with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 84:

Everything Happens for a Reason

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 84:

Everything Happens for a Reason

It's challenging to be at work when the rest of the world is taking the day off. That is the difference between an employee and a small business owner. We make sacrifices to deliver on what we promised in our business and for our family. Don't let guilt stop you in your tracks. Set a foundation of expectation and communication with your spouse and kids, and they will learn to appreciate the work to enjoy the rewards of your labor.
It is What it is
  • ​I want to thank those of you that have joined me today. I know it's a little difficult sometimes, we have plans with the family, especially on extended weekends, but I want to thank you for being here. It's always my goal and workflow to be here to make sure that I can deliver on the things I need. But, this morning was a bit of a challenge as well, trying to come up with the excuse that today is a holiday and not having to do what I said I would do. 
  • ​Working out early in the morning after having a blast with my wife yesterday, we spent the entire day together. I have a routine in the morning that I have to follow, and it was tough. I am so glad that I went along with my routine because I feel fulfilled. I got up when I was supposed to, did what was required, what I said I would, and then I went back to bed. I'm here with you all now as promised, and I have a day planned with my family. 
  • ​The difference between employees and small business owners like you is we can't necessarily take the day off. I have some help here today to help set me up in the studio, and I appreciate that. For the most part, our schedules are not like many others, where we do have to show up when the rest of the world is taking the day off. For you to be here is a testament to your commitment to what you want to create for your business and life.
  • ​It's a conversation that can be difficult to have, especially if you are on vacation. Guilt sets in about what we have to do; I am away from my family, and being here has a bit of guilt trip on me for not being there. I think we have all grown accustomed to knowing certain things have to be done for my business daily. Just as there are certain things that have to be done for my family every day. There is never a notion of being riddled with guilt because I know I deliver in all aspects of my life daily. 
  • ​If I left my family on the back burner and came home late every night and didn't invest in quality time with them, it would be a different story. We are all here, under this roof, hearing how we can have it all. When I have to take a few hours out of my day, to invest in myself and my business, I am not riddled with guilt. I know this is part of the process, and every day I make sure I am there for my family, not putting them on the back burner. I pick my daughters up every day, I take them to school and volleyball. I am also here to deliver for my business and taking care of my body. Those are the things we have to do, a conditioning process so we can do all things. 
  • ​Some of you need this one day, with no clients who want to view properties. That isn't a bad way to look at it, but you can invest a little bit of time, not the majority of it. You still need to take some time to invest in your marketing, follow up, and make sure that your business is still in line. That's the thought process we have to have to create what we want.
It's Out of Your Control
  • Today my topic was falling in line with the thought process of how everything happens for a reason. It is what it is. We hear these things consistently, and when we hear the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason,” we accept that as when things go bad. When we try to advise someone who is going through something tragic or painful, we say that. That is true for the most part, but there are other thought processes where everything happens because it is outside of us; there is no reason. It is merely a sickness or a health issue, and there is no reason. 
  • ​We can't control, for the most part, the things that happen to us. I got a message from a friend of mine that his Dad passed away from cancer. I know this gentleman because of his Dad; I used to work with him. He was a great man with a positive outlook on life. He was one of these guys who was so high up on the corporate ladder that he didn't have to take time to coach or mentor me, helping me walk through things or see certain things. When I speak about how everything happens for a reason, and then I see his situation, it's hard to know what the reason is. Maybe there isn't one. 
  • ​It's sad to be in a situation where everything is out of your control like it was for him; he battled for eight months and succumbed to it. It was an illness that was too difficult, too tragic. Please understand when I say everything happens for a reason. I know there are some reasons we will never understand. There may be some instances in your life, keeping you from doing things; I want to dive into the things we can control. 
  • ​When I say everything happens for a reason, I am talking about the decisions we decide to make daily. My decision to get up this morning will reinforce the decisions I will make later. I cannot make a bad decision this morning and expect to make better decisions throughout the day. Every day I am running, I pass cars with people in them stuffing their faces with junk. Those are decisions made early in the morning that won't get better later in the afternoon. 
  • ​Our goal is to continually make the right decisions in the morning, knowing there will be an outcome; everything will happen for a reason. If you make the right decisions, the reasoning will be better than those based on bad decisions. Something I wrote a while back appeared on my timeline, and I want to read it to you and then discuss it. 
  • “Everything happens for a reason; there are many things that happen by random chance, real unforeseen, and unplanned accidents or incidents. We all know that. This phrase is frequently used when things do not go as planned or when situations go bad. Why? Somehow we have been conditioned to believe those horrible outcomes can only happen by chance; for many years, that was my default phrase. Every Time something took a turn for the worse, lawsuits, disagreements, bad investments, tax issues, injuries, failed businesses, loss of cash, fights at home, etc. They mostly happen for a reason. I found solace in the fact that I could offset the responsibility by convincing myself some sort of law of nature. In a way, I was right. There was always a reason why my business was on a shaky foundation; why my wife, friends, and business partners grew resentful of me. Why the connection with my daughters was non- existent, and why my soul felt empty. The reason? It was all me. I kept showing up to life half in, always one foot out the door, and ready to run or quit at a moment's notice. No real purpose, no sustainable path; I found myself stressed out of my mind, with pounding migraine headaches. Life becomes hard. It wasn't until I realized that I was the creator of all the havoc in my life that things began to change. I took 100% responsibility for the mayhem I created. In fact, the money I made and lost, the people I associated with, the shallow connections I had, and the health I was in all happened because of me. Not by chance, not by a force of nature, but me; it was all me. Fast forward to now. I still use the phrase that everything happens for a reason but in a vastly different context. My connections and relationships with my wife and daughters are on fire for a reason. My business is booming for a reason, and I love myself, I trust myself regardless of what others think for a reason. I have more endurance, capacity, and vitality for a reason. The reason? I created it. I took 100% responsibility, and I did the work.”
Snowball Effect
  • Do the Work is something that is heard a lot around here. It is always based on the decisions we make daily, from the first decision we wake up to in the morning. That is a process that can snowball to more significant decisions throughout the day, or snowball into something at the end of the day where it becomes worse than when you started.
  • ​When you have the days where you end worse off, things get hard. Life gets hard; your marriage is difficult; managing your home life, your business gets difficult. When you have a small win like today, I did what I was supposed to at 5:30. I knew if I did that hard thing, I could rest later. I had to do the work first, and then I could rest. I have to do the work and then invest in my family. My family isn't on the back burner; they are always on the front line with me. There are responsibilities I need to take on daily in everything that I do. This reinforces better behavior daily. 
  • ​The snowball effect will go in the opposite direction; things will begin to produce for you. Your business will create momentum, and your bank account will start to look vastly different. Things in your household will begin to look at how you have always wanted. When we have visions of what our marriage and business should look like, those are all real possibilities based on the foundation of good decisions. Although I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, I know there are sometimes things outside of our control. Random chance, unseen, unplanned accidents. 
  • ​Hearing about my friend it hurt; I got a little sad. He actually came to one of our office meetings and sat in the back. This is a guy who I looked up to, and he comes to my office to see what we were creating at A.Z. & Associates. There will be some things that are unforeseen and wish we were not experiencing. Our responsibility is to make sure we are doing the right things to position us in a place of power in case those things do happen; we can have a fighting chance. He got eight months of a fighting chance because he took care of himself. Although it was out of his control, he was able to say his goodbyes. He was able to put things in order for his business and pass on knowledge to his family. Do we have to ask ourselves if we are giving 100% right now? 
  • ​Are we doing the things that we are directed towards by the voice in our head? Are you living the lifestyle that you wanted, or is it based on the reasons you can't? I am only two weeks removed from my bike accident, and I look at my body, and it is amazing how it can recuperate. There is an open wound, and over the days, it has healed itself. One week ago, my wound looks nothing like it does today; it is scabbing. We have all been through the process of healing from past failures, but we don't give ourselves credit for understanding the pain and what we can create. 
  • ​We are instead focused on the ugly wounds, wishing they weren't there. My body has healed itself, and it's because I do take care of myself, I am healthy and fit. I can bounce back because my mind is in it, and based on the decisions I make daily. I look at my scars, and I wonder how I got to this point. I can trust in the fact that I will continue to move forward, and everything happens for a reason. It's a responsibility that we all have. 
  • ​If you are feeling off and they aren't where they need to be in your relationships. If you are looking in the mirror and realize there are better days ahead of you, it is that time to do something about it. You being here repeatedly is a testament to that and tells you that you are ready to move forward. When you look back years from now, you will see that life is good, and you will thank yourself for all of the small meaningless, right things, daily will be your only significance.
You Can Rest When You're Dead
  • It's an amazing life, but I wanted to share what it means to buy into the fact that everything does happen for a reason; that reason is you. We have to be appreciative. I am appreciative of the group that I run with in training. Every morning when we cycle, we gather at my house and meet up at a park corner. It's like clockwork; we all gather, and Jermaine comes up and says a prayer. He always starts it with Heavenly Father. He says that we were built in Your likeness. We were built to be great. Now we have the challenges of this world and temptations, complacency, and mediocrity. We were built in His likeness, give us the strength and show us what we are made of. 
  • ​Every time we go out there, he says the same prayer. Some may say that didn't I flip my bike over and injure myself? How is that watching over you? It has nothing to with that; I came home to my family and am safe. I appreciated those who support me, but it was based on the decisions that I made. I wasn't paying attention; that is my choice and was not outside of me. I understand that I can't find solace in the fact that I can offset responsibility for someone not looking out for me; that isn't the case. I am safe, and it's all in my control. 
  • ​I want to thank you for joining me today for Mindset Mastery. Go in hard and look at what you are doing. Ask yourself if you are giving 100% of the things you should be doing. It doesn't mean you take time off from work today, just as you wouldn't take time away from your family because there is a lot of work. We are all capable of doing all things, and everything will happen for a reason, and the reason comes down to the decisions you make and the actions you take. 
  • ​It is all on you, and we know that. I hope this will be a good reminder; there are things to do today in all aspects of your life. When we are dying, we can rest when we no longer have our youth, vitality, or the breath in our lungs. Today is about work, so show up powerfully in your marriage, love on your kids, and let's handle business the way we should.

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It's challenging to be at work when the rest of the world is taking the day off. That is the difference between an employee and a small business owner. We make sacrifices to deliver on what we promised in our business and for our family. Don't let guilt stop you in your tracks. Set a foundation of expectation and communication with your spouse and kids, and they will learn to appreciate the work to enjoy the rewards of your labor.
It is What it is
  • ​I want to thank those of you that have joined me today. I know it's a little difficult sometimes, we have plans with the family, especially on extended weekends, but I want to thank you for being here. It's always my goal and workflow to be here to make sure that I can deliver on the things I need. But, this morning was a bit of a challenge as well, trying to come up with the excuse that today is a holiday and not having to do what I said I would do. 
  • ​Working out early in the morning after having a blast with my wife yesterday, we spent the entire day together. I have a routine in the morning that I have to follow, and it was tough. I am so glad that I went along with my routine because I feel fulfilled. I got up when I was supposed to, did what was required, what I said I would, and then I went back to bed. I'm here with you all now as promised, and I have a day planned with my family. 
  • ​The difference between employees and small business owners like you is we can't necessarily take the day off. I have some help here today to help set me up in the studio, and I appreciate that. For the most part, our schedules are not like many others, where we do have to show up when the rest of the world is taking the day off. For you to be here is a testament to your commitment to what you want to create for your business and life.
  • ​It's a conversation that can be difficult to have, especially if you are on vacation. Guilt sets in about what we have to do; I am away from my family, and being here has a bit of guilt trip on me for not being there. I think we have all grown accustomed to knowing certain things have to be done for my business daily. Just as there are certain things that have to be done for my family every day. There is never a notion of being riddled with guilt because I know I deliver in all aspects of my life daily. 
  • ​If I left my family on the back burner and came home late every night and didn't invest in quality time with them, it would be a different story. We are all here, under this roof, hearing how we can have it all. When I have to take a few hours out of my day, to invest in myself and my business, I am not riddled with guilt. I know this is part of the process, and every day I make sure I am there for my family, not putting them on the back burner. I pick my daughters up every day, I take them to school and volleyball. I am also here to deliver for my business and taking care of my body. Those are the things we have to do, a conditioning process so we can do all things. 
  • ​Some of you need this one day, with no clients who want to view properties. That isn't a bad way to look at it, but you can invest a little bit of time, not the majority of it. You still need to take some time to invest in your marketing, follow up, and make sure that your business is still in line. That's the thought process we have to have to create what we want.
It's Out of Your Control
  • Today my topic was falling in line with the thought process of how everything happens for a reason. It is what it is. We hear these things consistently, and when we hear the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason,” we accept that as when things go bad. When we try to advise someone who is going through something tragic or painful, we say that. That is true for the most part, but there are other thought processes where everything happens because it is outside of us; there is no reason. It is merely a sickness or a health issue, and there is no reason. 
  • ​We can't control, for the most part, the things that happen to us. I got a message from a friend of mine that his Dad passed away from cancer. I know this gentleman because of his Dad; I used to work with him. He was a great man with a positive outlook on life. He was one of these guys who was so high up on the corporate ladder that he didn't have to take time to coach or mentor me, helping me walk through things or see certain things. When I speak about how everything happens for a reason, and then I see his situation, it's hard to know what the reason is. Maybe there isn't one. 
  • ​It's sad to be in a situation where everything is out of your control like it was for him; he battled for eight months and succumbed to it. It was an illness that was too difficult, too tragic. Please understand when I say everything happens for a reason. I know there are some reasons we will never understand. There may be some instances in your life, keeping you from doing things; I want to dive into the things we can control. 
  • ​When I say everything happens for a reason, I am talking about the decisions we decide to make daily. My decision to get up this morning will reinforce the decisions I will make later. I cannot make a bad decision this morning and expect to make better decisions throughout the day. Every day I am running, I pass cars with people in them stuffing their faces with junk. Those are decisions made early in the morning that won't get better later in the afternoon. 
  • ​Our goal is to continually make the right decisions in the morning, knowing there will be an outcome; everything will happen for a reason. If you make the right decisions, the reasoning will be better than those based on bad decisions. Something I wrote a while back appeared on my timeline, and I want to read it to you and then discuss it. 
  • “Everything happens for a reason; there are many things that happen by random chance, real unforeseen, and unplanned accidents or incidents. We all know that. This phrase is frequently used when things do not go as planned or when situations go bad. Why? Somehow we have been conditioned to believe those horrible outcomes can only happen by chance; for many years, that was my default phrase. Every Time something took a turn for the worse, lawsuits, disagreements, bad investments, tax issues, injuries, failed businesses, loss of cash, fights at home, etc. They mostly happen for a reason. I found solace in the fact that I could offset the responsibility by convincing myself some sort of law of nature. In a way, I was right. There was always a reason why my business was on a shaky foundation; why my wife, friends, and business partners grew resentful of me. Why the connection with my daughters was non- existent, and why my soul felt empty. The reason? It was all me. I kept showing up to life half in, always one foot out the door, and ready to run or quit at a moment's notice. No real purpose, no sustainable path; I found myself stressed out of my mind, with pounding migraine headaches. Life becomes hard. It wasn't until I realized that I was the creator of all the havoc in my life that things began to change. I took 100% responsibility for the mayhem I created. In fact, the money I made and lost, the people I associated with, the shallow connections I had, and the health I was in all happened because of me. Not by chance, not by a force of nature, but me; it was all me. Fast forward to now. I still use the phrase that everything happens for a reason but in a vastly different context. My connections and relationships with my wife and daughters are on fire for a reason. My business is booming for a reason, and I love myself, I trust myself regardless of what others think for a reason. I have more endurance, capacity, and vitality for a reason. The reason? I created it. I took 100% responsibility, and I did the work.”
Snowball Effect
  • Do the Work is something that is heard a lot around here. It is always based on the decisions we make daily, from the first decision we wake up to in the morning. That is a process that can snowball to more significant decisions throughout the day, or snowball into something at the end of the day where it becomes worse than when you started.
  • ​When you have the days where you end worse off, things get hard. Life gets hard; your marriage is difficult; managing your home life, your business gets difficult. When you have a small win like today, I did what I was supposed to at 5:30. I knew if I did that hard thing, I could rest later. I had to do the work first, and then I could rest. I have to do the work and then invest in my family. My family isn't on the back burner; they are always on the front line with me. There are responsibilities I need to take on daily in everything that I do. This reinforces better behavior daily. 
  • ​The snowball effect will go in the opposite direction; things will begin to produce for you. Your business will create momentum, and your bank account will start to look vastly different. Things in your household will begin to look at how you have always wanted. When we have visions of what our marriage and business should look like, those are all real possibilities based on the foundation of good decisions. Although I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, I know there are sometimes things outside of our control. Random chance, unseen, unplanned accidents. 
  • ​Hearing about my friend it hurt; I got a little sad. He actually came to one of our office meetings and sat in the back. This is a guy who I looked up to, and he comes to my office to see what we were creating at A.Z. & Associates. There will be some things that are unforeseen and wish we were not experiencing. Our responsibility is to make sure we are doing the right things to position us in a place of power in case those things do happen; we can have a fighting chance. He got eight months of a fighting chance because he took care of himself. Although it was out of his control, he was able to say his goodbyes. He was able to put things in order for his business and pass on knowledge to his family. Do we have to ask ourselves if we are giving 100% right now? 
  • ​Are we doing the things that we are directed towards by the voice in our head? Are you living the lifestyle that you wanted, or is it based on the reasons you can't? I am only two weeks removed from my bike accident, and I look at my body, and it is amazing how it can recuperate. There is an open wound, and over the days, it has healed itself. One week ago, my wound looks nothing like it does today; it is scabbing. We have all been through the process of healing from past failures, but we don't give ourselves credit for understanding the pain and what we can create. 
  • ​We are instead focused on the ugly wounds, wishing they weren't there. My body has healed itself, and it's because I do take care of myself, I am healthy and fit. I can bounce back because my mind is in it, and based on the decisions I make daily. I look at my scars, and I wonder how I got to this point. I can trust in the fact that I will continue to move forward, and everything happens for a reason. It's a responsibility that we all have. 
  • ​If you are feeling off and they aren't where they need to be in your relationships. If you are looking in the mirror and realize there are better days ahead of you, it is that time to do something about it. You being here repeatedly is a testament to that and tells you that you are ready to move forward. When you look back years from now, you will see that life is good, and you will thank yourself for all of the small meaningless, right things, daily will be your only significance.
You Can Rest When You're Dead
  • It's an amazing life, but I wanted to share what it means to buy into the fact that everything does happen for a reason; that reason is you. We have to be appreciative. I am appreciative of the group that I run with in training. Every morning when we cycle, we gather at my house and meet up at a park corner. It's like clockwork; we all gather, and Jermaine comes up and says a prayer. He always starts it with Heavenly Father. He says that we were built in Your likeness. We were built to be great. Now we have the challenges of this world and temptations, complacency, and mediocrity. We were built in His likeness, give us the strength and show us what we are made of. 
  • ​Every time we go out there, he says the same prayer. Some may say that didn't I flip my bike over and injure myself? How is that watching over you? It has nothing to with that; I came home to my family and am safe. I appreciated those who support me, but it was based on the decisions that I made. I wasn't paying attention; that is my choice and was not outside of me. I understand that I can't find solace in the fact that I can offset responsibility for someone not looking out for me; that isn't the case. I am safe, and it's all in my control. 
  • ​I want to thank you for joining me today for Mindset Mastery. Go in hard and look at what you are doing. Ask yourself if you are giving 100% of the things you should be doing. It doesn't mean you take time off from work today, just as you wouldn't take time away from your family because there is a lot of work. We are all capable of doing all things, and everything will happen for a reason, and the reason comes down to the decisions you make and the actions you take. 
  • ​It is all on you, and we know that. I hope this will be a good reminder; there are things to do today in all aspects of your life. When we are dying, we can rest when we no longer have our youth, vitality, or the breath in our lungs. Today is about work, so show up powerfully in your marriage, love on your kids, and let's handle business the way we should.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019