with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 87:

Your Wisdom Will Guide You

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 87:

Your Wisdom Will Guide You

I've noticed how hard Mondays are. To get going and embrace the road before me. The wisdom and knowledge I have obtained through my journey remind me of the rewards that come from my consistency. I am reminded of how important it is to dive in and embrace my wisdom. When we disregard the lessons we learn and place blame on others for our lack of productivity; we do a great disservice to those that have poured their knowledge and wisdom into us, and in our ability to embrace it. 
Knowledge is Power
  • ​We are less than a week from the fourth quarter for those of you who run your businesses and look for the results at the end of each quarter. We are now entering the fourth quarter of 2020; what a challenging year. So many sources outside of us are saying things are really bad. We can buy into it and agree, we then find ourselves complaining. Complaining about the circumstances and what shouldn't be. In fact, all we are doing is refusing to accept what is. 
  • ​We all experience things in life differently. Those that can shift at a moment's notice and pivot quickly have learned to trust their wisdom. That is the conversation I wanted to have today; allow your wisdom to guide you. We start to listen to people's facts or things taught to us, and we forget we have everything we need with us. The wisdom and experience to get past whatever happens following a challenge. 
  • ​There is a quote by Marcel Proust from the book The Happiness Hypothesis. It got me thinking about how important it is to dive in and embrace our wisdom. “We do not receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves. After a great journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us. Which no one can spare us. For our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world.”  
  • ​When we define the word “regard,” it means to pay respect to or to compliment; to love, respect, and appreciate. Only through the wisdom of our own experience can we genuinely see that statement's nature. We learn to regard life, we learn to regard ourselves, and do all things to empower us moving forward. We must look at the wisdom that is telling us; if I do the right things daily, and if I begin in the morning, I have a better chance of having a great day throughout the day. I can have several bad moments, but never a bad day. 
  • ​I used to be stuck in this situation for many years, thinking it was a bad day. I would allow my thoughts to create a bad day because I had one bad moment in the day. Now I know if I do the right things, whether I am motivated to do them or not, but to at least be in the game, I will have a better chance of dominating that day. My knowledge and wisdom tell me to do the right things. We tend to forget that our knowledge is what will ultimately create that fulfillment in our lives. We think there is always something outside of us that will create something more fulfilling. The moment you forget something is outside of you is the exact moment you begin to appreciate your journey. 
  • ​It's the exact moment you disregard your journey. When you are in a place of power, no one can change your mind about what is working for you. The tricky part is the consistency of it. The hard part is to do it day in and day out. It's easy for us to forget because it happens so quickly. We can be on fire, knowing exactly what got us there; the moment we get triggered and falling off of our process, we forget what got us there, to begin with. That is tough because now we start looking for things outside of us. We know our wisdom, the knowledge we gain through experience, will always guide us to where we need to be. 
  • ​It's the triggers and outside sources, the things that pick us apart. There are so many moving parts with family, business, health, and friends that we allow the moving parts to pick us apart. When we get picked apart, we forget the things that got us to a place of power, to begin with: our knowledge, experience, and our ability to adapt. When we fall into these thoughts, it steamrolls into more negative thoughts. If we can stop ourselves and realize we have been here before, my knowledge tells me if I do the right things, shift the way I am looking, change the perspective, I will have a better chance of overcoming it faster. Instead of leading myself to believe the problem or obstacle is more significant than me.
Triggers and Complaints
  • When we feel down, we believe the things outside of us are more significant than us and our experiences. We allow the anxiety of the future to overwhelm our abilities. When, in fact, we have a track record of overcoming consistently. We are human, and we have habits that seem to come back at us. They always seem to pull us back or take us to a place where we retract to the lowest form of habit. 
  • ​We will always be challenged by things that tend to take us back to where we used to be. This is when we have to rely on our knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Reminding us there is a way to live powerfully by doing the right things daily. Monday mornings always seem to be the toughest. The toughest for me to get up, get going, and get my mind wrapped around the things that need to get done. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning, I had to do 8 miles of running, and it was not something I was looking forward to. My wisdom tells me if I avoid the things I said I would do, it would only deplete the power I feel throughout the day. If I can overcome the thoughts in the morning, instead of the thoughts of not doing it, drag out throughout the day. The short-term suffering of not wanting to do it will last 5-10 minutes first thing in the morning. It is much greater. You will have a bigger success rate than to beat yourself up all day for not doing what you said. 
  • ​If you are feeling stuck or depressed or a little anxious, there are two things you have to do: first identify what got you there in the first place. What was the trigger point? And then are you keeping track and are you in line, are you in integrity with the things you said? Conclusion: there are trigger points, and those lead us not to do the things we said, which makes the situation worse for us. If you are feeling depressed or anxious, something triggers those feelings. Let's identify it and how we can create separation and accept it. How can we overcome it? Then we need to look at our behaviors after the trigger point. After that, the behavior is the ones that are holding you back, not the initial trigger point. It is what you do or not do afterward. That is the most significant detriment to our thought processes: the negative thought processes, the anxiety, the worry. 
  • ​We tend to forget that second part. Sometimes we forget to identify the triggers and how we can learn to overcome and accept it. This is a problem we see ourselves with often, and then we start to complain. I love what Eckhart Tolle said from the book, “the Power of Now.” It was one of the most influential books of my life that took me a few times to read and understand what he was saying. His depth of knowledge and wisdom was far greater than my comprehension of it. I couldn't comprehend it or grasp it; I wasn't in that place at that moment. There was still so much for me to learn before I could read this to make sense to me. 
  • ​He says, “See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought about a situation you find yourself in what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always non-acceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious, negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself a victim.” As we start breaking down our daily conversations, are you putting yourself in a place of feeling less than? Or from a place that you have been wronged? “When you speak out, you are in power, so change the situation by taking action or speaking out if necessary or possible. Leave the situation or accept it; all else is madness.”
  • ​You can change the situation by taking action. You can leave the situation or accept it. The problem we have is we tend to hold onto things. Then we start to do the wrong things. We forget about the wisdom we had, and if there are patterns and processes, like the 12 -week Target book; my wisdom tells me If I stick to this game plan and make deposits into my Power, my health, Purpose, my mindset, and Profits, my business. The things I am passionate about. I am not trying to put it before my family or my kids. When I am in a place of power, I deliver at a high rate. You are a business owner. When you aren't delivering profits for your business, you are not in a place of power. You will always feel like something is lacking.
You Can do All Things
  • You may be saying that you're a family man, you love your family, so you need to be there. Yes, your profits may not be what you want, but I'm a great Dad. I call bullshit. You are trying to use your family as an excuse. I believe you can do all things, and I know a part of you wishes you were more productive and more profitable. When you feel weakened by that aspect, you won't be 100% into your family. I don't care how much you think you are superior to the next person. It is full of lies. As business people, we are supposed to be in a place of profitability. Where there is increasing profits, you can lie to yourself all day long and say it's because you are a great mother or father, and that is why I can't do this in my business, but you are using that as an excuse. 
  • ​If you were in a place where your business was consistently increasing in profits and continually growing, you would deliver at a higher rate at home. What you're telling me is you are disregarding what I am doing. When you say your family is more important than money, more important than building a business, you say that I don't care about my family, and my business is all that I care about. 
  • ​We both know that is a lie. I am sitting here, challenging you, that you can do all things. You are using your family as a crutch, trying to be a hero. You're looking down on those that tend to do it all. Don't fall into the story that you aren't good in one area because of another area. You aren't healthy because I am trying to grow a business. I'm not paying attention at home because I am trying to grow a business. I'm saying you can do all things that you are in complete contrast to what your knowledge and experience is telling you. It is telling you that you must do all things at a high level. When you live out of integrity, watch those depressive thoughts become more fruitful, more consistent, watch the thoughts of what could happen in the future, and become more prevalent. There is a disconnect. You are a business owner, and your job is to make money, to grow your business. We can't fall trap to that story. I am not profitable because of this; I am not growing my business because of that. 
  • ​Large holes will be poked into your story because you fell trap, fell short, lost your sense of drive and direction, the sense of excitement we had when we got into this business. It's about repositioning the story. Many more years of that will leave you depleted and behind the ball. It will be harder for you to obtain that sense of power and purpose. It doesn't get easier. To make wise decisions is to stay in alignment with what we said. To be wise is to understand our behaviors. I understand what making my deposits does for me. I can preach this all day long. 
  • ​There is a definition by Robert Sternberg, who is a leading wisdom researcher. “There are two types of knowledge: Procedural Knowledge, facts, and things you learn in school. And you may be saying that you learned what the Power, Purpose, and Profits could do for me. But that is Procedural Knowledge. Then there is Experience Knowledge. Those of you have taken on the Power, Purpose, and Profits challenge, the 12-week Target challenge, and applied it. You were able to see your experience with it. It is no longer Experienced knowledge. It is applied knowledge. Experienced Knowledge. 
The Power of Positivity
  • For those of you who have experienced that knowledge, you understand how much power you can access daily from it. Hopefully, you can see when you aren't on your game how it erodes it quickly. It has always been if I can do the right things for my body, for my mind, I have a great chance to dominate the day, very much like this morning. Running 8 miles, not feeling it, but something as simple as listening to something that gives me knowledge; suddenly, I was more inclined to do the work.
  • ​I started listening to a book, The Happiness Hypothesis, for the first 30 minutes of my run. It got my brain going, and it was feeding positivity and knowledge into my mind. The moment I needed to increase my production, I had to run faster. I changed it to music that made me feel good. Music that reminded me of my youth, that gets me going. It's an amazing thing that happens, by feeding my mind something positive. I got going. I didn't feel defeated. I didn't feel the pain. I felt enjoyment, bliss, appreciation for my strength, my commitments. It started because I knew that I am going to dominate the day through my experience if I do the right things. 
  • ​Part of this process, I was out there taking care of my body. I was increasing my knowledge, my capacity through a Purpose deposit, self-development, appreciation, presence. Those are things that increase my wisdom the now—accepting the now. Then my Profits deposit. All the knowledge I gained, I'm sharing it with you, and hopefully, it will change the dynamic, the trajectory, the next step of what you are supposed to do for your business. Do I feel 100 times better right now than I did at 4:30 this morning? You bet your ass I do. My knowledge tells me if I do the right things, I am more inclined to win the day. 
  • ​Analyzation of your thoughts right now. Where are you at? Are you feeling fired up, defeated, anxious about what might happen or not happen? Whatever it is, it is about the preparation and the work, the reps behind whatever might happen, and how you respond to it. To worry about it? Weakens you. To complain about it weakens you. To go to it knowing that you have the reps behind you, the capacity to overcome empowers you. There is nothing that is coming your way; you can't happen. 
  • ​In the initial shock and awe, do you run and hide? Do you fear it? Or, do you take a step back and say you have work to do? There is the serenity prayer, and I think we have all heard of it. It falls in line with what Eckhart Tolle said and what I was talking about. Knowledge, and the Prime 3 deposits. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Such a powerful prayer. 
  • ​Sometimes we are stuck in not wanting how things are, but the reality is it is a never ending battle. You will never win what is; that is precisely what it is. We are stuck in a place of feeling this isn't how it should be, I shouldn't have been in an accident this morning, or lost a buyer. I should have said this at the listing appointment. We are stuck loathing in there. We lose our sense of direction and purpose when we can change things in the future. You can accept what is going on and move on. 
  • ​Finally, Ephesians 5:15. “Look carefully at how you walk, not as unwise but as wise—making the best use of the time because the days are evil. My interpretation; wisdom is the greatest gift we have through our experiences. As the serenity prayer said, I have a decision of knowing the difference, accepting things I cannot change, or the courage to change the things I can. You have a choice to walk around this earth as wise or unwise. It says, “ not as unwise, but as wise.” It is a choice. Making the best use of the time, not to dwell in it. Not to be victimized by it or complain about it because the days are evil. Mediocrity, temptation, complacency; the days are evil. What is your trigger? What do you do after that trigger? Are you still in a place of power? That is what will ultimately grow your business, fulfill your life, and an overall sense of purpose and happiness. Or, it will erode it, plain and simple.
In Closing
  • Hopefully, you were able to gain the wisdom that you've experienced from this. Not my wisdom. I am trying to open it up for you. You all have unique stories and journeys. Sometimes we have to realign yourself to what we know. Do the right things every day, and you will ultimately get the results you want. 
  • ​It is so important to feed ourselves the right things first thing in the morning. It also takes negative things to ultimately take us out of our power, trigger us, shut us down, and make us contract. Those negative thoughts are out there as well. Yes, it can do very good things for you, but it also can do damage. It causes fights at home, and typically if you dive into it, the fights I've had with Carla, the disagreements, the heated arguments, it wasn't the thing she did or the situation at the moment. It was the comment I heard two days before that was living inside of me, what I never really resolved—a comment outside of the relationship. Something someone said, or did and I disregarded it and pretended it didn't affect me, only to have it fester within me. I would take all of that negativity and find a way to get into a disagreement with my wife. 
  • ​It always happens that way. Think about the issues that are going on at home. Maybe it's the frustration of not getting your business going. It was for me for many years. Yet, I would rather blame the person at home instead of my inactions, inabilities to grow a business. Hearing the right things can do a lot of good, but the negative experiences, and people and too. 
  • ​The Serenity Prayer says it all. It doesn't say dwell on it, it doesn't question why it happened, or how could you let it happen; it essentially states, allow me to accept it, or to change it. Your wisdom tells you that you will deliver at a high level in all aspects of your life if you are in a place of power. It's hard to say that as parents. We have our purpose to fulfill. If we put things on the back burner, it doesn't make us more powerful at home. It's when you can do all things, you will be on fire, and your business will be booming. 
  • ​Thank you for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Let's do the right things and dominate the day.

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I've noticed how hard Mondays are. To get going and embrace the road before me. The wisdom and knowledge I have obtained through my journey remind me of the rewards that come from my consistency. I am reminded of how important it is to dive in and embrace my wisdom. When we disregard the lessons we learn and place blame on others for our lack of productivity; we do a great disservice to those that have poured their knowledge and wisdom into us, and in our ability to embrace it. 
Knowledge is Power
  • ​We are less than a week from the fourth quarter for those of you who run your businesses and look for the results at the end of each quarter. We are now entering the fourth quarter of 2020; what a challenging year. So many sources outside of us are saying things are really bad. We can buy into it and agree, we then find ourselves complaining. Complaining about the circumstances and what shouldn't be. In fact, all we are doing is refusing to accept what is. 
  • ​We all experience things in life differently. Those that can shift at a moment's notice and pivot quickly have learned to trust their wisdom. That is the conversation I wanted to have today; allow your wisdom to guide you. We start to listen to people's facts or things taught to us, and we forget we have everything we need with us. The wisdom and experience to get past whatever happens following a challenge. 
  • ​There is a quote by Marcel Proust from the book The Happiness Hypothesis. It got me thinking about how important it is to dive in and embrace our wisdom. “We do not receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves. After a great journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us. Which no one can spare us. For our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world.”  
  • ​When we define the word “regard,” it means to pay respect to or to compliment; to love, respect, and appreciate. Only through the wisdom of our own experience can we genuinely see that statement's nature. We learn to regard life, we learn to regard ourselves, and do all things to empower us moving forward. We must look at the wisdom that is telling us; if I do the right things daily, and if I begin in the morning, I have a better chance of having a great day throughout the day. I can have several bad moments, but never a bad day. 
  • ​I used to be stuck in this situation for many years, thinking it was a bad day. I would allow my thoughts to create a bad day because I had one bad moment in the day. Now I know if I do the right things, whether I am motivated to do them or not, but to at least be in the game, I will have a better chance of dominating that day. My knowledge and wisdom tell me to do the right things. We tend to forget that our knowledge is what will ultimately create that fulfillment in our lives. We think there is always something outside of us that will create something more fulfilling. The moment you forget something is outside of you is the exact moment you begin to appreciate your journey. 
  • ​It's the exact moment you disregard your journey. When you are in a place of power, no one can change your mind about what is working for you. The tricky part is the consistency of it. The hard part is to do it day in and day out. It's easy for us to forget because it happens so quickly. We can be on fire, knowing exactly what got us there; the moment we get triggered and falling off of our process, we forget what got us there, to begin with. That is tough because now we start looking for things outside of us. We know our wisdom, the knowledge we gain through experience, will always guide us to where we need to be. 
  • ​It's the triggers and outside sources, the things that pick us apart. There are so many moving parts with family, business, health, and friends that we allow the moving parts to pick us apart. When we get picked apart, we forget the things that got us to a place of power, to begin with: our knowledge, experience, and our ability to adapt. When we fall into these thoughts, it steamrolls into more negative thoughts. If we can stop ourselves and realize we have been here before, my knowledge tells me if I do the right things, shift the way I am looking, change the perspective, I will have a better chance of overcoming it faster. Instead of leading myself to believe the problem or obstacle is more significant than me.
Triggers and Complaints
  • When we feel down, we believe the things outside of us are more significant than us and our experiences. We allow the anxiety of the future to overwhelm our abilities. When, in fact, we have a track record of overcoming consistently. We are human, and we have habits that seem to come back at us. They always seem to pull us back or take us to a place where we retract to the lowest form of habit. 
  • ​We will always be challenged by things that tend to take us back to where we used to be. This is when we have to rely on our knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Reminding us there is a way to live powerfully by doing the right things daily. Monday mornings always seem to be the toughest. The toughest for me to get up, get going, and get my mind wrapped around the things that need to get done. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning, I had to do 8 miles of running, and it was not something I was looking forward to. My wisdom tells me if I avoid the things I said I would do, it would only deplete the power I feel throughout the day. If I can overcome the thoughts in the morning, instead of the thoughts of not doing it, drag out throughout the day. The short-term suffering of not wanting to do it will last 5-10 minutes first thing in the morning. It is much greater. You will have a bigger success rate than to beat yourself up all day for not doing what you said. 
  • ​If you are feeling stuck or depressed or a little anxious, there are two things you have to do: first identify what got you there in the first place. What was the trigger point? And then are you keeping track and are you in line, are you in integrity with the things you said? Conclusion: there are trigger points, and those lead us not to do the things we said, which makes the situation worse for us. If you are feeling depressed or anxious, something triggers those feelings. Let's identify it and how we can create separation and accept it. How can we overcome it? Then we need to look at our behaviors after the trigger point. After that, the behavior is the ones that are holding you back, not the initial trigger point. It is what you do or not do afterward. That is the most significant detriment to our thought processes: the negative thought processes, the anxiety, the worry. 
  • ​We tend to forget that second part. Sometimes we forget to identify the triggers and how we can learn to overcome and accept it. This is a problem we see ourselves with often, and then we start to complain. I love what Eckhart Tolle said from the book, “the Power of Now.” It was one of the most influential books of my life that took me a few times to read and understand what he was saying. His depth of knowledge and wisdom was far greater than my comprehension of it. I couldn't comprehend it or grasp it; I wasn't in that place at that moment. There was still so much for me to learn before I could read this to make sense to me. 
  • ​He says, “See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought about a situation you find yourself in what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always non-acceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious, negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself a victim.” As we start breaking down our daily conversations, are you putting yourself in a place of feeling less than? Or from a place that you have been wronged? “When you speak out, you are in power, so change the situation by taking action or speaking out if necessary or possible. Leave the situation or accept it; all else is madness.”
  • ​You can change the situation by taking action. You can leave the situation or accept it. The problem we have is we tend to hold onto things. Then we start to do the wrong things. We forget about the wisdom we had, and if there are patterns and processes, like the 12 -week Target book; my wisdom tells me If I stick to this game plan and make deposits into my Power, my health, Purpose, my mindset, and Profits, my business. The things I am passionate about. I am not trying to put it before my family or my kids. When I am in a place of power, I deliver at a high rate. You are a business owner. When you aren't delivering profits for your business, you are not in a place of power. You will always feel like something is lacking.
You Can do All Things
  • You may be saying that you're a family man, you love your family, so you need to be there. Yes, your profits may not be what you want, but I'm a great Dad. I call bullshit. You are trying to use your family as an excuse. I believe you can do all things, and I know a part of you wishes you were more productive and more profitable. When you feel weakened by that aspect, you won't be 100% into your family. I don't care how much you think you are superior to the next person. It is full of lies. As business people, we are supposed to be in a place of profitability. Where there is increasing profits, you can lie to yourself all day long and say it's because you are a great mother or father, and that is why I can't do this in my business, but you are using that as an excuse. 
  • ​If you were in a place where your business was consistently increasing in profits and continually growing, you would deliver at a higher rate at home. What you're telling me is you are disregarding what I am doing. When you say your family is more important than money, more important than building a business, you say that I don't care about my family, and my business is all that I care about. 
  • ​We both know that is a lie. I am sitting here, challenging you, that you can do all things. You are using your family as a crutch, trying to be a hero. You're looking down on those that tend to do it all. Don't fall into the story that you aren't good in one area because of another area. You aren't healthy because I am trying to grow a business. I'm not paying attention at home because I am trying to grow a business. I'm saying you can do all things that you are in complete contrast to what your knowledge and experience is telling you. It is telling you that you must do all things at a high level. When you live out of integrity, watch those depressive thoughts become more fruitful, more consistent, watch the thoughts of what could happen in the future, and become more prevalent. There is a disconnect. You are a business owner, and your job is to make money, to grow your business. We can't fall trap to that story. I am not profitable because of this; I am not growing my business because of that. 
  • ​Large holes will be poked into your story because you fell trap, fell short, lost your sense of drive and direction, the sense of excitement we had when we got into this business. It's about repositioning the story. Many more years of that will leave you depleted and behind the ball. It will be harder for you to obtain that sense of power and purpose. It doesn't get easier. To make wise decisions is to stay in alignment with what we said. To be wise is to understand our behaviors. I understand what making my deposits does for me. I can preach this all day long. 
  • ​There is a definition by Robert Sternberg, who is a leading wisdom researcher. “There are two types of knowledge: Procedural Knowledge, facts, and things you learn in school. And you may be saying that you learned what the Power, Purpose, and Profits could do for me. But that is Procedural Knowledge. Then there is Experience Knowledge. Those of you have taken on the Power, Purpose, and Profits challenge, the 12-week Target challenge, and applied it. You were able to see your experience with it. It is no longer Experienced knowledge. It is applied knowledge. Experienced Knowledge. 
The Power of Positivity
  • For those of you who have experienced that knowledge, you understand how much power you can access daily from it. Hopefully, you can see when you aren't on your game how it erodes it quickly. It has always been if I can do the right things for my body, for my mind, I have a great chance to dominate the day, very much like this morning. Running 8 miles, not feeling it, but something as simple as listening to something that gives me knowledge; suddenly, I was more inclined to do the work.
  • ​I started listening to a book, The Happiness Hypothesis, for the first 30 minutes of my run. It got my brain going, and it was feeding positivity and knowledge into my mind. The moment I needed to increase my production, I had to run faster. I changed it to music that made me feel good. Music that reminded me of my youth, that gets me going. It's an amazing thing that happens, by feeding my mind something positive. I got going. I didn't feel defeated. I didn't feel the pain. I felt enjoyment, bliss, appreciation for my strength, my commitments. It started because I knew that I am going to dominate the day through my experience if I do the right things. 
  • ​Part of this process, I was out there taking care of my body. I was increasing my knowledge, my capacity through a Purpose deposit, self-development, appreciation, presence. Those are things that increase my wisdom the now—accepting the now. Then my Profits deposit. All the knowledge I gained, I'm sharing it with you, and hopefully, it will change the dynamic, the trajectory, the next step of what you are supposed to do for your business. Do I feel 100 times better right now than I did at 4:30 this morning? You bet your ass I do. My knowledge tells me if I do the right things, I am more inclined to win the day. 
  • ​Analyzation of your thoughts right now. Where are you at? Are you feeling fired up, defeated, anxious about what might happen or not happen? Whatever it is, it is about the preparation and the work, the reps behind whatever might happen, and how you respond to it. To worry about it? Weakens you. To complain about it weakens you. To go to it knowing that you have the reps behind you, the capacity to overcome empowers you. There is nothing that is coming your way; you can't happen. 
  • ​In the initial shock and awe, do you run and hide? Do you fear it? Or, do you take a step back and say you have work to do? There is the serenity prayer, and I think we have all heard of it. It falls in line with what Eckhart Tolle said and what I was talking about. Knowledge, and the Prime 3 deposits. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Such a powerful prayer. 
  • ​Sometimes we are stuck in not wanting how things are, but the reality is it is a never ending battle. You will never win what is; that is precisely what it is. We are stuck in a place of feeling this isn't how it should be, I shouldn't have been in an accident this morning, or lost a buyer. I should have said this at the listing appointment. We are stuck loathing in there. We lose our sense of direction and purpose when we can change things in the future. You can accept what is going on and move on. 
  • ​Finally, Ephesians 5:15. “Look carefully at how you walk, not as unwise but as wise—making the best use of the time because the days are evil. My interpretation; wisdom is the greatest gift we have through our experiences. As the serenity prayer said, I have a decision of knowing the difference, accepting things I cannot change, or the courage to change the things I can. You have a choice to walk around this earth as wise or unwise. It says, “ not as unwise, but as wise.” It is a choice. Making the best use of the time, not to dwell in it. Not to be victimized by it or complain about it because the days are evil. Mediocrity, temptation, complacency; the days are evil. What is your trigger? What do you do after that trigger? Are you still in a place of power? That is what will ultimately grow your business, fulfill your life, and an overall sense of purpose and happiness. Or, it will erode it, plain and simple.
In Closing
  • Hopefully, you were able to gain the wisdom that you've experienced from this. Not my wisdom. I am trying to open it up for you. You all have unique stories and journeys. Sometimes we have to realign yourself to what we know. Do the right things every day, and you will ultimately get the results you want. 
  • ​It is so important to feed ourselves the right things first thing in the morning. It also takes negative things to ultimately take us out of our power, trigger us, shut us down, and make us contract. Those negative thoughts are out there as well. Yes, it can do very good things for you, but it also can do damage. It causes fights at home, and typically if you dive into it, the fights I've had with Carla, the disagreements, the heated arguments, it wasn't the thing she did or the situation at the moment. It was the comment I heard two days before that was living inside of me, what I never really resolved—a comment outside of the relationship. Something someone said, or did and I disregarded it and pretended it didn't affect me, only to have it fester within me. I would take all of that negativity and find a way to get into a disagreement with my wife. 
  • ​It always happens that way. Think about the issues that are going on at home. Maybe it's the frustration of not getting your business going. It was for me for many years. Yet, I would rather blame the person at home instead of my inactions, inabilities to grow a business. Hearing the right things can do a lot of good, but the negative experiences, and people and too. 
  • ​The Serenity Prayer says it all. It doesn't say dwell on it, it doesn't question why it happened, or how could you let it happen; it essentially states, allow me to accept it, or to change it. Your wisdom tells you that you will deliver at a high level in all aspects of your life if you are in a place of power. It's hard to say that as parents. We have our purpose to fulfill. If we put things on the back burner, it doesn't make us more powerful at home. It's when you can do all things, you will be on fire, and your business will be booming. 
  • ​Thank you for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Let's do the right things and dominate the day.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019