with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 85:

Do The Work

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 85:

Do The Work

Sometimes it takes a painful challenge to get our attention. It is within that pain that we reflect on where we are and where we are going. We have two choices from that point forward. Either cover your head up with the blankets and wallow in self-pity and doubt. Or, we can get off our ass, rise, and become what the voice in our head tells us we can be. You choose.
Dire Consequences
  • ​I reflected on my training for the IronMan, and I am only five weeks out from the competition. I initially made the commitment in May, and I had an epiphany the night before; something was screaming in my soul to hold myself accountable to a higher standard. I needed to do something to make me so uncomfortable and put me in a place of regret the entire time. I was right because often I wake in the morning and regret the process. 
  • ​I remember how it makes me feel afterward, and that is what keeps me going. Sometimes when we make these uncomfortable commitments, we only focus on the pain that it brings to us; we forget there is a nice result afterward. The energy, passion, and purpose I feel right now, is because of what I have done in the morning. 
  • ​Doing a triathlon is not part of my repertoire; this came about when I was injured three years ago in 2017. I tore the tendons in my chest and my bicep, and I was down for the count. It was a rough transition for me. Going all in and working out daily, doing CrossFit, weight training, and boxing, I was active. Suddenly I couldn't do anything. I had surgery, I am limited, and it was a difficult process for me. Mentally I was trying to show grace and strength, but I was in a dark place. When you are passionate about something, and things are going good in your business, you suddenly hit a wall; it is hard to climb out. If we don't have the right people in our ear or take necessary action, it gets dark. 
  • ​It seems as though time speeds up. A few months had passed before I knew it, and I hadn't done anything and felt weak. I was eroding, and so was my confidence. All the power and purpose I felt prior was out the window. It happens to all of us. It happens in our marriage, our bodies; we get burnt out and bored with the process. What used to drive us before in our business is no longer driving us now, and we hit a wall and don't know how to get out. 
  • ​When I tore my tendons, I lost that motivation. When I am bored or burnt out, the consequences are dire for me. I don't make things better right away. I tend to make them worse before they get better. Before I wake up or cause friction within my life or a huge obstacle that gives me no other choice to do the right things. I didn't want to go down that path because I know what I can do when I am not on my game. I know what weighs on me being in my power; my family relies on it, and I have to prioritize it, so I don't cause that pain. That is where I was going. The weaker I became, it was going to bleed into other aspects of my life.
  • ​When you don't feel motivated about your business, you’ve lost your luster for it and aren't performing to the level you should be; it is bleeding into other aspects of your life. Your family knows this, your spouses know this, and they can feel it and feel helpless. We are selfish, sometimes being in our thoughts that we forget how it affects those around us. We have to come to a point where we say enough is enough. We have to stop the dysfunctional behavior, feeling like there isn't an out. 
  • ​I had torn biceps, torn chest tendons, and my mind was telling me I was worthless and couldn't do anything. How was I going to get the exercise I needed to feel powerful? These are the stories that are true from that time. All we focus on is our discomfort and pains, thinking there is nothing outside of that. Not realizing your business is suffering, the sense of purpose is suffering; your spouse is worried, and your kids see a weak person in front of them. We don't realize these things because we are caught up in how we feel selfishly.
  • I get it. It's hard to get out of it, especially when you are used to doing certain things. It got bad, and every week I would tell myself things would change; on Monday, things will change. I was used to getting up at 5 am, but I didn't see the point since I had my surgery. That's what I was thinking. Every week I would set the standard for myself and then break my own promises and my word. My word started to mean nothing again. If you are used to breaking your word with something as simple as planning to get up and do something, you are more likely to break your word on other things. 
  • ​We don't realize our word is all we have, why people trust us and that it is gold. If we can't maintain a level of integrity within ourselves, we are more likely to break it when it comes to others as well. It is a hard place to be. To say you will do things and then don't will weaken you. Some of you do that in your marketing consistently. You state you are going to do the videos and the posts daily and then do nothing. You then ask why your business is suffering and start beating yourself up for not doing what you said you would. It's tough because you begin to feel guilty about feeling guilty. You are disappointed about yourself and disappointed for feeling disappointed. 
  • ​Nothing will get you up to do your marketing or follow up calls. We know at that point we can't trust ourselves. We start to say things and then never rise to fulfill it. We make the goal again the following week, and we get the same result. Make it again the following week, and we get the same result. Instead of feeling more powerful, we feel lost and that nothing is working out. We get to a point where we wonder how our marriage got to where it is, where my next deal is coming from; agents who have been in this business five or ten years are still asking themselves where their next deal is coming from. 
  • ​When we start to look at our actions and inactions, we can dissect where it all stemmed from. It stemmed from the fact that we forgot to do the work and didn't keep our word. It puts us in a position where we are leaking power, and it is hard to get up. I was burnt out, demotivated, and it got really bad. I tried to show up to the office with a happy face, but I was hurting inside. My motivation and drive were gone. Everything was gone. Think about that.
  • ​As I am rolling out three new coaching programs this week, it will affect over fifty individuals within my sphere. Most are coming from within this organization. This was a tough decision for me, and it is one reason I am starting this call at an earlier time. Now in the time I have allotted, I have to fit more in there. I began to think about my journey, and if it weren't for the people, the coaches that I have paid, I wouldn't be in this position. I decided based on how I felt when I was lost and when the obstacles were greater than what I had within me, and it was a bad place to be. 
  • ​I needed an outside mentor and coach to help me see a different possibility and hold me accountable for certain things. That is what got me out of this funk and making worse decisions. We all know what we are capable of when we are not in a place of power. You know what kind of destruction you can create.
Leading the Charge
  • I have been tossing and turning for the past two weeks as a voice keeps telling me it's time. I needed to call specific individuals because it's time. I'm fighting it because I am already busy as hell; how can I train three hours in the morning, run the operation here, fulfill my current clients, and build the next phase of AZ & Associates into our new building. How can I do all of that and still create more of these coaching programs? I avoided the voice for two weeks, and it didn't disappear.
  • ​You may be hearing a voice in your mind and soul screaming at you to make some moves; to quit sitting idle and step up. We avoid it. The same voice happened when I got into my first accident on my bike; I had time to recover and still didn't make a move. The voice didn't get my attention the first time, so it knocked me on my ass again to feel the pain. Maybe then, I would listen. That is exactly when I decided that it was time. I am hurting because I refused to listen to the voice and made things more difficult for myself. I wasn't paying attention to the details.
  • ​When you are worried and not making the decisions you know, you should be making, and you are not all in. I got injured, and my ass handed to me. I have the scars to show it. It wasn't for the reason that most would think. It wasn't meant to slow me down, or that I had an out to use as an excuse card. It wasn't meant to tell me to take it easy. It was meant to tell me that I have more within me, and there are people out there that need to hear this. I am that person to show them that light; I am willing to take full responsibility for that. 
  • ​I know what it has done for me; I know the darkness I could escape because of the right coaches and mentors in my life. That was a dark time for me, but I needed to be around individuals who weren't going to give me a pass. That didn't coddle me and tell me it would be okay, take some time off; they were the ones who constantly asked me what I was learning from the experience. How would I pivot, shift, get out of the story in my head that I knew was a lie, and am starting to believe? They were holding me accountable. They were holding me to a higher standard. 
  • ​When I decided to start the new groups, there was an immediate satisfaction that I felt. Even though it would mean more pressure, responsibility, and energy, I know these actions that I will take, though, will massively impact people. It will be a domino effect, and I need to lead the charge. I am built for this, and I can handle this. If I can put my body and mind through what I did this morning, I can handle this. First things first, I have to put myself into that position. How do you do that? It's great, you can get a gym membership, but we all know that pattern. You will go for two weeks hard, and then make it an option. Do you want real change? Start paying some coaches. Do you want real change? Pay a personal trainer. Do you want real change? Get with a group of individuals that will hold you to that level. You will get bored or burnt out.
You Need to Pay to Play
  • So, how did I get five weeks away from competing in an IronMan? During that time, I had to realize that things weren't going to be the same. What I was used to doing before is no longer an option for me. I can't lift weights, and I can't go to CrossFit. So, I have to pivot. Because of the coaches I had they encouraged me to look for something I could do. Some of you are still complaining about the same knee problems, back problems as if that is a pass for everything moving forward. You're 30, 40, 50; how long are you going to carry that story? I was going to carry that story for a while because I got comfortable in the pain of non-production. Even though it sucked, somehow, I enjoyed wallowing in it. 
  • ​That is when I took upcycling. I still had my legs. I can't do anything with my upper body, can't even lift my daughters, or hug them with any sense of pressure. I remember wishing I could pick up my daughter and hug her. I picked up cycling and got a group of individuals that were committed to cycling. That group held me accountable three and four times a week. We did over 1500 miles that year. Not bad for my first year. What I have done since May 31st is 261 miles running, 1250 miles cycling since May. Because there is real accountability.
  • ​So, you want to change your patterns. I will challenge you; you can't find that alone. You need to pay to play. You are in a position of power, doing what you are supposed to do, which will catapult you to continue to do what you need to do throughout the day. That will ultimately affect your profits, the money you generate. If we are constantly in a place of thinking, we can't afford it; it's too expensive; you are looking from your current lens, not realizing that the right results will follow suit daily. 
  • ​I get how sometimes we hold back because the money isn't there; it's a scarcity mindset. I have been there. I was only able to get out of that mindset by making the moves. Power moves, signing a long-term lease in the middle of a pandemic; for a building twice the size. Power moves that come from continually betting on myself. I'm doing the right things in the morning; I'm making the right decisions every morning. I'm not sitting there hoping things would change, saying that I will wake up at 5 am, only to erode any type of momentum that I could get; I'm doing it because I have an accountability group. It comes down to one simple phrase; DO THE WORK, DO THE WORK. Whatever you are missing in life, I promise you that this is the remedy. DO THE WORK. Where are you at with your body? You know how to fix that. Where are you at with your business? Quit acting helpless; it's not going to work here. You know precisely what you need to do. 
  • ​Sometimes we need to be reminded every week. Because of those reminders, I am in a place of power right now. Because of my coaches and mentors, I invest heavily in the ones I realize I can't believe those lies as truths. I'm more significant than that, and so are you. You want to feel the power, a sense of purpose to ultimately increase your profits? Start in the morning. If you can't get up at 5, put some money where your mouth is. Put some money down, and I promise you things will start changing. There are some great coaches out there, great mentors, and trainers; make a decision. 
  • ​Like the voice telling me to start these coaching programs two weeks ago, when I avoided it, things around me got ugly until I made those moves. I didn't want to fall a third time; I got it. I'm going to start today. I'm going to make this decision. I had two opportunities to listen to that voice; that is the story I am sticking to. You won't convince me otherwise. The feeling I felt after making the decision and making those phone calls; true satisfaction, and it felt so good because it was the right decision.
Mediocrity or Mindset
  • If things keep getting worse for you, it's because you aren't listening to the voice that is speaking to you. You are allowing another voice, the voice of doubt, of fear, of victimhood to overtake you. There is a decision you have to make; maybe it's in your business or your relationship. You can't afford to live subpar or mediocre. We have to rise, and it will be overwhelming and uncomfortable for you, putting yourself out there as an authority in your business. It's required.
  • ​Look at your children and tell me they aren't worth it. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me you aren't worth it. It's all bullshit telling yourself anything less. You are worth it. I look at my daughters, and I know this is why. I am in a position that I have always asked for. I stopped selling real estate because I want to teach the mindset and business principles to build such a business. Why wouldn't I open more coaching programs? Why wouldn't I put myself where I am continually reaching the capacity of my abilities? Why wouldn't I? This is what I asked for; I'm not going to complain about it. You asked to be here, so stop complaining.
  • ​You got married willingly, and you opened this business willingly, you had children willingly. What are you complaining about? You asked for it. So rise up. Thank you for joining me today for Mindset Mastery. I would love to hear what you have to say; did anything I say resonate with you. How important is it to have coaches and mentors? How important is it to not believe the lies we sometimes believe are true? We give too much emphasis to those stories. I am happy that I am moving forward. 
  • ​For those of you that have decided to move forward, congratulations. If you want more information on future programs, I plan on doing more soon. These programs have shifted lives, and I can't hold back. If my mission is to serve and impact, I will have to make some sacrifices. I know it's going to help if it makes a difference at home. I did my job. If you're spending more time with your children, I did my job. If your spouse is smiling, I am doing my job. If you come in with a new sense of purpose and drive, that is my job. If your bank account looks like something you have never experienced before, I’m doing my job.
  • ​Why would I hold back, and why would you? Thank you again for joining me for Mindset Mastery. It always comes down to your actions, and that is what we teach here. It's very different from a lot of brokerages across not only the state but the nation. Their approach is to figure it out for you. Plug and play. It's all B.S.; it's all smoke and mirrors. I've always spoken the truth, and the truth will always be the byproduct of what you choose to put in. I am here to guide, reinforce those behaviors, the behaviors that will help all elements of your life.
  • ​The elements that will create a life on fire. It all comes down to you, and you know that. That is why you are thriving so much and why we have become one of the highest sales per agent ratios in the entire state. You have taken that responsibility, but we still need our coaches and our mentors. We still need that environment and accountability to keep us on track.
In Closing
  • We can get stuck on these thought processes of why we can't. I was. I had torn tendons, what could I do now? I took upcycling, and that cycling took on a life of its own. I never saw myself doing an IronMan; now I am a beast on the bike. It turns out I am a pretty good runner as well. I needed to listen to the voice that was telling me it was time to shift. I made a lot of moves in business at that time as well. 
  • ​If you go against what you are being told to do, if you don't listen to that voice, you will experience more pain. It doesn't get more comfortable, and avoiding it doesn't make it go away. I had to slam my body into the ground twice to understand it was time to make some moves. People were waiting for me to make this move, and I was avoiding it. Every time I slammed myself into the ground, I had time to think. I got laid up the last time for the entire weekend. Guess what was crossing my mind? Starting these new coaching groups. I needed time to think, and there will always be a force to remind me to do it. I am a knucklehead at times and don't listen right away. Maybe you're a knucklehead right now. Listen, and you will feel better about it. 
  • ​I'm not here to save anyone; I'm here to remind you of what you can. I think that's all we ever need. Every call I've been in, my coaches have reminded me of what I am made of. That's all I need to rise powerfully. I hired one of the best IronMan coaches in the entire country; I am willing to spend my money on those that can lead me down the right path. I am putting my money where my mouth is. What is unique about this process is that everyone that has decided to join the IronMan training is having the best year ever. Go figure. When you are in a place of power, you make powerful decisions throughout the day. 
  • ​It doesn't have to be training for an IronMan, but sign up for something that makes you feel uncomfortable and challenges you in ways you aren't challenging yourself. The only way to do that is when somebody is watching. We all know what we can't do when no one is watching; we tend to let things go by the wayside. We tend to put things off, but you will be surprised how high you rise when somebody is watching. 
  • ​I watched an old crossfit video yesterday, and they were doing a race where you have to run a mile, then do pull-ups, squats and do it three times. When the guy who won left the stadium, he was struggling. As soon as he came back into the stadium, he heard the crowd's roar, and his whole demeanor changed. The speed at which he was moving changed, his facial gestures changed. That is what occurs when someone is watching and has to hold yourself accountable. Whatever it is, a personal trainer, CrossFit, orange theory, coach, boxing coach, invest in yourself and get your butt up in the morning to feel that power and make power moves throughout the day. 
  • ​Our close friends and family are the first to tell us it's okay; you've been working hard, don't worry about it. Take some time off; take it easy. We all need to hear that, but we also need to hear someone telling us to get up and stop crying. We require that polarity as well. We need that more. You know what you are made of, and succumbing to the situation, contracting, is not part of our game. Sometimes we listen to people who aren't even living the lifestyle they preach. I know agents here listening to other agents who aren't producing even a quarter of what they are producing. 
  • ​You need to filter who you listen to and whose opinions you will take on. It's not that they are a bad person; they don't know yet. Listen to those that are doing it. Just not in business, but how does the rest of their life follow suit. If they are killing it in business, but they are absentee parents, their spouse hates them, and they don't take care of themselves; is that what you want? If you listen to that person, you will get the same thing; listen to people living the life you want. 
  • ​If we start comparing where we were to where we are, that is a huge accomplishment. The flipside to that is we know we are capable of more. That can sometimes be demotivating when we aren't living up to that level. Merely hearing and expressing ourselves to other business owners on the same path allows us to reignite the flame and get us going. To get away from the excuses, stories and start making those moves. 
  • ​It can be hard to reinvest when the money isn't there. I won't be the person to tell you to go into debt, but I have done it multiple times to get what I want. If I didn't have the money, I would figure it out. I was betting on myself. If I knew I could get into a groove, into a pattern of doing the right things, I knew the result would be great. I maxed out so many times, and I had too. What was the alternative? Living in fear? Holding back? Attaching to the story that one day, things would change? I am going to force change, and I made those decisions because I believed in myself. 
  • ​If you are in this organization, it's because you believed in yourself. Don't hold yourself back, and don't have those excuses. You will figure it out, and sometimes that debt makes us figure it out. That is my take on it. Overcoming the stories in our heads and the stories from our families can be a significant accomplishment. It's amazing what these types of competitions can do. I did 8 ½ miles today, and my body is hurting. I was walking around like I was 70 years old. Being on this call, I have forgotten about all of the pains and ills. I am fired up, and that is what it is all about. I'm feeling so good today, and I want to thank you for always joining me; it means a lot to me. Thank you again for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery, we know exactly what to do, and I will talk to you soon. Have a great day.

More Episodes

Sometimes it takes a painful challenge to get our attention. It is within that pain that we reflect on where we are and where we are going. We have two choices from that point forward. Either cover your head up with the blankets and wallow in self-pity and doubt. Or, we can get off our ass, rise, and become what the voice in our head tells us we can be. You choose.
Dire Consequences
  • ​I reflected on my training for the IronMan, and I am only five weeks out from the competition. I initially made the commitment in May, and I had an epiphany the night before; something was screaming in my soul to hold myself accountable to a higher standard. I needed to do something to make me so uncomfortable and put me in a place of regret the entire time. I was right because often I wake in the morning and regret the process. 
  • ​I remember how it makes me feel afterward, and that is what keeps me going. Sometimes when we make these uncomfortable commitments, we only focus on the pain that it brings to us; we forget there is a nice result afterward. The energy, passion, and purpose I feel right now, is because of what I have done in the morning. 
  • ​Doing a triathlon is not part of my repertoire; this came about when I was injured three years ago in 2017. I tore the tendons in my chest and my bicep, and I was down for the count. It was a rough transition for me. Going all in and working out daily, doing CrossFit, weight training, and boxing, I was active. Suddenly I couldn't do anything. I had surgery, I am limited, and it was a difficult process for me. Mentally I was trying to show grace and strength, but I was in a dark place. When you are passionate about something, and things are going good in your business, you suddenly hit a wall; it is hard to climb out. If we don't have the right people in our ear or take necessary action, it gets dark. 
  • ​It seems as though time speeds up. A few months had passed before I knew it, and I hadn't done anything and felt weak. I was eroding, and so was my confidence. All the power and purpose I felt prior was out the window. It happens to all of us. It happens in our marriage, our bodies; we get burnt out and bored with the process. What used to drive us before in our business is no longer driving us now, and we hit a wall and don't know how to get out. 
  • ​When I tore my tendons, I lost that motivation. When I am bored or burnt out, the consequences are dire for me. I don't make things better right away. I tend to make them worse before they get better. Before I wake up or cause friction within my life or a huge obstacle that gives me no other choice to do the right things. I didn't want to go down that path because I know what I can do when I am not on my game. I know what weighs on me being in my power; my family relies on it, and I have to prioritize it, so I don't cause that pain. That is where I was going. The weaker I became, it was going to bleed into other aspects of my life.
  • ​When you don't feel motivated about your business, you’ve lost your luster for it and aren't performing to the level you should be; it is bleeding into other aspects of your life. Your family knows this, your spouses know this, and they can feel it and feel helpless. We are selfish, sometimes being in our thoughts that we forget how it affects those around us. We have to come to a point where we say enough is enough. We have to stop the dysfunctional behavior, feeling like there isn't an out. 
  • ​I had torn biceps, torn chest tendons, and my mind was telling me I was worthless and couldn't do anything. How was I going to get the exercise I needed to feel powerful? These are the stories that are true from that time. All we focus on is our discomfort and pains, thinking there is nothing outside of that. Not realizing your business is suffering, the sense of purpose is suffering; your spouse is worried, and your kids see a weak person in front of them. We don't realize these things because we are caught up in how we feel selfishly.
  • I get it. It's hard to get out of it, especially when you are used to doing certain things. It got bad, and every week I would tell myself things would change; on Monday, things will change. I was used to getting up at 5 am, but I didn't see the point since I had my surgery. That's what I was thinking. Every week I would set the standard for myself and then break my own promises and my word. My word started to mean nothing again. If you are used to breaking your word with something as simple as planning to get up and do something, you are more likely to break your word on other things. 
  • ​We don't realize our word is all we have, why people trust us and that it is gold. If we can't maintain a level of integrity within ourselves, we are more likely to break it when it comes to others as well. It is a hard place to be. To say you will do things and then don't will weaken you. Some of you do that in your marketing consistently. You state you are going to do the videos and the posts daily and then do nothing. You then ask why your business is suffering and start beating yourself up for not doing what you said you would. It's tough because you begin to feel guilty about feeling guilty. You are disappointed about yourself and disappointed for feeling disappointed. 
  • ​Nothing will get you up to do your marketing or follow up calls. We know at that point we can't trust ourselves. We start to say things and then never rise to fulfill it. We make the goal again the following week, and we get the same result. Make it again the following week, and we get the same result. Instead of feeling more powerful, we feel lost and that nothing is working out. We get to a point where we wonder how our marriage got to where it is, where my next deal is coming from; agents who have been in this business five or ten years are still asking themselves where their next deal is coming from. 
  • ​When we start to look at our actions and inactions, we can dissect where it all stemmed from. It stemmed from the fact that we forgot to do the work and didn't keep our word. It puts us in a position where we are leaking power, and it is hard to get up. I was burnt out, demotivated, and it got really bad. I tried to show up to the office with a happy face, but I was hurting inside. My motivation and drive were gone. Everything was gone. Think about that.
  • ​As I am rolling out three new coaching programs this week, it will affect over fifty individuals within my sphere. Most are coming from within this organization. This was a tough decision for me, and it is one reason I am starting this call at an earlier time. Now in the time I have allotted, I have to fit more in there. I began to think about my journey, and if it weren't for the people, the coaches that I have paid, I wouldn't be in this position. I decided based on how I felt when I was lost and when the obstacles were greater than what I had within me, and it was a bad place to be. 
  • ​I needed an outside mentor and coach to help me see a different possibility and hold me accountable for certain things. That is what got me out of this funk and making worse decisions. We all know what we are capable of when we are not in a place of power. You know what kind of destruction you can create.
Leading the Charge
  • I have been tossing and turning for the past two weeks as a voice keeps telling me it's time. I needed to call specific individuals because it's time. I'm fighting it because I am already busy as hell; how can I train three hours in the morning, run the operation here, fulfill my current clients, and build the next phase of AZ & Associates into our new building. How can I do all of that and still create more of these coaching programs? I avoided the voice for two weeks, and it didn't disappear.
  • ​You may be hearing a voice in your mind and soul screaming at you to make some moves; to quit sitting idle and step up. We avoid it. The same voice happened when I got into my first accident on my bike; I had time to recover and still didn't make a move. The voice didn't get my attention the first time, so it knocked me on my ass again to feel the pain. Maybe then, I would listen. That is exactly when I decided that it was time. I am hurting because I refused to listen to the voice and made things more difficult for myself. I wasn't paying attention to the details.
  • ​When you are worried and not making the decisions you know, you should be making, and you are not all in. I got injured, and my ass handed to me. I have the scars to show it. It wasn't for the reason that most would think. It wasn't meant to slow me down, or that I had an out to use as an excuse card. It wasn't meant to tell me to take it easy. It was meant to tell me that I have more within me, and there are people out there that need to hear this. I am that person to show them that light; I am willing to take full responsibility for that. 
  • ​I know what it has done for me; I know the darkness I could escape because of the right coaches and mentors in my life. That was a dark time for me, but I needed to be around individuals who weren't going to give me a pass. That didn't coddle me and tell me it would be okay, take some time off; they were the ones who constantly asked me what I was learning from the experience. How would I pivot, shift, get out of the story in my head that I knew was a lie, and am starting to believe? They were holding me accountable. They were holding me to a higher standard. 
  • ​When I decided to start the new groups, there was an immediate satisfaction that I felt. Even though it would mean more pressure, responsibility, and energy, I know these actions that I will take, though, will massively impact people. It will be a domino effect, and I need to lead the charge. I am built for this, and I can handle this. If I can put my body and mind through what I did this morning, I can handle this. First things first, I have to put myself into that position. How do you do that? It's great, you can get a gym membership, but we all know that pattern. You will go for two weeks hard, and then make it an option. Do you want real change? Start paying some coaches. Do you want real change? Pay a personal trainer. Do you want real change? Get with a group of individuals that will hold you to that level. You will get bored or burnt out.
You Need to Pay to Play
  • So, how did I get five weeks away from competing in an IronMan? During that time, I had to realize that things weren't going to be the same. What I was used to doing before is no longer an option for me. I can't lift weights, and I can't go to CrossFit. So, I have to pivot. Because of the coaches I had they encouraged me to look for something I could do. Some of you are still complaining about the same knee problems, back problems as if that is a pass for everything moving forward. You're 30, 40, 50; how long are you going to carry that story? I was going to carry that story for a while because I got comfortable in the pain of non-production. Even though it sucked, somehow, I enjoyed wallowing in it. 
  • ​That is when I took upcycling. I still had my legs. I can't do anything with my upper body, can't even lift my daughters, or hug them with any sense of pressure. I remember wishing I could pick up my daughter and hug her. I picked up cycling and got a group of individuals that were committed to cycling. That group held me accountable three and four times a week. We did over 1500 miles that year. Not bad for my first year. What I have done since May 31st is 261 miles running, 1250 miles cycling since May. Because there is real accountability.
  • ​So, you want to change your patterns. I will challenge you; you can't find that alone. You need to pay to play. You are in a position of power, doing what you are supposed to do, which will catapult you to continue to do what you need to do throughout the day. That will ultimately affect your profits, the money you generate. If we are constantly in a place of thinking, we can't afford it; it's too expensive; you are looking from your current lens, not realizing that the right results will follow suit daily. 
  • ​I get how sometimes we hold back because the money isn't there; it's a scarcity mindset. I have been there. I was only able to get out of that mindset by making the moves. Power moves, signing a long-term lease in the middle of a pandemic; for a building twice the size. Power moves that come from continually betting on myself. I'm doing the right things in the morning; I'm making the right decisions every morning. I'm not sitting there hoping things would change, saying that I will wake up at 5 am, only to erode any type of momentum that I could get; I'm doing it because I have an accountability group. It comes down to one simple phrase; DO THE WORK, DO THE WORK. Whatever you are missing in life, I promise you that this is the remedy. DO THE WORK. Where are you at with your body? You know how to fix that. Where are you at with your business? Quit acting helpless; it's not going to work here. You know precisely what you need to do. 
  • ​Sometimes we need to be reminded every week. Because of those reminders, I am in a place of power right now. Because of my coaches and mentors, I invest heavily in the ones I realize I can't believe those lies as truths. I'm more significant than that, and so are you. You want to feel the power, a sense of purpose to ultimately increase your profits? Start in the morning. If you can't get up at 5, put some money where your mouth is. Put some money down, and I promise you things will start changing. There are some great coaches out there, great mentors, and trainers; make a decision. 
  • ​Like the voice telling me to start these coaching programs two weeks ago, when I avoided it, things around me got ugly until I made those moves. I didn't want to fall a third time; I got it. I'm going to start today. I'm going to make this decision. I had two opportunities to listen to that voice; that is the story I am sticking to. You won't convince me otherwise. The feeling I felt after making the decision and making those phone calls; true satisfaction, and it felt so good because it was the right decision.
Mediocrity or Mindset
  • If things keep getting worse for you, it's because you aren't listening to the voice that is speaking to you. You are allowing another voice, the voice of doubt, of fear, of victimhood to overtake you. There is a decision you have to make; maybe it's in your business or your relationship. You can't afford to live subpar or mediocre. We have to rise, and it will be overwhelming and uncomfortable for you, putting yourself out there as an authority in your business. It's required.
  • ​Look at your children and tell me they aren't worth it. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me you aren't worth it. It's all bullshit telling yourself anything less. You are worth it. I look at my daughters, and I know this is why. I am in a position that I have always asked for. I stopped selling real estate because I want to teach the mindset and business principles to build such a business. Why wouldn't I open more coaching programs? Why wouldn't I put myself where I am continually reaching the capacity of my abilities? Why wouldn't I? This is what I asked for; I'm not going to complain about it. You asked to be here, so stop complaining.
  • ​You got married willingly, and you opened this business willingly, you had children willingly. What are you complaining about? You asked for it. So rise up. Thank you for joining me today for Mindset Mastery. I would love to hear what you have to say; did anything I say resonate with you. How important is it to have coaches and mentors? How important is it to not believe the lies we sometimes believe are true? We give too much emphasis to those stories. I am happy that I am moving forward. 
  • ​For those of you that have decided to move forward, congratulations. If you want more information on future programs, I plan on doing more soon. These programs have shifted lives, and I can't hold back. If my mission is to serve and impact, I will have to make some sacrifices. I know it's going to help if it makes a difference at home. I did my job. If you're spending more time with your children, I did my job. If your spouse is smiling, I am doing my job. If you come in with a new sense of purpose and drive, that is my job. If your bank account looks like something you have never experienced before, I’m doing my job.
  • ​Why would I hold back, and why would you? Thank you again for joining me for Mindset Mastery. It always comes down to your actions, and that is what we teach here. It's very different from a lot of brokerages across not only the state but the nation. Their approach is to figure it out for you. Plug and play. It's all B.S.; it's all smoke and mirrors. I've always spoken the truth, and the truth will always be the byproduct of what you choose to put in. I am here to guide, reinforce those behaviors, the behaviors that will help all elements of your life.
  • ​The elements that will create a life on fire. It all comes down to you, and you know that. That is why you are thriving so much and why we have become one of the highest sales per agent ratios in the entire state. You have taken that responsibility, but we still need our coaches and our mentors. We still need that environment and accountability to keep us on track.
In Closing
  • We can get stuck on these thought processes of why we can't. I was. I had torn tendons, what could I do now? I took upcycling, and that cycling took on a life of its own. I never saw myself doing an IronMan; now I am a beast on the bike. It turns out I am a pretty good runner as well. I needed to listen to the voice that was telling me it was time to shift. I made a lot of moves in business at that time as well. 
  • ​If you go against what you are being told to do, if you don't listen to that voice, you will experience more pain. It doesn't get more comfortable, and avoiding it doesn't make it go away. I had to slam my body into the ground twice to understand it was time to make some moves. People were waiting for me to make this move, and I was avoiding it. Every time I slammed myself into the ground, I had time to think. I got laid up the last time for the entire weekend. Guess what was crossing my mind? Starting these new coaching groups. I needed time to think, and there will always be a force to remind me to do it. I am a knucklehead at times and don't listen right away. Maybe you're a knucklehead right now. Listen, and you will feel better about it. 
  • ​I'm not here to save anyone; I'm here to remind you of what you can. I think that's all we ever need. Every call I've been in, my coaches have reminded me of what I am made of. That's all I need to rise powerfully. I hired one of the best IronMan coaches in the entire country; I am willing to spend my money on those that can lead me down the right path. I am putting my money where my mouth is. What is unique about this process is that everyone that has decided to join the IronMan training is having the best year ever. Go figure. When you are in a place of power, you make powerful decisions throughout the day. 
  • ​It doesn't have to be training for an IronMan, but sign up for something that makes you feel uncomfortable and challenges you in ways you aren't challenging yourself. The only way to do that is when somebody is watching. We all know what we can't do when no one is watching; we tend to let things go by the wayside. We tend to put things off, but you will be surprised how high you rise when somebody is watching. 
  • ​I watched an old crossfit video yesterday, and they were doing a race where you have to run a mile, then do pull-ups, squats and do it three times. When the guy who won left the stadium, he was struggling. As soon as he came back into the stadium, he heard the crowd's roar, and his whole demeanor changed. The speed at which he was moving changed, his facial gestures changed. That is what occurs when someone is watching and has to hold yourself accountable. Whatever it is, a personal trainer, CrossFit, orange theory, coach, boxing coach, invest in yourself and get your butt up in the morning to feel that power and make power moves throughout the day. 
  • ​Our close friends and family are the first to tell us it's okay; you've been working hard, don't worry about it. Take some time off; take it easy. We all need to hear that, but we also need to hear someone telling us to get up and stop crying. We require that polarity as well. We need that more. You know what you are made of, and succumbing to the situation, contracting, is not part of our game. Sometimes we listen to people who aren't even living the lifestyle they preach. I know agents here listening to other agents who aren't producing even a quarter of what they are producing. 
  • ​You need to filter who you listen to and whose opinions you will take on. It's not that they are a bad person; they don't know yet. Listen to those that are doing it. Just not in business, but how does the rest of their life follow suit. If they are killing it in business, but they are absentee parents, their spouse hates them, and they don't take care of themselves; is that what you want? If you listen to that person, you will get the same thing; listen to people living the life you want. 
  • ​If we start comparing where we were to where we are, that is a huge accomplishment. The flipside to that is we know we are capable of more. That can sometimes be demotivating when we aren't living up to that level. Merely hearing and expressing ourselves to other business owners on the same path allows us to reignite the flame and get us going. To get away from the excuses, stories and start making those moves. 
  • ​It can be hard to reinvest when the money isn't there. I won't be the person to tell you to go into debt, but I have done it multiple times to get what I want. If I didn't have the money, I would figure it out. I was betting on myself. If I knew I could get into a groove, into a pattern of doing the right things, I knew the result would be great. I maxed out so many times, and I had too. What was the alternative? Living in fear? Holding back? Attaching to the story that one day, things would change? I am going to force change, and I made those decisions because I believed in myself. 
  • ​If you are in this organization, it's because you believed in yourself. Don't hold yourself back, and don't have those excuses. You will figure it out, and sometimes that debt makes us figure it out. That is my take on it. Overcoming the stories in our heads and the stories from our families can be a significant accomplishment. It's amazing what these types of competitions can do. I did 8 ½ miles today, and my body is hurting. I was walking around like I was 70 years old. Being on this call, I have forgotten about all of the pains and ills. I am fired up, and that is what it is all about. I'm feeling so good today, and I want to thank you for always joining me; it means a lot to me. Thank you again for joining me for another episode of Mindset Mastery, we know exactly what to do, and I will talk to you soon. Have a great day.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019