with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 88:

Don't Praise Them, Respect Them

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 41:

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 88:

Don't Praise Them, Respect Them

I have never felt more prepared for a challenge in my life as I do now. I am closing in on what will be a massive checkpoint for me and the direction I am heading. Allowing fear, doubt, anxiety, or obstacles to sway me is not an option. If I can't fix it, or accept it, then I must change it. Staying warm and cozy in complacency will not take me towards the goals I have set forth for myself; praising others weakens me, but respecting their tenacity empowers who I have become.
Panic Mode and a Spoon
  • ​This past weekend I completed my Olympic Triathlon. This is the precursor, the competition before the competition of the Ironman 70.3. I am excited about it coming up in two weeks. Following the Olympic Triathlon, I feel confident that I will do well at the 70.3. Considering everything I have done up to this point, the work, the reps, the time, the sacrifices have put me in this position. It is a complete contrast to the first Triathlon that I ever did. I look at it now, and it was irresponsible going into that competition, thinking I was conditioned enough to compete. I didn't even know how to swim. I put myself at risk and depleted the event's resources because the lifeguard followed me the entire time. And, I put others at risk because while they had to focus on me, they couldn't watch everyone else. 
  • ​To see the complete contrast makes me proud of where I am at and understand that to get anything we want in life requires the necessary reps. Today I want to talk about Praising vs. Respecting individuals. The night before the competition, which was this past Saturday, the battery to my electronic shifters on my Tri-bike went out. I freaked out a little. How does this happen the evening of? It could have been worse, and I could have found out in the morning and had no solution. In a way, I was already being sucked in by the challenge instead of taking a step back and realizing this is a good thing that I could figure this out the night before and not the morning of. 
  • ​If I would have tried to figure this out the morning of, I don't think I would have felt the type of energy I feel right now. That is the key to all things; to see there is a silver lining somewhere. We have to be able to look for it. Yes, it sucked, and my battery went out, but I have to find a solution or change it all together right now. My plan the night before was to go to sleep at 8:30. I had to set all of my things up, get a good night's rest, come in energized, and ready to go. That got thrown out the window. When I discovered my battery went out, I went into panic mode for a little bit. There are always three things to do in a panic situation. We talked about it last week:
  • ​1. Fix it  
  • ​ 2. Change it
  • ​3. Accept it
  • ​In this case, I tried to fix it. I called Cyclelogic, and I want to give them a big thumbs up, and thank you because I text the owner, and one of his mechanics called me right away. We went through this whole process of trying to diagnose what happened. I'm not a mechanical guy; my tools are limited. In fact, I am embarrassed to say that part of my tools includes a spoon. I’ve never been one of those guys that can fix things. I'm okay with that. I don't even like doing it. I knew enough to use a screwdriver, and certain wrenches, so I went through the process of unplugging, resetting the shifter, diagnosing it, and nothing worked. He suggested I check the battery under the seat. I'm using these tools, and I remove the seat, and there is a 6-inch battery. I unplug it and plug it back in, and the battery is dead. There is no fixing this whatsoever. 
Brother-in-laws and Back-Up Bikes
  • I had one shifter that works, and if you are going up hills and down, it won't be the most effective thing. I am more likely to burn out, lose my confidence, and injure myself in a situation like that. The track that we were doing was full of hills and downhills; there was a safety aspect to it. It wasn't the right equipment. I was prepared to do all of that. I couldn't fix it, and the second option was to accept it. I couldn't do that, and there was another option. I have a beautiful road bike, and it works well. However, it has been out of commission for about six months. I wasn't sure if the tires would hold up. I have fallen a few times already, the last thing I want to do is get injured again. 
  • ​I'm already losing some confidence, I was airing them up, and I could see a little bit of the sealant coming out. I was thinking it's doing its work. They are tubeless, it will plug up, and it will be fine. I'm going through the process and disliking the fact that I am even in this situation. Nine o’clock comes around, then Nine thirty. I should have been in bed by now. I had all of my items set up, and I didn't know who this would happen. I ended up calling my brother in law Rio, who is also an agent here at A.Z. & Associates, he is more mechanically inclined then I am. That doesn't take much. 
  • ​He came over, and he was able to change the pedals out for me because I had to change the pedals from one bike to another. Then he suggested a blessing that I change out the rims from one bike to another. That would give me the confidence of not having to worry if my tires would blow out. We Googled if we could do that, and we could. He made the change for me, and things started to fall into place. There was still some reservation because I haven't trained in it. But as I know, there are only three things I can do: fix it, accept it, or change it, and things will turn out as they should. 
  • ​When you are in the place of not accepting, not wanting to fix it, not wanting to change it, that keeps you frozen from not doing anything. I know that if a challenge had come before, I would have said it wasn't meant to be. How many times have we said that to ourselves? It is what it is. It's a B.S. excuse. That is a way to get out of certain things. I understand if it's used to accept certain things, but most people say, It is what it is, as a way to give up. 
  • ​I know that if I wasn't in this place of power, If I hadn't put in the reps, or had the wisdom and respect for what I have done, I don't think I could have moved on. But because I have stuck to the game plan, I know that there will be an almost immediate counteraction with every great level we enter into. The obstacle. The resistance. I followed the process and was willing to fix it, to accept it, or change it.
Look for the Silver Lining
  • Fixing it didn't work. Accepting it would have put me at a disadvantage in many ways. But I could change it. I've invested in myself and my equipment. It didn't happen by chance. After I learned to change it, I accepted that I would be riding a road bike that I haven't ridden in six months. Not only did it help me, but I think it gave me an advantage. On the mountain climbs and down hills, the control that I had was the perfect equipment for that particular challenge. Which is amazing, right? It happened the way it should have. We don't find these revelations, the silver linings, the blessings, because once we face a challenge, I would sit there and loathe. I would sit and complain, being victimized by the situation, instead of seeing why it happened. 
  • ​I'm not saying it was divine. I'm saying it was meant to happen this way. It reinforced the fact that regardless of whatever comes my way, I will continue to move forward, and I will not stop. Is there thought processes, slivers of doubt? Absolutely, but they are minor. I will find a solution, and whatever I end up accepting or changing, I will own it. If it had been with that one gear, I would have owned it. And I feel great. Competition day, I woke up at three in the morning after going to sleep at eleven. I refused to believe that I would be tired. I know my body will be able to take that on. I didn't fall into the trap of believing I didn't have enough sleep, so I wouldn't be able to compete as effectively. I have heard great champions; I listen to their interviews very carefully. If you pay attention, you will hear them say they couldn't sleep the night before. They come in and dominate the competition, their opponent. 
  • ​I heard that a few times on Saturday; there were some UFC fights on, and some of them were nervous, they couldn't sleep, they were excited; so I used that to my advantage. I don't need that sleep. My body will remember what I told it to do. I went out there with so much appreciation. It was a beautiful morning. I took my time and made sure I planned accordingly, my nutrition, my hydration; I envisioned what it would be like when I came out of the water, taking off my wetsuit, put on my cycling gear. I envisioned it all. What it looked like when I came back off the bike, removing my cycling gear and getting into my running gear. 
  • ​I kept reminding myself that I have done this for hundreds of hours, thousands of miles on the bike. It was a constant reminder of the work. When you are in the integrity of what you are supposed to do, what you are responsible for, all you have to do is remind yourself. There was zero thought that I should have done more. I should have prepared better. I have stayed in line with the things I am supposed to do. When it comes to game day, I'm going to deliver. You can try to avoid all of the things you want to do for your business. You may allow it to be an option for you. I don't have to market today. I don't need to follow up. I'll call them tomorrow. I will reply to this email later. All of that creeps up at the moment of truth, on game day. You will either be more confident or less confident. 
  • ​You know, your integrity knows. Some of us have become okay with being able to analyze what we did afterward. I should have done this or that. If you were on your game, you would have said that. What you are disregarding is all of the reps you have missed. If you were more aware and more prepared, you would have caught that. You would have shifted and pivoted. When it comes to game day, you could've been more confident, but instead, we are less confident because of all the things we missed. I should have done that, and I could have done this or that. You could have stuck to doing what you were supposed to do every single day. Yet you are trying to shift on game day. 
  • ​I didn't change anything for my game day. I was there to deliver. I was going to kill it. I was going to remind myself to finish strong. I have been going to this game for a long time. My wisdom tells me that I will deliver because my integrity is in line. We have to think about those things; game day shouldn't be the time you learn. You can take lessons from it, but it's not the time for you to make these big mistakes. You are supposed to make those mistakes during prep time. You are supposed to adjust as you are prepping. The big day sometimes doesn't come soon enough.
  • As I am finishing this race, it was very challenging. I don't want to do that again. As soon as you leave the transition area, there is a big hill. You have to go up, and you are hardly moving at all. Some were moving pretty fast, but I couldn't. I have thousands of reps under me, and I couldn't move that fast up the mountain. I was moving effectively within my capacity. It was a challenge because, in one loop, you are doing six to eight climbs. It was challenging and then to come back around, and as soon as you transition to the run, you have to go up these hills again. For me to be able to finish in the nine-minute mile mark, I was proud of that. 19.1 miles per hour on my bike. I thought that was pretty good. There are areas where I need to improve, I think I could do better on the swim, but I didn't exhaust myself. I felt strong coming out of this.
  • ​It is so easy for us to praise other people. I would find myself praising other people consistently. Maybe you do that when it comes to business and look at our Top Producers praising them all day long. Like they are an idol like they are an anomaly. I would do that. I would compare myself to other brokerages and sit there in awe of how. They are an anomaly, some idols. Even comparing myself to individuals who dominate this sport. I have friends that do this and wonder how they do it. When we make those types of comments, we are essentially telling ourselves we are incapable of doing such things. 
  • ​When we are in awe of somebody's production, when we praise them to the skies, when you sit there and accept they are superior; you are telling yourself you are inferior, incapable, you lack the skill sets, that you lack the mindset to deliver at the same level. I’ve done that, my friend is doing Ironmans, and doing all of these great things, which means I can't do it. I put up that I did 13 miles the other day, and there was a time I didn't think I could do four miles. It was a conditioning process of setting my mind to something and chunking it down, getting myself better every time. I got a text message that said that was awesome. I can't even do three miles straight. I wish I could do that. The way this person approached it was that he was incapable of. Instead of respecting what I am doing, he is praising what I am doing. As opposed to respecting what these competitors were doing, I praised them to the skies like I couldn't obtain the same things. 
  • ​You may be doing that with our Top Producers. You may be looking at all of these conventions of these self-proclaimed Top Producers of the entire country, and you are sitting back wishing you could do what they are doing. That's great. You are no hater. You are praising them to the skies, but you are doing the wrong things. You are praising them to the skies because you lack consistency. You think they are far superior because you can't stick to what you said you would do. If you did, your perspective would change; just like mine did. It's no longer this praise of oh my gosh, I wish I could do that, produce that, or grow like that. Now it's a deep-rooted respect for them. I know what they sacrificed and the pains they overcame. The obstacles they had to overcome. I understand their journey. 
  • ​I'm no longer looking at these guys like they are idols; I'm saying holy shit, I respect the hell out of them. I understand what it takes to do the work. I understand what it takes to get to that level, and it is far greater than what I am doing right now. They are no longer an anomaly. They are just more committed or have done it longer than you. These Top Producers are not an anomaly. They have either done it longer than you or been more consistent than you. You're no hater, and you're envious. Quit telling yourself that story, because you are not inferior. You just need to get more consistent, more committed, do what you say, and your entire perspective will switch, and the respect is to the core. I respect these men and women who are living life at that level. Holy shit, did they sacrifice, and they are on their game. 
  • ​They are not an anomaly, they did the work, and they continue to stay committed to the work, regardless of whatever comes their way. 18 weeks of this? I'm not a damn anomaly. I'm consistent as all hell.
In Closing
  • Whatever it is that you are trying to achieve, you those people as an inspiration. Don't ever put yourself in an inferior situation. Start looking at your behaviors instead. What they do vs. what you fail to do; otherwise, you will get stuck there admiring others for the great life they are living. What about you? You know it's B.S. when we get into these thought processes and fail to do the necessary work. What do you want from your business? Get to work. What is it that you want for your body? Do the work. Quit looking at other marriages in awe and looking at how you fail to show up. That is what we have to remind yourself of continually. We have to put these targets in place to be able to force change. 
  • ​This process has opened up an entirely new possibility of where I am going. First, I thought it was only about my body, but no. You should see what's coming up next. I'm excited, but it reinforces how committed I am. This is a conditioning process; I'm not an anomaly. The people I'm looking at aren't an anomaly. You aren't an anomaly. But, I respect the hard work. You've done a lot and overcome a lot. It's these moments of doubt that keep us at the status quo. When you have those thoughts of doubt and do nothing about it, instead of forcing and showing up, the growth that was supposed to happen is delayed. Let's pay attention to how we view others. No one is superior. The moment you think that, you are led to believe you are inferior, and that isn't the case.
  • ​Doing this is nothing that anyone of you can't do. Eight men did it with me. All of them had their challenges and obstacles to overcome. I was proud to stand there with them, knowing that they got through it. Everyone had their battles to fight, and they got through it, with a smile on their face and with the determination to make the necessary changes to be ready for the next one. Every one of them has more confidence, their business is growing, and there is a certainty whatever comes their way they will overcome. They put themselves in that situation, and they could have been complacent with how life is. 
  • ​Who wants to add three hours a day to their workout, grow a business, and handle a family? Why put that pressure on us? Because they are diamonds, these dudes are on fire. Do you want to feel that? Find a challenge for yourself. Don't sit back there and praise others, and doubt yourself. I can never do that; I'm too stupid, too slow, not committed, and inferior. Own it, do it, and get on your game. 
  • ​Thank you for joining me today, and I hope this information resonated with you. If you heard something that made you think about your journey, please share that with us. What are you hearing? It's so easy to praise others in things we can't do when all we have to do is learn to respect the work they have done. My whole view of the people I praised was that I couldn't do what they were doing. Now I have deep-rooted respect and appreciation. If I want to be at that level, I need to stay as consistent as hell daily. You also can be a 20 million dollar producer if that is what you want. It's never above you, but you have to make a pattern of things to get to that level. Right now, if you're not, if you're half or a quarter of that, it means there are big holes and gaps in your ability to stay consistent. Or, you haven't allowed time to take its course. If you are consistent and allow time, it's only a matter of time before you get there. 
  • ​It's funny how we can take a beating, and it feels so good afterward. Mel Robbins wrote a book called The 5 Second Rule; an awesome book; if you want to read something motivational, that will get you fired up. It was well executed, one of the best audiobooks I've listened to. I love to read, and there are some books I love to hear. The book, Relentless and You Can't Hurt Me is really good for listening to audio. I can't tell you how good I feel. To overcome the stories that I am not this person, until hell, yeah, I am this person. 
  • ​There is a process there, and I am so thankful that I decided to train for this competition. It stems back from when I tore my tendons three years ago. There was no other choice but to cycle because I couldn't use my upper body. I bought my first bike, “The Iron Maiden,” and those who have been in my circle understand what that is. It's sixty pounds and has been passed around to different guys who have decided to join us on these bike rides. Entering my first Sprint Triathlon, then my first Olympic Triathlon, and committing to this Ironman from a conversation while we were hanging out at the lake. Rio Vidrio suggested we all do this Ironman 70.3. I disregarded it only to wake up and feel like this is what must be done. Not realizing it would wake up the men around me and inspire others that are watching this journey. 
  • ​To now be at this place where I feel great about doing the Olympics, and I will go in there with a gaze of confidence for my Ironman 70.3. I love how it all works out, but I put myself in uncomfortable situations. The water, getting into the water, and learning how to swim properly? That alone is a considerable feat. When you lean in and refuse to think this is someone else's game, it's only possible for them, and your success is limited; you step out of your comfort zone and realize it's available to everyone. Whatever you want to create is available to you. We have to do the things that have been proven to work. 
  • ​Slowly but surely, you will gain confidence, and from that, you will grow your clientele base, and then the profits you desire. Knowing you can do it is the key to all things. Challenge yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, go all out and be great. That is precisely the point. Thank you all for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Hopefully, it got you in alignment with who you need to become. The focus is on you and no one else to accomplish what you desire for yourself and your family. I will talk to you soon. Have a great day.

More Episodes

I have never felt more prepared for a challenge in my life as I do now. I am closing in on what will be a massive checkpoint for me and the direction I am heading. Allowing fear, doubt, anxiety, or obstacles to sway me is not an option. If I can't fix it, or accept it, then I must change it. Staying warm and cozy in complacency will not take me towards the goals I have set forth for myself; praising others weakens me, but respecting their tenacity empowers who I have become.
Panic Mode and a Spoon
  • ​This past weekend I completed my Olympic Triathlon. This is the precursor, the competition before the competition of the Ironman 70.3. I am excited about it coming up in two weeks. Following the Olympic Triathlon, I feel confident that I will do well at the 70.3. Considering everything I have done up to this point, the work, the reps, the time, the sacrifices have put me in this position. It is a complete contrast to the first Triathlon that I ever did. I look at it now, and it was irresponsible going into that competition, thinking I was conditioned enough to compete. I didn't even know how to swim. I put myself at risk and depleted the event's resources because the lifeguard followed me the entire time. And, I put others at risk because while they had to focus on me, they couldn't watch everyone else. 
  • ​To see the complete contrast makes me proud of where I am at and understand that to get anything we want in life requires the necessary reps. Today I want to talk about Praising vs. Respecting individuals. The night before the competition, which was this past Saturday, the battery to my electronic shifters on my Tri-bike went out. I freaked out a little. How does this happen the evening of? It could have been worse, and I could have found out in the morning and had no solution. In a way, I was already being sucked in by the challenge instead of taking a step back and realizing this is a good thing that I could figure this out the night before and not the morning of. 
  • ​If I would have tried to figure this out the morning of, I don't think I would have felt the type of energy I feel right now. That is the key to all things; to see there is a silver lining somewhere. We have to be able to look for it. Yes, it sucked, and my battery went out, but I have to find a solution or change it all together right now. My plan the night before was to go to sleep at 8:30. I had to set all of my things up, get a good night's rest, come in energized, and ready to go. That got thrown out the window. When I discovered my battery went out, I went into panic mode for a little bit. There are always three things to do in a panic situation. We talked about it last week:
  • ​1. Fix it  
  • ​ 2. Change it
  • ​3. Accept it
  • ​In this case, I tried to fix it. I called Cyclelogic, and I want to give them a big thumbs up, and thank you because I text the owner, and one of his mechanics called me right away. We went through this whole process of trying to diagnose what happened. I'm not a mechanical guy; my tools are limited. In fact, I am embarrassed to say that part of my tools includes a spoon. I’ve never been one of those guys that can fix things. I'm okay with that. I don't even like doing it. I knew enough to use a screwdriver, and certain wrenches, so I went through the process of unplugging, resetting the shifter, diagnosing it, and nothing worked. He suggested I check the battery under the seat. I'm using these tools, and I remove the seat, and there is a 6-inch battery. I unplug it and plug it back in, and the battery is dead. There is no fixing this whatsoever. 
Brother-in-laws and Back-Up Bikes
  • I had one shifter that works, and if you are going up hills and down, it won't be the most effective thing. I am more likely to burn out, lose my confidence, and injure myself in a situation like that. The track that we were doing was full of hills and downhills; there was a safety aspect to it. It wasn't the right equipment. I was prepared to do all of that. I couldn't fix it, and the second option was to accept it. I couldn't do that, and there was another option. I have a beautiful road bike, and it works well. However, it has been out of commission for about six months. I wasn't sure if the tires would hold up. I have fallen a few times already, the last thing I want to do is get injured again. 
  • ​I'm already losing some confidence, I was airing them up, and I could see a little bit of the sealant coming out. I was thinking it's doing its work. They are tubeless, it will plug up, and it will be fine. I'm going through the process and disliking the fact that I am even in this situation. Nine o’clock comes around, then Nine thirty. I should have been in bed by now. I had all of my items set up, and I didn't know who this would happen. I ended up calling my brother in law Rio, who is also an agent here at A.Z. & Associates, he is more mechanically inclined then I am. That doesn't take much. 
  • ​He came over, and he was able to change the pedals out for me because I had to change the pedals from one bike to another. Then he suggested a blessing that I change out the rims from one bike to another. That would give me the confidence of not having to worry if my tires would blow out. We Googled if we could do that, and we could. He made the change for me, and things started to fall into place. There was still some reservation because I haven't trained in it. But as I know, there are only three things I can do: fix it, accept it, or change it, and things will turn out as they should. 
  • ​When you are in the place of not accepting, not wanting to fix it, not wanting to change it, that keeps you frozen from not doing anything. I know that if a challenge had come before, I would have said it wasn't meant to be. How many times have we said that to ourselves? It is what it is. It's a B.S. excuse. That is a way to get out of certain things. I understand if it's used to accept certain things, but most people say, It is what it is, as a way to give up. 
  • ​I know that if I wasn't in this place of power, If I hadn't put in the reps, or had the wisdom and respect for what I have done, I don't think I could have moved on. But because I have stuck to the game plan, I know that there will be an almost immediate counteraction with every great level we enter into. The obstacle. The resistance. I followed the process and was willing to fix it, to accept it, or change it.
Look for the Silver Lining
  • Fixing it didn't work. Accepting it would have put me at a disadvantage in many ways. But I could change it. I've invested in myself and my equipment. It didn't happen by chance. After I learned to change it, I accepted that I would be riding a road bike that I haven't ridden in six months. Not only did it help me, but I think it gave me an advantage. On the mountain climbs and down hills, the control that I had was the perfect equipment for that particular challenge. Which is amazing, right? It happened the way it should have. We don't find these revelations, the silver linings, the blessings, because once we face a challenge, I would sit there and loathe. I would sit and complain, being victimized by the situation, instead of seeing why it happened. 
  • ​I'm not saying it was divine. I'm saying it was meant to happen this way. It reinforced the fact that regardless of whatever comes my way, I will continue to move forward, and I will not stop. Is there thought processes, slivers of doubt? Absolutely, but they are minor. I will find a solution, and whatever I end up accepting or changing, I will own it. If it had been with that one gear, I would have owned it. And I feel great. Competition day, I woke up at three in the morning after going to sleep at eleven. I refused to believe that I would be tired. I know my body will be able to take that on. I didn't fall into the trap of believing I didn't have enough sleep, so I wouldn't be able to compete as effectively. I have heard great champions; I listen to their interviews very carefully. If you pay attention, you will hear them say they couldn't sleep the night before. They come in and dominate the competition, their opponent. 
  • ​I heard that a few times on Saturday; there were some UFC fights on, and some of them were nervous, they couldn't sleep, they were excited; so I used that to my advantage. I don't need that sleep. My body will remember what I told it to do. I went out there with so much appreciation. It was a beautiful morning. I took my time and made sure I planned accordingly, my nutrition, my hydration; I envisioned what it would be like when I came out of the water, taking off my wetsuit, put on my cycling gear. I envisioned it all. What it looked like when I came back off the bike, removing my cycling gear and getting into my running gear. 
  • ​I kept reminding myself that I have done this for hundreds of hours, thousands of miles on the bike. It was a constant reminder of the work. When you are in the integrity of what you are supposed to do, what you are responsible for, all you have to do is remind yourself. There was zero thought that I should have done more. I should have prepared better. I have stayed in line with the things I am supposed to do. When it comes to game day, I'm going to deliver. You can try to avoid all of the things you want to do for your business. You may allow it to be an option for you. I don't have to market today. I don't need to follow up. I'll call them tomorrow. I will reply to this email later. All of that creeps up at the moment of truth, on game day. You will either be more confident or less confident. 
  • ​You know, your integrity knows. Some of us have become okay with being able to analyze what we did afterward. I should have done this or that. If you were on your game, you would have said that. What you are disregarding is all of the reps you have missed. If you were more aware and more prepared, you would have caught that. You would have shifted and pivoted. When it comes to game day, you could've been more confident, but instead, we are less confident because of all the things we missed. I should have done that, and I could have done this or that. You could have stuck to doing what you were supposed to do every single day. Yet you are trying to shift on game day. 
  • ​I didn't change anything for my game day. I was there to deliver. I was going to kill it. I was going to remind myself to finish strong. I have been going to this game for a long time. My wisdom tells me that I will deliver because my integrity is in line. We have to think about those things; game day shouldn't be the time you learn. You can take lessons from it, but it's not the time for you to make these big mistakes. You are supposed to make those mistakes during prep time. You are supposed to adjust as you are prepping. The big day sometimes doesn't come soon enough.
  • As I am finishing this race, it was very challenging. I don't want to do that again. As soon as you leave the transition area, there is a big hill. You have to go up, and you are hardly moving at all. Some were moving pretty fast, but I couldn't. I have thousands of reps under me, and I couldn't move that fast up the mountain. I was moving effectively within my capacity. It was a challenge because, in one loop, you are doing six to eight climbs. It was challenging and then to come back around, and as soon as you transition to the run, you have to go up these hills again. For me to be able to finish in the nine-minute mile mark, I was proud of that. 19.1 miles per hour on my bike. I thought that was pretty good. There are areas where I need to improve, I think I could do better on the swim, but I didn't exhaust myself. I felt strong coming out of this.
  • ​It is so easy for us to praise other people. I would find myself praising other people consistently. Maybe you do that when it comes to business and look at our Top Producers praising them all day long. Like they are an idol like they are an anomaly. I would do that. I would compare myself to other brokerages and sit there in awe of how. They are an anomaly, some idols. Even comparing myself to individuals who dominate this sport. I have friends that do this and wonder how they do it. When we make those types of comments, we are essentially telling ourselves we are incapable of doing such things. 
  • ​When we are in awe of somebody's production, when we praise them to the skies, when you sit there and accept they are superior; you are telling yourself you are inferior, incapable, you lack the skill sets, that you lack the mindset to deliver at the same level. I’ve done that, my friend is doing Ironmans, and doing all of these great things, which means I can't do it. I put up that I did 13 miles the other day, and there was a time I didn't think I could do four miles. It was a conditioning process of setting my mind to something and chunking it down, getting myself better every time. I got a text message that said that was awesome. I can't even do three miles straight. I wish I could do that. The way this person approached it was that he was incapable of. Instead of respecting what I am doing, he is praising what I am doing. As opposed to respecting what these competitors were doing, I praised them to the skies like I couldn't obtain the same things. 
  • ​You may be doing that with our Top Producers. You may be looking at all of these conventions of these self-proclaimed Top Producers of the entire country, and you are sitting back wishing you could do what they are doing. That's great. You are no hater. You are praising them to the skies, but you are doing the wrong things. You are praising them to the skies because you lack consistency. You think they are far superior because you can't stick to what you said you would do. If you did, your perspective would change; just like mine did. It's no longer this praise of oh my gosh, I wish I could do that, produce that, or grow like that. Now it's a deep-rooted respect for them. I know what they sacrificed and the pains they overcame. The obstacles they had to overcome. I understand their journey. 
  • ​I'm no longer looking at these guys like they are idols; I'm saying holy shit, I respect the hell out of them. I understand what it takes to do the work. I understand what it takes to get to that level, and it is far greater than what I am doing right now. They are no longer an anomaly. They are just more committed or have done it longer than you. These Top Producers are not an anomaly. They have either done it longer than you or been more consistent than you. You're no hater, and you're envious. Quit telling yourself that story, because you are not inferior. You just need to get more consistent, more committed, do what you say, and your entire perspective will switch, and the respect is to the core. I respect these men and women who are living life at that level. Holy shit, did they sacrifice, and they are on their game. 
  • ​They are not an anomaly, they did the work, and they continue to stay committed to the work, regardless of whatever comes their way. 18 weeks of this? I'm not a damn anomaly. I'm consistent as all hell.
In Closing
  • Whatever it is that you are trying to achieve, you those people as an inspiration. Don't ever put yourself in an inferior situation. Start looking at your behaviors instead. What they do vs. what you fail to do; otherwise, you will get stuck there admiring others for the great life they are living. What about you? You know it's B.S. when we get into these thought processes and fail to do the necessary work. What do you want from your business? Get to work. What is it that you want for your body? Do the work. Quit looking at other marriages in awe and looking at how you fail to show up. That is what we have to remind yourself of continually. We have to put these targets in place to be able to force change. 
  • ​This process has opened up an entirely new possibility of where I am going. First, I thought it was only about my body, but no. You should see what's coming up next. I'm excited, but it reinforces how committed I am. This is a conditioning process; I'm not an anomaly. The people I'm looking at aren't an anomaly. You aren't an anomaly. But, I respect the hard work. You've done a lot and overcome a lot. It's these moments of doubt that keep us at the status quo. When you have those thoughts of doubt and do nothing about it, instead of forcing and showing up, the growth that was supposed to happen is delayed. Let's pay attention to how we view others. No one is superior. The moment you think that, you are led to believe you are inferior, and that isn't the case.
  • ​Doing this is nothing that anyone of you can't do. Eight men did it with me. All of them had their challenges and obstacles to overcome. I was proud to stand there with them, knowing that they got through it. Everyone had their battles to fight, and they got through it, with a smile on their face and with the determination to make the necessary changes to be ready for the next one. Every one of them has more confidence, their business is growing, and there is a certainty whatever comes their way they will overcome. They put themselves in that situation, and they could have been complacent with how life is. 
  • ​Who wants to add three hours a day to their workout, grow a business, and handle a family? Why put that pressure on us? Because they are diamonds, these dudes are on fire. Do you want to feel that? Find a challenge for yourself. Don't sit back there and praise others, and doubt yourself. I can never do that; I'm too stupid, too slow, not committed, and inferior. Own it, do it, and get on your game. 
  • ​Thank you for joining me today, and I hope this information resonated with you. If you heard something that made you think about your journey, please share that with us. What are you hearing? It's so easy to praise others in things we can't do when all we have to do is learn to respect the work they have done. My whole view of the people I praised was that I couldn't do what they were doing. Now I have deep-rooted respect and appreciation. If I want to be at that level, I need to stay as consistent as hell daily. You also can be a 20 million dollar producer if that is what you want. It's never above you, but you have to make a pattern of things to get to that level. Right now, if you're not, if you're half or a quarter of that, it means there are big holes and gaps in your ability to stay consistent. Or, you haven't allowed time to take its course. If you are consistent and allow time, it's only a matter of time before you get there. 
  • ​It's funny how we can take a beating, and it feels so good afterward. Mel Robbins wrote a book called The 5 Second Rule; an awesome book; if you want to read something motivational, that will get you fired up. It was well executed, one of the best audiobooks I've listened to. I love to read, and there are some books I love to hear. The book, Relentless and You Can't Hurt Me is really good for listening to audio. I can't tell you how good I feel. To overcome the stories that I am not this person, until hell, yeah, I am this person. 
  • ​There is a process there, and I am so thankful that I decided to train for this competition. It stems back from when I tore my tendons three years ago. There was no other choice but to cycle because I couldn't use my upper body. I bought my first bike, “The Iron Maiden,” and those who have been in my circle understand what that is. It's sixty pounds and has been passed around to different guys who have decided to join us on these bike rides. Entering my first Sprint Triathlon, then my first Olympic Triathlon, and committing to this Ironman from a conversation while we were hanging out at the lake. Rio Vidrio suggested we all do this Ironman 70.3. I disregarded it only to wake up and feel like this is what must be done. Not realizing it would wake up the men around me and inspire others that are watching this journey. 
  • ​To now be at this place where I feel great about doing the Olympics, and I will go in there with a gaze of confidence for my Ironman 70.3. I love how it all works out, but I put myself in uncomfortable situations. The water, getting into the water, and learning how to swim properly? That alone is a considerable feat. When you lean in and refuse to think this is someone else's game, it's only possible for them, and your success is limited; you step out of your comfort zone and realize it's available to everyone. Whatever you want to create is available to you. We have to do the things that have been proven to work. 
  • ​Slowly but surely, you will gain confidence, and from that, you will grow your clientele base, and then the profits you desire. Knowing you can do it is the key to all things. Challenge yourself beyond what you think you can accomplish, go all out and be great. That is precisely the point. Thank you all for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Hopefully, it got you in alignment with who you need to become. The focus is on you and no one else to accomplish what you desire for yourself and your family. I will talk to you soon. Have a great day.

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