with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 57:


with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 57:


I came off of a 20-mile bike ride disappointed and feeling the pains of erosion. I had been on my game in all areas of my life and left the dedication I had last year for riding at the wayside. I felt the burn of erosion of what I had built to make a 100-mile ride. Have you reached a target in your life, for it to only become the pinnacle? Making the Daily Deposits into all aspects of your life will not only help you build it but sustain it. What have you done today to stop the erosion and begin to build again?
Off My Game
  • ​I'm excited; I am learning so many lessons in life. I am grateful to dig in and seek these lessons to improve myself. Making sure I am in line with my business ambitions, family goals, overall health, and prosperous life. I’m in it for the long win, and we are trying to build businesses that will outlast any market and competition. 
  • ​We have to be mentally strong to take on the tasks, obstacles, and pains that come our way. I have noticed something about myself over the past few weeks. I introduced the 12-week Targets Book, and I have realized how off my game I was. I wasn't doing things as often as I thought I was. In my mind, I swear I was on my game when it came to deposits with my family, business, and for myself; the story I was telling myself was I was on point. I was saying it, living it, preaching it; you will never know that isn't the case until you begin to document it. 
  • ​When I began to document it a few weeks ago, it made me realize my inconsistency. Two weeks ago, I got 11 out of a possible 21 points for the deposits in Power, Purpose, and Profits. That didn't coincide with the story I was telling. It exposed my weaknesses and excuses. I didn't like it because I know that it is beneath me. I know I am capable of more. When we aren't in alignment with what we know we are capable of, it weakens us. We don't feel powerful.
  • ​Last week I proclaimed that I had done this for six-plus years, I know what is required to live at a high level. To be inspired, on fire, and to keep going regardless of what comes my way. It requires a deposit daily. There was a time when I didn't feel that fire, and I was exposed in many ways. Things that weren't stressing me out back in the day when I was on my game suddenly became a burden. I couldn't figure it out, and I thought the problems must be bigger than me. In reality, I forgot to make the necessary deposits. 
  • ​Last week I went through the process, and day-by-day, I was depositing and taking the necessary actions to make sure I was in line with what I needed to do. I got 19 out of 21 points instead, and I felt good about it. I didn't get a perfect score, and that is okay. Each week I am improving.
Picking Up Where You Left Off
  • I believe that we have the misconception that when we stop something, we will simply pick up where we left off. I know how to make videos; I know how to work out. I know how to create a demand for Buyers and Sellers. I didn't do what I was supposed to do, but I will pick up where I left off. 
  • ​I have a story that pokes holes in that analogy. It's impossible to pick up where you left off, yet we believe that is the case. When we don't perform at that level, we feel down about ourselves. This past week I went on a 20-mile bike ride. Twenty miles is nothing, and I was used to doing that 8 to 10 times a month. That equated to about 120-180 miles I was used to riding with our bike crew. We sustained this for a year and a half, and we were consistent. 
  • ​We decided to do a 100-mile bike ride, and it was almost the peak of our pack. It was something we all wanted to accomplish. Once we completed the 100 miles, it felt like it was the peak; I didn't have a game plan to follow it up. I think that it was the pinnacle of what we were preparing for because everything became sporadic following that. We didn't go on our bike rides as often. I decided to do a triathlon, and I became a bit more consistent, but it wasn't like it was before.
  • ​This week when I took this bike ride, we all got together, and I thought 20 miles would be no big deal. I could do it with my eyes closed because my body was used to the pain. It didn't turn out that way. I didn't realize how much I had eroded everything that I had built. My body was no longer used to that. My lungs were no longer used to that type of activity. 
  • ​Almost immediately, at a pace of 18 miles per hour, I started to feel the lactic acid in my quads. It is like a fire sensation going through your muscles, and it is excruciating. I didn't feel that when I rode consistently, and throughout the entire ride, I was hurting. I didn't pick up where I left off. We need to understand that when we stop making the deposits, we are eroding. You can't sit there and say this is the new standard. Even after all of those 100’s of miles, 1,000’s of miles, I couldn't pick up where I left off. I was many levels below that, and it was impossible. 
  • ​When you stop making deposits, you automatically start to erode. When you stop making deposits into eating healthy, you automatically begin eroding and gaining weight. You don't merely stay there; deposits aren't always meant to build but also to sustain. We all need to understand that the deposits are required if only to sustain where you are currently at. Failing to make your deposits automatically brings this level of erosion. 
  • ​Even if you aren't doing the wrong things, when you stop the momentum, you begin to erode. My pain tolerance was low, and I couldn't handle it. I was in my head, and I couldn't even breathe properly—the burning wouldn't stop.
You Got Used To It
  • I started reading a book called, “A Man's Search for Meaning,” and it said something very interesting that resonated and correlates to this story I am telling. He said, “ Man can get used to anything.” I am not sure why it hit me so hard because it wasn't a profound statement; it was factual. He was describing how he was at a Nazi Concentration Camp. Through the initial shock and awe of seeing the people he knew and those around him be killed, he got used to it. He no longer feared death because it surrounded him. 
  • ​When we aren't in a place where we are consistently investing in ourselves, we will get used to those conditions that are beneath us. Man can get used to anything, whether it is happiness or anguish. We can get used to it, whether it is winning or defeat. We must understand what we want daily, so we don't get used to conditions that are beneath us. At the end of the day, a man can get used to anything. 
  • ​I would live in that place for many years because happiness wasn't something I was used to. A life without drama, I wasn't used to that. A life without anger, resentment, and jealousy; I wasn't used to that. When you set a standard for yourself and make the daily deposits, you realize how dysfunctional you genuinely are. Life doesn't have to require those things, and you don't need to suffer daily. We bring it upon ourselves daily, though, by not doing what is required. 
  • ​I didn't understand that for a long time, and I got used to it. Happiness was on occasion, and drama had to happen consistently. I needed to get triggered, struggle for money continuously because I never got used to not struggling. I never got used to not having drama in my life. My mindset back then was if you pushed me, I will push back. Do you know what that means? That means I am at the mercy of anyone that tries to trigger me. How ridiculous is that? I couldn't ground myself and see something greater than the person that was triggering me. 
  • ​I lacked the daily deposits. I have learned through this conditioning process with the 12-week Targets, that my standard is woken up. When I stop doing something, it begins to erode that progression. I know what I am capable of, and I know my pain tolerance level; right now, I am not at that level. It is merely a matter of me putting in the reps and not expecting to start, where I left off. I know there will be a period of time where it will become more painful, and I won't be moving at that same level. 
  • ​For some of you that have allowed your laurels to go to the wayside, maybe you have gained some weight, understand you know what you are capable of. You aren't going to be able to lose it in the next 2-3 weeks. It will take months and maybe years, but you need to be prepared for the fight and the path you are embarking on. 
  • ​If you stop marketing for your business, it will take consistency daily, multiple times per day, before you get the results that you desire. The moment you stop, you begin to erode your progression.
You Can Do It All
  • Now I am not used to being unhappy and off my game. I have set a standard for myself that is so high that anytime I am off my game, it is an anomaly. This was hard for me to process; to live a life where things are working. My marriage, my business, and my body are working. I don't get triggered at every jackass that tries to throw me off of my game. 
  • ​Although I am not on my game with riding my bike, that doesn't mean I have stopped in other aspects of my life. The only challenge here is not that I let myself go, it is that I can do all things and I am going to embark on that path. It feels amazing, and it is something we are all capable of. 
  • ​I know the level I can operate at, and so do you. If your business hasn't taken off like you thought it would from January 1st, you know what you are capable of. Somewhere along the line, you stopped making those deposits. You are feeling that lactic acid, and it is burning, but it is temporary, You need to build up your capacity again, relearn the skill sets that you mastered before. That isn't a bad thing, because you demonstrated that you could do it. It is up to us in the final month of the first quarter, and we can begin again. 
  • ​There are so many lessons I am learning by being consistent with what I know. When you first start this process with the 12-week Target Book, you will be inconsistent like I was here. There were days I completely missed it, but week after week, I am getting better and better. It's a reconditioning process to be where I was at. I haven't even started building yet. 
  • ​I'm not saying that I am starting from scratch, not by any means. I am still on my game, but I know I can move faster. What are you hearing about the deposits, and how you begin to erode the moment you stop? Don't beat yourself up for not being able to pick up where you left off. Know where you left off is still two months or even a year away. It begins today. 
  • ​You either begin to move forward, or you begin to regress; deposits are required to sustain and not necessarily to build. We will never arrive because as soon as we hit those goals, we need to continue to build on it, or it will become our pinnacle. 
  • ​It is a simple process to join me here on Mondays for 20-25 minutes. It is a Purpose deposit that you can check off. You sitting here and being able to get an idea or a lesson from it, that is a deposit towards your Purpose. Most won't do that, and they will go about their business, their marriage and not look for the more significant lessons. 
  • ​I see so much growth from many of you. People that used to think they were ahead of you are watching your progress in all aspects of your life. That is inspiring. This is the process that makes us go and lights the fire beneath us. It gives us that sense of purpose, meaning, and accomplishment. It can be disappointing when we get back to it; I was disappointed at myself. It didn't make me quit, and that is where we need to look at our behaviors. When we get back to what we weren't doing, it is discouraging and disappointing. We were so far ahead, and yet we let ourselves slide. 
  • ​We know what we are capable of, and it sucks when we have to rebuild the same road that we have already been down before. At least we know the way. It is my honor to be here with you; you know exactly what to do. 

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I came off of a 20-mile bike ride disappointed and feeling the pains of erosion. I had been on my game in all areas of my life and left the dedication I had last year for riding at the wayside. I felt the burn of erosion of what I had built to make a 100-mile ride. Have you reached a target in your life, for it to only become the pinnacle? Making the Daily Deposits into all aspects of your life will not only help you build it but sustain it. What have you done today to stop the erosion and begin to build again?
Off My Game
  • ​I'm excited; I am learning so many lessons in life. I am grateful to dig in and seek these lessons to improve myself. Making sure I am in line with my business ambitions, family goals, overall health, and prosperous life. I’m in it for the long win, and we are trying to build businesses that will outlast any market and competition. 
  • ​We have to be mentally strong to take on the tasks, obstacles, and pains that come our way. I have noticed something about myself over the past few weeks. I introduced the 12-week Targets Book, and I have realized how off my game I was. I wasn't doing things as often as I thought I was. In my mind, I swear I was on my game when it came to deposits with my family, business, and for myself; the story I was telling myself was I was on point. I was saying it, living it, preaching it; you will never know that isn't the case until you begin to document it. 
  • ​When I began to document it a few weeks ago, it made me realize my inconsistency. Two weeks ago, I got 11 out of a possible 21 points for the deposits in Power, Purpose, and Profits. That didn't coincide with the story I was telling. It exposed my weaknesses and excuses. I didn't like it because I know that it is beneath me. I know I am capable of more. When we aren't in alignment with what we know we are capable of, it weakens us. We don't feel powerful.
  • ​Last week I proclaimed that I had done this for six-plus years, I know what is required to live at a high level. To be inspired, on fire, and to keep going regardless of what comes my way. It requires a deposit daily. There was a time when I didn't feel that fire, and I was exposed in many ways. Things that weren't stressing me out back in the day when I was on my game suddenly became a burden. I couldn't figure it out, and I thought the problems must be bigger than me. In reality, I forgot to make the necessary deposits. 
  • ​Last week I went through the process, and day-by-day, I was depositing and taking the necessary actions to make sure I was in line with what I needed to do. I got 19 out of 21 points instead, and I felt good about it. I didn't get a perfect score, and that is okay. Each week I am improving.
Picking Up Where You Left Off
  • I believe that we have the misconception that when we stop something, we will simply pick up where we left off. I know how to make videos; I know how to work out. I know how to create a demand for Buyers and Sellers. I didn't do what I was supposed to do, but I will pick up where I left off. 
  • ​I have a story that pokes holes in that analogy. It's impossible to pick up where you left off, yet we believe that is the case. When we don't perform at that level, we feel down about ourselves. This past week I went on a 20-mile bike ride. Twenty miles is nothing, and I was used to doing that 8 to 10 times a month. That equated to about 120-180 miles I was used to riding with our bike crew. We sustained this for a year and a half, and we were consistent. 
  • ​We decided to do a 100-mile bike ride, and it was almost the peak of our pack. It was something we all wanted to accomplish. Once we completed the 100 miles, it felt like it was the peak; I didn't have a game plan to follow it up. I think that it was the pinnacle of what we were preparing for because everything became sporadic following that. We didn't go on our bike rides as often. I decided to do a triathlon, and I became a bit more consistent, but it wasn't like it was before.
  • ​This week when I took this bike ride, we all got together, and I thought 20 miles would be no big deal. I could do it with my eyes closed because my body was used to the pain. It didn't turn out that way. I didn't realize how much I had eroded everything that I had built. My body was no longer used to that. My lungs were no longer used to that type of activity. 
  • ​Almost immediately, at a pace of 18 miles per hour, I started to feel the lactic acid in my quads. It is like a fire sensation going through your muscles, and it is excruciating. I didn't feel that when I rode consistently, and throughout the entire ride, I was hurting. I didn't pick up where I left off. We need to understand that when we stop making the deposits, we are eroding. You can't sit there and say this is the new standard. Even after all of those 100’s of miles, 1,000’s of miles, I couldn't pick up where I left off. I was many levels below that, and it was impossible. 
  • ​When you stop making deposits, you automatically start to erode. When you stop making deposits into eating healthy, you automatically begin eroding and gaining weight. You don't merely stay there; deposits aren't always meant to build but also to sustain. We all need to understand that the deposits are required if only to sustain where you are currently at. Failing to make your deposits automatically brings this level of erosion. 
  • ​Even if you aren't doing the wrong things, when you stop the momentum, you begin to erode. My pain tolerance was low, and I couldn't handle it. I was in my head, and I couldn't even breathe properly—the burning wouldn't stop.
You Got Used To It
  • I started reading a book called, “A Man's Search for Meaning,” and it said something very interesting that resonated and correlates to this story I am telling. He said, “ Man can get used to anything.” I am not sure why it hit me so hard because it wasn't a profound statement; it was factual. He was describing how he was at a Nazi Concentration Camp. Through the initial shock and awe of seeing the people he knew and those around him be killed, he got used to it. He no longer feared death because it surrounded him. 
  • ​When we aren't in a place where we are consistently investing in ourselves, we will get used to those conditions that are beneath us. Man can get used to anything, whether it is happiness or anguish. We can get used to it, whether it is winning or defeat. We must understand what we want daily, so we don't get used to conditions that are beneath us. At the end of the day, a man can get used to anything. 
  • ​I would live in that place for many years because happiness wasn't something I was used to. A life without drama, I wasn't used to that. A life without anger, resentment, and jealousy; I wasn't used to that. When you set a standard for yourself and make the daily deposits, you realize how dysfunctional you genuinely are. Life doesn't have to require those things, and you don't need to suffer daily. We bring it upon ourselves daily, though, by not doing what is required. 
  • ​I didn't understand that for a long time, and I got used to it. Happiness was on occasion, and drama had to happen consistently. I needed to get triggered, struggle for money continuously because I never got used to not struggling. I never got used to not having drama in my life. My mindset back then was if you pushed me, I will push back. Do you know what that means? That means I am at the mercy of anyone that tries to trigger me. How ridiculous is that? I couldn't ground myself and see something greater than the person that was triggering me. 
  • ​I lacked the daily deposits. I have learned through this conditioning process with the 12-week Targets, that my standard is woken up. When I stop doing something, it begins to erode that progression. I know what I am capable of, and I know my pain tolerance level; right now, I am not at that level. It is merely a matter of me putting in the reps and not expecting to start, where I left off. I know there will be a period of time where it will become more painful, and I won't be moving at that same level. 
  • ​For some of you that have allowed your laurels to go to the wayside, maybe you have gained some weight, understand you know what you are capable of. You aren't going to be able to lose it in the next 2-3 weeks. It will take months and maybe years, but you need to be prepared for the fight and the path you are embarking on. 
  • ​If you stop marketing for your business, it will take consistency daily, multiple times per day, before you get the results that you desire. The moment you stop, you begin to erode your progression.
You Can Do It All
  • Now I am not used to being unhappy and off my game. I have set a standard for myself that is so high that anytime I am off my game, it is an anomaly. This was hard for me to process; to live a life where things are working. My marriage, my business, and my body are working. I don't get triggered at every jackass that tries to throw me off of my game. 
  • ​Although I am not on my game with riding my bike, that doesn't mean I have stopped in other aspects of my life. The only challenge here is not that I let myself go, it is that I can do all things and I am going to embark on that path. It feels amazing, and it is something we are all capable of. 
  • ​I know the level I can operate at, and so do you. If your business hasn't taken off like you thought it would from January 1st, you know what you are capable of. Somewhere along the line, you stopped making those deposits. You are feeling that lactic acid, and it is burning, but it is temporary, You need to build up your capacity again, relearn the skill sets that you mastered before. That isn't a bad thing, because you demonstrated that you could do it. It is up to us in the final month of the first quarter, and we can begin again. 
  • ​There are so many lessons I am learning by being consistent with what I know. When you first start this process with the 12-week Target Book, you will be inconsistent like I was here. There were days I completely missed it, but week after week, I am getting better and better. It's a reconditioning process to be where I was at. I haven't even started building yet. 
  • ​I'm not saying that I am starting from scratch, not by any means. I am still on my game, but I know I can move faster. What are you hearing about the deposits, and how you begin to erode the moment you stop? Don't beat yourself up for not being able to pick up where you left off. Know where you left off is still two months or even a year away. It begins today. 
  • ​You either begin to move forward, or you begin to regress; deposits are required to sustain and not necessarily to build. We will never arrive because as soon as we hit those goals, we need to continue to build on it, or it will become our pinnacle. 
  • ​It is a simple process to join me here on Mondays for 20-25 minutes. It is a Purpose deposit that you can check off. You sitting here and being able to get an idea or a lesson from it, that is a deposit towards your Purpose. Most won't do that, and they will go about their business, their marriage and not look for the more significant lessons. 
  • ​I see so much growth from many of you. People that used to think they were ahead of you are watching your progress in all aspects of your life. That is inspiring. This is the process that makes us go and lights the fire beneath us. It gives us that sense of purpose, meaning, and accomplishment. It can be disappointing when we get back to it; I was disappointed at myself. It didn't make me quit, and that is where we need to look at our behaviors. When we get back to what we weren't doing, it is discouraging and disappointing. We were so far ahead, and yet we let ourselves slide. 
  • ​We know what we are capable of, and it sucks when we have to rebuild the same road that we have already been down before. At least we know the way. It is my honor to be here with you; you know exactly what to do. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019