is how we learn and progress. I have been told that what I teach is repetitiveness. I am who I am because I have done the boring, tedious, repetitive actions and steps it has taken to get me where I want to be. Will you spend your time looking for an easier way to grow your capacity or adjust your mindset to doing what works? Learning to ride a bike happens through the continual peddling; when you stop the action of movement, you fall down. You need to get up, dust off the dirt and start again. Do the Reps, Do the Work, Stop Avoiding and Begin Again.
Same Shit, Different Day
  • ​As a kid, I can remember my Mom disciplining for the same thing, and I knew exactly what she was going to say. It was the same thing over and over again. In real estate, we get into a mindset of wanting to hear something new. There must be something easier and a different way besides the daily reminder to do the work. 
  • ​Last week an individual told me that everything we do here is repetitive. The repetition is ultimately what gets you results. Those that avoid it can feel that they are merely doing the same things repetitively, as opposed to the realization that the repetitious items will get them what they want. Everything we teach here and every Top Producer who has created their business has done that through repetition. Doing the Reps; it's on our shirts and reinforced through our 12-week Target Books. 
  • ​It will trigger those individuals who avoid the work and conclude that it is all the same stuff over and over. They don't need to pay attention or join Mindset Mastery or come to the sales meetings. They fail to see and ask better questions because they are avoiding the work altogether. It is easy to avoid the people who are telling us what we should be doing.
  • ​When you see the results, you will understand that it is the Reps, the things that you are trying to avoid that will ultimately get you what you want. I realized that I have been bringing my coffee, my green drink, my water, my lunch, and my backpack to work daily, for years. I have been doing the same thing over and over again. Six years of overcoming doubt, and frustrations, daily. Six years of mistakes and then finding solutions.
  • ​We didn't come to the path that we wanted for this brokerage until 2014, even though we opened the doors in 2011. I proclaimed the strategy and path for growing our brokerage when I decided to bring on other members beyond my team. Even though I made that proclamation in 2014, it wasn't until many months later that I immersed myself in the process. I had to give up my production, stop my flip properties, to focus on this brokerage.
  • ​I started to do the same things repetitively every day, the same things we teach here with the 12-week Target Book. Daily, doing the same things over and over again changed the results. Although most of the action was the same, I began to ask myself better questions because I was pushing through another level each time. I became more enlightened, started producing at a higher level, and taking more significant actions. These same Reps that seem repetitive is what made me aware of my dysfunctions and actions.
  • ​Through applying what I learned, we grew from ten agents to twenty, then forty and sixty, doing the same shit over and over and over and over again. Going to my mentors, my coaches, and them telling me the same shit over and over and over again. I was at a point where I wanted to hear something new, but yet, my business grew from sixty to eighty agents to a hundred agents. When I avoided the work, I would tell my coach he was just repeating the same thing to me. 
  • ​It is when you avoid the work you try to simplify shit and try to put it off on others. At 140 agents, my routine never changed, but what it created did. I continually stack the work from today onto the work from yesterday, and the day before that, and the month and years before that; Everything we do here is about the repetition. For those of you avoiding the work, don't minimize it by saying it's always the same thing; it is always the same because you aren't asking better questions to avoid doing the work.
The Squeaky Wheel
  • You can't possibly ask better questions if you are standing in the same spot. If you ever hit a point in your career where you are stagnant, ask yourself if you have stopped the Reps. If you have hit a plateau, consider that something about your process has stopped or slowed. 
  • ​As I look at my body today, compared to a year ago, I would say it is not in the best shape that it was. I stopped certain things and implemented other things that are not necessarily beneficial to me. You need to be aware of the dysfunction and then do something about it. When I have avoided the work, I have been stagnant in my business, and have had horrible fights at home. When I have avoided doing the work, my daughters tell me all I think about is my business. When I get into the routine of repetitiveness, of the same shit over and over again, the stuff I hate ultimately becomes the stuff that I love. 
  • ​I love having money in the bank, being connected at home, and I love my business. By doing the shit, I don't necessarily like, I get the results that I do. It's boring stuff, but the whole point of this process is to remind you. Are you in line with the things you said? Last week my production was lackluster and below average. I was thrown off of my routine through travel. It often happens when we are on our game, and things are progressing, and you look back and realize the previous week was horrible. 
  • ​I was in Kansas City for four days; it took me off of my routine completely. I ended up scoring 11 out of 21 points. If you have been with me on the 12 weeks Targets Book, you know you can earn 3 points for working on Power, Purpose, and Profits Deposits. These are the minimum standards to grow yourself, your life, and your business. I am not in a position of power because I only got 11 out of 21. 
  • ​This is what happened when I fell off the wagon, and off of the things I know work. I have learned to begin again. When I returned on Tuesday, I knew I couldn't do anything about what I didn't do the days prior. On Wednesday, I attacked it with vigor, and nothing was going to stop me from doing what I said I would. 
  • ​The same thing happened this week; I’m using what happened last week to fuel me forward. It isn't holding me back, and I am not making it worse by avoiding it. I got on my game, and my book is filled from top to bottom. I'm getting shit done because I know what works. The same stuff that sounds like a squeaky wheel to some is, in actuality, a sound of action within that squeaky wheel. 
  • ​If you have found yourself getting off of your game if you are getting triggered by those that are continually growing, start looking at what you are avoiding.
Don't Avoid It
  • The quote of the day today is,” Get used to being able to check items off of your list. It will build your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment. That is what purpose is all about.” My revelation from that statement is this;” That is so true it makes me feel powerful that I am in alignment with what I want. Purpose comes from checking off what must be done.”
  • ​It is a simple process because now I am grounded and not making excuses; I am in the present. I am asked to analyze what is going on right now and not focus on what I avoided last week or what tomorrow will bring. It is about presence regardless of what we did or didn't do, or what our attitude was last week; nothing else matters beyond what we do right now. 
  • ​What are you grateful for today? I am grateful for this book, and for the impact it is making on others. I am grateful for the domino effect it has on them as parents, spouses, and business people. Why do I say that? This weekend I got a text from one of our agents that said, “ You got me tearing up and crying every day with these heartfelt messages to others. Thank you, thank you for all that you do for us and the continued support.”
  • ​We also avoid merely reaching out to people and sending a text of appreciation. The last thing that I got today is where today's subject came from. Sometimes you have to go with what the voices scream to you. I feel like this will impact many of you, and others will continue on this average cycle, where nothing seems to work out, and no progression is seen. All they attempt to do is box whatever we do into a simple word, repetitive.
  • ​Yes, it is called the Reps, The Work, and those that continue to do it, the level of conversation arises from that. If you avoid it, you will never get it. That is the same thing my coach told me. I can't show you the x.y, and z if you aren't even doing the a, b, and c’s. The conversations I have with my Top Producers are very different from the conversations with those that are barely starting out. Some will never progress from there. Don't be that person. Don't simplify it to it's all repetitive. 
  • ​The repetition is what ultimately will get you what you want. It says, “ Six years of repeating the boring process, six years of repeating the same shit over and over again. Yet if you don't find enlightenment from avoiding the work, you should try doing the work. “ You will never be in a position where you are not enlightened about what you can do and how you can improve. How you can show up more powerfully at home, and increase your profits; you will never run out of that enlightenment unless you have been avoiding something. 
  • ​If you are experiencing a plateau and things are not progressing, what are you avoiding? A different environment won't help you, and if you aren't thriving under these conditions, under this brokerage, it isn't what we are doing, it is what you are avoiding. I am here to help you get there, but you must first take responsibility, not disregarding what has been proven to work over and over again. 
Begin Again
  • Although I have the same backpack, lunch bag, and the same green smoothie, my world is entirely different from six years ago. If something took you off of your game, let's get back on it today and begin again. Don't avoid it; you need to recommit and repeat what has been proven to work. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, learn new technology, or put another unfinished item on your task list. Just simply do what you have committed too; start there and stay consistent with it for a week or two weeks, an entire quarter and an entire year. I promise you that you will grow faster than you will trying to find a shortcut through this process. 
  • ​To apply something new, you need to have a foundation of being able to pull things off and accomplish things. Don't make things worse. Maybe a family vacation or a disagreement at home took you off of your game. Don't make things worse; get back into power and to those things that have been proven to work. 
  • ​I get so much inspiration from hearing from you. If there is something that has impacted you or a conversation that you had, please share it with me. These conversations over the past week made me appreciate that we aren't hiding anything here. It's the same shit, over and over again. The only thing that changes is the level of conversation, the level of action, and the level of results when you choose to do it. 
  • ​I am inviting you to join me for Mindset Mastery. If you have been avoiding our sales meetings because your results are not there, join us again. If you haven't stepped into one of our offices, the doors are always open. Don't avoid it or simplify or disregard it; we are here for you. 
  • ​If I had this type of environment when I was in my 20’s, if I had a coach or a mentor that reminded me of these simple processes, I would have avoided a lot of the chaotic outcomes I created for myself. The pain I caused, the people I hurt and abandoned. I know some have to go through these pain points to learn the lesson, but I am a firm believer that It doesn't have to go to the extreme to learn the lesson. As opposed to hitting rock bottom before we learn something, we could avoid it by learning from the mistakes of others. We don't have to go all the way down to the pit to learn these lessons.
  • ​There is a direct correlation between those that stick to the simple game plan. There are some agents I am in constant contact with because they make an effort to stay in continuous contact with me. They know I am all in. If you need to reach out, send me a message or give me a call. I am here for precisely that. 
  • ​Not opening this book is avoiding it. To look at what you didn't accomplish last week sucks, but don't make it worse by avoiding it. You have to face the harsh truths and begin again. Your problems will become bigger as you become bigger. Your problems will be proportionate to where you are going. There was a lot of reflection for me today just walking from the parking lot into here. My backpack is either old or durable, and everything has progressed from there.

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Routine stems from repetition, it is how we learn and progress. I have been told that what I teach is repetitiveness. I am who I am because I have done the boring, tedious, repetitive actions and steps it has taken to get me where I want to be. Will you spend your time looking for an easier way to grow your capacity or adjust your mindset to doing what works? Learning to ride a bike happens through the continual peddling; when you stop the action of movement, you fall down. You need to get up, dust off the dirt and start again. Do the Reps, Do the Work, Stop Avoiding and Begin Again.
Same Shit, Different Day
  • ​As a kid, I can remember my Mom disciplining for the same thing, and I knew exactly what she was going to say. It was the same thing over and over again. In real estate, we get into a mindset of wanting to hear something new. There must be something easier and a different way besides the daily reminder to do the work. 
  • ​Last week an individual told me that everything we do here is repetitive. The repetition is ultimately what gets you results. Those that avoid it can feel that they are merely doing the same things repetitively, as opposed to the realization that the repetitious items will get them what they want. Everything we teach here and every Top Producer who has created their business has done that through repetition. Doing the Reps; it's on our shirts and reinforced through our 12-week Target Books. 
  • ​It will trigger those individuals who avoid the work and conclude that it is all the same stuff over and over. They don't need to pay attention or join Mindset Mastery or come to the sales meetings. They fail to see and ask better questions because they are avoiding the work altogether. It is easy to avoid the people who are telling us what we should be doing.
  • ​When you see the results, you will understand that it is the Reps, the things that you are trying to avoid that will ultimately get you what you want. I realized that I have been bringing my coffee, my green drink, my water, my lunch, and my backpack to work daily, for years. I have been doing the same thing over and over again. Six years of overcoming doubt, and frustrations, daily. Six years of mistakes and then finding solutions.
  • ​We didn't come to the path that we wanted for this brokerage until 2014, even though we opened the doors in 2011. I proclaimed the strategy and path for growing our brokerage when I decided to bring on other members beyond my team. Even though I made that proclamation in 2014, it wasn't until many months later that I immersed myself in the process. I had to give up my production, stop my flip properties, to focus on this brokerage.
  • ​I started to do the same things repetitively every day, the same things we teach here with the 12-week Target Book. Daily, doing the same things over and over again changed the results. Although most of the action was the same, I began to ask myself better questions because I was pushing through another level each time. I became more enlightened, started producing at a higher level, and taking more significant actions. These same Reps that seem repetitive is what made me aware of my dysfunctions and actions.
  • ​Through applying what I learned, we grew from ten agents to twenty, then forty and sixty, doing the same shit over and over and over and over again. Going to my mentors, my coaches, and them telling me the same shit over and over and over again. I was at a point where I wanted to hear something new, but yet, my business grew from sixty to eighty agents to a hundred agents. When I avoided the work, I would tell my coach he was just repeating the same thing to me. 
  • ​It is when you avoid the work you try to simplify shit and try to put it off on others. At 140 agents, my routine never changed, but what it created did. I continually stack the work from today onto the work from yesterday, and the day before that, and the month and years before that; Everything we do here is about the repetition. For those of you avoiding the work, don't minimize it by saying it's always the same thing; it is always the same because you aren't asking better questions to avoid doing the work.
The Squeaky Wheel
  • You can't possibly ask better questions if you are standing in the same spot. If you ever hit a point in your career where you are stagnant, ask yourself if you have stopped the Reps. If you have hit a plateau, consider that something about your process has stopped or slowed. 
  • ​As I look at my body today, compared to a year ago, I would say it is not in the best shape that it was. I stopped certain things and implemented other things that are not necessarily beneficial to me. You need to be aware of the dysfunction and then do something about it. When I have avoided the work, I have been stagnant in my business, and have had horrible fights at home. When I have avoided doing the work, my daughters tell me all I think about is my business. When I get into the routine of repetitiveness, of the same shit over and over again, the stuff I hate ultimately becomes the stuff that I love. 
  • ​I love having money in the bank, being connected at home, and I love my business. By doing the shit, I don't necessarily like, I get the results that I do. It's boring stuff, but the whole point of this process is to remind you. Are you in line with the things you said? Last week my production was lackluster and below average. I was thrown off of my routine through travel. It often happens when we are on our game, and things are progressing, and you look back and realize the previous week was horrible. 
  • ​I was in Kansas City for four days; it took me off of my routine completely. I ended up scoring 11 out of 21 points. If you have been with me on the 12 weeks Targets Book, you know you can earn 3 points for working on Power, Purpose, and Profits Deposits. These are the minimum standards to grow yourself, your life, and your business. I am not in a position of power because I only got 11 out of 21. 
  • ​This is what happened when I fell off the wagon, and off of the things I know work. I have learned to begin again. When I returned on Tuesday, I knew I couldn't do anything about what I didn't do the days prior. On Wednesday, I attacked it with vigor, and nothing was going to stop me from doing what I said I would. 
  • ​The same thing happened this week; I’m using what happened last week to fuel me forward. It isn't holding me back, and I am not making it worse by avoiding it. I got on my game, and my book is filled from top to bottom. I'm getting shit done because I know what works. The same stuff that sounds like a squeaky wheel to some is, in actuality, a sound of action within that squeaky wheel. 
  • ​If you have found yourself getting off of your game if you are getting triggered by those that are continually growing, start looking at what you are avoiding.
Don't Avoid It
  • The quote of the day today is,” Get used to being able to check items off of your list. It will build your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment. That is what purpose is all about.” My revelation from that statement is this;” That is so true it makes me feel powerful that I am in alignment with what I want. Purpose comes from checking off what must be done.”
  • ​It is a simple process because now I am grounded and not making excuses; I am in the present. I am asked to analyze what is going on right now and not focus on what I avoided last week or what tomorrow will bring. It is about presence regardless of what we did or didn't do, or what our attitude was last week; nothing else matters beyond what we do right now. 
  • ​What are you grateful for today? I am grateful for this book, and for the impact it is making on others. I am grateful for the domino effect it has on them as parents, spouses, and business people. Why do I say that? This weekend I got a text from one of our agents that said, “ You got me tearing up and crying every day with these heartfelt messages to others. Thank you, thank you for all that you do for us and the continued support.”
  • ​We also avoid merely reaching out to people and sending a text of appreciation. The last thing that I got today is where today's subject came from. Sometimes you have to go with what the voices scream to you. I feel like this will impact many of you, and others will continue on this average cycle, where nothing seems to work out, and no progression is seen. All they attempt to do is box whatever we do into a simple word, repetitive.
  • ​Yes, it is called the Reps, The Work, and those that continue to do it, the level of conversation arises from that. If you avoid it, you will never get it. That is the same thing my coach told me. I can't show you the x.y, and z if you aren't even doing the a, b, and c’s. The conversations I have with my Top Producers are very different from the conversations with those that are barely starting out. Some will never progress from there. Don't be that person. Don't simplify it to it's all repetitive. 
  • ​The repetition is what ultimately will get you what you want. It says, “ Six years of repeating the boring process, six years of repeating the same shit over and over again. Yet if you don't find enlightenment from avoiding the work, you should try doing the work. “ You will never be in a position where you are not enlightened about what you can do and how you can improve. How you can show up more powerfully at home, and increase your profits; you will never run out of that enlightenment unless you have been avoiding something. 
  • ​If you are experiencing a plateau and things are not progressing, what are you avoiding? A different environment won't help you, and if you aren't thriving under these conditions, under this brokerage, it isn't what we are doing, it is what you are avoiding. I am here to help you get there, but you must first take responsibility, not disregarding what has been proven to work over and over again. 
Begin Again
  • Although I have the same backpack, lunch bag, and the same green smoothie, my world is entirely different from six years ago. If something took you off of your game, let's get back on it today and begin again. Don't avoid it; you need to recommit and repeat what has been proven to work. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, learn new technology, or put another unfinished item on your task list. Just simply do what you have committed too; start there and stay consistent with it for a week or two weeks, an entire quarter and an entire year. I promise you that you will grow faster than you will trying to find a shortcut through this process. 
  • ​To apply something new, you need to have a foundation of being able to pull things off and accomplish things. Don't make things worse. Maybe a family vacation or a disagreement at home took you off of your game. Don't make things worse; get back into power and to those things that have been proven to work. 
  • ​I get so much inspiration from hearing from you. If there is something that has impacted you or a conversation that you had, please share it with me. These conversations over the past week made me appreciate that we aren't hiding anything here. It's the same shit, over and over again. The only thing that changes is the level of conversation, the level of action, and the level of results when you choose to do it. 
  • ​I am inviting you to join me for Mindset Mastery. If you have been avoiding our sales meetings because your results are not there, join us again. If you haven't stepped into one of our offices, the doors are always open. Don't avoid it or simplify or disregard it; we are here for you. 
  • ​If I had this type of environment when I was in my 20’s, if I had a coach or a mentor that reminded me of these simple processes, I would have avoided a lot of the chaotic outcomes I created for myself. The pain I caused, the people I hurt and abandoned. I know some have to go through these pain points to learn the lesson, but I am a firm believer that It doesn't have to go to the extreme to learn the lesson. As opposed to hitting rock bottom before we learn something, we could avoid it by learning from the mistakes of others. We don't have to go all the way down to the pit to learn these lessons.
  • ​There is a direct correlation between those that stick to the simple game plan. There are some agents I am in constant contact with because they make an effort to stay in continuous contact with me. They know I am all in. If you need to reach out, send me a message or give me a call. I am here for precisely that. 
  • ​Not opening this book is avoiding it. To look at what you didn't accomplish last week sucks, but don't make it worse by avoiding it. You have to face the harsh truths and begin again. Your problems will become bigger as you become bigger. Your problems will be proportionate to where you are going. There was a lot of reflection for me today just walking from the parking lot into here. My backpack is either old or durable, and everything has progressed from there.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019