with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 89:

Poised To Win

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 89:

Poised To Win

I’m 42, and life is good. Looking back to my 32-year-old self, I am unrecognizable; my life is significantly different. Sitting in a place of complacency and acceptance of what is will never get you to the place of what can be. What steps are you taking to make your life what you desire to be in the next five years? If you are doing nothing, I can see your future; poise yourself to win, and the foundation you have built will not crumble.
42 and Climbing
  • ​Yesterday I turned 42 years old, and I looked at that number and wondered how that happened. I am grateful for the way my life is turning out. Things are significantly better than they were at 37 or 32. Things have never been better in my entire life. It's based on the foundation I created and created all the great things in my life. It wasn't easy, but my determination to fight. Fight for the lifestyle I always imagined, a less chaotic life, and functional life. 
  • ​Many of us may be in a place where we have accepted dysfunctionality, and it is part of life. We have full control of where we go, how we feel, and the money we make. We are in an excellent position to create it all. Sometimes we leave it up to generalities, and we lose ourselves. I know exactly why I felt like I was at 32; I was reserved, hesitant because I didn't have a pattern of showing up powerfully. Consistently I had powerful moments, few and far between. I failed to identify the patterns that got me there. 
  • ​Today I know precisely what gets me in my power; it's the patterns and things I do daily. We are all responsible for making sure we continue that momentum. As you look back five years, are you in a better place today? Are you in a better place than you were ten years ago? You have either done many the right things or have allowed things to take their course. Maybe you are heavier, or your marriage is hitting hard times, and the finances aren't there, causing you to struggle. Maybe it's getting harder to get out of bed because of a lack of motivation and desire. There is a lack of intention. You need to be clear and aware that these feelings will not go away. Everything gets much harder. If you don't learn to curb the momentum, if you feel you've gained weight and are in poor shape, aging can slow down certain things. It doesn't mean to allow it to happen without a fight. Time does take us out of the honeymoon stage, but it doesn't mean you don't fight. We can get used to making a certain amount of money, and we live life going through the motions. We cannot forget to fight. 
  • ​If you are struggling now, and unmotivated, not taking care of yourself now, and your marriage is getting progressively difficult; nothing will change; things progressively get worse. When you compare yourselves to five years ago, if you aren't in a better position in how you feel, where your business is going, where your finances are headed, where your marriage is going, they won't improve on their own. You are waiting for it all to unravel ultimately. 
Beg, Borrow, and Heal 
  • Many have faced that, and I also did at thirty-five years old. It seems like the entire world implodes, and nothing seems to work. Everything seems chaotic, dysfunctional, sad, and it comes to that point when we don't take the necessary actions daily. Suppose you aren't in a better place than you were five years ago. It's not going to get better until you take significant and deliberate actions daily. You are holding onto a sinking ship. That is a horrible position to be in. I know that I saw it, and I tried to avoid it.
  • ​I thought my marriage would automatically change for me. I thought divorce was the only option. Carla thought the same thing. My finances didn't improve until I decided to do the hard work, the required work. I take care of my body. I don't abuse it or stuff my face with cheap and fast food; I want to be in this game for as long as possible. I want to see my daughters grow up to be powerful women and raise powerful children. I want to be there and not have to worry about me and my health. These are all things I decided to improve. They were decisions.
  • ​If you would have asked me five years ago if my life was as good as ten years ago, I don't think I would have said year. Without a shadow of a doubt, I can say yes because my life today is superior to it was five years ago. I am healthier, stronger, wiser, wealthier, happier. These are all things I caused to happen, my actions, and what I decided to do daily was the cause of. I decided to fight when I fell and keep going when everything was against me. There was no cash coming in, and I had to beg and borrow to cover the bills; I was willing to fight. 
  • ​If you are in the same position today as you were five years ago, you aren't fighting enough. That is the byproduct of complacency. Complacency leads to dysfunction. You can go through the motions, not challenge your marriage, your body, or your business. It will work, until one day it doesn't. One day you will be facing a giant wall of obstacles, and there is no way for you to go up, around, or through it. Desperation sets in; anxiety goes through the roof; depression hits. This was caused by not pushing hard enough and the thoughts you buy into. 
  • ​It doesn't get any better, so if you face these struggles right now, if you aren't happy with the way you look or feel, nothing will change until you start making the change. If you are still struggling with your finances, struggling to pay the bills, where your money isn't predictable, you are causing it to happen. You aren't growing or challenging yourself enough, and You don't keep the momentum going. Identifying what gets you there is the cornerstone of keeping you there.
The Necessary Evils
  • We tend to forget because our old patterns start creeping in. Fighting through the negativity in mind was hard. The memories of my youth, the reasons I couldn't, the environment I grew up in, kept trying to pull me back. The dysfunctional relationships I compared to mine, too, only to create the same thing. My life is better today because I became intentional. You can too. First, you have to give yourself a reality check. If you aren't seeing improvement from five years ago, it's not going to get any better for you. All the heaviness of the decisions of today will not get any better tomorrow. You have to shift your paradigm and shift the way you want to feel and be.`
  • ​Maybe you aren't making the right decisions every day, and the desires, the actions are not in alignment with what you want. Maybe you are completely out of integrity, and that is why your life is not working? Those are hard conversations to have. They are a necessity, a necessary evil to look at ourselves and say maybe I am not showing up as a husband, father, or businessman. What are you going to do about it? Maybe it's not all Carla's fault. Maybe it's your fault AZ. Why don't you man up, stand up, and fight? Those are the necessary evils we must face. It's tough to admit you have been showing up as a weak father. It's tough to admit when things got tough, I curled up into a ball. I had to go there and put full blame on myself. Then, I asked myself this important question; what are you going to do about it? 
  • ​Many of you beat yourself up about it all day long and then do nothing about it. That is the problem at its core. You must fight, rise, and realize this pattern, which is not serving. You must stop. That your life in two years, five years, can be radically different from what it is today. I couldn't see this life that I have created. I couldn't see it five or seven years ago; that didn't mean I wasn't going to fight for it. You may not be seeing it, but it doesn't mean you don't fight or get up. You take care of yourself, show love, respect, and appreciation to your household. It doesn't mean you don't overcome the thoughts of what's the point? 
  • ​You will find out five years from now exactly what the point was. Some of you are struggling, and I get it. I'm sorry you are going through it. Some of you are reaping the benefits of following the work, doing what is required. The simple patterns described in the 12-week Targets. Some of you have seen radical changes in the last six months or year. It only gets better if you stick to the game plan because you have identified the patterns to keep you there, to stay, and to get there. 
  • ​For those of you struggling, your marriage isn't where it needs to be, your confidence is low, and you hate the way you feel inside and out. There is a way out. It's not going to be easy. It will be a lot of hard work. Maybe that is why you are here; to face those evils—the evils of temptation, complacency, and mediocrity. You are willing to make the changes not only for yourself but generations to come, those begging for you to rise. Your wife, kids, family, and friends who are tired of watching you merely go through the motions. You're tired of it, and things won't get better unless you make them better.
This is Now
  • At 42, I feel like I have never been in a better place. I'm thankful, grateful, and I'm not saying it to show off, or I'm better than. I'm saying there is a process proven to work, and it's all because of the deposits I've made over the years, continuing to do what I expect from myself. I had a friend reach out Saturday and asked me what I was doing for my birthday. I thought about what I would have done in my 20’s and 30s? I told him I was hanging out with my family and having the best day ever. I wanted to put the cherry on top, and I went to the pool and swam the farthest I have ever swum in my life. I am willing to do the hard things on days that most will tell you it's okay to take off. It's okay to celebrate; I have nothing to celebrate. I do that every day. My birthday is just another day. I am thankful for where my life is going. I decided to push a little more, and I got up this morning with a big smile, even though my shins and knees were hurting; because I am going to do it all over again.
  • ​These patterns are continuing the momentum I have built over the years. I have too much riding on this, and I cannot let it slide. I cannot get comfortable because I know the ladder, and I never want to go there again. I can't handle that level of disappointment and pain. I don't want to handle it. I will bring on different pain, but the disappointment? I will never put my family in that position again. Hell yes! I am proud of where I am at. It wasn't easy. I earned it. It's time for you to earn what you have, and many of you are. I know you can relate because maybe you were there. This message may be hitting you to the core because it makes complete sense. Your wife is smiling, your kids are confident; you've created a safe and stable environment; good for you, and congratulations. You are not done, and we have more to do.
  • ​When I am 52, I am today will be a mere fraction of the man I will be then. I'm not starting to eroding thinking my best days are behind me. They are ahead, and I have a grand vision for where I am going. As long as you understand the foundation of who you are is based on the deposits you've made and accepted it, you will continue the momentum, change your trajectory, or keep doing the same. If you are having those struggles now, they will not change. If you are dealing with the same struggles as five years ago, there is little growth. That is hard to accept, but it's time to do something about it. I refuse to be in a decline stage. 
  • ​I'm feeling more powerful than ever and would run circles around who I was at 32, and me at 22 isn't even in the rearview mirror; that is how far he is behind. This is something I intended to do. I don't speak about how my best is behind me. I don't speak about my happy times in high school or college. I speak about now because I have improved, and I am living my best days. I have decided to stay focused, and that is something we all have to look at. How can you continue to set these targets for yourself, 12-weeks at a time, striving for something? What is it that you want? A challenged based lifestyle is what changed my life. Knowing I have something to hit 12 weeks from now, identifying what works.
  • ​You have all hit those milestones in your health, the happiness in your family, and the profits in your business; sustaining may be the biggest challenge. Identifying the patterns, routines, and mindset cannot deviate. You cannot kill your momentum the moment you hit those milestones of happiness. Sustaining the long term is key. Your word and integrity must mean everything; it must be gold. Your word is the foundation of your leadership in your household and with your clients. If your convictions are flailing, or if you have a moral crisis due to not doing the right things for yourself, you will lose trust within yourself. You won't even believe what you say or shout to the world. None of it matters because you know you will break. You won't move forward.
  • ​Understand that part of this game means you are willing to do the hard work. The monotonous and painful work; it is the means to get you what you have envisioned for yourself. Prime 3 does all of those things, and I will continue to preach this because this simple pattern has changed my life significantly. When I was thirty or thirty-five, I couldn't say that. Now at 42, I can say it is a different level, and there is no comparison.
In Closing
  • By making your deposits daily, your Power deposit, the foundation of doing something great for your body. Something to get you moving and get your blood flowing. Not for the sake of looking good, but understanding feeling good through and through is how we should all feel daily. It's a unique thing that happens, and I see those patterns now at the gym. Even as recently as the COVID crisis, everyone was up in arms about the gyms being closed. Everyone said this was the year they would get into the best shape ever. People went out and bought equipment, wanting to stick to that game plan but allowing COVID to be the biggest challenge. The gyms are empty. Do you want to be in a public place where you don't have to worry about social distancing? Go to a gym. It's a ghost town.
  • ​There are groups of people I always see there; teens and early 20s. Their whole intent is to look good physically. They don't care about the long term effects. They want to make sure they can attract the opposite sex, so they are working hard. The other group you see is people in their 50s and 60s; they are all about their health. What they did in their 30s and 40s finally caught up to them. The doctors had a conversation with them, and they had to look at the hard facts realizing if they didn't take care of themselves, they wouldn't be around much longer. That group missing from the 30s and 40s is unfortunate. They are too caught up in the game of life that revolves around being home or work. Not prioritizing their health, and that is unfortunate.
  • ​Maybe you fall into that group as I do; we aren't supposed to subside thinking that is something beyond or behind us. It's part of the game. Your Purpose deposit; staying focused means knowing you have overcome great things. That is what will keep the momentum going. Your self-development and understanding your dysfunctional patterns are essential to continue your momentum. It's key to poise yourself to win. To cause yourself to win. That is a significant game-changer for me. Realizing my perspective might be off, maybe there is something more significant for me. Self-development and the purpose deposit is key to that. As a business owner, making your Profit deposit. Understanding the ills of your business lay at the core of your foundation of marketing. Weak, sporadic marketing will continue to cause you struggles in your business. These are things we can all do, and I invite you to continue on the path of the 12-week Targets. You will be surprised at what it can do for you in five years. 
  • ​Commit to yourself, and you will be in a better position next year than you were today. In five years, you will be on a completely different level. Let's start to shift, and if you've been drifting for years, thinking your best days are behind you. They are not. It can only get better. Thank you for joining me today for this episode of Mindset Mastery. I have a lot of gratitude, and I hope you are taking this message as I intended. The core of this is that you are responsible for all things, and you can shift the trajectory of life. It comes with a lot of pain and work. This pain is different. It's a pain of growth vs. the pain of complacency. 
  • ​We are creatures of movement, and we are supposed to go out there and conquer and continue to push. In a world of on-demand, it's hard. We don't have to hunt for food, everything is at our fingertips, and it's so easy to be complacent. That is what is happening to the vast majority of society. 
  • ​If you are still experiencing the same struggles as you were five years ago, I challenge you that you are not growing fast enough. You are stuck and have decided to live in a bubble, convinced it's all you can create. You can't have the same struggles you had five years ago. You are the problem, and you need to understand that. It's not your husband, wife, kids, mom, or environment. You are the problem, and that's okay. You can fix it, but it's a pattern you have decided to live in. If you have gained 15 or 20 pounds over the last five years, where do you think you will be in another five years? You won't be happier unless you start to make the change right now. 
  • ​It's easy to complain. You feel you've done the right things over the past two weeks and question why your life hasn't changed. If we compare all of the things we've been doing that have not been the right things, now we can add years on top of that. To reverse that, it may take years, but we all want it right now because you can get the food and the movies you want right now. I get it. 
  • ​Eckhart said it best, “When you complain, you become a victim.” No more complaining and more doing. It's a great day. It's a great life. Life is good, and you need to remind yourself of that. Thank you again for joining me. Thank you to those that participated in sharing and allowing for others to see where you are at. That is all we have for this episode of Mindset Mastery. I will talk to you soon. 

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I’m 42, and life is good. Looking back to my 32-year-old self, I am unrecognizable; my life is significantly different. Sitting in a place of complacency and acceptance of what is will never get you to the place of what can be. What steps are you taking to make your life what you desire to be in the next five years? If you are doing nothing, I can see your future; poise yourself to win, and the foundation you have built will not crumble.
42 and Climbing
  • ​Yesterday I turned 42 years old, and I looked at that number and wondered how that happened. I am grateful for the way my life is turning out. Things are significantly better than they were at 37 or 32. Things have never been better in my entire life. It's based on the foundation I created and created all the great things in my life. It wasn't easy, but my determination to fight. Fight for the lifestyle I always imagined, a less chaotic life, and functional life. 
  • ​Many of us may be in a place where we have accepted dysfunctionality, and it is part of life. We have full control of where we go, how we feel, and the money we make. We are in an excellent position to create it all. Sometimes we leave it up to generalities, and we lose ourselves. I know exactly why I felt like I was at 32; I was reserved, hesitant because I didn't have a pattern of showing up powerfully. Consistently I had powerful moments, few and far between. I failed to identify the patterns that got me there. 
  • ​Today I know precisely what gets me in my power; it's the patterns and things I do daily. We are all responsible for making sure we continue that momentum. As you look back five years, are you in a better place today? Are you in a better place than you were ten years ago? You have either done many the right things or have allowed things to take their course. Maybe you are heavier, or your marriage is hitting hard times, and the finances aren't there, causing you to struggle. Maybe it's getting harder to get out of bed because of a lack of motivation and desire. There is a lack of intention. You need to be clear and aware that these feelings will not go away. Everything gets much harder. If you don't learn to curb the momentum, if you feel you've gained weight and are in poor shape, aging can slow down certain things. It doesn't mean to allow it to happen without a fight. Time does take us out of the honeymoon stage, but it doesn't mean you don't fight. We can get used to making a certain amount of money, and we live life going through the motions. We cannot forget to fight. 
  • ​If you are struggling now, and unmotivated, not taking care of yourself now, and your marriage is getting progressively difficult; nothing will change; things progressively get worse. When you compare yourselves to five years ago, if you aren't in a better position in how you feel, where your business is going, where your finances are headed, where your marriage is going, they won't improve on their own. You are waiting for it all to unravel ultimately. 
Beg, Borrow, and Heal 
  • Many have faced that, and I also did at thirty-five years old. It seems like the entire world implodes, and nothing seems to work. Everything seems chaotic, dysfunctional, sad, and it comes to that point when we don't take the necessary actions daily. Suppose you aren't in a better place than you were five years ago. It's not going to get better until you take significant and deliberate actions daily. You are holding onto a sinking ship. That is a horrible position to be in. I know that I saw it, and I tried to avoid it.
  • ​I thought my marriage would automatically change for me. I thought divorce was the only option. Carla thought the same thing. My finances didn't improve until I decided to do the hard work, the required work. I take care of my body. I don't abuse it or stuff my face with cheap and fast food; I want to be in this game for as long as possible. I want to see my daughters grow up to be powerful women and raise powerful children. I want to be there and not have to worry about me and my health. These are all things I decided to improve. They were decisions.
  • ​If you would have asked me five years ago if my life was as good as ten years ago, I don't think I would have said year. Without a shadow of a doubt, I can say yes because my life today is superior to it was five years ago. I am healthier, stronger, wiser, wealthier, happier. These are all things I caused to happen, my actions, and what I decided to do daily was the cause of. I decided to fight when I fell and keep going when everything was against me. There was no cash coming in, and I had to beg and borrow to cover the bills; I was willing to fight. 
  • ​If you are in the same position today as you were five years ago, you aren't fighting enough. That is the byproduct of complacency. Complacency leads to dysfunction. You can go through the motions, not challenge your marriage, your body, or your business. It will work, until one day it doesn't. One day you will be facing a giant wall of obstacles, and there is no way for you to go up, around, or through it. Desperation sets in; anxiety goes through the roof; depression hits. This was caused by not pushing hard enough and the thoughts you buy into. 
  • ​It doesn't get any better, so if you face these struggles right now, if you aren't happy with the way you look or feel, nothing will change until you start making the change. If you are still struggling with your finances, struggling to pay the bills, where your money isn't predictable, you are causing it to happen. You aren't growing or challenging yourself enough, and You don't keep the momentum going. Identifying what gets you there is the cornerstone of keeping you there.
The Necessary Evils
  • We tend to forget because our old patterns start creeping in. Fighting through the negativity in mind was hard. The memories of my youth, the reasons I couldn't, the environment I grew up in, kept trying to pull me back. The dysfunctional relationships I compared to mine, too, only to create the same thing. My life is better today because I became intentional. You can too. First, you have to give yourself a reality check. If you aren't seeing improvement from five years ago, it's not going to get any better for you. All the heaviness of the decisions of today will not get any better tomorrow. You have to shift your paradigm and shift the way you want to feel and be.`
  • ​Maybe you aren't making the right decisions every day, and the desires, the actions are not in alignment with what you want. Maybe you are completely out of integrity, and that is why your life is not working? Those are hard conversations to have. They are a necessity, a necessary evil to look at ourselves and say maybe I am not showing up as a husband, father, or businessman. What are you going to do about it? Maybe it's not all Carla's fault. Maybe it's your fault AZ. Why don't you man up, stand up, and fight? Those are the necessary evils we must face. It's tough to admit you have been showing up as a weak father. It's tough to admit when things got tough, I curled up into a ball. I had to go there and put full blame on myself. Then, I asked myself this important question; what are you going to do about it? 
  • ​Many of you beat yourself up about it all day long and then do nothing about it. That is the problem at its core. You must fight, rise, and realize this pattern, which is not serving. You must stop. That your life in two years, five years, can be radically different from what it is today. I couldn't see this life that I have created. I couldn't see it five or seven years ago; that didn't mean I wasn't going to fight for it. You may not be seeing it, but it doesn't mean you don't fight or get up. You take care of yourself, show love, respect, and appreciation to your household. It doesn't mean you don't overcome the thoughts of what's the point? 
  • ​You will find out five years from now exactly what the point was. Some of you are struggling, and I get it. I'm sorry you are going through it. Some of you are reaping the benefits of following the work, doing what is required. The simple patterns described in the 12-week Targets. Some of you have seen radical changes in the last six months or year. It only gets better if you stick to the game plan because you have identified the patterns to keep you there, to stay, and to get there. 
  • ​For those of you struggling, your marriage isn't where it needs to be, your confidence is low, and you hate the way you feel inside and out. There is a way out. It's not going to be easy. It will be a lot of hard work. Maybe that is why you are here; to face those evils—the evils of temptation, complacency, and mediocrity. You are willing to make the changes not only for yourself but generations to come, those begging for you to rise. Your wife, kids, family, and friends who are tired of watching you merely go through the motions. You're tired of it, and things won't get better unless you make them better.
This is Now
  • At 42, I feel like I have never been in a better place. I'm thankful, grateful, and I'm not saying it to show off, or I'm better than. I'm saying there is a process proven to work, and it's all because of the deposits I've made over the years, continuing to do what I expect from myself. I had a friend reach out Saturday and asked me what I was doing for my birthday. I thought about what I would have done in my 20’s and 30s? I told him I was hanging out with my family and having the best day ever. I wanted to put the cherry on top, and I went to the pool and swam the farthest I have ever swum in my life. I am willing to do the hard things on days that most will tell you it's okay to take off. It's okay to celebrate; I have nothing to celebrate. I do that every day. My birthday is just another day. I am thankful for where my life is going. I decided to push a little more, and I got up this morning with a big smile, even though my shins and knees were hurting; because I am going to do it all over again.
  • ​These patterns are continuing the momentum I have built over the years. I have too much riding on this, and I cannot let it slide. I cannot get comfortable because I know the ladder, and I never want to go there again. I can't handle that level of disappointment and pain. I don't want to handle it. I will bring on different pain, but the disappointment? I will never put my family in that position again. Hell yes! I am proud of where I am at. It wasn't easy. I earned it. It's time for you to earn what you have, and many of you are. I know you can relate because maybe you were there. This message may be hitting you to the core because it makes complete sense. Your wife is smiling, your kids are confident; you've created a safe and stable environment; good for you, and congratulations. You are not done, and we have more to do.
  • ​When I am 52, I am today will be a mere fraction of the man I will be then. I'm not starting to eroding thinking my best days are behind me. They are ahead, and I have a grand vision for where I am going. As long as you understand the foundation of who you are is based on the deposits you've made and accepted it, you will continue the momentum, change your trajectory, or keep doing the same. If you are having those struggles now, they will not change. If you are dealing with the same struggles as five years ago, there is little growth. That is hard to accept, but it's time to do something about it. I refuse to be in a decline stage. 
  • ​I'm feeling more powerful than ever and would run circles around who I was at 32, and me at 22 isn't even in the rearview mirror; that is how far he is behind. This is something I intended to do. I don't speak about how my best is behind me. I don't speak about my happy times in high school or college. I speak about now because I have improved, and I am living my best days. I have decided to stay focused, and that is something we all have to look at. How can you continue to set these targets for yourself, 12-weeks at a time, striving for something? What is it that you want? A challenged based lifestyle is what changed my life. Knowing I have something to hit 12 weeks from now, identifying what works.
  • ​You have all hit those milestones in your health, the happiness in your family, and the profits in your business; sustaining may be the biggest challenge. Identifying the patterns, routines, and mindset cannot deviate. You cannot kill your momentum the moment you hit those milestones of happiness. Sustaining the long term is key. Your word and integrity must mean everything; it must be gold. Your word is the foundation of your leadership in your household and with your clients. If your convictions are flailing, or if you have a moral crisis due to not doing the right things for yourself, you will lose trust within yourself. You won't even believe what you say or shout to the world. None of it matters because you know you will break. You won't move forward.
  • ​Understand that part of this game means you are willing to do the hard work. The monotonous and painful work; it is the means to get you what you have envisioned for yourself. Prime 3 does all of those things, and I will continue to preach this because this simple pattern has changed my life significantly. When I was thirty or thirty-five, I couldn't say that. Now at 42, I can say it is a different level, and there is no comparison.
In Closing
  • By making your deposits daily, your Power deposit, the foundation of doing something great for your body. Something to get you moving and get your blood flowing. Not for the sake of looking good, but understanding feeling good through and through is how we should all feel daily. It's a unique thing that happens, and I see those patterns now at the gym. Even as recently as the COVID crisis, everyone was up in arms about the gyms being closed. Everyone said this was the year they would get into the best shape ever. People went out and bought equipment, wanting to stick to that game plan but allowing COVID to be the biggest challenge. The gyms are empty. Do you want to be in a public place where you don't have to worry about social distancing? Go to a gym. It's a ghost town.
  • ​There are groups of people I always see there; teens and early 20s. Their whole intent is to look good physically. They don't care about the long term effects. They want to make sure they can attract the opposite sex, so they are working hard. The other group you see is people in their 50s and 60s; they are all about their health. What they did in their 30s and 40s finally caught up to them. The doctors had a conversation with them, and they had to look at the hard facts realizing if they didn't take care of themselves, they wouldn't be around much longer. That group missing from the 30s and 40s is unfortunate. They are too caught up in the game of life that revolves around being home or work. Not prioritizing their health, and that is unfortunate.
  • ​Maybe you fall into that group as I do; we aren't supposed to subside thinking that is something beyond or behind us. It's part of the game. Your Purpose deposit; staying focused means knowing you have overcome great things. That is what will keep the momentum going. Your self-development and understanding your dysfunctional patterns are essential to continue your momentum. It's key to poise yourself to win. To cause yourself to win. That is a significant game-changer for me. Realizing my perspective might be off, maybe there is something more significant for me. Self-development and the purpose deposit is key to that. As a business owner, making your Profit deposit. Understanding the ills of your business lay at the core of your foundation of marketing. Weak, sporadic marketing will continue to cause you struggles in your business. These are things we can all do, and I invite you to continue on the path of the 12-week Targets. You will be surprised at what it can do for you in five years. 
  • ​Commit to yourself, and you will be in a better position next year than you were today. In five years, you will be on a completely different level. Let's start to shift, and if you've been drifting for years, thinking your best days are behind you. They are not. It can only get better. Thank you for joining me today for this episode of Mindset Mastery. I have a lot of gratitude, and I hope you are taking this message as I intended. The core of this is that you are responsible for all things, and you can shift the trajectory of life. It comes with a lot of pain and work. This pain is different. It's a pain of growth vs. the pain of complacency. 
  • ​We are creatures of movement, and we are supposed to go out there and conquer and continue to push. In a world of on-demand, it's hard. We don't have to hunt for food, everything is at our fingertips, and it's so easy to be complacent. That is what is happening to the vast majority of society. 
  • ​If you are still experiencing the same struggles as you were five years ago, I challenge you that you are not growing fast enough. You are stuck and have decided to live in a bubble, convinced it's all you can create. You can't have the same struggles you had five years ago. You are the problem, and you need to understand that. It's not your husband, wife, kids, mom, or environment. You are the problem, and that's okay. You can fix it, but it's a pattern you have decided to live in. If you have gained 15 or 20 pounds over the last five years, where do you think you will be in another five years? You won't be happier unless you start to make the change right now. 
  • ​It's easy to complain. You feel you've done the right things over the past two weeks and question why your life hasn't changed. If we compare all of the things we've been doing that have not been the right things, now we can add years on top of that. To reverse that, it may take years, but we all want it right now because you can get the food and the movies you want right now. I get it. 
  • ​Eckhart said it best, “When you complain, you become a victim.” No more complaining and more doing. It's a great day. It's a great life. Life is good, and you need to remind yourself of that. Thank you again for joining me. Thank you to those that participated in sharing and allowing for others to see where you are at. That is all we have for this episode of Mindset Mastery. I will talk to you soon. 

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