with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 91:

The Steadfast Approach

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 91:

The Steadfast Approach

When I get bored if I don't push myself to the next level, I will do things that will erode that momentum and those achievements. I know this through my experiences and what has caused me the greatest pains in my life. The game of life is to continue to push the envelope repeatedly and not succumb to achievement complacencies. It's realizing you must have the steadfast, unwavering approach that it is meant for you to overcome when challenges come.
The Build Up and Shut Down
  • ​Today's topic is “The Steadfast Approach.” Ten days ago we unveiled the new headquarters for A.Z. & Associates, seven days since I completed the Ironman 70.3, and 48 hours removed from our sponsorship for a local Body Building Show. I was asked how we continue to move and manage all of these moving parts? The truth is building up my capacity, my ability, and my mindset to know I am capable of more each time.
  • ​Also, it's knowing if I sit; still, I get bored if I don't push myself to the next level, I will do things that will erode that momentum and those achievements. I know this through my experiences and what has caused me the greatest pains in my life. The greatest pains always came from the complacency and mediocrity in my life. It never came from me pushing the envelope. There were challenges, but the decisions came about from my complacency, feeling I had arrived at a certain point. That is when I would make the worst decisions for my life, business, marriage, and myself. Putting myself, marriage, and others at risk. There were so many things I did because I thought I had arrived. 
  • ​I was at a level of complacency, forgetting there was something else I needed to reach for. One of the things that changed was understanding; we are all anointed with a responsibility to continue to grow. To grow as business people, parents, as leaders, and in our relationships. When we forget those responsibilities, we begin to make the decisions that inevitably break down any momentum or achievements we built prior. 
  • ​Coming off of the Ironman, I am on a high and feeling good. I completely shattered the stories I had in mind about my ability to run, swim, and cycle. To bring it all together in one competition, in one day, coming out of there strong, I felt great. It's amazing what happens when you achieve something and don't have another target right after. I allowed myself to rest, and I took the rest of the Sunday off. I took the next day off, then Tuesday; by Wednesday, I felt completely out of integrity. I hadn't done the things that put me in that position, to begin with. It is more than what we do when we take the days off. It's more than what we do when we decide not to market for our business and shut down from our relationships. It comes with the decisions and indecisions we make after that.
  • ​I found myself going back and resorting to my lowest form of habit. I was going to sleep later and later than I had previously. Since I didn't have an agenda the next morning, what is the point of going to sleep early to wake up early the next day? There was no agenda, no target on the other side. So, what do you do? You navigate through the world as it seems fit. You allow distractions to come through; I'm on social media more, I'm watching Netflix and YouTube and went to sleep at 11 Monday, 11:30 Tuesday, and past midnight on Wednesday. I'm waking up later and later each morning. Only getting up early enough to wake up, brush my teeth, and take my daughters to school. Instead of getting myself a three-hour buffer, I'm now giving myself a 15-minute buffer because there is no target on the other side. 
The Absolute Epitome
  • Here was this outstanding achievement. I feel powerful. I have the capacity to continue to move forward powerfully and build something more significant, but what did I do? I started eroding those achievements almost immediately because there is no target on the other side. There is no accountability on the other side. I only worked up to the point where I felt like I accomplished something, and then I took a step back. The game of life is to continue to push the envelope repeatedly and not succumb to achievement complacencies. Many do that. They reach an absolute epitome and suddenly begin to coast. They don't realize their eating habits go down the drain, their connection habits become non-existent, the decisions aren't made powerfully, the relationships begin to erode, the money fades, and the overall sense of purpose is no longer something you feel within. 
  • ​You see those individuals who lose 50 pounds, they reach their epitome, and then they resort to their lowest form of habit. Why? It started with taking one day off, and then the one day became two, three, a week, a month; before they knew it, they were right back where they started. The momentum of the indecision, of bad decisions, came back so quickly that they ended up gaining another 20 pounds on top of the 50 they lost. They are in a worse place and situation because when we build momentum, it can either help you or go against you. 
  • ​When people hit that epitome of losing weight, they are on momentum. Their capacity is greater to make greater gains. Then they stop the habits that got them there, to begin with. That same momentum will not only allow them to gain the weight back, but it also causes them to gain additional weight. It's momentum. Imagine if we make the right decisions, because the momentum I had and the three days that I went to bed later, not exercising, not doing what I am supposed to, could have eroded that quickly. I stopped it. I stopped the drift. I didn't immediately change it. I stopped it and recognized it. I don't like the way I feel like I am behind the ball. I like to be up three hours before most of society. I like to feel dominant throughout my day. I hate feeling like I just woke up and reacted to the day. It's the steadfast approach of knowing I will be unwavering in what I do. 
  • ​Yes, I had to allow my body to rest, I broke it down, and I was sore for days. The best way to recover is to get the blood flowing back into those same muscles that are aching. I made a recommitment, and I got a couple of guys to commit to it, and there we go again. That Thursday, we went at it hard, and Friday the same. Saturday, we did a five-mile run, and it felt like I was in my element again. I shifted where my trajectory was going. The momentum will keep going. We already built that up; will it go South or continue to go North. 
What a Ride
  • Many of you are hitting significant milestones in your business. You've built the capacity to handle it. Don't trip yourself on the way down. On a roller coaster, there is a lot of anticipation and hard work. You hear it clicking and clacking as it's going up, then it free falls with minimal effort. Through that free fall, it can do certain things. It can do loops and a twisting angle with minimal effort. It was working on overdrive, trying to get it up the mountain. Many of you have worked very hard to go up the mountain so you can feel the speed of how fast you can go and maneuver yourself through the next levels of life. 
  • ​There is another uphill. A lot of work still needs to be done. You can enjoy the fruits of your labors, but you must keep the habits, the approach, the steadfast mindset in mind. When the work happens again, you won't feel like it is against you or going backward. You will feel like this is the next level to go to the farther dropdown. If you want to do three loops instead of two, you will have to go much higher. It's going to take that much more work to get there. That is what I did. 
  • ​I built it up over the last 20 weeks, over the past two years, five years for my business. The vision I showed you was engraved in my mind two years ago. It opened up my horizons when I went to New York to visit Gary Vanderchuck. I saw the size of his operation, and it planted a seed in my mind. I needed to paint it on the canvas that was right for me. It opened up my ability to become that painter. Two years ago, I saw the same vision that I was able to unveil ten days ago. I saw the layout in my mind. I painted that out a year and a half ago with our first architect. I honed in on it, and I knew exactly what I wanted, and I decided any challenge that would come my way would not stop me from what I see in my mind. It was the steadfast approach. 
  • ​Steadfast means: Resolutely, or dutifully firm or unwavering. Many people don't know the challenges we faced over the past two years, trying to put this together. Negotiating a piece of land, and it took months to get it where it was just right. In the pivotal moment when they told us they were ready to move forward, they pulled back and decided to keep the property and not move forward. The terms we agreed upon are no longer something that will work for them. I wasted five months trying to get this together. Now we are only a year and a half away from our lease ending here? That didn't stop me because what I had envisioned was ingrained in my mind. It was in my soul. 
  • ​When you start a business, it has to be with that approach. Why is it that you got into the business? Why did you get married? Why did you start working out? We forgot about these things when it gets hard, when there are obstacles when it requires you to get up at 4 in the morning. You forget about those things because there is no target after the two weeks, or the Ironman, after having that vision and hearing your first no. I had to refocus on the goal. We picked up another possibility, a great building we were going to purchase. As we went through the process, my heart and soul told me it wasn't the place. To unravel the weeks of negotiating based on a feeling takes courage. Knowing there is something greater, a better opportunity down the line. So, we canceled, a few months went by, and we wondered where the new opportunity was. I couldn't see it. 
  • ​Regret started to set in, doubt. I went back to the vision, and I realized it's there. Just because these obstacles continue to put themselves before me does not mean it's not supposed to happen. Your business challenges do not mean you aren't meant to be great or sit there and be mediocre, barely making it in the industry, becoming one of the individuals struggling in this business. It's not supposed to be that way. The reason most are is that they forget what got them here. They forget the vision, to remind themselves of why they went to school and got their license. The same reason many marriages fail, they forget. They are only focused on the challenges and not on how hard it is, complaining and being victimized by their circumstances instead of refocusing on the target.
What are You Made Of?
  • Because they don't, they begin the slow process of eroding everything they built, every great accomplishment they've achieved, through complacency, victimization, mediocrity, and temptation. It's the steadfast approach that will get you everything in your life. You must understand you are unwavering, and you have been in many situations without wavering because of your focus on the task at hand; yet we make it an option for our business, bodies, and relationships. You are better than that, and these obstacles are there to build you, not to break you. 
  • ​The obstacles are meant to challenge you to learn the lessons and powerfully lead your family and business to the next level. Yet, so many succumb to that, so they remain there, and as soon as they feel the resistance, they stay there. It's too hard, and they are too afraid if they push harder, it might be great. A year of success is real. What if does happen, does work out. Now what? That's precisely what you wanted. 
  • ​We found a 9000 square foot building, shaped precisely how I needed it to be to put everything in it I saw in my mind. We went back and forth negotiating, and then they stopped speaking to us. Then COVID came around, a lot of their tenants have stopped paying, and they aren't in a situation where they are so apt to negotiate. We could have given up, or we could remind them we are still in it. We aren't going anywhere and have been in business since 2011. We could remind them of all of those things, and we were ready to make something happen.
  • ​We work so hard for something, and then when you get it, we ask ourselves if we are ready for it. Damn, right, I'm ready. Although it's one of the most significant decisions I've made up to this point, it will be comical when I look back five years from now. It will be a good story. I can tell ten years from now about the feelings I had getting into this building. Just like it is comical when I look back ten years ago at how many nights of sleep, I lost going into a lease on a 1000 square foot office space. The sleepless nights, the prayers, the anxiety, the stress. The reason it felt overwhelming is that I forgot what I was capable of. The world and my decisions, the economy beat me up and left me black and blue. I was still aching from the pains, the wounds. All I was attaching myself to was the wounds and the experiences. If I had taken a step back, I could have reminded myself. I know what I am capable of. 
  • ​When you are fresh off of a disappointment, it's hard to convince yourself. Our approach is simple. You work on all things, so you can always be confident about the decisions, so when a big opportunity comes, you strike, you move, you push. When this opportunity came, I was ready for it. There will always be that little bit of doubt, but I know now is to take a step back and remind myself that I am more than capable and able. I know what I am made of.
In Closing
  • These are the approaches you need to take daily. It is what got you here, to begin with. Is your marriage failing and struggling? What got you there, to begin with? What would it be like if you treated her with love, respect, and appreciation? What would you get back? Not some of the time, all of the time. What do you think you will get back? If you went into your business and focused on your marketing, connection, and value. What do you think will happen? When you take the approach to take care of your body within, eating the right foods, getting your blood flowing, what do you think will happen? Getting up, reading a book, listening to positive people, and surrounding yourself with those that want more; what do you think will happen? 
  • ​So many sit back, and they don't understand and have been victimized by the world. How did I get here? Why is everything falling apart? You are forgetting something. You are forgetting about the approach, the intent, and the focus. It's a simple thing to reverse engineer. What got you into this business? Paint that picture in your mind and go after it. Why did you get married? Paint that in your mind and go after it. It's a simple process, but it's realizing you must have the steadfast, unwavering approach that it is meant for you to overcome when challenges come. Not to resort to your lowest form of habit, where you find yourself without a target, without any goals, and a victim to the circumstances. 
  • ​I know there will be a fair share of challenges as we bring this vision we unveiled this week. We have already been there when the contractor stopped calling two weeks into the process. I could get upset. I could call them and say you are doing everything you promised you wouldn't do; you are out of integrity. You said you would communicate, but instead, you vanished. Or I can thank God for allowing me to see that I chose the wrong person, the wrong company to move forward with me. I'm glad it happened now and not right in the middle of it or the end when it mattered most. We worked our way back around to the contractor who was supposed to have this job. 
  • ​It wasn't about sitting in regret or blame. It was me pivoting because I have a steadfast approach. The vision will come to fruition. It's a shift and a pivot. Remind yourself of that. If things aren't working, then refocus on what got you there, and it will open up another dynamic, a solution for you. 
  • ​What did this mean to you? Were you in a place where you began to doubt yourself? Were you in a place where you forgot why you wanted to work out and get in shape? Why you wanted to work on your marriage. Once we have something to look forward to, we will achieve it. When we reach those achievements, it does not have the next target that can be as debilitating as never starting at all. 
  • ​As you start to hit your business milestones, you aren't there yet; you haven't arrived yet. I encourage you to build yourself, build your business. Put more processes into place. What could happen if everything didn't rely on you but a team of individuals you've hired. Imagine where you could take it then. Or, You can feel like you have arrived, put your feet up on your desk, schedule a few vacations, buy a fancy car, and do the same thing repeatedly. Where everything relies on you, every decision is based on you, and you must see every document; it's a short-lived life, and the success is in the short-term. Without those systems and processes, without automation: short-term. I believe that anyone can have success in the short-term. Being lucky and working hard. Those that understand success over the years and decrease it because it is based on systems and processes, on creating space for yourself. Congratulations on your great months, but if you are still operating your business the same way you did before those great months, that is the epitome of your business. Slowly you will erode all of that if you don't start building or pushing yourself, challenging yourself. You can be a great leader who can have employees and personnel because a one-person show is all based on your feelings. Your feelings will tell you that you aren't so motivated today to shut your business down for the day. 
  • ​Running an operation goes far beyond that. We can't operate our business like we did when we first started, and ten years later, it is still all on you. If that is the case, then it's not a business, but it's a hustle that is all dependent on you. On your feelings, on your ability to manage all of the moving parts. The real challenge is that you need to be the leader and have others under you. You need to leverage yourself because you are burning out. We have to have that steadfast approach because we asked for this. We wouldn't be facing these challenges in our business if we didn't ask for it. We wouldn't be facing these challenges in our marriage and with our bodies, if we didn't ask for it. Don't feel like it's against you. We asked for it. We must refocus on the target and move forward. It is still ingrained, and I can remember sitting on the 35th floor of a building, overlooking New York, and seeing the possibilities. I'm not saying there is any comparison with what we are building where Gary V. is at, but it's a step in that direction. It's not a step away from it. I've leaned in and taken a step towards it. 
  • ​At that time, two years ago, it required more from me than I was. Two years later, right now, is precisely where I needed to be. Don't give up on those big goals and ambitions just because you've stumbled a bit. Refocus, and you will see the possibilities. We have to continue to work for it. That is leadership to its core. Your experiences throughout the years have separated you from the masses. Your leadership alone is good enough to lead a team. Your leadership alone and your ability to close is good enough for you to get your next admin person, your next closing coordinator. If you don't, you will see others shoot pass, and you won't know why or how they did it. You will only be looking at it from a certain level. Anytime it required you to grow, you stunted it by not moving past your comfort zone. 
  • ​Remember the steadfast approach. Resolutely and dutifully firm and unwavering. Thank you for joining me on another episode of Mindset Mastery, and I will talk to you soon.

More Episodes

When I get bored if I don't push myself to the next level, I will do things that will erode that momentum and those achievements. I know this through my experiences and what has caused me the greatest pains in my life. The game of life is to continue to push the envelope repeatedly and not succumb to achievement complacencies. It's realizing you must have the steadfast, unwavering approach that it is meant for you to overcome when challenges come.
The Build Up and Shut Down
  • ​Today's topic is “The Steadfast Approach.” Ten days ago we unveiled the new headquarters for A.Z. & Associates, seven days since I completed the Ironman 70.3, and 48 hours removed from our sponsorship for a local Body Building Show. I was asked how we continue to move and manage all of these moving parts? The truth is building up my capacity, my ability, and my mindset to know I am capable of more each time.
  • ​Also, it's knowing if I sit; still, I get bored if I don't push myself to the next level, I will do things that will erode that momentum and those achievements. I know this through my experiences and what has caused me the greatest pains in my life. The greatest pains always came from the complacency and mediocrity in my life. It never came from me pushing the envelope. There were challenges, but the decisions came about from my complacency, feeling I had arrived at a certain point. That is when I would make the worst decisions for my life, business, marriage, and myself. Putting myself, marriage, and others at risk. There were so many things I did because I thought I had arrived. 
  • ​I was at a level of complacency, forgetting there was something else I needed to reach for. One of the things that changed was understanding; we are all anointed with a responsibility to continue to grow. To grow as business people, parents, as leaders, and in our relationships. When we forget those responsibilities, we begin to make the decisions that inevitably break down any momentum or achievements we built prior. 
  • ​Coming off of the Ironman, I am on a high and feeling good. I completely shattered the stories I had in mind about my ability to run, swim, and cycle. To bring it all together in one competition, in one day, coming out of there strong, I felt great. It's amazing what happens when you achieve something and don't have another target right after. I allowed myself to rest, and I took the rest of the Sunday off. I took the next day off, then Tuesday; by Wednesday, I felt completely out of integrity. I hadn't done the things that put me in that position, to begin with. It is more than what we do when we take the days off. It's more than what we do when we decide not to market for our business and shut down from our relationships. It comes with the decisions and indecisions we make after that.
  • ​I found myself going back and resorting to my lowest form of habit. I was going to sleep later and later than I had previously. Since I didn't have an agenda the next morning, what is the point of going to sleep early to wake up early the next day? There was no agenda, no target on the other side. So, what do you do? You navigate through the world as it seems fit. You allow distractions to come through; I'm on social media more, I'm watching Netflix and YouTube and went to sleep at 11 Monday, 11:30 Tuesday, and past midnight on Wednesday. I'm waking up later and later each morning. Only getting up early enough to wake up, brush my teeth, and take my daughters to school. Instead of getting myself a three-hour buffer, I'm now giving myself a 15-minute buffer because there is no target on the other side. 
The Absolute Epitome
  • Here was this outstanding achievement. I feel powerful. I have the capacity to continue to move forward powerfully and build something more significant, but what did I do? I started eroding those achievements almost immediately because there is no target on the other side. There is no accountability on the other side. I only worked up to the point where I felt like I accomplished something, and then I took a step back. The game of life is to continue to push the envelope repeatedly and not succumb to achievement complacencies. Many do that. They reach an absolute epitome and suddenly begin to coast. They don't realize their eating habits go down the drain, their connection habits become non-existent, the decisions aren't made powerfully, the relationships begin to erode, the money fades, and the overall sense of purpose is no longer something you feel within. 
  • ​You see those individuals who lose 50 pounds, they reach their epitome, and then they resort to their lowest form of habit. Why? It started with taking one day off, and then the one day became two, three, a week, a month; before they knew it, they were right back where they started. The momentum of the indecision, of bad decisions, came back so quickly that they ended up gaining another 20 pounds on top of the 50 they lost. They are in a worse place and situation because when we build momentum, it can either help you or go against you. 
  • ​When people hit that epitome of losing weight, they are on momentum. Their capacity is greater to make greater gains. Then they stop the habits that got them there, to begin with. That same momentum will not only allow them to gain the weight back, but it also causes them to gain additional weight. It's momentum. Imagine if we make the right decisions, because the momentum I had and the three days that I went to bed later, not exercising, not doing what I am supposed to, could have eroded that quickly. I stopped it. I stopped the drift. I didn't immediately change it. I stopped it and recognized it. I don't like the way I feel like I am behind the ball. I like to be up three hours before most of society. I like to feel dominant throughout my day. I hate feeling like I just woke up and reacted to the day. It's the steadfast approach of knowing I will be unwavering in what I do. 
  • ​Yes, I had to allow my body to rest, I broke it down, and I was sore for days. The best way to recover is to get the blood flowing back into those same muscles that are aching. I made a recommitment, and I got a couple of guys to commit to it, and there we go again. That Thursday, we went at it hard, and Friday the same. Saturday, we did a five-mile run, and it felt like I was in my element again. I shifted where my trajectory was going. The momentum will keep going. We already built that up; will it go South or continue to go North. 
What a Ride
  • Many of you are hitting significant milestones in your business. You've built the capacity to handle it. Don't trip yourself on the way down. On a roller coaster, there is a lot of anticipation and hard work. You hear it clicking and clacking as it's going up, then it free falls with minimal effort. Through that free fall, it can do certain things. It can do loops and a twisting angle with minimal effort. It was working on overdrive, trying to get it up the mountain. Many of you have worked very hard to go up the mountain so you can feel the speed of how fast you can go and maneuver yourself through the next levels of life. 
  • ​There is another uphill. A lot of work still needs to be done. You can enjoy the fruits of your labors, but you must keep the habits, the approach, the steadfast mindset in mind. When the work happens again, you won't feel like it is against you or going backward. You will feel like this is the next level to go to the farther dropdown. If you want to do three loops instead of two, you will have to go much higher. It's going to take that much more work to get there. That is what I did. 
  • ​I built it up over the last 20 weeks, over the past two years, five years for my business. The vision I showed you was engraved in my mind two years ago. It opened up my horizons when I went to New York to visit Gary Vanderchuck. I saw the size of his operation, and it planted a seed in my mind. I needed to paint it on the canvas that was right for me. It opened up my ability to become that painter. Two years ago, I saw the same vision that I was able to unveil ten days ago. I saw the layout in my mind. I painted that out a year and a half ago with our first architect. I honed in on it, and I knew exactly what I wanted, and I decided any challenge that would come my way would not stop me from what I see in my mind. It was the steadfast approach. 
  • ​Steadfast means: Resolutely, or dutifully firm or unwavering. Many people don't know the challenges we faced over the past two years, trying to put this together. Negotiating a piece of land, and it took months to get it where it was just right. In the pivotal moment when they told us they were ready to move forward, they pulled back and decided to keep the property and not move forward. The terms we agreed upon are no longer something that will work for them. I wasted five months trying to get this together. Now we are only a year and a half away from our lease ending here? That didn't stop me because what I had envisioned was ingrained in my mind. It was in my soul. 
  • ​When you start a business, it has to be with that approach. Why is it that you got into the business? Why did you get married? Why did you start working out? We forgot about these things when it gets hard, when there are obstacles when it requires you to get up at 4 in the morning. You forget about those things because there is no target after the two weeks, or the Ironman, after having that vision and hearing your first no. I had to refocus on the goal. We picked up another possibility, a great building we were going to purchase. As we went through the process, my heart and soul told me it wasn't the place. To unravel the weeks of negotiating based on a feeling takes courage. Knowing there is something greater, a better opportunity down the line. So, we canceled, a few months went by, and we wondered where the new opportunity was. I couldn't see it. 
  • ​Regret started to set in, doubt. I went back to the vision, and I realized it's there. Just because these obstacles continue to put themselves before me does not mean it's not supposed to happen. Your business challenges do not mean you aren't meant to be great or sit there and be mediocre, barely making it in the industry, becoming one of the individuals struggling in this business. It's not supposed to be that way. The reason most are is that they forget what got them here. They forget the vision, to remind themselves of why they went to school and got their license. The same reason many marriages fail, they forget. They are only focused on the challenges and not on how hard it is, complaining and being victimized by their circumstances instead of refocusing on the target.
What are You Made Of?
  • Because they don't, they begin the slow process of eroding everything they built, every great accomplishment they've achieved, through complacency, victimization, mediocrity, and temptation. It's the steadfast approach that will get you everything in your life. You must understand you are unwavering, and you have been in many situations without wavering because of your focus on the task at hand; yet we make it an option for our business, bodies, and relationships. You are better than that, and these obstacles are there to build you, not to break you. 
  • ​The obstacles are meant to challenge you to learn the lessons and powerfully lead your family and business to the next level. Yet, so many succumb to that, so they remain there, and as soon as they feel the resistance, they stay there. It's too hard, and they are too afraid if they push harder, it might be great. A year of success is real. What if does happen, does work out. Now what? That's precisely what you wanted. 
  • ​We found a 9000 square foot building, shaped precisely how I needed it to be to put everything in it I saw in my mind. We went back and forth negotiating, and then they stopped speaking to us. Then COVID came around, a lot of their tenants have stopped paying, and they aren't in a situation where they are so apt to negotiate. We could have given up, or we could remind them we are still in it. We aren't going anywhere and have been in business since 2011. We could remind them of all of those things, and we were ready to make something happen.
  • ​We work so hard for something, and then when you get it, we ask ourselves if we are ready for it. Damn, right, I'm ready. Although it's one of the most significant decisions I've made up to this point, it will be comical when I look back five years from now. It will be a good story. I can tell ten years from now about the feelings I had getting into this building. Just like it is comical when I look back ten years ago at how many nights of sleep, I lost going into a lease on a 1000 square foot office space. The sleepless nights, the prayers, the anxiety, the stress. The reason it felt overwhelming is that I forgot what I was capable of. The world and my decisions, the economy beat me up and left me black and blue. I was still aching from the pains, the wounds. All I was attaching myself to was the wounds and the experiences. If I had taken a step back, I could have reminded myself. I know what I am capable of. 
  • ​When you are fresh off of a disappointment, it's hard to convince yourself. Our approach is simple. You work on all things, so you can always be confident about the decisions, so when a big opportunity comes, you strike, you move, you push. When this opportunity came, I was ready for it. There will always be that little bit of doubt, but I know now is to take a step back and remind myself that I am more than capable and able. I know what I am made of.
In Closing
  • These are the approaches you need to take daily. It is what got you here, to begin with. Is your marriage failing and struggling? What got you there, to begin with? What would it be like if you treated her with love, respect, and appreciation? What would you get back? Not some of the time, all of the time. What do you think you will get back? If you went into your business and focused on your marketing, connection, and value. What do you think will happen? When you take the approach to take care of your body within, eating the right foods, getting your blood flowing, what do you think will happen? Getting up, reading a book, listening to positive people, and surrounding yourself with those that want more; what do you think will happen? 
  • ​So many sit back, and they don't understand and have been victimized by the world. How did I get here? Why is everything falling apart? You are forgetting something. You are forgetting about the approach, the intent, and the focus. It's a simple thing to reverse engineer. What got you into this business? Paint that picture in your mind and go after it. Why did you get married? Paint that in your mind and go after it. It's a simple process, but it's realizing you must have the steadfast, unwavering approach that it is meant for you to overcome when challenges come. Not to resort to your lowest form of habit, where you find yourself without a target, without any goals, and a victim to the circumstances. 
  • ​I know there will be a fair share of challenges as we bring this vision we unveiled this week. We have already been there when the contractor stopped calling two weeks into the process. I could get upset. I could call them and say you are doing everything you promised you wouldn't do; you are out of integrity. You said you would communicate, but instead, you vanished. Or I can thank God for allowing me to see that I chose the wrong person, the wrong company to move forward with me. I'm glad it happened now and not right in the middle of it or the end when it mattered most. We worked our way back around to the contractor who was supposed to have this job. 
  • ​It wasn't about sitting in regret or blame. It was me pivoting because I have a steadfast approach. The vision will come to fruition. It's a shift and a pivot. Remind yourself of that. If things aren't working, then refocus on what got you there, and it will open up another dynamic, a solution for you. 
  • ​What did this mean to you? Were you in a place where you began to doubt yourself? Were you in a place where you forgot why you wanted to work out and get in shape? Why you wanted to work on your marriage. Once we have something to look forward to, we will achieve it. When we reach those achievements, it does not have the next target that can be as debilitating as never starting at all. 
  • ​As you start to hit your business milestones, you aren't there yet; you haven't arrived yet. I encourage you to build yourself, build your business. Put more processes into place. What could happen if everything didn't rely on you but a team of individuals you've hired. Imagine where you could take it then. Or, You can feel like you have arrived, put your feet up on your desk, schedule a few vacations, buy a fancy car, and do the same thing repeatedly. Where everything relies on you, every decision is based on you, and you must see every document; it's a short-lived life, and the success is in the short-term. Without those systems and processes, without automation: short-term. I believe that anyone can have success in the short-term. Being lucky and working hard. Those that understand success over the years and decrease it because it is based on systems and processes, on creating space for yourself. Congratulations on your great months, but if you are still operating your business the same way you did before those great months, that is the epitome of your business. Slowly you will erode all of that if you don't start building or pushing yourself, challenging yourself. You can be a great leader who can have employees and personnel because a one-person show is all based on your feelings. Your feelings will tell you that you aren't so motivated today to shut your business down for the day. 
  • ​Running an operation goes far beyond that. We can't operate our business like we did when we first started, and ten years later, it is still all on you. If that is the case, then it's not a business, but it's a hustle that is all dependent on you. On your feelings, on your ability to manage all of the moving parts. The real challenge is that you need to be the leader and have others under you. You need to leverage yourself because you are burning out. We have to have that steadfast approach because we asked for this. We wouldn't be facing these challenges in our business if we didn't ask for it. We wouldn't be facing these challenges in our marriage and with our bodies, if we didn't ask for it. Don't feel like it's against you. We asked for it. We must refocus on the target and move forward. It is still ingrained, and I can remember sitting on the 35th floor of a building, overlooking New York, and seeing the possibilities. I'm not saying there is any comparison with what we are building where Gary V. is at, but it's a step in that direction. It's not a step away from it. I've leaned in and taken a step towards it. 
  • ​At that time, two years ago, it required more from me than I was. Two years later, right now, is precisely where I needed to be. Don't give up on those big goals and ambitions just because you've stumbled a bit. Refocus, and you will see the possibilities. We have to continue to work for it. That is leadership to its core. Your experiences throughout the years have separated you from the masses. Your leadership alone is good enough to lead a team. Your leadership alone and your ability to close is good enough for you to get your next admin person, your next closing coordinator. If you don't, you will see others shoot pass, and you won't know why or how they did it. You will only be looking at it from a certain level. Anytime it required you to grow, you stunted it by not moving past your comfort zone. 
  • ​Remember the steadfast approach. Resolutely and dutifully firm and unwavering. Thank you for joining me on another episode of Mindset Mastery, and I will talk to you soon.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019