with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 8:

Shameless Self Promotion

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 8:

Shameless Self Promotion

Being uncomfortable in your own skin can keep you from putting yourself out there; and so can shame. Fear of what people will say, of failure, can stop you from asking for the referral you have not only earned but deserve from your client. When you have no shame, it shows that you trust yourself; and in turn your clients will trust you. Market your ass off, working within your realm of confidence and not modesty.
Remembering to Breathe
  • ​I registered for a Triathlon that is set for this May. This is something I haven't done for a few years; the last was Spring Triathlons 2 years ago. Yesterday I pulled out an old t-shirt I received from one of the prior events. It was very challenging, and as soon as I completed it I was out; I slept all day, and my body was aching. It was a triumphant moment for me that was also exhausting. 
  • ​I looked at the shirt, and on the front, it has a beach cruiser on the shirt. I thought it was so tough, but the way the promoter saw it, it was like a walk in the park. It shows that when we venture into something new, some may consider it a walk in the park while others see it as a significant challenge to overcome. It all depends on our capacity and where we are at. 
  • ​I committed to this Triathlon in May, and I feel more prepared now, at least as far as the bike and running goes. The swimming I have left, with only a month left to hone my skills, because it is very uncomfortable for me. We tend to do that when things are outside of our scope. We focus on those things that we are good at and not on the things we need to do to succeed. 
  • ​This is true for business or anything; we leave the most uncomfortable things until the end. Yesterday I took my first swimming lesson and there were a lot of things the coach was directing me to do; so much so that I became confused. There was an instance where he had to tell me to breathe; I ended up drinking my fair share of pool water because I kept forgetting to breathe above the water line. 
  • ​When you get into anything new, especially in business even if you have been in the game for years, as is the case with online marketing, maybe you're still hesitant on Facebook or with videos or ads. It brings a new challenging element forward for us. Swimming has done that for me in a massive way. I am trying to remember everything I was told to do so I don't panic. Today I took the insights I was given, and I did pretty good swimming over 1300 yards; about 53 laps. I wasn't concerned about my speed; I wanted to get the principles down. 
  • ​One of the things I took from this was, that at the first small thing that throws me off my game I tend to panic. When I am swimming, and I don't take a proper stroke, or I inhale water through my nose, I found myself pushing myself into a panic state.
Go Ahead and Gloat
  • With marketing, if we don't stay consistent with marketing we tend to panic about our business, and question why we got into it. As I was inhaling water through my nose, that was my first thought. I started to panic in 3 feet of water; how would I react to swimming in a lake?
  • ​When we do our live videos, we worry that if we hesitate, or stutter how others will perceive that? Marketing has to be at the forefront of what you are doing today. Shameless, self-promotion is part of that. We hear shameless as a negative, but when you define it means that I am going to promote in what I believe in and refuse to shame myself for doing it; I will not receive others shame for it. We hold ourselves back because of what others consider of us; we don't want to be that person.
  • ​The reality is you have to be shameless when it comes to your self-promotion. It means you have zero shame for loving what you do and making sure you take care of your clients — speaking about it loudly and proudly. Do not feel shame for promoting yourself so hard and that can be hard to do. 
  • ​We need to give ourselves credit for working hard and not worrying about whether or not you think people are saying that you are gloating; you earned it so speak it. Another “REAL” player will tell you that you are doing a good job and to keep it up. It's not about gloating it's about putting the focus back on your business and having zero shame for going out there and delivering on what I do. 
  • ​Sometimes the fear of appearing desperate comes from just asking for a referral; in reality, if they don't go with you, they will go with someone else. We play smaller to fit within the confines of what others want to shame us for. Consider as you hesitate today about what to market, how will you continue to feel the shame of others inactions? You aren't out to hurt someone but to inspire. When you see someone else performing at a high level let that encourage and inspire you to rise to the next level. As you tell your story more often, the shame will begin to dissipate. I know everyone from this brokerages story; I understand where you have been and the challenges you have faced and continue to face.
Taking the Risk
  • It's never about shame it is about understanding that this is the level you are now playing at. Those that claim that you are gloating don't deserve to have space in your life; they are only projecting their inactions on you. When those that are doing what they need to be doing, will have the confidence in themselves to applaud your victories. 
  • ​It is your responsibility to help other individuals out and to do that you need to put the spotlight on yourself shamelessly. When you are shameless about what you are doing means that YOU believe in what you are doing and the impact you are making. It's not about gloating or showing off; it is that you believe in yourself and you feel zero shame in doing it. 
  • ​We all hesitate because of what others may say. You don't want to show too much success because what if you can't sustain it? What if I fail? Maybe it was a lucky streak. We hold ourselves back, and we don't want to go to high or too far, because what if that changes? What if it doesn't? What if that is your new standard? You will never realize that because you will always restrict yourself with the thought process of imminent failure. 
  • ​Putting yourself out there is not easy, because what if you fail and the naysayers claim, “I told you so?” I have been there. We better not make our proclamations too big or shine our light too bright, because of the chance of failure. Consider the fact that there is a chance you may NOT fail. Consider the fact that you worked your ass off for this, you dealt with the stresses, and continued to show up. And if you fail, so what; you will get up and go after it again and again. 
  • ​Carla said something that has resonated with me; I am not ashamed to tell you I failed, because I am still farther than you will ever be. She was saying that she had the belief and she wasn't there spectating, hoping for others to fail. Taking risks makes you stronger. 
  • ​I am shameless, I don't put myself down, and I put myself out there. This is the way you can put yourself out there; asking for referrals is an indication of how strongly you feel about your business. When you have no shame, as soon as you get them qualified, submit an offer, pass the 10-day inspection period and you ask for a referral means that you trust yourself. You will deliver for them and their family members. You aren't going to finish the deal and hope they send you someone; you are very intentional because you have zero shame and you are the best agent.
  • ​This is the mindset we all need to have regardless of how long you have been in this business. If you don't believe that you are the best you will always be at a disadvantage. No shame means you trust yourself. When you have shame and are too embarrassed to ask for a referral when you hesitate you don't believe you can deliver. Every time you fail to ask for a referral, there is a part of you that feels that you will not deliver. You are questioning yourself.
Zero Shame in Your Game
  • Real Estate transactions will always have their challenges; you need to ask yourself if you delivered or not? Did you get them pre-qualified or not? That is a win, and you ask for a referral. Did you get them into a contract or not? That is a win, and you ask for a referral. Did you get past the inspection period and appraisal period? You did? Then ask for the referral. When you deliver keys, regardless of how rocky or smooth the transaction was, you delivered. So ask for the referral. 
  • ​Ruben talks about how he always asks for a referral, so much so that his clients will make a joke of how he will ask each step of the way. He has confidence and is shameless. When you have confidence in asking for a referral, it reflects the confidence you have in your business. You will deliver the utmost professional and best service out there, and you are shameless about it. 
  • ​That's the game, zero shame. I have zero shame in what I do because I know the impact and I know how many people out there need this type of environment. We created the ARP program because we understand that you the people of this brokerage, have a greater impact of getting people off of the fence, then myself. All you have to do is talk about your experiences, and how we deliver and the support from the staff that gives you the tools to empower. 
  • ​That is the same thing you need to remind your clients about. If they can communicate how you delivered, it's greater than any marketing you can do online. It's more significant than anything you could invest in. A recommendation is the best form of marketing; it's your job to continue to remind them. You have to have zero shame to propose that question; you need to speak up loudly and proudly. 
  • ​You are delivering keys or selling someone's investment; that is a huge responsibility. Have zero shame in that. Maybe you are shy or humble, which is an excuse to keep to yourself, stay in your comfort zone and not ask for any new business. It is hard to humble when you don't have much. I am saying you can have a humble mindset, but you need to have a killer mindset. It isn't about forcing people to have transactions, but be hungry to help others to get what they want. 
  • ​You can't play humble in this business; you have to proclaim how loud and proud you are. You have to remind your clients that your business grows because of their referrals and how you perform and deliver. You tell them you are going to deliver and work hard for them. Let them know that you want them to start thinking about someone else that is in their realm who is looking to buy or sell. At the end of our experience, I am going to ask you some questions, on camera, about your experience and how I went to bat for you. That is confidence, and you can be modest while saying that, but don't get that jaded with being humble. 
  • ​You will get better the more you are out there; become a promoting and marketing machine. Dominate that game and learn Facebook ads, learn video editing. Every time you take it to a different level you are pushing your skill sets. Don't hold yourself back and let the other peoples thoughts be at the forefront of your thought process Deliver, put the spotlight on yourself and remember that you are the authority and have zero shame in that. 
  • ​When you have no shame, you trust yourself. When you do have shame, you don't believe you can deliver. When you play within the realm of modest, you don't believe you deserve more. Market your ass off; be that authority because you know you can deliver.

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Being uncomfortable in your own skin can keep you from putting yourself out there; and so can shame. Fear of what people will say, of failure, can stop you from asking for the referral you have not only earned but deserve from your client. When you have no shame, it shows that you trust yourself; and in turn your clients will trust you. Market your ass off, working within your realm of confidence and not modesty.
Remembering to Breathe
  • ​I registered for a Triathlon that is set for this May. This is something I haven't done for a few years; the last was Spring Triathlons 2 years ago. Yesterday I pulled out an old t-shirt I received from one of the prior events. It was very challenging, and as soon as I completed it I was out; I slept all day, and my body was aching. It was a triumphant moment for me that was also exhausting. 
  • ​I looked at the shirt, and on the front, it has a beach cruiser on the shirt. I thought it was so tough, but the way the promoter saw it, it was like a walk in the park. It shows that when we venture into something new, some may consider it a walk in the park while others see it as a significant challenge to overcome. It all depends on our capacity and where we are at. 
  • ​I committed to this Triathlon in May, and I feel more prepared now, at least as far as the bike and running goes. The swimming I have left, with only a month left to hone my skills, because it is very uncomfortable for me. We tend to do that when things are outside of our scope. We focus on those things that we are good at and not on the things we need to do to succeed. 
  • ​This is true for business or anything; we leave the most uncomfortable things until the end. Yesterday I took my first swimming lesson and there were a lot of things the coach was directing me to do; so much so that I became confused. There was an instance where he had to tell me to breathe; I ended up drinking my fair share of pool water because I kept forgetting to breathe above the water line. 
  • ​When you get into anything new, especially in business even if you have been in the game for years, as is the case with online marketing, maybe you're still hesitant on Facebook or with videos or ads. It brings a new challenging element forward for us. Swimming has done that for me in a massive way. I am trying to remember everything I was told to do so I don't panic. Today I took the insights I was given, and I did pretty good swimming over 1300 yards; about 53 laps. I wasn't concerned about my speed; I wanted to get the principles down. 
  • ​One of the things I took from this was, that at the first small thing that throws me off my game I tend to panic. When I am swimming, and I don't take a proper stroke, or I inhale water through my nose, I found myself pushing myself into a panic state.
Go Ahead and Gloat
  • With marketing, if we don't stay consistent with marketing we tend to panic about our business, and question why we got into it. As I was inhaling water through my nose, that was my first thought. I started to panic in 3 feet of water; how would I react to swimming in a lake?
  • ​When we do our live videos, we worry that if we hesitate, or stutter how others will perceive that? Marketing has to be at the forefront of what you are doing today. Shameless, self-promotion is part of that. We hear shameless as a negative, but when you define it means that I am going to promote in what I believe in and refuse to shame myself for doing it; I will not receive others shame for it. We hold ourselves back because of what others consider of us; we don't want to be that person.
  • ​The reality is you have to be shameless when it comes to your self-promotion. It means you have zero shame for loving what you do and making sure you take care of your clients — speaking about it loudly and proudly. Do not feel shame for promoting yourself so hard and that can be hard to do. 
  • ​We need to give ourselves credit for working hard and not worrying about whether or not you think people are saying that you are gloating; you earned it so speak it. Another “REAL” player will tell you that you are doing a good job and to keep it up. It's not about gloating it's about putting the focus back on your business and having zero shame for going out there and delivering on what I do. 
  • ​Sometimes the fear of appearing desperate comes from just asking for a referral; in reality, if they don't go with you, they will go with someone else. We play smaller to fit within the confines of what others want to shame us for. Consider as you hesitate today about what to market, how will you continue to feel the shame of others inactions? You aren't out to hurt someone but to inspire. When you see someone else performing at a high level let that encourage and inspire you to rise to the next level. As you tell your story more often, the shame will begin to dissipate. I know everyone from this brokerages story; I understand where you have been and the challenges you have faced and continue to face.
Taking the Risk
  • It's never about shame it is about understanding that this is the level you are now playing at. Those that claim that you are gloating don't deserve to have space in your life; they are only projecting their inactions on you. When those that are doing what they need to be doing, will have the confidence in themselves to applaud your victories. 
  • ​It is your responsibility to help other individuals out and to do that you need to put the spotlight on yourself shamelessly. When you are shameless about what you are doing means that YOU believe in what you are doing and the impact you are making. It's not about gloating or showing off; it is that you believe in yourself and you feel zero shame in doing it. 
  • ​We all hesitate because of what others may say. You don't want to show too much success because what if you can't sustain it? What if I fail? Maybe it was a lucky streak. We hold ourselves back, and we don't want to go to high or too far, because what if that changes? What if it doesn't? What if that is your new standard? You will never realize that because you will always restrict yourself with the thought process of imminent failure. 
  • ​Putting yourself out there is not easy, because what if you fail and the naysayers claim, “I told you so?” I have been there. We better not make our proclamations too big or shine our light too bright, because of the chance of failure. Consider the fact that there is a chance you may NOT fail. Consider the fact that you worked your ass off for this, you dealt with the stresses, and continued to show up. And if you fail, so what; you will get up and go after it again and again. 
  • ​Carla said something that has resonated with me; I am not ashamed to tell you I failed, because I am still farther than you will ever be. She was saying that she had the belief and she wasn't there spectating, hoping for others to fail. Taking risks makes you stronger. 
  • ​I am shameless, I don't put myself down, and I put myself out there. This is the way you can put yourself out there; asking for referrals is an indication of how strongly you feel about your business. When you have no shame, as soon as you get them qualified, submit an offer, pass the 10-day inspection period and you ask for a referral means that you trust yourself. You will deliver for them and their family members. You aren't going to finish the deal and hope they send you someone; you are very intentional because you have zero shame and you are the best agent.
  • ​This is the mindset we all need to have regardless of how long you have been in this business. If you don't believe that you are the best you will always be at a disadvantage. No shame means you trust yourself. When you have shame and are too embarrassed to ask for a referral when you hesitate you don't believe you can deliver. Every time you fail to ask for a referral, there is a part of you that feels that you will not deliver. You are questioning yourself.
Zero Shame in Your Game
  • Real Estate transactions will always have their challenges; you need to ask yourself if you delivered or not? Did you get them pre-qualified or not? That is a win, and you ask for a referral. Did you get them into a contract or not? That is a win, and you ask for a referral. Did you get past the inspection period and appraisal period? You did? Then ask for the referral. When you deliver keys, regardless of how rocky or smooth the transaction was, you delivered. So ask for the referral. 
  • ​Ruben talks about how he always asks for a referral, so much so that his clients will make a joke of how he will ask each step of the way. He has confidence and is shameless. When you have confidence in asking for a referral, it reflects the confidence you have in your business. You will deliver the utmost professional and best service out there, and you are shameless about it. 
  • ​That's the game, zero shame. I have zero shame in what I do because I know the impact and I know how many people out there need this type of environment. We created the ARP program because we understand that you the people of this brokerage, have a greater impact of getting people off of the fence, then myself. All you have to do is talk about your experiences, and how we deliver and the support from the staff that gives you the tools to empower. 
  • ​That is the same thing you need to remind your clients about. If they can communicate how you delivered, it's greater than any marketing you can do online. It's more significant than anything you could invest in. A recommendation is the best form of marketing; it's your job to continue to remind them. You have to have zero shame to propose that question; you need to speak up loudly and proudly. 
  • ​You are delivering keys or selling someone's investment; that is a huge responsibility. Have zero shame in that. Maybe you are shy or humble, which is an excuse to keep to yourself, stay in your comfort zone and not ask for any new business. It is hard to humble when you don't have much. I am saying you can have a humble mindset, but you need to have a killer mindset. It isn't about forcing people to have transactions, but be hungry to help others to get what they want. 
  • ​You can't play humble in this business; you have to proclaim how loud and proud you are. You have to remind your clients that your business grows because of their referrals and how you perform and deliver. You tell them you are going to deliver and work hard for them. Let them know that you want them to start thinking about someone else that is in their realm who is looking to buy or sell. At the end of our experience, I am going to ask you some questions, on camera, about your experience and how I went to bat for you. That is confidence, and you can be modest while saying that, but don't get that jaded with being humble. 
  • ​You will get better the more you are out there; become a promoting and marketing machine. Dominate that game and learn Facebook ads, learn video editing. Every time you take it to a different level you are pushing your skill sets. Don't hold yourself back and let the other peoples thoughts be at the forefront of your thought process Deliver, put the spotlight on yourself and remember that you are the authority and have zero shame in that. 
  • ​When you have no shame, you trust yourself. When you do have shame, you don't believe you can deliver. When you play within the realm of modest, you don't believe you deserve more. Market your ass off; be that authority because you know you can deliver.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019