with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 75:

Don't Settle

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 75:

Don't Settle

I had a vision of this brokerage, but I never believed in it. I would talk about it, but there wasn't sustenance behind it. It's almost hypocritical, saying I wanted the brokerage, but my actions were not aligned with it. I didn't put my best foot forward at all times. When an obstacle needed to be overcome, I was more likely to fold than to push. That is what happens when we settle. We fail to keep pushing forward for the greater reward for our health, family, business and life. Are you settling?
Be Ready; Be Prepared
  • ​I woke up this morning, and although I have been training for IronMan 70.3, there is a possibility the competition may not happen in October. We are all supposed to wear masks in public here in Arizona, and there are more restrictions and obstacles; it is seemingly less likely that the IronMan will proceed. 
  • ​There is a lot of uncertainty, and companies would rather not put down deposits without a clear path that the competition will come together. I am still training and acting as if it will happen because what if it does? I want to make sure that I am ready and not make excuses about not having time to prepare with the uncertainty. We can bring this mentality into our business at any time. 
  • ​Will the economy crash, will buyers and sellers be apprehensive? The reality is, what if everything comes together in your favor? Will you be prepared by doing what brought you past success and will bring you success today? I know that if I take care of myself and plan for something that does come to fruition, I will be ready and in my prime. That is how a lot of opportunities are missed. When it does come to fruition, you are ill-prepared and not ready to strike or lead. On many occasions, I have seen this happen where we work hard, but we don't push ourselves and settle for the market we decide to sell in. When the million-dollar buyer comes along, we don't know what to do and are apprehensive and lacking confidence. 
  • ​That is why it is crucial to work on yourself daily and go through your gameplan. Now that the third quarter has started, it is up to you to decide if you will lean in and follow the 12-week Target book. It is a commitment to say that you will do the Prime 3 and deposit in all factions of your life. You will deposit into yourself and do a Power post; you will take care of yourself and make sure that you are depositing into your vitality. Towards your energy and releasing stress, working out, and doing something active for yourself. 
  • ​You can make two deposits at once. As I am running a 3-mile run this morning, I remember when 3 miles seemed daunting. It was hard to run and not be gassed out, hating the entire process, and loathing it. Being in a space where I questioned why I was running at all. Now, this morning I was running a Zone 1, where I have to concentrate on my heart rate at a certain level. I felt so good about it, and I enjoyed the scenery and environment, excited about what is to come, and about Mindset Mastery. There was no thought of pain, loathing, and hating. It was a wake up for my body because I have conditioned myself to be there and have not settled. Settling in my life has always brought me a sense of entitlement. I would always get bored whenever I settled, and my path wasn't necessarily going where I wanted. 
  • ​I started blaming, and desired other things and other people, in this place of boredom and settling. I wasn't challenging myself as a husband, a family man, or a businessman. Even in my business, I was always wanting to do something else, because I couldn't take the time and effort to reinvest in the business that had been paying me for years. I began to hate it because I was settling without setting grand targets; I didn't see anything greater for myself. I was caught up in comparison, thinking I would never be better than another company, or as happy as that other couple. I would never have as much money as this other person.
Don't be Afraid to be Better
  • Settling created a place of misery for me because I refused to do the things that got me into power. The things that give you focus and cause you to appreciate life. This morning I opened my garage as I do daily, and I have a small chair that I sit on. I settle into it and prepare for my bike ride or the run I will be taking. I sit there waiting for the group I am training with. This morning, I am sitting there, drinking my coffee, and I look up and see the moon. The moon was glowing in the blue sky; it gave me a sense of presence. I could see all of the small shadows within it. All of the designs and patterns that make up the moon. I was caught up for what seemed like a long time.
  • ​I pulled out my phone to try and take a picture; the phone could not capture the detail that I could see with my eye. We don't realize at times how blessed we are to be in this place. We have become settled into a place where we are bored and going down a path of blame, comparison, and complacency. When we do what we are supposed to, it brings a level of certainty and presence to us. I am here continually reminding you that you have more within you, but it doesn't mean that is where you stop. Because you have it in you doesn't mean you can't get better. 
  • ​I think a lot of us fail to do this. We aren't pushing ourselves or challenging ourselves but giving in to the temptations of mediocrity and complacency. We stop fighting for our marriage; we stop showing up for our business because it is good enough and pays the bills. Closing one or two deals is okay because it's better than what you used to do; you assume since you are doing better than the average agent, you are good. You live in the same house you have lived in the past ten years, driving the same car you've been driving the last seven years. You have a five-year-old computer because you are too afraid to invest in your company, yourself and your family. Are you settling? 
  • ​Settling brings a sense of fear; you are scared to move up and challenge your business. It brings excuses; I’m a family man so I can't just think about money, it's not all about money. Your mindset is clouded; I have never said to put your business in front of your family. I've never said to put your business in front of your health. I have always said that you can have it all. What I have always said is that you are responsible for all things; not one thing. 
  • ​You do damage to your family dynamic by settling. It's not about making more money; it's about pushing yourself to see what you can create to give yourself a sense of purpose. Could your marriage be better? Could you show up more powerfully? Are you a tyrant? Are you a blamer and shut down? You might have a lot of pride in being a good parent, but how often do you lose your cool? How often do you catch yourself telling your kids instead of coaching them? Settling is a poison.
  • ​It's not about being dissatisfied with what you have; you can stay present and be thankful for what you have now. Understand, though, that it is a fraction of what you were meant to create. Settling will bring complacency, and that brings boredom. When you are bored, you take your eyes off of the game and the path. It's up to you to stay sharp and realize you have greater responsibility, affecting many.
Stop the Comparison
  • When I first started this brokerage, where would I be now if I had settled? Where would I be? I haven't looked at our numbers in comparison for a while now. I'm not saying that comparison is a bad thing, but you are limiting yourself is that is all you are focusing on. If you look at your numbers, comparing them to another person, then you are limiting yourself. That is merely a person within your sphere. Maybe you were destined to create something more significant than that. We can't compare to feel better about ourselves. We can use it as a measuring stick, but never to what you are capable of. 
  • ​If you are only comparing one person or a group of people, that is possible only a fraction of what you can create. It's easy because they are within your circle, but what if you were meant to be something greater? Maybe your marriage was meant to be happier beyond the circle you are in. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe your business is a fraction of what you can create, but your eyes are only set on one or two individuals instead of putting it back on yourself. Asking yourself how many other families you can help, how many others you can impact? 
  • ​I had a vision of this brokerage, but I never believed in it. I would talk about it, but there wasn't sustenance behind it. It's almost hypocritical, saying I wanted the brokerage, but my actions were not aligned with it. I didn't put my best foot forward at all times. When an obstacle needed to be overcome, I was more likely to fold than to push. It only delayed the impact I would make on those that chose to run with me. When you fold, you delay the inevitable; anytime you crumble under pressure, all you do is push what you were supposed to have further into the future. That means less satisfaction during the process.
  • ​I used to sit and compare this brokerage to all of the local brokerages. How would I ever compete? These are worldwide, national companies, franchises, 100% shops, come one come all. They have 700 agents here: how will we compete? What do I have to offer? You may be thinking the same for your business. You have only been in the game for less than five years, or maybe you are just starting. You look at all of the big players and wonder what you have to offer. Look at all of the experience these others have; they have sold millions in real estate; what do I have? That is the truth and reality if you choose to buy into it. 
  • ​Or, you can look back and see the hard work and dedication that took years. I will be there one day. That is hard to say because we want it all now. Me not deciding to settle is the reason why we have the systems and processes, the best coaching system in the country. I have the numbers to prove it. We are still a relatively young company.
It is Within You Now
  • I decided to look at the numbers today, not to see if I am better than or less than; there were some surprising numbers there. Out of all of Maricopa County, we are one of the top 20 brokerages. That is against other brokerages with 700 plus agents. Against all of the luxury brokerages, we think we have it all figured out. 
  • ​There is no other brokerage in our market that can touch us as far as sales per agent. When we open that up to the entire Maricopa County, only a handful of brokerages can say it. You are here, and the reason we can say that is that you decided not to settle. You chose to lean in when things got tough. We all have that choice and realize we have to recalibrate and recommit daily. We have to pour into ourselves more than anything else because our mind and health need to be right. Our vision, our sense of purpose has to be aligned with what we want. 
  • ​As I looked further at the numbers, we are one of two or three brokerages, in all of Maricopa County, that are independent, non-franchised, or 100% come one come all models. We are just getting started. I refuse to stop and to settle. I know that if you are here with me, we are on the same wavelength, and you are just getting started. I don't care how long you have been in the business; you are excited about what you do, the possibilities, and life. It's who we are, and little did I know when I was comparing myself to the local Remax or Keller-Williams I was holding myself back. My vision was too small, and we are bigger than that, and we are blowing them out of the water. 
  • ​It's not about competition. I understand the struggles they face as business owners as well. But I have a lot of satisfaction knowing that we are doing the right things that are meant to last. The same companies tried to get me to close down my doors and join them; we are leading our market because of you. We are seeing numbers double, triple, 5x from last year. You decided not to settle when there was uncertainty; you chose to keep going and master your fate and destiny. You understand that settling brings misery. 
  • ​I was in Tony Robbins Business Mastery class back in 2013, a 10,000 dollar program for four days. I am not afraid to reinvest, to invest in myself, in coaches. I do it to this day. I was there with Tony Robbins and 400 others, and he kept saying a phrase, “I have everything within me now.” It is a very true statement. You have everything within you now to overcome what is in front of you now. It will never be good enough to go where you want to go. That is why you must continue to lean in and improve yourself and not settle. You don't need additional skill sets or mindsets right now to overcome the obstacles you are facing. You have everything within you now. To get the next level though, will require commitment. That will require consistency and drive, a focus not to quit. 
  • ​It is so easy to settle, and maybe you have been settled here for many years. Maybe your financial situation is settled, but you refuse to push yourself and get the home you have always dreamed of. The house your kids and spouse have always wanted and desired, but you are afraid. Yet, you are making five times more than you have ever made, and you are afraid. Maybe it's that time for you, and you are making money, but the time spent at home is disappearing. The time you have for yourself is disappearing. You are buying into the story that this is all you have and all you can create and are capable of.
Get Your Toes Out of the Sand
  • I have witnessed daily those who decide that this is not as far as they will go and create a new level of happiness. Are there challenges with hiring employees? Yes, there will be massive challenges and heartache. There will be losses, maybe, and you might regret the decision before you love it. It can be devastating at times to put trust into someone else to help you grow your business. They won't always have the same passion as you, so don't expect it. 
  • ​We lost an account that made us $180,000 to $250,000 per year. They had a lot of guidelines we had to follow, and they gave us a few warnings. They were changing their privacy policies, and when we sent them a copy of a contract, they didn't need a copy of the client's check. They didn't need personal information. They didn't need a copy of their driver's license, even though that was our practice. They didn't need that. They asked us to stop doing what we usually do and begin to follow this new policy. I read it, told my crew about it; we wouldn't send those documents any longer. We missed it and sent some information that we shouldn't have sent after they warned us. They suspended us, and we had a meeting reminding everyone what not to do. Guess what? We did it again, and this time they were not as forgiving. They were done with us, and we were no longer a preferred vendor. 
  • ​That was devastating. That was income used to pay our employees, our buildings, and we depended on it. If I would have blamed the employee who did that, and we didn't fire her because it was lack of leadership on my side. It was also a great lesson that would serve me to this day. I still have to be involved and not sit back, pretending I have arrived when I haven't. I didn't spend all of the years building something in the hopes of hanging out by the beach. I would get bored with that in about three days. 
  • ​I understand that I need people to help me, and I can't take my eye off of the ball off of the path. I must continue to lead, just as I lead my family, myself, and this business. I can't settle. That is what happened; I settled into thinking it would be taken care of. I should have emphasized it more if it was that important. I should have sat the employee down and talked to them clearly, but I didn't; I thought I had arrived and took my eye off the ball. 
In Closing
  • As we start the day, I want you to think about a few things:                                                                                                     - Have you caught yourself settling? Comparing yourself to those around you as opposed to seeing something bigger and greater? 
  •  - Have you looked at your numbers recently? Have you compared yourself to yourself? I think you would be presently surprised at how far you have come. Many of you are blowing away the numbers of what you hoped to create for the year. Some of you had a number January 1st you wanted to create for the year, and you are already ¾ of the way there. We are only halfway through the year. They are blowing their numbers out of the water because they did the right things throughout this time. They have become better than who they were six months ago, and so have you. What you thought was impossible, you have now caught a glimpse of. It's right there within your grasp and no longer an unachievable goal. You have six months to show what you are made of, and I am proud to run with you. There will be no settling here. 

  • ​When you push this hard, there will be challenges that feel bigger than you. You are moving at a fast pace, but staying true to yourself and making deposits into yourself, and getting massive results. These results are very common here at AZ & Associates. When we look at the sales per agent numbers that we have, you are more likely to run into a producer in business and life. Someone that is showing up powerfully at home and taking care of themselves. Someone who is building the game to last. You will not run into another group of individuals like the ones here in this brokerage. You won't because somewhere along the lines, they drop the ball in two or three of the other elements; we do it all here. 
  • ​It's unique, and these numbers seem impossible to the outside; here, they are very common. When you put the time into yourself, things will differ from how they used to be. Rushing into the office with no power and then coming home depleted from a hard day's work. Nowhere to release. I used to release it on my family, unleash like a tyrant on them. Now I have more love; I am more gracious and appreciative. I am more forgiving and less critical because of the Power deposits in the morning. When you push yourself, you see more significant things for yourself. 
  • ​ Settling brings those feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment. Resentment even to others who are succeeding. We don't know what they have overcome or the challenges they faced. They keep fighting and keep going. It's us collectively, and I can't tell you how much satisfaction it gives me when you bulge in what you do. You don't hold back helping out a fellow agent. Even though they are technically your competitor, you give them your all, authentically. It goes a long way because you know when they rise, it impacts more than their finances. It goes into their family, their confidence. You know what you need to do, and you have it all within you now; you need to prove to get where you want to go.

More Episodes

I had a vision of this brokerage, but I never believed in it. I would talk about it, but there wasn't sustenance behind it. It's almost hypocritical, saying I wanted the brokerage, but my actions were not aligned with it. I didn't put my best foot forward at all times. When an obstacle needed to be overcome, I was more likely to fold than to push. That is what happens when we settle. We fail to keep pushing forward for the greater reward for our health, family, business and life. Are you settling?
Be Ready; Be Prepared
  • ​I woke up this morning, and although I have been training for IronMan 70.3, there is a possibility the competition may not happen in October. We are all supposed to wear masks in public here in Arizona, and there are more restrictions and obstacles; it is seemingly less likely that the IronMan will proceed. 
  • ​There is a lot of uncertainty, and companies would rather not put down deposits without a clear path that the competition will come together. I am still training and acting as if it will happen because what if it does? I want to make sure that I am ready and not make excuses about not having time to prepare with the uncertainty. We can bring this mentality into our business at any time. 
  • ​Will the economy crash, will buyers and sellers be apprehensive? The reality is, what if everything comes together in your favor? Will you be prepared by doing what brought you past success and will bring you success today? I know that if I take care of myself and plan for something that does come to fruition, I will be ready and in my prime. That is how a lot of opportunities are missed. When it does come to fruition, you are ill-prepared and not ready to strike or lead. On many occasions, I have seen this happen where we work hard, but we don't push ourselves and settle for the market we decide to sell in. When the million-dollar buyer comes along, we don't know what to do and are apprehensive and lacking confidence. 
  • ​That is why it is crucial to work on yourself daily and go through your gameplan. Now that the third quarter has started, it is up to you to decide if you will lean in and follow the 12-week Target book. It is a commitment to say that you will do the Prime 3 and deposit in all factions of your life. You will deposit into yourself and do a Power post; you will take care of yourself and make sure that you are depositing into your vitality. Towards your energy and releasing stress, working out, and doing something active for yourself. 
  • ​You can make two deposits at once. As I am running a 3-mile run this morning, I remember when 3 miles seemed daunting. It was hard to run and not be gassed out, hating the entire process, and loathing it. Being in a space where I questioned why I was running at all. Now, this morning I was running a Zone 1, where I have to concentrate on my heart rate at a certain level. I felt so good about it, and I enjoyed the scenery and environment, excited about what is to come, and about Mindset Mastery. There was no thought of pain, loathing, and hating. It was a wake up for my body because I have conditioned myself to be there and have not settled. Settling in my life has always brought me a sense of entitlement. I would always get bored whenever I settled, and my path wasn't necessarily going where I wanted. 
  • ​I started blaming, and desired other things and other people, in this place of boredom and settling. I wasn't challenging myself as a husband, a family man, or a businessman. Even in my business, I was always wanting to do something else, because I couldn't take the time and effort to reinvest in the business that had been paying me for years. I began to hate it because I was settling without setting grand targets; I didn't see anything greater for myself. I was caught up in comparison, thinking I would never be better than another company, or as happy as that other couple. I would never have as much money as this other person.
Don't be Afraid to be Better
  • Settling created a place of misery for me because I refused to do the things that got me into power. The things that give you focus and cause you to appreciate life. This morning I opened my garage as I do daily, and I have a small chair that I sit on. I settle into it and prepare for my bike ride or the run I will be taking. I sit there waiting for the group I am training with. This morning, I am sitting there, drinking my coffee, and I look up and see the moon. The moon was glowing in the blue sky; it gave me a sense of presence. I could see all of the small shadows within it. All of the designs and patterns that make up the moon. I was caught up for what seemed like a long time.
  • ​I pulled out my phone to try and take a picture; the phone could not capture the detail that I could see with my eye. We don't realize at times how blessed we are to be in this place. We have become settled into a place where we are bored and going down a path of blame, comparison, and complacency. When we do what we are supposed to, it brings a level of certainty and presence to us. I am here continually reminding you that you have more within you, but it doesn't mean that is where you stop. Because you have it in you doesn't mean you can't get better. 
  • ​I think a lot of us fail to do this. We aren't pushing ourselves or challenging ourselves but giving in to the temptations of mediocrity and complacency. We stop fighting for our marriage; we stop showing up for our business because it is good enough and pays the bills. Closing one or two deals is okay because it's better than what you used to do; you assume since you are doing better than the average agent, you are good. You live in the same house you have lived in the past ten years, driving the same car you've been driving the last seven years. You have a five-year-old computer because you are too afraid to invest in your company, yourself and your family. Are you settling? 
  • ​Settling brings a sense of fear; you are scared to move up and challenge your business. It brings excuses; I’m a family man so I can't just think about money, it's not all about money. Your mindset is clouded; I have never said to put your business in front of your family. I've never said to put your business in front of your health. I have always said that you can have it all. What I have always said is that you are responsible for all things; not one thing. 
  • ​You do damage to your family dynamic by settling. It's not about making more money; it's about pushing yourself to see what you can create to give yourself a sense of purpose. Could your marriage be better? Could you show up more powerfully? Are you a tyrant? Are you a blamer and shut down? You might have a lot of pride in being a good parent, but how often do you lose your cool? How often do you catch yourself telling your kids instead of coaching them? Settling is a poison.
  • ​It's not about being dissatisfied with what you have; you can stay present and be thankful for what you have now. Understand, though, that it is a fraction of what you were meant to create. Settling will bring complacency, and that brings boredom. When you are bored, you take your eyes off of the game and the path. It's up to you to stay sharp and realize you have greater responsibility, affecting many.
Stop the Comparison
  • When I first started this brokerage, where would I be now if I had settled? Where would I be? I haven't looked at our numbers in comparison for a while now. I'm not saying that comparison is a bad thing, but you are limiting yourself is that is all you are focusing on. If you look at your numbers, comparing them to another person, then you are limiting yourself. That is merely a person within your sphere. Maybe you were destined to create something more significant than that. We can't compare to feel better about ourselves. We can use it as a measuring stick, but never to what you are capable of. 
  • ​If you are only comparing one person or a group of people, that is possible only a fraction of what you can create. It's easy because they are within your circle, but what if you were meant to be something greater? Maybe your marriage was meant to be happier beyond the circle you are in. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe your business is a fraction of what you can create, but your eyes are only set on one or two individuals instead of putting it back on yourself. Asking yourself how many other families you can help, how many others you can impact? 
  • ​I had a vision of this brokerage, but I never believed in it. I would talk about it, but there wasn't sustenance behind it. It's almost hypocritical, saying I wanted the brokerage, but my actions were not aligned with it. I didn't put my best foot forward at all times. When an obstacle needed to be overcome, I was more likely to fold than to push. It only delayed the impact I would make on those that chose to run with me. When you fold, you delay the inevitable; anytime you crumble under pressure, all you do is push what you were supposed to have further into the future. That means less satisfaction during the process.
  • ​I used to sit and compare this brokerage to all of the local brokerages. How would I ever compete? These are worldwide, national companies, franchises, 100% shops, come one come all. They have 700 agents here: how will we compete? What do I have to offer? You may be thinking the same for your business. You have only been in the game for less than five years, or maybe you are just starting. You look at all of the big players and wonder what you have to offer. Look at all of the experience these others have; they have sold millions in real estate; what do I have? That is the truth and reality if you choose to buy into it. 
  • ​Or, you can look back and see the hard work and dedication that took years. I will be there one day. That is hard to say because we want it all now. Me not deciding to settle is the reason why we have the systems and processes, the best coaching system in the country. I have the numbers to prove it. We are still a relatively young company.
It is Within You Now
  • I decided to look at the numbers today, not to see if I am better than or less than; there were some surprising numbers there. Out of all of Maricopa County, we are one of the top 20 brokerages. That is against other brokerages with 700 plus agents. Against all of the luxury brokerages, we think we have it all figured out. 
  • ​There is no other brokerage in our market that can touch us as far as sales per agent. When we open that up to the entire Maricopa County, only a handful of brokerages can say it. You are here, and the reason we can say that is that you decided not to settle. You chose to lean in when things got tough. We all have that choice and realize we have to recalibrate and recommit daily. We have to pour into ourselves more than anything else because our mind and health need to be right. Our vision, our sense of purpose has to be aligned with what we want. 
  • ​As I looked further at the numbers, we are one of two or three brokerages, in all of Maricopa County, that are independent, non-franchised, or 100% come one come all models. We are just getting started. I refuse to stop and to settle. I know that if you are here with me, we are on the same wavelength, and you are just getting started. I don't care how long you have been in the business; you are excited about what you do, the possibilities, and life. It's who we are, and little did I know when I was comparing myself to the local Remax or Keller-Williams I was holding myself back. My vision was too small, and we are bigger than that, and we are blowing them out of the water. 
  • ​It's not about competition. I understand the struggles they face as business owners as well. But I have a lot of satisfaction knowing that we are doing the right things that are meant to last. The same companies tried to get me to close down my doors and join them; we are leading our market because of you. We are seeing numbers double, triple, 5x from last year. You decided not to settle when there was uncertainty; you chose to keep going and master your fate and destiny. You understand that settling brings misery. 
  • ​I was in Tony Robbins Business Mastery class back in 2013, a 10,000 dollar program for four days. I am not afraid to reinvest, to invest in myself, in coaches. I do it to this day. I was there with Tony Robbins and 400 others, and he kept saying a phrase, “I have everything within me now.” It is a very true statement. You have everything within you now to overcome what is in front of you now. It will never be good enough to go where you want to go. That is why you must continue to lean in and improve yourself and not settle. You don't need additional skill sets or mindsets right now to overcome the obstacles you are facing. You have everything within you now. To get the next level though, will require commitment. That will require consistency and drive, a focus not to quit. 
  • ​It is so easy to settle, and maybe you have been settled here for many years. Maybe your financial situation is settled, but you refuse to push yourself and get the home you have always dreamed of. The house your kids and spouse have always wanted and desired, but you are afraid. Yet, you are making five times more than you have ever made, and you are afraid. Maybe it's that time for you, and you are making money, but the time spent at home is disappearing. The time you have for yourself is disappearing. You are buying into the story that this is all you have and all you can create and are capable of.
Get Your Toes Out of the Sand
  • I have witnessed daily those who decide that this is not as far as they will go and create a new level of happiness. Are there challenges with hiring employees? Yes, there will be massive challenges and heartache. There will be losses, maybe, and you might regret the decision before you love it. It can be devastating at times to put trust into someone else to help you grow your business. They won't always have the same passion as you, so don't expect it. 
  • ​We lost an account that made us $180,000 to $250,000 per year. They had a lot of guidelines we had to follow, and they gave us a few warnings. They were changing their privacy policies, and when we sent them a copy of a contract, they didn't need a copy of the client's check. They didn't need personal information. They didn't need a copy of their driver's license, even though that was our practice. They didn't need that. They asked us to stop doing what we usually do and begin to follow this new policy. I read it, told my crew about it; we wouldn't send those documents any longer. We missed it and sent some information that we shouldn't have sent after they warned us. They suspended us, and we had a meeting reminding everyone what not to do. Guess what? We did it again, and this time they were not as forgiving. They were done with us, and we were no longer a preferred vendor. 
  • ​That was devastating. That was income used to pay our employees, our buildings, and we depended on it. If I would have blamed the employee who did that, and we didn't fire her because it was lack of leadership on my side. It was also a great lesson that would serve me to this day. I still have to be involved and not sit back, pretending I have arrived when I haven't. I didn't spend all of the years building something in the hopes of hanging out by the beach. I would get bored with that in about three days. 
  • ​I understand that I need people to help me, and I can't take my eye off of the ball off of the path. I must continue to lead, just as I lead my family, myself, and this business. I can't settle. That is what happened; I settled into thinking it would be taken care of. I should have emphasized it more if it was that important. I should have sat the employee down and talked to them clearly, but I didn't; I thought I had arrived and took my eye off the ball. 
In Closing
  • As we start the day, I want you to think about a few things:                                                                                                     - Have you caught yourself settling? Comparing yourself to those around you as opposed to seeing something bigger and greater? 
  •  - Have you looked at your numbers recently? Have you compared yourself to yourself? I think you would be presently surprised at how far you have come. Many of you are blowing away the numbers of what you hoped to create for the year. Some of you had a number January 1st you wanted to create for the year, and you are already ¾ of the way there. We are only halfway through the year. They are blowing their numbers out of the water because they did the right things throughout this time. They have become better than who they were six months ago, and so have you. What you thought was impossible, you have now caught a glimpse of. It's right there within your grasp and no longer an unachievable goal. You have six months to show what you are made of, and I am proud to run with you. There will be no settling here. 

  • ​When you push this hard, there will be challenges that feel bigger than you. You are moving at a fast pace, but staying true to yourself and making deposits into yourself, and getting massive results. These results are very common here at AZ & Associates. When we look at the sales per agent numbers that we have, you are more likely to run into a producer in business and life. Someone that is showing up powerfully at home and taking care of themselves. Someone who is building the game to last. You will not run into another group of individuals like the ones here in this brokerage. You won't because somewhere along the lines, they drop the ball in two or three of the other elements; we do it all here. 
  • ​It's unique, and these numbers seem impossible to the outside; here, they are very common. When you put the time into yourself, things will differ from how they used to be. Rushing into the office with no power and then coming home depleted from a hard day's work. Nowhere to release. I used to release it on my family, unleash like a tyrant on them. Now I have more love; I am more gracious and appreciative. I am more forgiving and less critical because of the Power deposits in the morning. When you push yourself, you see more significant things for yourself. 
  • ​ Settling brings those feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment. Resentment even to others who are succeeding. We don't know what they have overcome or the challenges they faced. They keep fighting and keep going. It's us collectively, and I can't tell you how much satisfaction it gives me when you bulge in what you do. You don't hold back helping out a fellow agent. Even though they are technically your competitor, you give them your all, authentically. It goes a long way because you know when they rise, it impacts more than their finances. It goes into their family, their confidence. You know what you need to do, and you have it all within you now; you need to prove to get where you want to go.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019