with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 76:

Too Much Past, Too Much Future

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 76:

Too Much Past, Too Much Future

I am still feeling the remnants of a close call; we were having a good day, and a sudden shift caused me to react in a way that brought me to a place of shame and guilt. We have all experienced a time when we worry about past decisions and future outcomes when nothing has happened to bring us to that place. Preparing yourself through consistency and doing the reps will create space to grow your capacity to continually move forward.
Making a Bad Situation Worse
  • ​I am still feeling the remnants of an occurrence from the weekend, which led me to what I am talking about today. This morning called for a controlled 36 minute run in zone 2; heart rate training is helping me to keep my breathing and heart rate under control. The goal was to run at a nine and a half minute mile pace. 
  • ​I was having difficulty controlling my heart rate, and my mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of what could have been, a tragic event that could have gone wrong but didn't. We have all experienced a time of being so close to something tragic happening, and I was stuck in that mindset of what could have happened. I couldn't shake the thought process, and my heart began to race and started to get emotional about the whole process. My heart rate was way above where I am typically at; usually, I am in total control and in the moment. 
  • ​Today was difficult, and I have been trying to analyze why this happened and why I felt this way. We all have faced the challenge of everything going good, and suddenly everything hits you, realigns you, and takes you away from your norm. There will be a spike in anxiety, anger, and depression, all of these feelings that we take on as humans. 
  • ​Yesterday we spent the day at the lake, and we had a blast. It was Carla, myself, our girls and a few of their friends. They were all riding jet skis, and Carla and I were hanging out under the tent and taking our turns on the jet skis. It was exhilarating to go 65 mph on the water. We like to get there early and enjoy the morning weather, and usually, it gets pretty hot right before noon, which is when we typically wrap it up. 
  • ​We have a whole routine now; I know how to back up my trailer without anxiety or worry. We wrapped it up and started driving home. Our routine includes stopping by the car wash to clean off the jet skis. We went home first, unloaded everything, and yesterday we also took our dogs with us. These boys have been a blessing to our household; they bring us continually joy. They are relentless to give us love no matter what our mood is. 
  • ​We went inside and forgot about our dogs in the car. After a while, Carla asked where the dogs were, and she immediately jumped up and ran outside. In Arizona, leaving your pets in the car can be deadly. She opened the car door, and they were okay; they jumped out and were a little exhausted but were fine. The thought of what could have happened is where we can get thrown off of our daily routines. 
  • ​It's how we also react to something, and yesterday I wasn't proud of how I responded. I was angry and began to blame anybody in the vicinity immediately. I blamed my 15-year-old daughter when it was my responsibility because I was the one who decided to bring the dogs. I looked at Carla and questioned why she didn't remember; I called my 11-year-old daughter out of the room to tell her what could have happened. I started saying how they should be more responsible.
  • ​I made a bad situation worse, and nothing bad happened, the dogs were in there a few minutes and were fine. The remnants of what could have happened were festering inside of me. There was immediate anger, and my daughters were questioning why it was their fault. It wasn't, but I was starting to back up my reaction; they were in the back seat, it was their responsibility, and they should have known. 
  • ​Having a great day, we forgot our dogs; but nothing happened. Yet, it's how we react after the anger that knocks us off of our game, so much so, I am thinking of it even this morning. In reality, nothing happened, and we are only looking to confront these emotions. It could have been tragic. I have had dear friends that this has happened too. You hear about this on the news with babies, and it's tragic and sad. 
  • ​Our role in all of this is to realize that nothing happened, and if it would have happened, how then do we overcome it? In reality, it was all of our fault, it was my fault, and I should have known.
Everything Relies on You
  • I was running this morning. I felt my heart rate racing, and it wasn't about anger. Anytime you get angry, there are a few other things that occur, and that is shame and embarrassment. That is how I felt this morning; it wasn't the anger anymore; it was my reaction following the initial outrage. I made things worse, chastising my child, and punishing them when nothing happened. It's the shame that I am bathing and wallowing in. I am embarrassed about how I reacted following a great day. I chopped the legs right out from under it. 
  • ​Why was feeling too good a problem for me yesterday, that I reacted that way? After the shame came the guilt, and I shouldn't have responded in that way. There were other ways to respond, and I shouldn't have talked to my daughters in such a manner. This is the conversation I had with them this morning and late last night. Sometimes I react in ways I am not proud of. I tried to remind them about the great day we had; dialing in and having those crucial conversations is required. 
  • ​It will linger otherwise, and I was feeling it still this morning. I had a conversation with one of our agents last week about feeling great. It used to be a process that didn't occur daily for me. I was often caught up in the things I should have done; my past, the decisions I have made, and the things that went wrong. Or, I was stuck in thinking of the future, and will I ever get what I have worked for; will I ever be fulfilled and discover my purpose. It was never coming from a place of being present. 
  • ​Eckhart Tolle wrote a book a few years ago called, “The Power of Now.” Listen carefully to what he said because I think it will resonate with you deeply. He wrote, ” All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry, and all forms of fear are caused by too much future and not enough present. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough present.”
  • ​As you look at your business's trajectory and the satisfaction you find in your life, if there is too much focus on the future or the past, it is hard to be happy and fulfilled. I was always in that place and was never here; right here, right now. I thought I would never grow this business the way I felt I should. I never would get to a place where I will feel financially secure. I was always content with my career, comparing my results to others, worrying about my future, anxious about my ability to afford certain things, angry about my results, and depressed about my failures. \
  • ​As we consider where we are at fulfillment wise and how our lives' satisfaction is what we lack, it has to do with our current mindset. The thing that happened yesterday and how I reacted to it took hold of me this morning. Imagine all of those worries you have taken hold of you daily, consistently. You will not feel as powerful moving forward. It won't be the skillsets holding you back from being where you want to be financially, but your past or future thoughts. It increases anxiety, magnifies the depression.
  • ​We need to identify what it is and how to overcome it. We can attach anger to it and keep it with us for not merely 12 hours later but even 12 weeks later. We are continually thinking about what could have happened and saddened by the situation. Everything relies on you and only you. Your ability to create depends on your actions directly. Your ability to fulfill comes down to your daily decisions. If they are clouded by what we are angry, shameful, or worried, anxious, and tense about what could happen, we end up going nowhere, which creates the misery that festers.
Awareness and Mindfulness
  • As we analyze our days, we need to look at where we are. Are we living in the past, feeling guilt, regret, resentment? Maybe too much in the future, creating unease, anxiety, intention? 
  • ​Awareness and mindfulness is key to your growth and expansion. It's those ugly fights that linger, throwing off your game daily. The thought of what could have happened but didn't is what keeps you from growing exponentially. It's about the regret over decisions not made; the shame and guilt over things that occurred and decisions not made. Not necessarily the skillsets or the targets that are set forth, but the stuff outside of that.
  • ​The bible says in Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.” My interpretation of sin is the temptation, mediocrity, and complacency. Blowing up, getting angry, yelling at those you love is the easy way out of any situation. Being present and grateful that nothing occurred is the hard part. In an accident, some individuals are so worried about their car, and are angry at the other driver for the accident; they are reacting to their day. Becoming present and grateful in the realization they are still here; my dogs are alive; the thoughts of the future and past keep us from that. 
  • ​That is where the misery festers because life is good; your life is good. It is these thoughts that make it a hard place to be. As we consider where we are, being mindful of our happiness, where is your mind? Maybe there is regret over past decisions, or worry over what the future brings. This place of presence is what will give you the happiness you are seeking. How do you get there? How do you start to appreciate the present? If you are angry about what has happened in the past, how do you get in the present? We have the formula here, and some of you have practiced it. Now you are experiencing more moments of happiness over chaos and dysfunction. 
  • ​I can remember feeling that if things were going too good, something bad would happen from it. Maybe me forgetting about my dogs being in the car was me reaching my tolerance level. Things are going well; we unveiled a new website and CRM for all of our agents. It will change the way they operate their businesses moving forward. The way we all position ourselves in the marketplace. 
  • ​We had a great weekend, spending a day at the lake; maybe that was too much for me. I believe many of us expect bad things to happen when everything is going too well. It took many years of doing good things daily to realize I should expect good things to happen. That is how my life should be daily, free from chaos and dysfunction.
Utilize, Sustain and Build
  • Yesterday could have been tragic and me forgetting something like that doesn't happen; it is few and far between. Before things happened constantly, there were always problems to overcome and things I was angry about. I realize that my life is good and fulfilled; there is no reason to stay upset. I am happy most of the time, and the bad stuff only happens occasionally. 
  • ​Many of you are living this way right now. I overcame this with a simple process that I learned from my coach. I have been able to personalize it and utilize it here within our organization, the Core 4 mainframe. Now we call it Prime 3, which is a simple process you can do and invest in to ensure your life is on the happy side, overcoming those things that happen. I can only imagine what would happen with this level of stress years ago. It would have caused a blow out in my household, and I would have said unforgivable things. I would have permanently scarred my daughters psychologically. 
  • ​Now, I can see where I am and control my next steps, seeing the ills of my ways and making them right. You have that ability as well, and we all have responsibility. Part of that responsibility is part of the Prime 3. These revelations wouldn't come to me if I weren't constantly challenging myself, opening myself to new perspectives, and being mindful. Nothing you want will come from being inconsistent with your actions. 
  • ​As I ran this morning, I realized there is a formula for this. Simply finding gratitude for my green smoothie this morning, which is consistent and dependable. A green smoothie made me appreciate who I am because it showcases my commitment, and I do it daily; day in and day out. When we look at Prime 3, we have to consider how we will take on daily stress and duress. If we don't learn how to handle these pressures, yesterday's situation could have been worse. I'm not saying I was a maniac, but I didn't like my tone. 
  • ​That is all it was. Before, it would have been a blow-up at my house. Yesterday my tone wasn't in the manner it should have been; that is growth because I am not a pressure cooker and can release the stress and duress I am under. Running a business, the pressure of marriage, and the responsibility of being a parent; I have to offset that and not take it all on. I have found that by working out daily, putting my Power deposit in, and creating space. That little bit of space when something goes wrong gives me a capacity. If there is zero space, and something goes wrong, you blow your top and start yelling. 
  • ​What does a Power deposit mean? Your capacity creates space by decreasing the pressures of life. That little bit of space is all you need to make sure your family is running properly; your business is in power, giving you the advantage and fulfillment in life. No space, no chance. 
  • ​A Purpose deposit is you being mindful, learning, and being on this call. Increasing your perspective challenges you to become better. Self-development is the foundation for what I do. I have become a better Dad because of it. I am a better husband and a badass business owner because of those insights. Controlling my emotion and seeing something greater for myself. Being present and loving what life has brought me. If I spend my time reacting and not learning, I have no chance. 
  • ​Finally, a Profit deposit. It's easy to complain about the market and having no leads. Using the crutch of not knowing as a valid excuse. As a sole proprietor of a small enterprise, which you are, it is your responsibility to learn about marketing, sales, and systems. We just implemented this website and CRM, and it is your job to utilize it to sustain and build, not continuing to hustle and hope.
In Closing
  • We have less than six months left of 2020. I encourage you to start utilizing the 12-week Target book. I am committed to making it the best year ever. This year, mark my words, is going down in the books, regardless of what happens outside of me. I am in control, know where I am going, because of my green smoothie every morning, and my commitment to Prime 3. We all will have setbacks, but is how fast we can bounce back; being aware, present, and consistent will get you there quicker. 
  • ​I hope that my story can resonate with your story. It's never about our inability; it's always about what happens outside of that. I am thankful nothing did happen to my dogs yesterday. I need to work on how I react at times, but it is better than how I used to. My ability to come back and make things right is on track; now, I need to leave the past in the past and move forward powerfully. I have something to do. 
  • ​We have come with a system to make sure we are never in that situation again. This morning it wasn't about the anger anymore; it was the guilt. I disappointed myself, although my reaction was better than it was in prior years. I could have been more in control because my energy throughout the day continued to be heavy. I control the mood in my household, and you do in your household as well. 
  • ​This isn't about feeling bad for your reactions but making things right. It is being aware of it; this situation will happen again, and if we made the same mistake again, there is zero growth. We all say and do things we regret later on or make the situation worse. It is okay to be angry; it is an emotion we all have, but do not let the sun go down on your anger. That means you make things right by having those crucial conversations regardless of what happened. It has been done; you need to decide on what comes next. 
  • ​We will continue to go through things, but how long we stay there will make the difference. I hope you can take this conversation and move forward powerfully, considering that something as simple as a green smoothie, working out, being mindful of what you consume for your mindset and business will change your future. Our Top Producers are doing exactly what is written in the 12-week Target Book; it is a formula and a recipe for success. It won't take merely one week to see the results; it's a lifetime commitment. I have been in this game for six years, and I am still learning. I am still a student of life, and that is what fires me up.

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I am still feeling the remnants of a close call; we were having a good day, and a sudden shift caused me to react in a way that brought me to a place of shame and guilt. We have all experienced a time when we worry about past decisions and future outcomes when nothing has happened to bring us to that place. Preparing yourself through consistency and doing the reps will create space to grow your capacity to continually move forward.
Making a Bad Situation Worse
  • ​I am still feeling the remnants of an occurrence from the weekend, which led me to what I am talking about today. This morning called for a controlled 36 minute run in zone 2; heart rate training is helping me to keep my breathing and heart rate under control. The goal was to run at a nine and a half minute mile pace. 
  • ​I was having difficulty controlling my heart rate, and my mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of what could have been, a tragic event that could have gone wrong but didn't. We have all experienced a time of being so close to something tragic happening, and I was stuck in that mindset of what could have happened. I couldn't shake the thought process, and my heart began to race and started to get emotional about the whole process. My heart rate was way above where I am typically at; usually, I am in total control and in the moment. 
  • ​Today was difficult, and I have been trying to analyze why this happened and why I felt this way. We all have faced the challenge of everything going good, and suddenly everything hits you, realigns you, and takes you away from your norm. There will be a spike in anxiety, anger, and depression, all of these feelings that we take on as humans. 
  • ​Yesterday we spent the day at the lake, and we had a blast. It was Carla, myself, our girls and a few of their friends. They were all riding jet skis, and Carla and I were hanging out under the tent and taking our turns on the jet skis. It was exhilarating to go 65 mph on the water. We like to get there early and enjoy the morning weather, and usually, it gets pretty hot right before noon, which is when we typically wrap it up. 
  • ​We have a whole routine now; I know how to back up my trailer without anxiety or worry. We wrapped it up and started driving home. Our routine includes stopping by the car wash to clean off the jet skis. We went home first, unloaded everything, and yesterday we also took our dogs with us. These boys have been a blessing to our household; they bring us continually joy. They are relentless to give us love no matter what our mood is. 
  • ​We went inside and forgot about our dogs in the car. After a while, Carla asked where the dogs were, and she immediately jumped up and ran outside. In Arizona, leaving your pets in the car can be deadly. She opened the car door, and they were okay; they jumped out and were a little exhausted but were fine. The thought of what could have happened is where we can get thrown off of our daily routines. 
  • ​It's how we also react to something, and yesterday I wasn't proud of how I responded. I was angry and began to blame anybody in the vicinity immediately. I blamed my 15-year-old daughter when it was my responsibility because I was the one who decided to bring the dogs. I looked at Carla and questioned why she didn't remember; I called my 11-year-old daughter out of the room to tell her what could have happened. I started saying how they should be more responsible.
  • ​I made a bad situation worse, and nothing bad happened, the dogs were in there a few minutes and were fine. The remnants of what could have happened were festering inside of me. There was immediate anger, and my daughters were questioning why it was their fault. It wasn't, but I was starting to back up my reaction; they were in the back seat, it was their responsibility, and they should have known. 
  • ​Having a great day, we forgot our dogs; but nothing happened. Yet, it's how we react after the anger that knocks us off of our game, so much so, I am thinking of it even this morning. In reality, nothing happened, and we are only looking to confront these emotions. It could have been tragic. I have had dear friends that this has happened too. You hear about this on the news with babies, and it's tragic and sad. 
  • ​Our role in all of this is to realize that nothing happened, and if it would have happened, how then do we overcome it? In reality, it was all of our fault, it was my fault, and I should have known.
Everything Relies on You
  • I was running this morning. I felt my heart rate racing, and it wasn't about anger. Anytime you get angry, there are a few other things that occur, and that is shame and embarrassment. That is how I felt this morning; it wasn't the anger anymore; it was my reaction following the initial outrage. I made things worse, chastising my child, and punishing them when nothing happened. It's the shame that I am bathing and wallowing in. I am embarrassed about how I reacted following a great day. I chopped the legs right out from under it. 
  • ​Why was feeling too good a problem for me yesterday, that I reacted that way? After the shame came the guilt, and I shouldn't have responded in that way. There were other ways to respond, and I shouldn't have talked to my daughters in such a manner. This is the conversation I had with them this morning and late last night. Sometimes I react in ways I am not proud of. I tried to remind them about the great day we had; dialing in and having those crucial conversations is required. 
  • ​It will linger otherwise, and I was feeling it still this morning. I had a conversation with one of our agents last week about feeling great. It used to be a process that didn't occur daily for me. I was often caught up in the things I should have done; my past, the decisions I have made, and the things that went wrong. Or, I was stuck in thinking of the future, and will I ever get what I have worked for; will I ever be fulfilled and discover my purpose. It was never coming from a place of being present. 
  • ​Eckhart Tolle wrote a book a few years ago called, “The Power of Now.” Listen carefully to what he said because I think it will resonate with you deeply. He wrote, ” All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry, and all forms of fear are caused by too much future and not enough present. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough present.”
  • ​As you look at your business's trajectory and the satisfaction you find in your life, if there is too much focus on the future or the past, it is hard to be happy and fulfilled. I was always in that place and was never here; right here, right now. I thought I would never grow this business the way I felt I should. I never would get to a place where I will feel financially secure. I was always content with my career, comparing my results to others, worrying about my future, anxious about my ability to afford certain things, angry about my results, and depressed about my failures. \
  • ​As we consider where we are at fulfillment wise and how our lives' satisfaction is what we lack, it has to do with our current mindset. The thing that happened yesterday and how I reacted to it took hold of me this morning. Imagine all of those worries you have taken hold of you daily, consistently. You will not feel as powerful moving forward. It won't be the skillsets holding you back from being where you want to be financially, but your past or future thoughts. It increases anxiety, magnifies the depression.
  • ​We need to identify what it is and how to overcome it. We can attach anger to it and keep it with us for not merely 12 hours later but even 12 weeks later. We are continually thinking about what could have happened and saddened by the situation. Everything relies on you and only you. Your ability to create depends on your actions directly. Your ability to fulfill comes down to your daily decisions. If they are clouded by what we are angry, shameful, or worried, anxious, and tense about what could happen, we end up going nowhere, which creates the misery that festers.
Awareness and Mindfulness
  • As we analyze our days, we need to look at where we are. Are we living in the past, feeling guilt, regret, resentment? Maybe too much in the future, creating unease, anxiety, intention? 
  • ​Awareness and mindfulness is key to your growth and expansion. It's those ugly fights that linger, throwing off your game daily. The thought of what could have happened but didn't is what keeps you from growing exponentially. It's about the regret over decisions not made; the shame and guilt over things that occurred and decisions not made. Not necessarily the skillsets or the targets that are set forth, but the stuff outside of that.
  • ​The bible says in Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.” My interpretation of sin is the temptation, mediocrity, and complacency. Blowing up, getting angry, yelling at those you love is the easy way out of any situation. Being present and grateful that nothing occurred is the hard part. In an accident, some individuals are so worried about their car, and are angry at the other driver for the accident; they are reacting to their day. Becoming present and grateful in the realization they are still here; my dogs are alive; the thoughts of the future and past keep us from that. 
  • ​That is where the misery festers because life is good; your life is good. It is these thoughts that make it a hard place to be. As we consider where we are, being mindful of our happiness, where is your mind? Maybe there is regret over past decisions, or worry over what the future brings. This place of presence is what will give you the happiness you are seeking. How do you get there? How do you start to appreciate the present? If you are angry about what has happened in the past, how do you get in the present? We have the formula here, and some of you have practiced it. Now you are experiencing more moments of happiness over chaos and dysfunction. 
  • ​I can remember feeling that if things were going too good, something bad would happen from it. Maybe me forgetting about my dogs being in the car was me reaching my tolerance level. Things are going well; we unveiled a new website and CRM for all of our agents. It will change the way they operate their businesses moving forward. The way we all position ourselves in the marketplace. 
  • ​We had a great weekend, spending a day at the lake; maybe that was too much for me. I believe many of us expect bad things to happen when everything is going too well. It took many years of doing good things daily to realize I should expect good things to happen. That is how my life should be daily, free from chaos and dysfunction.
Utilize, Sustain and Build
  • Yesterday could have been tragic and me forgetting something like that doesn't happen; it is few and far between. Before things happened constantly, there were always problems to overcome and things I was angry about. I realize that my life is good and fulfilled; there is no reason to stay upset. I am happy most of the time, and the bad stuff only happens occasionally. 
  • ​Many of you are living this way right now. I overcame this with a simple process that I learned from my coach. I have been able to personalize it and utilize it here within our organization, the Core 4 mainframe. Now we call it Prime 3, which is a simple process you can do and invest in to ensure your life is on the happy side, overcoming those things that happen. I can only imagine what would happen with this level of stress years ago. It would have caused a blow out in my household, and I would have said unforgivable things. I would have permanently scarred my daughters psychologically. 
  • ​Now, I can see where I am and control my next steps, seeing the ills of my ways and making them right. You have that ability as well, and we all have responsibility. Part of that responsibility is part of the Prime 3. These revelations wouldn't come to me if I weren't constantly challenging myself, opening myself to new perspectives, and being mindful. Nothing you want will come from being inconsistent with your actions. 
  • ​As I ran this morning, I realized there is a formula for this. Simply finding gratitude for my green smoothie this morning, which is consistent and dependable. A green smoothie made me appreciate who I am because it showcases my commitment, and I do it daily; day in and day out. When we look at Prime 3, we have to consider how we will take on daily stress and duress. If we don't learn how to handle these pressures, yesterday's situation could have been worse. I'm not saying I was a maniac, but I didn't like my tone. 
  • ​That is all it was. Before, it would have been a blow-up at my house. Yesterday my tone wasn't in the manner it should have been; that is growth because I am not a pressure cooker and can release the stress and duress I am under. Running a business, the pressure of marriage, and the responsibility of being a parent; I have to offset that and not take it all on. I have found that by working out daily, putting my Power deposit in, and creating space. That little bit of space when something goes wrong gives me a capacity. If there is zero space, and something goes wrong, you blow your top and start yelling. 
  • ​What does a Power deposit mean? Your capacity creates space by decreasing the pressures of life. That little bit of space is all you need to make sure your family is running properly; your business is in power, giving you the advantage and fulfillment in life. No space, no chance. 
  • ​A Purpose deposit is you being mindful, learning, and being on this call. Increasing your perspective challenges you to become better. Self-development is the foundation for what I do. I have become a better Dad because of it. I am a better husband and a badass business owner because of those insights. Controlling my emotion and seeing something greater for myself. Being present and loving what life has brought me. If I spend my time reacting and not learning, I have no chance. 
  • ​Finally, a Profit deposit. It's easy to complain about the market and having no leads. Using the crutch of not knowing as a valid excuse. As a sole proprietor of a small enterprise, which you are, it is your responsibility to learn about marketing, sales, and systems. We just implemented this website and CRM, and it is your job to utilize it to sustain and build, not continuing to hustle and hope.
In Closing
  • We have less than six months left of 2020. I encourage you to start utilizing the 12-week Target book. I am committed to making it the best year ever. This year, mark my words, is going down in the books, regardless of what happens outside of me. I am in control, know where I am going, because of my green smoothie every morning, and my commitment to Prime 3. We all will have setbacks, but is how fast we can bounce back; being aware, present, and consistent will get you there quicker. 
  • ​I hope that my story can resonate with your story. It's never about our inability; it's always about what happens outside of that. I am thankful nothing did happen to my dogs yesterday. I need to work on how I react at times, but it is better than how I used to. My ability to come back and make things right is on track; now, I need to leave the past in the past and move forward powerfully. I have something to do. 
  • ​We have come with a system to make sure we are never in that situation again. This morning it wasn't about the anger anymore; it was the guilt. I disappointed myself, although my reaction was better than it was in prior years. I could have been more in control because my energy throughout the day continued to be heavy. I control the mood in my household, and you do in your household as well. 
  • ​This isn't about feeling bad for your reactions but making things right. It is being aware of it; this situation will happen again, and if we made the same mistake again, there is zero growth. We all say and do things we regret later on or make the situation worse. It is okay to be angry; it is an emotion we all have, but do not let the sun go down on your anger. That means you make things right by having those crucial conversations regardless of what happened. It has been done; you need to decide on what comes next. 
  • ​We will continue to go through things, but how long we stay there will make the difference. I hope you can take this conversation and move forward powerfully, considering that something as simple as a green smoothie, working out, being mindful of what you consume for your mindset and business will change your future. Our Top Producers are doing exactly what is written in the 12-week Target Book; it is a formula and a recipe for success. It won't take merely one week to see the results; it's a lifetime commitment. I have been in this game for six years, and I am still learning. I am still a student of life, and that is what fires me up.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019