with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 93:

When Doubt Sinks In

with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 93:


That voice in your head; it can guide and mislead. When we allow negative self-talk to control how we think and operate, we tell ourselves and others that we are incapable of speaking life and encouragement into our business; marriage and ourselves will propel us forward in achieving what we never thought possible.
Alright, Alright
  • ​A book I recently read has opened my mind to different things and found an appreciation for documenting your day. It has inspired me to go back to the basics with journaling. We are redesigning the journals, and it's the fourth rendition, and each year we get more inline to help us succeed as small business owners, parents, in relationships, and our bodies. It is meant to push us forward to create something more significant for yourself and document our days.
  • ​Over the past few weeks, I brought in ten or twelve agents and got their input on improving this book. I've taken my meticulous notes over the last year as well, and I am excited about what is to come with the new 12-week Target book. It is scheduled to come out in mid-December. We will be having a huge meeting here to go over it, and 2021 will be better than in 2020. For many of us, 2020 has been an unbelievable year regardless of what others have said, those that have stuck with the game plan and continuously reflected on their targets. They have said they are moving forward regardless and continue to do what I am supposed to. With the Presidential uncertainty, with Covid and all of these things, we can blame others or take responsibility for what we have to do as business owners, parents, and being married—taking that responsibility. 
  • ​Nothing will keep me away from creating the life I always saw for myself, and seeing something greater for yourself is not something that comes naturally. I think it's a conditioning process, especially when you have been in a box all of these years. Whether through your environment, the way you were raised, we were put in a box where seeing something greater for ourselves is not always visible. 
  • ​Last week, we talked about “I Am” and how important it is to continually remind ourselves of who we are in any situation, any obstacle or challenge that comes our way. It is essential that we continuously go back and remind ourselves of who we are. It comes from your experiences and what you have overcome in the past. Realizing what is in front of you is not the end of the world or the most damaging thing that can affect you. It is all about the perception and reminders to ourselves of what we have been through before. I Am the most important phrase in your vocabulary. 
  • ​I started to think about where our mind is sometimes. I was spending time with Carla this weekend, and we did a little staycation. We spent a lot of time reflecting on how far we have come, How our perception of life was altered by merely asking different questions—asking ourselves why couldn't it be possible? As we were buying our first new house, we had a limited budget on what we could spend each month. Carla had her truck since she was 18, and it was falling apart. It was a Chevy S-10, the smallest truck you could buy. It was a beast, and it would leak everywhere. Part of her daily regimen was to drive forty miles to work. 
  • ​We moved to the edge of town in Litchfield Park. This truck needs to be replaced, and we started looking at the Auto Trader; we couldn't afford anything brand new. We needed to find her something that was at least seven years old and within our budget. As we were looking, we were driving, and she said she wanted that car, and she pointed to a car she had been trying to describe to me. When she pointed to the car, I almost busted out laughing. I felt it was so far from a reality for us. She was pointing at a Range Rover Sport. It was so far outside of my reach; it was laughable. She was serious about working towards something like this, and I had already conceded in my mind that it was out of my reach. What I didn't realize back then was that it was negative self-talk. Believing that you are incapable of is as bad as telling yourself you aren't smart enough. It is cloaked in attempts to be nice about it, but it means the same thing.
Range Rovers And Gold Beemers
  • I remember seeing that car, and I convinced her that it wasn't a possibility or our reality. This is our budget. This is what we are trying to buy, and that car are outside of our league. Then I started looking through what it would take for us to be in that situation. I realized the situation I was in and the job I was in would never get me to that point. I need to be able to create something bigger than myself to make it a possibility. It didn't happen immediately, but I began to open up my perspective of what is possible for me over time. One of the biggest challenges I see with realtors starting or have been in this industry; they limit their success because they believe they are incapable of creating something more significant. That is the negative self-talk. It's conceding to those things you don't believe and don't want.
  • ​When I laughed at the idea of the car, I was saying ‘I am incapable of.” Our situation has changed over the years, but I needed to pinpoint when I was using negative self-talk. Saying things like, “It's too expensive.” I was also telling myself that I could never create something outside of the job I was conditioned to work in. If I create anything outside of that, I don't know if I can make it. These are the things we need to look at and analyze. Years later, as I was promoted up through the corporation, I ended up in the finance department. There is a lot of middle and upper management. There was a situation where I ran into a staff manager; they are in charge of stock and end up retiring as multi-millionaires. If you stayed there long enough, sacrificed your life working endless hours, you will essentially achieve retiring as a multi-millionaire. 
  • ​I remember seeing these individuals and thinking I could be them at the cost of sacrificing my life for twenty-five years. It didn't seem realistic, I was twenty-two years old, and I wondered if it would take that long to create the type of lifestyle they have? They reinforced it nicely, though. One of the staff members pulls up one morning, and I see this beautiful gold BMW 5 series. This was in 2004. That year of BMW was when they made a radical change to their body design. It was so futuristic at that time for any luxury vehicle. They were ahead of their time. This one came in away from their usual square design with beautiful curves, some people loved it, and some didn't. It was something different. I remember seeing it and thinking, “What is that?” It was shiny and gold, dealer tags still on the car. I talked to him, and he reinforced the philosophy that if you work hard enough to stay in this position, you can have something like this one day. 
  • ​That didn't sit right with me because, like when Carla brought up that Range Rover, if I fell into that trap, I would think I wasn't good enough for it until many years from now. I had to open up my perspective to go after what I wanted. I had to open my mind to say. I am not limited to what I currently have. That is part of negative self-talk. Thinking that life can only get so good. That negative self-talk almost cost me my marriage because I thought our best days were behind me. I didn't see the future and say if I worked hard enough and continue to show up powerfully as a man, my marriage can improve. I never looked at that route. I always reflected on the past. Things were so much better when we first met. She would always support me when we were young, and now she doesn't. Making up all these lies and believing them. Negative self-talk is conceding to the things you don't want. 
  • ​Here I continually think my best days are behind me, that my income potential is limited, and that this is the epitome of life. I started to look at what it would take to create something now. I decided to get my real estate license that same year and look at opportunities to invest. I made a lot of money quickly. I decided not to fall into this trap that it would take me years, and there was only one way to achieve what I wanted. I could work towards it now. I can go at it and completely shatters the stories of limiting myself. I started to buy properties and flip them. I made a lot of money and almost matched my salary for a year. There was a different way to approach this.
  • ​I started to look at the same BMW that the staff member drove up in, and I saw that as a real possibility for myself. What would it take to achieve that? I kept that as the target and the motivator. In order for you to create great things in business, it can be something materialistic, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is a responsibility to go after and not limit yourself to what you can create. I worked my butt off and kept my eyes on the target. October of 2004, I too drove up into the parking lot, in slow motion, in my brand new, silver, BMW 5 series. I allowed myself to believe that I could create something greater. I challenged myself not to follow the status quo. I can create, and whatever I see in my mind, I will create physically. That is the way I started looking at and approaching my marriage. Slowly it was declining, to a point where we couldn't be in the same room. I forgot to focus on what I wanted. All I was doing was focusing on those things I didn't want. That is negative self-talk. Conceding to the things we don't want. I was speaking negatively about our marriage consistently. She doesn't understand me, it's tough, I will never make her happy, I'm not happy; divorce is the only solution.
Talking that Negative Self-Talk
  • When you challenge that and refocus on the target of what you want for your business, marriage, and materialistically, it was a proud moment, but it also shattered what I thought was possible for me, and that was the most important thing. Realizing I had to keep telling myself I can and not laughing when something seems more significant than what I can create. Like I did with Carla. On a side note, Carla has owned four or five different Range Rovers over the years, brand new. We moved on because we have seen something more significant for ourselves. For some of your business has been a real challenge because the negative self-talk limits you on what you can create. 
  • ​We continue to say things like, “I am not good at marketing. I’m not good at video. I'm not good on the phone. I don't write very good emails.” All these things are always at the forefront of your mind. It is negative self-talk repeatedly. Even with your health, you are always making excuses and buying into these stories of what the facts are when they are complete lies. Some things we may be saying are, “ It's too expensive, It's my genetics, I will never be good at public speaking, I hate doing videos, I only help family and friends in my business.” I can't grow my business because I am very selective with who I work with, which is B.S. You are trying to create a story of why you are not building a business that is growing exponentially. “It's a bad day.” How many times have we said that? One small situation causes us to buy into these lies, and we make them fact. Instead of saying it's just a bad situation. What can I do to turn this day around? It's only nine o’clock in the morning. 
  • ​There are also harsher renditions of negative self-talk. “I'm lazy.” How many times have you said that? I've said that several times. “I'm not committed. I can't do anything right.” Then there is fear-based negative self-talk, “I will never succeed. I will never get another listing.” I remember saying this, and it sounds so silly. I want to get into this conversation about how child-like we can become. “ No one will ever join my brokerage,” I remember saying that to myself after feeling defeated. I would have agents come, which solidified my existence, but I would feel completely depleted and defeated when they left. I would make up a story that they would go and talk to another agent, and another and all 40,000 agents would know not to come to A.Z. & Associates. This is what was going on in my mind. 
  • ​I think that is why we were limited to how fast we grew over a long time. We were stuck at 40 or 50 agents for a while. I would sabotage the growth because I would feed into these lies. I also thought people would laugh at me and think I am dumb. We are going to close our doors. These are things I would always tell myself, which would limit my overall growth. My focus was on the wrong things. Negative self-talk is conceding to the things you don't want. We have to be aware, and many people don't know because this is a learned behavior and one we continue to reinforce. We don't realize that we are in this space. If you are limited and have seen little growth in your life, and continually facing the same challenges over and over. Consider that negative self-talk is more prevalent in your life than what you think it is.
Child-like Behavior
  • Whenever I face a challenge, I forget what I am made of, and I forget how powerful my mind is to create what I want. It's leaning into this and realizing when you are in this space and starting to believe this negative self-talk leads to more feelings of negativity. To a point where we are shutting down, we are depressed or anxious. We start to say things to our family that don't make sense. We start to say things to yourself and act child-like. We have tantrums, and that is how I like to describe it like a man-child. We pout and act in how a toddler would act when we don't get our way. We have to be able to identify these things because it is slowing your progression down. One of the crucial things we have to do is identify those patterns and thoughts. When you're in a place where you are trying to shut down or talking to yourself, take a step back.
  • ​Look at yourself from the third-person perspective, and you will realize how comical it is. Acting like a child, helpless, and there is no solution. Acting like it's the end of the world, you will realize how comical it is as you are going through these tantrums. Crying for no reason, under the covers, I look at my behaviors back then and holy shit. Closing all the windows, getting under my covers in bed, moping, feeling sorry for myself. It's comical, and I think we almost have to personify that comedy, those feelings, and make them into a real person. These tantrums are comical, thinking we don't have the solutions within us. Having these outbursts and frustrations. Showing emotion that is unbecoming of us. It is child-like. 
  • ​I was watching Saturday Night Live a long time ago, and I remember this character specifically. It was a person who was known for being a downer. They called her Debbie Downer. It took on a life of its own. When we describe others, we call them a Debbie Downer. It is personifying the behaviors and realizing it is dysfunctional and comical. As you tell yourself these lies, I want you to step back and realize how child-like it is. When you see it as comical, as a joke, then you can do something about it. Then you can say this is kind of dumb. Look how I am reacting. It's like a puppy putting its tail between its legs. It is unbecoming and not who you are. 
  • ​When you see it that way, it will motivate you to find a solution. Those behaviors are comical. Saying things like you will never get another buyer or a listing; it's comical. You shut down, crying uncontrollably, thinking that you are incapable; it's comical from the approach. The feelings are real at the time, but it doesn't have to be real when you put a spin on it. It can be a challenge that you need to overcome—a problem with a solution you must discover. If we buy into the thoughts that you are incapable of and not worthy or dumb to figure it out, you will get much of the same. Identifying how we talk to ourselves is essential. I had to catch myself from saying why it was laughable to say that we can never afford that vehicle? Instead, I began to find ways that I could. Much like in business, and that is something you need to hone into. 
  • ​If you are continually facing these challenges in your business, there are some beliefs you are buying into. The very beliefs that are limiting you in creating what you want. I can't tell you how it felt, driving up in that parking lot. It was a proud moment for me. There was a time when I thought it was not possible. These are the things we have to lean in to continually. If you aren't selling the 5, 0r 10 million in real estate, analyze your words. Analyze the thoughts that are coming to your mind. There is a lot of negative self-talk, and part of that is pointing it out and seeing it as comical. I have proven in my past that I am capable of so much more. 
  • ​Part of the way to identify and come to a solution is
  • 1. Listen to what you are saying. Are you complaining throughout your day? It's too cold; it's too hot. These are little things that create more negativity. We have allowed it to rule our life. When you talk to yourself, is it positive or negative? In business, a lot of times, it is negative. Identify and then challenge it. 
  • 2. Challenge those thoughts. What would happen if it were a complete lie? What if the story we are believing is entirely false. We are in this situation consistently. Most of you are great friends, family members, and friends. We know exactly what to do when someone comes to us with a specific challenge or explain doubt to me; I know exactly what to say. Many of you know what to say, and those are the words we have to believe. As you believe these thoughts that your future will not change, you need to immediately challenge those thoughts. Imagine if your child spoke to herself that way. Or told you that they would always be that way and never be happy. What would you tell them? We have to tell ourselves the same thing. We will create in life what we feed into our minds.
  • 3. See the other side of what you are saying. I'm not good at public speaking; I'm a killer on stage. I need to get the reps in. It's changing the dynamic and a complete overhaul of those thoughts. When we start thinking about those things and then marry it to the, I Am statement. It propels you forward. It gives you the confidence that has always been within you. It starts with business and what struggles you are having. Start identifying the negative self-talk there. You talk yourself out of creating videos, and posting every day, and following up. You are talking your way out of it with negative self-talk. The same in your marriage, the struggles, lack of communication, lack of love, patience, and respect. Negative self talks to your core, and you believe the story that may not be true. First, we have to identify what it is and back it up with I Am.headquarters being built; negative self-talk would have never created that. It realizes that I am capable of more.
In Closing
  • I have created a life that five years ago wasn't possible for me. The more I believe in myself, and the more I stop the negative self-talk, what was once impossible, is possible. I have shattered that story repeatedly, and I won't stop. As I go by the building and see the new 
  • ​What are you hearing in this conversation today? The biggest thing for me is when I am having a tantrum and in a place of pity; it's comical because I know what I am made of. I know what I have been through. I know what I have overcome. It is silly to think otherwise. Do you want to shatter your story? Look at it from a comical standpoint. Shatter those stories and keep moving forward. You will face those challenges today, this week, next month, this year. 
  • ​Take a moment to reflect and say this is some silly stuff. Let me go figure this thing out and solve this problem. Let me get more clients instead of getting stuck. I want to thank everyone for joining me on today's Mindset Mastery. Even when things don't go our way, maybe we bought some stories that are not true. Let me make that shift right now. That is where you have been at. We will all have our ups and downs, but it's falling into the trap that those tantrums are real and that child-like behavior is true. We can create what we want. We have to remind yourself of that. 
  • ​Let's start the week off with that. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Mindset Mastery, and you can catch last week's episode, “I Am,” a powerful conversation on www.badassagents.com.

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That voice in your head; it can guide and mislead. When we allow negative self-talk to control how we think and operate, we tell ourselves and others that we are incapable of speaking life and encouragement into our business; marriage and ourselves will propel us forward in achieving what we never thought possible.
Alright, Alright
  • ​A book I recently read has opened my mind to different things and found an appreciation for documenting your day. It has inspired me to go back to the basics with journaling. We are redesigning the journals, and it's the fourth rendition, and each year we get more inline to help us succeed as small business owners, parents, in relationships, and our bodies. It is meant to push us forward to create something more significant for yourself and document our days.
  • ​Over the past few weeks, I brought in ten or twelve agents and got their input on improving this book. I've taken my meticulous notes over the last year as well, and I am excited about what is to come with the new 12-week Target book. It is scheduled to come out in mid-December. We will be having a huge meeting here to go over it, and 2021 will be better than in 2020. For many of us, 2020 has been an unbelievable year regardless of what others have said, those that have stuck with the game plan and continuously reflected on their targets. They have said they are moving forward regardless and continue to do what I am supposed to. With the Presidential uncertainty, with Covid and all of these things, we can blame others or take responsibility for what we have to do as business owners, parents, and being married—taking that responsibility. 
  • ​Nothing will keep me away from creating the life I always saw for myself, and seeing something greater for yourself is not something that comes naturally. I think it's a conditioning process, especially when you have been in a box all of these years. Whether through your environment, the way you were raised, we were put in a box where seeing something greater for ourselves is not always visible. 
  • ​Last week, we talked about “I Am” and how important it is to continually remind ourselves of who we are in any situation, any obstacle or challenge that comes our way. It is essential that we continuously go back and remind ourselves of who we are. It comes from your experiences and what you have overcome in the past. Realizing what is in front of you is not the end of the world or the most damaging thing that can affect you. It is all about the perception and reminders to ourselves of what we have been through before. I Am the most important phrase in your vocabulary. 
  • ​I started to think about where our mind is sometimes. I was spending time with Carla this weekend, and we did a little staycation. We spent a lot of time reflecting on how far we have come, How our perception of life was altered by merely asking different questions—asking ourselves why couldn't it be possible? As we were buying our first new house, we had a limited budget on what we could spend each month. Carla had her truck since she was 18, and it was falling apart. It was a Chevy S-10, the smallest truck you could buy. It was a beast, and it would leak everywhere. Part of her daily regimen was to drive forty miles to work. 
  • ​We moved to the edge of town in Litchfield Park. This truck needs to be replaced, and we started looking at the Auto Trader; we couldn't afford anything brand new. We needed to find her something that was at least seven years old and within our budget. As we were looking, we were driving, and she said she wanted that car, and she pointed to a car she had been trying to describe to me. When she pointed to the car, I almost busted out laughing. I felt it was so far from a reality for us. She was pointing at a Range Rover Sport. It was so far outside of my reach; it was laughable. She was serious about working towards something like this, and I had already conceded in my mind that it was out of my reach. What I didn't realize back then was that it was negative self-talk. Believing that you are incapable of is as bad as telling yourself you aren't smart enough. It is cloaked in attempts to be nice about it, but it means the same thing.
Range Rovers And Gold Beemers
  • I remember seeing that car, and I convinced her that it wasn't a possibility or our reality. This is our budget. This is what we are trying to buy, and that car are outside of our league. Then I started looking through what it would take for us to be in that situation. I realized the situation I was in and the job I was in would never get me to that point. I need to be able to create something bigger than myself to make it a possibility. It didn't happen immediately, but I began to open up my perspective of what is possible for me over time. One of the biggest challenges I see with realtors starting or have been in this industry; they limit their success because they believe they are incapable of creating something more significant. That is the negative self-talk. It's conceding to those things you don't believe and don't want.
  • ​When I laughed at the idea of the car, I was saying ‘I am incapable of.” Our situation has changed over the years, but I needed to pinpoint when I was using negative self-talk. Saying things like, “It's too expensive.” I was also telling myself that I could never create something outside of the job I was conditioned to work in. If I create anything outside of that, I don't know if I can make it. These are the things we need to look at and analyze. Years later, as I was promoted up through the corporation, I ended up in the finance department. There is a lot of middle and upper management. There was a situation where I ran into a staff manager; they are in charge of stock and end up retiring as multi-millionaires. If you stayed there long enough, sacrificed your life working endless hours, you will essentially achieve retiring as a multi-millionaire. 
  • ​I remember seeing these individuals and thinking I could be them at the cost of sacrificing my life for twenty-five years. It didn't seem realistic, I was twenty-two years old, and I wondered if it would take that long to create the type of lifestyle they have? They reinforced it nicely, though. One of the staff members pulls up one morning, and I see this beautiful gold BMW 5 series. This was in 2004. That year of BMW was when they made a radical change to their body design. It was so futuristic at that time for any luxury vehicle. They were ahead of their time. This one came in away from their usual square design with beautiful curves, some people loved it, and some didn't. It was something different. I remember seeing it and thinking, “What is that?” It was shiny and gold, dealer tags still on the car. I talked to him, and he reinforced the philosophy that if you work hard enough to stay in this position, you can have something like this one day. 
  • ​That didn't sit right with me because, like when Carla brought up that Range Rover, if I fell into that trap, I would think I wasn't good enough for it until many years from now. I had to open up my perspective to go after what I wanted. I had to open my mind to say. I am not limited to what I currently have. That is part of negative self-talk. Thinking that life can only get so good. That negative self-talk almost cost me my marriage because I thought our best days were behind me. I didn't see the future and say if I worked hard enough and continue to show up powerfully as a man, my marriage can improve. I never looked at that route. I always reflected on the past. Things were so much better when we first met. She would always support me when we were young, and now she doesn't. Making up all these lies and believing them. Negative self-talk is conceding to the things you don't want. 
  • ​Here I continually think my best days are behind me, that my income potential is limited, and that this is the epitome of life. I started to look at what it would take to create something now. I decided to get my real estate license that same year and look at opportunities to invest. I made a lot of money quickly. I decided not to fall into this trap that it would take me years, and there was only one way to achieve what I wanted. I could work towards it now. I can go at it and completely shatters the stories of limiting myself. I started to buy properties and flip them. I made a lot of money and almost matched my salary for a year. There was a different way to approach this.
  • ​I started to look at the same BMW that the staff member drove up in, and I saw that as a real possibility for myself. What would it take to achieve that? I kept that as the target and the motivator. In order for you to create great things in business, it can be something materialistic, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is a responsibility to go after and not limit yourself to what you can create. I worked my butt off and kept my eyes on the target. October of 2004, I too drove up into the parking lot, in slow motion, in my brand new, silver, BMW 5 series. I allowed myself to believe that I could create something greater. I challenged myself not to follow the status quo. I can create, and whatever I see in my mind, I will create physically. That is the way I started looking at and approaching my marriage. Slowly it was declining, to a point where we couldn't be in the same room. I forgot to focus on what I wanted. All I was doing was focusing on those things I didn't want. That is negative self-talk. Conceding to the things we don't want. I was speaking negatively about our marriage consistently. She doesn't understand me, it's tough, I will never make her happy, I'm not happy; divorce is the only solution.
Talking that Negative Self-Talk
  • When you challenge that and refocus on the target of what you want for your business, marriage, and materialistically, it was a proud moment, but it also shattered what I thought was possible for me, and that was the most important thing. Realizing I had to keep telling myself I can and not laughing when something seems more significant than what I can create. Like I did with Carla. On a side note, Carla has owned four or five different Range Rovers over the years, brand new. We moved on because we have seen something more significant for ourselves. For some of your business has been a real challenge because the negative self-talk limits you on what you can create. 
  • ​We continue to say things like, “I am not good at marketing. I’m not good at video. I'm not good on the phone. I don't write very good emails.” All these things are always at the forefront of your mind. It is negative self-talk repeatedly. Even with your health, you are always making excuses and buying into these stories of what the facts are when they are complete lies. Some things we may be saying are, “ It's too expensive, It's my genetics, I will never be good at public speaking, I hate doing videos, I only help family and friends in my business.” I can't grow my business because I am very selective with who I work with, which is B.S. You are trying to create a story of why you are not building a business that is growing exponentially. “It's a bad day.” How many times have we said that? One small situation causes us to buy into these lies, and we make them fact. Instead of saying it's just a bad situation. What can I do to turn this day around? It's only nine o’clock in the morning. 
  • ​There are also harsher renditions of negative self-talk. “I'm lazy.” How many times have you said that? I've said that several times. “I'm not committed. I can't do anything right.” Then there is fear-based negative self-talk, “I will never succeed. I will never get another listing.” I remember saying this, and it sounds so silly. I want to get into this conversation about how child-like we can become. “ No one will ever join my brokerage,” I remember saying that to myself after feeling defeated. I would have agents come, which solidified my existence, but I would feel completely depleted and defeated when they left. I would make up a story that they would go and talk to another agent, and another and all 40,000 agents would know not to come to A.Z. & Associates. This is what was going on in my mind. 
  • ​I think that is why we were limited to how fast we grew over a long time. We were stuck at 40 or 50 agents for a while. I would sabotage the growth because I would feed into these lies. I also thought people would laugh at me and think I am dumb. We are going to close our doors. These are things I would always tell myself, which would limit my overall growth. My focus was on the wrong things. Negative self-talk is conceding to the things you don't want. We have to be aware, and many people don't know because this is a learned behavior and one we continue to reinforce. We don't realize that we are in this space. If you are limited and have seen little growth in your life, and continually facing the same challenges over and over. Consider that negative self-talk is more prevalent in your life than what you think it is.
Child-like Behavior
  • Whenever I face a challenge, I forget what I am made of, and I forget how powerful my mind is to create what I want. It's leaning into this and realizing when you are in this space and starting to believe this negative self-talk leads to more feelings of negativity. To a point where we are shutting down, we are depressed or anxious. We start to say things to our family that don't make sense. We start to say things to yourself and act child-like. We have tantrums, and that is how I like to describe it like a man-child. We pout and act in how a toddler would act when we don't get our way. We have to be able to identify these things because it is slowing your progression down. One of the crucial things we have to do is identify those patterns and thoughts. When you're in a place where you are trying to shut down or talking to yourself, take a step back.
  • ​Look at yourself from the third-person perspective, and you will realize how comical it is. Acting like a child, helpless, and there is no solution. Acting like it's the end of the world, you will realize how comical it is as you are going through these tantrums. Crying for no reason, under the covers, I look at my behaviors back then and holy shit. Closing all the windows, getting under my covers in bed, moping, feeling sorry for myself. It's comical, and I think we almost have to personify that comedy, those feelings, and make them into a real person. These tantrums are comical, thinking we don't have the solutions within us. Having these outbursts and frustrations. Showing emotion that is unbecoming of us. It is child-like. 
  • ​I was watching Saturday Night Live a long time ago, and I remember this character specifically. It was a person who was known for being a downer. They called her Debbie Downer. It took on a life of its own. When we describe others, we call them a Debbie Downer. It is personifying the behaviors and realizing it is dysfunctional and comical. As you tell yourself these lies, I want you to step back and realize how child-like it is. When you see it as comical, as a joke, then you can do something about it. Then you can say this is kind of dumb. Look how I am reacting. It's like a puppy putting its tail between its legs. It is unbecoming and not who you are. 
  • ​When you see it that way, it will motivate you to find a solution. Those behaviors are comical. Saying things like you will never get another buyer or a listing; it's comical. You shut down, crying uncontrollably, thinking that you are incapable; it's comical from the approach. The feelings are real at the time, but it doesn't have to be real when you put a spin on it. It can be a challenge that you need to overcome—a problem with a solution you must discover. If we buy into the thoughts that you are incapable of and not worthy or dumb to figure it out, you will get much of the same. Identifying how we talk to ourselves is essential. I had to catch myself from saying why it was laughable to say that we can never afford that vehicle? Instead, I began to find ways that I could. Much like in business, and that is something you need to hone into. 
  • ​If you are continually facing these challenges in your business, there are some beliefs you are buying into. The very beliefs that are limiting you in creating what you want. I can't tell you how it felt, driving up in that parking lot. It was a proud moment for me. There was a time when I thought it was not possible. These are the things we have to lean in to continually. If you aren't selling the 5, 0r 10 million in real estate, analyze your words. Analyze the thoughts that are coming to your mind. There is a lot of negative self-talk, and part of that is pointing it out and seeing it as comical. I have proven in my past that I am capable of so much more. 
  • ​Part of the way to identify and come to a solution is
  • 1. Listen to what you are saying. Are you complaining throughout your day? It's too cold; it's too hot. These are little things that create more negativity. We have allowed it to rule our life. When you talk to yourself, is it positive or negative? In business, a lot of times, it is negative. Identify and then challenge it. 
  • 2. Challenge those thoughts. What would happen if it were a complete lie? What if the story we are believing is entirely false. We are in this situation consistently. Most of you are great friends, family members, and friends. We know exactly what to do when someone comes to us with a specific challenge or explain doubt to me; I know exactly what to say. Many of you know what to say, and those are the words we have to believe. As you believe these thoughts that your future will not change, you need to immediately challenge those thoughts. Imagine if your child spoke to herself that way. Or told you that they would always be that way and never be happy. What would you tell them? We have to tell ourselves the same thing. We will create in life what we feed into our minds.
  • 3. See the other side of what you are saying. I'm not good at public speaking; I'm a killer on stage. I need to get the reps in. It's changing the dynamic and a complete overhaul of those thoughts. When we start thinking about those things and then marry it to the, I Am statement. It propels you forward. It gives you the confidence that has always been within you. It starts with business and what struggles you are having. Start identifying the negative self-talk there. You talk yourself out of creating videos, and posting every day, and following up. You are talking your way out of it with negative self-talk. The same in your marriage, the struggles, lack of communication, lack of love, patience, and respect. Negative self talks to your core, and you believe the story that may not be true. First, we have to identify what it is and back it up with I Am.headquarters being built; negative self-talk would have never created that. It realizes that I am capable of more.
In Closing
  • I have created a life that five years ago wasn't possible for me. The more I believe in myself, and the more I stop the negative self-talk, what was once impossible, is possible. I have shattered that story repeatedly, and I won't stop. As I go by the building and see the new 
  • ​What are you hearing in this conversation today? The biggest thing for me is when I am having a tantrum and in a place of pity; it's comical because I know what I am made of. I know what I have been through. I know what I have overcome. It is silly to think otherwise. Do you want to shatter your story? Look at it from a comical standpoint. Shatter those stories and keep moving forward. You will face those challenges today, this week, next month, this year. 
  • ​Take a moment to reflect and say this is some silly stuff. Let me go figure this thing out and solve this problem. Let me get more clients instead of getting stuck. I want to thank everyone for joining me on today's Mindset Mastery. Even when things don't go our way, maybe we bought some stories that are not true. Let me make that shift right now. That is where you have been at. We will all have our ups and downs, but it's falling into the trap that those tantrums are real and that child-like behavior is true. We can create what we want. We have to remind yourself of that. 
  • ​Let's start the week off with that. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Mindset Mastery, and you can catch last week's episode, “I Am,” a powerful conversation on www.badassagents.com.

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A.Z. & Associates Real Estate Group - 2019