with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 92:

I Am

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 92:

I Am

Speaking life into something gives it breath. Declaring what you are into the universe causes the tides to turn and a shift to happen, giving it life. What are you declaring today that you are? I Am. It is the most powerful statement you can make to claim your future success.
My Mind Is Telling Me
  • ​Today's subject is I am and how powerful those words can be, and how they can completely change your life. The way we approach, think about, and attack life and the day. The way we show up in our marriages and business, I Am, is a compelling statement. 
  • ​Last week my daughter had a homecoming game. We were excited because she was chosen to be part of the royalty representing the Sophomore class. She goes to a Christian school, and it isn't anything out of control. I don't want her going on dates at 15, but this was on a school campus. We were there. We were very excited. 
  • ​Abigail had to be there much earlier, and it was me, Carla, and our 11-year-old Madeline in the car. We were excited about participating because we got to go onto the field, on the fifty-yard line, and start taking pictures of our daughter. On the way there, my daughter Madeline was in the back seat singing a song. She is singing, “My mind is telling me, no, but my...” And I was like, what the hell is going on? If you know the song, it's R. Kelly. No 11-year-old should ever say his name nevertheless be singing his songs. I almost lost control of the car. I asked her where she heard that song? She said, “Mom sings it all of the time. I saw it on her Tik Tok.” I was looking at Carla, Carla is looking at me. 
  • ​I told her that I never wanted her to sing that song again, and she asked why? I told her it was an adult song, and she asked what I meant. Nevermind, just never sing that song again. It goes to show that there is influence surrounding our kids and innocence behind them. She had no idea what the lyric,” My body's telling me no but my mind..” Maybe it's “ My body's telling me no, I don't want to work out, but my body is telling me, yes, let's go.” From that standpoint, it's very honest and innocent. She really didn't know. But, it goes to show how much influence we have, and we can do these things without knowing there will be a domino effect of what others pick up.
  • ​I'm not saying we are doing the best job as parents. I'm not saying we are doing a bad job either. We are having real conversations with our kids, realizing we aren't perfect. My parents were perfect, and we are dealing with whatever comes our way. I'm most proud of reflecting on how I can improve as a parent; not thinking my way is the only way. I'm constantly reminding my kids that if they ever feel disrespected or that I am wrong, I need you to tell me, and I will be open to listen. That is the dialogue we have, and I feel very proud of that. Time will tell if my parenting skills pay off its dividends. I always reinforce that they have full control of the choices they make. I always try to breathe positivity into their lives, reminding them they are here to lead and not follow. They are leaders, not followers, and make their own decisions and use their judgment. Studies have been done that showcase kids who have positive parents, who have reinforced in them; they have full control over their lives and can be what they want to be. That their pursuit should be about happiness, and not based on others' acceptance; they live happier lives. 
  • ​It is important as parents that we reinforce those things. Not only reinforce the material things or physical attributes. I always go towards things that will reinforce how intelligent they are, how sincere, and appreciative of life they are. These are the things I am continually reinforcing to hone in on those skill sets and become better people.
No Entitlement
  • It got me thinking about what we believe. If I continue to feed into my girls, it isn't about deserving things but working hard. Because you are in a certain position doesn't make you entitled to that; there is hard work and dedication. There has to be a relentless mindset. If you believe you should be there, then you must work towards it. Our eldest is on the Varsity Volleyball team, and there are Seniors, talented Juniors, and other Sophomores. Her playing time has decreased. Her mindset is that she has been playing since she was 4 or 5 years old, and why isn't she playing every single game? Many parents could be into that, and they can argue with the coach; how come my kid isn't getting any playing time? How come she isn't out there? She is just as good as the next girl. I can make her believe these things, or if she is so certain of her skill sets, she has to showcase it daily. Make it undeniable for them to put you in the game. 
  • ​If you are showing up to practice, messing up one or two that you know you should be doing, then you can't say you deserve those positions. That is the mindset I am breathing into them, not saying she deserves it. If you don't have it, then you need to work harder. You aren't entitled to anything. Those are the conversations that I always follow up with these words. I'm not trying to give parenting advice. This is what I do. It seems to resonate with them because, as adults, we think they are comprehending precisely what we are telling them. Even to other adults, we say something to our spouse, and we assume they receive it a certain way only to realize you just stirred the pot. Now there is an argument because they received something completely different then you intended to communicate it. 
  • ​If there is already a difference between adults, imagine what your kids are comprehending or interpreting. One of the things I always say after I have a conversation with them is, “What are you hearing me say?” That is telling her that I want you to tell me in your words what I am trying to convey to you. She said that she thinks that she should be on the volleyball court when I didn't do as well in my practice. There are things she should be improving on that she hasn't. Now you are taking away being a victim; someone is doing it to you, your coach or other players have favor over you. It comes down to your ability to always deliver when you are supposed to. 
  • ​She is fifteen, and she will get this, but these are the conversations I had and not, let me call your coach and find out what is going on. I've been in the game of competitive sports for a long time with my daughters, and I have seen that type of response. Entitlement: those kids will grow up entitled to certain things and shut down when they don't get their way. If we breathe that we know what you are capable of, you need to work harder. It changes the dynamic. 
  • ​I sent this text to her because this was the conversation we have had repeatedly. It was something from a book I was reading by Matthew McConaughey. I have a whole new level of respect for him as an author and a creator. As a narrator, I am completely blown away by the audiobook that I bought the physical book, and I am reading along with it. It is so entertaining and one of my favorite memoirs to date. It's called Green Light. If you want to learn from life in an entertaining way, I highly recommend this book. A post in his book said, If you're not a starter and you think you should be, give them no choice in the decision. Play so well that it is undeniable.” This lesson is universal. If you think you should be making more money than what you are making now, give them no choice. Back that up with marketing, following up, putting your stake in the ground, and proclaiming, you are the authority. Then act like it and give them no choice. 
Reflection and Declaration
  • We think we should be making more money when we don't deserve it because the actions don't align with that outcome. We can go into a place of entitlement and beat ourselves, saying we should be there. You saw a new agent come in and how much money she is making, and the focus is off your action and what you think you should be making. You have to make it undeniable and become that authority. We sit back and watch others become the authority in the space. I love his videos. He has a lot of great things to say. Look at her; her creativity is unbelievable, and look at how good she communicates. 
  • ​It's all a story because you are saying they deserve it, and you don't. When you make things undeniable, it's about speaking to the universe what you are willing to do. This book inspired me so much, inspired me to look back through my journals, and I have a library full; he has had them since he was 18 years old. I think I remember things, but I don't because I have forgotten or only remember certain stories. When I decided self-development was the way I would find the solutions to everything in my life, understanding and reflecting on my experiences and behaviors, I knew it was the only path to solving all of my life's problems. 
  • ​I started to journal in 2014; I have libraries full of journals. We give those black journals out, and I write in them. It has inspired a lot of my 12-week Target book. I brought a few individuals and interviewed them about what changes or things they would like to see in the revised journal. All of 2020, I have been very true to the process of the 12- week Targets. I have already made many notes of what I would like to see to maximize my time invested in this journal. Part of that is leaving open space for my thoughts and detailing what is going on in my life right now. I want to look back 20 years from now and recall those things I've written down. It's daily, so it forces me to go there every day. 
  • ​I started to reflect on my journals, and I pulled out a few and started to read through them. I proclaimed certain things back in 2016. I put things out into the universe and forgot about them. I planted a seed for my future, and that is the importance of continually proclaiming what you want. This is straight from my journal, and I took a picture of it and wrote it down again to share it with you. I wrote, “ the importance of the phrase I Am.” This is the importance of the reinforcement you give yourself daily. I Am. We do this all day long and say things like I Am not a morning person, I Am not a good marketer. We say these things consistently and are reinforcing these thoughts without realizing them. I understand the power of I Am, and I need you to understand this as well. I need you to pull out your journal and start writing out what you think you are.
  • ​I wrote down, “ I have to declare what I Am to the universe. I have to pray passionately to God. I have to feel it within my soul and must believe it. I will change lives. I will always find solutions. I Am a beacon of light. I Am unstoppable. I Am a leader. I Am the most powerful phrase in my vocabulary.” What I did after that was I wanted to double down on those proclamations because these are things I was still struggling with. Am I unstoppable? Am I a leader? Do I always find solutions? Am I changing lives? I would say I was in and out, depending on my family. These were things I knew I could be. I knew I was unstoppable. I knew I could be a powerful leader. I knew I could always find solutions, but yet, at that time, I was struggling. Some problems were bigger than me. They were bigger than me because I could not trust myself. That is the only reason you may think a problem is more significant than you; there is a lack of trust. Lack of trust comes from doing the right things daily. 
Overcome and Not Succumb
  • I decided to double down and said,” I would change more lives. I will find better solutions. Not only will I be a beacon of light, I will flood light. I will be relentless. I will lead and motivate thousands. I must become more. I understand what it takes to tell the truth. I understand it means I live in integrity. I permit myself to trust myself, and my world shifts.” 
  • ​This blurb I wrote almost five years ago, and it's very true and reflective of who I am today. It is very much the feeling I wake up with daily. Imagine if I would wake up every morning and say, I am lazy, I was supposed to work out, and I am lazy. I am not a morning person, and I'm not good on video. I don't know what to post or do. I don't know why I can't get a transaction accepted. I don't know why my spouse is upset. I don't know why my kids are acting up. I don't know why I feel lost. I'm just not committed, smart enough, or talented enough. I don't know if I made the right choice shutting down my real estate business to open a brokerage. There is a complete polarity we can live by, and many of us do that. Do I find myself reverting to certain things? Yes. It is few and far between instead of constantly beating myself up, telling myself I can't, I don't know why, and I don't know-how. Do you know debilitating those phrases are to the momentum you are trying to build in this industry? 
  • ​Even in your marriage. If you throw your hands up and say you don't get it, but you do, and you always did. It's undeniable, but we reinforce daily, and I Am such a powerful phrase. I need you to write that down. What are you? I don't want you to beat yourself up or be negative. I Want you to proclaim to the world what you are and live by that. I Am a leader, I will impact thousands, and I will find solutions. That is the key to overcoming obstacles. It's finding the solution and not succumbing to the problems. That has to be reinforced, and I have to look at myself in the mirror daily and say I Am. Not throw my hands into the air and say I am just not a morning person. I don't know what to eat or know about nutrition. I don't know why I gained forty pounds or why my wife isn't communicating with me. But, you do. Your viewpoint is clouded because of what you are telling yourself daily. Just as our kids need that reinforcement daily, even when you don't think they are listening, they are. You're planting that seed and watering it. That is what you have to do with yourself. I want you to be keen and how you communicate with others. 
  • ​With some of you, all it is is problems, one after another. Your life is chaotic, and nothing seems to go your way. I can only imagine the stories you are telling yourself because if your physical life is that way, I can't imagine what the internal aspect is. The physical will always be the byproduct of what you imagine, what you think, and believe you are. If it's always chaotic, sporadic, you need to bring it down to what's going on in your mind and tell yourself. Living with guilt and shame does not serve you. Living with regret, it does not serve you. Telling yourself, you are not certain things does not serve you. Tell yourself you are and then become that person. It's a direction and not an option. Direct your mind, and don't allow it to be optional. A conscious mind is a powerful mind. 
  • ​Oh shit, I said something negative about myself. Let me bring something positive. Let me pray passionately to God, saying I know why you put me here. As I reflect on this, I appreciate the journey. None of this is by accident. I proclaimed it, and then I got up every day and went after it. My life is on a huge stride of momentum; how could it not be? It's not by accident. It's not because I was blessed more than you. I started feeding my mind the right things and shattering the stories of things I knew I wasn't. I had more in here. “I had forgotten who I was, why I am here. I am here because of divine intervention. I proclaim my stake. I will become everything I thought I couldn't be. I will lead unapologetically.” I got chills reading that. If we look at our lives and what we had to overcome, many of us are here because of divine intervention. We forget and feed ourselves negativity, living a lackluster life as a mediocre parent, a below-average business owner. That doesn't even align itself with that. “I had forgotten who I was, why I am here. I am here because of divine intervention. I proclaim my stake. I will become everything I thought I couldn't be. I will lead unapologetically.” 
In Closing
  • I had to believe in myself first before any of you could believe. I had to have the courage to shatter the stories that kept me behind. Look at the impact it has had on many. You have that same responsibility, yet we forget who we are. I forgot who I was. Where have you forgotten? This is a domino effect, you rise, and everyone in your realm will rise. You flail it can impact generations. We operate in life like it's a random chance and ist about taking responsibility and reminding yourself of who you are. I Am. Have that resonate in your mind and write down who you are. You will reflect on these three or five years from now, realizing you are those very things. I Am a leader, and I always find solutions. I Am relentless. I Am a beacon of light. I will flood light. 
  • ​I have become those things, but I needed to see it in my mind, and I needed to change my thought process because it wasn't serving me, my parents, or their parents before them. It will serve me and every generation moving forward. I Am. I'm excited about the new 12 Week Target book because we talk about journaling and its importance. I'm going to have space for you on each day moving forward, and I anticipate these journals being in here in December. It's not only going to impact as the current book has. The 2021 version will be taking it to a different level. The person five or ten years from now will be so happy you did. You will be thankful for the person you are today and what you are proclaiming because that person will be proclaiming a reflection of your thoughts. You will remember today and move forward, who you are. I Am. 
  • ​I want to thank you all for joining me this morning. The Green Light is an incredible book, and he was on Joe Rogan's podcast. He was talking about his book, and it has been very entertaining, insightful, and enlightening. It reinforced that what I have done over the years with journaling, I had to do it more and share more of my thoughts. That alone, I did a full lesson today on Mindset Mastery, based on one entry I did five years ago. It's so important that we can document and see the future. We are future tellers, and we can create exactly what we write down today, down the line. Wherever you see him, he has been on multiple interviews; look him up, Matthew McConaughey, and he is talking about his book The Green Light. I highly recommend it, and it is one of my favorite memories, right up there with Shoe Dog by the founder of Nike. 
  • ​I found his book on Barnes and Noble because I wanted the physical copy, and it has a lot of photos and is entertaining to follow along. For an hour yesterday, I was listening to the audiobook and following along. We have to reinforce that we won't stop going. I always tell my daughters that we are Araujos, and we keep going. We don't stop. Those little things are what they grew up thinking. Is it because of the last name? It's because I am making it special and a standard. You are an Araujo, and you know what to do, and we have to reinforce these things. They will rise to it. I am a machine; you need to say that every day. Especially when you face huge obstacles, and it gets tough. When you say that, it flips your mind. What am I doing? Why am I acting like a victim? I need to keep moving forward. I am a machine. It's a perspective and a shift. 
  • ​I'm a machine, and I know exactly what to do. Sometimes your actions and viewpoints will trigger a reaction from others. Instead of them rising, it is easier to break them down. When they do, all you do is reconfirm their original thoughts. It is all smoke and mirrors, and when you quit, you reinforce those thoughts and opinions. 
  • ​A poem called Invictus by William Earnest Henley:
  • Out of the night that covers me,
  •      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
  • I thank whatever gods maybe
  •     For my unconquerable soul.
  • In the fell clutch of circumstance
  •       I have not winced nor cried aloud.
  • Under the bludgeonings of chance
  •       My head is bloody but unbowed.
  • Beyond this place of wrath and tears
  •       Looms but the Horror of the shade,
  • And yet the menace of the years.
  •       Finds and shall find me unafraid.
  • It matters not how strait the gate,
  •      How charged with punishments the scroll,
  • I am the master of my fate,
  •     I am the captain of my soul.

  • ​Talk about resilience and being in a dark place; I will not quit. I Am. I am powerful. I will find solutions. Invictus by William Ernest Henley, who died in 1903 and these are the same problems a lot of us are dealing with today. Yet we act as if we are the only ones going through it. It is a simple phrase. I Am.
  • ​Thank you for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon. 

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Speaking life into something gives it breath. Declaring what you are into the universe causes the tides to turn and a shift to happen, giving it life. What are you declaring today that you are? I Am. It is the most powerful statement you can make to claim your future success.
My Mind Is Telling Me
  • ​Today's subject is I am and how powerful those words can be, and how they can completely change your life. The way we approach, think about, and attack life and the day. The way we show up in our marriages and business, I Am, is a compelling statement. 
  • ​Last week my daughter had a homecoming game. We were excited because she was chosen to be part of the royalty representing the Sophomore class. She goes to a Christian school, and it isn't anything out of control. I don't want her going on dates at 15, but this was on a school campus. We were there. We were very excited. 
  • ​Abigail had to be there much earlier, and it was me, Carla, and our 11-year-old Madeline in the car. We were excited about participating because we got to go onto the field, on the fifty-yard line, and start taking pictures of our daughter. On the way there, my daughter Madeline was in the back seat singing a song. She is singing, “My mind is telling me, no, but my...” And I was like, what the hell is going on? If you know the song, it's R. Kelly. No 11-year-old should ever say his name nevertheless be singing his songs. I almost lost control of the car. I asked her where she heard that song? She said, “Mom sings it all of the time. I saw it on her Tik Tok.” I was looking at Carla, Carla is looking at me. 
  • ​I told her that I never wanted her to sing that song again, and she asked why? I told her it was an adult song, and she asked what I meant. Nevermind, just never sing that song again. It goes to show that there is influence surrounding our kids and innocence behind them. She had no idea what the lyric,” My body's telling me no but my mind..” Maybe it's “ My body's telling me no, I don't want to work out, but my body is telling me, yes, let's go.” From that standpoint, it's very honest and innocent. She really didn't know. But, it goes to show how much influence we have, and we can do these things without knowing there will be a domino effect of what others pick up.
  • ​I'm not saying we are doing the best job as parents. I'm not saying we are doing a bad job either. We are having real conversations with our kids, realizing we aren't perfect. My parents were perfect, and we are dealing with whatever comes our way. I'm most proud of reflecting on how I can improve as a parent; not thinking my way is the only way. I'm constantly reminding my kids that if they ever feel disrespected or that I am wrong, I need you to tell me, and I will be open to listen. That is the dialogue we have, and I feel very proud of that. Time will tell if my parenting skills pay off its dividends. I always reinforce that they have full control of the choices they make. I always try to breathe positivity into their lives, reminding them they are here to lead and not follow. They are leaders, not followers, and make their own decisions and use their judgment. Studies have been done that showcase kids who have positive parents, who have reinforced in them; they have full control over their lives and can be what they want to be. That their pursuit should be about happiness, and not based on others' acceptance; they live happier lives. 
  • ​It is important as parents that we reinforce those things. Not only reinforce the material things or physical attributes. I always go towards things that will reinforce how intelligent they are, how sincere, and appreciative of life they are. These are the things I am continually reinforcing to hone in on those skill sets and become better people.
No Entitlement
  • It got me thinking about what we believe. If I continue to feed into my girls, it isn't about deserving things but working hard. Because you are in a certain position doesn't make you entitled to that; there is hard work and dedication. There has to be a relentless mindset. If you believe you should be there, then you must work towards it. Our eldest is on the Varsity Volleyball team, and there are Seniors, talented Juniors, and other Sophomores. Her playing time has decreased. Her mindset is that she has been playing since she was 4 or 5 years old, and why isn't she playing every single game? Many parents could be into that, and they can argue with the coach; how come my kid isn't getting any playing time? How come she isn't out there? She is just as good as the next girl. I can make her believe these things, or if she is so certain of her skill sets, she has to showcase it daily. Make it undeniable for them to put you in the game. 
  • ​If you are showing up to practice, messing up one or two that you know you should be doing, then you can't say you deserve those positions. That is the mindset I am breathing into them, not saying she deserves it. If you don't have it, then you need to work harder. You aren't entitled to anything. Those are the conversations that I always follow up with these words. I'm not trying to give parenting advice. This is what I do. It seems to resonate with them because, as adults, we think they are comprehending precisely what we are telling them. Even to other adults, we say something to our spouse, and we assume they receive it a certain way only to realize you just stirred the pot. Now there is an argument because they received something completely different then you intended to communicate it. 
  • ​If there is already a difference between adults, imagine what your kids are comprehending or interpreting. One of the things I always say after I have a conversation with them is, “What are you hearing me say?” That is telling her that I want you to tell me in your words what I am trying to convey to you. She said that she thinks that she should be on the volleyball court when I didn't do as well in my practice. There are things she should be improving on that she hasn't. Now you are taking away being a victim; someone is doing it to you, your coach or other players have favor over you. It comes down to your ability to always deliver when you are supposed to. 
  • ​She is fifteen, and she will get this, but these are the conversations I had and not, let me call your coach and find out what is going on. I've been in the game of competitive sports for a long time with my daughters, and I have seen that type of response. Entitlement: those kids will grow up entitled to certain things and shut down when they don't get their way. If we breathe that we know what you are capable of, you need to work harder. It changes the dynamic. 
  • ​I sent this text to her because this was the conversation we have had repeatedly. It was something from a book I was reading by Matthew McConaughey. I have a whole new level of respect for him as an author and a creator. As a narrator, I am completely blown away by the audiobook that I bought the physical book, and I am reading along with it. It is so entertaining and one of my favorite memoirs to date. It's called Green Light. If you want to learn from life in an entertaining way, I highly recommend this book. A post in his book said, If you're not a starter and you think you should be, give them no choice in the decision. Play so well that it is undeniable.” This lesson is universal. If you think you should be making more money than what you are making now, give them no choice. Back that up with marketing, following up, putting your stake in the ground, and proclaiming, you are the authority. Then act like it and give them no choice. 
Reflection and Declaration
  • We think we should be making more money when we don't deserve it because the actions don't align with that outcome. We can go into a place of entitlement and beat ourselves, saying we should be there. You saw a new agent come in and how much money she is making, and the focus is off your action and what you think you should be making. You have to make it undeniable and become that authority. We sit back and watch others become the authority in the space. I love his videos. He has a lot of great things to say. Look at her; her creativity is unbelievable, and look at how good she communicates. 
  • ​It's all a story because you are saying they deserve it, and you don't. When you make things undeniable, it's about speaking to the universe what you are willing to do. This book inspired me so much, inspired me to look back through my journals, and I have a library full; he has had them since he was 18 years old. I think I remember things, but I don't because I have forgotten or only remember certain stories. When I decided self-development was the way I would find the solutions to everything in my life, understanding and reflecting on my experiences and behaviors, I knew it was the only path to solving all of my life's problems. 
  • ​I started to journal in 2014; I have libraries full of journals. We give those black journals out, and I write in them. It has inspired a lot of my 12-week Target book. I brought a few individuals and interviewed them about what changes or things they would like to see in the revised journal. All of 2020, I have been very true to the process of the 12- week Targets. I have already made many notes of what I would like to see to maximize my time invested in this journal. Part of that is leaving open space for my thoughts and detailing what is going on in my life right now. I want to look back 20 years from now and recall those things I've written down. It's daily, so it forces me to go there every day. 
  • ​I started to reflect on my journals, and I pulled out a few and started to read through them. I proclaimed certain things back in 2016. I put things out into the universe and forgot about them. I planted a seed for my future, and that is the importance of continually proclaiming what you want. This is straight from my journal, and I took a picture of it and wrote it down again to share it with you. I wrote, “ the importance of the phrase I Am.” This is the importance of the reinforcement you give yourself daily. I Am. We do this all day long and say things like I Am not a morning person, I Am not a good marketer. We say these things consistently and are reinforcing these thoughts without realizing them. I understand the power of I Am, and I need you to understand this as well. I need you to pull out your journal and start writing out what you think you are.
  • ​I wrote down, “ I have to declare what I Am to the universe. I have to pray passionately to God. I have to feel it within my soul and must believe it. I will change lives. I will always find solutions. I Am a beacon of light. I Am unstoppable. I Am a leader. I Am the most powerful phrase in my vocabulary.” What I did after that was I wanted to double down on those proclamations because these are things I was still struggling with. Am I unstoppable? Am I a leader? Do I always find solutions? Am I changing lives? I would say I was in and out, depending on my family. These were things I knew I could be. I knew I was unstoppable. I knew I could be a powerful leader. I knew I could always find solutions, but yet, at that time, I was struggling. Some problems were bigger than me. They were bigger than me because I could not trust myself. That is the only reason you may think a problem is more significant than you; there is a lack of trust. Lack of trust comes from doing the right things daily. 
Overcome and Not Succumb
  • I decided to double down and said,” I would change more lives. I will find better solutions. Not only will I be a beacon of light, I will flood light. I will be relentless. I will lead and motivate thousands. I must become more. I understand what it takes to tell the truth. I understand it means I live in integrity. I permit myself to trust myself, and my world shifts.” 
  • ​This blurb I wrote almost five years ago, and it's very true and reflective of who I am today. It is very much the feeling I wake up with daily. Imagine if I would wake up every morning and say, I am lazy, I was supposed to work out, and I am lazy. I am not a morning person, and I'm not good on video. I don't know what to post or do. I don't know why I can't get a transaction accepted. I don't know why my spouse is upset. I don't know why my kids are acting up. I don't know why I feel lost. I'm just not committed, smart enough, or talented enough. I don't know if I made the right choice shutting down my real estate business to open a brokerage. There is a complete polarity we can live by, and many of us do that. Do I find myself reverting to certain things? Yes. It is few and far between instead of constantly beating myself up, telling myself I can't, I don't know why, and I don't know-how. Do you know debilitating those phrases are to the momentum you are trying to build in this industry? 
  • ​Even in your marriage. If you throw your hands up and say you don't get it, but you do, and you always did. It's undeniable, but we reinforce daily, and I Am such a powerful phrase. I need you to write that down. What are you? I don't want you to beat yourself up or be negative. I Want you to proclaim to the world what you are and live by that. I Am a leader, I will impact thousands, and I will find solutions. That is the key to overcoming obstacles. It's finding the solution and not succumbing to the problems. That has to be reinforced, and I have to look at myself in the mirror daily and say I Am. Not throw my hands into the air and say I am just not a morning person. I don't know what to eat or know about nutrition. I don't know why I gained forty pounds or why my wife isn't communicating with me. But, you do. Your viewpoint is clouded because of what you are telling yourself daily. Just as our kids need that reinforcement daily, even when you don't think they are listening, they are. You're planting that seed and watering it. That is what you have to do with yourself. I want you to be keen and how you communicate with others. 
  • ​With some of you, all it is is problems, one after another. Your life is chaotic, and nothing seems to go your way. I can only imagine the stories you are telling yourself because if your physical life is that way, I can't imagine what the internal aspect is. The physical will always be the byproduct of what you imagine, what you think, and believe you are. If it's always chaotic, sporadic, you need to bring it down to what's going on in your mind and tell yourself. Living with guilt and shame does not serve you. Living with regret, it does not serve you. Telling yourself, you are not certain things does not serve you. Tell yourself you are and then become that person. It's a direction and not an option. Direct your mind, and don't allow it to be optional. A conscious mind is a powerful mind. 
  • ​Oh shit, I said something negative about myself. Let me bring something positive. Let me pray passionately to God, saying I know why you put me here. As I reflect on this, I appreciate the journey. None of this is by accident. I proclaimed it, and then I got up every day and went after it. My life is on a huge stride of momentum; how could it not be? It's not by accident. It's not because I was blessed more than you. I started feeding my mind the right things and shattering the stories of things I knew I wasn't. I had more in here. “I had forgotten who I was, why I am here. I am here because of divine intervention. I proclaim my stake. I will become everything I thought I couldn't be. I will lead unapologetically.” I got chills reading that. If we look at our lives and what we had to overcome, many of us are here because of divine intervention. We forget and feed ourselves negativity, living a lackluster life as a mediocre parent, a below-average business owner. That doesn't even align itself with that. “I had forgotten who I was, why I am here. I am here because of divine intervention. I proclaim my stake. I will become everything I thought I couldn't be. I will lead unapologetically.” 
In Closing
  • I had to believe in myself first before any of you could believe. I had to have the courage to shatter the stories that kept me behind. Look at the impact it has had on many. You have that same responsibility, yet we forget who we are. I forgot who I was. Where have you forgotten? This is a domino effect, you rise, and everyone in your realm will rise. You flail it can impact generations. We operate in life like it's a random chance and ist about taking responsibility and reminding yourself of who you are. I Am. Have that resonate in your mind and write down who you are. You will reflect on these three or five years from now, realizing you are those very things. I Am a leader, and I always find solutions. I Am relentless. I Am a beacon of light. I will flood light. 
  • ​I have become those things, but I needed to see it in my mind, and I needed to change my thought process because it wasn't serving me, my parents, or their parents before them. It will serve me and every generation moving forward. I Am. I'm excited about the new 12 Week Target book because we talk about journaling and its importance. I'm going to have space for you on each day moving forward, and I anticipate these journals being in here in December. It's not only going to impact as the current book has. The 2021 version will be taking it to a different level. The person five or ten years from now will be so happy you did. You will be thankful for the person you are today and what you are proclaiming because that person will be proclaiming a reflection of your thoughts. You will remember today and move forward, who you are. I Am. 
  • ​I want to thank you all for joining me this morning. The Green Light is an incredible book, and he was on Joe Rogan's podcast. He was talking about his book, and it has been very entertaining, insightful, and enlightening. It reinforced that what I have done over the years with journaling, I had to do it more and share more of my thoughts. That alone, I did a full lesson today on Mindset Mastery, based on one entry I did five years ago. It's so important that we can document and see the future. We are future tellers, and we can create exactly what we write down today, down the line. Wherever you see him, he has been on multiple interviews; look him up, Matthew McConaughey, and he is talking about his book The Green Light. I highly recommend it, and it is one of my favorite memories, right up there with Shoe Dog by the founder of Nike. 
  • ​I found his book on Barnes and Noble because I wanted the physical copy, and it has a lot of photos and is entertaining to follow along. For an hour yesterday, I was listening to the audiobook and following along. We have to reinforce that we won't stop going. I always tell my daughters that we are Araujos, and we keep going. We don't stop. Those little things are what they grew up thinking. Is it because of the last name? It's because I am making it special and a standard. You are an Araujo, and you know what to do, and we have to reinforce these things. They will rise to it. I am a machine; you need to say that every day. Especially when you face huge obstacles, and it gets tough. When you say that, it flips your mind. What am I doing? Why am I acting like a victim? I need to keep moving forward. I am a machine. It's a perspective and a shift. 
  • ​I'm a machine, and I know exactly what to do. Sometimes your actions and viewpoints will trigger a reaction from others. Instead of them rising, it is easier to break them down. When they do, all you do is reconfirm their original thoughts. It is all smoke and mirrors, and when you quit, you reinforce those thoughts and opinions. 
  • ​A poem called Invictus by William Earnest Henley:
  • Out of the night that covers me,
  •      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
  • I thank whatever gods maybe
  •     For my unconquerable soul.
  • In the fell clutch of circumstance
  •       I have not winced nor cried aloud.
  • Under the bludgeonings of chance
  •       My head is bloody but unbowed.
  • Beyond this place of wrath and tears
  •       Looms but the Horror of the shade,
  • And yet the menace of the years.
  •       Finds and shall find me unafraid.
  • It matters not how strait the gate,
  •      How charged with punishments the scroll,
  • I am the master of my fate,
  •     I am the captain of my soul.

  • ​Talk about resilience and being in a dark place; I will not quit. I Am. I am powerful. I will find solutions. Invictus by William Ernest Henley, who died in 1903 and these are the same problems a lot of us are dealing with today. Yet we act as if we are the only ones going through it. It is a simple phrase. I Am.
  • ​Thank you for joining me for this episode of Mindset Mastery. Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon. 

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019