with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 49:

I Am A Competitor

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 49:

I Am A Competitor

Waking up on the right side of your mindset is key to winning the day. Rise and proclaim that you are a competitor, and no one will beat you. Carla has shown me this recently that getting beat is not an option with passion and determination to win the day. Will you wake this morning and rise to the challenge or open your eyes to defeat? You choose. 
No One Will Beat Us
  • ​I am a competitor, so I will deliver at a higher level than what I was first anticipating. In the morning, Carla and I have conversations that we have learned. We wake up early, so we have a lot of time to deposit into ourselves, and from there, we already have a lot of lessons that we have learned. Today we talked about what gets you going. This was a question I was asking her: “What gets you going?” 
  • ​I was answering that I want to be healthy and show up powerfully throughout the day; she called me out to make me consider she was right. So, today joining me in the studio is Carla Araujo, the president of this brokerage. She pretty much runs everything at A.Z. & Associates and also one of our lead coaches. I am pumped up about this subject because Carla got me thinking about a few things. She is truly a competitor, and Carla agrees.
  • ​What gets Carla going is with the mindset that no one is going to beat her today. Carla is passionate about her responses to questions like this because she lives with so much passion; if you ask her a question, she isn't worried about offending that person with the answer even if it is A.Z. She is a competitor every single moment until she goes to bed.
  • ​Now Carla didn't say that the competition gets her going; she said,” I am a competitor, and that is what gets me going.” I love how she said that. Carla asked the same question of me, and I gave a foo foo response. Carla called bullshit on the answer and asked if I was really digging deep; what got me started? My response was. “I am pissed; I want to lead the charge and not fall behind.” I am in a competitive market; when I started to dig deeper, it was because I am a competitor to the core as well. I don't want to be left behind, and I want to showcase the rate and power that I am moving to others. It means I have to show up daily. 
  • ​Carla feels that is the hardest part for people because they want to play nice and she is very open. Everybody wants to show up, be nice, polite; that is okay. But what gets you going is without fire. Why are you doing what you are doing? We all want to live a happy, healthy life, a marriage on fire, but what gets you going? Carla is a competitor and has held on to their marriage because she is a competitor; she lives like this in every area of life. Their marriage is important to her, and she is trying to keep it on fire constantly. No one is going to beat her. She wants to be married for 30 or 40 years; no one is going to beat her. 
  • ​She also is going to live a happy marriage; she has to wake up, asking, “How will she show up in her marriage today?” She is competing against herself because she wants to do better in her health, business, and everything she does. When she was training for her IFBB Pro, she was always trying to make friends backstage, and I told her that no one is her friend onstage; offstage, they are only distracting you from doing what needs to get done. She agreed. Why was she trying to make friends; She didn't train all of this time to go out there and get beat by her friend. 
  • ​She lives her life like this in business; after a failed business, she didn't give up. No one was going to beat her. That is why A.Z. & Associates came to be. You have to live like this daily, but if you are surrounded by the Koombyah people who continuously say be happy, everything will be okay; no, it's not. Be happy, but Carla will be ten steps ahead of you. 
  • ​Being in a place of happiness and trying to make everybody else happy is draining. You are only living your life to meet the needs of others, but the real need is to continue to lead by example. I constantly go out there, and when I took on the Ironman, I committed to showing up daily. That means my vacations will take a back seat, time off will also; I also communicated this clearly to Carla, and she was understanding. She doesn't give me any heat about the hours I am training, and I didn't provide Carla a hard time when she was training to be an IFBB Pro; we were traveling all over the country because that fires us up, giving us direction and purpose.
Michael Jordan and Covid-19
  • The reason I do this is I want to continue to showcase that I can lead powerfully. Maybe in the back of my mind, I am thinking of the competition; the Remax office said I wouldn't create anything great. The offices who said they were the real deal, and it was cute what I was doing. Those things cause me to declare, I won't only dominate this space in Real Estate, but also my body, my family; I will dominate everything I do to showcase my full power. It stemmed from someone telling me I couldn't do it. 
  • ​Two weeks after I started home training, someone brought up DTW Women coaching for 12 weeks. Carla thought, what better moment than now to grab on to 10 women and train them? She is fully committed to 2 hours, three days a week, and opened up another group. A.Z. brought that to her because she was considering what to do next. She saw the gyms closing down, the trainers who look down on her, all of the negativity she held onto. She isn't doing it maliciously. How would she fire this up? 
  • ​While I was training for the IronMan, Carla realized it was an excellent time for her to rise. Taking this opportunity and going all-in on this program. She knew she couldn't hold her 2-day events because of Covid-19, so what could she do now? She pivoted so she wouldn't lose the fire, and at the same time, she has a competitive edge to herself. Carla wasn't going to let me be the only one doing something; I am a competitor, but Carla isn't in competition with me. 
  • ​Her mind is awoken with the continually thought that she will not be beaten today. She looks at everyone around her like that; you will not beat me today. I think that is all we have to have; we have to have that type of mindset. I watched an interview with Michael Jordan earlier; he was constantly getting beaten down physically in the early ’90s at the start of his career. He said, “ I didn't have it within me to compete with them.” He started to build his body up physically and became stronger each time. 
  • ​I think we fail to do this as agents; they don't have it within them to be mentally strong to handle this industry's duress and stress. Instead of proclaiming they are a competitor, they would rather succumb to it. They fail to say they will get stronger, building themselves up physically and mentally. When you build yourself physically, there is a mental aspect to it. It isn't merely about hitting the mark on the 12-week Targets book; it's saying that if I don't have it in me now to win mentally, how do I build that. 
  • ​The top producers have mentally built themselves up. Every time Carla had to go on stage, she had mentally beaten other competitors to get what she wanted; her IFBB Pro Card. Carla never quit, even after 12 competitions. It took a lot; it was a mental and physical game; she had to leave many people behind, but she had to stay there mentally because she wanted it so bad. If you are focused on one part of your life, everything else will fall apart. 
  • ​Carla is a competitor in all areas of her life; her marriage, health, the kids, and everything. Daily she wakes up and proclaims she will not be beaten. That is what is in her head, and she isn't trying to play nice. When she trains the ladies, she tells them she is not there for them to like her; she is here to piss them off, and if she does, then her job is done. If she is showing up as your friend, then she has failed. A friend won't get you far and speak the truth. She told me the truth and called b.s. Carla has said that I am better than the other offices out there, which keeps me competitive. 
  • ​It's not like I am trying to be them, I have to live like this daily, and that is what got us here. Carla has been an agent for a long time and through hell and back. It blows her away when an agent comes to her and says they have been in this field for three years, and they have no deals; then get the hell out of this industry. This industry is day in and day out until your fingers are bleeding. When something comes through, there is something inside of you that will feel too good. You will never want to go back, so you continue on. Or, it feels too good, and you forget what the past was like. 
The Fire Inside
  • You have to keep the fire inside of you. It doesn't feel good when it dies down, and Carla loves the stage, the hype, and the challenges it brings her. She is always finding something new that will continue to push her out of her comfort zone. She doesn't ever want to wake up comfortable. Every day she learns something new, challenges herself; every day. In Carla's world, it is big; Tik Tok, she only had ten followers, now she has 78,000. Tik Tok is so simple, but she is a competitor because if someone tells her you can't, watch her. 
  • ​People would tell Carla she couldn't become an IFBB Pro; watch her. You can't have your own gym; watch her. You can't have your own women's group; watch her. You can't run a brokerage because you failed at the UPS store; watch her. People telling her that at 42, you start to lose muscle mass, you start to get fat; watch her. Tell her no; watch her. You can't talk about depression and anxiety and your past; watch her. 
  • ​What gets Carla going? No one will beat her today, she only worries about today, not tomorrow or the next day. She worries about today; no one beat her. Tomorrow she will worry about then. Carla will continually wake up with the same mindset; No one will beat her. 
  • ​That is such a competitive mindset, and it goes to show how to get where you want to go. You have to approach life like a competitor, not worrying about your competition. Some are so worried about what others are doing, and Carla is focused on her and will run circles around the competition. If Carla would focus on the negative things, people would say about her and not the positive, and that stopped a long time ago. No one will stop her because she is a competitor at heart. No one will embarrass her; the only embarrassment is yourself when you think about talking down to someone. You aren't doing the things that Carla is doing.
  • ​Walk-in her shoes for one day; it is hard. There are a lot of negative people out there trying to bring her down. She has been in the game for many years and has built up a thick skin. No one will bring her down because no one is going to beat her today. 
  • ​Carla used to hold back a lot; now, she lives in her full essence. She commands respect and has this drive about her. How did she break the barrier, because there are people who are hearing her, are too afraid to come out as a competitor. Carla got angry, and then it became a passion and kept going from there. It was through commitment and dedication; it felt too good to turn back. It may not make sense to some, but when we are born, and our Moms are holding us and grow up in an environment that no one wants to tap into; you want to live a perfect life and don't want to disappoint your parents that your life wasn't perfect.
  • ​We are not born mute, shy, anxious, or depressed; we are told to be all of these things, act like ladies, and respect men. We are told to act a certain way in the environment that we are raised. When you rise, it is seen as disrespectful, so you disappoint people around you. People begin to remove themselves from you because you become an embarrassment and shameful. You lose friends, family, and sometimes your spouse. No one wants to be around you because you have become unrecognizable to them.
  • ​That is what happened to Carla. She was angry, and the more stares she got, the more she was determined not to be beat. With that mindset, she lost people around her, but it brought her a sense of self-awareness. How could she become the woman she wanted to be? By simply tapping into herself on a deeper level, she realized she isn't mute, depressed, anxious, or anything of these things. They live within her, and she lives with that daily, but it doesn't stop her from moving towards the woman she wants to be. As soon as we dig within ourselves, we get those answers. 
  • ​If you want to stay in this place of being mute, anxious, and depressed, then fine. But if you're going to rise, you need to dig deep and proclaim that you will not be beaten daily. People will not like you, will remove themselves from you, and yes might even call the divorce lawyer. Keep on living the life you are living if you don't want to leave those things behind. 
  • ​If you aren't meant to be a real estate agent, then step out of the game and be okay with that. If you are meant to be an agent, it won't be easy, you will get a lot of no’s, shame, embarrassment, late hours, weekends, Sundays, and you will have to do everything. Taking selfie videos until your hands hurt. People don't need to understand. You make videos to get out of your comfort zone, not to make sense to people. That way, when the no comes, it's not as painful. No one is going to shut Carla down or beat her.
In Closing
  • These are the hard truths we must face, and I love the perspective Carla brought that no one will beat her. Holding the phone up is something we teach here; we have all witnessed the transformation for Carla and me. It all started with a camera to our faces. We were getting out of our comfort zone. Yes, many people within your realm will not understand it; they will even question you about it. 
  • ​It's not supposed to make sense but build your confidence and help you realize you are made of something greater. Putting yourself out there in the raw and real; there is nothing more empowering than for you to be you powerfully. The most powerful person in the room is the one that has nothing to hide. They aren't hiding from perfection, behind filters, but putting yourself out there raw and real. These are the things we have done over the years that have encapsulated the passion we have.
  • ​I was angry when the Covid-19 came, so I decided to run 100 miles. I was still angry and hungry, and now I am out there training for my triathlon. I push every day to beat the guys I am running with. At the same time, I am leading by example, and you are going out there to improve yourself; it's a domino effect. It's not about maliciously going after somebody, but I would go into it nonchalantly if I don't have the passion. I was going through the motions. When I go in there, I am intense, focused, and driven, and I will win. Those are the things that drive me to come here and do the same things. 
  • ​My foo foo answer to Carla's question was B.S. It was a breath of fresh air for Carla to call me out as she did. I want to win, and no one is going to beat me. We have to be in that mindset and not worry about the competition but be a competitor. I absolutely love it. 
  • ​I hope you hear this on your end and realize that waking up and declaring no one will beat you is how you tap into your fire. Think about what you are directing your brain to do; you are directing it to go out and win. To go out powerfully, and deliver. If you wake wondering what will happen, feeling defeated, you will get more of the same. 
  • ​Carla sent a message that will drive this home; it is something we all need to hear. We don't have to play nice all of the time, and we have to go after what we want. If you have that target and you are pondering how to get there. Trying to play nice and get there by skipping away the day, waking up with a smile, won't work. Carla wakes every morning in prayer, with her bible in hand; what drives her out of bed is anger. No one is going to beat her. She will wake up at 3:30 or four before anyone gets up and meets God before anyone else. She makes sure to open her bible and have 45 minutes with her Lord; nobody will beat her. 
  • ​No one can beat her in her prayers, in the gym, or anything she does. That is how she lives her life from when she opens her eyes until she goes to bed. That is what keeps her going daily. The reason we come up with new things for the brokerage, in our fitness, in our marriage? Because no one is going to beat us. Carla has my back 100%, not because she is married to me; I am her business, life, and marriage partner. No one is going to beat Carla, and no one is going to beat him. She has to be strong and powerful enough to hold up for both of us. We both have to think this way because one will always have to carry the other; if we are both on the same page, no one can beat us. 
  • ​If I fall, Carla has me; if she falls, I got her. It's one little finger because she doesn't need me to carry her, I can't carry her and carry myself. We are in this together, and no one will beat us, and that is why every day, we get creative and challenge ourselves. We have been doing Mindset Mastery, Coaching, Women's Events, Real Estate, and marriage for a long time; we go through our ups and downs, but no one will beat us. 
  • ​I want to be the highest sales per agent, brokerage. I am worried about all of you being successful, and it is happening. We are leading our market on sales per agent. To hit $474 million over the past 12 months, with the number of agents we have, it is unheard of. Because you are a competitor, you wake up and say no one is going to beat me. It's a mindset we all have to have collectively; it's not about being malicious; you are here to compete. 
  • ​Carla used to skip along backstage, helping the other competitors get ready, doing things that made no sense. It wasn't until I asked her if we traveled across the country to lend someone her brush? The only thing you get from being nice backstage is to be outplaced on stage. Carla realized she was making friends that would get her nowhere. She went in fierce, no one would be her, and she was better than herself; not the same woman she was six months before. If you don't wake up with that mindset, you've got nothing. 
  • ​We have been very open about our marriage and the problems we have had in the past. It's a competitive nature that makes us determined to make this better, that got us here. I don't get offended when she brings things up, just like this conversation we are having. The reality is, I need to step up. Your reality as an agent is that your competitors have this mindset; if you want to compete, you have to show up with passion for surviving in this industry. I am fired up, and I am going to kick some ass.

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Waking up on the right side of your mindset is key to winning the day. Rise and proclaim that you are a competitor, and no one will beat you. Carla has shown me this recently that getting beat is not an option with passion and determination to win the day. Will you wake this morning and rise to the challenge or open your eyes to defeat? You choose. 
No One Will Beat Us
  • ​I am a competitor, so I will deliver at a higher level than what I was first anticipating. In the morning, Carla and I have conversations that we have learned. We wake up early, so we have a lot of time to deposit into ourselves, and from there, we already have a lot of lessons that we have learned. Today we talked about what gets you going. This was a question I was asking her: “What gets you going?” 
  • ​I was answering that I want to be healthy and show up powerfully throughout the day; she called me out to make me consider she was right. So, today joining me in the studio is Carla Araujo, the president of this brokerage. She pretty much runs everything at A.Z. & Associates and also one of our lead coaches. I am pumped up about this subject because Carla got me thinking about a few things. She is truly a competitor, and Carla agrees.
  • ​What gets Carla going is with the mindset that no one is going to beat her today. Carla is passionate about her responses to questions like this because she lives with so much passion; if you ask her a question, she isn't worried about offending that person with the answer even if it is A.Z. She is a competitor every single moment until she goes to bed.
  • ​Now Carla didn't say that the competition gets her going; she said,” I am a competitor, and that is what gets me going.” I love how she said that. Carla asked the same question of me, and I gave a foo foo response. Carla called bullshit on the answer and asked if I was really digging deep; what got me started? My response was. “I am pissed; I want to lead the charge and not fall behind.” I am in a competitive market; when I started to dig deeper, it was because I am a competitor to the core as well. I don't want to be left behind, and I want to showcase the rate and power that I am moving to others. It means I have to show up daily. 
  • ​Carla feels that is the hardest part for people because they want to play nice and she is very open. Everybody wants to show up, be nice, polite; that is okay. But what gets you going is without fire. Why are you doing what you are doing? We all want to live a happy, healthy life, a marriage on fire, but what gets you going? Carla is a competitor and has held on to their marriage because she is a competitor; she lives like this in every area of life. Their marriage is important to her, and she is trying to keep it on fire constantly. No one is going to beat her. She wants to be married for 30 or 40 years; no one is going to beat her. 
  • ​She also is going to live a happy marriage; she has to wake up, asking, “How will she show up in her marriage today?” She is competing against herself because she wants to do better in her health, business, and everything she does. When she was training for her IFBB Pro, she was always trying to make friends backstage, and I told her that no one is her friend onstage; offstage, they are only distracting you from doing what needs to get done. She agreed. Why was she trying to make friends; She didn't train all of this time to go out there and get beat by her friend. 
  • ​She lives her life like this in business; after a failed business, she didn't give up. No one was going to beat her. That is why A.Z. & Associates came to be. You have to live like this daily, but if you are surrounded by the Koombyah people who continuously say be happy, everything will be okay; no, it's not. Be happy, but Carla will be ten steps ahead of you. 
  • ​Being in a place of happiness and trying to make everybody else happy is draining. You are only living your life to meet the needs of others, but the real need is to continue to lead by example. I constantly go out there, and when I took on the Ironman, I committed to showing up daily. That means my vacations will take a back seat, time off will also; I also communicated this clearly to Carla, and she was understanding. She doesn't give me any heat about the hours I am training, and I didn't provide Carla a hard time when she was training to be an IFBB Pro; we were traveling all over the country because that fires us up, giving us direction and purpose.
Michael Jordan and Covid-19
  • The reason I do this is I want to continue to showcase that I can lead powerfully. Maybe in the back of my mind, I am thinking of the competition; the Remax office said I wouldn't create anything great. The offices who said they were the real deal, and it was cute what I was doing. Those things cause me to declare, I won't only dominate this space in Real Estate, but also my body, my family; I will dominate everything I do to showcase my full power. It stemmed from someone telling me I couldn't do it. 
  • ​Two weeks after I started home training, someone brought up DTW Women coaching for 12 weeks. Carla thought, what better moment than now to grab on to 10 women and train them? She is fully committed to 2 hours, three days a week, and opened up another group. A.Z. brought that to her because she was considering what to do next. She saw the gyms closing down, the trainers who look down on her, all of the negativity she held onto. She isn't doing it maliciously. How would she fire this up? 
  • ​While I was training for the IronMan, Carla realized it was an excellent time for her to rise. Taking this opportunity and going all-in on this program. She knew she couldn't hold her 2-day events because of Covid-19, so what could she do now? She pivoted so she wouldn't lose the fire, and at the same time, she has a competitive edge to herself. Carla wasn't going to let me be the only one doing something; I am a competitor, but Carla isn't in competition with me. 
  • ​Her mind is awoken with the continually thought that she will not be beaten today. She looks at everyone around her like that; you will not beat me today. I think that is all we have to have; we have to have that type of mindset. I watched an interview with Michael Jordan earlier; he was constantly getting beaten down physically in the early ’90s at the start of his career. He said, “ I didn't have it within me to compete with them.” He started to build his body up physically and became stronger each time. 
  • ​I think we fail to do this as agents; they don't have it within them to be mentally strong to handle this industry's duress and stress. Instead of proclaiming they are a competitor, they would rather succumb to it. They fail to say they will get stronger, building themselves up physically and mentally. When you build yourself physically, there is a mental aspect to it. It isn't merely about hitting the mark on the 12-week Targets book; it's saying that if I don't have it in me now to win mentally, how do I build that. 
  • ​The top producers have mentally built themselves up. Every time Carla had to go on stage, she had mentally beaten other competitors to get what she wanted; her IFBB Pro Card. Carla never quit, even after 12 competitions. It took a lot; it was a mental and physical game; she had to leave many people behind, but she had to stay there mentally because she wanted it so bad. If you are focused on one part of your life, everything else will fall apart. 
  • ​Carla is a competitor in all areas of her life; her marriage, health, the kids, and everything. Daily she wakes up and proclaims she will not be beaten. That is what is in her head, and she isn't trying to play nice. When she trains the ladies, she tells them she is not there for them to like her; she is here to piss them off, and if she does, then her job is done. If she is showing up as your friend, then she has failed. A friend won't get you far and speak the truth. She told me the truth and called b.s. Carla has said that I am better than the other offices out there, which keeps me competitive. 
  • ​It's not like I am trying to be them, I have to live like this daily, and that is what got us here. Carla has been an agent for a long time and through hell and back. It blows her away when an agent comes to her and says they have been in this field for three years, and they have no deals; then get the hell out of this industry. This industry is day in and day out until your fingers are bleeding. When something comes through, there is something inside of you that will feel too good. You will never want to go back, so you continue on. Or, it feels too good, and you forget what the past was like. 
The Fire Inside
  • You have to keep the fire inside of you. It doesn't feel good when it dies down, and Carla loves the stage, the hype, and the challenges it brings her. She is always finding something new that will continue to push her out of her comfort zone. She doesn't ever want to wake up comfortable. Every day she learns something new, challenges herself; every day. In Carla's world, it is big; Tik Tok, she only had ten followers, now she has 78,000. Tik Tok is so simple, but she is a competitor because if someone tells her you can't, watch her. 
  • ​People would tell Carla she couldn't become an IFBB Pro; watch her. You can't have your own gym; watch her. You can't have your own women's group; watch her. You can't run a brokerage because you failed at the UPS store; watch her. People telling her that at 42, you start to lose muscle mass, you start to get fat; watch her. Tell her no; watch her. You can't talk about depression and anxiety and your past; watch her. 
  • ​What gets Carla going? No one will beat her today, she only worries about today, not tomorrow or the next day. She worries about today; no one beat her. Tomorrow she will worry about then. Carla will continually wake up with the same mindset; No one will beat her. 
  • ​That is such a competitive mindset, and it goes to show how to get where you want to go. You have to approach life like a competitor, not worrying about your competition. Some are so worried about what others are doing, and Carla is focused on her and will run circles around the competition. If Carla would focus on the negative things, people would say about her and not the positive, and that stopped a long time ago. No one will stop her because she is a competitor at heart. No one will embarrass her; the only embarrassment is yourself when you think about talking down to someone. You aren't doing the things that Carla is doing.
  • ​Walk-in her shoes for one day; it is hard. There are a lot of negative people out there trying to bring her down. She has been in the game for many years and has built up a thick skin. No one will bring her down because no one is going to beat her today. 
  • ​Carla used to hold back a lot; now, she lives in her full essence. She commands respect and has this drive about her. How did she break the barrier, because there are people who are hearing her, are too afraid to come out as a competitor. Carla got angry, and then it became a passion and kept going from there. It was through commitment and dedication; it felt too good to turn back. It may not make sense to some, but when we are born, and our Moms are holding us and grow up in an environment that no one wants to tap into; you want to live a perfect life and don't want to disappoint your parents that your life wasn't perfect.
  • ​We are not born mute, shy, anxious, or depressed; we are told to be all of these things, act like ladies, and respect men. We are told to act a certain way in the environment that we are raised. When you rise, it is seen as disrespectful, so you disappoint people around you. People begin to remove themselves from you because you become an embarrassment and shameful. You lose friends, family, and sometimes your spouse. No one wants to be around you because you have become unrecognizable to them.
  • ​That is what happened to Carla. She was angry, and the more stares she got, the more she was determined not to be beat. With that mindset, she lost people around her, but it brought her a sense of self-awareness. How could she become the woman she wanted to be? By simply tapping into herself on a deeper level, she realized she isn't mute, depressed, anxious, or anything of these things. They live within her, and she lives with that daily, but it doesn't stop her from moving towards the woman she wants to be. As soon as we dig within ourselves, we get those answers. 
  • ​If you want to stay in this place of being mute, anxious, and depressed, then fine. But if you're going to rise, you need to dig deep and proclaim that you will not be beaten daily. People will not like you, will remove themselves from you, and yes might even call the divorce lawyer. Keep on living the life you are living if you don't want to leave those things behind. 
  • ​If you aren't meant to be a real estate agent, then step out of the game and be okay with that. If you are meant to be an agent, it won't be easy, you will get a lot of no’s, shame, embarrassment, late hours, weekends, Sundays, and you will have to do everything. Taking selfie videos until your hands hurt. People don't need to understand. You make videos to get out of your comfort zone, not to make sense to people. That way, when the no comes, it's not as painful. No one is going to shut Carla down or beat her.
In Closing
  • These are the hard truths we must face, and I love the perspective Carla brought that no one will beat her. Holding the phone up is something we teach here; we have all witnessed the transformation for Carla and me. It all started with a camera to our faces. We were getting out of our comfort zone. Yes, many people within your realm will not understand it; they will even question you about it. 
  • ​It's not supposed to make sense but build your confidence and help you realize you are made of something greater. Putting yourself out there in the raw and real; there is nothing more empowering than for you to be you powerfully. The most powerful person in the room is the one that has nothing to hide. They aren't hiding from perfection, behind filters, but putting yourself out there raw and real. These are the things we have done over the years that have encapsulated the passion we have.
  • ​I was angry when the Covid-19 came, so I decided to run 100 miles. I was still angry and hungry, and now I am out there training for my triathlon. I push every day to beat the guys I am running with. At the same time, I am leading by example, and you are going out there to improve yourself; it's a domino effect. It's not about maliciously going after somebody, but I would go into it nonchalantly if I don't have the passion. I was going through the motions. When I go in there, I am intense, focused, and driven, and I will win. Those are the things that drive me to come here and do the same things. 
  • ​My foo foo answer to Carla's question was B.S. It was a breath of fresh air for Carla to call me out as she did. I want to win, and no one is going to beat me. We have to be in that mindset and not worry about the competition but be a competitor. I absolutely love it. 
  • ​I hope you hear this on your end and realize that waking up and declaring no one will beat you is how you tap into your fire. Think about what you are directing your brain to do; you are directing it to go out and win. To go out powerfully, and deliver. If you wake wondering what will happen, feeling defeated, you will get more of the same. 
  • ​Carla sent a message that will drive this home; it is something we all need to hear. We don't have to play nice all of the time, and we have to go after what we want. If you have that target and you are pondering how to get there. Trying to play nice and get there by skipping away the day, waking up with a smile, won't work. Carla wakes every morning in prayer, with her bible in hand; what drives her out of bed is anger. No one is going to beat her. She will wake up at 3:30 or four before anyone gets up and meets God before anyone else. She makes sure to open her bible and have 45 minutes with her Lord; nobody will beat her. 
  • ​No one can beat her in her prayers, in the gym, or anything she does. That is how she lives her life from when she opens her eyes until she goes to bed. That is what keeps her going daily. The reason we come up with new things for the brokerage, in our fitness, in our marriage? Because no one is going to beat us. Carla has my back 100%, not because she is married to me; I am her business, life, and marriage partner. No one is going to beat Carla, and no one is going to beat him. She has to be strong and powerful enough to hold up for both of us. We both have to think this way because one will always have to carry the other; if we are both on the same page, no one can beat us. 
  • ​If I fall, Carla has me; if she falls, I got her. It's one little finger because she doesn't need me to carry her, I can't carry her and carry myself. We are in this together, and no one will beat us, and that is why every day, we get creative and challenge ourselves. We have been doing Mindset Mastery, Coaching, Women's Events, Real Estate, and marriage for a long time; we go through our ups and downs, but no one will beat us. 
  • ​I want to be the highest sales per agent, brokerage. I am worried about all of you being successful, and it is happening. We are leading our market on sales per agent. To hit $474 million over the past 12 months, with the number of agents we have, it is unheard of. Because you are a competitor, you wake up and say no one is going to beat me. It's a mindset we all have to have collectively; it's not about being malicious; you are here to compete. 
  • ​Carla used to skip along backstage, helping the other competitors get ready, doing things that made no sense. It wasn't until I asked her if we traveled across the country to lend someone her brush? The only thing you get from being nice backstage is to be outplaced on stage. Carla realized she was making friends that would get her nowhere. She went in fierce, no one would be her, and she was better than herself; not the same woman she was six months before. If you don't wake up with that mindset, you've got nothing. 
  • ​We have been very open about our marriage and the problems we have had in the past. It's a competitive nature that makes us determined to make this better, that got us here. I don't get offended when she brings things up, just like this conversation we are having. The reality is, I need to step up. Your reality as an agent is that your competitors have this mindset; if you want to compete, you have to show up with passion for surviving in this industry. I am fired up, and I am going to kick some ass.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019