with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 81:

Moving Parts Will Pick You Apart

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 81:

Moving Parts Will Pick You Apart

2020 has been hard for most people; it has been a time of complacency and excuses. I chose to challenge myself in ways I never thought possible. When you rise in the morning with intention and fire to take on the day, you will dominate in all aspects of your life. Don't allow the moving parts to pick you apart; don't allow mediocrity to become an option.
Moving With Intention
  • ​Moving Parts Will Pick You Apart, and this is something we talked about last week with Carla in the studio. When you have a target, and you are trying to achieve something more significant, there will be resistance that comes with it. There will be obstacles you have to overcome. 
  • ​When we set a target, we assume we will achieve it, and everything will align to achieve it. Whenever I have set something bigger for myself, I am consistently met with obstacles, issues, and problems that arise almost immediately. When we have a target, we have to have the conviction to achieve regardless of the circumstance.
  • ​We all have moving parts, which include family, obstacles, kids, problems, and friends. The reason small businesses fail sometimes is that they get picked apart by the moving parts. The problems in our family and friends pick us apart, and we get picked apart by the issues in our companies, and we take our eye off the prize. We slowly but surely give up on our ambitions. 
  • ​We have all seen the memes that say how people want 2020 to over, not realizing the opportunities that are out there for all of us. There are great opportunities if you continue to go and not succumb to the noise around us. We had a choice when the pandemic hit; we could shut down or keep going. We could take the precautions and continue to move. It was embedded in my mind that it was too painful to sit on my laurels and not keep moving; I know the destruction that comes with not having enough money to pay for things; it comes with a lot of stress and duress. If I sit on my laurels and ambitions, I will weaken myself and lose that confidence. One of the things I intentionally did was take on challenges to make sure I was aligned with where I wanted to be for 2020. 
  • ​2020 will be the best year of my entire life. So far, I can showcase that because I refused to succumb to the noise and others fears. I have experienced too much in my life to be scared because everyone else is. I would be discrediting everything I have been through, all of the experiences, the heartache, and get on my knees and be like everyone else. I refuse to do that. 
  • ​I set intentional patterns and activities that will keep me going strong. I want to move forward strong and powerfully. I am not merely preaching these things; I am doing them. Today marks the 12th week that I have been on this Ironman Training journey. Twelve weeks ago, I proclaimed to challenge myself for something I wasn't good enough. I still have a few months to compete at that level. Will the Ironman happen? I don't know. I do know that if it does happen, I will be ready to strike. It's not a waste of time if you are becoming better every day. It's not a waste of time if your life elevates to another level. My life has elevated because of the convictions I have had, and it started with my body. When I raised the bar there, I was able to raise it in all aspects of my life. 
  • ​Somehow the Ironman will happen, even if I have to create it myself. I am positioning myself in a place to win. 
  • ​I don't miss my workouts; I go out daily knowing there will be moving parts to pick me apart. At times, those thoughts come with family or my body aching that will pick you apart. We have all had great goals, to get in better shape; what has stopped you in the past? The moving parts, problems at home, health issues, you're tired, other people; these are things that pick you apart.
  • ​I knew going into this it would not be easy. Not the physical but the mental aspect. I often wanted to stay in bed and say my body needed rest; I was working too hard, and my body aches. I need to take the girls to school, take a vacation; I decided to change every aspect of my life to make sure I can stick to my game plan, which includes a higher level of thinking. 
  • ​I have something I committed to, I go out and do it. There is no in-between. When we allow things to go to the wayside, we made it an option not to do it. This is the greatest lesson I have ever received.
It's Not an Option
  • Most of us are not lazy; we make it an option not to do certain things. It's not that you are not a good business person or marketer; you make it an option not to do those things that would make you a good business person or marketer. It's these options that creep in and pick us apart. I am batting 1,000, meaning I show up every time because I am committed to doing the work even when I am not at the best terms with my wife. For many of us, if we aren't in a good place with our spouse, we let everything crumble along with it, as a way to get back at them, to punish yourself or them. I don't know how that makes sense, but I used to do it. 
  • ​If there were a problem at home, I would stop everything. If it was aching, I would try to rest; it was all bullshit. We go through the process where we allow things that are excuses, and some are very good about creating stories of why we can't: we makeup lies and make up truths. Twelve weeks I have been committed to the core, I have run 179 miles, I have cycled 815 miles, swam 7000 meters, I have 25 hours of weight training; hell yes, I will be confident and run circles around my competition. 
  • ​If we start looking at everything, that is a fraction of what I do, and that is a fraction of what you can do. Some of you are doing it, but how do we bring it into all aspects of our lives? There is a direct correlation between me feeling powerful in the body and how I am impacting this company. I am built to last, and our numbers are through the roof. Our top 25 individuals sold over a million dollars in real estate for July. It's because of your hard work and commitment to not stopping when everyone else tells me or shows me that I should. 
  • ​If you can harness yourself, direct yourself to do the right things, overcome excuses, and not allow them to become options; it changes the dynamic of what is possible for you. FInances, happiness, fulfillment, all these things come on the back of hard work. More importantly, it comes because your word is gold. Learn to trust yourself so others can trust you. Show up powerfully, become synonymous with consistency; it's a powerful way to live. Understand that if you set a target, it is your job to achieve it and not get picked apart by all of the moving parts. 
  • ​We all know how stressful any small business is. That is why most fail. They allow outside issues, divorce, health issues, kids, over-drinking, over-consuming, to pick apart their lives. Of course, your body will break down, and your mind will burn out. If you wake up in the morning, give your mind direction; it doesn't have to be something outrageous. It is about correcting yourself when you are off that path. It is the simple things that will bring fulfillment to your life.
  • ​If you are always in a battle of feeling less, then don't fight it because maybe it's the truth. Maybe the truth is you're not doing enough; it's time to step up. Don't avoid it, and maybe it is time for you to do something about it. It's not meant for you to be broken by it, but it's where you find your inspiration. Don't sit in a pity party, in a rut thinking it shouldn't be this way. Set the standard.
In Closing
  • I have realized lately that sometimes I miss out on the little things. My daughters and I hang out all of the time. I realized that I wasn't hugging them very often. We all need that love, compassion, physical touch, so I started hugging my daughters every day. I told them to make sure we never went a whole day without hugging each other. Make sure if I forget that they come and hug Dad. 
  • ​It's the little things that bring fulfillment to my life, just like holding your spouse's hand. When was the last time you held your spouse's hand in public? It was okay when you were dating, but what about now? These are the things we miss out on that create havoc in our relationships. Next thing you know, you don't look them in the eye or tell them you love them. You get further away from each other, not realizing you are doing it until it affects your business. Either you or your spouse is not happy. Same thing for your health and how oblivious we can be about what we eat. Until we lose our confidence because we are overweight, it doesn't happen overnight, but it's the simple things that we forget. It's tough, but the simple things will pick your business apart from a piece at a time.
  • ​The game plan is to take all of the moving parts and know you have direct control. You can maneuver through this process of the game of life. Anytime you set a big target, there will be things that pick you apart. You aren't meant to slow down. How can you stand up to the elements of mediocrity and complacency, being more intentional with a hug or holding a hand? Being driven by the targets you set. 
  • ​I am proud of the miles I have run, biked, and swam over the past 12 weeks. It gives me power and confidence, which will allow me to tackle the things that will kill most businesses. I will continue to market, sell, and add systems and processes. The issue is that we all have great ambitions and goals up to the point that it gets hard. You will work hard until it gets hard. I went through that process, and I would act like I didn't know how to overcome, and that it should have been easier. I would compare my results to others. 
  • ​There will be things that pick you apart; juggling several clients, agents not returning calls, the title company being unreachable, repairs, appraisal issues, closings, showings, buyer, and seller backing out, traffic, heat, your emotions, your client's emotions; marital problems, financial issues, that is all part of the game. You don't succumb to it, you rise. You have a target to hit. 
  • ​I wrote something the other day, and it gave me direction. I have been doing this first thing in the morning. One of them was to be a better husband, father, son, brother, and businessman. That day I called my brother, checked up on my sister, called my parents, spent time with my daughters, and spent quality time with my wife. Was it a coincidence? I don't know, but I put it down first thing in the morning and subconsciously acted on it because I consciously wrote it down. The actions throughout the day allowed me to complete it. I wrote I would eat well, be focused, be on fire, love your kids, love your wife, love yourself. Simple direction; what do you want to accomplish today? 
  • ​With everything you want to accomplish, there will be challenges, time constraints, issues to overcome. Another 12 weeks will pass by, and it is up to you to decide if you will be 1000 miles ahead or right where you are now. I choose to be 1000 miles ahead. It's all a choice because I refuse to allow the moving parts to pick me apart. It is something I have to overcome and not allow it to become an option; if I say it, I will do it. If you say it, will you do it? 
  • ​We have a job to do here, we have great responsibilities, and whatever your mindset is today; get up dust yourself off and go about your business. COVID has been great for many people because it has allowed them not to have to work. It has given them an excuse. That's why they can't pay the bills; they have gained weight, it's all bullshit. I am in the best shape of my life. I'm not rubbing your face in that, but it's a fact. My business is more prosperous than ever before. My marriage is on fire. Facts. There is a flip side to that. You gained 30 pounds, and your wife hates you, and some have decided to live this way. They succumbed to the noise, politics, fear, and how the economy is falling apart. 
  • ​I realize I have full control, and most of you have also figured that out. There is a flip side to every story, and it's your job to flip the switch. Thank you for joining me, stick to your laurels, your gameplan, and I will talk to you soon.

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2020 has been hard for most people; it has been a time of complacency and excuses. I chose to challenge myself in ways I never thought possible. When you rise in the morning with intention and fire to take on the day, you will dominate in all aspects of your life. Don't allow the moving parts to pick you apart; don't allow mediocrity to become an option.
Moving With Intention
  • ​Moving Parts Will Pick You Apart, and this is something we talked about last week with Carla in the studio. When you have a target, and you are trying to achieve something more significant, there will be resistance that comes with it. There will be obstacles you have to overcome. 
  • ​When we set a target, we assume we will achieve it, and everything will align to achieve it. Whenever I have set something bigger for myself, I am consistently met with obstacles, issues, and problems that arise almost immediately. When we have a target, we have to have the conviction to achieve regardless of the circumstance.
  • ​We all have moving parts, which include family, obstacles, kids, problems, and friends. The reason small businesses fail sometimes is that they get picked apart by the moving parts. The problems in our family and friends pick us apart, and we get picked apart by the issues in our companies, and we take our eye off the prize. We slowly but surely give up on our ambitions. 
  • ​We have all seen the memes that say how people want 2020 to over, not realizing the opportunities that are out there for all of us. There are great opportunities if you continue to go and not succumb to the noise around us. We had a choice when the pandemic hit; we could shut down or keep going. We could take the precautions and continue to move. It was embedded in my mind that it was too painful to sit on my laurels and not keep moving; I know the destruction that comes with not having enough money to pay for things; it comes with a lot of stress and duress. If I sit on my laurels and ambitions, I will weaken myself and lose that confidence. One of the things I intentionally did was take on challenges to make sure I was aligned with where I wanted to be for 2020. 
  • ​2020 will be the best year of my entire life. So far, I can showcase that because I refused to succumb to the noise and others fears. I have experienced too much in my life to be scared because everyone else is. I would be discrediting everything I have been through, all of the experiences, the heartache, and get on my knees and be like everyone else. I refuse to do that. 
  • ​I set intentional patterns and activities that will keep me going strong. I want to move forward strong and powerfully. I am not merely preaching these things; I am doing them. Today marks the 12th week that I have been on this Ironman Training journey. Twelve weeks ago, I proclaimed to challenge myself for something I wasn't good enough. I still have a few months to compete at that level. Will the Ironman happen? I don't know. I do know that if it does happen, I will be ready to strike. It's not a waste of time if you are becoming better every day. It's not a waste of time if your life elevates to another level. My life has elevated because of the convictions I have had, and it started with my body. When I raised the bar there, I was able to raise it in all aspects of my life. 
  • ​Somehow the Ironman will happen, even if I have to create it myself. I am positioning myself in a place to win. 
  • ​I don't miss my workouts; I go out daily knowing there will be moving parts to pick me apart. At times, those thoughts come with family or my body aching that will pick you apart. We have all had great goals, to get in better shape; what has stopped you in the past? The moving parts, problems at home, health issues, you're tired, other people; these are things that pick you apart.
  • ​I knew going into this it would not be easy. Not the physical but the mental aspect. I often wanted to stay in bed and say my body needed rest; I was working too hard, and my body aches. I need to take the girls to school, take a vacation; I decided to change every aspect of my life to make sure I can stick to my game plan, which includes a higher level of thinking. 
  • ​I have something I committed to, I go out and do it. There is no in-between. When we allow things to go to the wayside, we made it an option not to do it. This is the greatest lesson I have ever received.
It's Not an Option
  • Most of us are not lazy; we make it an option not to do certain things. It's not that you are not a good business person or marketer; you make it an option not to do those things that would make you a good business person or marketer. It's these options that creep in and pick us apart. I am batting 1,000, meaning I show up every time because I am committed to doing the work even when I am not at the best terms with my wife. For many of us, if we aren't in a good place with our spouse, we let everything crumble along with it, as a way to get back at them, to punish yourself or them. I don't know how that makes sense, but I used to do it. 
  • ​If there were a problem at home, I would stop everything. If it was aching, I would try to rest; it was all bullshit. We go through the process where we allow things that are excuses, and some are very good about creating stories of why we can't: we makeup lies and make up truths. Twelve weeks I have been committed to the core, I have run 179 miles, I have cycled 815 miles, swam 7000 meters, I have 25 hours of weight training; hell yes, I will be confident and run circles around my competition. 
  • ​If we start looking at everything, that is a fraction of what I do, and that is a fraction of what you can do. Some of you are doing it, but how do we bring it into all aspects of our lives? There is a direct correlation between me feeling powerful in the body and how I am impacting this company. I am built to last, and our numbers are through the roof. Our top 25 individuals sold over a million dollars in real estate for July. It's because of your hard work and commitment to not stopping when everyone else tells me or shows me that I should. 
  • ​If you can harness yourself, direct yourself to do the right things, overcome excuses, and not allow them to become options; it changes the dynamic of what is possible for you. FInances, happiness, fulfillment, all these things come on the back of hard work. More importantly, it comes because your word is gold. Learn to trust yourself so others can trust you. Show up powerfully, become synonymous with consistency; it's a powerful way to live. Understand that if you set a target, it is your job to achieve it and not get picked apart by all of the moving parts. 
  • ​We all know how stressful any small business is. That is why most fail. They allow outside issues, divorce, health issues, kids, over-drinking, over-consuming, to pick apart their lives. Of course, your body will break down, and your mind will burn out. If you wake up in the morning, give your mind direction; it doesn't have to be something outrageous. It is about correcting yourself when you are off that path. It is the simple things that will bring fulfillment to your life.
  • ​If you are always in a battle of feeling less, then don't fight it because maybe it's the truth. Maybe the truth is you're not doing enough; it's time to step up. Don't avoid it, and maybe it is time for you to do something about it. It's not meant for you to be broken by it, but it's where you find your inspiration. Don't sit in a pity party, in a rut thinking it shouldn't be this way. Set the standard.
In Closing
  • I have realized lately that sometimes I miss out on the little things. My daughters and I hang out all of the time. I realized that I wasn't hugging them very often. We all need that love, compassion, physical touch, so I started hugging my daughters every day. I told them to make sure we never went a whole day without hugging each other. Make sure if I forget that they come and hug Dad. 
  • ​It's the little things that bring fulfillment to my life, just like holding your spouse's hand. When was the last time you held your spouse's hand in public? It was okay when you were dating, but what about now? These are the things we miss out on that create havoc in our relationships. Next thing you know, you don't look them in the eye or tell them you love them. You get further away from each other, not realizing you are doing it until it affects your business. Either you or your spouse is not happy. Same thing for your health and how oblivious we can be about what we eat. Until we lose our confidence because we are overweight, it doesn't happen overnight, but it's the simple things that we forget. It's tough, but the simple things will pick your business apart from a piece at a time.
  • ​The game plan is to take all of the moving parts and know you have direct control. You can maneuver through this process of the game of life. Anytime you set a big target, there will be things that pick you apart. You aren't meant to slow down. How can you stand up to the elements of mediocrity and complacency, being more intentional with a hug or holding a hand? Being driven by the targets you set. 
  • ​I am proud of the miles I have run, biked, and swam over the past 12 weeks. It gives me power and confidence, which will allow me to tackle the things that will kill most businesses. I will continue to market, sell, and add systems and processes. The issue is that we all have great ambitions and goals up to the point that it gets hard. You will work hard until it gets hard. I went through that process, and I would act like I didn't know how to overcome, and that it should have been easier. I would compare my results to others. 
  • ​There will be things that pick you apart; juggling several clients, agents not returning calls, the title company being unreachable, repairs, appraisal issues, closings, showings, buyer, and seller backing out, traffic, heat, your emotions, your client's emotions; marital problems, financial issues, that is all part of the game. You don't succumb to it, you rise. You have a target to hit. 
  • ​I wrote something the other day, and it gave me direction. I have been doing this first thing in the morning. One of them was to be a better husband, father, son, brother, and businessman. That day I called my brother, checked up on my sister, called my parents, spent time with my daughters, and spent quality time with my wife. Was it a coincidence? I don't know, but I put it down first thing in the morning and subconsciously acted on it because I consciously wrote it down. The actions throughout the day allowed me to complete it. I wrote I would eat well, be focused, be on fire, love your kids, love your wife, love yourself. Simple direction; what do you want to accomplish today? 
  • ​With everything you want to accomplish, there will be challenges, time constraints, issues to overcome. Another 12 weeks will pass by, and it is up to you to decide if you will be 1000 miles ahead or right where you are now. I choose to be 1000 miles ahead. It's all a choice because I refuse to allow the moving parts to pick me apart. It is something I have to overcome and not allow it to become an option; if I say it, I will do it. If you say it, will you do it? 
  • ​We have a job to do here, we have great responsibilities, and whatever your mindset is today; get up dust yourself off and go about your business. COVID has been great for many people because it has allowed them not to have to work. It has given them an excuse. That's why they can't pay the bills; they have gained weight, it's all bullshit. I am in the best shape of my life. I'm not rubbing your face in that, but it's a fact. My business is more prosperous than ever before. My marriage is on fire. Facts. There is a flip side to that. You gained 30 pounds, and your wife hates you, and some have decided to live this way. They succumbed to the noise, politics, fear, and how the economy is falling apart. 
  • ​I realize I have full control, and most of you have also figured that out. There is a flip side to every story, and it's your job to flip the switch. Thank you for joining me, stick to your laurels, your gameplan, and I will talk to you soon.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019